POV MORINAGAA veces siento que Sempai está siendo irracional; pero me  dịch - POV MORINAGAA veces siento que Sempai está siendo irracional; pero me  Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV MORINAGAA veces siento que Semp


A veces siento que Sempai está siendo irracional; pero me alegró mucho percatarme que Sempai sintió celos al verme casi desnudo frente a Taiga. Aunque luego niegue que así fue... no importa.

Taiga y yo nos fuimos a la oficina rápidamente. Hoy iba a decirle al gerente sobre mi decisión respecto al traslado a Nagoya y realmente me encontraba bastante nervioso. Espero que me diga que puedo irme pronto porque no me aguanto las ganas de volver a vivir con Sempai. Ya siento que lo amo como antes... no, es más... ¡LO AMO MÁS QUE ANTES! Y lo mejor de todo es que Sempai también está intentando enamorarse de mí... AHHHHHHH! QUÉ EMOCIÓN. Ya no puedo esperar a que seamos una pareja... SERÁ HERMOSO.

El día transcurrió tranquilo, todo estaba marchando a la perfección y mi día se puso mejor cuando recibí un mensaje de Sempai a mi celular (sí... ya le había dado mi nuevo número). El mensaje decía:

De: Souichi Tatsumi

Para: Tetsuhiro Morinaga


¿Almorzamos juntos?


Sempai quiere almorzar conmigo... QUÉ TIERNO. Me hace feliz que él tome la iniciativa para que estemos más unidos. Obviamente mi respuesta fue positiva.

De: Tetsuhiro Morinaga

Para: Souichi Tatsumi

Querido Sempai,

Me encantaría almorzar contigo. ¿Dónde nos encontramos?


Sempai respondió:

De: Souichi Tatsumi

Para: Tetsuhiro Morinaga

Hay un restaurante de comida rápida a una cuadra de la Farmacéutica... te veo ahí a la 1:10pm. Además... quiero decirte algo...


¿Decirme algo? ¿Ahora qué está pasando por la mente de Sempai? Ojala sea algo positivo, ya que estoy muy ilusionado.

De: Tetsuhiro Morinaga

Para: Souichi Tatsumi

De acuerdo, Sempai. Nos vemos ahí, pero... ¿qué quieres decirme? ¿Qué cosa es, Sempai? ¿Es algo malo o es algo bueno?


Sempai me respondió de inmediato...

De: Souichi Tatsumi

Para: Tetsuhiro Morinaga

Es... es algo que prefiero decirte allá. En fin... ya deja el celular y ponte a trabajar. Nos vemos a la 1:10pm.


Fue el último mensaje que me envío y decidí hacerle caso y no responderle, pues tenía miedo a tener problemas en la oficina por andar pegado al celular en horas laborales.

Una hora después me avisaron que el gerente ya estaba desocupado para recibirme y hablar conmigo. Entré a la oficina del gerente bastante nervioso y con el documento del traslado firmado. Fue difícil, pero al fin había tomado mi decisión. Sé que todo saldrá bien, pues estoy seguro que con mi traslado a Nagoya... mi situación con Sempai mejorará aún más.

Al parecer, el gerente estaba viendo algunos pendientes en su computadora, así que fui bastante silencioso, pero sin olvidar la educación...

-Buenos días, señor gerente-

-Buenos días, Morinaga-san, toma asiento-

-Gracias- me senté y proseguí –Aquí está el documento firmado-

-¿Qué documento?-

-Mi traslado a Nagoya-

-Ahhh... ese documento- me miró a los ojos –Veo que ya te decidiste. Veamos- le echó un vistazo a la hoja -¿Realmente estás seguro de querer trasladarte a la sede de Nagoya?-

-Sí. Completamente seguro-

-Muy bien. Si esa es tú decisión. Así será- me sonrió.

-Eh... señor... quisiera saber cuál es el siguiente proceso a seguir; es decir... cuándo me iré... quién será mi jefe...-

-Yo me encargaré de todo. Me imagino que en dos semanas ya podrás ir a Nagoya-



-¡Ah! Muchas... muchísimas gracias, señor gerente- estreché su mano con la mía como haciendo si hiciéramos un trato –No sabe lo feliz que me ha hecho-

-De nada... chico- nos soltamos –Por lo que veo, Nagoya es un lugar muy especial para ti-

-Así es... demasiado especial-

-De seguro tu novia vive ahí-

-Sí mi... ¿QUÉ?-

-Tú novia- empezó a tenerme confianza.

-Ah... bueno... no es mi novia, pero... solo puedo decir que es una persona muy especial para mí- hablé nervioso.

Terminamos la conversación. Habíamos llegado a un acuerdo, el cual consistía que yo me quedaría con la hoja, pues se la tenía que presentar yo mismo en la entrevista con mi nuevo gerente de la sede de Nagoya; y que mi gerente de Hamatsu iba a arreglar todo para que yo viaje en dos semanas a Nagoya para quedarme a trabajar ahí.

Estaba muy emocionado y muy seguro de la decisión que estaba tomando; es decir, voy a ser muy feliz... estaré con mi Sempai y sobretodo ahora porque estamos "saliendo"; y estando junto a él todos los días puede que ese sentimiento que tiene el pecho... se convierta en AMOR por mí; sin embargo... había una contraparte a todo esto: TAIGA.

¿Voy a dejarla en Hamatsu? ¿Sola? ¿Así tan de repente?... Ni siquiera le he comentado que ya me habían dado la solicitud; de seguro se enojará, puesto que entre Taiga y yo no hay secretos.

Salí de la oficina del gerente y como mi mente estaba en la felicidad total, no me percaté que de la nada alguien me había arranchado de mi mano la solicitud del traslado y había corrido. Me di cuenta que era Taiga, quien estaba cerca de la oficina del gerente, para espiarme creo yo y apenas salí se fue corriendo con la hoja que me arranchó. Obviamente la perseguí, tal cual niños de 7 años jugando a las chapadas, pero me detuve cuando Taiga entró al baño de mujeres.

Era inútil, definitivamente no podía entrar ahí. Y si lo hacía, alguien me vería y pasaría un momento vergonzoso, tan solo me puse a hablar en la puerta...

-Taiga... Taiga... oye- no me respondía –Escucha, sé que en este momento estás leyendo ese documento, pero quiero que sepas que te lo iba a decir... solo que no sabía de qué manera... no sabía cómo lo tomarías... pero en verdad yo...-

Me detuve, pues Taiga había abierto la puerta del baño y lanzó una mirada seria con la hoja en mano. Quise decir algo, pero ella me calló y me pidió que la siguiera. Caminamos incómoda y silenciosamente por el pasillo hasta llegar a una oficina que estaba desolada y solitaria.

Me invitó a pasar y lo hice con miedo, pues su rostro seguía con una expresión horriblemente seria. Luego de mí, ella ingresó y cuando estábamos adentro, dio un portazo para cerrar la puerta, el cual me hizo saltar de los nervios. Todo era muy raro. Estábamos parados frente a frente, yo sin saber qué hacer y Taiga bastante callada y seria con el documento en su manos.

Tal vez Taiga se estaba dando cuenta que posiblemente, ahora que estemos separados por el hecho de estar en distintas ciudades, nuestra amistad ya no será como antes. Sé que al principio será duro... pero sé que me apoyará... y todo empezará a salir bien.

El ambiente seguía tenso. Taiga se acercó lentamente a mí y cuando estuvimos a un metro me entregó la- hoja con un golpe en el pecho...


-No sabía cómo... además... antes no estaba seguro... pero ahora sí...- me puse nervioso y sostuve la hoja del documento.




-Es que... no... no sabía cómo decírtelo. Además tú sabes que desde que ingresé a la Farmacéutica quise un traslado a la sede de Nagoya y siempre me apoyaste con eso. No entiendo por qué ahora reaccionas así-

-¡ESO ERA ANTES, MORI!- respiró hondo –Antes... estabas bien con Souichi... pero ahora...-

-¡AHORA TAMBIÉN!- impuse bastante seguro –Sempai y yo estamos bien, llevando las cosas paso a paso-

-Pero... ¿irte a vivir a Nagoya? ¿Así tan de repente? ¿No crees que estás dando un paso MUY GRANDE y ACELERADO?-

-Tal vez... pero a Sempai le gustó mucho la idea de mi traslado-

-¡ES OBVIO! Pero la idea era que aunque sea trates de hacerte un poco el difícil- suspiró –Mori, estás dejándole todo fácil a Souichi. Se ganó tu confianza y tu amor con rapidez... ni siquiera se esforzó-

-¡SÍ LO HIZO!- lo defendí –Sempai está dejando atrás su vergüenza para salir conmigo—

-Ay... Mori-

-Yo sé que he tomado la decisión correcta-

-Bueno... ¿y por qué no me lo dijiste?-

-¡Por esto! Porque sabía que te pondrías así- me calmé –Sabes... eres mi mejor amiga y me frustró el hecho que no pude contarte algo tan importante para mí-

-Desde cuando lo sabes-

-Desde hace una semana, desde antes que Sempai viniera a Hamatsu... ya me habían entregado el documento del traslado aprobado- suspiré.

-¡Ahhh! Ahora entiendo. La otra vez... el gerente te llamó a su oficina y cuando saliste de ahí... te notabas nervioso en decirme qué fue lo que te dijo... ahora comprendo. Ese día te aprobó el documento del traslado ¿no?-

-Así es; pero en ese momento estaba indeciso. Luego cuando empecé a ver que Sempai había cambiado y que quería salir conmigo... supe que posiblemente me gustaría aceptar el traslado a Nagoya- suspiré –De todas maneras... perdón por no decírtelo-

-¡Morinaga! ¿Te das cuenta? NO COMETAS UNA ESTUPIDEZ- reaccionó.

-¿Eh? Pensé que me estabas comprendiendo-

-¡Pues no! La consecuencia de tu traslado será HORRIBLE- me sujetó de la camisa –SOUICHI VA A USARTE OTRA VEZ-

-No lo hará- suspiré y logré que ella soltara mi camisa –Por favor... dale una oportunidad a Sempai, está intentando cambiar por mí. Eso debería hacerte feliz-

-Sí... me siento feliz porque ahora tú te sientes feliz, pero... ¿qué pasa si en unos meses vuelve a pasar algo malo?-

-Taiga... no seas pesimista. Yo sé que Sempai ha cambiado; confío en que sí; tengo mucha fe en mi corazón-

-Bueno...- se resignó –Sabes que siempre podrás contar conmigo-

-Gracias, Taiga- sentí la necesidad de abrazarla y así lo hice –Eres mi mejor amiga y aunque la distancia nos separe... juro que jamás se perderá nuestra amistad- me puse emotivo.

-¡Baka! No digas eso que... que me harás... llorar- sentí que se quebró.

Nos quedamos así por un buen rato. Pude sentir el susurro del llanto de Taiga. A mí también se me derramaron un par de lágrimas; pues no me gustaban las despedidas... aunque no lo podría considerar una despedida, puesto que aún no me iba.

Nos calmamos y nos separamos. Taiga se secó los ojos y se hizo la fuerte y yo tan solo la miré con una sonrisa...

-¿Y... cuándo... cuándo te vas?- preguntó curiosamente.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV MORINAGASometimes I feel that Sempai is being irrational; but it glad to realize that Sempai felt jealousy almost naked me against Taiga. But then deny that it was thus... it doesn't matter.Taiga and I went to the office quickly. Today was going to tell the manager about my decision on the move to Nagoya and I was really quite nervous. I hope you tell me that I leave soon because I can not stand the urge to return to live with Sempai. I already feel that I love him as before... no, it's more... it master more that before! And best of all is that Sempai is also trying to fall in love with me... AHHHHHHH! THAT EMOTION. Already I can't wait to that we are a couple... IT WILL BE BEAUTIFUL.The day was quiet, everything was running perfectly and my day got better when I received a message from Sempai to my cell phone (Yes... already had given him my new number). The message said:From: Souichi TatsumiFor: Tetsuhiro MorinagaMorinaga,We have lunch together?SouichiSempai wants to have lunch with me... THAT TENDER. It makes me happy that he take the initiative so that we are more United. Obviously my response was positive.From: Tetsuhiro MorinagaFor: Souichi TatsumiDear Sempai,I'd like to have lunch with you. Where do we stand?MorinagaSempai said:From: Souichi TatsumiFor: Tetsuhiro MorinagaThere is a quick restaurant a block from the pharmaceutical... see you there at 1:10 pm. In addition... Let me tell you something...SouichiTell me something? Now what you are going through the mind of Sempai? I hope is a good thing, since I am very excited.From: Tetsuhiro MorinagaFor: Souichi TatsumiAgree, Sempai. See you there, but... do you mean me? What a thing is, Sempai? It is a bad thing or is a good thing?MorinagaSempai replied immediately...From: Souichi TatsumiFor: Tetsuhiro MorinagaIt is... is something that I prefer to tell you there. Anyway... it leaves the cell and get to work. See you at 1:10 pm.SouichiIt was the last message I send and I decided to make you case and don't answer him, because I was afraid to have problems in the office to go glued to the phone in working hours.An hour later they warned me that the Manager was vacated to meet me and talk to me. I went into the office pretty nervous Manager and with the signed transfer document. It was difficult, but after I had made my decision. I know that everything will go well, because I am sure that with my transfer to Nagoya... my situation with Sempai will improve even more.Apparently the Manager was watching some outstanding on your computer, so I was pretty quiet, but without forgetting the education...-Good morning, Mr Manager --Good morning, Morinaga-san, take a seat--Thank you - I sat down and continued - here is the signed document --What document--My transfer to Nagoya--Ahhh... that document - he looked me in the eyes - I see that you already decided. Let's see - glanced you at the blade - really are you sure you want to move to the seat Nagoya? --Yes. Completely secure--Very well. If that is your decision. So it will be - smiled me.-Eh... Lord... I would like to know what the following process to follow; that is to say... when I'll go... who will be my boss...--I will take care of everything. I can imagine that in two weeks you can already go to Nagoya--I seriously--Yes--Ah! Many... Many thanks, Mr Manager - shook her hand with mine as making if we did a deal - not know how happy that made me --From nothing... chico - release us - so that I see, Nagoya is a very special place for you--So... too special --Secure your girlfriend lives there--Yes my... what? --Your wedding - began to trust me.-Ah... well... is not my girlfriend, but... all I can say that it is someone very special to me - I talked nervous.We ended the conversation. We had reached an agreement, which was that I would stay with the blade, as it had to present myself at the interview with my new manager of Nagoya headquarters; and that my Hamatsu Manager was going to fix everything so I travel in two weeks to Nagoya to stay to work there.I was very excited and very sure of the decision which was taking; i.e., I will be very happy... I will be with my Sempai and above all now because we are "out"; and being with him every day you can make that feeling that has the chest... love for me; However this... had a counterpart to everything: TAIGA.I'm going to leave it in Hamatsu? Single? Do well so suddenly?... I've even said it that they had already given me the request; insurance it angry, since between Taiga and me no secrets.I left the Manager's office and as my mind was in total Bliss, I realized not from nothing someone had arranchado me of my hand the request for transfer and had run. I gave that it was Taiga, who was near the office of the Manager, to spy on me I think and just left was running with the blade that I grabbed. Obviously pursued it, such which children of 7 years playing the veneered, but I stopped when Taiga entered the women's swimwear.It was useless, definitely could not get there. And if it did, someone would see me and would be an embarrassing moment, only I got to speak at the door...-Taiga... Taiga... oye - I did not - listen, I know that at this moment you are reading this document, but I want you to know I was going to say... just didn't know how... did not know how would take it... but in truth I...I stopped, Taiga had opened the bathroom door and threw a serious look with the blade in his hand. I wanted to say something, but she stopped me and asked me to follow her. We walked the corridor until you reach an office that was desolate and lonely silent and uncomfortable.Invited me to spend and I did it with fear, because his face was still a horribly serious expression. After me, she entered and when we were inside, gave a slam to close the door, which made me jump out of nerves. Everything was very rare. We were standing face to face, I not knowing what to do and quite quiet and serious Taiga with the document in his hands.Perhaps Taiga was taken note that possibly, now that we are separated by the fact of being in different cities, our friendship because it will not be like before. I know that at the beginning it will be hard... but I know that I will support... and everything will start to come out well.The atmosphere remained tense. Taiga slowly came to me and when we were a subway gave me - sheet with a blow to the chest...-BAKA! WHEN YOU THOUGHT TELL ME?--Didn't know how... Moreover... formerly wasn't sure... but now... yes-I was nervous and argued the document sheet.-THESE CRAZY! -yelled at me - CREI that not had secrets between us... perhaps not we are best friends? --IF THE ARE, TAIGA -THEN?-It is... not... He didn't know how to say it. You also know that since I joined the pharmaceutical wanted a transfer to the seat Nagoya and I always apoyaste with that. I do not understand why now react as well--THAT was before, MORI! - breathed deep - before... were well with Souichi... but now...--NOW also! - imposed safe enough - Sempai and I well, are taking things step by step -- But... would go to live in Nagoya? So suddenly? Don't think that you're giving a very large and fast step?--Perhaps Sempai but... the idea of my transfer - loved-IT IS OBVIOUS! But the idea was that even try to get a little difficult - he sighed - Mori, you are leaving everything easy to Souichi. Earned your confidence and your love quickly... even tried--LO did! - defended it - Sempai is outpacing its shame for me - out-Ay... Mori--I know that I made the right decision--Well... and why not what you told me?--Why! Because I knew that you put as well - I calmed down - you know... you're my best friend and it frustrated me the fact that I could not tell something so important for me --Since when you know it--From a week ago, before that Sempai came to Hamatsu... already had given me the approved transfer document - I sighed.-Ahhh! Now I understand. Again... the Manager you called your office and when you went from there... you noticed nervous to tell me what you said... now I understand. That day passed you the transfer document not?--So; but then it was undecided. Then when I started to see that Sempai had changed and that he wanted to go out with me... I knew that possibly would like to accept the transfer to Nagoya - sighed - anyway... sorry for not tell you--Morinaga! Do you realize? NO comets a STUPIDITY - reacted.-Huh? I thought I were understanding that--Maybe not! The consequence of your transfer will be HORRIBLE - I fastened shirt - SOUICHI is going to use you again --I won't - I sighed and I managed that she will let go of my shirt - please... give him a chance to Sempai, is trying to change me. That should make you happy--Yes... I am happy because now you feel happy, but... What if in a few months he returned to something bad happen?--Taiga... don't be pessimistic. I know that Sempai has changed; I hope that Yes; I have great faith in my heart--Well...-you resigned - you know that you can always count on me --Thanks, Taiga - felt the need to embrace it and so I did it - you're my best friend and even though distance separates us... I swear that you will never lose our friendship - I got emotional.-Baka! Do not say that... that I will... begin to cry - I felt it broke.So we stayed for a while. I could feel the whisper of the cries of Taiga. Also spilled to me a couple of tears; because goodbyes I didn't... Although it could be considered him a farewell, since I wasn't even going.We quench us and separated us. Taiga dried her eyes and the Fort was made and I just looked at her with a smile...-... When... When are you going?-asked curiously.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Morinaga POV Sometimes I feel that Sempai being irrational; but I was delighted to see how, Sempai was jealous seeing me almost naked in front of Taiga. But then denies that it was ... never mind. Taiga and I went to the office quickly. Today was going to tell the manager about my decision regarding the transfer to Nagoya and really was quite nervous. I hope you tell me that I can go soon because I can not stand the desire to return to live with Sempai. Now I feel that I love him like before ... no, it's ... I love him more than before! And best of all, Sempai is also trying to fall in love with me ... AHHHHHHH! WHAT A THRILL. I can not wait for us to be a couple ... it will be beautiful. The day went quiet, everything was marching to perfection and my day got better when I got a message on my cell Sempai (yes ... I had already given my new number). The message read: From: Souichi Tatsumi To: Morinaga Tetsuhiro Morinaga, we have lunch together? Souichi Sempai want to have lunch with me ... how cute. It makes me happy that he take the initiative so that we are more united. Obviously my response was positive. From: Tetsuhiro Morinaga To: Souichi Tatsumi Dear Sempai, I'd love to have lunch with you. Where are we Morinaga Sempai responded: From: Souichi Tatsumi To: Tetsuhiro Morinaga There is a fast food restaurant a block of Pharmaceutical ... I see you there at 1:10 pm. Besides ... I want to tell you something ... Souichi Tell me something? Now what is going through the mind of Sempai? Hopefully it is something positive, and I'm very excited. From: Tetsuhiro Morinaga To: Souichi Tatsumi Okay, Sempai. See you there, but ... what do you say? What thing is, Sempai? Is it a bad thing or a good thing? Morinaga Sempai answered immediately ... From: Souichi Tatsumi To: Tetsuhiro Morinaga is ... is something that I prefer to say there. Anyway ... and leave the cell and go to work. See you at 1:10 pm. Souichi was the last message you sent me and I decided to ignore and not respond, because I was afraid to have problems walking in the office attached to the cell during working hours. An hour later I was advised that the manager I was already vacated to greet and talk to me. I walked into the office quite nervous manager and signed the transfer document. It was hard, but had finally made ​​my decision. I know everything will be fine, because I'm sure with my move to Nagoya Sempai ... my situation will further improve. Apparently the manager was watching some outstanding on your computer, so I was pretty quiet, but without forgetting education ... Good morning, Mr. manager- Good morning, Morinaga-san, takes seat -Gracias- I sat down and continued Here is the document firmado- What document - My transfer to Nagoya- Ahhh. .. that document- looked into my eyes I see you and you decide. Veamos- glanced at the sheet -¿Realmente you really want to move to the headquarters of Nagoya - Yes. Completely sure- Very well. If that's your decision. That will be- smiled. Uh ... sir ... I wonder what the next process to be followed; I mean ... when I'll be my boss ... ...- who 'll take care of everything. I imagine that in two weeks and you can go Nagoya- -¿Enserio - -Yes.- Ah! Many ... thank you, sir manager- shook his hand with mine as if we were doing a deal He does not know how happy you have done-me ... boy said -nothing we let go 'From what I see, Nagoya a very special place for you- So too is ... especially -of sure your girlfriend lives there- my ... WHAT Yes - girlfriend 'You began to trust me. Oh ... well. .. not my girlfriend, but ... I can only say that is a very special person to me, I talked nervously. We ended the conversation. We had reached an agreement, which was that I would stay with the blade, because it's had to present myself in the interview with my new manager Nagoya headquarters; . and my manager Hamatsu going to fix everything for me in two weeks trip to Nagoya to stay working there I was very excited and very confident that the decision was taken; that is, I will be very happy ... I am with my Sempai and especially now that we are "out"; and being with him every day you may have the feeling that chest ... becomes love for me; however ... there was a counterpart to this. TAIGA Will I leave it Hamatsu? Alone? ? So all of a sudden ... I have not even mentioned that they had already given me the request; insurance will be angry, because between Taiga and no secrets. I left the office manager and as my mind was total bliss, I did not realize that nothing anyone had arranchado me out of my hand the application of the transfer and he had run. I realized I was Taiga, who was near the manager's office to spy on me and I just got out he ran with the leaf that arranchó me. Obviously I pursued, as such children 7 years old playing plated, but stopped when Taiga entered the ladies room. It was useless, definitely could not go in there. And if he did, someone would see me and spend an embarrassing moment, I just started talking at the door ... ... Taiga -Taiga oye- not answer me ... Listen, I know you are reading right now that document, but I want you to know that I was going to say ... I just do not know how ... I do not know how he would take ... but really I ...- I stopped because Taiga had opened the bathroom door and threw a serious look with leaf on hand. I wanted to say something, but she stopped me and asked me to follow her. We walked silently and uncomfortably down the hall to get to an office that was desolate and lonely. I invited them in and did so with fear, because his face was horribly with a serious expression. After me, she entered and when we were inside, slammed the door closed, which made ​​me jump on my nerves. It was all very strange. We stood face to face, I do not know what to do and Taiga pretty quiet and serious with the document in his hands. Perhaps Taiga was realizing that possibly now we're separated by being in different cities, our friendship and It will not be like before. I know it will be tough ... but I know you will support me ... and everything will start to work out. The atmosphere was tense. Taiga slowly approached me and when we were handed me one meter side sheet with a blow to the chest ... -¡BAKA! WHEN did you think tell me - I did not know how ... well ... I was not sure before ... but now ...- I got nervous and held the sheet of paper. -¿¡ESTÁS LOCO -? I he shouted 'I thought there were no secrets between us ... Did not we're best friends - Yes we are, TAIGA- Then - It's that ... no ... did not know how to tell you. Also you know that since I joined the Pharmaceutical wanted a transfer to headquarters and Nagoya always relied me with that. I do not understand why now react ASI- 'That was before MORI - deep breath ... Before you were okay with Souichi ...- ... but now -now ALSO - set myself and I pretty sure -Sempai we are well, carrying things step by step, ... But go live to Nagoya? So all of a sudden? You do not think you're giving a very large and fast pace - Maybe ... but Sempai really liked the idea of my transported elsewhere 'It's obvious! But the idea was that even try to make a little hardly sighed -Mori, are all easy to Souichi leaving. your confidence and your love will be won quickly ... not even esforzó- DID 'Yes - I defended -Sempai is outpacing their shame to go out with me Mori- Oh ... I know I've made the decision correctly Well ... Why did not you tell me - 'Of this! Because I knew you give ASI- calmed me ... You know you're my best friend and I was frustrated by the fact that I could not tell you something so important to me, what you know- Since when -From a week ago, came from before Sempai to Hamatsu ... and I had delivered the document transfer approved- I sighed. Ahhh! Now I understand. Again ... The manager called you into his office and when you left there ... you noticeable was nervous to tell me what he told you ... now I understand. That day you approved the transfer document right? - So is; but at that moment I was undecided. Then when I began to see that Sempai had changed and he wanted to go out with me ... I knew I probably would accept a transfer to Nagoya- sighed 'Anyway ... sorry for not decírtelo- -¡Morinaga! You realize? DO NOT COMMIT A stupidity react. Huh? I thought you were me comprendiendo- -¡Pues no! The result of your move will be horrible I grabbed his shirt -SOUICHI WILL use you again- hara 'I do not sigh and she managed to loosen my shirt' Of ... please give it a chance to Sempai, you are trying to change by my. That should make you happy- Yes ... I am happy because now you're feeling happy, but ... what if in a few months something bad happens again - -Taiga ... do not be pessimistic. I know Sempai has changed; I hope so; I have great faith in my heart Well ...- You know you can always count with me resigned Thank you, Taiga- felt the need to hug and I did're my best friend and although the distance separating us .. . I swear I will never lose our friendship-I got emotional. -¡Baka! Do not say that that ... that I do cry ... I felt that was broken. We were so for a while. I could feel the whisper of weeping Taiga. To me they will also shed a few tears; because I did not like goodbyes ... but it could not be considered a farewell, since it was not me. We calmed down and we parted. Taiga wiped his eyes and became strong and I just looked at her with a smile ... 'And ... when ... when you go - asked curiously.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV Morinaga

I feel sometimes that sempai's being Irrational, but I was very happy to see that sempai was Jealous to see me almost naked in front of Taiga. Although later denied that it was... Taiga does not matter.

and I went to the Office quickly. Today I was going to tell the manager about my decision on the relocation to Nagoya and actually I was pretty nervous.I hope you will tell me that I can leave early because I can't wait to return to live with sempai. I feel that I Love You as before... No, IT's more... I Love You More than before! And best of All is that sempai is also trying to fall in love with me... Ahhhhhhh! What Emotion. I can't wait to be a couple... Be beautiful.
the day was quiet,Everything was going perfectly to my day got better when I received a message on my cell phone (sempai... I had given you my new Number). The Message said:

: Souichi Tatsumi: Tetsuhiro Morinaga Morinaga

, we have lunch together?

sempai wants lunch Souichi... What Sweet. It makes me happy that he take the initiative to be more United.Obviously my answer was positive: Tetsuhiro Morinaga.

: Souichi Tatsumi Honey sempai,

I would love to have lunch with you. Where are we? Morinaga

sempai replied: Souichi Tatsumi: Tetsuhiro Morinaga

there is a Fast food restaurant to a block of the pharmaceutical... See you there at 1: 10. Besides... I want to tell you something Souichi...

?Now What's going on in the Mind of sempai? Hopefully something positive, because I'm very excited: Tetsuhiro Morinaga.

to Souichi Tatsumi: Okay, sempai. See you there, but... What do you say? What is it, sempai? Is something Bad or Good?

sempai Morinaga replied immediately: Souichi Tatsumi...

: Tetsuhiro Morinaga is...It's something I'd rather tell you there. In order... It leaves the cell and get to work. See you at 1: 10

. Souichi was the last message sent me and I decided to ignore him, and did not answer her because I was afraid to have problems in the Office to be glued to the cell during working hours. One hour after I told the manager I was free for me and talk to me.I went to the manager's Office quite nervous and with the signed document Transfer. It was difficult, but I finally made my decision. I know that everything will be fine, because I'm sure that my transfer to Nagoya Situation will improve further with my sempai. Apparently, the manager was watching some outstanding on your computer, so it was pretty quiet, but without forgetting the Education.- Good morning.

- Manager, Sir - Good Morning, Morinaga San, took a Seat -

- I sat here and so on is the signed document -

what document? -

my transfer to Nagoya - Ahhh... That document, she looked me in the eyes –veo you decided. - We took a look at the sheet you're really sure you want to transfer to the headquarters in Nagoya?

- - Yeah. Completely safe -

- very well.If that's Your Decision. So I smiled. - Uh... Sir... I would like to know what the next process to continue; that is to say... When I go... Who will be my Boss...

I'll take care of everything. I imagine that in two weeks you can already go to Nagoya -

- really? -

Oh! Many... Thank you very much,Senior Manager - I shook his hand with mine as doing a deal if we did not know how happy you made me - -

... - We Go Boy, what I See, Nagoya is a very special place for you -

- This is... Too special Insurance - -

Your Girlfriend lives there - - My... What? - Your Girlfriend - -

started to trust me. - Oh... Well... She's not my girlfriend, but...I can only say that it is a very special person for me - I was nervous.

we ended the conversation. We had reached an agreement, which was that I could take the Road, they had to present myself in my Interview with the new Manager of the Nagoya Headquarters;And My Manager Hamatsu was going to fix everything for me to travel in two weeks to Nagoya to stay and work there.

I was very excited and very sure of the decision was taking; that is to say, I will be very happy... I'll be with my sempai and especially now because we are "Going Out"; and being with him every day can the feeling with the chest...Be in love with me, but... There was a counterparty to all this: Taiga.

I'm gonna leave you in Hamatsu? Alone? So Suddenly? ... Even I told him that I had given the application; you will be Angry, because between Taiga and I no Secrets.

I left the manager's Office and as my mind was in total HappinessI was not aware of anything that someone had arranchado my hand the request for transfer and had run. I realized it was Taiga, who was near the Office of the manager, I think I just came to Spy on me and ran to the road I arranchó. Obviously I chased as children 7 years playing the CLAD, but I stopped when Taiga entered the Women's bathroom.It was useless, definitely could not go in there. And if he did, someone would see me and an embarrassing moment just got talking at the door...

- taiga... Taiga... Hey, I was –Escucha, I know that you're reading this document, but I want you to know that I was going to say... I just didn't know how... I didn't know how you'd take it. But in truth I -

...I stopped, taiga had opened the bathroom door and launched a serious look with Blade in hand. I wanted to say something, but she stopped me and asked me to continue. Uncomfortable and quietly walked down the hallway to get to an office that was desolate and lonely.

invited me in and I Fear, because his face was horribly with a serious expression. After me,She was admitted and when we were inside, slammed the door to close the door, which made me jump out of my nerves. Everything was Strange. We were standing face to Face, I do not know what to do and Taiga pretty quiet and serious with the paper in his hands.

maybe Taiga was realizing that, now that we are separated by the fact of being in different cities.Our Friendship is no longer as before. I know it will be hard at first... But I know I will support... And all will go well. The atmosphere was tense. Taiga slowly approached me and gave me when we were on the tube - sheet with a blow to the chest...

- Baka! When you thought decÍrmelo? -
- I didn't know how to... Besides... I wasn't sure before. But now...- I got nervous and held the document sheet. - are you mad! He yelled at me? - I thought there was no Secrets between us. Aren't we Best Friends? - Yes, we're -

, Taiga - - then? -
- is... Not... I didn't know how. You know that since I entered the pharmaceutical wanted to transfer to the headquarters of Nagoya and always supported me with that.I Don't understand why you REACT like that

Now - - that was before, Mori! I took a deep breath before... You were good with Souichi... But now... - now also

! - pretty sure –sempai myself and I are good, taking things Step by Step -

... Go and live in Nagoya? So Suddenly? Don't you think you're making a very big step and accelerated? -

Maybe...But I liked the idea of sempai my Transfer -

- obviously! But the idea was that even try to be a little difficult –mori sighed, you're leaving everything easy to Souichi. Gained your confidence and your love Quickly... Even hard -

- Yes you did! - –sempai defended him leaving behind his shame for leaving me

Oh... Mori -

- I know that I made the right decision -

- well... And why didn't you tell me? -
! Because I knew you'd be like this - I am CALM - you know... You're my best friend and I belied the fact that I couldn't tell you something so important to me - - When you know


- since a week ago, before coming to Hamatsu sempai...I had delivered the document Transfer approved - i

- Ahhh! Now I understand. The Other Time... The manager called you to his office and when you get out... I was nervous to tell me what you said... Now I understand. That day you approved the transfer?

- - so it is; but at that moment I was undecided.Then when I started to see that sempai had changed and he wanted to go out with me... I knew that I would accept the transfer to Nagoya - i - anyway... Sorry for not telling you - - Morinaga

! Do you realize that? - He Don't do anything stupid. - huh? I thought you were - - Understanding

!The result of your transfer will be awful - i grabbed the shirt –souichi gonna use you again

- and will not - I Got It - please let go of my shirt... Give a chance to sempai, is trying to change me. That should make you happy -

- Yes... I feel happy because now you feel happy, but... What if something Bad happen a few months back? -
- taiga...Don't be pessimistic. I know that sempai has changed; I Trust it; I Have Faith In My Heart -

- came you know you can always count with me

Thanks, Taiga - felt the need to embrace it and so did my best friend - and although the distance separates us... I swear I will never lose our Friendship - I got emotional.

- Baka! Don't say that... I Will...I felt I was crying. We stayed like that for a while. I could feel The Whisper Cry of Taiga. Me too I Shed A few Tears; for I did not like The Stag... If you could consider it a Farewell, since Still I.

we calm down and we parted. Taiga she wiped her eyes and became strong and I just looked at her with a smile...

...When... When are you going? -
asked Curiously.
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