Sí pero no sólo es eso, no encuentro las palabras adecuadas para decir dịch - Sí pero no sólo es eso, no encuentro las palabras adecuadas para decir Anh làm thế nào để nói

Sí pero no sólo es eso, no encuentr

Sí pero no sólo es eso, no encuentro las palabras adecuadas para decirte lo agradecido que estoy. No fue únicamente cuidar de mí, también me fuiste a visitar todos los días al hospital, en verdad te esforzabas mucho, y aunque no cocinabas procurabas todo para que yo estuviera cómodo en el departamento; que entonces me era desconocido. Muchas veces me di cuenta de lo cansado que estabas. Varias noches te quedabas dormido en el sillón rodeado por trabajo de la universidad ¿Verdad? Y llegabas temprano por lo que estoy seguro que tenías que trabajar muy duro en la escuela y trabajar todo lo que pudieras en casa ¿O me equivoco? Se quedó atento a mis palabras y bastante sorprendido por como notaba cada detalle de sus esfuerzos. Aunque él no lo notara yo me fijaba en él. - De igual manera, fuiste tú quien arreglo el asunto de mi trabajo ¿No es así?

- ¿Cómo lo…?

- En realidad acabo de dar cuenta de que siempre lo supe, ninguna otra persona se preocuparía tanto por mí. Hacías tanto que terminaste colapsando, lo cual me asustó he hizo preocuparme mucho. Incluso aguantaste mis tonterías y celos por pensar que tenías una relación con nii-san cuando estoy seguro que él sólo estaba preocupado por mí y tú lo mantenías al tanto. Nunca pensé que ustedes podían llegar a llevarse bien.

- Y-yo… Todavía no lo dejaba tomar la palabra. Debía transmitirle lo agradecido y en deuda que me sentía con él.

- Pero sobre todo, por aceptar nuestra relación, en verdad gracias. Sé que tomará tiempo para hablar de esto más abiertamente con otras personas pero no me importa tener que esperar. Nada podría quitarme la felicidad de este momento. Sonreí tanto como podía, me acerqué a él y le di un pequeño abrazo; tampoco lo quería agobiar.

Regresé a mi lugar, continuamos comiendo un poco más pero me percaté que el sonrojo que había en su cara desapareció y cambió por una cara más seria y desanimada; podría decir ¿Triste? Rompiendo el silencio y sacándome de mis pensamientos, Senpai tomó la palabra.

- M-morinaga esta mañana dijiste que lo recordabas todo ¿A qué te referías con eso? Su pregunta sonaba un tanto extraña pero contesté.

- ¿Eh? ¿"A que me refería", dices? Pues recuerdo lo que pasamos estos últimos cinco años, por supuesto que también recuerdo lo que pasó después del accidente. Tu pregunta es algo… ¿Inesperada? No entiendo Senpai ¿Hay algo que estoy olvidando?

- No sé cómo explicarlo pero ¿Recuerdas por qué sucedió el accidente?

- Esto es muy raro, no entiendo el porqué de las preguntas de Senpai pero ahora que lo menciona ¿Habrá sido por las pesadillas? Nunca le dije que no había estado durmiendo bien por eso pero no creo que esa sea la razón ¡Piensa Tetsuhiro!

- Si mal no recuerdo… Cerré mis ojos tratando de recrear las imágenes en mi cabeza. - Antes del accidente me despedí de ti y salí corriendo del departamento. Comenzó a llover y se agrando a prisa, casi como un diluvio. Luego me gritaste pero no tuve tiempo de moverme y me atropellaron.

- ¿Qué es…? Esto es muy extraño. Hay algo que falta ¿Pero qué?

- Ahora que lo pienso ¿Por qué me estaba despidiendo de ti? Tenía que regresar a ¿Fukuoka? Pero no recuerdo porqué. Dije sorprendiéndome de mis propias palabras.

Me esforzaba tratando de recordar pero todo era tan confuso, comenzó a dolerme la cabeza, llevé una de mis manos a mi frente por el dolor punzante que sentía y traté de mitigarlo. Volteé a ver a Senpai y se veía un poco preocupado pero sentía que no sólo estaba así por mi dolor de cabeza, algo en su mirar era diferente.

- No tienes que esforzarte. Ya lo recordarás como recordaste lo demás. Dijo bajando mi brazo para que pudiera verlo y me mostró empatía.

- Cierto, además tú no puedes decirme ¿Verdad? Lo entiendo, debo de recordarlo por mí mismo como indicó el médico.

Dejamos la plática para terminar de comer. Posterior a eso levanté los platos y los llevé al fregadero para lavarlos, Senpai me acompañó pues quería ayudarme secando y acomodándolos. Mientras cumplíamos con nuestra labor yo me sentía encantado con que quisiera ayudarme pero reventando mi burbuja miraba como él parecía un poco desaminado.

- ¿Senpai te encuentras bien? Pregunté mientras le pasaba un plato para que lo secara.

- S-sí ¿Por qué lo preguntas? Dijo bastante nervioso.

- Porque te siento distraído, como si tus pensamientos no estuvieran aquí conmigo.

- Debe ser por todo lo que ha pasado, particularmente, lo de hoy.

- Claro, debe ser por eso. Tal vez estoy pensando demasiado, lo siento Senpai.

- Si eso es verdad, por su personalidad, más bien debería estar tenso y con la guardia arriba no disperso y preocupado ¿En verdad estaré pensando demasiado las cosas? ¿Será solo mi imaginación? ¿O es qué hay algo que me está ocultando?

Terminando con eso Senpai se fue a su habitación a trabajar en su computadora sobre informes y reportes de varios experimentos que tenía pendientes por terminar. Después de todo yo había estado en Hamamatsu por trabajo y no había podido ir al laboratorio a ayudarlo así que mucho del trabajo se había acumulado. Por mi parte como recién había llegado, no tenía mucho que hacer pero no podía ayudarle a Senpai pues no me había parado en el laboratorio por un tiempo. No sabía en lo que estaba trabajando y lo más seguro es que solo le estorbaría, no tenía nada pendiente de la universidad puesto que me mantenía en contacto con Yamaguchi y le hacía llegar por correo los trabajos que pedían los profesores.

- ¡Ahhh…! Suspiré al encontrarme aburrido y sin nada que hacer. Era demasiado para alguien que siempre se mantiene activo.

Encendí la televisión y recordé que hoy pasarían un programa especial de "dispositivos para monitorizar condiciones de tiempo y temperatura - de productos agroalimentarios, farmacéuticos y biomédicos", en ese canal frecuentemente sacaban documentales muy buenos y me parecía interesante echarles un vistazo de vez en cuando para estar al día o simplemente para pasar el rato. Había estado tan entretenido viendo la televisión pues parecía que pasarían todo un maratón de documentales relacionados con temas interesantes y no me di cuenta del tiempo que pasó. Sabía que era de noche porque hacia buen rato que el cielo se oscureció.

- ¡La cena! Pensé preocupado, era tarde y yo no tenía nada preparado aún.

- ¡Un momento! ¿Y Senpai? Tiene buen rato que no lo veo y tampoco escuché que saliera de su cuarto. Espero que no se esté exigiendo demasiado.

Estaba un poco preocupado porque desde la comida lo notaba raro así que fui a revisar si estaba todo bien, también aprovecharía para preguntarle que quería de cenar.

*Toc* Toc* Toc *

- Senpai soy yo, voy a entrar.

Abrí la puerta pero no volteó a verme, no me contestó, ni siquiera se inmutó. Algo estaba mal con él, pensé que estaría atareado tecleando a toda velocidad y posiblemente irritado por tanto trabajo pero no fue así. Ciertamente tenía papeles regados y la computadora prendida pero sólo estaba sentado en la silla junto a su escritorio sosteniendo una taza de café mirando a la nada; totalmente ausente y como si tuviera su mente pensando en otra cosa.

- Senpai.

Me estaba acercando a él y ni siquiera de esa forma notó mi presencia, estaba sumergido en sus pensamientos tanto así que de un momento a otro derramó el café sobre uno de sus brazos.

- ¡Auch quema! Se quejó, mientras la taza de café yacía rota sobre el suelo. Sostuvo su brazo apretándolo ligeramente por el dolor que sentía.

- ¡Senpai, Senpai! ¿¡Estás bien!? Alterado me aproximé para revisar su brazo, el café estaba bastante caliente y su brazo expedía una leve tela de humo.

- Creo que sí pero ¡Auch! Se quejó de nueva cuenta cuando subí un poco su manga para revisarlo.

- Ven conmigo. Tomé la muñeca de su otro brazo y lo llevé al baño.

Estando ahí fui por una toalla limpia, la mojé con agua tibia y la pasé sobre su brazo suavemente para templarlo. Luego le pedí que colocara su brazo sobre la llave del lavabo para dejar que el agua fría corriera y lo enfriara. No afectó todo su brazo pero si alcanzó parte de su mano, comenzó a notarse un ligero hinchazón y enrojecimiento. Dejamos el agua correr como por diez minutos. A él se le veía tranquilo a pesar de su gesto de dolor.

- ¿Senpai ya estás mejor?

- Eso creo, ya no duele tanto.

- Es un alivio, parece ser que no fue tan grave.

Su mirada aun seguí dispersa y eso me molestaba.

- ¡Senpai préstame tu brazo un momento!

Lo sujeté y sacando una pomada para la hinchazón y el dolor la unté en la zona afectada; si bien no era especial para quemaduras debería servir por el momento. Fui por vendas y cubrí parte de su brazo y mano con cuidado.

- ¡Listo! Con esto deberías de recuperarte en poco tiempo, aunque al ser tu mano derecha la que se quemó puede que tengas algunas dificultades con tus actividades diarias. Si lo necesitas no me importaría ayudarte.

- Gracias, no fue tan grave y con lo que hiciste creo que será suficiente. Me agradeció un poco indiferente. Era inusual en él.

- Senpai pero ¿Por qué estabas tan distraído que derramaste el café? Desde la comida estás así ¿Qué es lo que te sucede? Le pregunté mostrando mi preocupación sosteniendo sus manos.

- En realidad… nada. Giró su cabeza para no voltear a verme.

- ¿Por qué evades mi mirada? Somos pareja quiero ayudarte con tus problemas porque tus problemas también son míos, incluso antes, siempre he estado dispuesto a hacer todo para que estés bien. Lo vi fijamente a los ojos. - Ahora, voy a besarte Senpai.

Le di avisó por adelantado de mis acciones y luego las ejecuté. Me acerqué despacio y le di un pequeño beso, tal y como el que le di cuando nos despertamos. Lo que quería es que confiara en mí lo suficiente para compartirme sus angustias.

- ¿Y bien? Pregunté estando cerca de él.

- En verdad, no sucede nada, no tienes por qué preocuparte. Cambió su postura, me alejó un poco y me mostró una leve sonrisa. Fue sencillo ver a través y detectar que era falsa. Me estaba mintiendo.

- Está bien pero por favor ya no estés tan distraído, n
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Yes, but not only that, I can't find the right words to tell you how grateful I am. It was not only to take care of me, I also went to visit every day to the hospital, you really esforzabas much, and although you do not cocinabas you procurabas everything so that I would be comfortable in the Department; that I was then unknown. Many times I realized how tired you were. Several nights you stayed asleep on the couch surrounded by work of the University right? And you arriving early for what I'm sure you had to work very hard in school and work everything you could at home or am I wrong? Stayed tuned for my words and quite surprised by how noticed every detail of their efforts. Although he does not notice it I I was setting on it. -In the same way, was you who arranged the matter of my work isn't it?-How lo...?-Actually I knew I just realize that always, anyone else worry so much for me. You were doing so much that you end up collapsing, which scared me I did worry me much. Even you endured my foolishness and jealousy for thinking that you had a relationship with nii-san when I'm sure he was just worried about me and you keep it abreast. I never thought that you could get to get along.Y-yo... It would still not let him speak. It should convey the grateful and debt I felt that with him.-But above all, for accepting our relationship, really thank you. I know that it will take time to talk about this more openly with other people but I don't mind having to wait. Nothing could take the happiness of the moment. I smiled so much as I could, I approached him and gave him a small hug; It also wanted to overwhelm.I went back to my place, we continue eating a bit more, but I realized that the blush that had on his face disappeared and changed by a face more serious and discouraged; could you tell are sad? Breaking the silence and taking me out of my thoughts, Senpai took the floor.-M-morinaga this morning told him to remember everything what you meant with that? Your question sounded a much stranger but I replied.-Huh? "To which I referred", you say? As I remember we spent these past five years, of course I also remember what happened after the accident. Your question is rather... unexpected? I do not understand Senpai is there something that I am forgetting?-I don't know how to explain it but remember why the accident happened?-This is very rare, I do not understand why questions of Senpai, but now that he mentions it was it the nightmares? I never told him that he had not been sleeping well for that but I don't think that's the reason thinks Tetsuhiro!-If I do not remember... I closed my eyes trying to recreate the images in my head. -By accident I said goodbye to you and I ran from the Department. It began to rain and I enlarge to hurry, almost like a flood. Then I cried but I didn't have time to move me and attacked me.-What is...? This is very strange. There is something missing but what?-Now that you think are why I was leaving you? I had to return to do Fukuoka? But I don't remember why. I said surprising me in my own words.I would use trying to remember but everything was so confusing, it began to hurt me head, I took one of my hands to my forehead for the stabbing pain that felt and tried to mitigate it. Turn over to see Senpai and looked a little concerned, but I felt that it was not only so by my headache, something in his look was different.-You don't need to exert yourself. Now, you will remember it as you remembered the rest. He said lowering my arm so that I could see it and showed me empathy.-True, furthermore you can not tell me huh? I understand, I have to remind myself as the doctor.We let the conversation to finish eating. Subsequent to that I got up the dishes and took them to the sink to wash them, Senpai accompanied me because he wanted to help me dry and accommodating them. While we met with our work I was delighted with that I would like to help me but bursting my bubble looked like it looked a little desaminado.-Senpai yourself well? I asked as he passed him a dish so you dry it.-Y-yes why ask it? He said quite nervous.-Because you feel distracted, as if your thoughts were not here with me.-It must be for everything that happened, in particular, as of today.-Of course, it must be so. Perhaps I'm thinking too, sorry Senpai.-If that is true, because of his personality, rather it should be taut and guard up dispersed and not worried really I'll be thinking too things? Is it just my imagination? Or is it something that me is hiding what?Ending that Senpai went to his room to work on your computer reports and reports of various experiments which had earrings for an end. After all I had been in Hamamatsu for work and had not been able to go to the lab to help you so much of the work had accumulated. For my part as he had just arrived, I had not much to do but he could not help him Senpai as I had not stopped in the laboratory for a time. I did not know what was working and most likely is that it estorbaría only, didn't have anything pending University since I kept in contact with Yamaguchi and made him get mail works calling for the teachers.-Ahhh...! I sighed finding myself bored and with nothing to do. It was too much for someone who always remains active.I turned on the television and I remembered that today would a special program of "devices to monitor conditions of time and temperature - agri-food, pharmaceutical and biomedical products", frequently drew very good documentaries on that channel and it seemed interesting to take a look from time to time to stay up to date or just to hang out. I had been so entertaining watching TV because it seemed that it would take around a marathon of documentaries related to interesting topics and did not realize the time that passed. I knew that night was because towards good while the sky was darkened.-Dinner! I thought concerned, was late, and I didn't have anything ready yet.-A moment! And Senpai? You have good time I don't see it and not heard to come out of his room. I hope that he is you are not demanding too.I was a little concerned because from the meal I noticed it rare so I went to check if he was all right, would also to ask that he wanted dinner.* Toc * Toc * Toc *-I am Senpai, I will go.I opened the door but it turned not to me, not answered, even I flinch. Something was wrong with him, thought it would be busy typing speed and therefore possibly irritated work but did not. Certainly he had watered papers and on computer but he was just sitting in the Chair next to his desk holding a cup of coffee, looking at nothing; completely absent and as if I had his mind thinking about something else.-Senpai.I was getting closer to it and not even in that way she noticed my presence, was submerged in his thoughts so much so from one moment to another spilled coffee on one of his arms.-Auch burn! He complained, as the coffee cup lay broken on the floor. He held his arm squeezing lightly because of the pain he felt.-Senpai, Senpai! You are well! Altered I went to check his arm, the coffee was hot enough and his arm issued a mild smoke fabric.-I think Yes but Auch! He complained of new account when I got a little your sleeve to check it.-Come with me. I took the doll from his other arm and took it to the bathroom.While there I went for a clean towel, wetted it with warm water and spent it on his arm gently to temper it. Then I asked him he placed his arm on the lavatory faucet to let the cold water run and cool it. It did not affect all his arm but if you part of your hand, he began to notice a slight swelling and redness. We let the water run for ten minutes. Saw him calm despite his gesture of pain.-Senpai are already better?-I think, as does not hurt so much.-It is a relief, it seems that it was not as severe.His eyes followed still dispersed, and that bothered me.-Senpai lend me your arm a moment!I attached it and taking an ointment for swelling and pain unté it on the affected area; While it wasn't special for Burns should serve for the moment. I went for the bandages and covered part of her arm and hand with care.-You're done! With this you should recover in a short time, but to be your right hand which burned it may have some difficulties with your daily activities. If you need it it wouldn't let me help you.-Thank you, was not as severe and with what you did, I think that it will be enough. She thanked me a bit indifferent. It was unusual in it.-Senpai, but why were you so distracted that you shed the coffee? From the food you are so what is what happens to you? I asked him to showing my concern holding hands.-Actually... nothing. He turned his head to not turn to see me.-Why you avoiding my gaze? We are couple I want to help you with your problems because your problems are also mine, even before, I have always been willing to do everything to keep you well. I saw him staring eyes. -Now, I'm going to kiss you Senpai.I gave it warned in advance of my actions and then executed them. I approached slowly and gave him a small Kiss, such as which gave him when we wake up. What I wanted is that you trust me enough to share me your heartaches.- And good? I asked being close to him.-In truth, nothing happens, you don't have to concern you. It changed its stance, I walked away a little and showed me a slight smile. It was easy to see through and detect that it was false. He was lying to me.-Already is fine but please do not be so distracted, n
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Yes but not only that, I can not find the right words to tell you how grateful I am. It was not only taking care of me, I also went to visit the hospital every day, you really have strengthened a lot, and although there were cooking everything to procure, I was comfortable in the department; I then was unknown. Many times I realized how tired you were. You quedabas several nights I slept on the couch surrounded by college work, right? And you arrived early so I'm sure you had to work hard in school and work as hard as you could at home or am I wrong? He was attentive to my words and felt quite surprised by how every detail of their efforts. Although he did not notice I noticed him. - Similarly, it was you who arranged the matter of my work Is not it? - How did you ...? - Actually just realized that I always knew, no one else would care so much for me. So you end up doing collapsing, which scared me I did worry a lot. You endured even jealous of my nonsense and think that you had a relationship with Nii-san when I'm sure he was just worried about me and you were keeping abreast. I never thought you could get to get along. - II ... still would not let him speak. He should convey how grateful and indebted that I felt with him. - But above all, for accepting our relationship, really thank you. I know it will take time to talk about this openly with other people but I do not mind waiting. Nothing could take away the happiness of the moment. I smiled as much as I could, I approached him and gave him a little hug; neither wanted hovering. I returned to my place, we continue to eat a little more but I realized that the blush on his face had disappeared and changed to a more serious face and discouraged; You could say Sad? Breaking the silence and out of my thoughts, Senpai spoke. - M-Morinaga this morning you said that you remembered everything What did you mean by that? His question sounded a bit strange but I answered. - Huh? ¿"You meant to me," you say? But I remember how we spent the last five years, of course I also remember what happened after the accident. Your question is somewhat ... Unexpected? I do not understand Senpai Is there something I'm forgetting? - I can not explain but remember why the accident happened? - This is very strange, do not understand why questions Senpai but now that you mention Was it by nightmares ? I never told him that he had not been sleeping well so I do not think that's the reason Tetsuhiro Think! - If I remember correctly ... I closed my eyes trying to recreate the images in my head. - Before the accident I said goodbye to you and I ran the department. It started to rain and was enlarged to hurry, almost like a flood. Then he yelled at me but did not have time to move and run over me. - What is ...? This is very strange. There's something missing but what? - Now that I think about why I was saying goodbye to you? He had to return A Does Fukuoka? But I do not remember why. Surprising told my own words. I am struggling trying to remember but it was all so confusing, head started to hurt, I took one of my hands to my forehead the searing pain he felt and tried to mitigate it. I turned to see Senpai and looked a little worried but felt there was only so for my headache, something in his look was different. - You do not have to work. Already you remember how else remembered. I said, lowering my arm so I could see him and showed me empathy. - Right, well you can not tell me, right? I understand, I must remind myself as the doctor said. We left the conversation to finish eating. Following that up the dishes and took them to the sink to wash them, Senpai with me because I wanted to help drying and accommodating them. While we complied with our work I was delighted that would help but bursting my bubble looked like he looked a little deaminated. - Senpai find you well? I asked as she handed him a plate to dry. - S-yeah Why do you ask? Said quite nervous. - Because you feel distracted, as if your thoughts were not here with me. - Must be all that has happened, particularly as today. - Sure, that must be why. Maybe I'm thinking too much, sorry Senpai. - If that's true, by his personality, rather should be tense and not dispersed guard up and worried In truth I'll be thinking things too? Is it just my imagination? Or is that something is hiding me? Ending Senpai that went to his room to work on your computer on reports and reports of several experiments that were pending to finish. After all, I had been in Hamamatsu for work and had not been able to go to the lab to help so much of the work had accumulated. For my part as I had just arrived, he had little to do but could not help because Senpai had not stopped me in the lab for a while. I did not know what was working and what is more likely that only encumber him, had nothing outstanding college because I kept in touch with Yamaguchi and made ​​him arrive by mail jobs demanded by the teachers. - Ahhh ...! I sighed when I found myself bored and with nothing to do. It was too much for someone who always remains active. I turned on the television and I remembered that today would pass a special program "devices to monitor conditions of time and temperature - agrifood, pharmaceuticals and biomedical products" in the channel frequently drew very good documentaries and I found it interesting to take a look from time to time to keep up or just to hang out. He had been as entertaining as watching television would seem that a whole marathon interesting topics related documentaries and did not realize the time it happened. I knew it was night because it was good while the sky darkened. - Dinner! I thought worried, it was late and I had nothing ready yet. - Wait! And Senpai? Having good time I do not see nor hear come out of his room. I hope he is not asking too much. I was a little concerned that since the food it felt strange so I went to check if everything was ok, also would use to ask you wanted dinner. * Toc * Toc * Toc * - Senpai me, I'm going in. I opened the door but turned to me, I did not answer, did not even flinch. Something was wrong with him, I thought I'd be busy typing at full speed and possibly irritated by so much work but did not. Certainly he had scattered papers and computer turned on but was just sitting in the chair beside his desk holding a cup of coffee looking at nothing; totally absent and as if your thinking of something else mind. -. Senpai I was approaching him and even thus noticed my presence, I was deep in thought so much so that at any moment he spilled coffee on one of his arms. - Auch burning! He complained, while coffee cup lay broken on the ground. He held his arm slightly tightening the pain. - Senpai, Senpai! Are you okay!? Altered approached me to review his arm, coffee was quite hot and arm fabric they issued a slight smoke. - I think so but Ouch! He complained of new account when I got a bit his sleeve to review it. - Come with me. I took the wrist of her other arm and took him to the bathroom. While there I went for a clean towel, wet it with warm water and went on to temper his arm gently. Then I asked her to place her hand over the key to the sink to let the cold water run and cool. It did not affect his arm but did reach of his hand, he began to notice a slight swelling and redness. Let the water run for about ten minutes. To him he looked calm despite his wince. - Senpai're already better? - I think so, it does not hurt so much. - It's a relief, it seems that was not so serious. His eyes still I kept dispersed and that It bothered me. - Senpai lend me your arm while we hold it and removing an ointment for swelling and pain smeared on the affected area; although it was not special for burns should serve for the moment. I went for bandages and covered part of his arm and hand carefully. - Ready! With this you should recover quickly, although being your right hand that burned you may have some difficulties with your daily activities. If you need help I would not mind. - Thank you, it was not so bad and you did think it will be enough. He thanked me a little indifferent. It was unusual for him. - Senpai but why were so distracted that you spilled your coffee? From the food you are well What happens to you? I asked showing my concern holding their hands. - Actually ... nothing. He turned his head to avoid turning to see me. - Why evading my gaze? Couple want to help us with your problems because your problems are also mine, even before, I've always been willing to do everything to keep you well. I saw him straight in the eye. - Now, I'm going to kiss Senpai. I gave advance notice of my actions and then ran. I walked slowly and gave him a little kiss, just as I gave when we woke up. What we want is to trust me enough to share me their troubles. - Well? I asked him being around. - In truth, nothing happens, no need to worry. He changed his stance, I walked a little and showed me a slight smile. It was easy to see through and detect that it was false. I was lying. - Okay but please do not be so distracted, n

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
But not only that, I can't find the words to tell you how grateful I am. It was not only take care of myself, I also went to visit the hospital every day, I tried a lot, but not everything to cook and procurabas I was comfortable in the Department; then I was unknown. Many times I realized how tired you were.Several nights you stay asleep in the Chair surrounded by University work? And come up early so I'm sure you had to work very hard in School and work all you can at home or I am wrong? He was attentive to my words, and was quite surprised by how every detail of their efforts. Although he didn't notice I noticed him.- So, did you fix the issue of my work is not so?

- how...?

- in fact I just realize that I always knew, any other person Care so much about me. Doing so you ended up collapsing, which scared me I did worry a lot.You took my nonsense and even Jealous, thinking that you had a relationship with NII San when I'm sure he's just Worried About me and you keep abreast. I never thought that you might be right.

and I still would not let him take the floor. Should convey how grateful and indebted I felt with him.

- but above all, by accepting our relationship,Really thank you. I know it will take time to talk about this more openly with others but I Don't have to wait. Nothing could take away the Happiness of the moment. I smiled as I could, I went up to him and gave him a Little Hug; I Don't want to stifle.

I went back to My Place,We continue to eat a little more, but I noticed that the Blush on his face which had disappeared and changed to a more serious face sad and discouraged; it could mean? Breaking the Silence and took me out of my thoughts, took the word Senpai.

- M - Morinaga this morning you said you did everything what you meant by that? The Question sounded a bit strange but I answered. - huh?"What I mean," You say? Because I spent the last five years, of course I remember what happened after the accident. Your question is something unexpected? I Don't understand senpai there is something that I'm Forgetting?

- I Don't know how to explain but you remember why the accident happened?

- This is very rare.I do not understand why Questions of senpai, but now that you mention have been Nightmares? I never told him that he had not been sleeping well for it, but I Don't think that's The Reason You Think Tetsuhiro!

- If I remember correctly, I closed My Eyes, trying to recreate the images in my head. - before the crash i fired you and ran the Department.It began to rain and grew Fast, almost like a Flood. Then I Cried but I had no time to move and hit me. - What is? This is very strange. There's something missing, but what?

- Now that I think about what I was saying goodbye to you? I had to go back to Japan? But I Don't remember why. I missed my own words.I tried to remember, but it was all so confusing, Head began to hurt, I took one of my hands to my face in the Stabbing Pain I felt and I tried to mitigate it. I turned to see senpai and looked a bit worried but I felt I was just as well for my headache, something in his look was different. - You Don't have to work. I remember like you remembered it.He said that I could see down my arm and I showed empathy.

- True, you can't tell me? I understand, I have to remind myself as indicated by the doctor. Let's talk to finish eating. After that I picked up the dishes and took it to the sink to wash up, because she wanted to help me senpai accompanied me Drying and fixing them.Throughout our work I felt pleased with my Bubble bursting would help me, but he seemed a Little looked as deaminated Senpai.

you okay? I asked as I passed a plate so that it will Dry.

- S - Why do you ask? He said quite nervous.

I feel Distracted, as if your thoughts were with me

.- it must be about everything that has happened, particularly, today. - Sure, that's why. Maybe I think too much, I'm Sorry, Champ. - If that's True, because of his personality, rather should be tense up and dispersed and not really concerned i thinking too much? Just My Imagination? Or is it something that you're not telling me?

Senpai ending with that she went to her room to work on her computer on reports and several experiments had yet to finish. After all, I had been at Hamamatsu for Work and he could not go to the laboratory to help so much of the work had been Accumulated. For my part, as I'd just arrived,Don't have much to do but couldn't help senpai I had stopped for a while in the laboratory. I didn't know what was working and most likely will only Hinder Nothing outstanding University since I kept in touch with Yamaguchi and he mailed the work for teachers. - Ahhh!I sighed to be boring and nothing to do. It was too much for someone who always stays active.

I turned on the TV and I remembered that today would be a Special Program "devices to monitor time and temperature conditions - Food Products, pharmaceutical and Biomedical,"In this Documentary Channel often were very good and I found it interesting to take a look from time to time to be day or just to pass the time. I had been so entertained watching television because it seemed to be a Marathon of Documentaries on subjects interesting and I didn't notice the time.I knew that it was night because, while the Sky became Dark.

- dinner! I worried, it was late and I was not yet ready.

! And Champ? Have good time no see nor hear out of his room. I hope it is not too demanding.I was a bit worried because the food I was weird, so I went to check if everything was okay, I also wanted to ask you to dinner.

* Toc Toc toc * * *

I'm senpai!

I opened the door but not turned to me, I replied even Flinch. Something was wrong with him.I thought you'd be busy typing at speed and possibly Angry so much work but it was not so. Certainly he had Papers scattered and the computer running, but I was just sitting in the Chair next to his desk with a cup of coffee and staring at nothing; completely absent and as if you had your mind thinking about something else.

Senpai.I was getting to him and even that noticed my presence, he was immersed in your thoughts, so that from one moment to another spilled coffee on one of its arms.

- Auch Burns! He complained, while the coffee cup was broken on the floor. Squeezing his arm lightly held by the pain I felt.

senpai, senpai! You're right! ?Altered I approached to review your arm, the coffee was hot enough and his arm issued a slight Smoke Cloth.

I think yes but auch! Complained when I got a Little new account to review your sleeve. - Come with me. I took the wrist of his other arm and took him to the bathroom. While there, I went for a clean towel, Wet with warm water and Gently to Temper it spent on his arm.Then I asked him to put his arm around the sink valve for letting the cold water run and cooled. But if not all your affected arm was part of his hand, began to show a slight swelling and redness. Let The Water Run for ten minutes. He was calm despite his gesture of pain.
senpai better now?

no longer Hurts both.- that's a Relief, it seems that it was not too serious.

I followed his gaze still scattered and it annoyed me

senpai, lend me your arm!

I hold him and pulling a Ointment on the swelling and pain in the affected area; while there was special for Burns should serve for the moment. I was covered by bandages and part of his arm and hand with Care.

- Ready!With this you should Recover in a short time, although to be your right hand which burned you may have some difficulties with your daily activities. If you don't Mind help.

thank you, was not as severe and what did I think that will be enough. She thanked me a Little indifferent. It was unusual for him

.Senpai, but why were you so distracted that spilled The Coffee? Since the food so what's wrong with you? I asked him to show my concern Holding their hands.

- actually... Nothing. She turned her head to look at me. - Why you

my Gaze? We want to help you with your partner because your problems are my problems, even before,I have always been willing to do everything for you. I saw Eyes. - Now, I'm gonna kiss you Senpai.

I warned in advance of my actions and then executed. I went slowly and gave her a Little Kiss, as I gave you when we wake up. What I want is to trust me enough to share their Fears. - Well?I asked around him.

- in Truth, nothing happens, nothing to worry about. He changed his position, I left a little bit and showed me a slight smile. It was easy to see through and detect that it was false. I was lying. - All right, but please do not be so distracted, n
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