La casa de Isogai era su refujio, después de todo lo pasado, había enc dịch - La casa de Isogai era su refujio, después de todo lo pasado, había enc Anh làm thế nào để nói

La casa de Isogai era su refujio, d

La casa de Isogai era su refujio, después de todo lo pasado, había encontrado en el rubio amigo del bastardo de Kurokawa, que aceptase la relación y el matrimonio no era motio suficiente para dejar de llamarle bastardo-roba-hermanos. ahora se encontraban ambos en el sofá sentados, con una buena cerveza, habían acomodado las cosas en la habitación de Isogai junto con un futón para que durmiera ahí Souichi por esa noche, luego ya verían que harían.

-¿y bien? ¿que ha pasado?-inquirió tras un rato de silencio Isogai mirandole.

-Akira -susurró mirando la lata de cereza, empezando a apretarla omo si fuera el cuello del castaño, notando crujir el metal- ese bastardo de mierda que ha vendio a quitarme a Morinaga.

-Espera, espera, me he perdido, ¿como que ha quitarte a Morinaga? y lo más importante, ¿quien es Akira? no le conozco

-Akira es...un hijo puta desgraciado...-dejó la pobre y desdeichada lata sobre la mesita junto a otras, llevaba bastante alcohol en el cuerpo- es un amigo de la infancia de Morinaga, al aprecer tuvieron algo, y si le conoces, solo que con otro nombre, por su nombre artístico. Ika

Silencio de circunstancia, Isogai mirando a Suichi como si le hubieran salido ocho cabezas y estas estuvieran cantando la sinfonía de Doraemosn a diferntes ritmos y versiones. Se llevó una mano a la cabeza, procesando la información.

-espera, espera, ¿Ika? ¿el cantante? -Souichi asintió- No me puedo creer la potra que tiene ese hombre -sre reclinó en el sofa- con Ika-san, dios, eso es ge...horrible-reformuló la frase al ver la mirada matadora rubia- sin duda

-No te las des de imbecil, que he visto toda la discografía de ese bastardo cara niña en tus estanterías. Te parece perfecto que sea amigo de Morinaga

-Hombre, si solo son amigos, no deberías preocuparte, ¿no? además Morinaga esta loco por ti -algo que internamente no lograba comprender, ni él ni nadie, Morianga masoquista.- no creo que tenga interés en Ika.

-¡Pero Akira en él si! ¡le besó y durmió con él! -gritó poniendose en pie en el sofá co un aura demoniaca tras él- ¡ y Morinaga le dijo que le amaba! ¡ese bastardo desgraciado y mentiroso!

-No veo el problema -dijo Isogai tranquilamente haciendo que esta ez fuera Souicho quien lo mirara como si tras el hubiera un desfile de enanitos tocando panderetas y haciendo piruetas al ritmo de una música cuanto menos estúpida.-No en serio, no lo veo, todo eso son acciones de Akira, ¿no?

-Pero Morinaga no las impedía -bufó y volvió a sentarse aprentándo la tela de sus pantalones- es idiota le dejaba besarle y durmieron juntos, abrazados.

-Estas muy celoso Souichi-apuntó Isogai dejando a Souichi de piedra- y lo entiendo, pero no eo el motivo, según tú, Morinaga solo es tu kohai, no son pareja, ¿no?

-Akira dijo eso, dijo que no tenía derecho a decir nada, porque no soy la pareja de Morinaga -susurró.

Tú has estado en mi mente

y cada día te aprecio más

me pierdo en el tiempo pensando en tu cara

sólo Dios sabe porque me está llevando tanto tiempo

Despejar mis dudas

Pero tú eres lo único que quiero

-Pero, desde hace tiempo pienso siempre en Morinaga, queríendole cada día más, no queríendo que nada le pase, que sea feliz, que mire por su futuro, le quiero a mi lado- se confesaba a Isogai que le miraba grabando todo con el movil disimuladamente, esa confesión sería un buen material luego para Kanako- y se que me ha llevado tiempo darme cuenta de eso, y de mucho más.

Souichi apretó los puños, él no era homo, por Dios bendito que no lo era, pero no podía negar que quería a Morinaga, que Morinaga era un chico especial para él, que por eso le había dejado hacerle lo que le había hecho, pero ¿era solo porque era especial? no, no podía ser eso, tenía que haber algo más.

No sé porque tengo miedo, cuando he estado aqui antes

Cada sentimiento, palabra, lo he imaginado todo

Nunca sabes sí olvidarás tu pasado

y sólo serás mío.

-Pero tengo miedo -tembló, los nudillos se le estaban poniendo blancos ya de lo apretadas que tenía las manos.-tengo miedo de que encuentre a alguien mejor que yo, o de que no olvide a aquellos que marcaron su pasado, como Masaki, como Akira y que no sea mío, quiero que sea mío completamente. ¿Entiendes eso Isogai?

-Si, lo entiendo Suichi - dijo en voz calmada, dejandole hablar, había que ver como le había dejado el alcohol al rubio menor. -Quieres a Morinaga solo para ti.

-Desde el momento que desapareció, siempre, siempre, lo he querido para mí, pero lo negue´, soy idiota, he dejado que Akira vuelva a su vida, si es que alguna vz salió, me lo ha quitado.

-no creo que eso sea así.

Te reto a que me dejes ser, tu primero y único

prometo que soy digno de estar en tus brazos

así que vamos, dame la oportunidad

para demostrar, que soy el único

que puede caminar una milla hasta el final.

-¿que debo hacer?

-¿Que quieres hacer?

-Quiero ganarle a Akira, si aún hay esperanza, quiero tener a Morinaga conmigo, quiero demostrarle a ella y a todos que puedo hacerle feliz, quiero esa oportunidad de nuevo, quiero a Morigana conmigo, y que nadie me lo quite, él lo dijo, solo yo puedo hacerle feliz, el resto serían solo una ¡jodida imitación!

¿He estado en tu mente?

Tú cuelgas en cada palabra que digo

me pierdo en el tiempo, cada vez que dices mi nombre

No sé como se siente tenerte tan cerca

y tener que preguntarte que camino escogerás

Se quedaron en silencio, Isogai le miraba, notaba su mirada, pero estaba perdido en sus pensamientos en esos momentos, ¿que hacía? ¿por que decía esas cosas? la verdad es que se estaba sinteindo mejor al decirlo, solo que se sentiría mejor si era a Morinaga al que se lo dijera, nombre de nuevo, era el rey de su mente en estos momentos, y para que negarlo en casi todo el último año, tanto para bien como para mal, le extrañaba, le echaba de menos, echaba de menos oirle decir su nombre, su presencia, sus brazos, todo él, quería tenerlo cerca.

No sé porque tengo miedo, cuando he estado aqui antes

Cada sentimiento, palabra, lo he imaginado todo

Nunca sabes sí olvidarás tu pasado

y sólo serás mío.

Tenía que decirselo, tenía que decirle aquellas palabras que sabía que Morinaga tanto deseaba oír y que en el fondo él también deseaba decir, pero sería su primera vez, como todo lo que había hecho con Morigana, muchas pequeñas veces, ¿tendrían alguna pequeña vez más? ¿ o pasaría como con Masaki? ¿sería deshechado?, ese pensamiento le destrozaba, y si ya estaba sensible por el alcochol, nada impidió que algunas lágrimas bajaran por sus mejillas, haciendo que Isogai se asustase.

-Souichi-kun ¿estas bien?, Souichi.

Sé que no es fácil, renunciar a tu corazón

Sé que no es fácil, renunciar a tu corazón

(Nadie es perfecto, créeme, lo aprendí)

Sé que no es fácil, renunciar a tu corazón

(Nadie es perfecto, créeme, lo aprendí)

Sé que no es fácil, renunciar a tu corazón

Sé que no es fácil, renunciar a tu corazón

-Mori...naga -temblaba.

En su mente se dibujaba la escena, Akira vestido con un smoking blanco, llevando adornos en su largo, pelo y un ramo entre sus manos con flores, ante un pequeño altar esperaba Morigana, vestido con un elegante smoking negro, era la boda de esos dos, como la que habían tenido Kurokawa y Tomoe, veía a Akira sonrojado siendo acariciado por Morinaga, y veía el beso final, quiso moririse en ese instante. Apenas si notó el abrazo de Isogai, no escuchaba las palabras del rubio en su oreja, ni sentía sus caricias en la espalda, pero si se aferró a él mientras su mente seguía dibujando una escena horripilante y dolorosa.

-Aun estas a tiempo, aun estas a tiempo Souichi, Morinaga, no ama a nadie más que a ti -susurraba Isogai para calmarle- solo a ti, Souichi, tranquilizate.


-¿Quieres verle?-notó en su hombro como el de largos cabellos asentía.-¿ya estas segurio?

-Si -se separó y le miró a los ojos quitandose las gafas para secarse las lágrimas-no voy a rendirme, yo, ya me he dado cuenta de todo.

-Entonces Souichi-kun, ¿que es lo que quieres?

-Quiero ver a Morinaga y...decirle que le amo.

Y ante esas palabras, tan firmes como contundentes, Isogai sonrió apagando la grabadora y preparandose para llamar a Kanako, tenían cosas que hacer

Te reto a que me dejes ser, tu primero y único

prometo que soy digno de estar en tus brazos

así que vamos, dame la oportunidad

para demostrar, que soy el único

que puede caminar una milla hasta el fina

para demostrar, que soy el único

que puede caminar una milla hasta el final...
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Isogai House was its refujio, after all the past, he had found in the blonde friend of the bastard of Kurokawa, who accept the relationship and marriage wasn't enough motio to stop calling him bastardo-roba-hermanos. now both on the couch sitting, met with a good beer, had accommodated things Isogai room along with a futon that Souichi sleep there that night, by then already would they would.- and good? that happened?-inquired after a while of silence Isogai mirandole.-Akira - whispered looking cherry Tin, beginning to tighten it omo if chestnut neck, noticing gnashing the metal-that bastard of shit that has sold to remove me to Morinaga.-Wait, wait, I am lost, would like that has take to Morinaga? and most importantly, who is Akira? I don't know you-Akira is... a son fucking miserable...-left poor and desdeichada Tin on the table next to each other, had enough alcohol in the body - is a friend of the infancy of Morinaga, the aprec had something, and if know you, just that with another name, by her stage name. IKASilence of circumstance, Isogai Suichi looking as if they had out eight heads and they were singing Doraemosn Symphony to diferntes rhythms and versions. One hand was the head, processing the information.-wait, wait, do Ika? the singer? -Souichi nodded - I can't believe the filly that has that man - sre rested on the sofa - with Ika-san, God, that's ge... horrible - reformulated the sentence to see the killer look blonde - no doubt-Do not give them you of moron, I've seen all that bastard discography face girl at your shelves. It seems you perfect be friend of Morinaga-Man, if they are only friends, not you should worry about, isn't it? In addition Morinaga this crazy for you - something that internally they could not understand, neither he nor anyone masochistic Morianga.-don't have interest in Ika.-But Akira in the Yes! She kissed him and slept with him! -He shouted is standing on the sofa co an aura demon behind him - and Morinaga told him that I loved him! that poor bastard and a liar!-Do not see the problem - Isogai said calmly making this ez out Souicho who looked as if after the had a parade of dwarfs playing tambourines and doing tricks to the rhythm of music much less stupid.-No seriously, do not see it, all those are actions of Akira, isn't it?- But Morinaga did not prevent them - it bufó and returned to sit by tightening the fabric of his pants - is idiot let him kiss him and they slept together, embraced.-These very jealous Souichi-said Isogai leaving Souichi's stone - and I understand it, but not why, according to you, only Morinaga eo is your kohai, non-partner, right?-Akira said that, said it had no right to say anything, because I'm not the pair of Morinaga - she whispered.You've been on my mindand every day you appreciate moreI miss the time thinking of your faceonly God knows because it is taking me so longClear my doubtsBut you're all I want- But, for some time I always think of Morinaga, queriendole every day, no queriendo that nothing happens, that to be happy, to look for their future, I want you by my side - confessed Isogai looking him secretly recording everything with the phone, the confession would be a good material for Kanako - and is that has taken me time to realize that , and much more.Souichi clenched fists, he wasn't homo, by blessed God that it was not, but he could not deny that he wanted to Morinaga, that Morinaga was a special boy for him, that's why had left him to ask what he had done him, but was only because it was special? No, it could not be, there had to be something else.I don't know why I'm afraid, when I've been here beforeEvery feeling, Word, so I thought allNever know if forget your pastand you'll only be mine.- But I'm afraid - it trembled, knuckles is were putting white already of the tight that his hands-I am afraid to find someone better than me, or that do not forget those that marked his past, such as Masaki, as Akira and is not mine, I want to be mine completely. Do you understand that Isogai?-Yes, understand what Suichi - said in a calm voice, leaving talk, had to do as she left the alcohol less blonde. -You want to Morinaga just for you.-From the moment that disappeared, always, always, I wanted it for me, but negue´, I am an idiot, I left to Akira back to life, if any vz came out, it has removed me.-do not think that that is the case.I challenge you to let me be, your first and onlyI promise that I am worthy to be in your armsso come on, give me the opportunity toto demonstrate, I'm the onlythat you can walk one mile to the end.-What should I do?-What do you want to do?-I want to beat him to Akira, if there is still hope, want to take Morinaga with me, want to show her and all that I can make you happy, I want that opportunity again, I want to Morigana with me, and anyone remove it, he said, only I can make you happy, the rest would be just a fucking imitation!Have I been on your mind?You hang on every word I sayI lose myself in time, whenever you say my nameI don't know how it feels having you so closeand you have to ask yourself that way will chooseThey remained in silence, Isogai looked at him, felt his eyes, but was lost in his thoughts at that time, what do you do? with that said these things? the truth is that it was sinteindo better to say it, only that it would be best if it was to Morinaga to which is it say, Morianga... his name again, was the King of his mind at the moment, and so deny it in almost all of the last year, both for good as for worse, missed him, missed him, missed less hear you say her name , his presence, his arms around him, wanted to keep it close.I don't know why I'm afraid, when I've been here beforeEvery feeling, Word, so I thought allNever know if forget your pastand you'll only be mine.I had to tell him, I had to tell you those words knew that both Morinaga wanted to hear and that basically he also wanted to say, but it would be his first time as everything you had done with Morigana, often small, would have small ever? or would happen as with Masaki? would it be abandoned?, that thought destroyed him, and if he was sensitive by the alcohol, nothing prevented that tears fell down her cheeks, making Isogai is asustase.-Souichi-kun do these well?, Souichi.I know that it is not easy, giving up your heartI know that it is not easy, giving up your heart(No one is perfect, believe me, I learned it)I know that it is not easy, giving up your heart(No one is perfect, believe me, I learned it)I know that it is not easy, giving up your heartI know that it is not easy, giving up your heart-Mori... naga - trembled.In his mind drew the scene, dressed in a white tuxedo Akira, carrying ornaments in his long hair and a bouquet in her hands with flowers, to a small altar expected Morigana, dressed in an elegant black tuxedo, was the marriage of those two, as Kurokawa and Tomoe, which had looked flushed Akira being caressed by Morinaga , and I saw the final Kiss, he wanted to moririse at that moment. Barely noticed the embrace of Isogai, not listening to the words of the rubio in his ear, nor felt his touch on the back, but if clung to it while his mind was drawing a gruesome and painful scene.-Still have time, even these full-time Souichi, Morinaga, does not love anyone more than you - whispered Isogai to calm him - only to you, Souichi, diosnillaymi.-Mori... naga-Would you like to see him? - noted in his shoulder as that of long-haired nodded-would already these valid?-If - he broke away and looked him in the eyes spent sunglasses to dry the lagrimas-no going to pay me, I already I've noticed everything.-Then Souichi-kun, which is what you want?-I want to see Morinaga and... to tell you that I love you.And with those words, so strong how strong, Isogai smiled off the recorder and preparing to call Kanako, they had things to doI challenge you to let me be, your first and onlyI promise that I am worthy to be in your armsso come on, give me the opportunity toto demonstrate, I'm the onlythat you can walk a mile to the fineto demonstrate, I'm the onlywho can walk a mile to the end...
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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The house was his refujio Isogai, after everything happened, had found the blond bastard friend Kurokawa, to accept the relationship and marriage it was not enough to stop calling motio bastard-steals-brothers. Now both were sitting in the couch with a beer, had settled things in Isogai room with a futon to sleep there for the night Souichi, then we would see that they would. 'Well? What happened? He asked after a moment of silence Isogai at him. Akira whispered looking at the can of cherry, starting to tighten omo if chestnut neck, feeling the metal-crunching fucking bastard who has sold to take off Morinaga. Wait, wait, I've lost, how he has to take off Morinaga? and most importantly, who is Akira? do not know him ... a son Akira is miserable bitch ...- left the poor and desdeichada can on the table along with others, had enough alcohol in the body-is a childhood friend from Morinaga, had something to aprecer and if you know, just another name for his stage name. Ika Silence circumstances Suichi Isogai looking as if he had gone eight heads and these were singing the symphony of rhythms and Doraemosn to diferntes versions. a hand to his head was, processing information. Wait, wait, Ika? the singer? -Souichi Nodded I can not believe you have that filly -sre man reclined on the couch with Ika-san, god, that's awful-ge ... reformulated the sentence to see the killer certainly look blonde said No the des of idiot you, I've seen the whole discography face bastard child in your shelves. You think it's perfect friend Morinaga Man, if they are just friends, you should not worry, right? Morinaga also crazy about something that internally you could not understand, neither he nor anyone Morianga masoquista.- not think I have interest in Ika. 'But if Akira in it! He kissed and slept with him! shouted standing up on the couch co one demonic aura behind him and Morinaga she said she loved him! That wretched and lying bastard! I do not see the problem Isogai said quietly making this ez out Souicho who looked after him as if there was a parade of dwarfs playing tambourines and pirouetting to the rhythm of music-not the least estúpida. Seriously, I do not see, all these are actions Akira, right? But Morinaga not prevented snorted and sat down again by tightening the fabric of his pants are idiots let him kiss and slept together, embracing. 're very Souichi-pointed jealous Isogai leaving Souichi of stone- and understand, but not eo why, according to you, is only your kohai Morinaga, they are not a couple, right? Akira said that, he said he had no right to say anything because I'm not the couple whispered Morinaga. You've been on my mind and I appreciate more each day I lose time thinking about your face just because I know God is taking so long Clear my doubts But you're the only thing I But, for some time always I think Morinaga, wanting more and more, not wanting anything to happen, to be happy, to look for his future, I want you next to me looking Isogai confessed to shooting him with all the mobile covertly, that confession would be a good material for Kanako- and then it's taken me time to realize that, and more. Souichi clenched his fists, he was not gay, blessed by God it was not, but I could not deny that he wanted to Morinaga, that Morinaga was a special guy for him, that's why I had left him he had done, but was only because it was special? no, it could not be that, it had to be something else. I do not know because I have fear, when I've been here before Every feeling, word, I've imagined all you never know if you'll forget your past and just be mine. But I'm afraid he quavered The knuckles were turning white and he had tight than hands.-afraid I have to find someone better than me, or do not forget those that marked his past as Masaki, as Akira and is not mine, I want it to be mine completely. You understand that Isogai? Yes, I understand Suichi - he said in a calm voice, letting you speak, you had to see how alcohol had left the child blond. -want To Morinaga just for you. From the moment he disappeared, always, always I have wanted for me, but negue', I'm an idiot, I let Akira return to your life, if any vz came, I He has taken. I do not think that this is so. I dare you to let me be your one and only promise I'm worthy to be in your arms so come on, give me a chance to prove that I am the only one who can walk one mile to the end. What should I do? What do you do? I want to beat Akira, if there is hope, I want to Morinaga me, I want to show her and all I can make you happy, I want that opportunity Again, I want to Morigana me, and that no one remove me, he said it, only I can make you happy, the rest would be just a fucking fake! Have I been in your mind? You hang on every word I say I lose myself in Eventually, every time you say my name I do not know how you feel you so close and having to ask yourself will choose the way were silent, Isogai looked at him, I noticed his eyes, but he was lost in thought at the time, what did ? Why did he say those things? the truth is that it was sinteindo better to say, only that it would be better if it was to Morinaga who told him, Morianga ... his name again, he was the king of your mind right now, and to deny it in most of the past year, for better or for worse, I missed, I missed him, missed hear him say his name, his presence, his arms around him, wanted to be around. I do not know because I have fear, when I been here before Every feeling, word, I've imagined all you never know if forget your past and just be mine. I had to tell him, had to say those words I knew I wanted to hear both Morinaga and that basically he also wanted to say, but It would be his first time as all he had done Morigana, many small times, would they have some small again? Or you would like to Masaki? Would it be thrown away ?, this thought tore him, and if he was sensible for the alcochol, nothing prevented some tears come down his cheeks, making it frighten Isogai. -Souichi-kun, are you okay ?, Souichi. I know it's not easy giving up your heart I know it's not easy giving up your heart (Nobody is perfect, believe me, I learned) I know it's not easy giving up your heart (Nobody is perfect, believe me, I learned) I know it's not easy giving up your heart I know it's not easy giving up your heart ... naga -temblaba -Mori. In his mind the scene was etched, Akira dressed in a white tuxedo, wearing ornaments on his long hair and a bouquet his hands with flowers before a small altar expected Morigana, dressed in an elegant black tuxedo, was the marriage of those two, as they had Kurokawa and Tomoe, he saw Akira blushed being caressed by Morinaga, and see the final kiss I wanted moririse at that time. He hardly noticed the embrace of Isogai not heard the words of blond in his ear, or feel his touch on the back, but she clung to him as his mind was drawing a gruesome and painful scene. 'Even this time, even Souichi this time, Morinaga, not love anyone but you -susurraba Isogai for calmarle- only you, Souichi, calm down. -Mori ... naga 'You see? She saw on his shoulder like long hair asentía.-¿ya these segurio? If He separated and looked into his eyes removing his glasses to wipe the tears-not going to give up, I, and I realized everything. Then Souichi-kun, what is what you want? I want to see ... Morinaga and tell him I love him. And at those words, as firm as strong, turning the recorder Isogai smiled and preparing to call Kanako, had things to do I challenge you to me let be, your first and only promise I'm worthy to be in your arms so come on, give me a chance to prove that I am the only one who can walk a mile to the fine to demonstrate that I am the only one who can walk a mile until the end...

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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The House of Isogai was his Shelter, after all the past, found in the Blond Friend Bastard Kurokawa, accept the connection part and the marriage was not enough to stop calling you Bastard - Roba Brothers. Now They were both sitting on the couch with a good beer,Things were settled in the room with a futon Isogai Souichi to sleep there tonight, then we would do that. - Well? What happened? I asked after a moment of Silence looking Isogai.

- Akira whispered looking canned Cherry, as if it were starting to tighten the neck of the Chestnut,Noticing the creaking metal - that bastard who has sold out to Morinaga. - Wait, wait, I'm Lost, as he has to take Morinaga? And most importantly, who is Akira? I Don't know him

- Akira is a son of a Bitch... - left the poor and desdeichada can on the table next to other, had enough Alcohol in the body - is a Childhood Friend of Morinaga,Kind of had something, and if you know him, just another name for her Stage name. Ika

Silence of circumstance, Shuichi Isogai looking as if he had gone Eight heads and these were singing "doraemosn to different Rhythms and versions. Took a hand, Processing information.

- ika? The Singer?Souichi nodded - - I can't believe the Filly that has this man - SRE rested in the sofa with IKA - san, God, that's horrible - GE Reformulated the phrase to see the look Killer Blonde - certainly

- Don't Be So Stupid, I've seen all the discography of the Bastard Face Little Girl on your shelves. Yeah, that is a Friend of Morinaga

- Man, if you're Just Friends, you shouldn't worry about it,No? In addition, Morinaga Is Crazy For You - Something internally couldn't understand, and neither he nor anyone else, morianga masoquista. - I Don't think I have interest in IKA.

but if Akira in him! She kissed him and slept with him! - shouted stood in the sofa with a demonic aura Morinaga after him and told him that I loved him! That bastard and Bastard liar!

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