Al escuchar esas palabras, sentí que me tranquilizaba un poco, pensaba dịch - Al escuchar esas palabras, sentí que me tranquilizaba un poco, pensaba Anh làm thế nào để nói

Al escuchar esas palabras, sentí qu

Al escuchar esas palabras, sentí que me tranquilizaba un poco, pensaba en las actividades que hacíamos juntos, recordaba la investigación como la primera cosa que juntaba nuestros intereses particulares, después de eso era…

-Salir a beber y comer-

-Muy bien Sou-kun, se ve que tienes todo bajo control, podrás hacerlo bien mañana que parta a Nagoya. Si no tienes objeción será mejor que vayamos a buscar al profesor para que nos autorice tu participación en esta universidad-

Habíamos redactado rápidamente una carta que el profesor Fukushima nos dijo, la cual tenía el propósito de pedir al profesor Tachibana Kotaro su permiso y cooperación para que pueda yo estar aquí un tiempo, así que no quedaba más que ir. Sentía de piedra todos los músculos, intentaba respirar lentamente, pero estaba muy ansioso. Al llegar al salón tenía un nudo en la garganta, seguramente Hikari lo noto, pues imprudentemente abrió la puerta y dijo:

-Buenas tardes podemos pasar-

-Adelante por favor- Escuchamos la voz de un señor mayor.

Al entrar, mi mirada inmediatamente buscó a Morinaga, al verlo mis ojos deseaban llorar pero me contuve al escuchar las palabras del hombre mayor en la habitación:

-¿Qué necesitan?-

-Mi nombre es Tatsumi Souichi, soy estudiante de posgrado en la Universidad de Nagoya, en la carrera de agricultura, me he estado interesando en realizar investigaciones por fuera de mi universidad para obtener más experiencia, así que leí de la que están haciendo aquí y deseaba saber si me permitiría unirme durante la realización de la misma o por el tiempo que a usted le parezca viable. Podría quizá yo mismo serle de utilidad, si así le resulta conveniente-

-Me parece muy bien Tatsumi-san y ¿quién es la joven que esta con usted?-

-Disculpe usted la descortesía de mi sempai, es que estaba algo nervioso, mi nombre es Sanada Hikari, cuide de mi por favor. Soy la asistente de Tatsumi sempai en la universidad de Nagoya, solo vine aquí para acompañarlo a pedir el permiso, ya que yo debo regresar mañana mismo a cuidar de los experimentos que dejamos-




La tarde pintaba el cielo con un color ligeramente rojo, me encontraba trabajando en el laboratorio con el profesor Kotaro, mientras contemple a una persona con los ojos más lindos que vi en toda mi vida, al mirarlo solo podía pensar que deseaba conocerlo. Cuando llegó no me quitaba la mirada de encima, al principio me sentí algo incómodo, pero luego pude vislumbrar que sus ojos miel, reflejaban emoción y al mismo tiempo una profunda tristeza, no podía evitar sentirme intrigado por querer saber más sobre esta persona tan extraña.

Una vez que se introdujo a sí mismo, explicando que deseaba participar de nuestra investigación por un tiempo, el profesor me presentó como su asistente:

-Él es mi asistente Morinaga Tetsuhiro, es un excelente ayudante y estudiante destacado de la universidad-

-No es para tanto Kotaro sensei. Morinaga Tetsuhiro, cuide de mí por favor Tatsumi-san-

La chica que venía con Tatsumi-san me miraba de forma curiosa, era muy extrovertida rayando con lo descortés, nos pidió que les mostráramos la universidad, aunque eso tendría que esperar al siguiente día, pues nos cayó la noche al mostrarles los apuntes de la investigación que estábamos realizando, asimismo todos los aparatos y cosas con las que contábamos para investigar. Parecían ser personas muy listas pues claramente entendieron todo lo que les enseñamos, nos expusieron varios puntos de vista, que no imaginamos, ayudando considerablemente a nuestro trabajo. Una vez terminado el día laboral nos pidieron sugerencia de lugares para hospedarse. Ya que todavía no conocían bien Fukuoka, yo ofrecí mí casa para que pasaran esa noche, puesto que pensé que era algo tarde para buscar alojamiento.

El estar cerca de este hombre me daba una sensación extraña, la última vez que sentí algo parecido todo acabo muy mal, debo alejarme de esos pensamientos sucios, todo estará bien siempre y cuando evite pensar esas cosas.

Los lleve a mi casa, para que descansaran, también les di algo de cenar y charlamos los tres un rato, aunque de cierta forma era muy extraño la chica llamada Hikari parecía que me interrogaba:

-Vives con tus padres, que curioso, ¿nunca pensaste en estudiar en otro lugar?-

-No tengo razones para irme tengo todo lo que necesito aquí, mi familia, mi prometida y la escuela-

-¿Tienes una prometida? No lo creo, ¿Por qué tanta prisa por casarte? Aún estas muy chico-

-Tenemos ya varios años de novios y nuestras familias son amigas así que ya va siendo hora de sentar cabeza. De hecho nos casaremos cuando termine la escuela mis padres ya están planeando la boda-

-Ustedes son pareja o algo, parecen estar muy unidos-

-Claro que no Tatsumi-sempai es mi amigo, además de un excelente maestro, desde que lo asisto en los experimentos he aprendido mucho, ambos somos solteros y sin compromiso-

-No he escuchado nada de usted Tatsumi-san, que lo trae a este lugar tan lejano de su hogar, ¿realmente es tan apasionado de sus investigaciones?-

-Eto... yo vine aquí para conocer otras investigaciones que quizá me ayuden con lo que hago en Nagoya, siempre es bueno intercambiar conocimiento y puntos de vista sobre la ciencia, esto la hace más enriquecedora, además tu eres tan listo que siempre me sorprendes con las cosas que haces en el laboratorio-

-¡¿Eh?¡ Que curioso que diga eso, justo eso dice Kotaro-sensei-

Este hombre, es extraño, cuando lo veo a los ojos me pierdo en ellos, siento que me conoce de años.

Así transcurrió la noche platicando cosas sobre nosotros y las investigaciones. Al hacerse más tarde los llevé a la habitación de huéspedes, me fui a dormir, pero me sentí inquieto, no podía dormir de pensar en el lindo rostro de ese hombre, su mirada tan pasional que me dirigía, como si deseara tocarme, no puedo creer que tenga estos pensamientos sucios hacia un hombre otra vez, yo prometí llevar el camino correcto. Será mejor que salga a tomar un poco de agua para refrescar mis pensamientos. Caminaba un poco, en la oscuridad de mi casa, mis ojos no se acostumbraban a la poca luz, de modo que choque con Tatsumi-san cayendo encima de él y sentí su cuerpo estremecerse al tenerlo tan cerca. El gemido que escapo de su boca al caernos me pareció tan sensual, mi cara ardía de vergüenza, mi corazón se aceleraba, mis ojos se acostumbraban a la poca luz que llegaba de la calle, es por ello que pude ver su mirada tan llena de deseo, así que por primera vez en años sentí la necesidad de probar los labios de otro hombre, el también respondía pues acercaba su rostro poco a poco al mío, sin pensarlo mucho, pose un poco mis labios sobre los de él, sentí su calidez, me separé inmediatamente de su boca y le dije:

-Lo siento Tatsumi-san fue un accidente, no volverá a ocurrir-

Corrí a mi habitación desesperadamente, al llegar no podía sacarlo de mi cabeza, incluso mi cuerpo responde, me siento tan caliente, no debo hacer esto pero mi cuerpo me lo pide. La tremenda erección que sentía dolía un poco, así que la saque, comenzando a frotarla con una mano mientras pensaba en ese hombre que traía la camisa abierta mostrando su blanco pecho, con sus lindos pezones, recordar la tierna calidez en sus labios me llevo al orgasmo más rápido de lo que esperaba, también a causa de que tenía mucho tiempo que no me tocaba, pues es algo tan vergonzoso hacer esto, sobre todo porque siempre acabo pensando en hombres, debería hacer lo que los demás y pensar en mi querida Chizuru.
Từ: Tây Ban Nha
Sang: Anh
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Upon hearing those words, I felt that you were understandably reassured me a little, I thought of activities we did together, I remembered the research as the first thing together our individual interests, after that was...-Go to drink and eat--Very good Sou-kun, is that you have everything under control, you can do well tomorrow starting at Nagoya. If you have no objection it will be better for us to seek the teacher to authorize us your participation in this University-We had drafted a letter that Professor Fukushima told us, which had the purpose of ask the Professor Tachibana Kotaro consent and cooperation so can I be here a while, so it was no more than go quickly. Stone felt all the muscles, trying to breathe slowly, but she was very anxious. Arriving at the Hall had a knot in the throat, surely Hikari I notice, as he recklessly opened the door and said:-Good afternoon can pass--Forward please - listen to the voice of an old man.Upon entering, my eyes immediately approached Morinaga, saw it my eyes wanted to cry but I refrained me to hear the words of the man in the room:-What do they need?--My name is Tatsumi Souichi, I am a graduate student at the University of Nagoya, in the career of agriculture, I have been interested in investigations by outside my University to get more experience, so I read that you are doing here and wanted to know if it would allow me to join in during the performance of the same or time that may seem to you viable. Could I myself perhaps be useful, if it is so convenient--I think very well who is the girl that is with you? and Tatsumi-san--You excuse the incivility of my sempai, is that he was rather nervous, my name is Sanada Hikari, take care of my please. I am the Assistant of Tatsumi sempai at Nagoya University, just came here to accompany him to ask permission, as I must return tomorrow same to take care of the experiments we leave -......POV MORINAGAThe later painting the sky with a slightly red, I was working in the lab with Professor Kotaro, while it provides a person with the most beautiful eyes I saw in my life, to look at it could only think that I wanted to meet him. When it arrived I took not look up, at first I felt somewhat uncomfortable, but then I could glimpse her honey eyes, reflected excitement and at the same time a profound sadness, I could not help feel intrigued by wanting to know more about this strange person.Once introduced himself, explaining that he wanted to participate in our research for a while, the teacher introduced me as his assistant:-He is my assistant Morinaga Tetsuhiro, is an excellent Assistant and outstanding student of the University--It is not for both Kotaro sensei. Morinaga Tetsuhiro, take care of me please Tatsumi-san -The girl who came with Tatsumi-san looked at me in a strange way, was very extroverted scratching with the rude, asked that we show them the University, although that would have to wait until the next day, as night fell we will show you the notes of the research that we were doing, also all appliances and things that we had to investigate. They seemed to be very ready people because they clearly understood what we teach them, they exposed us several points of view, we do not imagine, considerably helping our work. Once finished the working day they asked us suggestions of places to stay. As yet they didn't know well Fukuoka, I offered my house so they went that night, since I thought that it was rather late to find accommodation.Being around this man gave me a strange feeling, the last time I felt something like that all I have just very badly, I must get away from those dirty thoughts, all will be well if you avoid thinking those things.Take them to my home, so that they rest, also I gave them some dinner and the three talked awhile, but somehow it was very strange the girl named Hikari seemed to me asked:-You live with your parents, that's funny, do you never thought in studying elsewhere?-I have no reason to go I have everything I need here, my family, my fiancee and the school --Do you have a fiancée? Don't think so, by what hurry by getting married? Yet these very young --We have already several years of dating and our families are friends, so it is high time to sit head. In fact we married when finished school my parents because they are planning the wedding --You are couple or something, you seem to be very United--Clear that Tatsumi-sempai is not my friend, as well as an excellent teacher, since I go in the experiments I have learned a lot, both are unmarried and without obligation --Do not have heard nothing from you Tatsumi-san, which brings him to this place so far away from your home, is it really so passionate about their research?--Eto I... came here to learn about other investigations that may help me with what I do in Nagoya, it is always good to exchange knowledge and views on Science, this also makes it more rewarding, you are so ready that you always surprise me with the things you do in the lab --Huh? that's funny saying that, just that says Kotaro-sensei-!This man, it is strange, when I see it in the eyes I lose myself in them, I feel that I am known for years.So passed the night talking things over us and investigations. To be later took them to the guest room, I went to sleep, but I felt restless, I could not sleep thinking about the cute face of this man, his gaze so passionate that I directed, as if he wanted to touch me, I can't believe having such dirty thoughts towards a man again, I promised to take the right path. It will be better to come out to take a little bit of water to refresh my thoughts. He walked a little, in the darkness of my house, my eyes are not accustomed to the Dim light, so shock with Tatsumi-san falling on top of him and felt his body shudder to have it so close. The groaned that you escaped from his mouth to drop us I thought it was so sensual, my face burned with shame, my heart sped, my eyes accustomed to the little light that came from the street, so that I could see his eyes so full of desire, so for the first time in years I felt the need to prove the lips of another man also responded as he was approaching his face gradually mine, without much thought, pose a bit my lips over it, I felt her warmth, I immediately left his mouth and said:-Sorry Tatsumi-san was an accident, it will not happen -I ran to my room desperately, arriving not couldn't out my head, even my body responds, I am so horny, I shouldn't do this but my body is asking for it. Tremendous erection she felt hurt a little, so throw, beginning to rub it with one hand while I was thinking about the man who wore the shirt open showing her white chest, with her cute nipples, remember the tender warmth on your lips took me to orgasm more quickly than expected, also because I had long time that I had not , as such a shameful thing is do this, mostly because I always just thinking about men, should do what others and thinking about my beloved Chizuru.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Hearing those words, I felt reassured me a little, thinking of the activities we did together, remembered as the first research which gathered our interests, after that it was ... Getting out to drink and trade Very well sou- kun, is that you have everything under control, you'll do well tomorrow that starts to Nagoya. If you have no objection you'd better go find the professor to authorize us to your participation in this university- We had quickly drafted a letter that Professor Fukushima said, which was intended to ask the teacher for permission and Kotaro Tachibana cooperation that I may be here a while, so there was more to go. Stone felt every muscle, tried to breathe slowly, but was very anxious. Arriving at the lounge had a lump in my throat, Hikari surely noticed, since recklessly opened the door and said, 'Good afternoon we just want to have . Come in please-listen the voice of an older man Upon entering, my gaze immediately sought Morinaga, seeing my eyes wanted to mourn but I did hear the words of the old man in the room: What need - My name is Souichi Tatsumi, I am a graduate student at the University of Nagoya, in the race agriculture, I have been interested in conducting research outside my college to get more experience, so I read of you are doing here and wanted to know if I would join in the embodiment thereof or for as long as you see fit viable. Maybe it could be helpful to myself, if it is suitably 'I think very well Tatsumi-san and who is the young man who is with you - you Excuse my rudeness sempai, I was just a little nervous, my Hikari name is Sanada, please take care of me. I am the assistant Tatsumi sempai at the University of Nagoya, just came here to accompany him to ask permission because I must return tomorrow to take care of the experiments dejamos- ... ... POV Morinaga afternoon painting the sky with a slightly red color, I was working in the laboratory with Professor Kotaro, while contemplating a person with the most beautiful eyes I saw in my life, to look could only think she wanted to know. When he arrived never took my eyes off, at first I felt a little uncomfortable, but then I could envision her eyes honey, reflected excitement while deep sadness, I could not help but be intrigued by wanting to know more about this person so strange . Once introduced himself, explaining that he wanted to participate in our research for a while, the teacher introduced me as his assistant: He is my assistant Tetsuhiro Morinaga, it is an excellent assistant and student of the university highlighted No Kotaro is both sensei. Morinaga Tetsuhiro, take care of me please Tatsumi-san The girl that came with Tatsumi-san looked at me curiously, was very outgoing bordering on the rude, he ordered us to show them the university, although that would have to wait until tomorrow because we dropped the night to show the notes of the research we were doing, also all appliances and things that we had to investigate. They seemed to be very smart because clearly they understood everything we teach, we presented several points of view, we do not imagine, greatly helping our work. Once the workday is finished we were asked Suggested places to stay. Since not yet know well Fukuoka, I offered my house to spend the night, because I thought it was rather late to find accommodation. Being close to this man gave me a strange feeling, the last time I felt anything like everything I just very bad, I must get away from those dirty thoughts, everything will be fine as long as you avoid thinking about these things. The take home, to rest, also I gave them some dinner and chatted three awhile, but in a way it was very the strange girl named Hikari seemed questioning me: You live with your parents, that curious, never thought to study somewhere else - I do not have reasons to go I have everything I need here, my family, my fiancee and school - -¿Tienes a promised? I do not think so, why such a hurry to get married? Even these very boy- We have already several years of dating and our families are so friendly that it's time to settle down. In fact we'll get married when I finish school my parents are already planning the wedding couple or something -You are, seem very States- course not Tatsumi-senpai is my friend, and a great teacher, since I attend in Experiments have learned a lot, both are single and without commitment- 'I have not heard from you Tatsumi-san, who brings him to this as far away from your home place, is it really so passionate about his research - -Eto .. . I came here to meet other research that may help me with what I do in Nagoya, always good to exchange knowledge and views on science, this makes it more enriching, well you're so smart you always surprise me with things you do in the laboratory- -¡¿Eh? Funny you say that, it just says Kotaro-sensei This man is strange, when I see the eyes I get lost in them, I feel that I know of years. So He spent the night talking things over us and research. By becoming later I took the guest room, I went to sleep, but I felt restless, I could not sleep thinking about the cute face of this man, his gaze so passionate that directed me, as if to touch me, I can not believe I have these dirty thoughts to a man again, I promised to take the right path. You better come out to get some water to cool my thoughts. He walked a little in the darkness of my house, my eyes adjusted to the dim light, so that clash with Tatsumi-san falling over him and felt his body shudder to him so close. The groan that escaped his mouth to drop us seemed so sensual, my face burning with shame, my heart racing, my eyes adjusted to the dim light coming from the street, which is why we could see his eyes so full of desire, so for the first time in years I felt the need to prove the lips of another man, also responded then brought his face slowly to mine, without much thought, pose a bit my lips to it, felt its warmth , I left immediately his mouth and said, 'Sorry Tatsumi-san was an accident, it will never happen- I ran to my room desperately to reach could not get my head around, even my body responds, I feel so hot I must not do this but my body asks me. The tremendous erection that felt hurt a little, so the long, beginning to rub it with one hand as he thought about the man who brought the shirt open showing white chest, with her ​​cute nipples, remember the tender warmth on his lips took me to faster than I expected, also because it was a long time since I played orgasm, it is something so shameful to do this, especially since I always end up thinking men should do and what others think of my dear Chizuru .

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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To hear these words, I felt soothed me a bit, I Thought in the activities that we did together, recalled the Research as the first thing that gives our particular interests, after that was...

- Drink and eat -

- very good Sou, you have everything under control, you can leave tomorrow to Nagoya.If you have no Objection, we'd better go find the Professor for authorizing us your participation in this University -

we quickly drafted a letter to professor Said Fukushima, which was intended to ask the Professor Tachibana Kotaro Permission and Cooperation so that I can be here for a while, so it was not more to go.Stone felt all the muscles to breathe slowly, but he was very anxious. To reach the hall had a knot in my throat, I surely Hikari, recklessly opened the door and said: -

Good afternoon can go - - Please Come in - we hear the Voice of an older gentleman.

to enter, My Eyes immediately sought to Morinaga,See my eyes wanted to cry but I restrained myself to hear the words of the old man in the room:

- What you need? - My name is

- Souichi Tatsumi, I am a graduate student at the University of Nagoya, in the field of Agriculture, I have been interested in conducting research on the outside of my University to get more experience.So I read the are doing here and wanted to know if I would join during the realization of the same or the time that you seem viable. Perhaps I could be useful, if it is convenient?

- sounds great Tatsumi San who is the young man who is with you? - Sorry you

my sempai discourtesy, I was a Little Nervous,My name is healed Hikari, please take care of me. I'm the Assistant Tatsumi sempai at Nagoya University, I came here to ask you to leave, because I shall return tomorrow to take care of the experiments We Let -



The POV Morinaga later Painted The Sky with a color slightly red, I was working in the laboratory under Professor KotaroWhile contemplating a person with nicer eyes I've ever seen in my entire life, I could only think that he wanted him to meet you. When he arrived I did not look back, at first I felt a little uncomfortable, but then I could see that his eyes were Honey, Emotion and at the same time, a Deep sadness,I couldn't help feeling intrigued by wanting to know more about this strange person. Once introduced himself, explaining that he wanted to join our Research for a while, the teacher introduced me as his assistant:

- This is my Assistant, Tetsuhiro Morinaga, is an excellent and Outstanding Student of the Assistant

- University - not so sensei Kotaro.Tetsuhiro Morinaga, take care of me please Tatsumi San -

The Girl from Tatsumi San looked at me Curiously, he was very outgoing verging on rude, asked us to show you the University, although this would have to wait for the next day, as night fell to the notes of the show we were doing research.Similarly, all appliances and things that we had to investigate. Appeared to be very smart people clearly understand everything we Teach them, we put forward several points of view, not imagined, helping greatly to our work. Once finished the day's work, we asked for suggestions of places to stay. Not yet well known as FukuokaI offered my house to spend the night, because I thought that it was too late to look for accommodation.

to be near this man gave me a Strange feeling, the last time I felt something like it ended badly, I must get away from these dirty thoughts, everything will be fine as long as they avoid Thinking these things.

you to my house to rest,They also say something about the three dinner and chatted a bit, but in a way was very strange, The Girl Named Hikari seemed interrogated me:

- you live with your parents, I never thought in study in another place?

- - I have no reason to leave, I have everything I need here, my family, my fiancee and School -

- have a fiancee? I Don't think so,Why in such a hurry to get married? You're still very young -

- We already have several years of dating and our families are friends, so I think it is time to settle down. In fact, we're gonna get married when I left school, my parents are already planning the wedding -

you are a couple or something, they seem to be very United -

no Tatsumi sempai is my friend, and a Great Teacher.From what I have learned a lot in the experiments, we're both single and without compromise -

- I have not heard you Tatsumi San, what brings you to this place so far from home, really is so Passionate about his Research?

- ETO -... I came here to meet other research that might help me with what I do in NagoyaIt is always good to exchange knowledge and views on Science, this makes it more rewarding, you are so smart that you always Surprise me with the things you do in the lab -

- huh? Funny you should say that, it just says Kotaro Sensei -

this is Weird, man, when I see the eyes, I miss them, I know

.They spent the night talking about us and Investigations. To be later moved to the guest room, I went to sleep, but I felt Restless, I couldn't sleep for thinking in the face of that Handsome Man, his gaze as passionate as I was, if you touch me, I can't believe I have these dirty thoughts into a man again,I promised to take the Right Path. You'd better go to take some water to cool my thoughts. I walked a Little, in the darkness of my house, My Eyes became accustomed to the Dim Light, so that clash with Tatsumi San falling on top of him, and I felt your body Tremble at having him so close. The Groan escaped his mouth when all seemed so sensualMy face burned with Shame, My Heart raced, My Eyes became accustomed to the little light that came from the street, so I could see his eyes full of Desire, so that for the first time in years I felt the need to prove the lips of another man, because his face was coming soon at the mine, Without much thought, pose a bit My Lips to him,I felt his warmth, I immediately Left His mouth and said:

I'm sorry Tatsumi San was an accident, it won't Happen Again -

I Ran to my room to get desperately, I couldn't get it out of My Head, even My Body responds, I'm so hot, I'm not supposed to do this but my body asks me. The tumescent felt Hurt a Little, you know,Starting to rub with one hand while I thought that man wearing the shirt Open showing his white Chest, with its pretty nipples, remember the tender warmth in his lips LED me to orgasm more quickly than expected, also because I had a long time since I played, because this is something embarrassing especially because I always thinking about men,Should do what others think about my dear and Chizuru.
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