POV Morinaga

POV Morinaga"Tenemos que hablar", a

POV Morinaga

"Tenemos que hablar", ay dios mío... esa frase me atormentó. Lo dijo de una manera tan seria que pensé en lo peor, pero era obvio... todo tenía sentido... la escena con la que me encuentro y su frase "tenemos que hablar".

"¿Quieres hablar Sempai? Pues hablemos... yo también quiero una explicación", pensé. Quería salir corriendo, pero mis piernas me temblaban y sentía que me caería. Recuerdan cuando Sempai se molestó porque salí con Masaki a escondidas de él y que al llegar a casa me dijo "Saca de tu cabeza todo el amor que crees que siento por ti", recuerdan lo terrible que me sentí?, pues que creen... ahora me siento el doble de peor. Caminé despacio y me senté en el sofá aún estando en shock.

¿Aún no se imaginan lo que vi? ¿aún no tienen idea de qué era lo que estaba haciendo Sempai? Pues bien... apenas abrí la puerta veo a Sempai besuqueándose con una MUJER en el suelo de la sala y Sempai estaba ENCIMA DE ELLA; es decir, qué hubiera pasado si llegaba más tarde? Ya habrían tenido sexo, o quién sabe si antes ya lo habrán tenido... todas esas ideas me destruían.

Nunca había visto a esa chica, y lo peor es que era hermosa. Del tamaño de Sempai, delgada, de ojos claros y pelo largo, bastante femenina en comparación con las mujeres que he visto en mi trabajo. ¿Acaso Sempai tiene novia? Pero... por qué... Sempai y yo... somos algo así como novios ¿no? Ya cumplimos 1 año de vivir juntos ¿no? ¿Acaso eso no significa nada para él? ¿Acaso debería considerarlo como una traición?

Ella al igual que Sempai se sentaron juntos en el sofá que estaba frente mío con mucha seriedad. La chica no decía nada, se le notaba bastante cohibida y avergonzada, claro obviamente, quién no se avergonzaría si es descubierto besándose con otra persona de una manera atrevida. En cambio Sempai tenía la mirada baja, pero tomó aire y dijo:

-Morinaga, ella es Yuki... mi... mi prometida- me dijo con timidez, con una mirada llena de culpa.

NO LO PODÍA CREER... ¿PROMETIDA DE SEMPAI? ¿PROMETIDA? ¿Pero cómo así? En primer lugar a Sempai no le interesaba el tema de matrimonio y menos andaba pensando en "amor", él era un hombre que solo se dedicaba a sus experimentos y ya. Con las justas me dedicaba un poco de su tiempo a mí... y eso que la mayoría de veces yo lo forzaba, pero siempre terminaba cediendo, pero jamás pensé que Sempai tendría una "prometida". Es decir, solo ha pasado 1 mes... ¿acaso en un mes conoce a una chica y se compromete? ¡Cuando a mí me tomó más de 5 años adentrarme a su vida!

-Morinaga, ¿estás escuchando?- Sempai interrumpió mis pensamientos.

-Ya enserio, Sempai, quién es ella- quise ser optimista y pensar que era una broma de Sempai.

-Ya te lo dije, es mi prometida y se llama Yuki-

-¿E... enserio?- empecé a ponerme más y más nervioso.

-Sí- Sempai se mantenía algo desanimado porque sabía que esto era doloroso para mí.

-Es un gusto conocerlo, Morinaga-san- Yuki me hizo una pequeña reverencia aún estando cohibida.

-Ah... no quiero ser mal educado, pero... yo no diría que es un gusto- dije con tranquilidad, intentando mantener la calma y no ofender a nadie.

-Morinaga, escucha...- Sempai intentó hablar.

-Por qué...- me mantuve cabizbajo –¿Por qué... Souchi? –

-¿Souichi?- Sempai se quedó sorprendido –Nunca me habías llamado por mi nombre de pila-

-Bueno, así te llamas ¿no?- me puse serio, pero aún cabizbajo, no quería mirarlos, me dolía.

-Morinaga, sé que esto debe ser incómodo para ti, pero es una decisión que he tomado-

-Desde cuándo-

-Hace unas semanas- suspiró –Morinaga escucha, conocí a Yuki hace un par de semanas en una feria de ciencias que hubo en un instituto y pues... me enamoré de ella- Sempai confesó y eso me destruyó por completo.

Sempai... ¿enamorado? ¿de una chica? Ahora sí que ya lo perdí. Todas mis esperanzas y sueños que tenía con Sempai... esa noche se fueron a la mismísima mierda...



-Entonces... por qué no me lo dijiste en este mes que estuve hablando contigo por mail y por teléfono-

-Ah... eso...- Sempai se sintió culpable –No quería que tu estabilidad emocional se caiga mientras estabas trabajando. Quería que todo te salga bien. Además, estas cosas se dicen en persona y no por teléfono y menos por mail-

-Oh... así que tu solución era sorprenderme como hoy ¿no?- me puse a la defensiva, pero por ningún motivo me atreví a mirarlo a los ojos. Aún continuaba cabizbajo, no quería que viera mi cara de depresión y de aguantarme las lágrimas.

-Tampoco lo veas de esa manera, Morinaga-

-Sabes muy bien lo que siento por ti-

-Lo sé... y por eso te pido disculpas si esto te afecta-

-¿Aún así dudas si esto me afecta?-

-Morinaga... yo no quería lastimarte, sabes muy bien que siempre te consideré alguien bastante cercano a mí, siempre fuiste importante para mí, por eso te pedí que te quedaras aquí en Nagoya a pesar que tu trabajo está en otro país, pero respecto a Yuki, no estaba planeado, la conocí, nos entendimos muy bien, no conectamos perfectamente y pues decidí que quería casarme con ella y pues...-

-¡BASTA, YA CÁLLATE!- no pude soportarlo más, me exalté.

-Morinaga...- Sempai se quedó boquiabierto con mi reacción.

Me puse de pie en absoluto silencio. Sempai estaba esperando a que yo dijera algo, pero en vez de hablar salí corriendo a todo dar. Ya no quería estar más ahí, todo esto me estaba afectando. Me puse mis zapatillas como sea y huí del apartamento dejando a Sempai y a Yuki sorprendidos por mi actitud, pero es que toda esta situación me estaba quemando de apocos, sentía que mi corazón se hacía trizas por cada segundo que pasaba cerca de la pareja de "prometidos". Casi resbalo por las escaleras por cierto, pero no me importó, continué huyendo hasta que mis pies se cansaran, claro está que mi equipaje se quedó en casa, pero en ese momento, no tenía cabeza para pensar, tan solo quería irme de ahí.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV Morinaga"We have to talk," Oh my God... that phrase I tormented. Said it in a way so serious that I thought the worst, but it was obvious... all made sense... the scene with which I am and his phrase "we need to talk"."Want to talk about Sempai? As we talk... I also want an explanation,"I thought. I wanted to run, but my legs were shaking me and felt that I would fall. Remember when Sempai was upset because I left with Masaki unbeknown to him and that arriving at home told me "Out of your head all the love that I feel for you", they remember how terrible I felt?, you think... now I feel twice as worse. I walked slowly, and I sat on the couch still in shock.Can still do not imagine what I saw? still don't have idea what it was what he was doing Sempai? Well... soon as I opened the door I see Sempai besuqueando with a woman on the floor of the room and Sempai was above it; i.e., what would have happened if came later? They would have already had sex, or who knows if before all those ideas have had it... I destroyed.I had never seen that girl, and the worst thing is that it was beautiful. The size of Sempai, thin, clear eyes and long hair, pretty women compared to women I've seen in my work. Does perhaps Sempai have girlfriend? But... that's why... Sempai and I are... something as boyfriends? We deliver already 1 year of living together, right? Perhaps that doesn't mean nothing to him? Should you really consider as a betrayal?She like Sempai sat together on the couch that was my front very seriously. The girl said nothing, noticeable rather shy and embarrassed, clear obviously, who not be ashamed if it is spotted kissing with another person in a daring way. On the other hand Sempai had heads down, but took air and said:-Morinaga, she is Yuki... my... my fiancee - I said shyly, with a look of guilt.I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT... DO PROMISED SEMPAI? DO PROMISED? But how well? Sempai firstly the issue of marriage Neer and less I was thinking about "love", he was a man who is devoted to his experiments and that's it. With the fair devoted a little of your time to me... and that most times I forced it, but it always ended up giving, but I never thought that Sempai would have a "promised". I.e., only spent 1 month... maybe in one month meets a girl and promises? When I took me more than 5 years enter me into your life!-Morinaga, are are listening? - Sempai interrupted my thoughts.-Already seriously, Sempai, who is she - wanted to be optimistic and think that it was a joke of Sempai.-I said you, is my fiancee and called Yuki--Do e... seriously? - I started to get me more and more nervous.-Yes - Sempai remained somewhat discouraged because I knew that this was painful for me.-It is a pleasure to meet you, Morinaga-san - Yuki made me a small reverence even being shy.-Ah... don't want to be rude, but... I wouldn't say that it is a taste - I said calmly, trying to stay calm and not to offend anyone.-Morinaga, listen...-Sempai tried to speak.-For what...-I kept crestfallen - what...? Souchi? –-Souichi? - Sempai was surprised - never ever called me by my first name --Well, so your name isn't it? - I was serious, but still downcast, I didn't want to look at them, it hurt me.-Morinaga, I know that this must be uncomfortable for you, but it is a decision that I have taken--Since when--A few weeks ago he sighed - listen to Morinaga, I met Yuki a couple of weeks at a science fair which was in an Institute and then... I fell in love with her - Sempai confessed and that I utterly destroyed.Sempai... would love? from a girl? Now that I lost it. All my hopes and dreams that had with Sempai... that night went to the very same shit...-Then...--Huh?--Then... why not you told me this month that I was talking to you by mail and by phone--Ah... that...-Sempai felt guilty - he did not want that your emotional stability from slipping while you were working. I wanted to you that everything goes well. In addition, these things are said in person and not by telephone and less by mail--Oh... so your solution was to amaze me as today isn't it? - I started on the defensive, but for no reason I dared to look him in the eye. Continued yet crestfallen, I didn't want to see my face hold my tears and depression.-Do not see you that way, Morinaga--You know very well what I feel for you--I know... and that you apologize if this affects you--Would still doubt if this affects me?--Morinaga... I didn't want to hurt you, you know very well that always you felt someone close enough to me, you have always been important to me, so I asked to stay here in Nagoya despite the fact that your work is in another country, but about Yuki, it wasn't planned, I met her, we understood us very well, we do not connect perfectly and I decided that I wanted to marry her and then...--ENOUGH, already shut up! - I could not take it anymore, I exalté.-Morinaga...-Sempai was left speechless with my reaction.I was standing in absolute silence. Sempai was waiting for me to say something, but instead I ran to give. Now I didn't want to be over there, all this was affecting me. I got my shoes as I fled from the apartment leaving Sempai and Yuki surprised by my attitude, and it is that this whole situation I was burning of AFEW, felt that my heart was shattered by every second that passed near the couple's "fiance". I almost slipped down the stairs by the way, but I didn't, I continued fleeing until my feet are faint, is clear that my luggage was left at home, but at that time, had no head for thinking, just wanted to get out of there.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Morinaga POV "We need to talk," oh my god ... that phrase tormented me. He said it in such a serious way that I thought the worst, but obviously ... it all made ​​sense ... the scene that I am and his phrase "we need to talk." "You want to talk Sempai? Well, let's talk. .. I also want an explanation, "I thought. She wanted to run, but my legs were shaking and I felt I would fall. They remember when Sempai was upset that date Masaki hidden from him and when he got home he said, "Get your head all the love I feel for you think," remember how terrible it felt ?, because they believe .. . I now feel twice as worse. I walked slowly and sat on the couch still in shock. Still not imagine what I saw? You still have no idea what it was he was doing Sempai? Well ... I just opened the door I see Sempai canoodling with a woman on the floor of the room and Sempai was above it; that is, what would have happened if she later? They would have had sex, or before and who knows if it will have had all these ideas ... destroyed me. I had never seen that girl, and the worst is that she was beautiful. Sempai size, thin, blue eyes and long hair, pretty women compared with women I've ever seen in my work. Do Sempai has a girlfriend? But ... why ... Sempai and I ... are something like boyfriends right? And we meet one year of living together right? Does not that mean anything to him? Should he consider it a betrayal? She like Sempai sat together on the couch in front of me was very seriously. The girl did not say anything, it showed quite embarrassed and ashamed, obviously of course, who would not be ashamed if caught kissing another person in a daring way. Instead Sempai was looking down, but took a deep breath and said . -Morinaga, she is Yuki ... my ... my fiancée told me shyly, with a look of guilt could not believe it ... SEMPAI fiancee? ¿PROMISED? But how so? First to Sempai was not interested in the topic of marriage and less walked thinking about "love", he was a single man who was dedicated to his experiments and now. I spent with just a little of your time to me ... and that most times I forced, but always ended up giving in, but I never thought that would Sempai a "promised". That is, there has only been one month ... perhaps in a month meets a girl and promises? When it took me over 5 years delve into your life! -Morinaga, are you listening - Sempai interrupted my thoughts. -yâ seriously, Sempai, who she wanted to be optimistic and think that was a joke Sempai. I told you-and it is my fiancee and called Yuki -¿E ... seriously -. I started to get more and more nervous . -Yes.- Sempai remained somewhat discouraged because I knew this was painful for me It's nice to meet Morinaga Yuki-san made ​​me a little bow still being embarrassed. Ah ... I do not want to be rude, but ... I would not say it's a taste- said quietly, trying to stay calm and not to offend anyone. -Morinaga, listen ...- Sempai tried to speak. -Why ...- I kept his head down ... Souchi Why? - -¿Souichi - Never Sempai was surprised you called me by my Christian name Well, that call you right? - I got serious, but still head down, not wanting to look at them, it hurt. -Morinaga, know this must be uncomfortable for you, but it's a decision I've tomado- -From when- few weeks ago--Morinaga sighed listen, I met Yuki a couple of weeks ago at a science fair who was a high school and then ... I fell in love with her ​​Sempai confessed and that destroyed me completely. Sempai ... love? Does a girl? Now you and I lost it. All my hopes and dreams you had with Sempai ... that night went to the very shit ... Then ...- Eh - So ... why did not you tell me this month I was talking to you by mail and over the phone Ah ... that ...- Sempai felt guilty that I did not want to drop your emotional stability while you were working. I wanted everything to go well. In addition, these things are spoken in person and by phone and not least mail- Oh ... So your solution was to amaze me how today right? - I got defensive, but on no account I dared to look into eyes. Was still head down, did not want him to see my face depression and put up with tears. Neither see it that way, Morinaga- know very well what I feel about it- I know ... and for that I apologize if this affected you as well Do you still doubt if it affects me - -Morinaga ... I did not want to hurt you, you know very well that I always thought was someone very close to me, you were always important to me, so I asked you you stay here in Nagoya though your job is in another country, but about Yuki, was not planned, I met her, we understood each other very well, do not connect perfectly and then decided I wanted to marry her and then ...- - ENOUGH, AND SHUT - could not take it anymore, I exalt. -Morinaga ...- Sempai gasped with my reaction. I stood there in silence. Sempai was waiting for me to say something, but instead of talking ran in full swing. No longer wanted to be there, all this was affecting me. I put on my shoes as I fled the apartment and leaving Yuki Sempai and surprised by my attitude, but this whole situation is just a short was burning me, I felt my heart shatter grew by each passing second close to the couple " promised ". I almost slipped down the stairs by the way, but I did not care, I continued running until my feet got tired, of course my luggage was left at home, but at that time, had no head to think, I just wanted to get out of there.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV Morinaga

"need to talk", oh my god... That phrase haunted me. He said so serious that I thought the worst, but it was obvious... It all made Sense. The Scene With Me and saying, "We need to talk."

"You Talk sempai? Well, we... I also want an explanation, "I thought. I wanted to run, but my legs were shaking and I felt that I could.
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