A Chizuru no le gustaba llevar ese tipo de calzado, me daba cuenta por dịch - A Chizuru no le gustaba llevar ese tipo de calzado, me daba cuenta por Anh làm thế nào để nói

A Chizuru no le gustaba llevar ese

A Chizuru no le gustaba llevar ese tipo de calzado, me daba cuenta porque era extraño verla más alta de lo normal. Hoy hubo una exposición sobre la investigación que realiza y era parte de la etiqueta del evento. Pero traer ese calzado todo el día, sin descanso y sin estar acostumbrada, no podía tener otro resultado. Lo que más me molestaba era que no se quejó, en ningún momento pidió un descanso.

- Siempre es igual de tonta.

Miré el camino a lo lejos y volteaba a verla. Todavía faltaba medio camino para mi departamento y una eternidad para el suyo. Cargarla no era una opción en ninguno de los planos existentes; era vergonzoso e imposible. Sería una hormiga queriendo llevar una gran roca en su espalda.

- Creo que es la mejor opción.

Siempre terminaba eligiendo el panorama más comprometedor sin darme cuenta.

- ¿No prefieres ir a mi departamento?

Miré como me volteó a ver sonrojada e impresionada. Intenté corregirme.

- Q-quiero decir… tú departamento está demasiado lejos y sería un camino más largo. Podrías dormir en mi cama y…

Su cara claramente decía "no puedo creerlo".

- N-no es una invitación extraña ni nada de eso… Respiré un poco luego de alterarme y continué. - Tú en mi cama y yo en el futon. No es un departamento muy grande pero al menos podrías descansar. Ya no podía verla a la cara, había hecho una escena demasiado embarazosa. Lo cierto era que la expresión en su cara no había ayudado con mis palabras. No terminaba mi oración cuando su cara reflejaba una malinterpretación muy grande a lo que decía.

Ella terminó aceptando y caminamos el resto del tramo con más tranquilidad, era peligroso que corriera sin zapatos.

Llegamos a mi departamento y sentí una satisfacción que quise esconder al regresar acompañado. Me gustaba mi espacio y tiempo para estar solo pero a veces deseaba tener a alguien más cerca. Una más de mis muchas contradicciones. Le indiqué en donde podía dejar sus cosas y en donde podía ducharse, con el cansancio que cargaba eso debía de relajarla.

- Wow… no esperaba un lugar tan ordenado. Mencionó con asombro como su estuviera ante un milagro. Solo quería molestarme.

- Me crees un inútil, soy completamente autosuficiente. Señalé con superioridad y sacando el pecho en alto.

- ¿Estás seguro? Porque tu refrigerador dice todo lo contrario. Apenas le quité la vista de encima y se escabulló en la cocina para abrir la nevera e inspeccionarla.

- ¿Qué estas…?

- Dos huevos, un ramo de brócoli y tres tomates. Todavía estas seguro que puedes sobrevivir. Más que burlarse preguntaba con duda.

- ¡Deja eso! Corrí y la alejé de la cocina. - No me gusta que revisen mis cosas. Me sonrojaba nuevamente. Odiaba como es que lograba cambiar mi estado de ánimo en segundos.

- Sera mejor que tomes una ducha y vayas a dormir de una buena vez.

- Pero… no tengo ningún cambio de ropa aquí. Se puso nerviosa.

- Es verdad lo olvidé.

Aun así no podía dormir con la ropa que traía. Recordaba tener una o dos camisas que me quedaban grandes y ya no usaba, y con uno de mis pantalones de pijama debería de bastar. No era la gran cosa pero dormiría más cómoda. Busqué en el fondo de mi armario y le entregué la ropa. Solo se cambiaría pues yo no tenía ropa interior que prestarle para después de que se duchara. La dejé que se cambiara mientras yo acomodaba el futon en el pasillo a la estancia. Me pareció inusual la manera en que me advirtió no entrar a espiarla, fue muy tajante y pude captar un ligero temor en sus palabras.

- No soy ningún pervertido para hacer algo tan bajo. Me disgustaba que pensara tan mal de mí.

Necesitaba algo de mi habitación así que toqué la puerta. Esperé a que abriera y entré. Entonces comenzó la discusión.

- ¡Ja! ¿Qué sentido tendría que yo duerma en mí cama? Te dije que tú dormirías ahí.

- Pero la intrusa aquí soy yo. Necesitas descansar porque mañana será un día muy agitado ¿o no recuerdas que el profesor Fukushima dijo que iría a revisar los experimentos?

- Soy yo quien debería de decir eso… ya te dije antes, te vez como una momia, blanca como una pared, la que necesita descansar eres tú. ¡No seas terca, cállate y duérmete!

La empujé a la cama para que dejara de ponerse difícil pero cuando cayó acostada me jaló del cuello de la camisa y yo también caí.

- ¿¡Oye que pretendes!? Me había tomado en un abrazo.

- Si tú quieres que yo duerma en tu cama y yo, quiero que tú duermas también aquí, entonces esta es la solución más rápida.

No entendía que era lo que pasaba por su cabeza ¿por qué tenía que complicar las cosas más sencillas?

- ¡Déjame, no creo que este bien! Intentaba zafarme pero no quería lastimarla. Me sentía muy incómodo por tener que sentir sus pechos contra mi espalda.

- Pero si… Soltó un bostezo. - … solo vamos a dormir.

Me tomó por sorpresa y plantó un tierno beso en mi mejilla. No pude evitar pensar en que la situación se saldría de control pero solo se acurrucó más en mi brazo. Sentía su suave respirar contra mi piel y confirmaba que había caído rendida ante el sueño.

- Sen-pai…

Otra vez esa manera de llamarme que me intimidaba. La observé de tan cerca y mostraba tranquilidad en la profundidad de sus sueños.

- No puede ser tan malo si solo vamos a dormir.

Ese fue mi pensamiento de entonces, la calidez que había junto a mí provocó este desliz en mi moral, permanecí a su lado. Esta inocente noche donde me dejé llevar, donde solo dormí, la pagué con creces.

Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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To Chizuru didn't like that type of shoe, I realized because it was strange to see her more high than normal. Today there was an exhibition on the investigation that takes place and was part of the label of the event. But bring that shoe all day, without rest and without being used, could have no other result. What bothered me most was that he did not complain, at no time asked for a break.-It is always the same doorbell.I looked at the road far away and turned to see her. There was still half way to my Department and an eternity for his. Load it was not an option in any of the existing planes; It was shameful and impossible. It would be an Ant trying to carry a big rock on its back.-I think it is the best option.It always ended by choosing the most compromising picture without realizing.-Do not prefer to go to my apartment?I looked as I turned around to see blushes and impressed. I tried to correct me.-Q-I want to say... you Department is too far and would be a long road. You could sleep in my bed and...His face clearly said "I can't believe it".-N-no is a strange invitation or anything that... I breathed a little after alter me and continued. -You in my bed and I on the futon. It is not a very large Department but at least you could rest. I could no longer see her face, he had a too embarrassing scene. It was the expression on his face had not helped with my words. Not ended my prayer when his face reflected a very big misunderstanding to what he said.She embraced and walked the rest of the section with more tranquility, was dangerous to run without shoes.We arrived at my apartment and I felt a satisfaction that I wanted to hide when he returned accompanied. I liked my space and time to be alone but sometimes I wanted to have someone closer. One of my many contradictions. I stated you where you could leave your things and where it could shower, with fatigue loading that should ease it.-Wow... wasn't expecting a place so tidy. Mentioned in amazement as his was before a miracle. I just wanted to annoy me.-I think a useless, I'm completely self-sufficient. I pointed out with superiority and taking chest high.-Are you sure? Because your refrigerator says the opposite. Just I removed the tab over and he snuck in the kitchen to open the fridge and inspect it.-Are...?-Two eggs, a bunch of broccoli and three tomatoes. Yet are you sure you can survive. More than mocking asked uncertainly.-Stop that! I ran and walked her away from the kitchen. -I do not like to review my stuff. I sonrojaba again. I hated how it is that I was able to change my mood in seconds.-It is best that you take a shower and go to sleep for good.- But... I have no change of clothes here. She was nervous.-It is true I forgot it.Still he could not sleep with the clothing they wore. He remembered having one or two shirts that I had great and not already used, with one of my pajama pants should suffice. It wasn't the big thing but he would sleep more comfortable. I looked at the bottom of my closet and gave him clothes. It is change only because I didn't have underwear that provide for after you shower. I left it changed while I accommodated the futon in the Hall to stay. The way in which warned me not to enter spy seemed unusual, was very emphatic and I could catch a slight fear in his words.-I ain't no pervert to do something so low. He disliked me that you think so badly of me.I needed something in my room so I hit the door. I waited for it to open and entered. Then he began the discussion.-Ja! What would that I sleep in my bed? I told you that you dormirías there.- But I am the intruder here. You need to rest because tomorrow will be a very busy day or don't remember that Professor Fukushima said that it would review the experiments?-Am I who should say that... as I said before, you time as a mummy, white as a wall, which need to rest you. Don't be stubborn, shut up and go to sleep!I pushed her to the bed to let become hard, but when she fell lying down I pulled the collar of the shirt and I also fell.-Hear that you intend to! I had taken in an embrace.-If you want me to sleep in your bed, and I, I want to you stay here, then this is the fastest solution.Did not understand that it was what was going through your head why did that complicate the simplest things?-Let me, I do not believe that this good! I was trying to break me, but I didn't want to hurt her. I felt very uncomfortable at having to feel her breasts against my back.- But if... He gave a yawn. -... just go to sleep.Took me by surprise and planted a gentle kiss on my cheek. I couldn't help but think that the situation is out of control but only more curled up in my arm. I felt her soft breath against my skin and confirmed that it had fallen love with sleep.-Sen-pai...Again call me so that I was intimidating. I watched it so close and showed tranquility in the depth of their dreams.-It can not be so bad if we're just going to sleep.That was my thought then, the warmth that had next to me brought this slip in my moral, I stayed by his side. This innocent night where I left to take, where I only slept, I paid it amply.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
A Chizuru did not like to bring that kind of shoe, I realized that it was strange to see higher than normal. Today there was an exhibition on the research conducted and was part of the label of the event. But bringing the shoes all day, without rest and without being used, it could have no other result. What bothered me was that he did not complain, at no time asked for a break. - It's always just as silly. I looked at the way in the distance and turned to see it. There was still half way to my apartment and took forever to his. Load was not an option in any of the existing levels; It was embarrassing and impossible. It would be an ant trying to carry a big rock on his back. - I think it's the best option. I always ended up choosing the most engaging scene without realizing it. - Would not you rather go to my apartment? I looked as I turned to look flushed and impressed. I tried to correct me. - Q-I mean ... your apartment is too far and would be a long way. You could sleep in my bed and ... His face clearly said "I can not believe it." - N-no is a strange invitation or anything like that ... I breathed a little upset me and continued after. - You in my bed and I on the futon. Not a very big department but could at least rest. He could not see her face, had made ​​too embarrassing scene. The truth was, the expression on his face did not help with my words. Not finished my sentence when his face was a big misunderstanding what he said. She finally accepted and walked the rest of the section lighter, it was dangerous to run without shoes. We arrived at my apartment and I felt a satisfaction that I wanted to hide the back accompanied. I like my space and time alone but sometimes wanted to have someone closer. A lot more of my contradictions. I pointed to where he could leave his things and where I could take a shower, with tiredness he was carrying that had to relax her. - Wow ... did not expect such an orderly place. He said in awe as his was to a miracle. I just wanted to annoy me. - I think useless, I am completely self-sufficient. I pointed superiority and pulling my chin up. - Are you sure? Because your refrigerator says the opposite. Just you take your eyes off and slipped into the kitchen to open the fridge and inspection. - What are you ...? - Two eggs, a bouquet of broccoli and three tomatoes. You sure you can still survive. A mockery asked hesitantly. - Stop that! I ran and walked away from the kitchen. - I do not like to review my stuff. I blushed again. Hated as that could change my mood in seconds. - You better take a shower and go to sleep for once. - But ... I have no change of clothes here. I got nervous. - It's true I forgot. Still could not sleep with the clothes I had. He remembered having one or two shirts that I had not used large, and one of my pajama bottoms should suffice. It was not much but sleep more comfortable. I looked in the back of my closet and handed clothing. Only it changes it because I did not pay for underwear to shower after. I left her to change her while I settled the futon in the hallway to the room. I thought how unusual warned me not enter spy, was very sharp and I caught a slight fear in his words. - I'm no pervert to do something so low. I hated to think so badly of me. I needed something in my room so I knocked on the door. I waited for him to open and entered. Then began the discussion. - Ha! What would I sleep in my bed? You said you'd sleep there. - But here I am intruding. You need to rest because tomorrow will be a busy day do not you remember that Professor Fukushima said he was going to review the experiments? - I who should say that ... I told you before, you look like a mummy, white as a wall, the rest need you. Do not be stubborn, shut up and go to sleep! I pushed the bed to be hard to stop but when I fell lying pulled the collar and I also fell. - Hey you intend !? It had taken me a hug. -. If you want me to sleep in your bed and I, I want you to sleep well here, then this is the fastest solution did not understand that was what was going through your head why did that complicate the simplest things? - Let me, I do not think this good! He is trying to wriggle out but did not want to hurt her. I felt very uncomfortable having to feel her breasts against my back. - But ... let out a yawn. - ... Just go to sleep. It took me by surprise and planted a tender kiss on my cheek. I could not help thinking that the situation would get out of control, but just snuggled deeper into my arm. He felt his breath against my skin soft and confirmed that he had fallen asleep made ​​before. - Sen-pai ... Again that way of calling me intimidating. I watched so closely and showed tranquility in the depth of their dreams. -. It can not be that bad if you only go to sleep That was my thinking then, warmth beside me caused this lapse in my moral, I stayed at his side. This innocent night where I got carried away, where I slept alone, I paid handsomely.

đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
To Chizuru not liked to wear this kind of shoe, I realized that it was odd to see her higher than normal. Today there was a briefing on the investigation carried out by the label and was part of the event. But bring the Shoes all day, without Rest, without being used, could have no other result. What bothered me was that he did not complain,At no time requested a break.

- is always the same Silly.

I looked far ahead the road and turned to her. It was Halfway to my Department and an Eternity for you. Load was not an option in any of the existing drawings; it was embarrassing and impossible. It would be an ant to carry a large rock on his back.

I think is the best option.Always ended up choosing the most compromising Picture without realizing it.

- You Don't wanna go to my apartment?

I looked like looked at me Blushing and impressed. I tried to correct it.

- Q - I mean, your Department is too far, and it would be a Long Way. You can sleep in my bed and...

his face clearly said "I can't believe it."

- N - not a Strange invitation or anything. I just got a Little upset and then continue. - you in my bed and I The futon. It is not a very big apartment but at least you could rest. I couldn't Face her, had made a scene too embarrassing. The Truth was that the expression on his face had not helped with my words.Not My Prayer ended when his face reflected a very big misunderstanding what I said. She ended up accepting and Walk the rest of the section with more Tranquility, it was dangerous to run without Shoes.

come to my apartment and I felt that I wanted to hide the return with satisfaction.I liked my space and time to be alone, but sometimes wanted to have someone close. One of my many contradictions. I told him where he could leave his things and where she could take, with the fatigue Loading that should Ease it.

- Wow... I did not expect such a tidy. As was mentioned in astonishment to a Miracle. I just wanted to annoy me.- you think I'm useless, I'm completely self-sufficient. I noted with superiority and pulling the chest High. - are you sure? Because your refrigerator says otherwise. I took my eyes off him, and slipped into the kitchen, open the fridge and Inspect it. - What are you...?

- Two eggs, a bunch of Broccoli and tomatoes. Are you sure you can still Survive.More fun with asking questions. - Stop that! I Ran and got away from the kitchen. - I Don't like you going through my stuff. I blushed again. I hated the way you'd change my Mood in seconds.

you better take a shower and go to sleep for good.

I have no any change of clothes here. Was nervous.

I really forgot.Still couldn't sleep with the clothes he was wearing. I remembered that I have one or two shirts were large and no longer used, and one of my Pajama Pants should be sufficient. It was no big deal but Sleep more comfortable. I looked in the back of my closet, and I handed him the clothes. Only because I had not change underwear for you after you Bathe.To change the left while I Balanced the futon in the corridor to the room. I thought it was unusual in the way that warned me not to go Spy on her, was very clear and I noticed a slight tremor in his words. - i'm not a Pervert to do anything so low. I Hated to think so badly of me.

I needed something in my room so I knocked on the door.I waited to open the door and entered. Then began the discussion. - Ha! Why Should I sleep in my bed? I told you you'd sleep there.
The Intruder - But Here I am. You need to rest, because Tomorrow will be a busy day or not remember the teacher said that he would revise the Fukushima experiments?

- I should say that, I told you before,You look like a Mummy, White as a Wall, you need rest. Don't be Stubborn, Shut up and go to sleep!

I pushed her to the bed to be difficult to stop when he fell down, but I pulled the neck of the shirt and I Fell. - Hey you! I had taken a Hug.

if you want me to sleep in your bed, and I want you to sleep here,Then this is the quickest Solution.

I couldn't understand what was going on in his head he had to complicate the Simple Things?

- I Don't think it's right! But I do not want to hurt her. I felt very uncomfortable having to feel her breasts against my back. - but if... Gave a Yawn. - just go to sleep.It took me by surprise and planted a Soft Kiss on my cheek. I couldn't help thinking that the situation is out of control but only huddled Up In My Arm. I felt your breath against my skin soft and confirmed that she fell to sleep.

- pai - sen again... That way of me who bullied me.I was so close and quiet in the depth of their dreams.

- Can't be too bad if we just go to sleep. That was my Thinking then, the warmth that was next to me was this Slip in my moral, I stayed by his side. This Innocent night where I Go, where I only slept, I paid handsomely.

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