Sempai sintió inesperadamente que no podía moverse, frente a él solo u dịch - Sempai sintió inesperadamente que no podía moverse, frente a él solo u Anh làm thế nào để nói

Sempai sintió inesperadamente que n

Sempai sintió inesperadamente que no podía moverse, frente a él solo unos pasos se encontraba Morinaga de la mano de una chica que él jamás había visto. Junto a ellos dos mujeres y dos hombres formaban el cierre del grupo que se aproximaban a un bar famoso de la ciudad.

Cuando cruzaron el umbral de la puerta Sempai reacciono y pudo sentir un calor en su interior muy diferente del sofocamiento que sentía cuando Morinaga lo besaba o le hacia el amor, este calor dolía y lo consumía por dentro.

"¿qué hace este idiota aquí? Y… ¿de la mano de una chica?, ¿no eres un homo baka? … ¿acaso no me amas a mí?" sus pensamientos lo asustaron.

Abrió su boca ligeramente y también sus ojos y un sonrojo estuvo unos segundos viviendo en su cara, luego sonrió. Su transformación había sido profunda al menos en un grado de pensamiento y no podía negar más.

-asique estoy celoso…y de una chica, yo soy el idiota.- se dijo a si mismo

Camino hacia el departamento, ya las ganas de comer se le habían quitado y también de beber. Solo quería fumarse unos cigarrillos y dormir, sabía muy bien que era una estupidez pedirle explicaciones a Morinaga, "él puede hacer lo que quiera con su vida"

El vértigo conocido en su estómago apareció, ese que jamás le confesaría a Mori que sentía solo con él. Al llegar a su hogar compartido se acostó en su cama y con la mirada al techo se dijo a si mismo que no había porque preocuparse, mas todo lo que le espero de esa noche es la imposibilidad de no poder dormir en paz.

6 personas, 3 hombres y 3 mujeres se encontraban en una mesa conversando esperando para poder pedir su orden. Morinaga y la chica que lo había sostenido de la mano antes estaban más apartados de la mesa de forma que no pudieran oír las otras dos parejas.

-Tetsu…sé qué te pasa algo, has estado raro todo el día y además diste la idea de venir…en pareja, ya suéltalo- dijo la chica

Hanako chibi era una mujer baja, cabello castaño claro y los ojos negros como aceitunas, delgada como la típica japonesa y con una amabilidad y generosidad que poco se veía en este mundo.

Morinaga y ella se habían conocido en el entrenamiento. Solo al llegar habían sido colocados juntos a trabajar sin mucho tiempo para conversar debido al arduo trabajo. Ella también venia de una universidad prestigiosa y con muchas recomendaciones al igual que morinaga, se le había dado una oportunidad única y deseaba completarla con éxito. Tenía la misma edad que Morinaga y la misma buena disposición y habilidades, congeniaron perfecto en el trabajo.

En la época más dura de su entrenamiento Morinaga no había podido ir a Nagoya por lo menos por un mes y ya se sentía en su cabeza y corazón los estragos. Melancólicamente en la hora que le daban para almorzar se dirigió a una plaza cercana a la empresa, necesitaba estar solo. Se sentó en una banca y miro hacia el cielo, el sol no daba tregua pero aun así era agradable.

"¿sempai valdrá la pena todo esto? Sé que me dijiste que trabajara duro pero te extraño tanto"

Sumido en sus pensamientos no se dio cuenta que su compañera se acercaba.

-¿te pasa algo? Creo que te notas algo decaído

-ah! Hanako, todo está bien, solo quería tomar aire- mintió secándose el asomo de lagrima de la cara.

- Puedes contarme lo que sea, seguro te pasa algo, quizás una pena amorosa, lo tienes escrito en la cara

"una chica directa" pensó morinaga


-te eh traído sushi, eh visto que no has probado bocado y necesitas comer para poder estar bien en el trabajo. Ten.- dijo con una sonrisa pasándole el paquete que llevaba en las manos.

Morinaga lo recibió en silencio y le agradeció. Se obligó a empezar a comer pues sabía que estaban muy cargados y necesitaba las energías, sin embargo se preocupó un poco de que la amabilidad y atenciones hasta ahora recibidas por Hanako tuvieran otro significado, no quería decepcionarla, ella era muy agradable.

Hanako cual adivina pareció divisar el vuelco extraño de sus pensamientos y pronuncio una frase que hizo que Morinaga escupiera la comida que se echaba en la boca.

-No te preocupes por mis actos, son sinceros, yo también soy gay

Tos y más tos mientras el arroz se repartía en el piso, Hanako ahogo una risa.

-¿Qué dijiste? ¿Qué tu eres…? ¡Espera! ¿También?... ¿cómo lo supiste?

Hanako sonrió y lo invito a contarle lo que pasaba, necesitaba sacar dentro su tensión y pena, ella lo sabía. Morinaga se dio cuenta de esto y le conto de principio a fin la historia con su Sempai. Hanako no se perdió detalle y con mucha atención ponía caras de sorpresa, pena, alegría y diversión. Cuando un Morinaga visiblemente más aliviado había terminado, ella lo abrazo dulcemente y le confeso que ella había vivido algo parecido pero que aún no podía contarle bien la historia.

-ven, la hora de almuerzo ya termino y debemos volver a trabajar- le dijo mirando hacia la empresa- sabía que me recordabas a alguien tetsu.

-¿a quién?

- a mí- le contesto con su sonrisa amable y se levantó de la banca en dirección al trabajo.

Morinaga le siguió y mientras iba caminando observando la espalda de la chica se percató de algo "creo que por fin tengo una amiga de verdad aquí" pensó más curioso que otra cosa.

Hanako se detuvo de repente y se giró, con un gesto con la mano le apuro el paso, le dirigió una sonrisa compresiva y dulce, casi como cuando quieres llorar.

"también me recuerdas a mi" pensó Morinaga mientras corría para poder quedar a su lado y entrar a la empresa. Desde ese día habían sido inseparables amigos y cuando el entrenamiento termino ambos lucharon para quedar en la sucursal de Nagoya, con sus personales razones cada uno pero felices de poder seguir trabajando juntos.

En la actualidad las cosas no habían cambiado mucho, Hanako leía a Morinaga como un libro y sabía exactamente que algo le pasaba. En aquel oscuro bar Hanako se aseguró que las otras dos parejas estuvieran distraídas y le insistió a Mori a decirle la verdad.

Morinaga le conto el acontecimiento de la noche anterior y como se la había arreglado para no sucumbir a la mirada que le daba siempre que lo hería.

-Estoy cansado Hanako, el odia lo que soy y no puede aceptarlo, a pesar de todo lo que hemos pasado él se pone así.

- Mori quizás le dio vergüenza que lo pillaras así, sabes que tu tirano ha cambiado mucho, tú me lo has contado.

- lo se hanako pero me duele el corazón ¿sabes? Entiende que el da un paso hacia adelante y cien para atrás. Estoy cansado de esperar que él se dé cuenta que me…quiere

-no seas egoísta Mori- le tomo la mano para que se diera cuenta que no lo estaba reprendiendo- sabes que tu tirano no sabe amarte de otra forma, necesita tiempo.

- No lo defiendas, tu sabes las veces que trate de irme y él no me dejaba y cada vez que me hiere él sabe que lo perdono solo con alguna mirada o palabra, el me insulta porque sabe que volveré de una u otra forma. ¿Este amor es en vano? -se lo pregunto mas para el mismo.

Hanako le apretó la mano que antes solo le sostenía mientras Mori apretaba los ojos con dolor.

-Creo que el odio es más para sí mismo por no poder ser honesto ni saber muy bien que hacer, él lo saca de esa manera porque no puede expresarte la verdad- Concluyo Hanako pero eso no consoló a Morinaga.

Desde afuera las otras dos parejas veían como Hanako apretaba las manos de Morinaga y lo miraba tiernamente, cuchichearon entre ellos y sacaban las conclusiones equivocadas. A ella y a Mori jamás le habían molestado los rumores que se cernían alrededor de ellos debido a la cercanía que tenían, a menudo se reían de ello pues los dos sabían su secreto, el secreto que los había unido profundamente.

Mientras sus amigos hablaban de ellos a Hanako se le ilumino el rostro y la boca se le torcía como si tuviera una locura a punto de salir y así era.


-¿sí? – Morinaga salió de su ensoñación y lamento.

-Creo que a tu tirano le hace falta algo más que amenazas de huir, algo más…chocante. Quizás una mirada, solo una pequeña mirada a su tonto deseo, será dura y dolorosa pero quizás funcione. Solo en el dolor se pueden ver tantas verdades ¿no dicen eso?

-¿de qué hablas?

Hanako le conto el descabellado plan que de repente había surgido desde su interior, mientras un Morinaga atónito se rehusaba a seguirlo argumentando que las cosas podían empeorar drásticamente más de lo que estaban.

-Vamos Hanako, sabes que no funcionara, quizás hasta se alegre de que lo haga, esto no es bueno, el odia lo que soy, lo que somos, no puedo hacerlo.

Hanako le dio otras razones y las posibilidades de que esto triunfara "todo depende de ti Mori" le dijo muy seria. Al final Mori había aceptado, pues sabía que esta era la última carta que podía jugarse para hacerle ver a sempai. Si esto no funcionaba sabía muy bien que debía retirarse y esta vez con o sin pataleta de su tirano.

Después de unas cervezas se despidieron de sus amigos y dejo a Hanako en un taxi "buena suerte Mori" grito antes que el vehículo partiera. Camino a su departamento se dio cuenta que el cielo ya mostraba los primeros rasgos de la mañana y agradeció estar libre para poder descansar.

Abrió silenciosamente la puerta para no despertar al hombre que tanto amaba y sin el saludo tradicional se sacó el abrigo y fue en dirección hacia su cuarto. No se percató que un sempai aturdido y soñoliento que se encontraba desayunando en la cocina lo vio pasar atónito y sin pensarlo dos veces le prohibió el paso a su habitación.

-Baka! ¿Qué haces a estas horas llegando y sin siquiera saludarme eh?, ahora mismo me explicas a donde estabas y con quien, ¡no preocupes así a la gente!

- ¿asique estabas preocupado? ¿Acaso sempai y yo somos pareja? – lanzo Morinaga para hacerle ver como se estaba comportando

"sempai date cuenta, por favor, no me obligues a seguir el plan de Hanako"

Sempai se sonrojo, apretó los puños hasta que dolieron y su pecho se agito.

-qué cosas enfermas dices, te eh dicho que no hables así, que me importa lo que hiciste tienes razón, puedes hacer lo que quieras en algún bar homo.

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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Sempai unexpectedly felt that he could not move, front to it only a few steps was Morinaga from the hand of a girl he had ever seen. Alongside them two women and two men were the closure of the group that approached a famous bar in the city.When they crossed the threshold of the door Sempai I react and could feel a warmth inside very different from the smothering felt when Morinaga kissed him or him towards love, this heat hurt and consumed inside."what makes this idiot here? And... from the hand of a girl?, are not a baka homo? "... do it not me love me?" her thoughts frightened him.He opened his mouth slightly and also his eyes and a flushing was a few seconds living in his face, then he smiled. His transformation was deep at least to a degree of thought and could no more deny.-so I'm jealous... and a girl, I am the idiot-he said if sameWay to the Department, already has had removed the desire to eat and drink. I just wanted to smoke a few cigarettes and sleep, he knew very well that was stupid to ask him explanations to Morinaga, "he can do whatever he wants with his life"Known in his stomach dizziness appeared, that which never confessed it to Mori she was only with him. Arriving at their shared home she lay down on his bed and staring at the ceiling were told if itself that there was because worry, most everything I hope you that night is the impossibility of not being able to sleep in peace.6 people, 3 men and 3 women were at a table talking to waiting for your order. Morinaga and the girl who had held it before hand were more sections of the table in such a way that they could not hear the other two couples.-Tetsu... know what te pasa algo, have been rare throughout the day and also gave the idea of coming... as a couple, because releasing it - said the girlHanako chibi was a low female, brown hair and black eyes like olives, thin and the typical Japanese with a kindness and generosity that has been little seen in this world.Morinaga and she had known in the training. Only upon arrival had been placed together to work without much time to talk because of the hard work. She also came from a prestigious University and many recommendations like morinaga, had given a unique opportunity and wanted to complete it successfully. It was the same age that Morinaga and the same willingness and skills, got perfect work.In the toughest time of his training Morinaga had not been able to go to Nagoya for at least a month and already felt in his head and heart the ravages. Melancholy in the hour that gave for lunch turned to a square close to the company, I needed to be alone. Sat on a bench and I look to the sky, the Sun gave no truce, but still it was pleasant."will sempai be worth all this? I know that you told me to work hard, but I miss you so much"In his thoughts did not realize that his partner was approaching.-did you about something? I think that you notice something decayed-ah! Hanako, everything is fine, I just wanted to take air - lied to drying up the trace of tears from the face.-You can tell me whatever, seguro te pasa algo, perhaps unfortunate love, you have it written on the face"a direct girl" thought morinaga-…..-You eh brought sushi, eh seen which haven't tried snack and need to eat in order to be well at work. Ten-said with a smile, passing the package carrying in the hands.Morinaga received it in silence and thanked him. You were forced to begin to eat because he knew that they were heavily loaded and needed energies, however a little worried that the kindness and attention so far received by Hanako had another meaning, I didn't want to disappoint her, she was very nice.Hanako which guess seemed to descry the tipping strange thoughts and uttered a phrase that made that Morinaga spat out food coming down in the mouth.-Do not worry about my actions, they are sincere, I too am gayMore cough and cough while the rice was distributed on the floor, Hanako drown a laugh.-What did you say? What you are...? Hold on! Do also?... How did know it?Hanako smiled and I invite you to tell him what had happened, I needed to get inside their stress and grief, she knew it. Morinaga realized this and you told from beginning to end the story with his Sempai. Hanako was not lost detail and carefully put faces of surprise, pity, joy and fun. When a visibly more relieved Morinaga had finished, she sweetly hug it and you confessed that she had lived something similar but that still not could tell you well the story.-see, lunch hour is over and we must return to work - said you looking towards the empresa - knew that I remember someone tetsu.-who?-to me - I answer with a friendly smile and banking rose in address to work.Morinaga was followed and while I was walking looking at the back of the girl realized something "I think I have finally a friend of truth here" thought more curious than anything else.Hanako suddenly stopped and turned, with a gesture with the hand trouble you step, directed you a compressive smile and sweet, almost like when you want to cry."I also remember to my" thought Morinaga as he ran to stay by his side and entering the company. Since that day they had been inseparable friends and when the training both fought to stay at the Nagoya branch, with their personal reasons each but happy to be able to continue working together.Now things had not changed much, Hanako Morinaga as a book read and I just knew that something was happening. In that dark bar Hanako ensured that the other two couples were absent-minded and insisted Mori to tell him the truth.Morinaga le conto event of the night before and how had arranged for not succumbing to the look that gave him whenever he hurt it.-I'm tired Hanako, the hates who I am and cannot accept it, despite everything that we have past it gets as well.-Mori perhaps gave it shame that you caught it as well, you know that your tyrant has changed a lot, you've heard it.-What is hanako but hurts the heart would know? Understands that the gives a step forward and 100 back. I'm tired of waiting that he realizes that I want to...-do not be selfish Mori - took it the hand to give it note that was not reproving it - know your tyrant not love you in another way, it needs time.-Do not defend it, your know the times to try to go and it will not let me and each time it hurts me knows that I forgive only with any look or Word, the insults me because you know I'll be back in one form or another. Is this love in vain? -I ask him for the same.Hanako tightened her hand holding him before while Mori squeezed eyes with pain.-I think that hatred is more for itself to be able to not be honest or know very well what to do, he pulls it that way because you can not express the truth – conclude Hanako but that not consoled Morinaga.From outside the other two couples saw as Hanako squeezed the hands of Morinaga and looked at him tenderly, cuchichearon among them, and drew the wrong conclusions. Her and Mori had never bothered him rumors that they hovered around because of the closeness that had, often laughed at this for the two knew their secret, the secret that had United them deeply.While his friends spoke of them to Hanako she is illuminated her face and mouth is twisted him as if he were crazy about to leave and thus it was.-Tetsu!-Yes? -Morinaga came out of his reverie and I am sorry.-I need your tyrant more than threats to flee, something more... shocking. Perhaps a look, just a small glance at their silly desire, will be hard and painful, but might work. Only in pain you can see so many truths do not say that?-of which you speak?Hanako le conto Loopy plan that suddenly emerged from the inside, while a stunned Morinaga refused to follow him arguing that things could worsen dramatically more than they were.-Go Hanako, you know that doesn't work, perhaps up to be happy of to do it, this is not good, the hates who I am, what we are, I can not do it.Hanako gave other reasons and the possibilities of this triumph "everything depends on you Mori" he said very seriously. At the end, Mori had accepted, because he knew that this was the last letter that could play to make you see sempai. If this does not work it knew very well that he should retire and this time with or without a tantrum of their tyrant.After a few beers they parted friends and Hanako left in a taxi "good luck Mori" scream until the vehicle departed. Path to your Department realized that heaven already showed the first traits of the morning and thanked be free to rest.He quietly opened the door to not wake up the man who both loved and without the traditional greeting removed the coat and was heading towards her room. Not realized that a dazed and sleepy sempai who was having breakfast in the kitchen saw him pass flabbergasted and without thinking twice barred the passage to your room.-Baka! What you do at this time coming without even greet me eh?, now I explain where you were and with whom, don't worry so people!-so were concerned? Perhaps sempai and I we are couple? -lanzo Morinaga to let you see how I was behaving"sempai date account, please, make me not to follow the plan of Hanako"Sempai is Reverend, he pressed his fists until they hurt and your chest is agito.-sick things you say, you said eh not so speak, my mind what you did you're right, you can do whatever you want in a homo bar.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Sempai unexpectedly felt he could not move in front of him just steps Morinaga was the hand of a girl he had ever seen. Joining them two women and two men were closing the group approached a famous bar of the city. When they crossed the threshold of Sempai door I react and could feel a warmth in his very different inside the suffocation he felt when Morinaga it kissing or making love, this heat and consumed hurt inside. "What does this idiot here? And ... the hand of a girl ?, you're not a homo baka? ... do I not love me ? " his thoughts frightened him. He opened his mouth slightly and his eyes and a blush seconds was living in his face, then he smiled. His transformation was deep at least a degree of thought and could no longer deny. -asique'm jealous ... and a girl, I'm the idiot himself is said Road to the department, and the desire to eat They had been removed and drinking. I just wanted to smoke a few cigarettes and sleep, knew that it was stupid to ask for explanations Morinaga, "he can do whatever he wants with his life" Vertigo known in his stomach appeared, that he would never confess to feeling lonely with Mori he. Upon reaching their shared home lay in bed and looking at the ceiling he told himself that he had not to worry, but all that hope tonight is the impossibility of not being able to sleep in peace. 6, 3 men and 3 women were talking at a table waiting to order your order. Morinaga and the girl who had held the hand were more removed from the table so before they could not hear the other two couples. -Tetsu ... I know something's wrong, you've been weird all day and also gave the idea come ... a couple, and the girl said suéltalo- Hanako chibi was a short woman, light brown hair and black eyes like olives, thin as a typical Japanese and a little kindness and generosity that was seen in this world. Morinaga and she They had met in training. Only upon arrival they had been placed together to work without much time to talk because of the hard work. She also came from a prestigious university and many recommendations as Morinaga, had been given a unique opportunity and wanted to complete it successfully. He was the same age as Morinaga and the same willingness and skills, hit it perfect at work. In the hardest time of his training Morinaga had been unable to go to Nagoya for at least a month and already felt in his head and heart the havoc. Wistfully at the time they gave him for lunch he went to a place close to the company, needed to be alone. He sat on a bench and look up at the sky, the sun gave no respite but it was still nice. "sempai will be worth all this? I know you told me to work hard, but I miss you so" Lost in thought he did not that his companion approached. -¿te something wrong? I think you notice something fallen ah! Hanako, everything is fine, I just wanted to take air- lied hint of wiping tears from her face. - You can tell me anything, sure something happens to you, perhaps a love worth, what you have written in your face "a direct girl" thought Morinaga - ... .. 'I brought sushi eh, eh seen that you have not eaten and need to eat to be well on the job. Ten.- said with a smile passing the package in his hands. Morinaga received silently and thanked him. He forced himself to start eating knowing that were heavy and needed energy, but worried a bit that the kindness and attention so far received by Hanako had another meaning, did not want to disappoint her, she was very nice. Hanako which guesses seemed to make out the strange turn of his thoughts and uttered a phrase that made ​​Morinaga spit was put food in your mouth. Do not worry about my actions, are sincere, I am also gay cough and cough while the rice was distributed on the floor, Hanako chuckled. What did you say? That you are…? Wait! Also? ... How did you know? Hanako smiled and invite him to tell him what happened, he needed to get inside your stress and grief, she knew. Morinaga realized this and told from start to finish with his Sempai history. Hanako no detail was lost and carefully put faces of surprise, sorrow, joy and fun. When a visibly relieved Morinaga was over, she gently hugged him and told him that she had experienced something similar but could not tell the story well. Come, lunch is over and we must return to work-he said watching to the company- I knew I remembered someone Tetsu. 'Who? -. to me, I answer his friendly smile and rose from the bench toward the work Morinaga followed and watched as he walked back to the girl noticed something "I think I finally have a true friend here," he thought more curious than anything else. Hanako suddenly stopped and turned with a hand gesture he quickened his pace, he gave her a compressive smile sweet, almost like when you want to mourn. "I also remember my" Morinaga thought as he ran to get his side and enter the company. From that day they had been inseparable friends and when training ended both struggled to stay on the branch of Nagoya, with personal reasons everyone but happy to continue working together. Today things had not changed much, Hanako read Morinaga like a book and knew exactly that something was wrong. In that dark bar Hanako said the other two couples were distracted and he insisted Mori to tell the truth. Morinaga told the event the night before and as you've managed not to succumb to the look he always gave that . hurt him I'm tired Hanako, he hates what I am and can not accept, despite all we've been through he gets well. - Mori perhaps he was ashamed that pillaras well, you know your tyrant has changed a lot, you've told me. - I was hanako but my heart hurts you know? He understands that takes a step forward and backward hundred. I'm tired of waiting for him to realize that ... I want to be selfish -not Mori took her hand for him to realize he was not reprendiendo- tyrant know that your love does not know otherwise, you need time. - No you defend, you know the times that try to leave and he would not let me and hurt me whenever he knows I forgive only with a look or word, because he knows that insults me back in one way or another. Is this love is in vain? She asked him more for it. Hanako squeezed his hand before he held only while Mori eyes clenched in pain. I think that hatred is more to himself for not being honest and knowing exactly what to do, he it out that way because you can not express the truth but that does not conclude Hanako Morinaga comforted. From the outside the other two couples looked like Hanako Morinaga hands clenched and looked tenderly whispered among themselves and drew the wrong conclusions. She and Mori had never bothered rumors hovering around them because of the closeness that had often laughed about it they both knew his secret, the secret that was deeply attached. While his friends spoke of them Hanako's face brightened and his mouth twisted as if crazy about to leave and he did. -Tetsu! Yes? - Morinaga out of her reverie and regret. I think your tyrant makes you take more than threats to flee, something more ... shocking. Perhaps a look, just a little look at your foolish desire, will be hard and painful but may work. Alone in pain you can see many truths do not they say that? 'What you talking about? Hanako told the crazy plan that had suddenly emerged from within, while a stunned refused to follow Morinaga arguing that things could worsen dramatically more than they were. Come Hanako, you know that does not work, perhaps even glad to do it, this is not good, he hates what I am, who we are, can not. Hanako gave other reasons and chances of this triumph "all up to you Mori" he said gravely. Mori had accepted the end, knowing that this was the last letter that could be played to make you see sempai. If this did not work very well knew that he should retire and this time with or without tantrum of their tyrant. After a few beers they said goodbye to his friends and left in a taxi Hanako "good luck Mori" cry before the vehicle departed. Road to the department realized that the sky was already showing the first signs of the morning and thanked be free to rest. quietly opened the door to avoid waking the man she loved without the traditional greeting took off his coat and was in toward his room. He did not notice that a dazed and sleepy upperclassman who was having breakfast in the kitchen I saw him go in astonishment and without thinking twice barred the way to his room. -Baka! What are you doing at this hour without even greet arriving eh ?, now explain to me where you were and who, not worry people! - so here were you worried? Do senpai and I are a couple? - Morinaga launched to show him he was behaving as "sempai realize please do not make me follow the plan of Hanako" Sempai flushed, clenched his fists until his chest ached and stirred. What a sick thing to say, hey you said do not talk like that, I care what you did you're right, you can do whatever you want in a homo bar.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Sempai unexpectedly felt that he could not move, only a few steps from Morinaga was the hand of a girl he had never seen. Together these two women and two men formed the closing group which are close to a famous bar in the City.When we crossed the Threshold of the door sempai reacted and heat in its interior could feel a very different feeling of suffocation when Morinaga kissed him or her to love, this Heat and was hurt inside.
"What is this idiot here? And... A Girl's Hand? You're not a homo Baka? - Don't you love me? " His thoughts frightened him

.He opened his mouth slightly and his eyes a few seconds and a Blush was living in his face, then he smiled. Deep Processing had been at least a degree of thought and could not deny.

I'm so Jealous and a girl, I Am The Idiot. - you said to yourself

Road to the Department, the desire to eat had been removed and also drinking.I only Smoke cigarettes and sleep, knew very well that it was stupid to ask for explanations to Morinaga, "He can do whatever he wants with his life"

vertigo known in her stomach appeared, that he would confess to Mori was alone with him. Arriving at their shared Home slept in his bed, "He said to himself that there was no reason to worry.Most everything you hope that night is the impossibility of not being able to sleep in Peace.

6 people, 3 men and 3 women were chatting in a table waiting to make your order. Morinaga and the girl that had sustained the hand before were more sections of the table so that they could not hear the other two couples - Tetsu.

I know what something is,You've been acting Weird all day and also gave the idea of coming in pairs because it said the girl

Hanako Chibi was short, Light Brown Hair and eyes Black Olives, thin as the typical Japanese and a Little kindness and Generosity that was seen in this world Morinaga and

. She had known in the training.Only to arrive were placed together to work without much time to talk because of the hard work. She also came from a prestigious university and many recommendations and Morinaga, was given a unique opportunity to successfully complete it. He was the same age as Morinaga and the same willingness and abilities, at perfect at work.

in the difficult period of their training Morinaga had not been able to go to Nagoya for at least a month, and I felt his head and heart damage. Melancholy in the time given for lunch, went to a place near the Company, he needed to be alone. He sat on a bench and look to the Sky, The Sun gave no respite, but it was still Nice

."Sempai Worth all this? I know you said you work hard but I Miss You So Much

"engrossed in His thoughts did not realize that his partner was approaching. - something wrong? I think you dropped something Notes

Oh! Hanako, everything's Fine, just wanted to take Air - Drying gets lied to tear the face. - you can tell me anything, I'm sure something happens to you, maybe a penalty.It's written all over your face

"a direct Girl thought....." Morinaga


- I brought sushi, I see that you haven't had a bite to eat and you need to be good at work. - He said with a smile, Passing the package was carried in hands.
Morinaga received him in silence and thanked him. Forced to start eating Well, I knew you were heavy and needed Energy,However she cared a Little for the kindness and attention until now received by Hanako had another meaning, didn't want to disappoint her, she was very nice.
Hanako which seemed to guess His thoughts turn to see the strange and uttered a phrase that made Morinaga Spit the food that was the mouth.

- Don't worry about my actions are sincere,I'm gay, too

Cough and Cough while Rice was on the floor, Hanako stifled a laugh. - What did you say? What are you...? Wait! Too? ... How Did you know?

Hanako smiled and invited him to tell him what happened, he needed to get inside their tension and Grief, she knew. Morinaga realized this and told him the story from beginning to end his sempai.Hanako is not lost and with much attention to detail was surprised, Sorrow, Joy and fun. When a visibly relieved Morinaga had ended, she hugged him sweetly and confessed that she had experienced something similar, but still could not tell the story right.

-Lunch Time and I must get back to work - He said looking at the company I'm Tetsu remembered someone. - Who?

- Me, he replied with his friendly smile and lifted the bench in the direction of the work.Morinaga followed him as he walked back and watching the girl realized something, "I finally got a real Friend here" felt more Curious than anything else.

Hanako suddenly stopped and turned around, with a hand gesture will rush over, gave him a smile and compressive Fresh, almost like when you want to cry."I also remember my" thought Morinaga while running to be on your side and get to the company. Since that day had been inseparable friends and when the training finished both fought to stay in the Nagoya Branch, each with their personal reasons but happy to continue working together. At present, things had not changed much,Hanako was reading a Book and Morinaga as exactly knew that something was wrong. In that Dark BAR Hanako is assured that the other two couples were distracted and insisted to Mori to tell him the truth.

Morinaga told him the night before the event and how it had managed to not succumb to the gaze always gave him that SMOTE him.

I'm tired Hanako,He Hates what I am and can't accept that, despite everything that has happened he gets like that

- mori. Maybe she was embarrassed you got this, you know that your Tyrant has changed a lot, I've told you.

I Hanako but my heart Hurts, you know? Understands that the step forward and one back. I'm tired of waiting for him I want

- Don't be Selfish Mori took her hand to realize that I was not scolding you know your Tyrant Love knows no other way, needs time.

- Don't Defend him, you know the times that try out and he wouldn't Let Me and every time I Hurt You I Forgive him, just with a look or word, he insulted me because I know that one way or another. This Love is in vain?- I asked for it.

Hanako shook his hand that Previously only held her while Mori Pressed Eye pain.

I think that hatred is more to himself for not being able to be honest not knowing very well what to do, he gets that way because it can not express the It concluded that Hanako but not comforted Morinaga.

From the outside, the other two couples saw as Hanako pressed the hands of Morinaga and looked at him tenderly, cuchichearon between them and Drew the wrong conclusions. She had never bothered to Mori and rumors that were Gathering around them due to the closeness that had often laughed at this, because the two knew his secret, The secret that had United deeply.

while his friends talked about them to Hanako brightened the face and mouth is twitching like crazy and I was about to leave.

- Tetsu!

- Yes? Morinaga came out of his Reverie - - and I'm sorry.

I think your Tyrant he needs something more than threats running, something more...Chocante. Perhaps a look, only a small look at his foolish Desire,Will be hard and painful, but it just might work. Only in pain you can see So Many Truths not say that?

- What are you talking about?

Hanako told the Outlandish plan suddenly emerged from the inside, while a stunned Morinaga refused to follow him, arguing that things could get worse dramatically more of what they were.

- Hanako, know that it will not work.There might even be happy to do, this is not good, he Hates what I am, what we can't do it.

Hanako gave other reasons and the possibilities that this Triumph "Everything depends on you Mori" said very seriously. The final Mori had accepted because I knew that this was the last letter that could be played to see sempai.If This did not work well knew that he should retire and this time with or without Tantrum of The Tyrant. After a few Beers Said Goodbye to their friends and left in a taxi to Hanako "Good Luck Mori" Cry before the vehicle left. Way to your Department realized that the Sky already showed the first features of the morning free to rest and be thanked.

Quietly opened the door so as not to wake The Man Who loved and without the traditional greeting took off his coat and went towards his room. Not see a sempai Dazed and Sleepy that he was having breakfast in the kitchen Saw astonished and spend without thinking twice denied Passage to his room.

- Baka!Why are you coming and even without me, huh? Now you tell me where you were and who not worry to the people!

- were you worried? You and I are a couple years? - launched Morinaga to see was behaving as "sempai

Please, please, Don't make me have to follow the Plan of Hanako"

sempai blushed,Clenched his fists and his chest ACHED until agito.

what sick things you say, I told you not to talk so that I Don't care what you did is right, you can do what you want in a Gay Bar.
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