POV SEMPAINo... no sé qué pensar... no sé qué decir... no sé qué hacer dịch - POV SEMPAINo... no sé qué pensar... no sé qué decir... no sé qué hacer Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV SEMPAINo... no sé qué pensar...


No... no sé qué pensar... no sé qué decir... no sé qué hacer. Sigo sin creer lo que acaba de pasar. No me duele la cara, no me duele el cuello, no me duelen los golpes que recibí. Lo que sí me duele es... el corazón.

-Intentó matarme- susurré.

Su mirada, su forma de actuar, la manera en la que me trató, sus golpes, y cada palabra que me dijo Morinaga... no podía quitármelo de la mente. Era como si todo lo que pasó hace un momento... estaba pasando en cámara lenta por mi cabeza.

Cuando dejé de toser, empecé a respirar bien. Me calmé, pero... me sentía extraño, débil... como si estuviera en shock. Gateé en el piso hasta llegar a la pared y me senté en el suelo apoyando mi espalda en aquella pared. No tenía ganas de nada, ni siquiera ganas de llorar. Simplemente me sentía dolido y vacío por dentro. Lo único que hice fue mirar a la nada mientras escuchaba los gritos de Morinaga y Taiga desde la entrada del apartamento.

De pronto... se callaron y escuché que la puerta del apartamento se cerró. Unos pasos se acercaron rápidamente hacia donde yo estaba, pero no tenía fuerzas para tomarle importancia.

-Se fue...- Taiga entró a la habitación –Mori se fue-

-...- ya lo sé, por favor no me lo recuerdes.

-Es tu culpa, Souichi. ¿Por qué lo besaste? ¿Por qué le confesaste que tú provocaste su amnesia? ¿Por qué le revelaste que tú y él eran pareja?-

-...- soy un idiota, ya lo sé, no es momento para que me lo saques en cara.

-¡Respóndeme, Souichi!-

-...- no tengo fuerzas para enfrentar algo así.

-¡Te estoy hablando!- insistió acercándose a mí.

-...- déjame en paz, déjame solo.


-Vete... por favor- susurré.


-¡Que te vayas!- grité con poca fuerza –Quiero estar solo-

-Qué... ¿vas a llorar?- empezó a ridiculizarme -¿Es lo único que sabes hacer ahora? ¿Llorar?-

-Déjame en paz- no tenía ganas ni de enojarme.

-Eres patético, sabes- se cruzó de brazos parada en frente de mí –¡Mírate! Estás tirado en el suelo aguantándote el llanto. El famoso homofóbico "Souichi Tatsumi" está así POR UN HOMBRE ¡Qué vergüenza!- roló los ojos -¿Qué paso con ese tirano que alguna vez conocí?- sé que en el fondo intentaba darme fuerzas, pero no era el momento –Ay...- suspiró –De acuerdo... voy a dejarte solo por UNA HORA, pero después quiero que levantes tu maldito trasero, cambies esa horrible cara deprimente y me ayudes a pensar en una solución a esto-

Estaba tan alejado de la realidad que casi no pude entender lo que decía. Solo vi que se fue y escuché el portazo de la habitación.

Morinaga me pegó e intentó matarme. Por qué llegó a ese extremo, por qué me trató así. ¿Es que en verdad no se acuerda nada de nada? ¿Entonces… me olvidó definitivamente? Ni siquiera sintió un poco de piedad, ni siquiera pudo recordar nada al tenerme muy cerca.

-No quiero pelear contigo-

-Uy... pues qué pena. Porque yo SÍ-

-Morinaga, por favor, esto es una locura-

-Locura es que tú entres a besarme mientras duermo. Así que ahora te voy a dar una lección y créeme que saldrás MUY lastimado de aquí-

Sus palabras eran muy duras. Definitivamente quería lastimarme.

-Tú no eres Morinaga; tú no eres mi Morinaga-

-Yo JAMÁS seré tuyo-

Qué irónico. El Morinaga que antes me amaba… ahora me odia. Aveces me pregunto "¿qué diría el verdadero Morinaga sobre esto?"

Navegando en mis pensamientos y mirando a la nada, pude darme cuenta que de algo que brillaba. Como un pequeño destello que con las justas logré percatarme. Provenía debajo de la mesa de noche de Morinaga.

-¿Qué es eso?- me dije a mí mismo.

Sin levantarme del piso, gateé con debilidad hasta la mesita de noche y metí mi mano abajo para sacar esa pequeña cosa brillante. Era pequeña, delicada y estaba algo fría. Me senté en mis rodillas y cuando abrí la mano para ver qué era aquel objeto…

-No… no puede ser- me quedé boquiabierto y miré el objeto fijamente -¿Qué hace esto aquí?-


-Morinaga... qué es esto-

-Es una esclava de plata-

-Morinaga... qué te hace pensar que voy a usarlo-

-Pero ¿por qué no? Lo mandé a hacer lo más discreto posible, las letras no se notan a simple vista y en la parte de adelante solo puse Souichi. Iba a poner "Tetsuhiro y Souichi", pero sé tú quieres que lo nuestro se mantenga en secreto y...-

-Atrás... dice "Te amo"-

-Ahh... bueno... eso era para darle un toque romántico al regalo y...-

-Morinaga... no voy a usar algo que diga "Te amo"-

-Pero Sempai... está en la parte de atrás... no se verá-

-Claro que se verá. La esclava no se mantiene inmóvil baka, se mueve y puede que en cualquier momento la parte que diga "Te amo" se note. Además... si se me pierde o se me cae... CUALQUIERA LO PODRÍA ENCONTRAR Y SERÍA VERGONZOSO-

-Eso no pasará. Nadie sospechará nada... no hay rastro de mí en esa esclava-

-Lo siento, Morinaga. No puedo usarlo-


-Sempai… No puedo creer que olvidaras que exactamente hace 6 meses… empezamos nuestra relación como pareja-

-¿…Qué dices?-


-¡NO ME GRITES, IMBÉCIL! Cómo se supone que iba a acordarme de eso ¿ah? Yo tengo muchas cosas en qué pensar y hacer como para estar al pendiente de este tipo de cosas estúpidas-




-Morinaga… tienes 25 años… YA MADURA. Ya no eres un adolescente como para ponerte sentimental por cada mes que cumplimos… es ridículo. Así que NO ME VENGAS A RECLAMAR POR ESTE TIPO DE ESTUPIDECES-

~FIN DEL FLASHBACK~ (Véase Cap. 3)
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV SEMPAINo... I don't know what to think... I don't know what to say... I don't know what to do. I still do not believe what just happened. Face doesn't hurt me, not my neck hurts, the blows I received do not hurt me. What if it hurts me... is the heart.-He tried to kill me - I susurré.His look, his way of acting, the way in which treated me, his punches, and every word that said me Morinaga... not could remove me from the mind. It was as if all that happened just now... was going in slow motion by my head.When I stopped coughing, I began to breathe properly. I calmed down me, but... I felt strange, weak... as if you were in shock. I gateé on the floor up to the wall and sat on the floor resting my back on that wall. I didn't feel like nothing, didn't even want to cry. Simply I felt hurt and empty inside. The only thing I did was look at nothing as I listened to the cries of Morinaga and Taiga from the entrance of the apartment.Suddenly they were... silent and I heard the door of the apartment was closed. A few steps quickly came to where I was, but I had no strength to take importance.-It was...-Taiga entered the room - Mori was is--.-I know, please do not remember it me.-It's your fault, Souichi. Why do you kiss it? Why you confess you that you provoke his amnesia? What have revealed you that you and he were couple?--...-I'm an idiot, I know, it is not time so that you can make it in the face.-Answer me Souichi!--...-I have no strength to face something like this.-I'm talking about! - insisted approaching me.-...-leave me alone, leave me alone.-SOUICHI!--Go... Please - I susurré.-What?--Let go! - I screamed with little force - I want to be alone --What... are going to cry? - began to ridicule me - is the only thing you can do now? Do cry?--Leave me alone - not wanted nor angry.-You're pathetic, you know - crossed of arms stood in front of me - look at you! You are lying on the floor holding you crying. The famous "Souichi Tatsumi" homophobic is thus by a male shame! - shifting eyes - what happened with that tyrant that ever I knew? - I know that basically I was trying to give me strength, but it was not the time - Oh...-sighed - agree... I'm going to let you just for an hour, but then I want that you lift your rear cursed, change this depressing awful face and help me to think of a solution to this -It was so far removed from reality that I could hardly understand what he was saying. I just saw that it was and I heard the Slam for the room.Morinaga hit me and tried to kill me. Why they came to that end, why they treated me so. Is that really doesn't remember anything? Then... forgot I definitely? He even felt a little pity, he could not even remember anything to have me very close.-I do not want to fight with you--Uy what... well worthwhile. Because I do --Morinaga, please, this is crazy--Insanity is that you come to kiss me while I sleep. So now I'm going to give a lesson and believe me that you will leave very hurt here-His words were harsh. I definitely wanted to hurt me.-You are not Morinaga; you are not my Morinaga--I'll never be yours -What ironic. The Morinaga before I loved... now hate me. Sometimes I ask myself "what would the real Morinaga about this?"Browsing my thoughts and staring at nothing, I realize that something that was shining. As a small Flash that I was able to realize with the fair. It came under the nightstand of Morinaga.-What is that? - I said to myself.Without lifting me from the floor, I gateé with weakness to the nightstand and got my hand down to get that little shiny thing. It was small, delicate and somewhat cold. I sat on my knees and when I opened my hand to see what it was that object...-Can not be not... - I was flabbergasted and looked the object securely - what does this here -~ FLASHBACK ~-Morinaga... What is this --It is a silver slave--Morinaga... what makes you think that I am going to use it -- But why not? I sent him to be as discreet as possible, letters are not noticeable to the naked eye and in the front just put Souichi. I was going to put "Tetsuhiro and Souichi", but I know you like our keep it secret and...--Back... it says "I love you"--Ahh... well... that was to give a romantic touch to the gift and...--Morinaga... not gonna wear something that says "I love you"-- But Sempai... is in the back... won't be --Clear to be seen. The slave does not stays stationary baka, moves and can at any time, you notice the part that says "I love you". In addition... If I lost or dropped me... ANYONE COULD FIND IT AND WOULD BE SHAMEFUL --That will not happen. No one will suspect anything... There is no trace of me in that slave --Sorry, Morinaga. I can not use it-~ FLASHBACK 2 ~-Sempai... I can't believe that you forget that exactly 6 months ago... we started our relationship as a couple--¿… What?--THAT TODAY IS OUR HALF ANNIVERSARY, SEMPAI! AND A TI NO TE IMPORTED --NOT ME SHOUT, IDIOT! How it is supposed that you he will remember that do ah? I have many things on what think and do to be on the lookout for such stupid things --ARE NOT STUPID! THEY ARE IMPORTANT TO ME -- BUT NOT FOR ME--Would you...? --Morinaga... you have 25 years... ALREADY MATURE. You are no longer a teenager to get sentimental for every month that we comply... is ridiculous. So NO I come to claim for this type of STUPIDITY -~ END of FLASHBACK ~ (see Chapter 3)
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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POV SEMPAI No ... I do not know what to think ... I do not know what to say ... I do not know what to do. I still can not believe what just happened. It does not hurt the face, neck does not hurt me, I do not hurt the blows I received. What does hurt me is ... the heart. He tried to kill me I whispered. Her eyes, the way they act, the way they treated me, his punches, and every word I said ... Morinaga could not get it of mind. It was as if everything that happened just now ... was happening in slow motion through my head. When I stopped coughing, I began to breathe. I calmed down, but ... I felt strange, weak ... as if in shock. I crawled on the floor up to the wall and sat on the floor leaning my back on that wall. I did not feel anything, not even wanting to mourn. I just felt hurt and empty inside. All I did was look at nothing while listening to the cries of Morinaga and Taiga from the apartment entrance. ... Suddenly they fell silent and listened to the apartment door closed. Footsteps came quickly toward me, but I had no strength to take importance. He was ...- Taiga entered the room -Mori is fue- -...- I know, please do not remind me . It's your fault, Souichi. Why did you kiss? Why you confessed that you provoked his amnesia? Why did you revealed that you and he were dating - -...- I'm an idiot, I know, it's not time for me to take it out on face. -¡Respóndeme, Souichi - not -...- I have the strength to face something. -¡Te'm talking - insisted approaching me. -...- leave me alone, leave me alone. -¡SOUICHI - Go away ... please- I whispered. What? - 'What will it go - I screamed with little force just- I want to be ... -What are you going to mourn - Is it began to ridicule me all you know to do now? ¿Mourn - Leave me in peace-or did not feel angry. You're pathetic, you know- stop arms crossed in front of me -¡Mírate! You are lying on the ground crying aguantándote. Homophobic famous "Souichi Tatsumi" is thus BY A MAN Shame - he rolled his eyes What happened with that tyrant who ever met - I know that basically trying to give me strength, but was not the time Oh. ..- sighed Okay ... I'll leave you alone for an hour, but then I want you to raise your fucking ass, you change that awful depressing face and help me think of a solution to this- I was so far from reality that I could hardly understand what he said. I only saw it was and heard the slamming of the room. Morinaga hit me and tried to kill me. Why he came to the end, why he treated me well. Is he really not remember anything at all? So ... I definitely forgot? Not even felt a little pity, he could not even remember anything keep me close. I do not want to fight you- -u ... well what a shame. Because I YES- -Morinaga, please, this is a madness -Locura is that you enter to kiss me while I sleep. So I will now give a lesson and believe me you will be very hurt of here His words were harsh. I definitely wanted to hurt me. 'You're not Morinaga; you're not my Morinaga- 'I'll never be yours- How ironic. The Morinaga you loved me before ... now she hates me. I sometimes wonder "what would the real Morinaga about this?" Navigating in thought and staring at nothing, I realized that something shiny. As a small flash that with just managed percatarme. . Came under the bedside of Morinaga What is that? - I said to myself. Without rising from the floor, crawled weakly to the bedside table and put my hand down to take that little shiny thing. It was small, delicate and was rather cold. I sat down on my knees and when I opened my hand to see what was that object ... No ... I can be- not bowled and looked Staring What purpose does this here - FLASHBACK ~ ~ ... what -Morinaga this- It's a slave platform -Morinaga ... what makes you think I'll usarlo- But why not? I had it made ​​as unobtrusive as possible, the letters are not noticeable to the naked eye and the front just put Souichi. He was going to put "Tetsuhiro and Souichi" but I know you want me to keep our secret and ...- -Back ... says "I love you" - Ahh ... well ... that was to give it a romantic touch to the gift and ...- -Morinaga ... not going to use something that says "I love you" - But Sempai ... is on the back ... not Vera course you will . The slave does not stay still Baka, moves and may at any time the portion that says "I love you" noticed. Besides ... if I lose or falls me ... anyone could FINDING AND WOULD Disgraceful 'That will not happen. No one will suspect anything ... no trace of me in that esclava- 'Sorry, Morinaga. I can not usarlo- FLASHBACK ~ 2 ~ -Sempai ... I can not believe I forgot exactly six months ago ... we started our relationship as partner- -¿ ... What you say - 'What is our means ANNIVERSARY TODAY, SEMPAI! AND IT DOES NOT IMPORTÓ- -¡NO yell at me, asshole! How was I supposed to remember that huh? I have many things to think about and do to be aware of such things estúpidas- -¡NO are stupid! They are important for me- but not for me- What ... - -Morinaga ... you are 25 ... ripe. You're not a teenager to get sentimental that we meet every month ... it's ridiculous. So I DO NOT COME TO CLAIM FOR SUCH ESTUPIDECES- ~ End Flashback ~ (See Ch. 3)

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV sempai

... I Don't know what to think. I Don't know what to say... I Don't know what to do. I Still Believe What just happened. Not my face Hurts, My Neck Hurts, I do not have hit hard. What Hurts Me is... The Heart. - He tried to Kill Me -

I whispered. Look, the way you act, the way you treated me, their shots, and every word you said Morinaga.Couldn't get it out of my mind. It was as if everything that happened a while ago... I was going through my mind in Slow Motion.

when I stopped coughing, I began to breathe. I calmed Down, but... I felt Strange, weak... As if you were in shock. Gateé on the floor until you reach the wall and I sat on the floor to Support my back on the Wall. I didn't feel anything,Even want to cry. I just felt hurt and empty inside. All I did was look at nothing while listening to the cries of Morinaga and Taiga from the entrance of the apartment.

... Shut Up, and I heard the door closed. Steps came quickly towards where I was, but I had no Strength to take importance.

- it was...Taiga - entered the room –mori

- it was - - I know, please don't remind me. - IT's your fault, Souichi. Why did you kiss him? Why you confessed that you provoked his amnesia? Why did you reveal that you and he were a couple?

- - - - i'm an idiot, I know, IT's not time for me to take it out on me. - answer me

, Souichi.

- - - - I have no Strength to face something.

- i'm talking to you! - she insisted on me. - Leave Me Alone, leave me alone. - Souichi

! -
- go... Please - i Whisper. - What?

- - You Go! - i screamed with little Strength I Be Alone -

what... Are you gonna cry? - began to ridicule me - that's all you do now? Cry?

- - Leave me alone. - I didn't feel like getting Angry. - You're pathetic,You know - stop arms crossed in front of me –mírate! You're lying on the floor Holding The Tears. The Famous "Homophobic Souichi Tatsumi" is that for a man. What a shame! - roló Eyes - What happened to that Tyrant I ever met? - I know the Fund tried to give me strength, but it was not the moment sighed alas... - Okay... I'm gonna leave you alone for an hour,But then I want you to get your ass off that horrible Face, depressing and help me think of a solution to this -

I was so detached from reality that I could hardly understand what you said. I just saw it and heard the door of the room.

Morinaga hit me and tried to kill me. Why came this far, why treat me so.I really don't remember anything? Then I forgot... Definitely? Even felt a Little pity, could not even remember anything very close to me. I Don't wanna fight with you

Oh... Oh, what a shame. Because I -

- Morinaga, please, This Is Crazy -

- Crazy is that you come to kiss me while I sleep.So now I'm gonna give you a lesson and I believe that you will be very Hurt here

his words were too Harsh. Definitely wanted to hurt me. - You're not Morinaga; you're not my - I never Morinaga -

I'm Yours - how Ironic. The Morinaga that I loved... Hates Me Now. "Sometimes I wonder what the real Morinaga about this?"

Sailing In My Thoughts and staring at nothing,I realized that something Shiny. As a small flash with the fair I realize. From under the night Table of Morinaga. - What's that? - I told myself.
without getting up from the floor, Gateé with weakness to the bedside table, and I put my hand down to pull that little Shiny thing. She was delicate and it was a bit cold.I sat down on my knees and when I opened my hand to see what it was that object...

- I may be - I was Speechless and I looked at the object - Why is this here? Flashback -

~ ~

- Morinaga. What is this - is a slave -

- Silver - Morinaga. What makes you think I'm going -

- but why not? I had to make it more Discreet possible.Letters are not noticeable to The Naked Eye, and in the front just put Souichi. I was going to put "Tetsuhiro and Souichi," but I know you want it to be kept secret - and - back...

... Say "I Love You" -

Ahh... Well... That was to give a romantic touch to the present and...
- Morinaga. I'm not going to use something that says "I Love You" -

- sempai... It's in the back. Not be
- of course I Will. The Slave does not remain immobile Baka, Moves, and can at any time the part that says "I Love You" Note. Besides... If I Lose Or I Fall... Anyone could find and be embarrassing -

- that will not happen. Nobody will suspect anything... No trace of me in this slave -

- Sorry, Morinaga. - I can't use flashback 2 ~ ~

Sempai... I can't believe you forget exactly 6 months ago... We started our relationship as a couple -

- What do you say? -

what today is our anniversary, sempai! And you don't IMPORTÓ -

- Don't Yell at me, you idiot! How am I supposed to remember that? I have many things to think about and to be aware of this kind of Stupid things - - are not estÚpidas

!Are important to me - - but not for me


-... -
- Morinaga... You're 25 years old... Mature. You're no longer a teenager to be sentimental for each month are ridiculous. So don't come to complain about this kind of Shit -

~ ~ End of flashback (see chap. 3)
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