Los días siguieron pasando y en ellos el peliazul trataba de que el pe dịch - Los días siguieron pasando y en ellos el peliazul trataba de que el pe Anh làm thế nào để nói

Los días siguieron pasando y en ell

Los días siguieron pasando y en ellos el peliazul trataba de que el pelilargo le explicara del porqué lo evitaba claro que primero disculpándose por lo que había pasado aquella vez que invadió su espacio personal, pero aun así el pelilargo lo ignoraba pues él no quería volver a sentir ese extraño sentimiento de nuevo "lo que sentí no está bien, no es normal" pensaba Souichi, este recibía mensajes y llamadas del peliazul aunque no eran tan seguidas, también noto que su kohai no lo perseguía tanto como su primer día de acoso, parecía que se estaba moderando y era cierto pues el peliazul había decidido seguir el consejo de su amigo Hiroto, de no buscarlo cada rato, darle su espacio para que no lo vea como un acosador aunque el pelilargo ya lo veía como uno

Y así los días se convirtieron en semanas y el peliazul ya estaba pensando en rendirse pues ya habían pasado más de un mes desde que su sempai lo comenzó a evitar, respiro profundo y decidió intentar una vez más y si no conseguía resultados se rendiría pues estar siempre en esta situación lo estaba cansando y estaba seguro que su sempai lo estaba aún más…

-Sempai, por fin te encuentro y esta vez no te vas a escapar-decía el peliazul a su sempai después de buscarlo por toda la facultad

-oi estás loco de remate suéltame de una vez-decía molesto el pelilargo pues su kohai lo había tomado del brazo para que no saliera huyendo

-no lo haré hasta que me digas por qué me has estado evitando

-no te estado evitando… solo estaba ocupado… no tenía tiempo que perder

-sempai, usted sabe que eso no es cierto, me ha estado evitando y yo quiero saber cuál es la razón, nada más

-ya te dije que he estado ocupado eso es todo-

-pero ni siquiera respondías algunos de mis mensajes y cuando te llamaba me cortabas por eso quiero saber… porqué esa actitud conmigo-le dijo el peliazul mientras lo soltaba pues no quería que el pelilargo se molestara más de lo que ya estaba

-no puedo perder mi tiempo con esta conversación, me voy-una vez dicho eso se dispuso a retirarse y no pensaba detenerse hasta que…

-me odias sempai?-hablo el peliazul haciendo que su sempai se detenga por su pregunta

-eh?-no esperaba que le preguntara eso-Qué dices, yo no he dicho en ningún momento que te odio-no lo odiaba de eso estaba seguro

-pero te molesto verdad, yo pensé por un momento que podíamos ser amigos ya que cuando hablamos por primera vez no parecía que te desagradara y tú me caíste muy bien, pero… al día siguiente comenzaste a evitarme entonces ¿por qué?…-se sentía mal, quería saber la razón del porqué lo evitaba… de una vez por todas.

-eh?, no… lo que pasa es que...-el pelilargo no sabía cómo salirse de esa situación "maldición que le digo" el peliazul se dio cuenta del nerviosismo de su sempai, además que vio como sus mejillas se iban coloreando cada vez más.

-sempai?-comenzó a acercarse poco a poco a su sempai "por qué se está sonrojando, se ve tan lindo…" y estaba a punto de tocarle el rostro.

-¡no me toques!-el pelilargo reaccionó de forma violenta golpeando la mano de su kohai, se había percatado que el peliazul le iba a tocar la cara y él no quería volver a sentir esa extraña sensación por eso termino teniendo esa reacción.

-…-el peliazul se sorprendió por la reacción de su sempai, se dio cuenta que otra vez estaba invadiendo un poco su espacio personal, pero lo que más le sorprendió fueron sus palabras "¡no me toques!" no pensó volver a escuchar ese tipo de palabras con ese tono que mostraba ¿repudio? "es así como se siente, como me ve" el peliazul sacó sus propias conclusiones…

-ya no importa…

-eh? ¿Qué dijiste?

-que ya no importa, está bien no tienes que decírmelo si no quieres

-pero, si hace un momento no parabas de insistir

-sí, es cierto, pero... Siento que te estoy forzado demasiado, dime… esa razón es algo vergonzosa

-eh? Pues...-se quedó callado y otra vez su rostro se estaba poniendo rojo de vergüenza

-ya veo, lo siento

-por qué te disculpas

-te hice pasar un mal rato no? Te hice sentir incomodo verdad?

-…-el pelilargo no sabía cómo contestar

-eso pensé, me retiro entonces

-eh? Ya te vas-preguntó sin pensarlo

-sí, no quiero molestarte además… me dijiste que estabas ocupado...no quiero quitarte más de tu tiempo…-estaba triste y tenía unas ganas de llorar pues tal vez esta sería la última vez que hablaría con su sempai

El peliazul se alejó de su sempai quien no entendía por qué tenía esa expresión triste en su rostro "le abre insultado sin querer" el pelilargo tenía un sentimiento de culpa-todo es tu culpa… por qué me haces sentir mal conmigo mismo, no entiendo-decía el pelilargo a un chico de pelos azules que ya se había ido y por lo tanto no lo había escuchado-maldición, definitivamente no debo hablarle de nuevo-y se fue al laboratorio a terminar de ayudar a su profesor.

Los días siguieron pasando y esos dos chicos no se hablaban de hecho ahora el peliazul evitaba hablar con el pelilargo y este se sorprendió que lo hiciera si antes prácticamente lo acosaba para tener una conversación, trato de no darle importancia, paso un mes y su poca paciencia se acabó no le gustaba que lo ignorara ya se había acostumbrado sin querer a que el otro chico lo siguiera todo el tiempo, chico que ahora lo evitaba incluso ni le miraba o eso él creía…

El peliazul lo miraba cada vez que tenía oportunidad pero evitando que el pelilargo se diera cuenta, no entendía por qué se sentía dolido por estar alejado de su sempai si solo habían tenido poco contacto; recordaba que la primera vez que hablo con Tatsumi sintió una extraña emoción de felicidad y quería volver a encontrarlo pero al día siguiente su sempai comenzó a evitarlo y como no entendía el porqué de su actitud lo perseguía a todos lados para conversar con él, pero el pelilargo hacia todo lo posible por alejarse de él poniéndole excusas "estoy ocupado" "no tengo tiempo" "tengo clases" ya estaba cansado de escuchar lo mismo y cuando por fin pudo tener una oportunidad para que por fin le explicara porque lo evitaba, su sempai lo aleja como si pudiera contagiarlo de algo fue entonces que el peliazul saco sus propias conclusiones…

"¡no me toques!" esas palabras ya las había escuchado muchas veces en su ciudad natal Fukuoka cuando se enteraron que era gay junto con el rumor de que él había sido el causante del intento de suicidio de su primer amor "no pensé que volvería escuchar esas palabras de rechazo tan rápido" le dolía pensar que esa era la razón por la cual el pelilargo lo evitaba, pero no encontraba otra y para no molestarlo más decidió simplemente renunciar el tratar ser su amigo "es una lástima, realmente quería ser su amigo, conocerlo mejor" y mientras el tiempo pasaba el pelilargo se comenzaba a sentir intranquilo se había sorprendido que de repente su kohai dejara de acosarlo, pensó que debería estar feliz porque el chico peliazul ya no le molestaría, pero no lo estaba y no entendía por qué, solo sabía que no le gustaba esa mirada triste que tenía… que mostraba cada vez que lo veía pasar, tal vez otra persona le diría que estaba confundido porque el peliazul se veía feliz, pero para él esa sonrisa que mostraba no tenía brillo… mostraba una falsa sonrisa todo el tiempo incluso cuando hablaba con sus amigos "se ve triste, ¿por qué esta así? el hecho que no le hable no es para tanto, rayos. Debería simplemente ignorarlo, no somos amigos apenas conocidos no debería preocuparme tanto por él" eso pensaba pero no era lo que sentía, estaba preocupado.

Ahora el pelilargo era el que quería saber por qué el peliazul se comportaba así, tan triste, porque para sus ojos miel ese chico peliazul estaba triste y le molestaba que los amigos de este no se dieran cuenta… no es que él sea un gran observador de los gestos que tenía el peliazul solo que… cuando lo vio por primera vez… fue su sonrisa lo que le llamo la atención y cuando se presentaron él pudo ver una sonrisa aún más radiante y él sin querer se la había grabado en su memoria, pero ahora solo mostraba una sonrisa falsa...

"Debería ignorarlo" se decía una y otra vez, pero con el pasar de los días ya no podía hacerlo… ahora lo miraba de lejos sin que el peliazul se diera cuenta… quería saber que le pasaba, si estaba bien y solo fuera idea suya. Quería llamarlo pero no tenía el valor para hacerlo no le gustaba el sentimiento que sentía cuando estaba cerca de él, pero el sentimiento que ahora sentía cuando estaba lejos de su kohai mientras este tiene una mirada triste era peor lo hacía sentir triste y al mismo tiempo culpable aunque no sabía exactamente porqué.

Un mes pasó y podía ver que el peliazul parecía menos triste, pero aun así no se sentía tranquilo "tengo que hablar con él" en el trascurso del mes se puso a pensar en que si debía o no hacer algo mientras veía su celular y leía los mensajes que el peliazul le había enviado en el mes que lo estuvo acosando, mensajes que no había leído… que había ignorado…

-ese tonto realmente pensaba que me había hecho algo por el cual debía disculparse-se sentía mal, Morinaga no había hecho nada malo al comienzo, había sido su decisión alejarse, evitarlo para no tener raros pensamientos y extraños sentimientos que no quería descifrar, pero sin querer con su actitud el peliazul pensó que le había hecho algo malo que lo ofendiera y solo quería disculparse-por que ignore esos mensajes, porque simplemente no le respondí…
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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The days followed through and in them the peliazul was that the pelilargo explain why avoided it clear who first apologizing for what had happened this time it invaded your personal space, but even so the pelilargo ignored it because he didn't want to return to feel that strange feeling again "what I felt is not well ", is not normal" I thought Souichi, this received messages and calls of the peliazul even if they were not so straight, also I notice that his kohai not chased him both as his first day of harassment, it seemed that I was moderating and it was true because the peliazul had decided to follow the advice of his friend Hiroto, not to seek it all the time, give your space does not see it as a stalker though the pelilargo already saw it as oneAnd so the days became weeks and the peliazul was already planning to surrender because they had already spent more than one month since his sempai began to avoid, deep breath and decided to try one more time and if it failed results it would yield as always being in this situation was getting tired it and was sure that his sempai was even more...-Sempai, I finally find you and this time you won't escape - said to his sempai peliazul after searching all faculty-oi are mad as hell let me go once - said disturbing the pelilargo because his kohai had taken the arm so that it came out not fleeing-won't do it until you tell me why I've been avoiding-not you state... just avoiding was busy... had no time to lose-sempai, you know that that is not true, I have been avoiding and I want to know what is the reason, nothing more-I already told you that I've been busy that's all -- But even gave some of my messages and when you called me cortabas so I want to know... why that attitude with me - said the peliazul was already while blew it because he didn't know that the pelilargo is molestara more than-I do not waste my time with this conversation, I'm going - once said that set out to retreat and didn't stop until...-I hate sempai?-talk the peliazul doing his sempai stops by your question-eh? - did not expect it to ask him that - you say, I never said at any time that you odio-no hated him that was sure- but you annoying truth, I thought for a moment that we could be friends because when we speak for the first time it didn't you spoil yourself and you fell me very well, but... to the next day started to avoid me then why?...-it felt bad, I wanted to know the reason for why avoided it... once and for all.-eh?, what happens is not... which...-the pelilargo didn't know how to get out of that situation "curse that I say" the peliazul realized the nervousness of his sempai, which also saw as her cheeks were coloring increasingly.-sempai?-began to gradually approaching his sempai "why is blushing, looks so cute..." and was about to touch her face.-do not touch me!-the pelilargo reacted violently hitting the hand of his kohai, had realized that the peliazul was going to touch the face, and he would not return to feel that strange feeling that term having that reaction.-...-the peliazul was surprised by the reaction of his sempai, gave account that again was a little invading your personal space, but what surprised him were the words "do not touch me!" did not intend to return to hear such words with that tone showing would repudiation? "this is how you feel, as I can see" the peliazul drew their own conclusions...-no longer matter...-eh? What you said?-that you don't, OK you don't have to tell me if you do not want- but, if not macaws insist a moment ago-Yes, it's true, but... I feel that I am I forced too, tell me... that reason is something shameful-eh? Maybe...-stayed silent and again his face was getting red with shame-I see, sorry-why you apologize-got a hard time not? Do I made you feel uncomfortable truth?-...-the pelilargo didn't know how to answer-that thought, I retire then-eh? Already going - asked without thinking-Yes, I don't want to bother you also... you told me that you were busy... I don't want to take more than your time... was sad and had a desire to cry because this would perhaps be the last time that he would speak with his sempaiThe peliazul departed from his sempai who didn't understand why it had that sad expression on his face "it opens you insulted unintentionally" the pelilargo had one sense of guilt - is your fault... Why make me feel bad about myself, I don't understand - said the pelilargo a guy with blue hair that already had left and therefore not heard-curse had been definitely not I speak again - and went to the lab to finish helping their teacher.Day followed through and those two guys are not in fact now spoke the peliazul avoided talking to the pelilargo and this was surprised to do so if before it practically harassed him to have a conversation, I try to not give importance, step one month and ended his little patience you didn't like it you ignore it as they had become accustomed unintentionally to the other boy to follow him all the time boy now I avoided it, even him or looked or that he believed...El peliazul lo miraba cada vez que tenía oportunidad pero evitando que el pelilargo se diera cuenta, no entendía por qué se sentía dolido por estar alejado de su sempai si solo habían tenido poco contacto; recordaba que la primera vez que hablo con Tatsumi sintió una extraña emoción de felicidad y quería volver a encontrarlo pero al día siguiente su sempai comenzó a evitarlo y como no entendía el porqué de su actitud lo perseguía a todos lados para conversar con él, pero el pelilargo hacia todo lo posible por alejarse de él poniéndole excusas "estoy ocupado" "no tengo tiempo" "tengo clases" ya estaba cansado de escuchar lo mismo y cuando por fin pudo tener una oportunidad para que por fin le explicara porque lo evitaba, su sempai lo aleja como si pudiera contagiarlo de algo fue entonces que el peliazul saco sus propias conclusiones…"¡no me toques!" esas palabras ya las había escuchado muchas veces en su ciudad natal Fukuoka cuando se enteraron que era gay junto con el rumor de que él había sido el causante del intento de suicidio de su primer amor "no pensé que volvería escuchar esas palabras de rechazo tan rápido" le dolía pensar que esa era la razón por la cual el pelilargo lo evitaba, pero no encontraba otra y para no molestarlo más decidió simplemente renunciar el tratar ser su amigo "es una lástima, realmente quería ser su amigo, conocerlo mejor" y mientras el tiempo pasaba el pelilargo se comenzaba a sentir intranquilo se había sorprendido que de repente su kohai dejara de acosarlo, pensó que debería estar feliz porque el chico peliazul ya no le molestaría, pero no lo estaba y no entendía por qué, solo sabía que no le gustaba esa mirada triste que tenía… que mostraba cada vez que lo veía pasar, tal vez otra persona le diría que estaba confundido porque el peliazul se veía feliz, pero para él esa sonrisa que mostraba no tenía brillo… mostraba una falsa sonrisa todo el tiempo incluso cuando hablaba con sus amigos "se ve triste, ¿por qué esta así? el hecho que no le hable no es para tanto, rayos. Debería simplemente ignorarlo, no somos amigos apenas conocidos no debería preocuparme tanto por él" eso pensaba pero no era lo que sentía, estaba preocupado.Ahora el pelilargo era el que quería saber por qué el peliazul se comportaba así, tan triste, porque para sus ojos miel ese chico peliazul estaba triste y le molestaba que los amigos de este no se dieran cuenta… no es que él sea un gran observador de los gestos que tenía el peliazul solo que… cuando lo vio por primera vez… fue su sonrisa lo que le llamo la atención y cuando se presentaron él pudo ver una sonrisa aún más radiante y él sin querer se la había grabado en su memoria, pero ahora solo mostraba una sonrisa falsa..."Debería ignorarlo" se decía una y otra vez, pero con el pasar de los días ya no podía hacerlo… ahora lo miraba de lejos sin que el peliazul se diera cuenta… quería saber que le pasaba, si estaba bien y solo fuera idea suya. Quería llamarlo pero no tenía el valor para hacerlo no le gustaba el sentimiento que sentía cuando estaba cerca de él, pero el sentimiento que ahora sentía cuando estaba lejos de su kohai mientras este tiene una mirada triste era peor lo hacía sentir triste y al mismo tiempo culpable aunque no sabía exactamente porqué.Un mes pasó y podía ver que el peliazul parecía menos triste, pero aun así no se sentía tranquilo "tengo que hablar con él" en el trascurso del mes se puso a pensar en que si debía o no hacer algo mientras veía su celular y leía los mensajes que el peliazul le había enviado en el mes que lo estuvo acosando, mensajes que no había leído… que había ignorado…-ese tonto realmente pensaba que me había hecho algo por el cual debía disculparse-se sentía mal, Morinaga no había hecho nada malo al comienzo, había sido su decisión alejarse, evitarlo para no tener raros pensamientos y extraños sentimientos que no quería descifrar, pero sin querer con su actitud el peliazul pensó que le había hecho algo malo que lo ofendiera y solo quería disculparse-por que ignore esos mensajes, porque simplemente no le respondí…
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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The days went by and in them the peliazul was the longhaired explain why he avoided it clear that first apologizing for what had happened that once invaded his personal space, but still did not know the long-haired as he did not want to feel that strange feeling again, "what is felt not right, not normal" thought Souichi, the received messages and calls peliazul though not as followed, I also noticed his kohai not pursued as much as the first day of harassment, It looked like he was moderating and it was true because the peliazul had decided to follow the advice of his friend Hiroto not look all the time, give her space to not look like a stalker though the longhaired already looked like one And so the days They became weeks and peliazul was thinking about giving up because they had already spent more than a month since his sempai began what to avoid deep breath and decided to try again and if he failed results surrender as always in this situation I was tired and I was sure it was her sempai more ... -Sempai, there you are, this time you're not going to out-said the peliazul his sempai after searching for all faculty -oi you let go completely crazy once-read longhaired annoying because kohai had taken his arm to avoid running out I will-not until you tell me why you've been avoiding me -not you been avoiding busy ... I was just ... I had no time to lose -sempai, you know that's not true, has been avoiding me and let me know what the reason, nothing more 'I told you I've been busy that's all- answeredst But even some of my messages and when you called me cut through it ... want to know why that attitude with me, you said let go peliazul while not wanting to bother the longhaired more than it already was -I can not waste my time with this conversation, I once said I- That started to leave and he would not stop until ... 'I hate sempai? I speak the peliazul making his sempai stops for your question Hey! I did not expect him to ask-why do you say, I have not said in any I hate time-did not hate him he was sure -but you really upset, I thought for a moment we could be friends because when we first spoke did not seem to displease you and you fell very well, but ... update Next time you started to avoid me why? ... He felt ill, wanted to know the reason why I avoided him ... once and for all. Eh ?, no ... what happens is that the longhaired ...- not know how get out of this situation "curse I say" the peliazul noticed the nervousness of his sempai also saw her cheeks were increasingly coloring. -sempai? he began slowly approaching his sempai "why is blushing, looks so cute ... "and was about to touch his face. -¡no touch me! -the longhaired reacted violently hitting his kohai hand, he had noticed that the peliazul was going to play face and he did not want to feel that strange sensation that end up having that reaction. - ... 'The peliazul was surprised by the reaction of his upperclassman, he realized again that was invading her personal space a bit, but most surprised were his words "do not touch me!" He not thought to hear such words in that tone that showed ¿repudiation? "It's how you feel, as you see me," the blue-haired drew his own conclusions ... 'I do not mind ... Hey? What did you say? -which does not matter, okay not have to tell me if you want But if you kept just now insist yes, it's true, but ... I feel like I'm forced too, tell me ... that reason is something shameful -eh? ...- Because he was silent and again his face was turning red with embarrassment -and I see, sorry -why are you sorry 'I did not have a bad time? I made ​​you feel uncomfortable truth? - ... 'The longhaired did not know how to answer -that thought, then I withdraw -eh? Whether you go-asked without thinking yes, I also want to bother ... you said you were busy ... I do not want to take away more of your time ... I was sad and had a desire to mourn because maybe this would be the last time you speak with his sempai The peliazul walked away from his upperclassman who did not understand why he had that sad look on his face 'opens inadvertently insulted "the longhaired had a guilt-all your fault ... why make me feel bad about myself I do not understand-said the longhaired a boy with blue hair that had gone and so had not heard-curse, definitely I must speak again-and went to the lab to finish to help his teacher. The days kept passing and those two guys were not speaking now peliazul actually avoided talking with the longhaired and this surprised if he did before practically harassed to have a conversation, try not casually, spent a month and little patience ended did not like to ignore it and had inadvertently used the other boy to follow him all the time, boy now or even avoided looking at him or that he thought ... The peliazul looked whenever he had a chance but avoiding the longhaired knew it, did not understand why he felt pained by being away from his sempai if they had just had little contact; remember the first time I talk to Tatsumi felt a strange emotion of happiness and wanted to find him again, but the next day his sempai began avoid and of understood why his attitude was chasing him everywhere to talk to him, but the longhaired towards everything possible to get away from him putting excuses "I'm busy" "no I have time" "I classes" I was tired of hearing the same and when I finally could have a chance to finally to explain because I avoided his sempai away from him as if something could spread it was then that the peliazul sack their own conclusions ... "do not touch me!" those words and had heard many times in your Fukuoka hometown when they learned he was gay with the rumor that he had caused the suicide attempt of his first love, "I did not think I'd hear those words of rejection as quickly "hurt to think that was the reason why the long-haired avoided him, but could not find another and to not bother most simply decided to quit trying to be your friend" is a shame, really wanted to be his friend, to know better "and while time passed the longhaired was beginning to feel uneasy was surprised to suddenly stop harassing his kohai thought I should be happy because the blue-haired boy no longer bother him, but it was not and could not understand why, just that no He liked that sad look that showed he had ... every time I saw him go, maybe someone else would tell him he was confused because the peliazul looked happy, but that smile that showed he did not shine ... showed a fake smile all time even when talking to their friends "is sad, why is this so? the fact that he is not speaking for both rays. I should just ignore it, we are not just known friends should not worry so much about him, "so I thought but it was not what I felt, I was worried. Now the longhaired was the one who wanted to know why the peliazul behaved so, so sad, because their honey eyes that blue-haired boy was sad and it bothered him that the friends of this not realize ... is not that he is a great observer of the gestures that had the peliazul just ... when I first saw ... was his smile that I call your attention and when they showed he could see an even more radiant smile and he inadvertently had engraved in his memory, but now only showed a fake smile ... "I should ignore it" was said again and again, but with the passing of the days I could not do it ... now looked far without the peliazul realized ... wanted to know what was wrong, if it was fine and was just his idea. He wanted to call but had not the courage to do it does not like the feeling I felt when I was near him, but the feeling he now felt when he was away from his kohai while it has a sad look was worse made ​​him feel sad and at the same time guilty but did not know exactly why. A month passed and could see the peliazul seemed less sad, but still would not be happy "I have to talk to him" in the course of the month began to think that whether or not to do something while watching his cell and read the messages that the peliazul had sent in the month that it was harassing messages that had not read ... that was ignored ... That fool really thought I had done something which should apologize-he felt bad, Morinaga had not done anything wrong at the beginning it had been his decision to move away, skip it for not having strange thoughts and strange feelings he did not want to decipher, but inadvertently with his attitude the peliazul thought he had done something bad to offend him and just wanted to apologize-that ignore these messages, simply because I did not answer ...

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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The Days were passing and the Blue hair was a longhaired will explain why I avoided it clear that first apologizing for what happened that time into your personal space, but still the longhaired ignored him because he never wanted to feel that feeling Again "What I felt is not good, it is not normal" thought Souichi,This received messages and calls the Blue Hair but were not as followed, also noticed that her kohai was not as much as the first day of harassment, it looked like it was moderating and it was true because the Blue Hair had decided to follow the advice of his friend Hiroto, not give him every time I see your space Like a Stalker while the longhaired already looked like one

And so the days turned into weeks and Blue hair was already thinking about Surrender, as they had already spent more than a month since I started avoiding her sempai, deep breath and decided to try one more time and if he could not be always results in this situation because I was tired and I was sure his sempai he was Even more...

- sempai,I finally found you and this time you won't Escape The Blue Hair, said his sempai after searching the entire Faculty

- I heard you're Crazy Let Me - Said the longhaired upset because her kohai was taken from the arm not to go out running

I won't. not until Tell Me Why you've been Avoiding me

- you been busy avoiding... I was just... I had no time to lose - sempai

, you know that's not true, you've been avoiding me, and I want to know what the reason is, nothing more

- i've been busy, that's all -

- but you didn't even respond to some of my messages when you called me and you want to know why... Why this attitude with me - Said The Blue Hair while let go because he did not want the longhaired bothered more than what was already

I can't waste my time with this Conversation, I once said It was decided to retire and I didn't stop until...

I Hate sempai?- i'm The Blue Hair making his sempai stop by your question

- huh? - I didn't ask you that. - What do you say, I haven't said that I Hate You - I hated that I was sure

but I really annoying, I Thought for a moment that we could be friends because when we first spoke seemed to dislike you and You fell very well,But... The next day started avoiding me then why? - you feel bad, I wanted to know the reason why I avoided it... Once and for all. - huh? No, the thing is... - The longhaired didn't know how to get out of that situation "Curse You say" Blue Hair realized the restlessness of his sempai, also saw his Cheeks were Turning increasingly.

- sempai?- started approaching gradually his sempai "Why is Blushing, she looks so cute," and was about to touch the face. - Don't Touch Me! - The longhaired reacted violently hitting the hand of her Kohai, had noticed that the Blue hair was going to touch the face and he never wanted to feel this strange Sensation that ended with this reaction.- The Blue hair is surprised by the reaction to his sempai, realized that again a bit was Invading their personal space, but what surprised him the most were the words "Don't Touch Me!" He didn't return to hear such words with that Tone of repudiation? " Is that how you feel, How I Go "Blue Hair Drew his own Conclusions...


anyway... - huh?What did you say?

- it doesn't matter, IT's Okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want

but a moment ago, if you insist

- Yes, IT's True, but... I feel like I'm forced too much, tell me the reason is something shameful

- huh? Well... - Fell Silent again and his face was getting red Shame


- Why are you sorry you did not give me a Hard Time?I made you feel uncomfortable?

-... - I didn't know how to answer the longhaired

I thought then, huh? You're asked without thinking

- - Yeah, I Don't want to bother you... You told me that you were busy...... I Don't want to take any more of your time. I was sad and I was like Crying because Maybe this would be the last time that I would talk to his sempai

The Blue Hair from his sempai who couldn't understand why I had such a SAD expression on his face "opens the longhaired had unwittingly insulted" Guilt - IT's all your fault, Why do you make me feel bad about myself, I Don't understand, "said the longhaired a Blue haired boy had already been gone and therefore had not heard -Definitely not to talk again and went to the Lab to help your teacher to finish.
the passing days continued and those two kids were not actually avoided talking with the Blue hair long hair and was surprised that it was almost as if before trying to have a conversation, not give importance,
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