— ¡Que malo eres Souichi!— este solo frunció el entrecejo, dejo del pe dịch - — ¡Que malo eres Souichi!— este solo frunció el entrecejo, dejo del pe Anh làm thế nào để nói

— ¡Que malo eres Souichi!— este sol

— ¡Que malo eres Souichi!— este solo frunció el entrecejo, dejo del periódico en donde lo había tomado y se cruzó de brazos— mientras hacemos el amor no te avergüenzas de que te llame así.

Se hizo el silencio, sus brazos perdieron fuerza cayendo a sus costados, Morinaga dudaba en darle la espalda a Souichi, si veía la oportunidad sin duda lo atacaría. Pero si dejaba las verduras al fuego se enojaría aún más por echar a perder la cena.

—esas…— susurro casi inaudible por lo bajo, aun así llamo la atención de Morinaga—…esas son cosas distintas.

Se veía tan vulnerable, que si no fuera por estarce muriendo de hambre y sin duda porque sabía que Souichi se negaría, lo tomaría en la sala. De algo si estaba seguro, en sus adentros se juró, que pasara lo que pasara, esa noche harían el amor por horas. Fantaseando, se volteó hacia las verduras casi chamuscadas en el sartén.

Pasados unos minutos, y después de haberse rendido a solo preparar una tortilla de arroz para cada uno, se dispusieron a solo conversar del largo día que ambos habían tenido, al parecer a Morinaga le estaba yendo bien en el trabajo, después de haber pasado seis meses de haber sido trasferido, por fin podría decirse que ya estaba bien familiarizado con las instalaciones y con el personal.

Fue un gran reto hacer méritos para que la solicitud fuera aceptada en tan poco tiempo, aun así, logro conocer muchas personas que le dejaron huella en Hamamatsu, que la verdad, en otra ocasión tendría que encontrárselos de nuevo, por ahora tenía que estar al cien con su nuevo trabajo, que debido a que la farmacéutica es nueva hay más trabajo de lo habitual y menos personal, se estaba pensando en cómo le haría para pedir el día libre, así sacrificara un fin de semana, tendría que buscar una manera.

—Si, fue una gran sorpresa encontrarme con Yamaguchi en mi área de trabajo, digamos que su ambiente es muy diferente al mío— hizo una pausa, al ver que Souichi no le prestaba atención en lo más mínimo, perdido en la profundidad de la cena— ¿te pasa algo? me la he pasado parloteando de mi día inconscientemente, llegando a ser molesto, discúlpame— resoplo decaído, los ojos miel que le observaban a pesar de estar cubiertos por un par de gafas ovaladas y mechones de cabello, se quedaron fijos en el por un momento Morinaga bajo el tenido a la mesa, acercándose un poco, como un gato asustado, Souichi siguió embobado en la nada—quizá tienes algo que quieras compartirme y yo con mi parloteo no te he dejado hacerlo.

Se incorporó de nuevo, viendo y no viendo a Morinaga frente a él, perdido en sus ojos negros, pasando delicadamente de sus pestañas a sus labios, vio como estos se movían y sin prestarle atención le volteo la cara al instante, Morinaga tomo las manos de Souichi entre las de él, elevándolas a la altura de sus labios, ahí permaneció unos segundos, quedando tan cerca el uno del otro como para dar lugar a un beso inesperado, en vez de eso, Morinaga beso las manos de Souichi. En ese instante, se notaba tan distante, si en ocasiones solía ser grosero, era otra cosa, pero siempre lo escuchaba, definitivamente algo debía estarle pasando, y él tenía el deber de demostrarle que tenía todo su apoyo.

—Te lo preguntare de nuevo am…—Morinaga se sonrió para sí mismo, desecho la idea de llamarlo así, ese no era el momento adecuado. Según las circunstancias lo serian, pero en su relación con Souichi las cosas nunca seguían a la lógica—Souichi, ¿te encuentras bien, ha pasado algo?

—No es nada, solo estoy preocupado.

— ¿Y qué es lo que te tiene preocupado?

Busco rastro de lujuria o cualquier brillo inmoral en los ojos de Morinaga antes de continuar. Al parecer el chico estaba siendo sincero.

—Morinaga yo…—sus mejillas enrojecieron, Morinaga seguía tomando sus manos, la idea de pararse de la mesa en ese instante y dejarlo con su interrogatorio a medias, estaba como una gran estaba en su pensamiento, pero no es como si quisiera irse, en ese momento realmente quería compartir sus preocupaciones con Morinaga, aunque estuvieran algo de lugar —más bien es algo personal, demasiado estúpido como para compartirlo.

—Que pasa…—el titubeo de su voz preocupo a Souichi, dándole el empujón para hablar, antes de que Morinaga se hiciera ideas erróneas en su cabeza, pero el cerebro del chico estaba programado para interpretar cualquier señal por mínima que esta fuese como una muestra de sus sentimientos—«oh demonios, esto suena como una declaración de amor, una de las torpes y melosas»— Souichi parecía pensárselo mucho, sin saber que el tiempo se le agotaba—será que solo quieres disculparte por lo de hace un rato y ahora solo quieres que continúe.

— ¡Qué asco, por supuesto que no!— la idea que pudo haber quedado en segundo plano, termino por hacer que Souichi vaciara su jugo de manzana en la mesa— ¡Carajo, me estoy volviendo anciano, y ahora por tu culpa, también torpe!

Morinaga pensó que la mirada de Souichi valía oro. El tirano indomable preocupándose por la edad, sí que era un día loco.

—De que hablas Souichi, vamos apenas tienes veintisiete, a mi parecer es una edad perfecta— se sujetó la cien, dejando el brazo sobre su estómago, al parecer Moringa no se tomaba nada en serio, y eso le colmaba la paciencia a Souichi—bueno, en realidad, todo tú eres perfecto.

—Por dios Moringa, dejar de decir cosas vergonzosas cada cinco minutos.

—Pero no dije nada del otro mundo, me fascinas en toda regla. Y que te preocupes por tu edad es nuevo, realmente no lo entiendo.

—no lo entiendes por qué sacas tus propias conclusiones, s-i-e-m-p-r-e—la cena estaba arruinada, con una porción extra de jugo en la tortilla de Morinaga y con la mitad de la de Souichi en el suelo, esta vez reconoció que se había pasado con el impulso, cuantas veces no le había hecho lo mismo Morinaga en el último año, como para que se sorprendiera por algo tan simple— no sé, ni por qué me molesto—el ambiente se prestaba para escuchar las molestas voces de fondo del televisor, el plan de seducir a Souichi se había ido al carajo—eres como un perro, te pones insoportable cuando estas en celo—con eso Morinaga se dio oficialmente por vencido.

Se miraron ambos a los ojos, buscando la respuesta en el semblante del otro. Algo debía darle la solución. Esa chispa en nos ojos de Morinaga que siempre lo enloquecía, haciéndolo cambiar de opinión en segundos. Souichi se quedó parado a centímetros de él, recargado en el respaldo de la silla, tentado a sentarse viendo como con decepción Morinaga se dirigía a recoger las sobras de comida. Sería un desperdicio hacer todo de nuevo y por supuesto no lo harían, ahora Morinaga ni Souichi tenían hambre.

—Como te decía antes de que empezaras a molestarme…— la mirada de Morinaga pesaba a su espalda, una risita irónica se le vino al rostro, ¿desde cuándo ese chico se había vuelto tan arrogante?, tenía que aceptar que él también estaba más irritable a sus insinuaciones, pero no se sentía cómodo con sentir como su cuerpo le exigía estar con Moringa a respuesta de toda insinuación, su vida se estaba volviendo un mal chiste—deja de comerme con la mirada Morinaga, no vas a conseguir nada viéndome como un maldito perro moribundo—se arrepintió apenas terminar la frase, lo estaba haciendo de nuevo, hablar de mas— termina de recoger la cena que arruine, para que vayamos a dormir, todo esto hace que quiera reventarme la cabeza, recuerda que Kanako nos quiere temprano el jueves en la casa de Matsuda, y no hemos pedido los días libres.

Morinaga dejó caer el rollo de servilletas en la basura, cayendo en pánico, se había ido un paquete nuevo sobre un montón de carne cruda. Souichi seguía hablando de cosas sin sentido, repaso su memoria. Topándose con que solo sabía que tenía que tomarse dos días libres, esperaba que fuera para algo más íntimo, aunque pasar tiempo con la familia de Souichi era muy agradable, siempre que no se pasara por su cabeza la idea de compararla con la suya.

— ¿De qué hablas Souichi, que hay con Kanako y la casa de la señora Matsuda?

— ¿De qué estoy hablando?—busco respuesta a su pregunta retórica, sin conseguir nada continuo con los ojos en blanco—de la despedida de Kanako por entrar a la preparatoria, esa chiquilla logro hacerse independiente—la irritación en la cara de Souichi ya era costumbre, pero Morinaga podía ver más emociones acumuladas en él, no por nada había estado con el tanto tiempo, Souichi no tardo en darse cuenta de que Morinaga estaba algo confundido, ese era el estallido para su cerebro, madamas eso le faltaba— Maldita sea, no te lo había dicho ¿cierto?

Morinaga rolo los ojos nervioso.

—Te atreves a mentirme y duermes en el parque.

—Souichi, tranquilo. Simplemente es agotamiento, te esfuerzas demasiado.

—me estoy volviendo senil, y todo por tu culpa— apretó los puños con tanta fuerza que se le pusieron blancos los dedos, el chico que tenía en frente siempre se hacia el desentendido, justo como en ese momento poniendo los ojos como platos fingiendo no ser consciente de sus acciones mientras él tenía que liderar con lo que se había convertido su cuerpo a lo largo de tres infernales años— limpia bien la cocina si no quieres dormir con los insectos entrando y saliendo de tu boca— las ganas de sentarse se volvieron más una necesidad, y cargar con los ojos de Morinaga encima se hacía un martirio, más sucio no podía volverse—pides los malditos dos días y punto.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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-Bad're Souichi! - this only frowned brow, leave the newspaper where had taken it and crossed of arms - while we do love you not ashamed that you call as well.Silence was made, her arms lost strength falling to her sides, Morinaga hesitate to turn the back on Souichi, if you saw the opportunity certainly would attack it. But if I stopped to fire vegetables you even more angry by spoiling dinner.-those whisper--almost inaudible low, still caught the attention of Morinaga-... those are different things.Looked so vulnerable, that if it wasn't for stencil dying of hunger and no doubt because I knew that Souichi refuse, take it in the room. Of something if it was secure, in himself he swore, that happened what happened, that night would make love for hours. Daydreaming, she turned toward the almost scorched vegetables in the pan.After a few minutes, and after having surrendered only prepare a pancake of rice for each, they set out to only talk about the long day they both had, apparently to Morinaga was doing well at work, after six months of having been transferred, finally it could be said that it was already well familiar with the facilities and staff.Was a great challenge to make merits so the request was accepted in such a short time, even so, achievement know many who left her mark in Hamamatsu, the truth, on another occasion would have to find them again, by now had to be 100% with his new job, since the pharmaceutical is new there is more work than usual and less staff , was thinking about how to ask for the day off, so you would sacrifice a weekend, would have to find a way.-Yes, it was a big surprise to find me with Yamaguchi in my work area, say that their environment is very different from mine - then paused, seeing that Souichi not paying you attention in the most minimum, lost in the depth of the dinner - do something happens to you? I have spent it ranting of my day unconsciously, becoming annoying, excuse me - deposed wheezing, eye honey that watched him despite being covered by a pair of oval glasses and strands of hair, stayed fixed in the Morinaga momentarily under the table had approaching a little, like a frightened cat, Souichi followed gawking in nothing - perhaps you have something you want to share me and I with my chatter not you left do it.He joined again, seeing and not seeing to Morinaga in front of him, lost in her black eyes, delicately from your lashes to his lips, he saw as they moved and without paying attention flip you the face instantly, Morinaga took the hands of Souichi between the of it, bringing them to the height of her lips, there remained a few seconds being so close to each other to give rise to an unexpected Kiss, instead, Morinaga kiss the hands of Souichi. At that moment, is he felt so distant, if at times it used to be rude, was something else, but always listened to it, definitely something should be happening, and he had a duty to show that he had their full support.-Ask it again am...-Morinaga smiled to himself, scrap the idea to call it that, that was not the right time. According to the circumstances would be it, but in his relationship with Souichi things never were the logic-Souichi, you are well, has it been something?-Is nothing, just am concerned.- And what is it that has you worried?I look for trace of lust or any immoral shine in the eyes of Morinaga before continuing. Apparently the guy was being sincere.-Morinaga I--his cheeks enrojecieron, Morinaga was taking his hands, the idea stand up from the table at that moment and leave him with his interrogation, was like a great was in his thoughts, but it is not as if he wanted to leave, at that time I really wanted to share their concerns with Morinaga, although they are some place - is rather personal too stupid to share it.-What... - the hesitation in his voice worried Souichi, giving him the push to talk, before he Morinaga is erroneous ideas in his head, but the boy's brain was scheduled to interpret any signal for minimum that this was as a sign of your feelings-"oh hell, this sounds like a declaration of love, one of the awkward and melosas»-Souichi seemed to think so much without knowing that the time is exhausting you - will be that you just want to apologize for the of a while ago and now I just want to continue.-Disgusting, of course not! - the idea that could have remained in the background, end up doing that Souichi emptied their juice from Apple on the table - hell, I'm getting old, and now because of you, also awkward!Morinaga thought that Souichi look was worth gold. The indomitable tyrant worrying about the age, it was a crazy day.-That Souichi talk, we just you have twenty-seven, I think it is a perfect age - was attached the hundred, leaving the arm on his stomach, apparently Moringa not take nothing seriously, and that filled her patience to Souichi-good, all you are really perfect.-By God Moringa, stop saying embarrassing things every five minutes.- But I said nothing of the other world, fascinate me in any rule. And that worry about your age is new, really do not understand.-don't understand you why you get your own conclusions, s-i-e-m-p-r-e—la dinner was ruined, with an extra portion of juice in the tortilla from Morinaga and Souichi's on the floor half, this time he recognized what had happened with the impulse, how many times had not done you the same Morinaga in the last year, and so it surprised by something so simple - I don't know , nor why I bother - the environment lent itself to listen to the annoying voices in the background of the TV, the plan of seducing Souichi had gone to the fuck-you're like a dog, you put unbearable when in heat - with that Morinaga officially give up.Looked at both eyes, looking for the answer in the face of the other. Something should give the solution. That spark in us eyes of Morinaga which always crazed, making it change your mind in seconds. Souichi was stopped inches from him, leaning on the back of the Chair, tempted to sit watching with disappointment Morinaga was headed to pick up food scraps from. A waste would be to do everything again and they would certainly not do so, Morinaga and Souichi had now hunger.- As I told you before that you start to annoy me... - the look of Morinaga weighed at his back, an ironic chuckle came to him to his face, since when that boy had become so arrogant?, I had to accept that he was also more irritable to its overtones, but did not feel comfortable with feel his body required living with Moringa response of any insinuation , his life was becoming a bad joke - lets eat with Morinaga look, you're not going to get anything seeing myself as a damn dog dying - repented just finish the sentence, it was doing it again, talk of more - ends pick up dinner that ruin, so we go to sleep, all this makes you want to burst my head, remember that Kanako wants to us early on Thursday in the House of Matsuda , and have not asked for the free days.Morinaga dropped the roll of napkins in the trash, falling into panic, a new on a pile of raw meat package was gone. Souichi was still talking of things without sense, reviewing his memory. Running into that I only knew that I had to take two days off, you would expect for something more intimate, although spending time with the family of Souichi was very nice, provided that not passed through his mind the idea of comparing it with his.-Of which you speak Souichi, what with Kanako and the House of the Lady Matsuda?-What I'm talking about?-looking for a answer to your rhetorical question, without getting anything continuous with the eyes in white - the farewell of Kanako by entering high school, that girl achievement become independent - irritation in the face of Souichi was already customary, but Morinaga could see more emotions in it, for nothing had been with the long Souichi not slow in realizing that Morinaga was rather confused account, that was pop for your brain, madams that lacked - Maldita sea, I had not told you right?Morinaga rolo nervous eyes.-You dare lie to me and sleep in the Park.-Souichi, quiet. It's just exhaustion, you efforts too.-I'm going senile, and all your fault - clenched fists with such force that they put white fingers, the guy who was in front always is towards the material lying around, just as at that time putting eyes as dishes pretending to be unaware of their actions while he had to lead with what had become its body along three hellish years - clean well the kitchen if you do not want to sleep with the insects darting in and out of your mouth - the desire to sit became more a necessity, and load with the eyes of Morinaga over was a martyrdom, Messier could not return-you ask the damned two days and point.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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- Too bad you Souichi - this only frowned leave the newspaper where he had taken and crossed his arms while we make love not ashamed to call you that. There was silence, his arms lost strength falling to his sides, Morinaga hesitate to turn away from Souichi, if he saw a chance definitely attack. But if he let the vegetables fire is angry even for spoiling dinner. -those ... -. whisper almost inaudible under his breath, I still caught the attention of Morinaga- ... those are different things He looked so vulnerable, that if It not for stenciling starving and no doubt because he knew Souichi refuse, would take in the room. One thing he was sure, in his mind he vowed that no matter what happened that night would make love for hours. It fantasizing, turned to the vegetables almost charred on the pan. After a few minutes, and after surrendering just prepare an omelette rice each, were placed just talk the long day we both had, apparently Morinaga he was doing well at work, having spent six months being transferred finally arguably was already well acquainted with the facilities and staff. It was a great challenge to make merit for the application to be accepted as Soon, even so, I get to know many people who left their mark in Hamamatsu, the truth, at another time would have to encounter them again, now he had to be a hundred with his new work, because the pharmaceutical is new there is more work than usual and less personal, he was thinking of how he would to ask the day off, and sacrifice a weekend, would have to find a way. Yes, it was a great surprise to find Yamaguchi in my area work, say that their environment is very different from mine-paused, seeing that Souichi was not paying attention at all, lost in the depth of the dinner- spends something? me I've been chattering of my day unconsciously becoming annoying, discúlpame- snorted declined, the honey eyes watching him despite being covered by a pair of oval glasses and hair strands, they were fixed in a moment Morinaga under I had at the table, leaning a little, like a frightened cat, Souichi kept me spellbound into nothing-maybe you have something you want to share myself and my chatter I have not stopped doing it. He joined again, seeing and not seeing Morinaga front of him, lost in his black eyes, delicately her eyelashes passing his lips, he saw these moving without paying attention to him turned his face instantly, Morinaga take hands Souichi between his, raising them to up to your lips, there remained a few seconds, being so close to each other as to result in an unexpected kiss, instead, Morinaga Souichi kiss hands. At that moment, he felt so distant, if at times used to be rude, it was something else, but always listened definitely something must be happening, and he had a duty to prove that he had his full support. 'I'll ask again am ... -Morinaga smiled to himself, scrap the idea to call it, that was not the right time. As circumstances would be, but in its relationship with Souichi things they never followed logic-Souichi, are you all right, something happened? 'It's nothing, I'm just worried. - What is it that has you worried ? I am looking for any trace of lewdness or immoral gleam in the eyes of Morinaga before continuing. Apparently the boy was being honest. -Morinaga I ... Her cheeks reddened, Morinaga was taking her hands, the idea of standing up from the table and leave it at that moment with his interrogation half, was as great in his thinking was, but not as if to leave, then I really wanted to share their concerns with Morinaga, even if they were some place-rather it is personal, too stupid to share. That happens ... 'The hesitation in his voice worried Souichi , giving the push to talk, before Morinaga misconceptions became its head, but the boy's brain was programmed to interpret any signal that this was minimal as a sign of his feelings, "Oh hell, this sounds like a declaration of love, one of the clumsy and honeyed "- Souichi looked much thought, unaware that time was running out-it is that just want to apologize for it a while ago and now just want to continue. - Yuck, by Of course not -! the idea might have been in the background, ended up making Souichi emptied his apple juice on the table Fuck, I'm getting old, and now because of you, too clumsy thought that Morinaga Souichi look worth gold. The indomitable tyrant worrying about age, yes it was a crazy day. -What are you talking about Souichi, we only have twenty seven, I think it is a perfectly age he grabbed the hundred, leaving the arm on his stomach, apparently Moringa not It took anything seriously, and that you filled the patience to Souichi-well, actually, all you are perfect. 'Of God Moringa, stop saying embarrassing things every five minutes. But I did not say anything special, you fascinate me fledged. And you worry about your age is new, really do not understand. 'I do not understand why you get your own conclusions, always-dinner was ruined, with an extra serving of juice in Morinaga tortilla with half the of Souichi on the ground, this time he acknowledged that he had spent with the momentum, how many times had done the same thing in the last year Morinaga like to be surprised by something so simply do not know, nor why I annoyed the atmosphere lent itself to hear the annoying background vocals from the TV, the plan to seduce Souichi had gone to hell-you're like a dog, you become unbearable when you're in heat-with that Morinaga he was officially gave up. They looked both eyes, looking for the answer in the face of the other. Something had to give the answer. That spark in us Morinaga eyes that always mad, making change my mind in seconds. Souichi it was stopped centimeters from him, leaning back in his chair, watching tempted to sit with Morinaga disappointment was going to pick up the leftovers. It would be a waste to do it all over again and of course would not, now or Souichi Morinaga were hungry. As I said to you before you started to bother me ... - the look of Morinaga weighed on his back, a wry chuckle came to face since when the boy had become so arrogant ?, had to accept that he was too irritable to his advances, but did not feel comfortable with your body feel like being with Moringa required to answer any suggestion, his life He was getting a bad joke-stop eat with Morinaga look, you will not get anything looking like a damn dog dying-he repented just finish the sentence, he was doing it again, speaking of boys finish pick up dinner to ruin so we go to sleep, all this makes me want to break open the head, remember that Kanako want us early Thursday at the home of Matsuda, and have not asked for days off. Morinaga dropped the roll napkins in the trash, falling panic, had gone a new package on a pile of raw meat. Souichi was talking nonsense, I review his memory. Encountering only knew I had to take two days off, expected to be for something more intimate, but spending time with family Souichi was very nice, provided they do not go through your mind the idea of comparing it with yours. - What are you talking Souichi, what about Kanako and Mme Matsuda? - What am I talking Seeking answer to his rhetorical question, to no avail continued with his eyes-bounce Kanako to enter? high school, that child achievement become independent-irritation in the face of Souichi as usual, but Morinaga could see more accumulated in the emotions, not for nothing had been with so long, Souichi did not take long to realize that Morinaga I was somewhat confused, that was the bang for your brain, madams that missing-Damn you, not I told you what right? Morinaga rolled his eyes nervous. You dare to lie and sleep in the park. -Souichi, quiet. It's just exhaustion, you're trying too hard. 'I'm getting senile, and all for your fault clenched his fists so tightly that turned white fingers, the guy who was in front always pretended not to, just like that when putting eyed pretending not to be aware of his actions as he had to lead with what had become his body over three years rather hellish clean the kitchen if you do not want to sleep with bugs in and out of your mouth wanting to sit back was more a necessity, and carry over the eyes of Morinaga martyrdom, Messier could not re-ask it was two days and the damn point.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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- Too Bad You're Souichi. - this just frowned, he left the newspaper in which he had taken and crossed Arms while we make love not you ashamed to call you like this. There was Silence, his arms lost Strength falling to their sides, Morinaga hesitated to give back to Souichi, if he saw the opportunity doubt I would Attack.But if the fire left the vegetables would be even more to spoil the dinner.

- those... Almost inaudible Whisper so low, still Caught The attention of Morinaga - These are different things.

he looked so vulnerable, if not for estarce starving and without doubt because I knew that Souichi refuse, I would be in the room. If I was sure of something, he vowed to himself,Whatever happened that night would make love for hours. Fantasizing, turned to the vegetables in the Pan almost Singed. After a few minutes, and after having surrendered just prepare an omelet Rice for each one, they only talk about the long day we both had apparently Morinaga was doing well at Work,After six months of having been transferred, so it could be said that I was already familiar with the facilities and the staff. It was a challenge to make Merit for the application to be accepted in so little time, yet managed to meet many people who left their mark in Hamamatsu, The Truth on another occasion I would run into them again,By now had to be 100 with his new job, because the new Pharmaceutical is more work than usual and less staff, I was thinking about how I would ask for a day off, so sacrifice a weekend, you will have to find a way. - Yeah, it was a great surprise to meet Yamaguchi In My Line of work,Let's say that its atmosphere is very different than mine - paused, seeing that Souichi wasn't paying attention in the slightest, Lost in the depth of the dinner? I've been talking to my day unconsciously, becoming Angry, sorry - blowing Down,Honey Eyes watched him despite being covered by a pair of glasses, oval and Tufts Of Hair, were fixed on him for a moment under the Morinaga had to table, Closing a bit, like a frightened CAT, Souichi continued in anything! - Maybe you got something you want to share with me and I Chatter I didn't Let You Do it.

joined again,Seeing and not seeing Morinaga in front of him, Lost in his Black Eyes, Gently Turning your Eyelashes to your lips, saw these were paying no attention to him and turned away his face instantly, Morinaga took the hands of Souichi between him, by escalating them to the height of its Lips, there remained a few seconds,Being so close to each other as to give rise to an unexpected Kiss, instead, Morinaga kissed the hands of Souichi. In that Instant, it was as if distant, sometimes used to be rude, it was one thing, but always listened, definitely something must be happening, and he had the duty to show him that I had his full support.- i'll ask you again... - Morinaga smiled to himself, dismissed the idea of it, this was not the right time. Under the circumstances it would be, but his relationship with Souichi Things Never followed the Logic - Souichi, you okay, something happened?

- IT's nothing, I'm just concerned. - and what are you worried about?

I'm looking for Traces of Lust or any immoral Brilliance in the eyes of Morinaga before continuing. Apparently, The boy was being sincere.

- Morinaga - his Cheeks went red, Morinaga continued their hands, the idea of standing on the table at that moment and leave him with his interrogation was half as great was his thought, but it's not as if I would go,At that time I really wanted to share their concerns with Morinaga, though some Place - IT's something personal, too stupid to share. - What the... - but his voice worried Souichi, giving the Push to talk before that Morinaga to Erroneous ideas in your head,But The Boy's Brain was programmed to interpret any minimum signal was as a sign of their feelings - "Oh Hell, it just sounds like a declaration of Love, the Clumsy and melosas» - Souichi seemed to think much, without knowing that time is running out - just want to apologize for what a while ago, and now Just Want to continue.- Gross, of course not! - the idea that it could have been in second place, finally make Souichi emptied of its Apple Juice on the table. - fuck, I'm getting old, and now your fault, too!

Morinaga Souichi thought that look as good as Gold. The Tyrant indomitable worrying about Age, it was a Crazy Day.

- Souichi,Come on, you're only 27, in my view is a perfect Age - was the Hundred, leaving the arm on his stomach, Moringa apparently did not take anything seriously, and that gave him immense Patience to Souichi - Well, actually, you're perfect.

- God moringa, Stop saying shameful things every five minutes. - but I didn't say anything, you fascinate me at all.And you worry about your age is new, I really don't understand. - You Don't understand, Why do you draw your own conclusions, S - i - e - M - P - R - e - Dinner was ruined, with an extra portion of juice in the tortilla Morinaga and half of the on the ground of Souichi, this time he recognized that he had been with Impulse, how many times he had done so in the past year, Morinaga,To be surprised by something so simple - I Don't know why I even bother - The atmosphere was annoying to hear the Voices of the TV, the plan to seduce Souichi had gone to shit. - You're like a Dog, you put these unbearable when in heat - that Morinaga was officially up.

looked both EyesLooking for the answer in the face of the other. Something had to give the solution. This Spark in US Eyes of Morinaga always Crazy, this change of opinion in seconds. Souichi stopped inches away from him, leaning on the back of the Chair, tempted to sit watching with disappointment Morinaga ran to pick up the leftover food.It would be a Waste to do it all again and of course would not, now Morinaga and Souichi were Hungry.

- as I was saying before you started to annoy me... - The Look of Morinaga weighed on his back, he came to a Little wry Face, when that boy had become so arrogant? Had to accept that he was more irritable to his Advances.But don't feel comfortable with how your body will be required to answer any suggestion with moringa, his life was getting a bad joke - stop eating with the gaze Morinaga, you're not getting anything looking like a fucking Dog Dying repented just finish this sentence, I was doing it again, talk more ends up Ruining the dinner,To go to sleep, All This makes you break my head, remember that we want Kanako Early Thursday in the House Matsuda, and have not asked days off.

Morinaga dropped out of napkins in the Trash, falling in panic, had left a package on a bunch of New raw meat. Souichi is talking nonsense, reviewed his Memory.Face I just knew that I had to take two days off, I was hoping for something more intimate, while spending time with the family of Souichi was very nice, always does not pass through his mind the idea of comparing it with yours. - What are you talking about Souichi, who is with Kanako and House Mrs Matsuda?

- What am I talking about? - looking for answers to his Rhetorical questionNowhere Continuous with Blank Eyes - the farewell of Kanako to enter High School, The Girl achieved Independent - irritation in the face of Souichi as was the custom, but Morinaga could see more Emotions within him, not for nothing that had been with him so long, Souichi Soon realize that was a little confused Morinaga,That was the outbreak to your brain, that it lacked - Damn it, didn't I tell you? Morinaga Rolo nervous Eyes


I Dare to lie and sleep in the Park.

- Souichi, quiet. It is simply exhaustion, you work too hard.

I am going Senile, and it's all your fault. - clenched his fists with such force that it turned White Fingers,The boy was always to the front, okJust as that moment putting Eyes pretending not to be aware of his actions while he had to lead with what had become his body along Three infernal YEARS - clean the kitchen if you don't want to sleep with insects in and out of your mouth - feel like sitting became more a need,The Eyes of Morinaga and carry over was a Martyrdom, I couldn't Be More Dirty - two days and you fucking Point.
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