Miré su parte inferior y estaba muy dura; un hilo de saliva se corría  dịch - Miré su parte inferior y estaba muy dura; un hilo de saliva se corría  Anh làm thế nào để nói

Miré su parte inferior y estaba muy

Miré su parte inferior y estaba muy dura; un hilo de saliva se corría por la comisura de sus labios. Quería seguir jugando y hacerlo lentamente para que Senpai pudiera disfrutar más que nunca pero aquella parte ya necesitaba de mi atención; tampoco lo prolongaría al grado de la incomodidad. Desabotoné y bajé la bragueta; en unos instantes ya lo había despojado de cualquier ropa. Entonces introduje con cuidado su miembro en mi boca.

- ¡Mori-…ah! N-no tienes por qué hacer eso, es asqueroso. Echaba su cabeza para atrás e intentaba alejarme torpemente con sus manos.

- No, no lo es porque eres tú, ninguna parte en ti puede serlo.

Subía y bajaba, movía mi lengua de la manera en la que sabía que a senpai le gustaba y no tardó mucho en correrse.

- ¡M-morinaga! Jadeaba mientras me llamaba.

Al acercarme observé a un Senpai extasiado y lleno de placer. Sentí que había alcanzado mi objetivo al complacerlo pero cuál fue mi sorpresa cuando él comenzó a besarme de una forma más profunda a la que acostumbrada. Sus manos temblorosas se deslizaron debajo de mi camisa y separándonos un poco, pausando el beso, arrojó aquel impedimento en algún lugar de su habitación para continuar con la batalla de lenguas en nuestra boca. Después de algún tiempo nos separamos para tomar aire y noté como Senpai observaba mi torso, era extraño por lo que seguí su mirada ¿Qué le interesaba en mí?

- Aquí. Dijo mientras tocaba la cicatriz que había quedado del accidente, se acercó y tiernamente beso esa marca mientras un par de lágrimas bajaban por sus mejillas. Sus muestras de cariño siempre eran pequeñas pero muy sentimentales; transmitía tanto con tan poco.

- Senpai… Tomé una de sus manos y la besé, incliné mi cabeza poniendo mi frente contra ella pidiendo perdón. Acarició mi cabeza y con uno de sus dedos levantó mi cara.

- No vuelvas a hacerlo, no vuelvas a darme un susto de muerte. Esta es la segunda vez y no quiero pasar por una tercera. Simplemente no lo soportaría. Me confesó mientras hundía su cabeza en mi cuello. Se aferró a mí muy necesitado; quería tener la seguridad de que entendía sus miedos.

- Lo prometo, no quiero que vuelvas a sentirte así.

Esta vez fui yo quien tuvo la iniciativa y continúe besándolo. Sentía que estaba llegando a mi límite, quería estar dentro de Senpai por lo que comencé a prepararlo. Introduciendo el primer y luego segundo dedo, Senpai no se quejó en ningún momento, por el contrario parecía estar disfrutándolo. Se dejaba llevar, se desenvolvía. Para cuando introduje el tercer dedo sus caderas parecían estarse moviendo, realmente lo deseaba, su miembro estaba nuevamente duro así que con la mano que tenía libre empecé a frotarlo. Todo era tan intenso para él que detuvo mi brazo y noté como tiritaba por el placer.

- Y-ya no más… j-juegos.

- ¿Eh? Él no lo va a decirlo directamente, pero acaso…

Saqué mis dedos de su entrada y me desabroché el pantalón; la impaciencia aceleraba mis acciones. Deseaba más que nada en el mundo estar una vez más en su interior así que me apresuré. Una vez al descubierto alcé sus piernas y despacio fui introduciendo mi miembro en su entrada. Se sentía tan apretado y me costaba calmar mi ansiedad para no lastimarlo. Senpai estaba muy excitado, no paraba de gemir y jadear por la falta de aire; eso me excitaba cada vez más. Éramos como la combinación perfecta. Entonces me atreví a hacer una petición.

- ¿Senpai, p-podrías moverte para mí?

- ¿¡Q-qué crees que estás diciendo pervertido!? Aún sin aire no paraba de pelear conmigo.

- Por favor, antes te enseñé como moverte ¿No es así? A mí también me faltaba un poco el aire.

- P-pero… Su sonrojo llegaba hasta sus orejas, le provocaba inseguridad.

- Por favor. Dije sin esperanzas pues sabía que aún luego de permitirme hacer todo lo que habíamos hecho era casi imposible que se atreviera a tomar la iniciativa de esa forma tan atrevida, por lo menos no ahora.

- E-está bien, p-pero no me mires mucho. Además, tendrás que ayudarme porque estoy muy cansado y no podré hacerlo solo.

No podría creer lo que estaba escuchando.

Después de eso Senpai se puso cambió de lugar, se puso sobre mí y comenzó a moverse con lentitud; podía decir que de una forma un poco torpe y tierna al mismo tiempo. Lo ayudé sujetándolo de la cintura y poco a poco sus movimientos fueron mejorando haciéndose más rápidos y acertados. Tomó un buen ritmo con mi ayuda pero todavía le era difícil moverse con voluntad. Cuando sentí que ambos llegaríamos al final dejé de sujetarlo con una de mis manos y al tenerla libre froté rápidamente su miembro. Segundos después ambos llegamos al orgasmo, uno como ninguno. Al terminar Senpai se recostó a mi lado tratando de recuperar un poco de aire, por otro lado y aunque de igual manera estaba exhausto, me acerqué y besé una de sus mejillas.

- Gracias por todo Senpai, Te amo.

- Morina-ga…

Al terminar mi oración Senpai no puedo ni responder pues cayó en un profundo y largo sueño. Notaba lo mucho que se había esforzado por ser más participativo en nuestro encuentro para demostrarme que él también estaba de acuerdo con la decisión. En cuanto a mí, lo mantuve entre mis brazos y tampoco tarde mucho en caer rendido.

- ¿Así es como se siente ser correspondido?
Từ: -
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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I looked at her bottom and was very hard; a thread of saliva is ran through the corner of his mouth. I wanted to keep playing and do it slowly so Senpai could enjoy more than ever but that part already needed my attention; either increasing it to the degree of discomfort. I desabotoné and downloaded the fly; in a few moments he had already stripped of any clothing. I then carefully introduced his Member in my mouth.-Mori-... ah! N-no have to do that, is disgusting. I missed his head back and tried to get away with his hands awkwardly.-No, it is not because you, anywhere you can be it.It went up and down, moving my tongue in the way in which knew senpai liked it and it didn't take long run.-M-morinaga! He panted while I called.As you approach me I watched a Senpai ecstatic and filled with pleasure. I felt that I had reached my goal to please him but what was my surprise when he began to kiss me in a deeper way that usual. His trembling hands slid under my shirt and separating us a bit, pausing the Kiss, he threw that impediment somewhere in your room to continue the battle of languages in our mouths. After some time we parted to take air and I noticed as Senpai observed my torso, it was strange so I followed her gaze would you interested in me?-Here. He said while he played the scar that had been accident, approached and tenderly kiss that mark while a couple of tears fell down her cheeks. Their signs of affection were always small but very sentimental; It conveyed so much with so little.-Senpai... I took one of his hands and I kissed her, I leaned my head putting my forehead against her for forgiveness. He stroked my head and with one of his fingers lifted my face.-Do not ever do so, do not ever give me a death scare. This is the second time and I don't want to go through a third. You would simply do not support it. I confessed while sinking his head into my neck. Clung to me much-needed; I wanted to be sure that they understood their fears.-I promise it, I don't want you to feel well again.This time it was I who took the initiative and continue kissing him. I felt that I was reaching my limit, I wanted to be inside Senpai for what started to prepare it. Introducing the first and second finger, Senpai did not complain at any time, on the other hand seemed to be enjoying it. It was, it unfolded. For when I introduced the third finger its hips, they seemed to be moving, I really wanted it, its member was again hard so with the hand that had free I started to rub it. Everything was so intense for it that stopped my arm and noticed as he shivered for the pleasure.-And-ya no more... j-juegos.-Huh? He will not say so directly, but just in case...I took my fingers from its entrance and desabroché me pants; impatience accelerating my actions. He wanted more than anything in the world be once again inside so I rushed. Once exposed lifted up her legs and slowly I was introducing my Member at her entrance. It felt so tight and was hard to calm my anxiety not to hurt it. Senpai was very excited, couldn't stop moaning and gasping for the air; that me excited more and more. We were like the perfect combination. Then I dared to make a request.-Senpai, p - you could move for me?-Q-what you think that you're saying pervert! Even without air not stop fighting with me.-Please, before you taught how to move you isn't it? Also the air was missing me a little.-P-pero... Its flushing reached their ears, caused her insecurity.-Please. I said no hope because I knew that even then let me do everything we'd done it was almost impossible that you dare to take the initiative that so daring way, at least not now.-E-is well, p-pero not look at me much. In addition, you will have to help me because I am very tired and I can not do it alone.I could not believe what was listening.Thereafter Senpai was changed place, stood over me and began to move slowly; you could say that in a way a bit awkward and tender at the same time. I helped him by holding it waist and slowly her movements were improving becoming more rapid and successful. It took a good rhythm with my help but it was still difficult to move at will. When I felt that both would come to the end I stopped holding it with one of my hands and having it free rubbed quickly its member. Seconds after both reach orgasm, one as none. At the end of Senpai leaned next to me trying to recover a bit of air, on the other hand and although equally I was exhausted, I went and kissed one of her cheeks.-Thank you for all Senpai, Te amo.-Morina-ga...At the end of my Senpai prayer cannot not respond because it fell into a long and deep sleep. I noticed how much that he had endeavoured to be more participatory in our meeting to prove that he too was in accordance with the decision. As for me, I kept it in my arms and not late very much in drop.-This is how it feels to be met?
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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I looked at her bottom and was very hard; a thread of saliva ran from the corner of his lips. I wanted to keep playing and do it slowly so that Senpai could enjoy more than ever but that part and needed my attention; nor prolong the degree of discomfort. I unbuttoned his pants and went; within moments he had already stripped of any clothes. Then carefully introduced his member into my mouth. - Mori ... ah! II do not have to do that, it's disgusting. Threw his head back and tried to get away awkwardly with his hands. - No, it's not because it's you, no part of you can be. Up and down, moving my tongue the way he knew she liked to senpai and It does not take long to come. - M-Morinaga! Panted as my name. As I approached I saw a Senpai ecstatic and full of pleasure. I felt I had reached my goal to please him but what was my surprise when he started kissing me in a deeper way than usual. Her trembling hands slipped under my shirt and separating a bit, pausing kiss, threw impediment that somewhere in your room to continue the battle of tongues in our mouths. After some time we broke for air and I felt like watching my torso Senpai was strange so I followed her gaze What interested me? - Here. Said as he touched the scar that was left of the accident, he came and tenderly kiss that mark as a tear ran down her cheeks. His expressions of affection were always small but very sentimental; transmitting so much with so little. - Senpai ... I took one of her hands and kissed her, bowed my head and put my forehead against her for forgiveness. He stroked my head and with one finger lifted my face. - Do not ever do that, do not ever scare me to death. This is the second time and did not want to go through a third. Simply not stand. He confessed as she buried her head in my neck. She clung to me much needed; I wanted to be sure he understood their fears. - I promise, do not want you to feel that way. This time it was I who took the initiative and continue kissing. I felt I was reaching my limit, I wanted to be inside so Senpai started to prepare. Introducing the first and second finger then, Senpai did not complain at any time, by contrast seemed to be enjoying it. It was left out, it unfolded. For the third finger when I introduced her hips seemed to be moving, really wanted, his cock was so hard again with his free hand began to rub. Everything was so intense for him that stopped my arm and I felt like shivering with pleasure. - And-and no more ... j-games. - Huh? He will not say it directly, but just in case ... I pulled my fingers from his input and his pants unzipped me; impatience quickened my actions. He wanted more than anything in the world be once again inside so hurried. Once I lifted her bare legs and slowly I was entering my cock at her entrance. It felt so tight and it was hard to calm my anxiety not hurt. Senpai was very excited, kept moaning and panting from lack of air; that excited me more and more. We were like the perfect combination. Then I dared to make a request. - Senpai, p-you could move for me? - Q-do you think you're saying pervert !? Even without air kept fighting me. - Please, before I taught you how to move Is not it? Me too I needed some air. - B-but ... Her blush came to his ears, caused her insecurity. - Please. I said hopeless knowing that even after letting me do all that we had done was almost impossible that dared to take the initiative in this very bold way, at least not now. - E-okay, b-but do not look a lot. In addition, you have to help me because I am very tired and I can not do it alone. I could not believe what I was hearing. After that Senpai got changed, I stood over me and began to move slowly; I could say that in a way a little awkward and tender at the same time. I helped him by holding her waist and gradually improve their movements were becoming faster and accurate. It took a good rhythm with my help but I still found it difficult to move will. When I felt that both arrive at the end I stopped hold it with one of my hands and rubbed her have her quickly free member. Seconds later both came to orgasm, one as any. At the end Senpai leaned beside me trying to get some air, on the other hand and although likewise was exhausted, I went over and kissed her cheek. - Thanks for everything Senpai, I love you. - Morina-ga ... When I finished my prayer Senpai I can not respond because he fell into a deep and long sleep. He noticed how much he had striven to be more participatory in our meeting to prove that he also agreed with the decision. As for me, I kept it in my arms and not take long to fall asleep. - Is this how it feels to be reciprocated?

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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I looked up his bottom and was very hard; a thread of saliva is running down the corner of his lips. I wanted to Keep playing and go slowly so that Birds could enjoy more than ever, but that part I needed my attention; nor Prolong the degree of discomfort. I unbuttoned and unzipped myself; in a few moments he had already Stripped of any clothes.
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