Mi corazón empezó a acelerarse de tantos nervios, de tanta rabia que sentía. Me quedé mirándolos fijamente. Definitivamente, eso era una tortura. Simplemente quería matar a Morinaga a golpes y a la chica decirle que se vaya a la mierda, pero... ya era suficiente humillación. Me aguanté con todas mis fuerzas, intenté escuchar su conversación, pero sus voces no se oían hasta detrás de los árboles donde Taiga y yo estábamos escondidos. Poco a poco me calmé respirando hondo. Me sequé los ojos para no hacer un drama y de pronto... Morinaga y su novia se tomaron de las manos y empezaron a caminar. Estaba seguro que se irían a la nueva casa de Morinaga.
-Se mueven. Tenemos que seguirlos, Taiga. ¡Vamos!- indiqué saliendo del escondite.
No podía dejar que se me escape esta oportunidad. Tenía que saber dónde rayos se estaba alojando ahora. Di la orden para empezar a movernos, pero... al dar un par de pasos... no té que ella no me seguía.
-¡Taiga, muévete!- insistí sin perder de vista a Morinaga.
-...- no me respondió.
Le grité, pero cuando volteé a verla... me quedé aterrorizado con lo que vi. No supe cómo reaccionar ante eso. Tan solo me quedé inmóvil.
-So... Souichi...- intentó hablar –Ayúdame... ayúdame, por favor- estaba llorando.
-Por favor... por favor...- suplicaba.
La sangre no para de salir. No entiendo por qué pasa esto. Yo la cuidé bien, entonces se supone que todo debería estar bien. Entonces... ¿por qué está sucediendo esto?
Taiga estaba de pie, con las piernas abiertas y un poco agachada. Las piernas le temblaban, sus manos sujetaban su enorme vientre y... mucha sangre salía desde su entrepierna.
Tragué grueso y me percaté que había dejado de ver a Morinaga un buen rato. Volteé a ver dónde estaban y ya casi los perdía de vista por lo lejos que se encontraban. Entonces pensé que en ese momento Taiga era más importante.
¿Qué hago? Si ayudo a Taiga, le perderé el rastro a Morinaga y nunca sabré dónde vive. Pero si sigo a Morinaga, Taiga morirá. Maldición... "la oportunidad de descubrir el nuevo hogar de Morinaga"... puede que nunca la vuelva a tener; pero... ¿qué hay de Taiga? Tengo que tomar una decisión. ¿Taiga o Morinaga? ¿Taiga o Morinaga? ... ¡Mierda! Qué estoy diciendo. No puedo dejar morir a una chica embarazada por un hombre que ya me olvidó. Mi decisión está clara. Es... ¡Taiga!
Pensé rápido, me acerqué a ella y la cagué en mis brazos. Ella acurrucó su cabeza en mi pecho y lloró en silencio, mientras yo corría en búsqueda de un taxi.
No sé por qué ni cómo pasó esto, pero... de alguna forma me siento culpable. Resiste, Taiga, resiste.
Por suerte, conseguí un taxi cerca y le exigí que me llevara urgente al hospital más cercano. Al ver la sangre, el conductor se puso nervioso y empezó a conducir lo más rápido que pudo sin hacer ninguna pregunto. De hecho... la sangre no dejaba de salir, pero no me importó que mi ropa de ensuciara. Sentía que era mi deber proteger a Taiga. Mientras tanto, ella poco a poco de quedó dormida.
Apenas llegamos grité desesperado y los doctores me atendieron. Se llevaron a Taiga en una camilla, pero a mí no me dejaron pasar al área de emergencias. Como siempre, era yo quien se quedaba en la sala de espera.
Ahí estaba yo. Desesperado, asustado, culpable, con la ropa sucia, sentado en una silla, respirando aceleradamente, con los codos en mis rodillas, y con las manos en mi cabeza.
-Mierda, Taiga. ¿Vas a ayudarme o vas a ofenderme?-
-Solo quiero irme a casa-
-¡Dije que no! Te doy alojamiento, te alimento, te cuido y me encargo de ti. Por lo menos ayúdame cuando te lo pido-
-Me siento mal-
-Me siento mal. Llévame a casa-
Recordé perfectamente sus palabras. Ella me dijo que quería irse a casa, ella me advirtió que se sentía mal; y... yo no le hice caso. ¿Por qué fui tan irresponsable? ¿Por qué la ignoré? ¿Por qué hice algo tan horrible? TODO ES MI CULPA. Debí escucharla, debí llevarla a casa, debí haberla cuidado mejor; pero en vez de eso... la obligué a venir conmigo a hacer algo estúpido solo por mis caprichos. Por mi culpa Morinaga está amnésico, y por mi culpa la vida de Taiga y su hija se rigen entre la vida y la muerte. ¿Qué clase de persona soy? Dios, sé que no he sido una buena persona y sé que todo lo malo que me pasa me lo tengo bien merecido, pero... el castigo es para mí; no para Taiga. Por favor, no permitas que nada malo le pase. Ella no tiene la culpa de mis errores. Por favor, por favor, por favor.
~Sempai... Sempai... Sempai...~
~Hola, Sempai... Hola, Sempai... Hola Sempai...~
~Soy Morinaga... Soy Morinaga... Soy Morinaga~
Otra vez vuelvo a escuchar esa voz mía animada en mi mente. No era muy claro, puesto que la escuchaba en eco. Es muy raro. No recuerdo haber dicho nada de eso, pero... también una imagen mía con una estúpida sonrisa se me aparece al compas de mi "dulce" voz.
-Tetsuhiro... Tetsuhiro... ¡TETSUHIRO!-
-¿Ah? ¿Sí?- reaccioné.
-¿Qué pasó? Te fuiste por unos segundos-
-Es que... no sé...-
-Sigues pensando en él ¿cierto?-
-¿En quién?-
-En ese chico cuatro ojos que me contaste-
-Ah. No...-
-Ya te dije que si sigue molestándote, vayas con la policía-
-Ya le advertí que no se vuelva a acercar a mí, y desde ese entonces no lo ha hecho-
-Pues no confío en él. Es un acosador-
-Relájate y no empieces con tus estúpidos celos-
-¿Cómo no voy a estar celosa si me dijiste que se te confesó?-
-Pero lo desprecié ¿de acuerdo?- aclaré –Tú eres la que está conmigo ahora- me irrité.
-Ay ya, amor. Dejemos de discutir y disfrutemos nuestra primera cita oficial como novios- se emocionó.
-No sé por qué te emociona este tipo de cosas. Es solo una cita-
-Pero tú me gustas mucho, Tetsuhiro-
-Dime algo lindo ¿sí?-
-No empieces con la cursilería-
-Eres un amargado- hizo un puchero –Pero eso me gusta, amor- rió.
-Como digas- rolé los ojos.
La chica con la que estaba cenando era mi nueva novia. Apenas teníamos una semana de relación y ya empezaba con sus cursilerías de novios. Era lo que más odiaba. Sinceramente no estaba enamorado de ella, pero... de que estaba buena... ESTABA BUENA.
Ahora que lo pienso... han pasado varios días y no he sabido nada de Tatsumi. Creo que definitivamente lo asusté con eso de la denuncia por acoso. Buenos, es mejor así. Aunque a decir verdad... me hubiera gustado que conociera a mi nueva novia. Así lo convencía totalmente que yo soy heterosexual, y no un maldito gay como él afirma.
Al cabo de una hora... el doctor que me atendió salió para darme las noticias. Me puse de pie e inmediatamente me le acerqué...
-Por favor, doctor, dígame cómo está-
-¿Usted es el esposo de la paciente?-
-Eh... no. Soy solo un amigo-
-¿Usted la trajo aquí?-
-Sí, así es. Mi nombre es Tatsumi, pero vayamos al grano, doctor. ¿Qué cosa le pasó a Taiga?-
-Bien, Tatsumi-san, seré breve- se aclaró la garganta y revisó unos papeles -Desgraciadamente, la paciente Taiga Asuka... acaba de tener una amenaza de aborto-
-¿QUÉ?- me sorprendí –No puede ser... ¿PERO POR QUÉ?-
-Tatsumi-san, cálmese, por favor-
-¿Qué me calme? ¡Cómo es posible que me pida eso si Taiga acaba de perder a su hija!-
-Déjeme explicarle la situación. Más que una amenaza de aborto... esto fue una hemorragia del tercer trimestre; es decir, que la paciente ha podido perder al bebé por una rotura uterina, rotura de vasos previos, entre otras cosas, pero el caso de Taiga fue una amenaza de parto prematuro a causa de unas contracciones adelantadas-
-¿Contracciones adelantadas?-
-Es un caso muy raro. Le sucede a 1 de cada 100 mujeres, pero eso se debe también a los estados psicológicos, físicos y emocionales-
-No comprendo- expresé confundido.
-Una mujer cuando puede dar a luz en cualquier momento, no debe estar bajo presión, ni alterada, ni recibir impresiones muy fuertes y menos forzarse a muchos movimientos físicos por sí misma-
-No lo sabía...- expresé cabizbajo –Pobre su hija. No tiene la culpa de haber muerto a causa de otros-
-¿Muerta? Yo jamás dije que alguien había fallecido- aclaró.
-¿Ah no?-
-La paciente y su hija se encuentran a salvo. Logramos controlar la hemorragia y ya todo está bien-
-Gracias, doctor - expresé aliviado.
-De hecho, ya están pasando a la paciente a piso, pero deberá quedarse en observación toda la noche por si su embarazo se complica-
-Está bien. No hay problema-
Aunque la hija de Taiga, "Maggie", se haya salvado... eso no quita que todo esto... sea mi culpa.
My heart started to accelerate from so many nerves, so angry that he felt. I stared at them securely. That was definitely a torture. He simply wanted to kill Morinaga blows and the girl tell you to go to hell, but... it was enough humiliation. I held on with all my strength, I tried to listen to their conversation, but their voices could be heard not even behind the trees where Taiga and I were hiding. Little by little I calmed down I breath in deep. I wiped the eyes to do a drama and soon... Morinaga and his girlfriend were taken from his hands and began to walk. I was sure that they would go to the new home of Morinaga.-Move. We have to follow them, Taiga. Come on! - I stated coming out of hiding.You could not miss this opportunity to escape me. You had to know where Ray was staying now. I gave the order to start to move, but... to give a couple of steps... not tea that she I not still.-Taiga, move you! - insisted without losing sight of Morinaga.-...-did not answer me.-Taiga!-I yelled, but when I turn to see it... I was terrified with what I saw. I didn't know how to react to that. Just stayed still.-So... Souichi...-tried to talk - help me... help me, please - I was crying.-...--Please... Please...-He begged.The blood not to leave. I don't understand why this happens. I took care it well, then everything should be OK. Then... Why is this happening?Taiga was standing with legs open and slightly down. Legs trembled, her hands held his huge belly and... lot of blood came out from his crotch.I swallowed thickly and I realized that it was no longer see Morinaga a good time. Turn to see where they were and already almost lost them view by the far ones. Then I thought that at the time Taiga was more important.What should I do? If I help Taiga, lose you the trace to Morinaga and will never know where she lives. But if I continue to Morinaga, Taiga will die. Curse... "the opportunity to discover the new home of Morinaga"... you can never return it to be; but... What about Taiga? I have to make a decision. Taiga or Morinaga? Taiga or Morinaga? ... Shit! What I'm saying. I can not kill a girl pregnant by a man who I've already forgotten. My decision is clear. Is Taiga!...I thought fast, I approached her and screwed her up in my arms. She snuggled her head into my chest and wept in silence, while I was in search of a taxi.I don't know why or how this happened, but... somehow I feel guilty. Resists, Taiga, resists.Luckily, I got a taxi nearby and demanded him to take me to the nearest hospital urgently. Seeing blood, driver became nervous and started to drive as fast that could do no wonder. Indeed... the blood didn't work out, but I did not care that my clothes of stain. I felt it was my duty to protect Taiga. Meanwhile, she's gradually went to sleep.Soon as we arrived I shouted desperate and doctors attended to me. Taiga is carried on a stretcher, but I did not let me move to the area of emergency. As always, it was me who was in the waiting room.There I was. Desperate, frightened, guilty, dirty clothes, seated in a Chair, breathing rapidly, with elbows on my knees, and hands on my head.-Shit, Taiga. You gonna help me or you will offend me?--Just wants to go home--I told you no! I give you accommodation, you food, you take care and I'm responsible for you. At least help me when I ask you--I feel bad--...--Souichi!--What!--I feel bad. Take me home--Wait for you--Souichi!--Shhhh!-I remembered his words perfectly. She told me that she wanted to go home, she warned me that he was wrong; and... I didn't you case. Why was I so irresponsible? Why I ignored it? Why I do something so horrible? EVERYTHING IS MY FAULT. I should listen to it, I should take her home, I should have it care better; but instead I... forced it to come with me to do something stupid just for my whims. By my fault Morinaga is amnesiac, and due to my life of Taiga and her daughter are governed between life and death. What kind of person am I? God, I know that I have not been a good person and I know that everything bad that happens to me I have it well deserved, but... the punishment is for me; not for Taiga. Please, don't let anything bad happens. She doesn't have the guilt of my mistakes. Please, please, please.POV MORINAGA~ Sempai... Sempai... Sempai... ~~ Hi, Sempai... Hello, Sempai... Hello Sempai... ~~ I am Morinaga... I am Morinaga... I am Morinaga ~Again I come back to hear that my animated voice in my mind. It was not very clear, since I heard it echo. It is very rare. Not remember saying anything like that, but... also a my image with a stupid smile appears me to the beat of my "sweet" voice.-Tetsuhiro... Tetsuhiro... TETSUHIRO! --Do Ah? Yes? - I responded.-What happened? You went for a few seconds--Is that... I know...--Still thinking about it right?--In who?--In Guy four eyes that told me --Ah. No... --I told if it is still bothering you, you go to the police--Already warned him that it does not become closer to me, and since then he has not done so--Because I do not trust him. He is a stalker--Relax and not start with your stupid jealousy --How does not will I be jealous if I told you he confessed?-- But desprecié okay? - had - you are the one who is with me now - I irrité.-Oh, love. Let's discuss and enjoy our first official appointment as bride and groom - was moved.-I don't know why this kind of thing excites you. It is only an appointment-- But I like you very much, Tetsuhiro--AHA...--Tell me something nice Yes?--Do not start with the kitsch--You are a bitter - made a stew - but I like, love - laughed.- As you say - rolé eyes.The girl that was having dinner was my new girlfriend. We just had a week of relationship and already beginning with their affectation of bride and groom. It was what most hated. Honestly I wasn't in love with her, but... that was good... IT WAS GOOD.Now that I think about it... it's been several days and I have not heard anything from Tatsumi. I think that definitely I got scared him with that complaint for harassment. Good, is better as well. Although to tell the truth... I would like to know my new girlfriend. So he convinced so completely that I am heterosexual, and not a damn gay as he says.POV SEMPAIAfter an hour... the doctor that I attended went to give me the news. I was standing and I immediately went...-Please, doctor, tell me how it is--Are you the husband of the patient--Eh... not. I'm just a friend--Did you bring it here?--Yes, so. My name is Tatsumi, but let's get to the point, doctor. What happened to Taiga?--Well, Tatsumi-san, I will be brief - the throat was clarified and revised some papers - unfortunately, the Taiga Asuka patient... just had a threatened miscarriage --Do that? - I was surprised - it cannot be... but why?--Tatsumi-san, calm down, please--Do I calm? Is it possible to ask me that if Taiga has just lost his daughter!--Let me explain the situation. More that a threat of abortion... This was a hemorrhage in the third quarter; i.e., that the patient has been losing the baby by a uterine rupture, breakage of previous vessels, among other things, but the case of Taiga was a threat of premature labor because of a few contractions ahead--Advanced contractions?--It is a very rare case. It happens to 1 in every 100 women, but that is also due to psychological, physical and emotional - States-Do not understand - confused expressed.-A woman when you can give birth at any time, should not be under pressure, or altered, or receive very strong impressions and less force to many physical movements by itself--Did not...-expressed crestfallen - poor daughter. It is not your fault have died because of others--Do dead? I never said that someone had died - he explained.-Ah not?--The patient and her daughter are safe. We were able to control bleeding and everything is already well--Thank you doctor - expressed relief.-In fact, they are already moving the patient to the floor, but you must stay in observation all night if your pregnancy is complicated--It's okay. No problem-Although the daughter of Taiga, "Maggie", save it... that removes all this... is not my fault.
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..

My heart began to race as many nerves, so much anger I felt. I was staring at them. Definitely, that was torture. Morinaga simply wanted to kill the girl to death and tell him to go to hell, but ... it was enough humiliation. I endured with all my strength, I tried to hear their conversation, but their voices are not being heard behind the trees to where Taiga and I were hiding. Gradually I calmed down a deep breath. I wiped my eyes not to make a drama and suddenly ... Morinaga and his girlfriend held hands and began to walk. I was sure would go to the new home of Morinaga. He moved. We have to follow them Taiga. Come on - I pointed out the hiding place. He could not let this opportunity escape me. I had to know where the hell was staying now. I gave the order to start moving, but ... to give a couple of steps ... no tea she did not follow me. -¡Taiga, move -. insisted without losing sight of Morinaga -...- not I replied. -¡Taiga - I screamed, but when I turned to see her ... I was terrified by what I saw. I did not know how to react to that. I just stood still. -So ... Souichi ...- tried to speak Help me ... help me, please- was crying. -...- 'Please ... please ...- begged. Blood does not to leave. I do not understand why this happens. I took good care, then it is assumed that everything should be fine. So ... why it is this happening? Taiga was standing with his legs apart and slightly bent. The legs were shaking, his hands were holding his big belly and ... a lot of blood coming out from his crotch. I swallowed thick and realized he had stopped seeing Morinaga a good time. I turned to see where they were and I almost lost sight of how far we were. Then I thought at that time was more important Taiga. What do I do? If I help Taiga, I lose track of Morinaga and never know where you live. But if I follow Morinaga, Taiga die. Damn ... "the opportunity to discover the new home of Morinaga" ... you may never get it again; but ... what about Taiga? I have to make a decision. ¿Taiga or Morinaga? ¿Taiga or Morinaga? ... Fuck! What am I saying. I can not help dying pregnant by a man who has forgotten me girl. My decision is clear. It is ... Taiga! I'm fast, I approached her and fucked up in my arms. She snuggled her head on my chest and wept silently, while I ran in search of a taxi. I do not know why or how this happened, but ... somehow I feel guilty. Hold on, Taiga, you resist. Luckily, I got a taxi near and demanded urgent to take me to the nearest hospital. Seeing the blood, the driver became nervous and started driving as fast as I could without making wonder. In fact ... the blood flowed out, but I did not care that my clothes get dirty. I felt it was my duty to protect Taiga. Meanwhile, she gradually fell asleep. Just got yelled desperate and doctors treated me. Taiga were carried on a stretcher, but I did not let go the emergency area. As always, it was me who was in the waiting room. There I was. Desperate, frightened, guilty, dirty clothes, sitting in a chair, breathing fast, his elbows on my knees, with his hands on my head. Shit, Taiga. Are you going to help me or you'll offend - just want to go home- -¡Dije not! I give you accommodation, you feed, you care and take care of you. At least help me when I pido- what I feel evil -...- -¡Souichi - 'What - I feel bad. Take me home- -Espérate- -¡Souichi - -¡Shhhh - perfectly remembered his words. She told me she wanted to go home, she told me she felt bad; and I ... I did not listen. Why was I so irresponsible? Why I ignored? Why did something so horrible? IT'S ALL MY FAULT. I should listen to it, I should take her home, I should not have better care; but instead ... I made her come with me to do something stupid just to my whims. Morinaga is my fault amnesiac, and because of me life Taiga and her daughter are governed between life and death. What kind of person am I? God, I know I have not been a good person and I know that everything bad that happens to me I would have well deserved, but ... the punishment is for me; not to Taiga. Please do not let anything bad happen. She is not to blame for my mistakes. Please, please, please. Morinaga POV ~ Sempai ... Sempai ... Sempai ... ~ ~ Hello, Sempai ... Hello ... Hello Sempai ... Sempai ~ ~ am Morinaga ... I'm ... I'm Morinaga Morinaga ~ Again I listen that my voice animated in my mind. It was not clear, since the echo heard. It's very weird. I do not remember saying anything like that, but ... also an image of me with a stupid grin appears to me the beat of my "sweet" voice. -Tetsuhiro ... Tetsuhiro ... Tetsuhiro - Ah? Yes - I reacted. What happened? You went for a few seconds ... It's that I do not know ...- You're still thinking about it is not it - 'Who - 'In that four-eyed boy who contaste- me Oh. No ...- 'I told you that if you keep bothering you, go with the police -and I warned him not to bring me back, and since then he has not done- Well, I do not trust him. It is a acosador- Relax and do not start with your stupid jealousy How can I not be jealous if you told me that you confessed - But what despised okay - cleared 'You're the one who's with me now- I irritated me. Oh ya, love. Let's discuss and enjoy our first official appointment as novios- was thrilled. I do not know why you're excited this kind of thing. Is just one cited But I like you a lot, Tetsuhiro- Aha ...- Tell me something nice yes - Do not start with cursilería- 're a amargado- made a pout But I like that, love - he laughed. As digas- rolled my eyes. The girl I was at dinner was my new girlfriend. Just we had a week and was beginning relationship with their boyfriends corny. It was what he hated. Honestly I was not in love with her, but ... that was good ... WAS GOOD. Now that I think ... it's been several days and I have not heard from Tatsumi. I think definitely scared with that of the harassment complaint. Good, it is best. Although in truth ... I would have liked to meet my new girlfriend. This was totally convinced that I'm heterosexual, and not a damn gay as he claims. SEMPAI POV After an hour ... the doctor who checked me out to give me the news. I stood up and immediately I approached him ... 'Please, doctor, tell me how is- 'You are the husband of the patient - Uh ... no. I'm just a friend 'You brought her here? - Yes, that's right. My name is Tatsumi, but get to the point, Doctor. What else happened to Taiga - Well, Tatsumi-san, I will briefly cleared his throat and reviewed papers' Unfortunately, the patient Taiga Asuka ... just had a threatened abortion What? - It can not be surprised me ... BUT WHY - -Tatsumi-san, calm down, please- What I calm down? How is it possible that if I ask Taiga just lost his daughter - Let me explain the situation. More than a threat of abortion ... this was a hemorrhage of the third quarter; that is, that the patient has been losing the baby by a uterine rupture, ruptured vasa previa, among other things, but if Taiga was a threat of premature delivery because of a contraction adelantadas- advanced -¿Contracciones? - - It is a very rare case. It happens to 1 in 100 women, but it is also due to psychological, physical and emotional-states comprendo- No I said confused. A woman when she can give birth at any time, should not be under pressure, or altered or receive very strong impressions and less forced many physical movements by herself 'I do not know ...- I expressed Poor crestfallen daughter. He does not have the guilt of having died from others -¿Muerta? I never said that someone had deceased- said. -¿Ah not - -The patient and her daughter are safe. We managed to control bleeding and everything is now well- Thank you, Doctor. - I expressed relief 'In fact, they are already going to the patient floor, but you must stay overnight for observation if your pregnancy is complicated All right. No problem- While Taiga's daughter, "Maggie", has been saved ... that does not mean that this ... is my fault.
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..

My Heart began to accelerate many nerves, so Angry I felt. I was just by staring at them. Definitely, that was torture. I just wanted to kill Morinaga and Shock The Girl tell him to go to Hell, but... It was already enough humiliation. I struggled with all my might, I tried to listen to their conversation.But their voices are not heard until Taiga behind the trees and I were Hidden. I slowly calmed down Breathing deeply. I dried my eyes to not make a Drama and soon... Morinaga and his girlfriend joined hands and began to walk. I was sure that would be the New Home of Morinaga.
- Move. We have to follow them, taiga. Come on! - indicated out of hiding.
I couldn't let this opportunity slip. I had to know where the hell was staying now. I gave the order to start to move, but... To take a couple of steps... No tea she followed me.
- taiga, move! - I insisted without losing sight of Morinaga.
I responded. Taiga!
I yelled at him, but when I looked up to see her... I was terrified by what I saw.I didn't know how to react to that. I just froze.
th... Souichi... I tried to talk –Ayúdame... Please help me, I was crying.
please... Please... - begging.
not out for Blood. I Don't understand why this is happening. I took good care, then it is assumed that everything should be fine. Then... Why is this happening?
Taiga was standingWith legs open and a Little Down. His Legs trembled, his hands holding his enormous Belly and... Blood came from his crotch.
it thick and I noticed she had stopped seeing Morinaga to a good time. I turned to see where they were and I almost lost sight of how far they were. Then I Thought in that moment Taiga was more important.
what do I do?If helped Taiga, you lose the trail to Morinaga and never know where he lives. But if I'm to Morinaga, taiga will die. Damn it... " The opportunity to discover the New Home of Morinaga "... You can never take back, but... What about Taiga? I have to make a decision or Morinaga. Taiga? Taiga or Morinaga? ... Shit! What I'm saying.I can't let you die a girl pregnant by a man that I forgot. My decision is clear. Is... Taiga!
I thought quickly, I went up to her and I screwed up in my arms. She crouched his head on my chest and Wept in Silence while I was in search of a taxi. I Don't know why or how this happened, but... Somehow I feel guilty. Hang on, taiga,
hopefully, resists.I got a taxi near and demanded urgent to take me to the nearest hospital. At the sight of Blood, the driver got nervous and started to drive as fast as he could without any Wonder. In fact... The Blood kept out, but I didn't care that my clothes dirty. I felt it was my duty to protect Taiga. Meanwhile, she gradually fell asleep.I just got Desperate and Doctors attended to me. Taiga is carried on a Stretcher, but refused to let me go to the emergency room. As always, I was the one who stayed in the waiting room.
I was. Desperate, Frightened, Guilty, with the dirty clothes, sitting in a chair, Breathing Fast, elbows on knees, and hands in my head.- shit, taiga. Are you going to help me or are you gonna be? - Just -
I want to go home - - I said no! I'll give you accommodation, Food, I Care and I take care of you. At least help me when I ask you - - I feel bad -
- Souichi. -
! -
I'm sick. Take Me Home -
- Souichi - - Wait! -
- Shhhh! -
I remembered his words perfectly. She told me that she wanted to go home,She warned me that I was sick; and... I didn't listen. Why Was I SO irresponsible? Why do I? Why did something so horrible? It's all my fault. I should have listened to her, I should take her home, should have Better Care, but instead... I made you come with me to do something stupid just to my Whims. My Fault Morinaga's Amnesiac.And because the Life of Taiga and his daughter are between Life and death. What kind of person am I? God, I know I haven't been a good person and I know that everything bad that happens to me I have well deserved, but... The punishment is for me; not to Taiga. Please, Don't let anything bad happen to him. She is not to blame for my mistakes. Please, please, please.
~ sempai Morinaga POV...Sempai... Sempai...
~ ~ Hello, sempai... Hello, sempai... Hello sempai... ~ ~
I'm Morinaga. I'm Morinaga. Morinaga ~
I'm again I hear my voice in my mind that Lively. It was not very clear, since Listening for Echoes. It is very rare. I Don't remember Having said anything, but... A picture of me with a stupid Smile appears to me the sound of my voice "Sweet" -.
Tetsuhiro...Tetsuhiro... Tetsuhiro! -
Oh? Yeah? - again. - What happened? You went for a few seconds -
- is... I Don't know...
- still thinking about him, right? -
? - That Kid
- in four Eyes told me -
Oh. -
- I already told you that if he keeps bothering you, go to the police -
- i warn you not to come Near Me, and since then has not done -
- I Don't trust him.A Stalker -
- relax and don't start with your Stupid Jealousy -
- how could I not be Jealous if you told me that you confessed? -
but you Despised? - If you're that is with Me Now - I was. - Oh, Love. Stop Arguing and enjoy our First Official date as you get excited. - I Don't know why you're excited about this kind of stuff. It's just a date -
- but you like me much, Tetsuhiro -
- - Uh - yes tell me something nice? - Don't start with
- kitsch you Bitter - made a pot but I Like Love - laughed. - as you say -
rolé Eyes. The girl that I was eating my new girlfriend. We had Barely a week and already started with their crap Boyfriends. It was what I hated MOST.I wasn't in love with her, but... That was good... Was good.
I After several days, and I haven't heard of Tatsumi. I definitely think I scare you with that of the harassment complaint. Good, IT's better this way. But to tell you the Truth... I'd like you to meet my new girlfriend. So fully convinced that I'm Straight.And don't fucking gay as he claims. Pov sempai
after one hour. The doctor took me out to give me the News. I stood up and I immediately approached him...
please doctor, tell me, how's
- - You are the spouse of the patient? -
- Uh... No. I'm just a Friend -
- You brought her here?
- - Yes, it is. My name is Tatsumi, but let's get to the point, doctor.What happened to Taiga?
- - Well, Tatsumi San, i'il be brief - cleared his throat and revised Papers - Unfortunately, the patient Taiga Asuka... Just having a threatened Abortion -
- What? - I was surprised - can be... But why? Tatsumi San -
please calm down. - Calm down? How can you ask that if Taiga has just lost her daughter.
- Let me explain the situation. More than a threatened Abortion. This was a Third trimester Bleeding; i.e., the patient has been able to lose the baby for a uterine rupture, rupture of vessels prior to, among other things, but the case of Taiga was a preterm labor contractions developed because of some -
- contractions developed? -
- is a very rare case.Happens to 1 out of every 100 women, but should also states that psychological, Physical, and Emotional -
I confused. When a woman could give birth any time, should not be under pressure, or altered, nor receive Impressions very strong and less Force many physical Movement itself -
I was Crestfallen "Poor... - your daughter.Is not the fault of others have died -
- Dead? I Never said that someone had died - clarified.
- ah not? -
- patient and her daughter are safe. We control The bleeding and all is well -
thank you, doctor - i relieved.
- in fact, we are turning to the patient to ground, but must stay overnight If Your Pregnancy is complicated -
- IT's okay. No problem -
although the daughter of Taiga, "Maggie", has been saved. That does not mean that all this... It's my fault.
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