El ambiente estaba silencioso hasta que me harté y le di un puño a la mesa, provocando que todos reaccionaran...
-¿Es necesario presenciar la asquerosidad que está haciendo esta mocosa con su comida?- expresé señalando a Taiga.
-¿De qué hablas, Sempai?- preguntó el bastardo de Morinaga con su cara de inocente.
-¡Hablo de eso!- señalé el plato de Taiga –Mira ¿Onigiris rellenos de pollo teriyaki combinados con mostaza, azúcar y manjar blanco? ES ASQUEROSO-
-Cada uno come su comida como quiere. No tienes que estar juzgándome- se defendió Taiga.
-¿¡Podrías, por favor... COMER NORMAL!?-
-Estoy comiendo normal. Es solo que tengo antojos-
-Sempai... no te enojes, por favor. Una mujer embarazada tiene antojos y por lo tanto...-
-YA SÉ QUE LAS MUJERES EMBARAZADAS TIENEN ANTOJOS- me exalté y luego respiré hondo –Pero esta mocosa está haciendo este tipo de combinaciones para molestarme-
-¡Eso no es cierto!- ella se defendió –No estoy haciendo nada en tu contra-
-¡Claro que sí lo haces, baka!-
-Sempai,... Taiga me preguntó hace un momento si podía comerlo de esa manera y yo le dije que sí-
-¿QUÉ?- me indigné -¿Así que fue tu idea?-
-No fue mi idea. Solamente le di permiso que lo hiciera- respondió nervioso –No tenía nada de malo, Sempai. No sabía que te ibas a molestar-
-No- respiré hondo –No me voy a "molestar". No pretendo arruinarme la noche por esto- me puse de pie con mi plato y me fui de la sala.
-¿A dónde vas, Sempai?-
-Terminaré mi comida en el cuarto. De paso que luego me voy a dormir para no verle la cara a esta mocosa-
Morinaga iba a decirme algo, pero hice caso omiso y me encerré en el cuarto. Lo que sí me causó algo de rabia es que la mocosa me sacó la lengua antes que entrar a la habitación. Esa niña malcriada... se nota que sigue siendo una completa inmadura. Ya quiero que ese bebe nazca de una buena vez para que Taiga se largue de aquí.
Días después... Taiga volvió a colmar mi paciencia. A veces pensaba que esa mocosa disfrutaba molestarme. Era un domingo. Taiga veía televisión, mientras que yo estaba sentado también en el sofá revisando algunos apuntes en mi laptop. Morinaga estaba terminando de limpiar la casa con la escoba.
-Deberías ayudar a Mori con la limpieza- comentó Taiga, pero la ignoré –Hey... te estoy hablando- seguí ignorándole –Oye tú... el cuatro ojos antisocial-
-¡Qué!- colmó mi paciencia.
-Dije que deberías ayudar a Mori con la limpieza-
-No quiero-
-¿Por qué? Esta también es tu casa. No es justo que Mori haga todo el trabajo duro y tú estés sentadote sin hacer nada-
-Para tú información... estoy trabajando en la clase que daré mañana-
-Mori también tiene que trabajar mañana y, sin embargo, él hace solo la limpieza... y no es solo hacer la limpieza... sino que también hace las compras, cocina, lava y plancha tu ropa-
-Él quiso hacer eso-
-Lo hace porque te ama y porque sabe que tú no puedes hacerlo-
-No es que no pueda, sino que no me gusta hacer los deberes de la casa-
-A nadie le gusta hacer los deberes de la casa, pero es algo que se debe hacer. Es parte de madurar-
-¡Ja! Madurar- me burlé –Entonces tú también deja de estar "sentadota" viendo la televisión, y empieza a ayudar a Morinaga con la "limpieza"-
-Yo no puedo hacer trabajo físico... estoy embarazada-
-Sí claro... "estar embarazada" es tu excusa para pasarte todo el día durmiendo, viendo televisión, comiendo, y... NO BUSCAR UN TRABAJO-
-Nadie va a querer contratar a alguien que está embarazada-
-¿Así? ¿Y cómo piensas conseguir dinero?-
-Fácil- se cruzó de brazos –Con el poco dinero que tenía... compré muchas cosas para hacer bisutería y las vendo por internet-
-Qué pérdida de tiempo-
-Al contrario. Mientras tú estás trabajando en la universidad... yo me pongo a hacer aretes, collares, pulseras y llaveros y las vendo por internet desde aquí. Otra cosa es que tú no lo veas y pienses que no hago nada-
-Ay mira. No me cuentes más porque no me interesa ¿sí?-
-Como quieras- suspiró –Aún sigo pensando que deberías ayudar a Mori con la limpieza-
Minutos después... Morinaga había terminado de hacer el aseo completo de la casa como todos los domingos y se acomodó en el sofá pequeño a tomar un respiro.
-Al fin terminé- expresó alegremente.
-¿Estás cansado, Mori?- preguntó la mocosa.
-Sí. El trabajo de la casa agota mucho-
-¿Y por qué no dejas que Souichi te ayude con la limpieza? Estoy segura que le encantaría-
-¿QUÉ? ¡Eso no es cierto!- me defendí.
-Taiga, a Sempai no le gusta hacer la limpieza-
-Así es- reforcé lo que dijo Morinaga.
-Mori... a nadie le gusta hacer la limpieza, pero es algo que se debe hacer-
-Bueno de hecho... a mí sí me gusta hacer la limpieza jeje- río inocentemente.
-De todas maneras Souichi también debería ayudar en algo-
-No te preocupes, Taiga. Souichi me ayuda mucho dándome su amor-
-¿Amor?- se burló –Pues yo no veo que este tirano te dé amor-
-No tengo por qué ponerme en ridículo en frente de ti. Lo que haga o hable con Morinaga no te incumbe en lo absoluto- me estaba enojando –Además... ¿a quién le dices "tirano", mocosa?-
-Pues a ti... homosexual frustrado-
-Cállate, maldita mocosa-
Y nuevamente comenzaba una nueva discusión. Yo estaba tranquilamente sin molestar a nadie... y Taiga tiene que hacer sus comentarios que provocan problemas.
Otro de los pleitos que tuve con Taiga, fue un día en la noche. Recuerdo que era miércoles. Yo había regresado temprano del trabajo y Morinaga iba a demorar un poco más en la Farmacéutica. Me encontraba sentado en el sofá con Taiga viendo televisión cuando en eso...
-Ay... tengo hambre- Taiga se quejó.
-¿¡Quieres dejar de quejarte!?-
-No puedo... tengo mucha hambre. Además... recuerda que yo tengo un bebé adentro-
-Yo también tengo hambre, pero no por eso voy a andar haciendo escándalo- respiré hondo –En un rato llegará Morinaga para que nos cocine algo-
-¿Por qué tenemos que esperar a que Morinaga venga?- cuestionó como una niña engreída –Tú cocina algo-
-Sí tú. Muévete-
-No. Yo no sé cocinar-
-Pues aprende. Mori debe tener un libro de recetas en la cocina-
-¡Que no sé cocinar! ¿Acaso no entiendes?-
-¡Ay, Souichi! Por qué rayos eres tan inútil-
-No soy un inútil. Solamente que la "cocina" no es mi fuerte-
-Pero inténtalo-
-No quiero-
-Te reto a cocinar algún platillo. Cualquiera... el que tú quieras-
-No estoy para jueguitos tontos-
-¡Uy! ¿Acaso escuché el sonido de una gallina?- empezó a burlase como una niña –Gallina, gallina, gallina-
-¡Que no soy gallina!-
-Gallina, gallina, gallina... jajajajajaja-
-¡Ya está bien! Acepto el maldito reto-
Solo lo acepté para que dejara de molestarme y para demostrarle que NO soy una gallina y que tal vez... sí puedo cocinar siempre y cuando tenga una receta en mano. ¿Qué tan difícil puede ser?
Había demorado más de lo normal, pero al fin llegué a casa. Solo esperaba que Sempai y Taiga no se hayan matado. Abrí la puerta del apartamento y empecé a sentir un olor medio extraño. Olía a... pescado quemado..., pero... no era desagradable. Ignoré el aroma y entré a la puerta que daba a la sala.
-Ya estoy en casa-
-Bienvenido a casa, Mori- se acercó Taiga a saludar con una sonrisa.
-Gracias, Taiga- dejé mis cosas en el sofá –Por cierto... ¿qué huele así?-
-Ah... es que Souichi está cocinando y...-
Fui a la cocina y cada vez el olor de hacía más fuerte.
-Hola, Sempai-
-Ah... hola, Morinaga-
-¿Qué haces? ¿Por qué estás cocinando?-
-Bueno... esta vez quise intentar hacer la cena-
-¿Hacer la... cena?-
-Ah... etto...-
-Y tú serás el primero en probar la sopa de pescado que he cocinado...-
-¿Sopa de... pescado?- sirvió bastante sopa en un tazón y puso en la mesa un par de palillos ohashi –Ven... siéntate-
-Pero, Sempai...-
-¡Que te sientes!- se puso serio.
-Sí, ya voy- obedecí.
Me acerqué a la isla de la cocina y… por un momento dudé en tomar la sopa o no, pero Sempai se me puso mi lado izquierdo y Taiga a mi lado derecho para observarme y juzgar la sopa. Estaba acorralado… tenía que tomar aquella sopa preparada por Sempai. A decir verdad… no olía mal, simplemente olía a quemado.
Aunque tenga un olor fuerte y mal aspecto… puede que tenga buen sabor, pensé y respiré hondo. Sujeté el tazón y me lo llevé a la boca para tomar el caldo.
Esto… esto… sabe… ¡HORRIBLEEEEEEE!, pensé con el tazón aún en mi boca, pero no quería poner una cara de asco, no quería hacer sentir mal a Sempai. Así que me calmé y fingí una buena cara dejando el tazón en la mesa y pasando con mucho esfuerzo el caldo por mi garganta.
The atmosphere was quiet until I got me and gave him a fist on the table, causing everyone to react...-Is it necessary to attend the asquerosidad doing this runny with your meal? - expressed pointing to Taiga.-Of which you speak, Sempai? - asked the Morinaga bastard with his innocent face.-I speak of that! - I pointed out the plate of Taiga - look Onigiris stuffed with chicken teriyaki combined with mustard, sugar and Blancmange? IS DISGUSTING--Each one eats your food as you want to. You don't have to be judging me - defended Taiga.-You, please...!? EAT NORMAL! --I am eating normal. It's just that I have cravings--Sempai... do not be angry, please. A pregnant woman has whims and thus...--YA SÉ QUE LAS women pregnant have cravings - I exalté and then I took a deep breath - but this runny is making this kind of combinations to annoy me --That is not true! - she defended - I'm not doing anything against you --Clear yes you do, baka!--Sempai... Taiga asked me a moment ago if I could eat it that way and I said yes --WHAT? - I indigné - so was it your idea?--It wasn't my idea. Only gave him permission that did - he said nervous - had nothing wrong, Sempai. I didn't know you were going to bother---No--took a deep breath - I'm not going to "bother". I don't want to ruin the night for this - I was standing with my dish and I left the room.-Where are you going, Sempai?--I shall conclude my meal in the room. Incidentally I'm then going to sleep to not see him face this runny--But...-Morinaga was going to tell me something, but I did ignore and I locked myself in the room. What if caused me some anger is that the runny took me the language before entering the room. That little girl gone... Note that it is still a complete immature. You want that baby is born once so Taiga snap here.Days later... Taiga returned to fill my patience. I sometimes thought that runny enjoyed annoy me. It was a Sunday. Taiga watched television while I sat also in the sofa reviewing some notes on my laptop. Morinaga was finishing cleaning the House with broom.-Should help Mori with cleaning - Taiga commented, but I ignored it - Hey... I'm talking about - I kept ignoring him - Hey you... the four antisocial eyes --What! - filled my patience.-I said that you should help Mori with cleaning--I don't--Why? This is also your home. It is not fair that Mori do all the hard work and you're sentadote without doing nothing-For your information... I'm working on the class which I will give tomorrow--Mori also has to work tomorrow and, however, it makes only cleaning... and is not only do the cleaning... but also makes shopping, cooking, washing and ironing your clothes--He wanted to do that--It does because he loves you and knows that you can not do it--It is not that you cannot, but that I don't like to do the duties of House--Nobody likes to do the duties of the House, but it is something that must be done. It is part of mature--Ja! Mature - me burlé - then you also ceases to be "sentadota" watching television, and begins to help "cleaning" - Morinaga-I can not do physical work... am pregnant --Other light... "being pregnant" is your excuse to spend all day sleeping, watching TV, eating, and... NOT LOOKING FOR A JOB--No one will want to hire someone who is pregnant--So? And think how to get money?--Easily - crossed of arms - with little money who had... I bought many things to make jewelry and sell them on the internet --Loss of time--On the contrary. While you are working at the University... I put to make earrings, necklaces, bracelets and key chains and sell them online from here. Another thing is that you can not see it and think I don't do anything--See ay. Do not tell me more because I don't want Yes?-- As you want - he sighed - yet I still think that you should help Mori with cleaning--Shut up-Minutes later... Morinaga had finished making the complete toilet of the House like every Sunday and settled on the small couch to take a breather.-Finally finished - said cheerfully.-Are you tired, Mori?-asked the runny.-Yes. The work of the House much - depleted- And why not leave that Souichi help with cleaning? I am sure that you would love to--WHAT? That is not true!-I defended.-Taiga, to Sempai doesn't like to clean --So - emphasized what he said Morinaga.-Mori... nobody likes to do the cleaning, but it is something that should be--Well... made me yes I like to do cleaning hehe - I laugh innocently.-In all ways Souichi should also help in something--Don't worry, Taiga. Souichi helps me much giving me your love--Love? - mocked - because I do not see that this tyrant will give you love--I have why to get ridiculed in front of you. What do or talk with Morinaga you is not up at all - I was angrier - also... who say "tyrant", runny? --Maybe to you frustrated... Gay--Shut up, runny maldita -And again started a new discussion. I was quietly without disturbing anyone... and Taiga have to do reviews that cause problems.Another of the lawsuits I had with Taiga, was a day in the evening. I remember that it was Wednesday. I had returned early from work and Morinaga was going to take a little longer in the pharmaceutical. I was sitting on the couch with Taiga watching TV when in that...-Oh... I'm hungry - Taiga complained.-You want to stop whining! --I can not... am very hungry. Also... remember that I have a baby in--I am also hungry, but not so I will walk by scandal - took a deep breath - in awhile will come Morinaga to cook us something --Why must we wait for Morinaga to come? - questioned as a conceited girl - you cuisine something--Me?--Yes you. Move--No. I don't know how to Cook--As you learn. Mori must have a recipe book kitchen--Do not know cooking! Do you not understand?--Oh, Souichi. What rays you're so vain--I am not a useless. Only that the "kitchen" is not my forte -- But try--I don't--I challenge you to cook any dish. Any... wherever you choose --I am not for silly games--Oops! Perhaps heard the sound of a hen?-began to mock as a girl - hen, hen, hen --I'm not chicken!--Hen, hen, hen... jajajajajaja --Is already well! I accept the damn challenge--Yeeee-I just accepted it so stop bothering me and to show you that I am not a chicken and that maybe... yes I can cook provided you have a prescription in hand. Hard can it be?POV MORINAGAIt had been delayed more than normal, but after I got home. He only hoped that Sempai and Taiga have not been killed. I opened the door of the apartment and began to feel an average odd odor. It smelled like burned... fish... but... it wasn't unpleasant. I ignored the smell and went to the door facing the room.-I'm at home--Welcome to casa, Mori - approached Taiga to greet with a smile.-Thanks, Taiga - I left my stuff on the sofa - by the way... what smell so?--Oh... is that Souichi is cooking and...--SEMPAI IS DOING WHAT?-I went to the kitchen and every time the smell of made stronger.-Hello, Sempai--Ah... Hi, Morinaga --What do you do? Why are you cooking?--Well... this time I wanted to try the dinner--Would make the... dinner?--Yes--Ah... etto...-- And you'll be the first to try the fish soup which I cooked...--Soup of... fish? - he served enough soup in a bowl and put on the table a couple of sticks ohashi - come... sit --But, Sempai...--That you feel! - got serious.-Yes, I'm coming - obeyed.I approached the kitchen island and... for a moment I hesitated in taking the soup or not, but Sempai was me my left side and Taiga to my right to see me and judge soup. It was cornered... had to take that soup prepared by Sempai. To tell the truth... not smelled bad, just smelled burning.Although it has a strong smell and unsightly... you can have good taste, I thought and took a deep breath. I attached the bowl and took it to the mouth to take the broth.This... this... know... HORRIBLEEEEEEE!, I thought with the Bowl still in my mouth, but I didn't want to put a face of disgust, he would not feel bad to Sempai. So I calmed me down and pretended a good face leaving the Bowl on the table and going hard stock through my throat.
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..

The atmosphere was quiet until I got tired and gave a fist on the table, causing all react ... Is it necessary witness the nastiness that is doing this brat with your meal -. I said pointing at Taiga 'What you talk, Sempai - asked the bastard Morinaga his innocent face. -¡Hablo that - I pointed the dish Taiga Look ¿Onigiris combined teriyaki chicken stuffed with mustard, sugar and blancmange? ES ASQUEROSO- Every one eats his food as he wants. You do not have to be defended juzgándome- Taiga. -¿¡Podrías, please ... EAT NORMAL -? I'm eating normally. I just have antojos- -Sempai ... do not be angry, please. A pregnant woman has cravings and therefore ...- 'I know pregnant women have ANTOJOS- exalt me and then took a deep breath But this brat is doing this kind of combinations to molestarme- 'That's not true! - No she defended'm doing anything on your counter yes' Of course you do, baka - -Sempai ... Taiga asked me just now if I could eat that and I told him Yes -¿ WHAT - I was outraged 'So it was your idea - 'It was my idea. Only gave him permission to do so-nervous' I had said nothing wrong, Sempai. I did not know you were going to molestar- -No- No deep breath I will "disturb". I do not intend to ruin the night for this- I stood with my plate and left the room. 'Where you going, Sempai - 'll finish my food in the room. Incidentally I'm going to sleep then not see the face of this mocosa- But ...- Morinaga going to say something, but I ignored and locked myself in the room. What I caused some anger is that brat pulled my tongue before entering the room. That brat ... note that remains a complete immature. Now I want that baby is born once and for Taiga hell out of here. Days later ... Taiga again fill my patience. Sometimes I thought that brat enjoyed bother. It was a Sunday. Taiga watching TV while I was sitting on the couch also reviewing some notes on my laptop. Morinaga was finishing cleaning the house with a broom. You should help with the cleaning-Mori said Taiga, but ... Hey ignored kept ignoring him I'm talking about you ... Hey four eyes anti-social -¡ What - filled my patience. I said that should help with the cleaning-Mori want- No Why? This is also your home. Mori's not fair to do all the hard work and you're doing nothing-sentadote For your information ... I am working in the class give tomorrow -Mori also have to work tomorrow, and yet, he does only cleaning ... and not only do the cleaning ... but also makes the shopping, cooking, washing and ironing your clothes- He wanted to do that- 'm doing because he loves you and he knows that you can not do so not that I can not, but I do not like to do the duties of the house 'Nobody likes to do the duties of the house, but it's something to do. It is part of madurar- Ha! I scoffed Madurar- Then you also no longer "sentadota" watching television, and start helping with Morinaga "cleansing" - I can not do physical work ... I'm pregnant- Yes clear ... " pregnant "is your excuse to spend all day sleeping, watching TV, eating, and ... NOT FIND A work- No one will want to hire someone who's pregnant 'So? And how will you get money - -Fácil- arms crossed With the little money I had ... I bought many things for jewelry and sell it for Internet- What a waste of time 'On the contrary. While you are working in college ... I start to make earrings, necklaces, bracelets and keychains and sell online from here. Another thing is that you do not see it and think that I do nothing- Oh look. Do not tell me any more because I do not care yes - As sighed -even want- I still think you should help with the cleaning-Mori Shut up ... Minutes later Morinaga had finished making the full housecleaning as every Sunday and sat on the small couch to take a break. At last terminé- said cheerfully. Are you tired, Mori -. He asked the brat Yes. The housework much- exhausted 'Why do not you let Souichi help you with cleaning? I'm sure you encantaría- What? That's not true -. Defended myself -Taiga, Sempai does not like to do the cleaning- . So what I reinforced ES Morinaga said -Mori ... nobody likes to do the cleaning, but it is something that must do- Well actually ... I do like me do the cleaning jeje- river innocently. 'Anyway Souichi should also help something- Do not worry, Taiga. Souichi helps me by giving me her love -¿Amor - mocked Well I do not see this tyrant give you love- No reason for me to make me look ridiculous in front of you. What we do or speak with Morinaga none of your business what I was angry all- Besides ... who you say "tyrant" brat - Well ... you frustrated homosexual Shut up, damn mocosa- And again he started a new discussion. I was quietly without disturbing anyone ... and Taiga has to make comments that cause problems. Another lawsuits had with Taiga, it was a day at night. I remember it was Wednesday. I had returned early from work and Morinaga would take longer in the Pharmaceutical. I was sitting on the couch watching TV when Taiga that ... Oh ... I have complained Taiga hunger. -¿¡Quieres stop complaining -? 'I can not ... I have very hungry. Also ... remember that I have a baby inside- 'I also I have hunger, but not why I'm going to go about doing scandal took a deep breath -In a while Morinaga will come to cook us something- Why do we have to wait Morinaga to come - questioned as a smug kitchen girl something- 'You -¿Yo - Yes you are. Muévete- No. I do not know cooking- Well learn. Mori must have a recipe book in the kitchen cooking not know-what! Did not understand - Oh, Souichi! Why the hell are you so useless I am not a useless. Only the "kitchen" is not my strongly But inténtalo- No want- I dare to cook a dish. Any ... that you want- 'I'm for jueguitos tontos- -¡Uy! Do I hear the sound of a chicken - started making fun like a child -Gallina, chicken, gallina 'What am not chicken - -Gallina, hen, hen ... jajajajajaja- -¡Ya okay! I accept the challenge-damn -Yeeee- only accepted it to stop bothering me and to show that I am not a chicken and maybe ... yes I can always cook as you have a prescription in hand. How hard can it be? POV Morinaga had taken longer than usual, but finally got home. He just hoped Sempai and Taiga have not been killed. I opened the apartment door and began to feel a strange smell means. ... Fish smelled burnt ... but ... was not unpleasant. I ignored the smell and went to the door to the room. -yâ'm home- Welcome home, Taiga Mori came to greet with a smile. Thank you, Taiga- left my things in the sofa-indeed ... what smells so - Oh ... is that cooking and ...- Souichi -¿SEMPAI is doing what -? . I went to the kitchen and the smell of increasingly louder Hello, Sempai - Oh ... hello, Morinaga- What are you doing? Why are you cooking? - Well ... this time I wanted to try to dinner- ... 'Doing the dinner - -Yes.- etto ...- Ah ... And you'll be the first try the fish soup I cooked ...- ... -¿Sopa of fish - enough soup served in a bowl and put on the table a pair of chopsticks ohashi siéntate- Come ... But, Sempai. ..- 'What you feel - he became serious. Yes, I voy- obeyed. I approached the kitchen island and ... for a moment I hesitated to take the soup or not, but Sempai put my hand Taiga left and my right to watch me and judge the soup side. He was cornered ... I had to take that soup prepared by Sempai. Truthfully ... not smell, just smelled something burning. Although it has a strong odor and unsightly ... you may have good taste, I thought and breathed deeply. I held the bowl and took it to his mouth to make the broth. This ... this ... you know ... HORRIBLEEEEEEE !, I thought the bowl still in my mouth, but did not want to put a face of disgust, not wanting to feel bad Sempai . So I calmed down and pretended a good face leaving the bowl on the table and painstakingly going down my throat broth.
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..

The environment was quiet until I got tired and gave him a fist on the table, causing all REACT
- it is necessary to see the Filth that's doing this Brat with your Meal? - I expressed pointing to Taiga. - What are you talking about, sempai? - the Bastard Morinaga asked with his Innocent Face.
- talk like that!- noted the dish look filled onigiri Taiga Teriyaki Chicken combined with Mustard, Sugar and White Dish? It's disgusting. -
- every one wants to Eat her food. You Don't have to be judging me - Defended Taiga.
- could you, please... Eat normal!
I'm eating? - normal. It's just that I have cravings -
- sempai... Please Don't Be Mad.A pregnant woman has cravings and therefore...
I know that pregnant women have cravings - I went out and then I took a deep breath, but this Kid is doing this type of combinations for me
- - that's not true! - she said I'm not doing anything against you -
- of course you do, Baka!
- sempai,...Taiga asked me a moment ago if he could eat that way and I said yes -
- What? - i indigné - it was your idea? -
- was not my idea. Only gave him permission to do so - nervous - had said nothing wrong, sempai. I didn't know you were gonna disturb -
- Breathed Deep - going to "disturb".Don't Ruin the night for this - i stood on My Plate, and I left the room. - Where are you going, sempai?
- - finish my meal in the room. Step then I go to sleep not to face this Brat -
Morinaga was going to say something, but I ignored and locked myself in the bathroom.I caused some Anger is that you gave me the language before entering the room. This spoiled Child... Note that a complete remains immature. I Want That baby is Born a good time to get out of here Taiga.
days after... Taiga returned to fill my patience. Sometimes I thought that I was bothering me. It was a Sunday. Taiga watching TV,While I was sitting on the couch Also reviewed some notes on my laptop. Morinaga just finished cleaning the house with a Broom.
you should help with Cleaning - mori Said Taiga, but Ignored - Hey,... I'm talking to you - i - ignoring you... The Four Eyes antisocial -
What! - broke my patience. - I said you should help with Cleaning -
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..