Celos MonocromáticosEra de noche en Nagoya, las calles permanecían ilu dịch - Celos MonocromáticosEra de noche en Nagoya, las calles permanecían ilu Anh làm thế nào để nói

Celos MonocromáticosEra de noche en

Celos Monocromáticos

Era de noche en Nagoya, las calles permanecían iluminadas por las farolas, aunque pocas eran las personas que transitaban aquellas calles a esas horas, no porque fuera tarde, sino porque la gran mayoría estaba enganchada al televisor para poder ver en directo el primer concierto del festival de verano. El estadio de fútbol del distrito había sido acondicionado para acoger ese concierto para el cual miles de personas esperaban haciendo cola a las puertas esperando ver al grupo que actuaba aquella noche. En esa cola muriendose de calor estaba Souichi Tatsumi junto con su hermana Kanako que o no notaba el calor o lo ignoraba por el nivel de excitaciòn que tenía encima. Mientras veía a su hermana hablar con otra niña también fan del grupo por el que esperaban Souichi se preguntaba cómo había podido llegar a esto, con lo agusto que estaba él en su casa con el ventilador y una cerveza bien fría terminando su trabajo pendiente, pero claro, cuando Kanako le pedía algo así no podía negarse, al final Morinaga iba a tener razón y con sus hermanos era bastante blando si le ponían ojitos.

-A todo esto, ¿donde se ha metido?-se preguntó mirando a todos lados hasta que algo frío tocó con la parte de atras de su cuerpo haciendole emitir un suspiro de satisfación, ahí estaba la respuesta a su pregunta.

-¿da gustito eh, sempai?-inquirió Morinaga llegando con una bolsa con latas bien frías de refresco para pasar el rato de la cola.

-Mucho-dijo arrebatándole la lata y pasándosela por el cuello- te has tardado mucho

-Lo siento, la tienda estaba hasta arriba-se disculpó dandole otra lata a Kanako que aceptó gustosa.

-Morinaga-san muchas gracias -dijo la niña muy contenta- de verdad.

-No es nada Kanako-chan, me alegra que estes contenta con esto. -sonrió el de cabellos negros a la niña

Kanako se le lanzó encima y le abrazó, igual que había hecho días atras cuando el chico apareció en la casa de Matsuda-san con las entradas para ese concierto y no solo con eso, sino con pases para el backstage, cosa que extrañó a los Tatsumi, puesto que las entradas se habían agotado a las pocas horas de ser sacadas a la venta.

-Aun me pregunto como las conseguiste-le habló el rubio mientras se empezaban a mover hacia el interior del estadio caminando hacia la primera fila, tras las vallas, que era donde habían logrado las entradas.

-Oh, bueno, tengo mis contactos-rio Morinaga-vamos sempai, o perderemos a Kanako-chan.

El rubio no le dió mas importancia, lo importante es que Kanako estaba feliz y eso él lo agradecía mucho, Kanako era su princesita, su hermana menor y la aodraba, aunque esta insistiera en que entre el y Morinaga había una relación, cosa que así no era, vale que se habían acostado en muchas ocasiones, pero él no era gay como el otro, por lo que no eran novios, sino amigos...que se acostaban.

Llegaron a la priemera fila, justo ante el escenario, Kanako estaba muy emocionada, tanto que no paraba de dar botecitos de excitación mirando a todos lados mordiéndose los labios sentandose en los asientos que les habían tocado, entre Suoichi y Morinaga. Ante esto se dio cuenta de algo Morinaga, parecían una familia, no unos amigos...con derecho a roce que se llevaban a la hermana de uno de ellos, sino una familia que pasaba un rato juntos, este pensamiento le hizo perderse en las nubes de felicidad, suerte que supo contenerse o sino hubiera acabado llamando hija a Kanako en una de las veces que esta le llamó para volver a agradecerle ganandose de seguro un puñetazo que le habría mandado a volar.

Las luces se apagaron entonces, y los gritos se escucharon, sobretodo cuando en el escenario quedó iluminado, mostrando la figura de un chico de cabellos castaños oscuros hasta la cadera con flequillo que vestía una camisa oscura de manga corta con un chaleco negro de botones cual calaveras, pantalones de cuero negro y botas del mismo color, siendo que en su cintura llevaba un pañuelo de cuadros azules anudado.

-¡Kyaaaaaaaa Ika-san!-gritó Kanako poniéndose en pie en la silla con los ojos abiertos juntando las manos en el pecho.

Empezó entonces la música haciendo que Ika alzara la mirada antes de empezar a cantar, mostrando sus hermosos ojos violetas que hicieron gritar a más de uno.

Un encuentro sin color,

es atravesado por el blanco y el negro.

Te entregare cada parte de mi dolor

El dolor de esta cicatriz

me persigue fuertemente,

el otoño llega sin misericordia,

y sigue enredándome entre sus fríos dedos.

Suoichi miraba a su hermana que seguía la canción y los movimientos del cantante que caminaba por el escenario, pronto su vista se fijó en Morinaga que miraba embobado a la persona que tenía delante, susurrando la canción ¿acaso también era un fan de ese grupo? Suoichi no lo sabía.

soy como un molesto

trozo de hielo que se derrite.

Ika se acercó al borde del escenario y clavó su mirada en Kanako que gritó extasiada al notar la mirada en ella sacando una sonrisa del cantante que siguió a lo suyo.

Levantame gentilmente,

y juega conmigo entre tus labios.

La verdad tenía que admitir Suoichi que esa persona cantaba muy bien, su voz era atrayente, al igual que sus rasgos finos, pero sobre todo lo que más atraía eran esos ojos extrañamente violetas, ahora veía porque ni su hermana ni Morinaga podían apartar la mirada del cantante, ciertamente era atrayente...aunque que Morinaga le mirara tanto no le hacía ni pizca de gracia.

Aún así seguiré buscando una unica forma de querer

Donde tu y yo podamos juntos estar

mirandonos de frente

Esta vez la mirada se dirigió a Morinaga mientras se acercaba al borde del escenario y le indicaba con el índice que se acercase, cosa que para sorpresa de Souichi y Kanako Morinaga hizo con una sonrisa pícara en el rostro.

De ser posible, me gustaría acabar

atrapado de esta forma.

Escondidos juntos, tu pálida piel,

y que la luna se esconda también.

La caricia que propinó en el rostro a Morinaga no le gustó ni un pelo, ni la sonrisa que se dedicaron, ni siquiera cuando se separaron y ambos se quedaron mirando unos instantes. No hizo caso alguno al resto del concierto ni de la canción, ni de los comentarios de Kanako sobre la suerte que había tenido Morinaga, no su mente estaba más centrada en otra cosa, en averiguar porqué le había dolido tanto el pecho al pensar que Morinaga nunca le había sonreido así y en porque había querido arrancarle los pelos al cantante por tocar la mejilla de su kohai
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Monochromatic jealousyIt was night in Nagoya, the streets remained illuminated by streetlights, although few were people who were those streets at that hour, not because it was late, but because the vast majority was hooked to the TV to view live at the first concert of the summer festival. The football stadium in the district had been conditioned for that concert for which thousands of people were waiting for queuing at the gates hoping to see a group that acted that night. In that queue dying of heat was Souichi Tatsumi along with its sister Kanako that or didn't notice the heat, or ignored by the level of excitement that had over. As he watched his sister talk to another girl also fan of the group by which it hoped Souichi asked had been able to get to this, with the comfortable which was in his house with fan and a cold beer finishing its work pending, but of course, when Kanako asked something like could not refuse, ultimately Morinaga was going to be right, and with his brothers it was quite tender if put you eyes.-To all of this, where has gone?-wondered looking on all sides until something cold played with the back of his body making him emit a sigh of satisfaction, there was the answer to his question.-does taste eh, sempai?-inquired Morinaga arriving with a bag with cold cans of soda to hang the tail.-Long-said snatching him Tin and through neck - you've taken too long-Sorry, the shop was up to up - apologized giving another Tin to Kanako accepted gladly.-Morinaga-san thank you, said the girl very happy - really.-Is not nothing Kanako-chan, I'm glad that you're happy with this. -smiled on black hair girlKanako lunged him over and embraced him, equal to that had made days ago when the boy appeared in the House of Matsuda-san with tickets for that concert and not only that, but with the backstage passes, missed something that to the Tatsumi, since entries had been exhausted within hours of being taken for sale.-Still wonder how you got them - the blonde told him as they began to move towards the interior of the stadium walking toward the first row, behind the fences, which was where he had managed to entries.-Oh, well, I have my contacts-rio Morinaga-go sempai, or lose to Kanako-chan.The blonde not you gave more importance, the important thing is that Kanako was happy and that he was grateful so much, Kanako was his Princess, her younger sister and the aodraba, although this insist on that between the and Morinaga had a relationship, which thus was not, vale had lying on many occasions, but he was not like the other gay , so they were not dating, but friends... which is moored their vessels.They came to the priemera row, just before the stage, Kanako was so excited, so much that no Macaw to canisters of excitement looking everywhere biting lips sitting in seats that had touched them, between Suoichi and Morinaga. Before this he realized something Morinaga, seemed to be a family, not a few friends... with right to friction leading to the sister of one of them, but a family that spent together awhile, this thought made him lost in the clouds of happiness, luck that contained or but had finished calling daughter Kanako in one of the times that is called to return to thank you insurance gaining a punch that would have commanded him to fly.Then the lights went out, and screams were heard, above all when on the stage was lit, showing the figure of a boy of dark brown hair to the hip with bangs who wore a dark shirt short sleeve with a black vest buttons which you skulls, black leather pants and boots of the same color, still carrying a knotted handkerchief of blue boxes on her waist.-Kyaaaaaaaa Ika-san! - shouted Kanako by standing on a chair with your eyes open by joining hands in the chest.It then began music by Ika to boost the look before you start singing, showing its beautiful violet eyes that made scream more than one.A meeting without color,It is traversed by the black and white.I give you every part of my painThis scar painhaunts me strongly,the autumn comes without mercy,and follows tangled me between his cold fingers.Suoichi looked at his sister that remained the song and the movements of the singer who walked across the stage, soon his view was fixed at Morinaga looking enthralled to the person who had forward, whispering the song also was a fan of that group? Suoichi did not.I am like an annoyingpiece of ice that melts.IKA came up on the edge of the stage and nailed his look at Kanako who cried rapt to notice the look on her drawing a smile from the singer who followed him.Levantame gently,and play with me between your lips.The truth had to admit Suoichi that person sang very well, his voice was appealing, as well as their fine features, but above all what most attracted were those strangely violet eyes, now I saw because neither her sister nor Morinaga could avert his gaze from the singer, was certainly appealing... Although that Morinaga he looked so much didn't you have not a shred of grace.Yet I will continue looking for a unique way of wanting toWhere you and I can together befront usThis time the eye approached Morinaga while approached on the edge of the stage and showed him with the index that approach, which to the surprise of Souichi and Kanako Morinaga made with an impish grin on his face.If possible, I'd like to finishtrapped in this way.Hidden together, your pale skin,and that the Moon is also hidden.The caress that punched in the face of Morinaga didn't like a hair, nor the smile that is dedicated, not even when they were separated and both stared at a few moments. He didn't have no case to the rest of the concert or song, or reviews of Kanako about the fate that had Morinaga, not his mind was more focused on something else, to find out why had hurt him both chest thinking that Morinaga never had smiled so and because had wanted to pull the hairs to the singer by touching the cheek of his kohai
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Jealousy Monochrome was night in Nagoya, the streets were lit by streetlights, although there were few people who traveled these streets at that time, not because it was late, but because the vast majority was hooked to the TV to see live the first summer festival concert. The football stadium district had been conditioned to host this concert to which thousands of people waited queuing at the gates waiting to see the group performing that night. In the dying of heat tail was Souichi Tatsumi with her ​​sister Kanako that either did not notice the heat or ignored by the excitement level above him. As he watched his sister talk to another girl in the group also fan the waiting Souichi wondered how he could have come to this, what was he agusto at home with the fan and a cold beer finishing his outstanding work, but Of course, when Kanako asked something he could not refuse at the end Morinaga would be right and with his brothers was quite soft if you put eyes. -A all this, where is he? she wondered looking around to something cold touched the back of her body into issuing a sigh of satisfaction, there was the answer to your question. -¿da eh gustito, sempai? Morinaga asked coming with a bag of ice cold soda cans to go out of the tail. Much said snatching the tin and passing it around his neck like you so much 'Sorry, the store was to up-he apologized giving another can Kanako who gladly accepted. -Morinaga-san thank you very much contenta- said very real girl. 'It's nothing Kanako-chan, I'm glad you're happy with this. smiled the black-haired the girl Kanako he lunged over and hugged him, just as he had done back days when the boy appeared at the home of Matsuda-san with tickets to the concert and not only that, but with passes for backstage, which surprised to Tatsumi, since the tickets were sold out within hours of being removed for sale. 'Even I wonder as you get-spoke blond as he began to move into the stadium walking to the front row, behind the fence, that was where they had made ​​the entries. Oh, well, I have my contacts-rio Morinaga-let sempai, or lose Kanako-chan. The blonde gave no importance, what Kanako importantly that he was happy and thanked him much, Kanako was his princess, her younger sister and aodraba, although this insisted that he and Morinaga had a relationship, which was not well, had slept better in many occasions, but he was not gay like the other, so they were not dating, but friends ... who slept. priemera reached the row just before the stage, Kanako was ecstatic, while kept to jars of excitement looking around biting his lips sitting on the seats that had touched them, among Suoichi and Morinaga. Before this she realized something Morinaga, seemed a family, not friends ... with benefits that took the sister of one of them, but a family who spent some time together, this thought made ​​him lose in the clouds of happiness, luck but he knew contained or daughter had finished calling Kanako one of the times that this was called back to thank him for insurance earning a punch that would have sent him flying. The lights then dimmed, and cries were heard, especially when the stage was lit, showing the figure of a boy with dark brown hair to the hip with bangs wearing a dark short-sleeved shirt with a black vest buttons which skulls, black leather pants and boots same color, still in his waist wearing a blue checked handkerchief knotted. -¡Kyaaaaaaaa Ika-san! Kanako shouted standing up in his chair with his eyes open, clasping her hands on his chest. Then he started making music Ika raise his eyes before beginning to sing, showing her beautiful violet eyes that did yell at more than one. A meeting without color, is crossed by black and white. you over every part of my pain The pain of this scar haunts me hard, merciless autumn comes, and still tangling between her cold fingers. Suoichi watched his sister following the movements song singer walked across the stage, soon noticed his view Morinaga enthralled watching the person before him, whispering the song I Was it also a fan of that group? Suoichi not know. I'm like an annoying piece of melting ice. Ika approached the edge of the stage and stared at Kanako who cried ecstatic when she noticed the look on her drawing a smile from the singer who followed his own. Lift me gently, and play with me between your lips. The truth had to admit that person Suoichi sang very well, his voice was attractive, like her fine features, but mostly what most attracted were those strange violet eyes, now he saw that Morinaga nor his sister could not look away from the singer, was certainly attractive ... even if you look both Morinaga did not relish it. Still keep looking for a unique way of loving where you and I can be together watching us front This time gaze turned to Morinaga as he approached the edge of the stage and told him the index to come closer, which to the surprise of Souichi and Kanako Morinaga made ​​with a mischievous smile on his face. If possible, I would like I end up trapped in this way. Hiding together, your pale skin, and that the moon is also hiding. The caress that struck in the face Morinaga did not like a hair or smile devoted, even when separated and both stared for a moment. He made ​​no the rest of the concert and the song, or comments Kanako on the fate that had Morinaga case, his mind was more focused on something else, find out why it had hurt so much chest thinking that Morinaga He never smiled at her as well and because he had wanted to rip the hairs singer to touch his cheek kohai

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Jealousy Monochromatic

it was night in Nagoya, the Streets were Lit by Streetlights, although few people crossing the street at that hour, not because it was late, but because the great majority was hooked up to the TV to see the First Concert of the Summer Festival.The Football Stadium District had been Conditioned to host this Concert in which thousands of people were queuing up at the door waiting to see the Group Performing that night. In that queue Souichi Tatsumi was dying of Heat along with his sister Kanako or not noticed that the heat or ignored by the level of excitaciòn...
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