Yuki abrió el botiquín que había en otra de las esquinas del lugar y c dịch - Yuki abrió el botiquín que había en otra de las esquinas del lugar y c Anh làm thế nào để nói

Yuki abrió el botiquín que había en

Yuki abrió el botiquín que había en otra de las esquinas del lugar y con dos rollos de venda, empezó a intentar pararle la sangre a Morinaga. Efectivamente la bala le había rozado el lado derecho del muslo derecho. Felizmente que solo fue un roce y no una bala directa a su pierna, porque si fuera así... habría que intervenirlo de inmediato; sin embargo, de igual manera... el roce de una bala duele ya que es como si te hubieran puesto fuego en un lado de la pierna.

Morinaga intentó aguantar el dolor, pero sus lágrimas lo delataban, no podía parar de llorar ni de poner gestos de dolor. Yuki estaba asustada, nerviosa, se notaba que le temblaban las manos; y cuando terminó de ayudar a Morinaga. Se le quedó mirando atónita y luego salió corriendo.


Ya... ya no lo soporto más... NII-SAN ES UN MONSTRUO. Ya no soporto ver que los golpea ni que los grita ni que los amenaza ni que los torture de esa forma... encima ahora les dijo que en 24 horas los MATARÍA. ÉL NUNCA ME MENCIONÓ NADA SOBRE MATARLOS. Yo... yo creí que la venganza era unos cuantos golpes y ya... pero... ¿MATAR?

No... eso no. Ni Souichi ni Morinaga se lo merecen. NO ES JUSTO... ni siquiera se pueden defender... ni siquiera tienen una posibilidad de salvarse... están ENCADENADOS.

Por suerte, alcancé a Nii-san cuando se estaba subiendo a su auto para irse no sé a dónde...

-Nii-san... nii-san... ESPERA- me apoyé contra la puerta y él frenó.

-¿Qué rayos quieres ahora?... No estoy de humor para tus quejas-



-Yo... soy la persona que te ayudó mientras TÚ estabas en prisión-

-¿Y? Tú aceptaste ayudarme... yo JAMÁS te obligué. Entonces ahora no vengas a quejarte-

-No me habías dicho que los ibas a matar... pensé que solo eran golpes y ya-

-¿Golpes y ya? Jajajajaja- se burló –¿De qué me sirve golpearlos y torturarlos... si tengo que dejarlos libres y posiblemente arriesgarme a que me denuncien otra vez?-

-Pero Souichi te prometió que no lo haría... que no dirían nada a nadie y...-

-¿Y tú les creíste, no?-

-¡Sí!- me mantuve firme –Yo sí le creo a Souichi, porque a pesar de sus errores... es un buen hombre-

-Mira... mira... sabes qué- me calló –Me importa una mierda tu opinión. Yo voy a matarlos a los dos mañana en la noche. Si quieres vienes a presenciarlo... si quieres no. PERO eso sí Yuki... si te atreves a traicionarme, ya sea contándole a alguien o impidiendo mi plan o ayudándolos a escapar... ME ENCARGARÉ DE HACERTE LA VIDA UN INFIERNO ¿ME OÍSTE?-

-...- me quedé muda con su amenaza, pues no creí que se atreviera.


-... sí...- respondí con miedo.

Jamás pensé que Nii-san llegaría al extremo de tratarme así. Yo misma me preguntó ¿en qué momento empecé a tenerle miedo? Se supone que él tendría que estar agradecido conmigo por ayudarlo a planear su venganza, por adentrarme a la vida de Souichi y Morinaga, por casarme con un hombre sin amor, por humillar a gente inocente, y sobretodo... por ayudarlo a pagar la fianza; y así lograr que él cumpla su objetivo. Si hubiera sabido que al final... nii-san terminaría aprovechándose de mí... JAMÁS LO HUBIERA AYUDADO. Sin embargo, ahora es tarde... no puedo hacer nada... porque yo... porque yo... LE TENGO MIEDO.

Estoy acorralada, entre la espada y la pared. Si dejo que Souichi y Morinaga mueran... viviré el resto de mi vida sabiendo que pude ayudar a dos personas inocentes y no lo hice; sin embargo, si los librero, ellos me acusarán y yo iré a la cárcel, y no solo eso... Nii-san ME MATARÁ.


Me siento... débil. No sé... no sé si pueda resistir más estando consciente. Tengo miedo de dormir... tengo miedo de cerrar los ojos y no volver a abrirlos. Ya pasaron varias horas desde que el otaku se fue. En cualquier momento se cumplirían las 24 horas y vendrán a matarnos. Todo me dolía... mis piernas (sobretodo la del balazo), mis costillas, mi estómago, mis brazos, mi rostro... y mi trasero. Además... sentía un gran cansancio apoderarse de mi cuerpo.

Sempai no me había hablado desde que me curaron la herida de la pierna. Al parecer se resignó de tanto ser optimista y creer que nos salvaríamos. Era inútil... esta noche... NOS VAMOS A MORIR. Cómo me hubiera gustado escuchar un "te amo" de los labios de Sempai... es más... cómo me hubiera gustado sentir una vez más los besos de Sempai... hacerle el amor... abrazarlo y decirle que lo amo. Pero... no se puede.

Sé que dije que a veces me arrepiento de haber conocido a Sempai, pero la verdad... no. Lo dije en un arranque de cólera y humillación. Sinceramente... conocer a Sempai fue lo mejor que me ha pasado, le dio un nuevo sentido a mi vida. A pesar de que siempre fue un amor no correspondido, el hecho de tener un 1% de esperanza... me hacía feliz.

De pronto... escuchamos que la puerta de atrás de abrió y se cerró bruscamente y tanto a Sempai como a mí, nos invadió un terrible pánico. Nos había llegado la hora.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Yuki opened the medicine cabinet that was in another corner of the place and with two rolls of bandage, began to try to stop his blood to Morinaga. Effectively bullet had grazed him with the right side of the right thigh. Only it was a friction and not a bullet direct to your leg, because if it were so... happily would have to intervene it immediately; However, in the same way... the friction of a bullet hurts since it is as if they had put you fire on one side of the leg.Morinaga tried to endure pain, but her tears betrayed it, I couldn't stop crying or make gestures of pain. Yuki was scared, nervous, you could see that you were shaking hands; and when he had finished help Morinaga. Stared at him stunned and then ran it out.POV YUKIAlready... and I can't stand it more... NII-SAN IS A MONSTER. Already I can't stand to see hitting them or that he screams them nor that it threatens them or that torture them that way... up now said that within 24 hours the kill. HE NEVER MENTIONED ANYTHING ABOUT KILLING THEM. I... I believed that revenge was a few hits and already... but... killing?No... that does not. Neither Souichi and Morinaga are worth it. NOT is just... not even can be defended... or even they have a chance to save... are chained.Luckily, reached to Nii-san when it was rising to his car to go I do not know where...-Nii-san... nii-san... WAITING - I supported against the door and he slowed down.-What lightning like now?... I'm not in the mood for your complaints--DO YOU NOT ME SAID THAT THE WERE GOING TO KILL?-- AND WHO ARE YOU TO CLAIM ME THAT SORT OF THING--I am... the person who helped you while you were in prison-- And? You agreed to help me... I never forced you. Then now do not come to complain--Had not told me you were going to kill... I thought that they were only hits and already --Hits and already? Hahahahaha - mocked - what serves me beating and torture them... If I have to let them free and possibly risk me to denounce again? -- But Souichi promised you that you wouldn't have it... that you say nothing to anyone and...--And you believe them, no?-I had - Yes! - firm - I do believe him to Souichi, because despite their mistakes... is a good man --Look... look... you know what - silent me - I care a shit your opinion. I'm going to kill them both of them tomorrow night. If you want to come to witness it... If you don't. BUT that if Yuki... If you dare to betray me, either telling someone or preventing my plan or helping them to escape... I WILL UNDERTAKE TO MAKE YOUR LIFE A HELL DO I HEAR?--.-I was dumb with his threat, because I do not think that you dare.-DO I HEAR, BITCH?--... If...-responded with fear.I never thought that Nii-san would end treat me well. I myself asked me to when I started to be afraid? It is assumed that he would have to be grateful with me to help plan their revenge, by go to the life of Souichi and Morinaga, for me to marry a man without love, by humiliating innocent people, and above all... to help bail; to so that it fulfilled its objective. If I had known that at the end... nii-san would end up taking advantage of me... HE HAD NEVER HELPED HIM. However, now is late... I can not do anything... because I... because I... YOU HAVE FEAR.I'm cornered, between the sword and the wall. If Let me Souichi and Morinaga to die... I will live the rest of my life knowing that I help two innocent people and no I did; However, if the bookseller, they will accuse me and I'll go to jail, and not only that... NII-san I will kill.POV MORINAGAI feel... weak. I don't know... I don't know if it can resist more being aware. I am afraid to sleep... am afraid to close my eyes and not open them again. They already spent several hours since I left the otaku. At any time they would meet the 24 hours and come to kill us. All I hurt... my legs (especially that of the shot), my stomach, my arms, my ribs, my face... and my butt. In addition... felt a great fatigue take over my body.Sempai had not told me since cured me leg wound. He apparently resigned to be both optimistic and believe we would save. It was useless... tonight... WE ARE GOING TO DIE. How I would have liked listening to a "I love you" from the lips of Sempai... more... is how I would have liked to feel once again the kisses of Sempai... make love... hug him and tell him that I love him. But... you can't.I know I said that I sometimes regret to have known Sempai, but the truth... no. I said it in a fit of anger and humiliation. Sincerely... meet Sempai was the best thing that ever happened, gave a new meaning to my life. While it was always an unrequited love, having a 1% of hope... made me happy.Suddenly we hear... that the back door opened and closed abruptly and both Sempai like me, invaded us a terrible panic. The time had come to us.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Yuki opened the medicine cabinet was in another corner of the place and with two rolls of bandage, began to try to stop the blood Morinaga. Indeed the bullet had grazed his right side of his right thigh. Fortunately it was only a brush and not a direct bullet to his leg, because if so ... we should immediately intervenirlo; However, just as ... the touch of a bullet hurts because it is as if you had put fire on one side of the leg. Morinaga tried to endure the pain, but tears betrayed him, he could not stop mourn or put wincing. Yuki was scared, nervous, you could tell that his hands were shaking; and when he finished Morinaga help. Looked at him in astonishment and then ran away. POV YUKI already ... I can not stand it ... NII-SAN is a monster. I can not stand and watch the hits or the cries nor the threat or the torture that ... over now told them to kill them in 24 hours. HE NEVER mention anything about KILL ME. I ... I thought that revenge was a few strokes and then ... but ... KILL? No ... not that. Neither Morinaga Souichi nor deserve. It's not fair ... they not even defend ... can not even have a chance to survive ... they are chained. Luckily I managed to Nii-san when he was getting into his car to go do not know where .. . NII-san ... Nii-san ... Wait- I leaned against the door and he slowed down. What the hell do you want now? ... I'm not in the mood for your complaints- why you not told me IBAS THAT KILL - And who are you to claim me that sort of thing I ... I am the person who helped you while you were in prison- So? You agreed to help me ... I would never force you. So now do not come to quejarte- No you told me that you were going to kill ... I thought they were just bumps and ya- -¿Golpes and you? Jajajajaja- -¿De mocked what good beat and torture me ... if I have to leave them free and possibly risking to denounce me again - But Souichi promised you would not do it ... they would not say anything to anyone and ...- 'And you believed them not - 'Yes -' I stood my ground me if I think a Souichi, because despite their mistakes ... is a good man ... Look Look ... I know what- 'I stopped a shit your opinion. I'll kill them both tomorrow night. If you want you come to witness it ... if you do not want. But yeah Yuki ... if you dare to betray either telling someone or preventing or helping to plan my escape ... I'll take care of making you life hell Did you hear me? - I was dumb -...- with his threat, for I dare not think. will ya heard, BITCH - -... yes ...- I replied in fear. I never thought that Nii-san go so far as to treat me well. I asked myself at what point I began to fear? It is assumed that he would be grateful to me for help to plan his revenge, for delve into the life of Souichi and Morinaga, by marrying a man without love, to humiliate innocent people, and above all ... to help pay the security; and thus make it meet its target. If I had known that ultimately end ... Nii-san advantage of me ... I never would have helped. However, it is now late ... I can do nothing ... because I ... because I ... I'm scared. I'm cornered, their backs to the wall. If I let Morinaga Souichi and die ... I will live the rest of my life knowing I could help two innocent people and I did not; however, if the bookseller, they accuse me and I will go to jail, and not only that ... Nii-san kill me. POV Morinaga ... I feel weak. I do not know ... I do not know if I can resist being aware. I'm afraid to sleep ... I'm afraid to close my eyes and open them again. It's been several hours since the otaku left. At any time, 24 hours would meet and come to kill us. Everything hurt me ... my legs (especially of the shot), my ribs, my stomach, my arms, my face ... and my ass. Also felt very tired ... seize my body. Sempai had not spoken to me since my wound healed leg. Apparently he resigned himself to be both optimistic and believe we would save us. It was useless ... tonight ... we're going to die. How I would have liked to hear a "I love you" from the lips of Sempai ... is more ... how I wished to feel once again kisses Sempai ... make love ... I hug him and tell him I love . But ... you can not. I know I said that I sometimes regret having met Sempai, but the truth ... no. I said it in a fit of anger and humiliation. Honestly ... meet Sempai was the best thing that happened to me, he gave new meaning to my life. Although it was always an unrequited love, the fact of having a 1% hope ... I made ​​me happy. ... Suddenly we heard the back door opened and closed abruptly as both Sempai me, invaded us a terrible panic. We was time.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Yuki opened the kit that was in another Corner of the place, and with two rolls of bandage, began to try to stop the blood to Morinaga. The Bullet had bordered on the right side of the right thigh. Fortunately it was only a Touch and not a Bullet in the leg, because if so... Should intervene immediately; however, as...Rubbing a Bullet Hurts because it is as if you had Fire in a leg Side.

Morinaga tried to endure Pain, but their Tears Betrayed him, I couldn't Stop Crying and making gestures of pain. Yuki was Scared, Nervous, he shook hands; and when finished helping Morinaga. They stared at him stunned and then ran.

you Yuki POV...I can't take it anymore... NII San is a Monster. I can't stand seeing the hits and The Cry or the Threat or torture that way... I told them that in 24 hours MATARÍA. He never mencionÓ nothing on them. I... I thought I was already a few punches and... But... Kill?

... Not that. Souichi Morinaga deserve it or not. It's Not Fair...They can't even Defend... I Don't even have a Chance of being saved. They're chained. Luckily, I NII San when he was getting into his car to leave I Don't know where...

- nii San... NII San... Wait - I leaned against the door, and he did. - What do you want now? ... I'm not in the mood for your complaints -

- Why didn't you tell me you were gonna kill?
- and who are you to take me that sort of thing - i -

... I am the person who helped you when you were in Prison -

? You accepted me... I never FORCED YOU. Then don't complain to Me Now -

- I thought you said you were gonna kill... I thought you were just blows and blows and you

- already? Hahahaha what serves - Mocked me beating and Torture them...If I Set Them Free and possibly risk to denounce me again? -

but Souichi Promised You That I would not... Would not say anything to anyone...

- and you believe them?

- - Yes! - I held firm - Yes I believe Souichi, because despite its mistakes... He is a Good Man -

- look... Look... You know what I did, I Don't give a Shit About Your opinion.I'm going to kill both of them tomorrow night. If you want to come see... If you don't want to. But that Yuki... If you dare betray me or telling someone, either preventing or helping them to escape My plan... I encargarÉ to make life a hell I heard?

- - - - I was Speechless with his Threat, as I dared.

I heard him, bitch? -

... Yes...I answered with Fear. I never thought that NII San Would Reach the end of this treatment. I asked when I started to be afraid? It is supposed that he should be grateful to me for help in Planning his Revenge by going to the Life of Souichi and Morinaga, Marry A Man Without Love to humiliate innocent people, and above all... To help pay the bail;
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