POV MORINAGAEn eso, la puerta del salón se volvió a abrir y... ¿PROFES dịch - POV MORINAGAEn eso, la puerta del salón se volvió a abrir y... ¿PROFES Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV MORINAGAEn eso, la puerta del s


En eso, la puerta del salón se volvió a abrir y... ¿PROFESOR DE REEMPLAZO?... UN MOMENTO... NO PUEDE SER... ES... ¡SEMPAI!

¿Pero qué rayos hace Sempai aquí?... ¿Él... él será nuestro profesor? ¿Él nos va a enseñar? ¿Ahora lo veré todos los días?, me pregunté cada vez más nervioso. Todos los alumnos se pararon por respeto e hicieron una reverencia como muestra de un saludo... todos menos yo. Sempai ingresó al aula, cerró la puerta tras de sí y se puso en medio. Mientras caminaba noté que me miró de reojo por 3 segundos y luego volteó. Agarró una tiza y escribió en la pizarra su nombre: "Tatsumi Souichi"...

-Buenos días, alumnos... mi nombre es Tatsumi Souichi, como podrán ver en la pizarra, por favor llámenme Tatsumi-san o Tatsumi-sensei si gustan-

-Buenos días Tatsumi-sensei- dijeron todos en coro.

Como había mencionado, todo estaban de pie siendo partícipes del nuevo profesor de reemplazo, mientras que yo estaba sentado en la carpeta con la cabeza gacha sin importarme nada de lo que estuviera sucediendo hasta que...-

-¿Disculpe... Morinaga-san?-

-¿Profesor Fukushima?-

-Qué pequeño es el mundo Morinaga-san, no sabía que estaba tomando el curso-

-Jeje... si bueno... así es-

-Felicitaciones- sonrió y luego cambió el tema –Por otro lado... podría saber, ¿por qué es el único que no se ha parado a saludar a Tatsumi-kun?-

No... maldita sea... justo lo que faltaba. El profesor Fukushima me iba a obligar a hacer contacto con Sempai nuevamente. No sabía qué decir, qué responder, cuál iba a ser mi reacción y encima en frente de Sempai. Opción no tuve más que responder sin dejar notar mi nerviosismo y depresión...

-Disculpe- me puse de pie en absoluto silencio.

-Morinaga-san como usted ya conoce a Tatsumi-kun usted será quién le explique la manera operar en la clase, qué temas han avanzado, qué es lo que toca repasar, entre otras cosas que le pida el nuevo profesor y…-

-¿QUÉ? ¿POR QUÉ YO?- reaccioné de una manera inesperada, pues obviamente todo lo que me explicó significa tener bastante contacto con Sempai.

-Eh… ¿algún problema Morinaga-san?-

-Ah…. Este… no… pero… por… por qué debo ser yo-

-Porque como le repito es el que más conoce a Tatsumi-kun y estoy seguro que le será de mucha ayuda, será como el delegado de la clase- volteó para ver a Sempai –¿Le parece bien, Tatsumi-kun o tiene algún inconveniente?-

-Claro que no. Me parece perfecto que haya puesto a Morinaga como el delegado- me miró fijamente y sonrió como declarando victoria.

Claro Sempai… a ti no te afecta, pero ¡A MÍ SÍ! Las cosas no se podían poner peor; es decir, yo hago todo lo posible para evitar hacer contacto con Sempai, no le contesto las llamadas, lo bloqueé de mi correo electrónico, me mudé a casa de Hiroto, hago mi curso de titulación para irme para siempre de Nagoya y ¿qué sucede ahora? Sempai se convierte en mi profesor y voy a tener que verle la cara y encima hablarle TODOS LOS DÍAS, bueno… de Lunes a Viernes. Estoy seguro que lo hizo apropósito, porque a esa hora él está en el laboratorio con sus experimentos; además, él no perdería su tiempo enseñando a otras personas… esto es muy raro. La verdad que no entiendo a Sempai; es decir, se va a casar con Yuki, ya me dijo las verdaderas razones por las que lo hace, ya dijo lo que pensaba sobre mí….. entonces… ¿para qué rayos me sigue buscando?

Luego que el profesor Fukushima nos dio unas últimas indicaciones, procedió a retirarse del salón, dejándonos solos con Sempai o mejor dicho con Tatsumi-sensei. El ambiente se puso un poco tenso, hubo un profundo silencio. Los alumnos, incluyéndome, seguíamos de pie y Sempai se dirigía al escritorio para tomar asiento. Al parecer él también estaba nervioso, sobre todo por mi presencia…

-Eh… bueno. Voy a pasar lista- se aclaró la garganta y abrió un folder –Cuando diga sus nombres por favor, respondan y preséntense hablando un poco sobre ustedes, creo que es una buena forma de romper el hielo-

Era la primera actividad que propuso Sempai y así comenzó la clase. Cada uno se fue presentando y como éramos pocos alumnos no tardamos mucho. Todo estaba tranquilo, los alumnos se entusiasmaban en presentarse y Sempai no les prestaba mucha atención hasta que en la lista se topó con mi nombre…

-Morinaga Tetsuhiro- llamó y mi turno llegó.

-Presente- fui cortante.

-Por favor, habla un poco a la clase sobre ti-

-Bueno, qué puedo decir. Mi nombre es Tetsuhiro, tengo casi 22 años de edad, vengo de un pueblo llamado Fukuoka y me gradué de la carrera de agricultura-

-Qué planes tienes para el futuro- preguntó un compañero entusiasmado, cosa que interesó a Sempai, pues él también quería saber.

-Para el futuro… ja… no lo sé- suspiré, miré a la nada y hablé un poco desanimado –Tengo pensado irme de Nagoya-

-¿Qué?... ¿Ir… irte?- Sempai se quedó atónito, no sé por qué se sorprendía si él ya lo sabía –Pero… por qué-

-Porque…. ese es el problema. Digamos que hay PERSONAS que no deseo ver- enfaticé mirando a Sempai de una manera disimulada.

-¿Tienes novia?- preguntó alegremente una chica.

-No- respiré hondo –No tengo novia, pero estuve enamorado de una persona que con el tiempo me di cuenta que no vale la pena; es mejor dejar el pasado atrás- suspiré –Creo que nada más tengo que decir sobre mí, gracias-

-Bueno… gracias por presentarse cada uno… y…-

-¡Tatsumi-sensei! Falta usted- preguntó nuevamente la chica.

-¡Sí! Es su turno- todos comenzaron a animarlo, menos yo.

-De acuerdo…- cerró su folder –A ver… soy Tatsumi Souichi, tengo 26 años, estoy haciendo mi maestría en agricultura…-

-¿Tiene novia?- preguntó la misma chica.

Rayos, había tocado un tema bastante delicado tanto para él como para mí. No, definitivamente no… suficiente tengo con la presencia de Sempai aquí y ahora va a hablar sobre su vida privada. Obviamente me sentí mal, bajé la mirada y solo me quedó escuchar y prepararme para el dolor que iba a sentir…

-Eh… bueno… eso es un poco privado-

-Vamos, sensei, anímese- dijo la misma chica.

-¡Sí! Cuéntenos- gritó otra chica.

-De… de acuerdo- respondió muy nervioso, pues sabía que yo estaba ahí y lo que él iba a decir me iba a afectar mucho –Sí… sí tengo novia, su nombre es Yuki Amane-

-¡Wiiiii! Qué lindo ¿y se van a casar?- preguntaron nuevamente.

-Eh… sí… muy pronto- respondió un poco dudoso.

Todas las chicas se derritieron ante el anuncio de Sempai y los hombres solo lo felicitaron y empezaron a molestarlo de una manera amistosa. Sempai cada vez más se ponía nervioso, ya que no le gusta hablar mucho de sus temas personales con cualquier persona y menos si estaba yo presente. Sempai notó cuando empecé a sentirme muy incómodo así que cambió el tema…

-Bueno, basta de charlas... creo que ya nos relajamos un rato, así que ahora comenzaremos con las clases. En una hoja van a escribir todo lo que han aprendido hasta ahora en la clase de titulación- tal como dijo Sempai, todos sacaron sus cuadernos y empezaron a escribir –Menos tú, Morinaga, como te nombraron el delegado de la clase, me asesorarás en cuanto a los temas que se tocan en el curso. Así que por favor acércate- me llamó calmadamente.

No soy tonto, sé perfectamente que Sempai no me llamaba para hablar de las clases sino para reclamarle sobre la noticia que lo hizo reaccionar; sin embargo, me mantuve firme, sin palabras, frío, con mi cuaderno en mano y me acerqué con un gesto de molestia. Sempai estaba sentado en su escritorio, al parecer mirando el índice del libro, como para disimular que yo me estuviera acercando y cuando llegué al frente de su mesa...

-¿Es broma verdad?-


-Debes estar jugando una maldita broma al hacerte pasar por profesor de la universidad, no puedes hacer eso...-

-CLARO QUE SÍ PUEDO, BAKA- se exaltó, porque no soportó mi conducta insolente, parece que se tomaba muy apecho su papel de maestro –Yo ya hice mi titulación y estoy a mitad de una maestría, por supuesto que puedo enseñar a unos idiotas ignorantes como ustedes-

-Tienes razón, Sempai, soy un idiota ignorante por haberme enamorado de una persona sin sentimientos-

-¡CÁLLATE BAKA! YO SÍ TENGO SENTIMIENTOS- gritó tan fuerte que causó que los alumnos se desconcentraran –Eh... no pasa nada, sigan escribiendo- les dijo a todos.

-Bueno, si no me necesitas me retiro, así que...-

-Cómo...- me interrumpió con la mirada baja y la voz temblorosa –Cómo es que de la noche a la mañana decides irte de Nagoya- mantuvo su voz baja, pero me miró con los ojos llorosos.

-Sem...pai- me quedé sorprendido al verlo quebrarse de esa manera.

-Explícame eso, baka- su respiración también se aceleró -¿Vas... vas a irte de Nagoya?- se le derramó una lágrima.

-Sempai... estás... estás llorando-

-¿Qué?- se dio cuenta y de inmediato se sonrojó y se secó con las mangas –No... no es cierto... no... no estoy llorando... yo...- empezó a balbucear de los nervios.

-No me engañes, Sempai, te conozco muy bien- aún continué siendo frío con él.

-¡No! No me conoces, porque si lo hicieras en verdad sabrías que el irte me causa dolor-

-Ya te lo dije... qué quieres que haga... ¿que me siente a ver cómo te casas con Yuki?-

-No pero...-


-Es que... eres mi amigo, Morinaga, no quiero que te vayas-

-Mira, te diré algo...- respiré hondo –Si en verdad me quieres aunque sea como un amigo, si en verdad me consideras un amigo, si en verdad me ves como un amigo, entonces... déjame ir... déjame buscar mi felicidad en otro lado, déjame olvidarte, déjame ser libre de este dolor, déjame dejar de amarte, déjame volver a... sonreír- mi voz tembló y a penas mis ojos se humedecieron me limpié discretamente –Tomará tiempo pero, sé que algún día lograré olvidarte, así como logré olvidar a Masaki-san-

-No me hables de ese homosexual suicida que lo único que hizo fue jugar contigo-

-Sí, lo sé. Me recuerda a alguien que tengo en frente- miré a Sempai y este se enfureció.

-No me compares con ese estúpido...- me agarró del cuello de mi camisa.

-¡Mira sabes qué! ¡No t
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV MORINAGAIn that, the door of the room turned to open and... do replacement teacher?... One minute... IT MAY NOT BE... ... IS SEMPAI!But what Ray does Sempai here?... He... He is our teacher? Will he we teach? Now I see you every day?, I asked me more and more nervous. The students stood for respect and made a reverence as a sign of a greeting... all but I. Sempai entered the classroom, closed the door after him and stood in the middle. As he walked I noticed that he looked at me askance for 3 seconds and then turned around. He grabbed a chalk and wrote his name on the Blackboard: "Souichi Tatsumi"...-Good morning, students... my name is Tatsumi Souichi, as you will see on the Blackboard, please call me Tatsumi-san or Tatsumi-sensei if you like --Hello sensei-Tatsumi - said everyone in chorus.As I had mentioned, all were standing being participants in the new replacement teacher, while I was sitting in the intently folder regardless of me nothing of what was happening until...--Do excuse me... Morinaga-san?--Professor Fukushima?--Small is the world Morinaga-san, did not know that he was taking the course--Hehe... If good... This is--Congratulations - he smiled and then he changed the subject - on the other hand... could know, why is the only one that has not stopped to say hello to Tatsumi-kun?-No... damn... just what was missing. Professor Fukushima was going to force to make contact with Sempai again. Didn't know what to say, what to say, what would be my reaction and over in front of Sempai. I had no choice rather than respond without notice my nervousness and depression...-Excuse me - I was standing in absolute silence.-Morinaga-san as you already meets to Tatsumi-kun you will be who will explain the way to operate in class, what issues have made progress, what it touches to review, among other things that the new teacher asked and...--WHAT? Why me? - responded in an unexpected manner, because obviously all that explained to me means having enough contact with Sempai.-Eh... trouble Morinaga-san--Ah... This... not... but... by... why should I be I--Because, as I repeat you is that most known Tatsumi-Kun and I am sure that it will be of much help, it will be as the delegate class-turned to see Sempai - you don't mind, Tatsumi-kun or you have a problem?--It is clear that not. It seems perfect to me has been put to Morinaga as delegate - I stared and smiled as declaring victory.Clear Sempai... you do not affect you, but to my Yes! Things could not be worse; i.e., I do everything possible to avoid making contact with Sempai, I don't answer calls, blocked my e-mail, I moved to House of Hiroto, do my degree course to go to Nagoya and what happens now? Sempai is my teacher and I'm going to have to see his face and over speaking every day, good... from Monday to Friday. I am sure that intentional, did so because at that time he is in the lab with his experiments; In addition, he would not lose his time teaching other people... This is very rare. The truth is that I do not understand to Sempai; i.e., will marry Yuki, told me the real reasons why it does so, already said what he thought about me... then... to what Ray is still looking for me?Then that Professor Fukushima gave us some latest indications, were removed from the living room, leaving us alone rather with Tatsumi-sensei or Sempai. The atmosphere was a little tense, there was a profound silence. The students, including myself, were still standing and Sempai was heading to the desktop to take a seat. Apparently he was also nervous, especially by my presence...-Eh... well. I will take attendance - it cleared throat and opened a folder - when please tell their names, respond and be talking a little about you, think it is a good way to break the ice -It was the first activity which proposed Sempai and thus began the class. Each was presenting and we were few students it took not much. Everything was quiet, students were exhilarating in introducing and Sempai not gave them much attention until he encountered my name on the list...-Morinaga Tetsuhiro - called and my turn came.-Present - I was cutting.-Please speak a little class on ti--Well, what can I say. My name is Tetsuhiro, I have almost 22 years old, I come from a town called Fukuoka and I graduated from the career of agriculture--What plans have for the future - asked an excited colleague, thing that interested Sempai, because he also wanted to know.-For the future... ja... I don't know - I sighed, looked at nothing, and talked a little discouraged - I plan to go from Nagoya --What?... go... go? - Sempai was stunned, I don't know why it was surprising if he already knew it - but...--Because... that's the problem. Let's say that there are people that I don't want to see - I stressed looking at Sempai in a disguised way.-Do you have girlfriend? - cheerily asked a girl.--No--took a deep breath - I have No girlfriend, but I was in love with a person that, over time, I realized that not worth it; It is best to leave the past behind - I sighed - I think I have nothing more to say about me, thank you --Well... thank you for submitting each... and...--Tatsumi-sensei! Missing you - again asked the girl.-Yes! It's your turn - everyone began to encourage him, less of me.-Agreement...-closed their folder - see... am Tatsumi Souichi I am 26 years old, I am doing my Masters in agriculture...--Do you have girlfriend? - asked the same girl.Ray, had touched a very sensitive topic both for him and for me. No, definitely not... enough I have with the presence of Sempai here and now going to talk about his private life. Obviously I felt bad, got off the look and it was I just listen and prepare myself for the pain that was going to feel...-Eh... well... that's a little private--Come on, sensei, dare - said the same girl.-Yes! Tell us - cried another girl.-Of... of agreement - responded very nervous, because I knew that I was there and what he was going to say was going to affect much - Yes... yes I have girlfriend, her name is Yuki Amane --Wiiiii! How cute and are going to marry?-asked again.-Eh... Yes... very soon – replied a little doubtful.All the girls are melted at the announcement of Sempai and men only congratulated him and began to molest him in a friendly manner. Sempai ever more became nervous, doesn't like to talk much about their personal matters with any person and less if it was I present. Sempai noticed when I started to feel very uncomfortable so I changed the theme...-Well, no more talks... I think we that now relax for a while, so now we will begin with classes. On a sheet they will write everything what you have learned so far in the class of degree - as Sempai said, everyone took out their notebooks and began writing - less you, Morinaga, as you named the delegate's class, I asesorarás in terms of the topics touched in the course. So please throw you - called me calmly.I'm not dumb, I know perfectly well that Sempai not called me to talk about classes but to claim on the news that made him react; However, I kept me strong, without words, cold, with my notebook in hand and went with a gesture of annoyance. Sempai was sitting on his desk, apparently looking at the index of the book, to disguise that I I was getting closer and when I arrived at the head of his table...-Do really joke?--Apology?--You must be playing a damn joke to make you go through university teacher, you can't do that...--CLEAR that if I can, BAKA - exalted, because it did not withstand my insolent behavior, it seems that it took very apecho its role as master - I already did my degree and am halfway through a master's degree, of course that I teach ignorant idiots like you --You're right, Sempai, I am a stupid ignorant by having fallen in love with a person without feelings--SHUT UP YOU BAKA! I if I have feelings - cried so strong that caused that the students desconcentraran - Eh... not follow anything, writing - he told them all.-Well, if I don't I retire, so...--How...-I interrupted with heads down and trembling voice - is it that night to the morning you decide to leave Nagoya - kept his voice low, but looked at me with watery eyes.-Sem... pai - I was surprised to see him break that way.-Explain that, baka - your breath also accelerated - would go... are going to go from Nagoya?-are you shed a tear.-Sempai... are... are you crying --What? - realized and immediately blushed and dried with sleeves - not... not true... no... no I'm crying... I...-began to babble of nerves.-Do not deceive me, Sempai, I know you very well - still continue to be cold with him.-Not! I do not know, because if you actually did you know that you go cause me pain--Now what I told you... what you want to do... do that you feel me to see how you marry Yuki? --But...--Then--It is you're... my friend, Morinaga, I don't want you to go--Look, I'll tell you something...-took a deep breath - if I really want even as a friend, if indeed I consider a friend, if you really see me as a friend, then... Let me go... Let me search my happiness elsewhere, let me forget, let me be free of this pain, let me love you, let me return to... smile - my voice shook, and barely be touched my eyes I cleaned discreetly - will take time but I know that someday I'll make to forget, as I managed to forget to Masaki-san--Me don't talk about this suicidal homosexual that only thing they did was to play with you--Yes, I know it. Reminds me of someone that I have in front - looked at Sempai and this became enraged.-No me compares with that stupid...-I grabbed the collar of my shirt.-Watch know what! Not t
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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POV Morinaga In that, the classroom door opened again and ... SUBSTITUTE TEACHER? ... Please wait ... can not be ... is ... SEMPAI! But what the hell does Sempai here ? ... He ... he will be our teacher? Is he going to teach us? Now I see him every day ?, I wondered increasingly nervous. All students were stopped by respect and bowed as a sign of a greeting ... all but me. Sempai entered the classroom, closed the door behind him and stood in their midst. While walking I noticed that glanced at me for 3 seconds and then turned. He grabbed a piece of chalk and wrote his name on the blackboard: "Tatsumi Souichi" ... Good morning, my name is ... students Souichi Tatsumi, as you can see on the board, please call me or Tatsumi Tatsumi-san-sensei if gustan- Tatsumi-sensei Good morning all said in chorus. As I mentioned, all participants stood still new replacement teacher while I was sitting in the box with his head down, not caring anything that was happening until ...- Excuse me ... Morinaga-san - -¿Profesor Fukushima - What a small world is Morinaga-san, did not know he was taking the course- Hehe ... yeah well .. . it is- -Felicitaciones- smiled and then changed the subject ... 'On the other side might know why he is the only one that has not stopped to greet Tatsumi-kun - No ... damn .. . just what was missing. Professor Fukushima going to force me to make contact with Sempai again. I did not know what to say, what to say, what would be my reaction and over in front of Sempai. I had no choice but to respond without help but notice my nervousness and depression ... -Disculpe- I stood in absolute silence. -Morinaga-san as you already know you Tatsumi-kun who will explain how to operate in class what issues have advanced, what plays to review, among other things asked the new teacher and ... - What? WHY ME - reacted in an unexpected way, obviously everything explained to me means having enough contact with Sempai. Hey ... any problem Morinaga-san - Ah .... This ... no ... but ... ... why should I be I- Because as I repeat it is the most known Tatsumi-kun and I'm sure he will be helpful, it will be as the delegate of the class he turned to see Sempai 'Do you think well, Tatsumi-kun or have some problems - Of course not. It seems perfect that has put Morinaga as the delegate stared at me and smiled as declaring victory. Sure Sempai ... you do not affect you, but to me if! Things could not get worse; that is, I do everything possible to avoid contact with Sempai, I do not answer calls, I blocked my email, I moved home from Hiroto, I do my degree course to go forever Nagoya and what happens now? Sempai becomes my teacher and I'll have to see his face and talk over EVERY DAY, well ... Monday through Friday. I am sure that he did on purpose, because that's when he's in the lab with his experiments; besides, he would not waste his time teaching other people ... this is very rare. I really do not understand Sempai; that is, is going to marry Yuki, and said the true reasons that you do, and said what he thought about me ... .. then ... why rays I keep looking? After the Fukushima teacher gave us a latest indications, proceeded to leave the room, leaving us alone with Sempai or rather with Tatsumi-sensei. The atmosphere became a bit tense, there was a deep silence. Students, including myself, were still standing and Sempai headed to the desk to sit down. Apparently he was also nervous, especially by my presence ... Uh ... good. I'll spend list- cleared his throat and opened a folder When say their names please respond and introduce yourself talking a bit about you, I think it's a good way to break the ice was the first activity proposed and thus Sempai class began. Everyone was presented as there were few students did not take long. It was quiet, the students were enthusiastic at present and Sempai not pay much attention until the list came across my name ... -Morinaga Tetsuhiro- called and my turn came. -Presente- was sharp. -Please speaks little class about it- Well, what I can say. My name is Tetsuhiro, I have almost 22 years old, I come from a town called Fukuoka and graduated from the career of agriculture- -What are your plans for the future asked an enthusiastic partner, thing that interested Sempai, as he wanted know. -For the future ... ha ... I know, not sighed, I looked at nothing and I have talked a little discouraged I thought I left Nagoya- What ... Go ... go -? Sempai was stunned, not know why it surprised if he already knew ... But why- Because .... that's the problem. Say there are people who do not desire truth I emphasized Sempai looking for a sneaky way. -¿Tienes girlfriend -. a girl asked cheerfully -No- deep breath 'I have a girlfriend, but I was in love with a person that eventually I I realized that not worthwhile; it is better to leave the past sighed ago-I think I have nothing more to say about me, thank Well ... thanks for showing everyone ... and ... - -¡Tatsumi-sensei! Lack you- asked the girl again. Yes! It's his turn began to encourage all except me. Okay ... - -A closed his folder Souichi Tatsumi ... I see, I have 26 years, I am doing my masters in agriculture ... - does she have girlfriend? - asked the same girl . Ray had played a rather delicate for him and for me topic. No, definitely not enough ... I attended Sempai here and now will talk about his private life. Obviously I felt bad, I looked down and I was just listening to and prepare for the pain he would feel ... Uh ... well ... that's a little private- Come, sensei, anímese- said the same girl. Yes! Cuéntenos- shouted another girl. ... -of agree- responded very nervous, knowing that I was there and what he was going to say was going to affect me much Yes ... yes I have a girlfriend, her name is Yuki Amane- -¡Wiiiii ! How nice what you are getting married - they asked again. Um ... yes ... very soon responded a little iffy. All the girls melted at the announcement of Sempai and men just congratulated him and began to bother him in a friendly way . Sempai increasingly nervous, and he does not like to talk much about his personal issues with anyone, least if I was present. Sempai noticed when I started to feel very uncomfortable so I changed the subject ... Well, enough talk ... and I think we relaxed for a while, so now we will start with classes. On a sheet will write everything they've learned so far in class titulación- as Sempai said, all pulled out their notebooks and began writing -Less you, Morinaga, as I named the delegate class asesorarás me in As for the issues that touch on the course. . So please acércate- calmly called me I'm no fool, I know perfectly well that Sempai not called me to talk about classes but to complain about the news he reacted; however, I remained firm, without words, cold, with my notebook in hand and walked with a gesture of annoyance. Sempai was sitting at his desk, apparently looking at the book's index, to conceal that I was approaching me and when I got to the front of your table ... Is it true joke - Excuse me? - You must be playing a fucking joke to you through college professor, can not do that ...- Of course, if I can, BAKA- exalted, because he could not stand my insolent behavior, it seems that he took very apecho his role of teacher 'I I've done my degree and am half a Masters course that I can teach ignorant idiots like you- You're right, Sempai, I am an ignorant fool for having fallen in love with a person without feelings- BAKA Shut up! I do have feelings-screamed so loud that caused students are desconcentraran Uh ... nothing happens, follow escribiendo- told everyone. Well, if I do not need my retirement, so ...- -How ...- interrupted me with downcast eyes and trembling voice -How is that the overnight decide to go to Nagoya- kept his voice low, but looked at me with watery eyes. Shem land- me ... was surprised to see him break that. Explain to me why you going baka- breathing also accelerated ... you're going to go to Nagoya - he shed a tear. -Sempai ... are you ... are you crying - What? - noticed and immediately blushed and dried with sleeves No ... not true ... no ... I'm not crying ... I ...- began to babble nerves. No deceive me, Sempai, you know very well-cold still remains with him. No! You do not know me, because if you did you would know indeed that cause me pain-go -and I tell you ... do you want me to do ... I sit down to see how you marry Yuki - No but. ..- -then ... It's that you're my friend, Morinaga, I do not want you go- Look, I'll tell you something deep breath ...- If you really love me even as a friend, if really consider me a friend, if you see me as a friend indeed, then ... let me go ... let me find my happiness elsewhere, let me forget, let me be free of this pain, let me stop loving you, let me again ... smile my voice trembled and hardly my eyes watered -Tomará discreetly wiped my time but I know someday will achieve forget, and I managed to forget Masaki-san 'Do not talk to me that homosexual suicide the only thing He did was play you- Yeah, I know. It reminds me that I have someone I looked in Sempai forehead and this was furious. No compare me with that stupid ...- grabbed my collar of my shirt. Look know why! No t

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV Morinaga

that the living room door was open, and... Professor Replacement? ... A moment... It can't be... Is... Sempai!

but what makes sempai? ... He... He will be our teacher? He is going to teach us? Now I See You Every Day? I asked increasingly nervous. All the students stood for respect and took a Bow as a sign of greeting.Everyone except me. Sempai, entered the room and closed the door behind him and stood in their midst. While walking I looked askance for 3 seconds and then turned around. He grabbed a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard: "Your Name Souichi Tatsumi"...

- Good Morning, students... My name is Souichi Tatsumi, as you can see on the Board, please call me Sensei Tatsumi San or Tatsumi - If you like -

- Good Morning, Tatsumi Sensei - all said in Chorus.

as mentioned, All were standing involving replacement of the New Teacher, while I was sitting in the folder with the head down regardless of what was happening until... - Excuse me

... Morinaga San? -
- Professor Fukushima? -
- Small World Morinaga San,I didn't know he was taking the course - -

Hehe... Yeah, well... It

- Congratulations - smiled and then changed the subject, the other hand... I know, why is the only one that has not stopped to greet Tatsumi kun? -

... Damn it... Just what you need. Professor Fukushima would Force me to make contact again with sempai. I didn't know what to say, what to say,What was my reaction above and in front of sempai. I had no choice but to respond without noticing my nervousness and Depression...

- i stood in Silence.

- San Morinaga - as you already know you will be Tatsumi Kun who explain how to operate in the Class, what subjects have progressed, what need to revise,Among other things, that prompted the new Professor...

- - What? Why Me? - reacted in an unexpected way, then obviously I explained everything that means having enough Contact sempai.

- a problem Morinaga San? -

Oh.... This... Not... But... Why... Why Should I Be I -

- Because, as I repeat is most known to Tatsumi Kun and I am sure he will be very helpfulAs the delegate of the class turned to see sempai "looks good, Tatsumi Kun or inconvenient? -

I think Perfect made Morinaga as the delegate - stared at me and smiled as declaring Victory.

of course sempai... It doesn't affect you, but me Yes! Things couldn't get worse; i.e.I do everything possible to Avoid contact with sempai, didn't answer calls, blocked My e-mail, I moved home from Hiroto, do my degree course to go to Nagoya and what happens now? Sempai becomes My Teacher and I'm going to have to face and talk to him every day, Well, Monday to Friday.I'm sure you did it on purpose, because that's when he's at the Lab with their experiments; Furthermore, he would not lose his time Teaching others. This is very rare. Not really understand sempai; i.e., is going to marry Yuki, I said the Real Reasons Why it said what he thought about me. So... So What do I keep looking?

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