Días antes en la tienda de disfraces…
-¡Waoooo esto es increíble Ayumi-san!- expresaba emocionada la pequeña niña.
-¡Kanako-chan! ¿Que haces aquí?- salto de sorpresa con una mano en su pecho, al descubrir a la inocente niña detrás de ella.
-Perdóname Ayumi-chan, es que me dejaste muy intrigada sobre tu habilidad… ese poder… de leer los corazones de las personas, por eso… te seguí hasta aquí… lo siento mucho Ayumi-chan- explicaba apenada la pequeña.
La amable y linda joven suspiro pesadamente -No te preocupes, ya no se puede hacer nada, ven te mostrare algo- le tomo de la mano y mientras caminaban, le mostro un sin fin de objetos en las vitrinas que tenia detrás de las cortinas del mostrador, que separaban ese misterioso lugar de la tienda de disfraces.
-Ayumi-chan ¿Que es todo esto?- preguntaba entusiasmada la pequeña, observando, cartas, amuletos, pulseras, anillos, frascos, cristales y otros objetos muy hermosos y llamativos.
-Bueno mi tienda es especial, vendo disfraces pero a la vez ayudo a las personas… soy… lo que la gente llama… ¡una hechicera!- le confesaba la joven con una tenue sonrisa.
-¡Una hechicera, waooo es genial!- expresaba emocionada la niña.
-¡Shss!, No alces la voz, solo gente de buen corazón entra conmigo a este lugar, yo utilizo mi magia para hacer buenas obras, pero en ocasiones la gente pide cosas sin pensar en las consecuencias, es por eso que solo ayudo a las personas que realmente lo necesitan- le decía en voz baja mientras se sentaba en un gran sillón.
-Dime entonces… yo podría… solicitarte un favor… Ayumi-chan- le comentaba dudosamente la niña, mientras se acercaba a ella.
-¡Eh! ¿Qué clase de favor Kanako-chan?- le preguntaba muy interesada.
-Tú podrías usar tus poderes para hacer que mi nisan y Morinaga-san estén juntos por siempre, es decir podrías hacer que mi nisan se enamore, sea más amable, tierno, gentil, cariñoso con Morinaga-san- decía la niña emocionada.
-¡Eh! Espera… tranquila, los sentimientos son muy complejos Kanako-chan, no se puede jugar con ellos, es muy complicado además no me parece correcto forzar a una persona a amar a otra, el amor debe nacer, crecer y darse mutuamente entre dos personas… y pues… veo que Morinaga-san ama mucho a tu hermano, yo no lo conozco pero él debe de sentir algo por el también ¿Vedad?- le explicaba y preguntaba dulcemente Ayumi.
-Bueno… La verdad es que mi nisan es muy engreído, tirano, de carácter impulsivo, es muy seco, un poco agresivo y siempre anda negando que siente algo por Morinaga-san, además siempre dice que son solo amigos… pero yo sé que en el fondo mi nisan… si siente algo muy fuerte por Morinaga-san, yo se lo mucho que le importa- le confesaba tristemente a la joven quien la miro sorprendida.
-¡Wao! Kanako-chan tu hermano es todo un caso, jajaja pobre Morinaga-san, sí que debe sufrir… pero como te lo mencione, manipular los sentimientos es algo que rara vez me ofrezco a hacer, es mejor que dejes que las cosas sigan su curso y si su destino es estar juntos, así será- le decía acariciando su cabello dulcemente.
-Pero es que mi nisan es muy orgulloso y si por el fuera se quedaría solo toda su vida- sollozaba la pequeña niña.
-¡Kanako-chan por favor no llores!- se afligió la chica al ver a la niña muy preocupada.
-Mira vamos hacer algo, no estoy segura si funcionará… pero puedo usar eso- Ayumi-chan hablaba con voz decidida levantándose del sillón.
-¡Eh! ¡Vas ayudarme en verdad! ¡Vas ayudarme Ayumi chan!- expresa la niña con sus ojitos brillosos.
-Primero me tienes que prometer algo, usarás este hechizo con responsabilidad- le dijo seriamente.
-¿Hechizo?- preguntó sorprendida la niña.
-Bueno… además solo funcionará una vez según recuerdo… mmm a ver… como era mmm… ¡Ah! sí ya recordé jajaja- Ayumi hablaba consigo misma, mientras se rascaba su cabeza y caminaba de un lado al otro, como tratando de recordar algo importante.
-¿Eh? Ayum…- Kanako la miraba extrañada y quiso hablarle pero…
-Kanako-chan… ¿Estas segura que tu hermano ama a Morinaga-san? no quiero que cometamos un grave error- la miro y le pregunto, observando una sonrisa tierna en la niña.
-Sí, mi nisan lo ama mucho, pero ni muerto se lo diría… ¡Oh nisan porque eres así!- respondía y ahora era ella quien hablaba sola, causando una risa en la joven, quien ya había llegado a un gran estante.
-Ok mira, podemos usar esto- le decía mientras buscaba entre las reliquias una cajita de terciopelo negro que al abrirlo contenía un simple dije, el cual al mostrárselo a la pequeña niña, ella vio que era un dije rectangular pequeño, era de plata con una inscripción borrosa en el -Esto es un amuleto muy especial, sirve para hacer que una persona se enamore de otra, claro mediante un hechizo… esto es algo que no me gusta hacer realmente, involucra muchos sentimientos, pero así funciona- le decía inquietamente.
-¡Eh! no entiendo- le comento la niña.
-Mira te explicaré, si crees que en realidad tu hermano ama a Morinaga-san tienes que hacer que él use esto, su enamorado deberá besarlo después, si, eso es, un simple beso activara la primera fase del hechizo haciendo que se enamore inmediatamente de la persona que tiene enfrente-
-¡En serio! Ayumi-chan no me engañas ¿Nisan se enamorará?- le decía la pequeña emocionada.
-Si, pero eso solo durará unos minutos, horas o incluso días hasta que la segunda parte del hechizo se realice correctamente y esta es la parte mas importante verás…. Morinaga-san deberá pronunciar la inscripción que está aquí, mira la ves "Dulce o Truco" esto se debe de hacer desde el día 31 Octubre a las 23:00 hrs de este año ó a más tardar 3 días después, ¿Me entiendes? Es un periodo en donde la magia es más fuerte; después de decir esta frase, si tu hermano le responde "Dulce" estará enamorado para siempre de él y si responde "Truco" como su nombre lo dice solo es un truco y no pasara nada de nada, ahí termina la magia y todo regresará a la normalidad- explicó tratando de haber sido clara.
-¡Eeeeeeeeh!, pero… mi nisan al final tiene que responder algo, no es solo suficiente con el beso… ¡Pero él sabrá, realmente que responder! ¡No entiendo!- Kanako le comentaba muy dudosa.
-Los sentimientos de una persona son muy poderosos y aunque este bajo un hechizo si en realidad ama a esa persona "Dulce" será su respuesta pero si no, "Truco" lo será. A lo que me refiero es que aunque Morinaga-san sea feliz por unos días, horas o segundos, hasta que pronuncie esa frase y reciba su respuesta o bien pasen los días tope del hechizo, dependerá mucho de tu hermano el aceptarlo o no- declaró la hechicera.
-Ya veo- dijo con desanimo la pequeña.
-Pero si dices que lo ama, entonces será Dulce su respuesta ¿Verdad?- Ayumi le preguntó con una sonrisa.
-Ya no lo sé, pero… si mi nisan no lo ama en realidad, Morinaga-san sufriría por mi culpa ¿Verdad?- le preguntaba tristemente.
-Por eso te dije, que manipular los sentimientos en una muy mala acción, y como consecuencia más de una persona resultarían lastimadas- le puntualizó.
-¡Eh! No puede ser- expresó, la pequeña.
-Pero también puede haber algo complicado en todo esto, porque durante ese falso enamoramiento puede ser que su corazón se confunda y aunque no lo ame le diga Dulce y entonces se enamore forzosamente de él… susurró algo preocupada, sin embargo la niña la alcanzo a escuchar y le pregunto.
-¿Como puede confundirse su corazón Ayumi-chan?- preguntó rápidamente.
-Si, dijiste que aunque no lo ame puede confundirse ¿Cómo es eso?- formuló mejor su pregunta.
-Bueno, verás una persona suele tener sentimientos por otra no necesariamente de amor, por ejemplo agradecimiento, amistad, cariño, ternura e incluso simple atracción física, al convivir con ella mas abiertamente durante la primera fase del hechizo, puede que su corazón crea que es amor en verdad, se confunda y acepte sin en realidad sentirlo- le explicó seriamente -Sin embargo eso no sería justo Kanako-chan, tal vez esa persona tenga a alguien más especial en su vida pero aun no aparece, o este enamorado de otra persona y se le esta forzando a amar a alguien, además eso seria un sentimiento falso ¿no lo crees? Esta es la razón por la que no uso estos hechizos, y es mejor que el amor surja de manera natural- le declaró estas palabras tranquilamente, tratando de hacer reflexionar a la pequeña de no usar ese hechizo.
-Puedo intentarlo Ayumi-chan- expresó decidida.
-¡Kanako-chan!- se sorprendió la hechicera, deseando no haber escuchado eso.
-Te prometo que lo usaré con responsabilidad, por favor, además solo puedo usarlo estos días ¿verdad?... tal vez, a lo mejor ni lo use al final y solo deje que Morinaga-san y mi nisan sigan siendo iguales- la niña movió su cabeza negando lo último que dijo -Bueno en realidad si lo quiero usar, por favor si… déjame usarlo… Ayumi-chan por favor- le decía mientras apretaba ese dije en su corazón y la miraba a los ojos.
Ayumi observó a la niña unos minutos y respiro profundamente, la pequeña realmente deseaba con todo su corazón que esas dos personas tan importantes para ella estuvieran juntas, y pensó que tal vez a aquel chico que aún no conocía, en verdad correspondiera los fuertes sentimientos de Morinaga, volvió a suspirar, sonrió y le dijo…
-Esta bien Kanako-chan, confió en lo que dices, si tu hermano lo ama y por orgullo no quiere decirlo entonces esto le servirá de empujón, pero por favor úsalo correctamente y regrésamelo después, esta bien- le decía tomando el dije nuevamente y guardándolo en su cajita, mientras le sonreía.
-Si lo prometo- le correspondió el gesto con sus ojos iluminados.
Days earlier in the costume store...-¡Waoooo this is amazing Ayumi-san - the little girl was excited.-Kanako-chan! What do you do here?-leap of surprise with a hand on his chest, to discover the innocent little girl behind her.-Forgive me Ayumi-chan, is that you left me very intrigued about your skill... that power... read the hearts of the people, why... you went here... sorry Ayumi-chan - distressed explained small.The friendly and young linda sigh heavily - don't worry, already you can do nothing, see show you something - took it the hand and while walking, you showed an endless objects in the showcases I had behind the curtains of the counter that separated this mysterious place in the costume store.-Ayumi - chan what's all this? - asked excited the small, noting, cards, charms, bracelets, rings, jars, crystals and other very beautiful and striking objects.-Well my store is special, buy costumes but at the same time help people... I am... what people call... a witch!-confessed him the young woman with a faint smile.-A sorceress, waooo is great!-the girl was excited.-Shss!, No Moose voice, only people of good heart goes with me to this place, I use my magic to do good works, but sometimes people ask things without thinking of the consequences, so that only helped those who really need it - I said in a low voice while sitting in a large armchair.-Tell me then... I could... ask you a favor... Ayumi-chan - him dubiously commented the girl, as she neared her.-Eh! What kind of Kanako-chan please?-you asked very interested.-You could use your powers to make sure my nisan and Morinaga-san are together forever, i.e. could do that my nisan will fall in love with, be kind, tender, gentle, affectionate with Morinaga-san - the excited little girl said.-Eh! Waiting... quiet, feelings are very complex Kanako-chan, can not play with them, is very complicated in addition does not seem correct to force a person to love another, love must be born, grow and give each other between two people... and... I see that Morinaga-san loves very much your brother, I don't know him but he must feel something by the also do Vedad? - it explained and sweetly asked Ayumi.-Well... The truth is that my nisan is very cocky, tyrant, impulsive character is very dry, slightly aggressive is always denying that he feels something by Morinaga-san, and also always says that they are just friends... but I know that basically my nisan... If you feel something very strong by Morinaga-san, I is how much that matters - sadly confessed you to the girl who look at it surprised.-Wao! Kanako-chan your brother is an anyway, lol poor Morinaga-san, that you must suffer... but as I mentioned you, manipulate feelings is something rarely I offer to make, is it better to let things run their course and if your destination is to be together, so will be - I said stroking her hair gently.- But is that my nisan is very proud and if by the outside would only his life - the little girl sobbing.-Kanako-chan please do not cry! - the girl is grieved to see the worried girl.-Look will do something, I'm not sure if it will work... but I can use that-Ayumi-chan spoke with voice determined to rise from the Chair.-Eh! You will really help me! Will you help Ayumi chan!-expresses the girl with his shiny eyes.-First I have to promise something, you will use this spell with responsibility - he said seriously.-Spell? - asked surprised the girl.-Well... also will only work once as I recall... mmm... see how mmm was... Ah! Yes because I remembered jajaja - Ayumi was talking to itself, while I was scratched his head and walked from one side to the other, as trying to remember something important.-Huh? Ayum...-Kanako looked at her puzzled and wanted to speak to him but...-Kanako-chan... these safe that your brother loves Morinaga-san? don't we make a grave mistake - I look at it and I ask you, observing a tender smile at the girl.-Yes, my nisan loves him very much, but not dead would say it... Oh nisan because you are well!-he answered and now it was she who talked alone, causing a laugh at the girl, who had already reached a great rack.-Ok look, we can use this--I said while looking for among the relics a box of black velvet to reopen it contained a simple said, which by showing it to the little girl, she saw that it was a rectangular small, I said was silver with a blurred sign in - this is a very special amulet, serves to make that a person fall in love with another clear spell... This is something that I don't like to really, involves many feelings, but how it works - I said uneasily.-Eh! I do not understand - said you the little girl.-Look you'll explain, if you think that your brother really loves Morinaga-san you need to do to use this, her boyfriend must kiss him then, if, that is, a simple Kiss will activate the first phase of the spell making it love immediately the person having opposite --Seriously! Ayumi-chan I don't fool Nisan fall in?-told her excited little.-Yes, but that only lasts a few minutes, hours or even days until the second part of the spell is performed correctly and this is the part most important you'll see... Morinaga-san must be to pronounce the inscription that is here, look you see "Sweet or trick" this must be done from 31 October at 23:00 hrs this year or no later than 3 days later, do you understand Me? It is a period where the magic is stronger; After saying this phrase, if your brother tells him "Sweet" will be in love forever from it and if he responds "Trick" as its name implies only is a trick and not spend anything, there ends the magic and everything will return to normal - he said trying to have been clear.-Eeeeeeeeh!, but... my nisan at the end has to answer something, it is not only enough with the kiss... but he will really know how to answer! I do not understand!-Kanako commented you very doubtful.-The feelings of a person are very powerful and although this under a spell if you really love that "Sweet" person will be your answer, but if not, it will be "Trick". What I mean is that even if Morinaga-san to be happy for a few days, hours or seconds, until you say that phrase and receive his answer either to pass the stop days of the spell, depends much on your brother's accepting it or non - declared the sorceress.-I see - said with little discouragement.- But if you say that you love him, then it will be sweet its response right? - Ayumi asked with a smile.-Already do not know, but... If my nisan does not love it actually, Morinaga-san would suffer by my fault huh? - he asked sadly.-For this reason I told you, that manipulate the feelings in a very bad action, and as a result more than one person would be injured - he said you.-Eh! It cannot be - he said, small.- But there may also be something complicated in all this, because during that fake infatuation can be your heart get confused and although she does not love him tell you sweet and then will fall in love with Perforce it... he whispered something concerned, however the girl it can listen and ask.- As your heart Ayumi-chan can confound? - asked quickly.-Huh?--If, said that although he does not love it may confused how is that? - asked your question best.-Well, you'll see a person tends to have feelings for another does not necessarily love, gratitude, friendship, affection, tenderness and even simple physical attraction, to live with her more openly during the first phase of the spell, it can be that your heart believes that love really is, confuse and accept without actually feeling - explained seriously - however that would not be fair Kanako-chan Perhaps that person has someone special in his life but still does not appear, or this love of another person and is you forcing this loving someone, that would also be a false sense do not think? This is the reason why I don't use these spells, and is better that love arises naturally - it said these words calmly, trying to reflect a small not to use that spell.-I can try Ayumi-chan - expressed determined.-Kanako-chan! - the sorceress, desiring to have not heard that was surprised.-I promise that I will use it responsibly, please, also only I can use it these days huh?... maybe, maybe, or use it at the end and just let my nisan and Morinaga-san still being equal - the girl shook his head to deny the last thing said well actually if I want it to use, please if... Let me use it... Ayumi-chan please - said you as he squeezed that said in his heart and looked her in the eyes.Ayumi observed the girl a few minutes and breath deeply, small really wanted with all his heart that these two important people for her were together, and thought that maybe that guy who even did not know, really paid the strong feelings of Morinaga, returned to sigh, smiled and told him...-Okay Kanako-chan, relied on what you say, if your brother loves him and pride doesn't mean it then this will serve as a boost, but please use it correctly and return me then this well - I said taking the I said again and keeping it in your box, while smiled you.-If I promise - the gesture was his illuminated eyes.
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Days before the costume Store...
- This is incredible waoooo Ayumi san! - The Little girl was excited.
- Kanako Chan! What are you doing here? - Surprise jump with a hand on his chest, to discover the Innocent Girl behind her.
- Sorry Ayumi Chan, is that you let me very curious about your ability... That Power... Read people's Hearts.For that, I followed you here... I am sorry Ayumi Chan explained sorry small.
nice and Cute Young sighed heavily - Don't worry, I can not do anything, I will show you something - took him by the hand and while walking, showed him an endless number of Objects in the showcases that was behind The curtains of the counter.Separating this mysterious place of the Costume Shop.
- Ayumi Chan Is All this? - I said so little, watching, letters, amulets, Bracelets, Rings, Jars, Glass and other Objects very beautiful and striking.
- well My Shop is Special, Sell costumes but also helped People... I am... What people call a Sorceress!- he confessed The Young with a faint smile.
- a Sorceress, Wahoo is great! - The girl was excited SHSs.
! Don't Raise Your Voice, only Good Hearted People come with me to this place, I use my magic to do Good Works, but sometimes people want things without thinking about the consequences,That is why I just help people who really need it, I said in a low voice as he sat in a Big Chair.
- Tell me then... I could... Ask you for a favor... Ayumi Chan - I said dubiously Girls approaching her. - Hey! What kind of favor Kanako Chan? - He was very concerned.
- you could use your powers to make my Nisan and Morinaga San Are Together Forever, i.e., could you make my love more Nisan, Gentle, kind, Gentle, Loving with Morinaga San said the girl excited. - Hey! Wait... Quiet, feelings are very complex Kanako Chan, you can't play with them,It is very complicated and I Don't think it's right to force anyone to love another love must grow and give each other between two people... And then I see that Morinaga San loves your brother, I Don't know, but he must feel something for you, too? - I was wondering sweetly and Ayumi.
- well... The truth is that my Nisan is very conceited, tyrantImpulsive in character, is very dry, a Little aggressive and always denied that he feels something for Morinaga San, also always says that they are just friends, but I know that if my Nisan in the Fund, has strong Feelings for Morinaga San, I know how much you Care - sadly confessed to the young man who looked surprised. - Wow! Kanako Chan, your brother's a case,Lol poor Morinaga - san, you must suffer, but as I mentioned, to manipulate the feelings is something that I rarely do, it is better to let things take their course and if Your Destiny is to be together, it will be said to him softly stroking her hair but it
. My Nisan is very proud of, and if it was he would be alone all his life - The Little Girl sobbed.
Kanako Chan - Please Don't cry! - The Girl grieved to see the child so worried. - look, we are gonna do something, I'm not sure if it will work, but I can use that - Ayumi Chan spoke out resolutely up the couch. - Hey! You gonna help me with it! You're helping me Ayumi Chan! - is the Girl With bright eyes.
- first you have to Promise me something,
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