Cuando Morinaga apagó su celular, lo dejó en su escritorio y luego se puso de pie para continuar con lo que estábamos haciendo, cosa que me molestó, y antes que me tocara...


-Sempai... no te enojes, por favor- me rogó –Te juro que no sabía que Taiga iba a llamarme...-



-Ay...- suspiré y me calmé –No me voy a enojar, pero sí quiero que me expliques de qué estaban hablando ayer en la noche-

-¿Ayer en la noche?-

-¡Sí, sí!- insistí –Ayer en la noche cuando le decías que...- me callé inmediatamente, pues estaba sonando como un completo celoso.

-¿Qué cosa, Sempai?- se acercó a mí delicadamente –¿A qué te refieres? ¿Qué cosa le estaba diciendo?-

-Ah... pues... tú...- no maldición... no debe enterarse que lo espié hablando con Taiga.


-Etto...- me sonrojé, pero bueno... al diablo... quiero escuchar su excusa –Mierda...- susurré –Escuché cuando le decías que la querías abrazar y que la quieres mucho y que la extrañas y que hablarás con ella todas las noches y que esperas verla pronto... y sobretodo... que yo no debería enterarme... ¿qué cosa me ocultas, Morinaga? ¿qué es lo que no debo enterarme?-

-...- se sorprendió.

-Quiero...- suspiré –Quiero la verdad, Morinaga- me sonrojé.

-Sempai... ¿me estabas espiando?-

-Ah...- me sonrojé.

-¿Estás celoso?-


-No te alteres, Sempai. Si no estás celoso... está bien... te creo- sonrío el muy baka.

-Grrrr- suspiré –No es que esté celoso, tan solo quiero saber por qué le dijiste todas esas cosas-

-Sempai... es que...- respiró hondo y se vio dudoso –No sé... no debería decírtelo. No te enojes pero... le prometí a Taiga que no te lo diría-


-Lo siento-

-Espera- me sentí indignado –Creo que no entendí bien. ¿Estás poniéndote de su lado?-


-Entonces... por qué no me lo puedes decir-

-Porque... es que...-


-Sempai... por favor...-


-¡SU NOVIO LA DEJÓ!- lo soltó cerrando los ojos y tapándose los oídos.

-...- me sorprendí -¿Qué?-

-Ah...- se destapó los oídos y abrió los ojos –Su novio... Takasu Takahashi... rompió con ella hace una semana y... ayer me lo contó-

-Espera... ¿su... su novio? ¿Era eso?- me confundí –Pensé que ella y tú... pues...-

-¿Pensaste que yo te estaba siendo infiel?- me descubrió.

-Eh...- me sonrojé y me puse nervioso -... Sí...- me avergoncé.

-Jajajajajaja- se río –¡Sempai! ¡Qué tierno eres!-

-DÉ QUÉ TE RÍES, IDIOTA. NO LE VEO LA GRACIA- quise golpearlo por burlarse de mí.

-¿Enserio pensaste que yo tendría algo más que amistad con Taiga? Claro que no, mi Sempai. Yo soy gay... te lo he dicho mil veces y además... al quien amo es a ti, Souichi Tatsumi. No hay nadie más en mi corazón que tú-

-Qué... vergüenza- susurré.

-No tienes por qué avergonzarte, Sempai. Es normal que en una relación amorosa existan celos-


-Como digas, Sempai. Lo que pasa es que Takasu... ¿lo recuerdas?-

-Era el tarado de pelo azul que fue a fastidiarte cuando estabas en el hospital ¿verdad?-

-Sí, ese- se puso algo serio -¿Recuerdas que él dijo que no estaba enamorado de Taiga y que estaba jugando con ella?-

-Algo así... solo recuerdo que era un patán-

-El punto es que hace una semana terminó con Taiga y ahora ella está muy deprimida. Llora todos los días y... bueno... yo soy su mejor amigo y... quiero apoyarla-

-¿Apoyarla en qué, Morinaga?- me pareció absurdo –Estás lejos de ella, no hay nada que puedas hacer-

-Es por eso que hablo con ella por teléfono y chat. Intento consolarla-

-No es tu obligación hacerlo-

-No puedo ser tan ajeno a esas cosas, Sempai- quiso hacerme entrar en razón –Cuando tú te casaste con Yuki y yo me fui a Hamatsu... fue Taiga la que me consoló día y noche por un año-


-Es por eso que ahora me toca ayudarla con su problema. No importa que sea a distancia, pero quiero no sé... aunque sea sacarle una sonrisa cada noche-

-Por eso dices que hablarás con ella todas las noches-

-Eh bueno... sí. Espero que no te moleste, Sempai. No quiero que nos peleemos cada vez que hable con Taiga-

-¡Haz lo que te dé la gana!-

-No se trata de eso, Sempai. Quiero tu consentimiento, por favor-

-¡Aj ya! Bueno... ya... habla con tu amiguita esa- me crucé de brazos –Además... se lo tiene bien merecido por andar fastidiándome-

-¡No digas eso, Sempai! Nadie se merece el sufrimiento-

-¡No me digas qué hacer, baka!-

-Lo siento. Bueno... también estuve pensando en visitarla pues...-




-Pero Sempai...-

-Escúchame bien, idiota. No quiero que te metas en problemas. ¿Recuerdas de lo que hablamos en el hospital hace meses? ¡No quiero que nos ganemos más enemigos!-

-Yo no haré nada en contra de Takasu-

-Pero si él te ve con Taiga... sí te hará algo a ti. Recuerda que él te odia... se le nota-


-Ni una palabra más sobre esto, Morinaga- le di una orden –No quiero volver a tocar este tema. Te permito que hables con Taiga para hacerla sentir mejor por teléfono o por chat... pero NO te permito que vayas a meterte en lugares que no te corresponden ¿ENTENDIDO?-

-... Sí...- se resigno.


-Te lo prometo, Sempai-

¡Mierda! Acabo de sonar como esas estúpidas adolescentes que se ponen celosas y posesivas con sus novios y... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... Yo no soy así. Pero... en parte... mis razones tienen sentido. Yo... yo no quiero que Morinaga se gane enemigos y menos a ese tal Takasu Takahashi. No quiero ni imaginarme si ese tipo también resulta ser un loco como el otaku y le hace algo a Morinaga. No soportaría volver a estar en esa misma situación... no podría volver a sentir esa sensación de que Morinaga se muere en mis brazos. No... aquella vez... fue muy dolorosa. No quiero volver a pasar por eso. Además... respecto a Taiga, me molesta que ella sea tan no sé... insistente. Está bien que se sienta muy mal y que quiera hablar con Morinaga pero... YA ES DEMASIADO... siempre lo llama. Morinaga tiene una vida... alguien con quien estar... y ese alguien soy YO.

-¿Sempai?- me llamó despertándome de mis pensamientos.

-Qué...- contesté calmado.

-¿Ya no estás enojado?- preguntó inocentemente.

-...- suspiré –No, Morinaga... no lo estoy-

-Qué bueno, Sempai- sonrió y se acercó a mí –Entonces... ¿está bien si lo hacemos esta noche?-


-Por favor, Sempai- acercó su rostro al mío –Estábamos pasándola tan bien y hace tiempo que no lo hacemos. Además... aún sigues duro...-

-Mori... naga...- sus labios estaban a unos milímetros de los míos.


-...- tragué grueso -...Sí...- susurré.
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV SEMPAII'M FED UP! I CAN'T STAND THAT DAMN RUNNY IS CALLING TO MORINAGA MORNING, AFTERNOON AND EVENING. AND THE WORST THING IS THAT ME BECOMES HIGHLY THAT MORINAGA THE ALLOW AND OVER IS BACK TO TALK TO HER. I'M VERY ANGRY.When Morinaga turned off his cell phone, he left it on his desk and then stood up to continue with what we were doing, something that bothered me, and before that I played...-NO TE DARE TOUCH ME --Sempai... do not be angry, please - asked me - I swear that I did not know that Taiga would call me...-NOT ME THE MENTIONS!--SORRY, PLEASE!--Oh...-I sighed and calmed me down - I'm not angry, but I want to that I explain what were talking about yesterday in the night--Do yesterday night?--Yes, yes! - insisted - in the night when said you that...-yesterday I said nothing immediately, because he was sounding like a jealous full.-What, Sempai? - came to me gently - what do you mean? You was saying what?--Ah... well... you...-do not curse... not should learn I espié it talking to Taiga.-Sempai?--Etto...-me sonrojé, but good... to hell... I want to listen to his excuse - shit...-I susurré - I heard when said you that you wanted it to embrace and you want it much and bizarre it and to speak with her every night and that you expect to see it soon... and above all... that I should not find me... what me hidden, Morinaga? what they should not be told?--...-was surprised.-I want to...-I sighed - want the truth, Morinaga - I sonrojé.-Sempai... would I were spying?--Ah...-I sonrojé.-Are you jealous?--NOT! NO! THAT NOT... THAT NEVER... I'M NOT JEALOUS--Do not you alter, Sempai. If you're not jealous... okay... I believe you - smile the very baka.-Grrrr - sighed - not is that is just jealous, I want to know why all those things - said you-Sempai... is that...-breathed deep and was doubtful - I don't know... should not tell you. Do not be angry but... I promised to Taiga that wouldn't you say it you--WHAT?--Sorry--Wait - I felt indignant - I think that I did not understand well. You are getting from your side?--NO, SEMPAI. CLEAR THAT NO!--Then... why not you tell me--Because... is that...--TELL ME!--Sempai... Please...--NOW!--YOUR boyfriend the let! - released him closing his eyes and covering his ears.-.-I was surprised - what? --Ah...-uncovered ears and eyes - her boyfriend... TAKASU Takahashi... broke up with her a week ago and... yesterday told me--Wait... your... your boyfriend? Was that?-I was confused - I thought she and you... well...--Did think that I you was being unfaithful? - I discovered.-Eh...-sonrojé me and I was nervous-... If...-I felt ashamed.-Hahahahahaha - River - Sempai! How cute you are!--GIVE WHAT YOU LAUGH, IDIOT. DON'T you see the grace - I wanted to beat him by mocking me.-Do I seriously thought that I would have something more than friendship with Taiga? Clear that no, my Sempai. I am gay... I've told you thousand times plus... to who the master is you, Souichi Tatsumi. There is no one more in my heart to you--What... shame - susurré.-Do not have why ashamed, Sempai. It is normal that a love affair there is jealousy--I AM NOT JEALOUS, BAKA!-- As you say, Sempai. What happens is that Takasu... do remember you?--It was the set of blue hair which was to annoy you when you were in the hospital right?--Yes, that - got something seriously - do you remember that he said that he was not in love with Taiga and he was playing with it? --Something... just remember that was a jerk--The point is that a week ago ended with Taiga and now she is very depressed. He cries every day and... well... I am his best friend and... I support it--Does support it what, Morinaga? - seemed to me absurd - you are far from it, there is nothing you can do --That is why I speak with her by phone and chat. I try to console her--Is not your obligation to do so--I cannot be so oblivious to those things, Sempai - wanted to bring me in reason - when you you marry Yuki and I went to Hamatsu... was Taiga which comforted me day and night for a year --Oh...--Why is that now I have to help you with your problem. No matter that it is remote, but I want to I don't know... even get a smile every night --Why you say that you speak with her every night--Good Eh... Yes. I hope you do not you mind, Sempai. I don't want that we fight every time you talk with Taiga--Get what give you the win!--It is not that, Sempai. I want your consent, please--Aj already! Well... ya... speaking with your friend that - I crossed of arms - plus... has it is well deserved by walking annoying me --Don't say that, Sempai! No one deserves the suffering--Don't tell me what to do, baka!--Sorry. Well... also I was thinking in visiting it as...--NI IS TE HAPPEN!--HUH? WHY NOT?--BECAUSE NO!-- But Sempai...--Hear me well, idiot. I don't want that you mess in trouble. Do you remember what we speak in the hospital months ago? Not want us to win us more enemies!--I will not do anything against Takasu-- But if he sees you with Taiga... Yes it will do something to you. Reminds you that he hates... Note you --But...--Not a word more about this, Morinaga - gave an order - don't want to touch this issue. You let you talk to Taiga to make her feel better by phone or chat... but you do not let you go to get into places that do not that you do understand?--... If...-be resigned.-PROMISE ME IT!--I promise it, Sempai-Shit! I just sound like those stupid teenagers who become jealous and possessive with their boyfriends and... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... I am not so. But... in part... my reasons make sense. I... I don't want that Morinaga will win enemies and less that such Takasu Takahashi. I do not even imagine if that kind also turns out to be a madman as the otaku and does something to Morinaga. Could not bear to be back in that same situation... could not return to feel that feeling of that Morinaga will die in my arms. No... This time... it was very painful. I don't want to go through that again. In addition... compared to Taiga, it bothers me that she is so don't know... insistent. Okay to feel bad and want to speak with Morinaga but... ALREADY is too... always calls him. Morinaga has someone with whom... be a life... and that someone is me.-Sempai? - called me waking me from my thoughts.-What...-I said calm.-Already are not angry? - asked innocently.-...-sighed - No, Morinaga... so I'm not --How good, Sempai - smiled and came to me - then... is it OK if we do it tonight? --BUT WHAT PERVERTED THINGS YOU SAY, BAKA --Please, Sempai - stepped up his face to mine - we were passing it as well and long time ago that we don't. In addition... yet still hard...--Mori... naga...-his lips were a few millimeters from mine.-Can I--...-swallowed thickly-... If...-susurré.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
POV SEMPAI 'm sick! YA can not stand that damn brat ARE CALLING Morinaga morning, noon and night. And worst of all is that I get HIGHLY Morinaga PERMITTED TO PUT UP AND talk to her. I am very angry. When Morinaga turned off his cell, put it on his desk and then stood up to continue with what we were doing, which bothered me, and before you touch me ... Do not you dare touch me - Sempai ... do not get mad, please- begged me I swear I did not know that was going to call me ...- Taiga -¡NO ME THE MENTIONS - -¡PERDÓN, PLEASE - Oh ...- I sighed and calmed down 'I'm angry, but I want you to tell me what they were talking yesterday in the night -¿Ayer at night - Yes, yes - I insisted Yesterday at night when you told that ...- I immediately shut up because he was sounding like a jealous full. What else, Sempai - gently approached me 'What do you mean? What else was I saying? - Oh ... well ... no ...- curse ... you must not know who spied talking to Taiga. -¿Sempai - ...- I blushed -Etto , but ... the devil ... I want to hear your excuse ...- whispered Shit Listen, when you said you loved her you love her and hug a lot and you miss her and talk to her every night and you expect to see it soon ... and above all ... I should not ... what I hear hidden thing, Morinaga? What is it that I should learn - -...- was surprised. I want ...- sighed want the truth, Morinaga- blushed. -Sempai were spying on me ... - Ah .. .- I blushed. Are you jealous? - NO! DO NOT! NOT THAT ... THAT NEVER ... I'm not jealous 'Do not alter, Sempai. If you're not jealous ... okay ... I think- very Baka smile. -Grrrr- No sighed that I'm jealous, I just want to know why I said all those things, is that -Sempai ... ...- took a deep breath and was doubtful I do not know ... I should not tell you. Do not get mad but Taiga ... I promised that you would not say- - What? 'm'm sorry -Espera- felt indignant I think I did not quite understand. Are you putting your hand - no, SEMPAI. Of course not - why not So ... what can I say- Because ... is that ...- -¡DÍMELO - -Sempai ... please ...- Now! ' - -¡SU boyfriend left - released him closing her eyes and covering his ears. -...- What surprised me - Ah ...- ears and opened his eyes uncovered Her boyfriend .. . Takasu Takahashi ... broke up with her ​​a week ago and yesterday me contó- ... Wait ... your ... your boyfriend? I was that - I thought she was confused and you ... well ...- Did you think that I was cheating -. discovered me ...- Hey I blushed and I got nervous - .. . Yes ...- I was ashamed. -Jajajajajaja- -¡Sempai laughed! How sweet you are - -What are you laughing, asshole. DO NOT SEE THE GRACE wanted to hit him for making fun of me. -¿Enserio thought I would have something more than friendship with Taiga? Of course not, my Sempai. I am gay ... I've told you a thousand times ... and also the one I love is you, Souichi Tatsumi. No one else in my heart that you- ... What a shame whispered. 'You have to be ashamed, Sempai. It is normal that in a relationship there jealousy 'I do not'm jealous, BAKA - As you say, Sempai. What happens is that Takasu ... do you remember? - It was the setting of blue hair that was to annoy you when you were in the hospital right? - Yeah, that- got something serious Remember he said I was not in love with Taiga and was playing with it - Something like that ... just remember it was a Patan- 'The point is that a week ago ended with Taiga and now she is very depressed. Cries every day and ... well ... I'm your best friend and ... I apoyarla- -¿Apoyarla what, Morinaga - seemed absurd to me You're far from it, there is nothing you can do- - That's why I talk to her on the phone and chat. Attempt to comfort her 'It's not your duty to do so 'I can be so oblivious to those things, Sempai- wanted me to come around When you married Yuki and I went to was Taiga Hamatsu ... which I comforted day and night for a year- Ah ...- It's why now I help her with her ​​problem. No matter how remote, but I do not know ... even get a smile every night- 'That's why you say you talk to her all the nights- good Uh ... yeah. I hope you do not mind, Sempai. I do not want us to fight every time you talk to Taiga- that Do what you please - 'It's not that, Sempai. I want your consent, please- -¡Aj now! Well ... ... talk to your girlfriend that- I crossed my arms ... Besides, it is well deserved by walking fastidiándome- Do not tell that, Sempai! Nobody deserves suffering- 'Do not tell me what to do, baka - 'm sorry. Well ... I was also thinking as ...- visit -¡NI comes to mind - Huh? WHY NOT - 'Because NO - ...- But Sempai Listen to me, asshole. I do not want to get in trouble. Do you remember what we talked about in the hospital for months? I do not want us to win more enemies - I do not do anything against Takasu- But if he sees you with Taiga ... If you do something to you. Remember that he hates you ... is remarkable ...- But Not another word about it, I gave him a Morinaga- No order ever want to touch this issue. I allow you to speak with Taiga to make her feel better by phone or chat ... but I do not allow you you're going to get into places that do not correspond Understood - . -... ...- Yes I will resign -¡ Promise me - 'I promise you, Sempai- Shit! I just sound like those stupid teenagers who become jealous and possessive with their boyfriends and ... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ... I am not. But ... in part ... my reasons make sense. I ... I do not want Morinaga enemies and less that such Takasu Takahashi wins. I can not even imagine if such it also be a crazy as otaku and does something to Morinaga. Not stand back in the same situation ... I could not feel that feeling again that Morinaga die in my arms. No ... that time ... was very painful. I do not want to go through that. Besides ... about Taiga, she is annoying me so I do not know ... insistent. Okay you feel awful and want to talk with Morinaga but ... it's too ... always calls. Morinaga has a life ... be someone ... and that someone is me. -¿Sempai - called waking me from my thoughts. What a ...- I replied calmly. -¿Ya are not angry - asked . innocently -...- sighed No, I'm- Morinaga ... not good What, Sempai- smiled and approached me So ... is it okay if we do tonight? - But THINGS PERVERTED say, BAKA- -Please Sempai- brought his face close to mine We were having such a good time and do not do. Besides ... you're still hard ...- ...- naga -Mori ... her lips were a few millimeters from mine. Can I - I swallowed thick -...- -... Yes .. .- I whispered.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
POV sempai

I'm sick! I can't Take That Damn Brat is calling Morinaga morning, afternoon and evening. And Worst of All is that I get highly Morinaga permits and on to talk to her. I am very angry when Morinaga.

he turned his cell phone, she left it in her desk and then stood to continue with what we were doing, the thing that bothered me,And before I touched...

- Don't You Dare Touch Me

- sempai... Don't be Angry, please - He begged me I swear I knew that Taiga was to call me

... - - Don't mention it!

- - Excuse me, please! -

Oh... - I and I calmed Down. I'm Mad, but I want you to explain to me what you were talking about last night -

- Last Night?

- - Yes, yes!- I insisted yesterday in the night when you said... - I stopped immediately, as was Sounding like a complete Jealous. - What, sempai? She came up to me. - What do you mean? What was i saying? -

Oh... Well... You... - Don't curse. She must not Spy on him talking to Taiga.

- sempai? -
- Etto... - i blushed, but well... The Devil...I want to hear your excuse –escuché whispered Shit... - When you said that you wanted to embrace and Love a lot and the strange and I talk to her every night and hope to see you soon... And above all... I should not know... What Are You Hiding From Me, Morinaga? What Don't I know?

- I was surprised. I - I really...I blushed Morinaga - sempai.

... Were you spying on me? -
I blushed. - are you Jealous?

- - No! No! That's not... That Never... I'm not Jealous -

- Don't Get upset, sempai. If you're not Jealous... Okay... I believe you, I Smile The Baka.

I - Grrrr - not that I'm Jealous, so I just want to know why you told him all these things -

- sempai... Is that...
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