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Déjeme repasar un poco lo que hay escrito hasta ahora en la denuncia Tatsumi-san y luego podremos dar por iniciado el trámite.

El kovani miró el texto que acababa de escribir en la pantalla del ordenador una vez más, antes de comenzar a recitar con voz monótona.

- Usted se llama Tatsumi Mariko, casada, nacida en Nagoya, con apellido de soltera Kurosawa, residente aquí en la ciudad de Tokio, madre de Tatsumi Yuriko y esposa de Tatsumi Souichi quien es el padre de su hija y a quien conoce desde hace unos tres años y medio. Nos dice usted que ayer en la noche en el transcurso de una discusión en su domicilio, su esposo se tornó violento con usted y su hija de tres años, propinándole varios golpes en su rostro y en el torso y amenazándolas de muerte, por lo que usted no tuvo más remedio que defenderse con lo primero que encontró a mano que fue un cuchillo de cocina. ¿Correcto?

La mujer, con un vendaje en la frente, asintió con creciente impaciencia en su rostro, aunque se obligó a permencer en silencio, y el policía siguió con el resumen.

-Al final su esposo la golpeó en la cabeza con un utensilio de cocina y la dejó inconsciente, aprovechando ese momento para secuestrar a la niña, de la cual teme por su vida. ¿Correcto?

- Omawari san, con todo el respeto, ya le he dicho que todo es correcto... ¡Más de tres veces! – dijo al fin exasperada la mujer.

- Gomen nasai Tatsumi-san por la tardanza, pero es muy importante que todo quede claro por cuanto esto es lo que valdrá a la hora de iniciar la investigación y si es el caso un juicio. Como ya le he informado, los datos de esta denuncia quedarán guardados en el sistema y a usted se le dará una copia de la misma, así como el volante escrito para que se presente en la oficina del forense en las siguientes 2 horas, compromiso de carácter obligatorio y para lo cual será escoltada por nuestros agentes. Yōyaku o tsudzukete kudasai Tatsumi-san.

La mujer suspiró con desgano, pero permitió que el kovani siguiese el proceso.

-Dice usted que este comportamiento agresivo se repitió en múltiples ocasiones no solo con usted y su hija sino en el pasado con sus compañeros de estudio y trabajo, lo que incluso le granjeó el mote de "El demonio del departamento de agricultura" cuando aún estaba en la universidad de Nagoya. ¿Correcto?...


Cuando las puertas del vestíbulo del Hospital General de Tokyo se abrieron de par en par para dar paso al primer visitante de esa mañana, un joven con rostro angustiado, un traje de negocios arrugado y un pequeño maletín en sus hombros, los empleados del mostrador de información, acostumbrados al drama diario que se vive en un gran centro hospitalario se prepararon para la petición del hombre.

- Ohayou gozaimasu señorita... Onegaishimasu necesito información sobre un paciente...

- Ohayou gozaimasu señor... necesito que me dé el nombre del paciente...

- Tatsumi Souichi...

- Y el suyo... también su relación con el paciente...

- Morinaga Tetsuhiro... amigo de la familia...

- Podrá reunirse con la familia del paciente en el segundo piso sala B del ala quirúrgica se... ¡Señor! ¡Los ascensores están por el otro lado!...

Cuando la joven levantó la vista de la pantalla, el joven ya corría hacia las escaleras haciendo caso omiso de sus consejos.


-¡Avisad al doctor Sato o al doctor Yamato rápido!... el paciente de la UCI4 está inestable hemodinámicamente y es probable que sea una complicación del procedimiento quirúrgico...

-Ya se está haciendo doctora Watanabe... me confirman que el doctor Sato ya viene en camino y están ubicando al doctor Yamato.

No había terminado de pronunciar la frase la enfermera cuando la puerta se abrió y Sato entró aun poniéndose la bata obligatoria en la UCI.

- ¡Acaban de avisarme que el paciente está inestable!... ¡¿Qué sucede con el paciente doctora?!

- No lo sabemos aun con certeza... pero parece ser que el paciente tuvo un ataque de ansiedad y entró en fibrilación auricular... no ha respondido a las descargas y ahora está en asistolia... ¡Ahí mire!, tiene nuevamente ingurgitación yugular... por eso creo que puede haber una complicación de la cirugía.

Luego de auscultarlo y darle un vistazo, Sato no pudo sino estar de acuerdo con la opinión de su colega. Sin perder un segundo dio órdenes de buscar al doctor Yamato y llevar al paciente de vuelta al quirófano de emergencias.

- Informadle que yo iniciaré la cirugía mientras él llega.


- ¡Morinaga-niisan! – exclamó Kanako alborozadamente mientras abrazaba al recién llegado que aun respiraba agitadamente por las prisas con que había subido las escaleras, ya que no había tomado el ascensor en su afán de llegar.

-Onegaishimisu... Kanako-chan... dime ¿qué ha pasado con sempai? – preguntó Tetsuhiro mientras le devolvía el abrazo. Cuando la joven no respondió sino que rompió a llorar, el joven no pudo evitar que sus ojos se llenaran de lágrimas contenidas.

Oh Kami, por favor no... sempai... Souichi...

-A- Acaso... ¿He llegado tarde?... ¿Acaso sempai ha...?

-¡NO!... ¡No Morinaga-niisan! – respondió la joven abrazándole con más fuerza. – Lloro de tristeza porque le han hecho daño a mi nii-san... y a la vez de alegría porque aunque grave, él sigue vivo y tú has vuelto... te he extrañado mucho.

Sempai está vivo... Sempai está vivo... Sempai está vivo...

Aun hay esperanza...

Sólo cuando se separó del abrazo de Kanako, Tetsuhiro se dio cuenta que no estaban solos en la sala de espera. Isogai estaba sentado en silencio en uno de los sofás individuales, su chaqueta arrugada y la camisa manchada de sangre, con una pequeña dormida en sus brazos.

Yuriko... es... hermosa... la viva imagen de mi Souichi... pensó perplejo Tetsuhiro.

Siempre había creído que no llegaría a conocer a la niña, ya que aunque Kanako le había enviado correos electrónicos con fotos en los últimos años, siempre las borraba sin abrirlas temeroso de abrir aun más las heridas en su corazón. Pero cuando vio las facciones angelicales de la pequeña dormida no pudo evitar que la ternura invadiera su corazón así como las ganas de cargarla y protegerla como estaba seguro que su sempai lo hacía.

Sólo entonces reparó en el otro ocupante de la sala, un joven médico, apuesto pero de rostro serio, vestido con un uniforme de cirugía y enfundado en una bata larga. Sus pensamientos nuevamente se tornaron desesperados con el ansia por saber que él estaba bien, por saber que nuevamente podrían estar juntos.

Un doctor... será el doctor de mi sempai... él podrá decirme algo de mi sempai...

De pronto Kanako se separó de su lado y abrazó al doctor, que le devolvió el abrazo tiernamente mientras la consolaba susurrándole palabras tiernas.

Sorprendido y no queriendo interrumpir a la pareja, Tetsuhiro se dirigió entonces a Isogai, cuyo rostro inexpresivo con la mirada perdida en el vacío, no había dado señales de haber reconocido su llegada.

Parece estar en shock... su expresión es tan distinta de la que siempre tenía...

Solo para estar seguro de no asustarlo, Tetsuhiro decidió llamar su atención agarrando suavemente su hombro. Sólo entonces advirtió Isogai su presencia.

- Isogai-san quiero agradecerte que me llamases. Ya sé que nunca hemos sido los mejores amigos, pero quiero disculparme por todas las conductas infantiles de mi parte que han dado lugar a todo tipo de malos entendidos en el pasado.

Tetsuhiro se había inclinado respetuosamente mientras pronunciaba su discurso, pero cuando levantó su rostro reparó en la mano abierta que le extendía Isogai mientras el atisbo de una sonrisa se filtraba por sus labios.

- Con que por fin te das cuenta que yo estoy de tu parte Morinaga-kun... tenlo presente porque aún falta mucho por lo que luchar y Souichi y tú necesitarán todos los aliados con los que puedan contar...

Justo en ese momento, el sonido intermitente de la alarma del móvil del doctor interrumpió la calma de la sala. Luego de mirar la pantalla del aparato, el médico levantó la vista y sin poder esconder su agitación mientras se separaba apresuradamente de Kanako, les anunció mientras salía por la puerta.

- ¡Parece que ha habido una complicación y me reclaman en la UCI! Por favor esperen aquí... les mantendremos informados sobre el estado de Tatsumi-san!... ¡Mi amor espérame!...

Todos asintieron en silencio aun cuando nuevamente la ansiedad había comenzado a hacer mella en todos ellos, Kanako especialmente, que comenzó nuevamente a sollozar mientras Tetsuhiro intentaba consolarla lo mejor que podía, porque también él estaba llorando, con lágrimas en las que se reflejaba toda la angustia, la tristeza, el miedo y la rabia por lo injusta de la situación. Aunque habían roto su relación sentimental, él aun sentía a la familia de su sempai como si fuera la suya y no soportaba verles sufrir.

Mientras caminaba a zancadas, casi corriendo, Yamato Ryu volvió a mirar la pantalla de su móvil y volvió nuevamente a maldecir por lo bajo.

"UCI4 inestabilidad hemodinámica severa. Posible dehiscencia de sutura. El doctor Sato ha comenzado a operar mientras llega al quirófano."

¡Tatsumi-san prepárate para vivir porque no pienso permitir que dejes sola a Kanako-chan!

Con esa idea en mente se cambió a toda prisa poniéndose gorro y mascarilla, se lavó las manos y entró al entorno familiar del quirófano donde Sato había reabierto la incisión de toracotomía y estaba ocupado revisando la sutura pericárdica y el drenaje.

- ¡¿Qué has encontrado Sato?! – preguntó Yamato sin molestarse en saludar, mientras se vestía con el traje quirúrgico y los guantes estériles.

-Al parecer se presentó la dehiscencia de un punto de sutura del miocardio... justo acabo de volver a suturar y el paciente ha mejorado hemodinámicamente Yamato-sensei. – Fue la respuesta corta y concisa de Sato, que se hizo a un lado permitiéndole a su profesor tomar el mando de la intervención mientras el tomaba el lugar de ayudante.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Let me review a little what is written so far in the complaint Tatsumi-san and then we started the procedure.The kovani looked at the text that had just write at the computer screen once more, before you begin to recite with a monotonous voice.-You called Tatsumi Mariko, married, born in Nagoya, with last name maiden Kurosawa, resident here in the city of Tokyo, mother of Yuriko Tatsumi and wife of Tatsumi Souichi is the father of her daughter who knows who about three years and a half. Tells you that yesterday evening in the course of a discussion at her home, her husband became violent with you and three-year-old daughter, including him several blows on his face and torso and threatening them with death, by what you did not have no choice but to defend themselves first hand found was a kitchen knife. Right?The woman, with a bandage on his forehead, nodded his growing impatience on his face, but you were forced to permencer in silence, and the police continued with the summary.-At the end her husband hit her in the head with a kitchen utensil and left her unconscious, taking advantage of this time to kidnap the girl, which he fears for his life. Right?-Omawari san, with all due respect, have already said you that everything is correct... more than three times! -the woman said exasperated finally.-Gomen nasai Tatsumi-san for the delay, but it is very important that everything is clear because this is what will be worth when it comes to initiate the investigation, and if a trial. As I have already informed you, this complaint data will be saved in the system and you you will be given a copy of the same, as well as the written flywheel is present in the coroner's office in the next 2 hours, commitment to binding and which will be escorted by our agents. Yōyaku or tsudzukete kudasai Tatsumi-san.The woman sighed with reluctance, but allowed the kovani to continue the process.-You say that this aggressive behavior was repeated on multiple occasions not only with you and your daughter, but in the past with his work and study, which even earned him the nickname of "The demon of the Department of agriculture" while it was still in Nagoya University. Right?...-o0o-When the doors of the lobby of the General Hospital in Tokyo opened wide to make way for the first visitor that morning, a young man with anguished face, a crumpled business suit and a small Briefcase on his shoulders, the information desk employees, accustomed to the daily drama that lives in a large hospital prepared to request of the man.-Ohayou gozaimasu Miss... Onegaishimasu need information on a patient...-Ohayou gozaimasu Lord... I need to give me the name of the patient...-Tatsumi Souichi...- And yours... also their relationship with the patient...-Morinaga Tetsuhiro... friend of the family...-You can meet with the patient's family on the second floor Hall B of the surgical wing is... Lord! The elevators are on the other side!...When the young woman looked up from the screen, the young man already ran towards the stairs by ignoring their advice.-o0o--Advise the doctor Sato or the doctor quick Yamato!... the UCI4 patient is haemodynamically unstable and is likely to be a complication of the surgery...-Dr. Watanabe is doing... they confirm to me that the doctor Sato is already underway and they are placing the doctor Yamato.He had not finished to pronounce the phrase the nurse when the door opened and Sato entered even putting the mandatory coat in the ICU.-Just let me know that the patient is unstable!... What's wrong with the patient doctor?-We don't know yet for sure... but it seems that the patient had an anxiety attack and went into atrial fibrillation... has not responded to the downloads and is now in asystole... look there!, has again engorgement jugular... so I think there it may be a complication of the surgery.Then listen to it and take a look, Sato could not help but agree with the opinion of his colleague. Without losing a second gave orders to seek out doctor Yamato and take the patient back to the operating room for emergency.-Inform you that I will initiate the surgery as he arrives.-oOo--Morinaga-niisan. -exclaimed Kanako person while he embraced the newcomer who still breathed emotionally by the haste with which had climbed the stairs, since he had not taken the elevator in their eagerness to get.-Onegaishimisu... Kanako-chan... tell me what happened with sempai? -asked Tetsuhiro as I returned her hug. When young did not respond but burst into tears, the young man could not help that his eyes were filled with tears contained.Oh Kami, please no...-sempai... Souichi...-To - perhaps... would have been late?... would perhaps sempai has...?-NOT!... not Morinaga-niisan. -replied the young woman hugging him harder. -Cried of sadness because you've had damage to my nii-san... and at the same time of joy because although serious, he is still alive and you have gone... I've missed much.Sempai is alive... Sempai is alive... Sempai is alive...There is still hope...Only when it broke away from the embrace of Kanako, Tetsuhiro he realized that they were not alone in the waiting room. Isogai was sitting quietly in one of the individual sofas, his wrinkled jacket and shirt stained with blood, with a small sleeping in his arms.Yuriko... is... beautiful... the spitting image of my Souichi... thought Tetsuhiro perplexed.Had always believed that he would not know the girl, since although Kanako had sent him e-mails with photos in the last few years, it always deleted them without opening them fearful of open wounds in his heart even more. But when he saw angelic little asleep factions it could not prevent tenderness invade his heart as well as the urge to load it and protect it as he was sure that his sempai did.Only then he repaired in the occupant of the room, a young doctor, handsome but serious face, dressed in a uniform of surgery and dressed in a long gown. His thoughts again turned desperate people with the desire to know that he was well, to know that they could once again be together.A doctor will... be the doctor's my sempai... He will tell me something of my sempai...Kanako suddenly broke away from his side and hugged the doctor, who returned the embrace tenderly while it comforted her whispered tender words.Surprised and not wanting to interrupt the couple, Tetsuhiro then turned to Isogai, whose expressionless face with eyes lost in a vacuum, had not given signs of having recognized his arrival.Seems to be in shock... its expression is so different that always had...Just to be sure not to scare him, Tetsuhiro decided to draw your attention gently holding his shoulder. Only then warned Isogai its presence.-Isogai-san, I want to thank me llamases. I know that we have never been the best of friends, but I want to apologize for all the children's behaviors on my part that have given rise to all kinds of bad misunderstandings in the past.Tetsuhiro had tilted respectfully as he pronounced his speech, but when he lifted his face repaired in the open hand extending him Isogai as the glimmer of a smile filtered through his lips.-With that finally give account that I am on your side Morinaga-kun... have it because still much to that fight and Souichi and you will need all the allies that it can count...Just at that moment, the intermittent sound of the alarm doctor mobile interrupted the quiet of the room. After looking at the screen of the device, the doctor looked up and to hide his agitation while he hastily separating from Kanako, announced them as he left through the door.-It seems that there has been a complication and I claim in the ICU! Please wait here... will keep you them informed about the status of Tatsumi-san!... my love wait!...Everyone nodded in silence even though again the anxiety had begun to make a dent in them, Kanako especially, again began to sob as Tetsuhiro attempted to comfort her the best that he could, because he was also crying, with tears that reflected all the anguish, sadness, fear and rage by the unfair situation. Although they had broken their romantic relationship, he still felt his sempai family as if it were their own and couldn't stand watching them suffer.While walking strides, almost running, Yamato Ryu returned to looking at the screen of your mobile phone and returned again to curse low."UCI4 severe hemodynamic instability." Possible suture dehiscence. Doctor Sato has begun to operate as it arrives in the operating room."Tatsumi-san ready to live because I do not allow let alone Kanako-CHAN!With that in mind he changed hastily donning CAP and mask, washed her hands and entered the family environment of the operating room where Sato had reopened the Thoracotomy incision and was busy reviewing suture pericardial and drainage.-What have you found Sato? -He asked Yamato without bothering to say hello, while he wore the surgical suit and sterile gloves.-Apparently arose dehiscence of a myocardial stitch... just I just return to suture and the patient has improved hemodynamically Yamato-sensei. -Was the short and concise answer of Sato, who became to one side allowing his teacher take command of intervention while the took the place of Assistant.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Let me review a little what is written so far on the complaint Tatsumi-san and then we can take for initiation. The kovani looked at the text he had written on the computer screen again, before reciting voice monotonous. - You called Tatsumi Mariko, married, born in Nagoya, with maiden name Kurosawa, a resident here in the city of Tokyo, mother and wife Yuriko Tatsumi Tatsumi Souichi who is the father of her daughter, whom known for about three and a half years. We said to you last night during a discussion at home, her husband became violent with you and your three year old daughter, propinándole several blows to his face and torso and threatening them with death, so you had no choice but to defend themselves with whatever came to hand was a kitchen knife. Right? The woman, with a bandage on his forehead, nodded with growing impatience on his face, although he was forced to permencer silent, and the police continued with the abstract. end -at her husband hit her on the head with a tool kitchen and left her unconscious, using the time to kidnap the girl, which fears for his life. Right? - Omawari san, with all due respect, and I said that everything is correct ... More than three times! - He said finally exasperated woman. - Gomen nasai Tatsumi-san for the delay, but it is very important that everything is clear because this is what worth the time to initiate the investigation and if any judgment. As I previously reported, complaint data to be stored in the system and you will be given a copy thereof, as well as writing for the wheel to be present in the coroner's office in the next 2 hours, commitment to character mandatory and which will be escorted by our agents. Yōyaku or tsudzukete Kudasai Tatsumi-san. The woman sighed reluctantly, but allowed the kovani follow the process. 'You say this aggressive behavior was repeated many times not only with you and your daughter but in the past with co- study and work, which even earned him the nickname "The Demon Department of Agriculture" while still at the University of Nagoya. Right? ... -o0o- When the lobby doors Tokyo General Hospital opened wide to give way to the first visitors that morning, a young man with worried face, a wrinkled business suit and a small briefcase on their shoulders, information desk clerks, accustomed to the daily drama that exists in a large hospital prepared for man's request. - Miss ... Onegaishimasu gozaimasu Ohayou need information about a patient ... - Ohayou gozaimasu sir ... I need you to give me the name of the patient ... - Tatsumi Souichi ... - And yours ... its relationship with the patient ... - ... Tetsuhiro Morinaga family friend ... - You can meet with the patient's family room on the second floor of the surgical wing B ... Lord! The elevators are on the other side! ... When she looked up from the screen, the young man was running up the stairs ignoring their advice. -o0o- -¡Avisad doctor or doctor Sato Yamato fast ! ... UCI4 the patient is hemodynamically unstable and is likely to be a complication of the surgical procedure ... 'I know Dr. Watanabe is doing ... I confirm that Dr. Sato is on the way and are locating Dr. Yamato. He had not finished saying the phrase nurse when the door opened and entered Sato still getting compulsory robe in the ICU. - They just tell me that the patient is unstable ... What happens to the patient doctor! ! - I do not know yet for sure ... but it seems that the patient had an anxiety attack and went into atrial fibrillation ... has not responded to the shock and is now in asystole ... That look !, jugular venous pressure has again ... so I think there may be a complication of surgery. After auscultarlo and take a look, Sato could not but agree with the view of his colleague. Without missing a beat he gave orders for Dr. Yamato and bring the patient back to the operating room for emergencies. - Informadle that I will begin the surgery as he arrives. -oOo- - Morinaga-niisan! - Kanako said joyfully as he hugged the newcomer that even breathing hard by the haste with which he had climbed the stairs because the elevator was not taken in an effort to arrive. -Onegaishimisu Kanako-chan ... ... tell me what sempai has gone through? - Tetsuhiro asked as he returned the hug. When she did not answer but began to mourn the young man could not keep his eyes fill with unshed tears. Oh Kami, please ... Souichi sempai ... ... ... Did -A- I was late? ... Did senpai has ...? NO! ... No Morinaga-niisan! - He said the young woman hugging him tighter. -. I weep with sorrow because I have hurt my Nii-san ... and also with joy because although serious, he is still alive and you're back ... I've missed much alive Sempai ... Sempai is alive ... Sempai is alive ... There is still hope ... Only when he left the embrace of Kanako, Tetsuhiro realized they were not alone in the waiting room. Isogai sat quietly in one of the individual sofas, his wrinkled jacket and shirt stained with blood, with a little asleep in his arms. Yuriko ... is ... beautiful ... the picture of my Souichi .. . She thought baffled Tetsuhiro. I always thought that would not get to meet the girl, as though Kanako had sent emails with photos over the years, always erased without opening fearing further open wounds in his heart. But when he saw the angelic features of the small sleepy he could not prevent tenderness invaded his heart and the desire to load and protect it was as sure his sempai did. Only then he noticed the other occupant of the room, a young doctor , handsome but serious face, wearing a surgical uniform and dressed in a long robe. His thoughts turned again to the desperate craving to know that he was well, know that they could be together again. A doctor ... the doctor will be my sempai ... he can tell me something about my sempai ... Suddenly Kanako separated from his side and embraced the doctor, who returned the embrace comforted tenderly while whispering sweet words. Surprised and not wanting to interrupt the couple, Tetsuhiro then addressed Isogai, whose expressionless face staring into the void had shown no sign of recognizing his arrival. He seems to be in shock ... his expression is so different from what always had ... Just to be sure not to frighten, Tetsuhiro decided to draw your attention gently grabbing his shoulder. Only then did Isogai his presence. - Isogai-san want to thank you called me. I know I've never been the best of friends, but I want to apologize for all childhood behavior on my part that led to all sorts of misunderstandings in the past. Tetsuhiro had respectfully inclined while delivering his speech, but when he lifted his face he noticed the open hand that stretched Isogai while the hint of a smile on his lips dripping. - With you finally realize that I'm on your side Morinaga-kun ... keep it in mind because there is still much to Souichi and fight and you need all the allies they can count ... Just at that moment, intermittent alarm sound Doctor mobile broke the stillness of the room. After looking at the screen of the device, the doctor looked up and unable to hide his excitement as he pulled away hastily Kanako, he announced as he walked out the door. - There seems to be a complication and I claim in the ICU! Please wait here ... will keep you informed on the status of Tatsumi-san! ... Wait for me My love! ... They all nodded in silence even when anxiety had again begun to take its toll on all of them, especially Kanako, which began to sob again while trying to console Tetsuhiro the best he could, because he too was crying, tears which reflected the anguish, sadness, fear and anger at the unfairness of the situation. Although they had broken their relationship, he still felt her sempai family like yours and could not bear to see them suffer. While striding, almost running, Yamato Ryu looked at the screen of his cell phone and turned back to curse softly. "UCI4 severe hemodynamic instability. Possible suture dehiscence. Dr. Sato has started operating as it reaches the operating room." Tatsumi-san prepared to live because I will not let you leave alone Kanako-chan! With that idea in mind he was changed hastily putting cap and mask, washed his hands and went into the familiar environment of the operating room where Sato had reopened the thoracotomy incision and was busy reviewing the pericardial suture and drainage. - What have you found Sato? ! - Yamato asked, not bothering to say hello, as he dressed with suit and sterile surgical gloves. 'Apparently presented dehiscence of a suture myocardial ... I just got back sutured and the patient improved hemodynamically Yamato sensei. - It was short and concise answer Sato, who stepped aside allowing your teacher to take command of the intervention took place while the assistant.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Let me get a Little what's written up to now in the complaint Tatsumi San and then to started the process.

kovani looked at the text i write on the computer screen once again, before we begin to recite in a Monotone Voice.

you are called Tatsumi Mariko, married Born in Nagoya, maiden name Kurosawa, resident here in the City of Tokyo,Mother and wife Yuriko Tatsumi Souichi Tatsumi, who is the Father of her daughter and who knows for about three and a half years. You told us that yesterday evening in the course of an argument at home, her husband became violent with you and your daughter three years, Battery, several bruises on his face and torso, and threatening them with death,So you had no choice but to defend themselves with the hand that was first found a kitchen knife. Right?

The Woman, with a bandage on his forehead, nodded with growing impatience in his face, but was forced to permencer in Silence, and continued with the police summary.

- in the end her husband hit her on the head with a cooking utensil and unconscious,Taking advantage of this time to kidnap The Girl, which he fears for his life. Right?

- omawari San, with all due respect, I have already said that everything is correct. More than three times! He said the woman finally exasperated.

- gomen nasai Tatsumi San for the delay,But it is very important that everything is clear, as this is what will be to initiate the investigation, and if it is the case to trial. As I have already informed you of this complaint, The Data will be saved in the system and you will be given a copy of the same, as well as the Steering wheel is present in writing to the Coroner's Office in the following 2 hoursCompromise compulsory and for which it will be escorted by our agents. Yōyaku or tsudzukete kudasai Tatsumi San.
The Woman sighed disappointedly, but allowed to continue the process kovani.

- tells you that this Aggressive behavior was repeated multiple times with not only you and your daughter, but in the past with their Fellow classmates and work,What even earned him the nickname "The Demon of the Department of Agriculture" When he was still at Nagoya University. Right? ...


o0o - When The Doors of the Vestibule of the Tokyo General Hospital were Opened Wide to give way to the first visitor of that morning, a young man in a business suit anguished Face, wrinkled and a small bag on his shoulder,The information desk staff, accustomed to the daily drama that we live in a large hospital, prepared for the man's request.
- ohayou gozaimasu... Onegaishimasu need information about a patient ohayou gozaimasu...

- Sir... I need you to give me the patient's name...

Souichi Tatsumi... And yours... Also your relationship with the patient.

- Tetsuhiro Morinaga. Friend of the Family...

- may meet with the patient's family in the second floor room b The Surgical Wing. Sir! The elevators are on the other side! ...

when the Young look up from the screen, The Young man ran toward the stairs, ignoring their advice.

o0o - - call the doctor or the doctor Sato Yamato! ...The Patient is haemodynamically unstable UCl4 and is likely to be a Complication of surgical procedure...

- is already doing doctor Watanabe... I confirm that the doctor Sato already coming and are placing the doctor Yamato.

I had finished uttering the phrase the nurse when the door opened and Sato was still getting the compulsory robe in the ICU.- just tell me that the patient's unstable! ... What's wrong with the patient, doctor?

! - We don't know yet with certainty... But it seems that the patient had an Anxiety Attack and entered into atrial fibrillation. Has not responded to the downloads and now he's in asystole. Look there! Jugular engorgement, has again...That's why I think there may be a Complication of Surgery.

then Listen and give it a Glance, Sato could not but agree with the view of his colleague. Without wasting a second of Yamato gave orders for the doctor and take the patient back to the emergency room. - informadle

I'm Surgery while he arrives.

OOO - - - Niisan Morinaga.- cried jubilantly embraced the Newcomer Kanako while still breathing excitedly by the speed with which had ascended the stairs, because the elevator had not taken in their eagerness to get. - onegaishimisu

... Kanako Chan... Tell me what happened with sempai? - He asked Tetsuhiro while returned the Hug. When the young man did not reply but burst into Tears,The Young man could not keep his eyes Fill With Tears contained.

Oh no Kami, please... Sempai... Souichi...

- -... Am I late? ... Perhaps sempai has...

! ... - not Niisan Morinaga. - The Young man embracing responded with more Force. - Cry of Sadness because they have hurt my NII San... And the time of Joy because, although serious, he is still alive and you're back...I have missed you so much!

sempai is Alive... Sempai is Alive... Sempai is Alive...

there is still hope... Just when it broke away from the Embrace of Kanako, Tetsuhiro realized they were not alone in the waiting room. Isogai was sitting quietly in one of the individual seats, wrinkled his jacket and shirt stained with Blood, with a Little asleep in his arms. Yuriko

... Is...Beautiful... The image of my Souichi... Thought puzzled Tetsuhiro.

I always thought that would not meet the girl, although Kanako had sent e-mails with pictures in recent years, always out without them even more fearful of open wounds in your heart.But when he saw the Little sleeping Angelic factions could not prevent the Tenderness invade his heart and the desire to carry and protect her as he was sure his sempai.
only then noticed the other occupant of the room, a Handsome Young Doctor, but serious face, wearing a uniform surgery and dressed in a Long robe.His thoughts again became Desperate with Thirst for knowledge that he was well again, knowing that they could be together.

a doctor... Will the doctor my sempai... He can tell me something of my sempai...

Kanako Soon separated from her hand and hugged the doctor, he returned the Hug tenderly comforted while Whispering tender words.Surprised and not wanting to disrupt the couple then turned to Tetsuhiro Isogai, whose face with expressionless Stare At The Empty, had not shown signs of having recognized its arrival.
seems to be in shock... Her expression is so different from that which was always...

just to be sure you do not scare you, Tetsuhiro decided to call your attention Gently holding her shoulder.Only then warned his presence Isogai.

- Isogai - san, I thank you that I called. I know that we have never been the best of friends, but I want to apologize for All My Childhood behaviors that have given rise to all kinds of Misunderstandings in the past.

Tetsuhiro bowed respectfully while saying his speechBut when he lifted his face fixed in the open hand while Isogai was the hint of a smile Shone through his lips.

- that you finally realise that I'm on your side Morinaga kun... Keep in mind that there is still much to fight for and Souichi and you need all the allies that Can Count...

just at that moment,The intermittent Sound of the alarm of the doctor's Mobile broke the calm of the room. After looking at the screen of the device, the doctor looked up and could not hide his excitement whilst Moving hastily announced while Kanako, out the door. - there has been a Complication and calling me in the ICU! Please wait here...We will keep you informed on the Status of Tatsumi san! ... My Love for me! ...

all nodded in Silence yet again when Anxiety had begun to make a Dent in all of them, especially Kanako, again began to sob as Tetsuhiro tried to comfort her as best he could, because he was Crying,With Tears on the reflecting all the anguish, sadness, fear and Anger at how Unfair the situation. Although had broken their relationship, he still felt the family of his sempai like yours and I couldn't stand to see them suffer.
while walking to Strides, almost running, Yamato Ryu went to look at your mobile Screen and back again to curse you."UCl4 severe hemodynamic instability. Possible suture dehiscence. The doctor Sato has begun to operate in the O.R. "

Tatsumi San get ready to live because I won't let you leave alone Kanako Chan!

with that idea in mind was changed in a hurry by hat and Mask,He washed his hands and went into the family environment or where Sato had reopened the thoracotomy incision and suture was busy reviewing and pericardial drainage.

I found Sato? Without bothering to ask Yamato! - Hi, while dressed in the costume and sterile Surgical Gloves.

- Apparently presented the dehiscence of the suture of the myocardium... Just back to suture and the patient improved haemodynamically Yamato Sensei. - the answer was short and concise Sato, who moved to the side, allowing the teacher to Take Command of the intervention took place while the Assistant.
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