Hizo una pausa, era tarde e Isogai solo le estaba dando sermones inúti dịch - Hizo una pausa, era tarde e Isogai solo le estaba dando sermones inúti Anh làm thế nào để nói

Hizo una pausa, era tarde e Isogai

Hizo una pausa, era tarde e Isogai solo le estaba dando sermones inútiles.

– ¿podrás ayudarme o no?

Isogai sabía que no había forma de hacerlo cambiar de opinión además de que era algo que todos esperaban que hiciera eso no cambiaba el hecho de que no era la forma de buscar a Morinaga. Pero aun así lo iba a ayudar, ¿Cómo no hacerlo?

–¡Ha contratado los servicios de cupido Isogai! Estoy a su servicio–escucho bufar a alguien al otro lado de la línea, las largas platicas con Souichi solo eran eso, hablar y hablar para esperar una respuesta vana, aun así era muy divertido escuchar cómo se contradecía– ¿alguna idea de dónde está?

–No, ninguna.

Frunció los labios, suponiendo que iba a tener que llamar a gente que no quería volver a llamar.

–Va a ser complicado.

–No importa– dijo Souichi y colgó.


Se quedó observando su rostro en el espejo, como tenia ojeras y aun así no tenía intenciones de regresar a casa, simplemente llegar a la monotonía de su vida lo hacía sentir diferente. Incómodo para su gusto, y quizá esto lo hacía mal padre, un hombre estúpido.

Vacío agua en sus palmas y se mojó el cabello para peinarlo hacia atrás, no hacia un gran cambio pero si diferente.

Si alguien más lo veía pondría en peligro muchas cosas. Por ejemplo, no sabía si Miyori aceptaría que sus preferencias o si por ello la molestarían. No quería que eso la hiciera infeliz, ya le había hecho bastante daño a quien más amaba, no podía hacerle eso a ella.

Dejo el saco de lado y salió del estacionamiento. La noche siempre era ruidosa y llena de luz, extrañaba la tranquilidad de salir en la noche y regresar a casa para hacer la cena, para después comer a su lado. Pero eso era pasado, su presente tenia música y un ambiente totalmente distinto. Por la mañana en una oficina, por la tarde la guardería y rara vez en la noche iba a tomar.


−« ¿Dónde puse el estúpido numero?»–Se pasó las manos por el cabello–«Y heme aquí haciendo trabajo gratis, bravo Taichirou a si prosperaras»−se mordió los labios recordando cual enojado estaba cuando se mudó y como mando todo a la mierda incluido el teléfono de esa persona.

Sonrió para sí mismo, y tomo su celular.

−«Discúlpame Sou pero no queda de otra»−hizo una reverencia y se acomodó en torno a la ventana esperando a que contestaran− ¡Hey! Soy yo–cambio la voz sonando tétrico y ridículo–sabes tú cuñadito me pidió un súper favor.


Justo antes de entrar sonó su celular, e ignoro la llamada. Seguro era Jace y ¿Qué quería? Posiblemente ir a un bar, pero a un metro de él había uno que a diferencia de los lugares en donde iba a meterlo Jace, ese era más modesto.

Entro tratando de cambiar su semblante, iba a beber no a buscar con quien pasar la noche a sí que no tenía por qué buscar impresionar o mostrarse incómodo. Solo aburrido, un hombre de negocios aburrido, se repitió esto hasta que se sentó en la barra. Ya conocía a varias personas del personal. El barman era Michael, los meceros a los cuales no puedes hacerles platica a menos que seas constante o al menos conocido, eran Dan y su novio extra celoso, controlador y atractivo que no importaba cual ocupado estará, siempre tenía un ojo sobre el otro chico. ¿Cómo no aplicaba la regla de "no romance en el trabajo"?

–un Martini– fingió checar su celular hasta sentir que la mirada de muerte sobre el desapareció.

– ¿Tu aquí de nuevo?– subió la vista, el chico cuyo nombre era un revoltijo de palabras le observaba con un ojo sobre el otro chico.

– ¿Tu acosando a tu pareja como siempre?–Morinaga se llevó el vaso a los labios haciéndose el serio– ¿tu nombre era?

–Abel, demonios el tuyo es más complicado y me lo aprendí–acercó la botella poniéndola a un lado de Morinaga que alzo una ceja en sorpresa–toma, pero no quiero borrachos habladores esta noche.

–Es fácil decir eso cuando tienes con quien hablar–se llevó los puños a la boca sin decir más, ¿para qué? Sabía que se veía miserable, porque en realidad lo era, al menos en la noche podía mostrarse tal y como se sentía.

En un cerrar de ojos estaba solo de nuevo, a excepción de su bebida. No quería pensar en Miyori porque inmediatamente se sentiría una basura por decepcionarla de esa forma. Aún era una bebe pero no tardaría en crecer y justo ahora se sentía muy inmaduro, y desesperado por salir de la fosa en donde se había hundido.

Miro la botella y acerco la mano hacia pero antes de que pudiera tomarla otra mano se le adelanto, volteo a ver a un chico sentado junto a él con lentes oscuros sobre la nuca y tan borracho que al notar que era una botella vacía la estampo en la barra junto con su cara.

– ¡Que me vez!– Morinaga alzo la comisura de los labios en una media sonrisa que tapo con los dedos.

Se volteo tratando de ignorar como el hombre a su lado babeaba sobre la barra, y balbuceaba pidiendo más alcohol. ¿Y si de esa manera se veía cuando vino aquella vez? Si era así, no culpaba a Abel por burlarse continuamente, ese chico daba lastima y una risa tremenda.

Puso los codos en la barra tratando de recordar como Souichi se emborrachaba antes de saber que era gay, como mostraba todas sus facetas y no le importaba contarle las cosas o esconderse de él. Y quizá eso era mejor a tenerlo reprimido, aunque había descubierto más, más cosas de las que una vez creyó que descubriría. Fue como un sueño que después se derrumbó, pero aun así todavía podía recordar bellos momentos, todavía le quedaban suficientes recuerdos para fantasear con el pasado.

– ¿En quién piensas?–unos dedos sujetaban fuertemente su ropa, se giró para comprobar que tenía colgado al chico borracho, enseguida trato de quitárselo de encima pero parecía imposible. Tenía los ojos llorosos y el cabello alborotado, era un chico atractivo pero aún no sentía más que eso.

Sintió un nudo en el estómago, pensando en cómo cuando Masaki lo dejo lo primero que hizo fue tratar de olvidarlo conociendo a más personas, alejándose de sus pensamientos. Y ahora solo quería sentarse a recordar y no le prestaba atención a nadie más, parecía más fácil solo fingir que todo iba bien y tratar de olvidar durante el día.

– ¿E-estas bien?–no recibió respuesta, hasta que el chico estampo sus labios contra los suyos sacándolo de sus pensamientos.

–Ya estuvo bueno Fuwa–Dan lo alejo de él, con una sonrisa apenada, la cual no iba hacia Morinaga, sino a Michael que veía molesto al chico dormido en sus brazos–discúlpeme señor, si me permite llevare a mi hermano a su casa– suspiro y se dirigió a Morinaga– y a ti Tetsu, digamos que hoy no será tu noche–le giño un ojo a lo que Morinaga solo respondió con una media sonrisa.

–No, no es un malentendido– dijo moviendo las palmas de un lado a otro y de inmediato se puso de pie dejando el dinero de los tragos en la barra–deja te ayudo con eso.


– ¡Te he llamado ocho veces y hasta la novena te dignas a contestarme!–Mei estaba furiosa, tenía una mascarilla en la cara y jugueteaba con un llavero en forma de lobo– ¿ya hablaste con mi tío?

– ¿no sería más fácil llamarle a él y preguntar? mujer tonta.

La chica frunció el entrecejo, estaba harta de la indiferencia de Souichi, todo por su maldito rencor.

–Obviamente no tarado–enfatizo– si le pregunto pensara que estoy interesada en ti o alguna chorrada, se supone que somos amigos, deberías olvidar ya tu estúpido odio, te consejo un pasaje hacia tu felicidad.

Hizo una pausa para deletrear cada palabra y que resultara más molesta para Souichi que no veía la hora de colgarle, pero que no podía solo hacerlo por la curiosidad que tenía. De vez en cuanto Mei decía algo inteligente, así que tenía que estar atento porque eran muy pocas veces en que su cerebro funcionaba bien.

–Sí, si, como sea gracias–puso los ojos en blanco, sentía como se vomitaba por haberle agradecido– ¿algo más?

Dio un giro en la cama que casi hace que se caiga, pero que solo provoca que que gritara dejando desconcertado a Souichi.

– ¿¡Eh, Mei!?

– ¡Estoy bien!

–No estoy preocupado, solo que sería peligroso ser el último con el que hables si algo sucede–explico con voz tajante, a lo que de inmediato recibió respuesta de la misma forma.

– ¡que idiota eres y si hay algo más!

– ¿Qué?–fingió desinterés, pero contesto demasiado rápido con ansias de saber si era referente al seminario, tenía que serlo si no colgaría, no valía la pena seguir teniendo conversaciones estúpidas.

Mei se acostó con la vista fija en el techo, se sentía molesta y triste, pero eso no tenía nada que ver con la decisión de ayudar a Souichi, era solo porque quería arreglar lo que hizo, de alguna forma.

–Discúlpame por arruinar tu relación, yo–tartamudeo, buscando palabras que la hicieran ver menos culpable– sé que los problemas entre ambos eran mayormente por tu estúpida terquedad pero yo fui un factor más que hizo que todo se desmoronara–se mordió los labios pensando en que más añadir– así que perdón.

Hubo silencio, en el que solo pensó en colgar pero no tenía claro lo que sentía, estaba molesto por todo lo que había pasado, pero no más enojado con Mei que con sí mismo, así que no valía la pena esforzarse en solo enfrascar la culpa en ella.

–Solo avísame si sabes algo de utilidad–Mei asintió sin saber a qué se refería Souichi–una forma de hacer que me quede más tiempo allá.

–Durara seis meses el seminario, suficiente tiempo para tirar tu orgullo a la basura y encontrar a ese chico–respondió animada, sin esperar el mismo ánimo devuelta.

–No te odio solo no te soporto.

Eso lo sabía, Mei solo respondió con una risa fingida. A veces ella misma tampoco se soportaba.


No entendía como había llegado a esa rara situación. Conducía en la madrugada hacia una casa que cada vez se hacía más y más cercana a la suya, primero fue intuición pero no tardó en ser incomodidad y temor en que ese chico fuera vecino suyo y que no se aguantara las ganas de divulgarlo. Tenía la mente centrada en ideas de como todo podría resultar terrible, aun así seguía manejando con un chico borracho
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He paused, was late and only Isogai was giving useless sermons.-You can help me or not?Isogai knew that there was no way to make it change its mind and that was something that everyone expected to do that did not change the fact that it was not the way to Morinaga. But even so he was going to help, not how it?-It has contracted the services of Isogai Cupid! I am at your service - hear Buffalo to someone on the other side of the line, the long talks with Souichi only were that, talk, and talk to expect a futile response, still it was fun to hear how you contradicted - any idea where is?-No, no.It dropped the lips, assuming that I would have to call people who did not want to call back.-It will be difficult.-Doesn't matter - Souichi said and hung up..You was watching his face in the mirror, as I had dark circles and still had no intentions of returning home, just to reach the monotony of his life made him feel different. Uncomfortable for their taste, and perhaps this poor father, a stupid man did.Empty water in his palms and hair got wet combing it back, not towards a big change but if different.If someone else saw it it would endanger many things. For example, did not know if Miyori would accept that your preferences or if therefore obstructed it. I didn't want that made her unhappy, it had already done enough damage to who most loved, could not do that to her.Left side bag and came out of the parking lot. The night always was loud and full of light, missed the tranquility of exit at night and return home to make dinner, then eating at his side. But that was past, her present had music and a completely different environment. In the morning in an office, in the afternoon kindergarten and rarely at night would take..− «Where to put the stupid number?» -Passed hands through hair-"and I am here doing work free, bravo Taichirou if you prosperaras» −se bit his lips remembering which angry was when moved and how to control all shit including the phone of that person.He smiled to himself, and took his cell phone.− «Excuse me Sou but there is no other» −hizo a reverence and settled around the window waiting for contestaran− Hey! Am I-change the voice to sound gloomy and ridiculous - you know you cunadito asked me a super favor..Just before entering his cell phone rang, and I ignore the call. Insurance was Jace and what I wanted? Possibly going to a bar, but a metre of it had one that unlike the places where going to get him Jace, that was more modest.I go trying to change his countenance, he was going to drink not to seek who spend the night that wasn't why seek to impress or be uncomfortable. Only boring, a boring business man, was repeated this until he sat down in the bar. He already knew several people staff. The bartender was Michael, the rocking you to which you can not make them talk unless you're constant or at least known, Dan and her jealous, extra driver, and attractive boyfriend who didn't care which were busy it will be, I always had an eye on the other boy. How do not you applied the rule of "no romance at work"?-a Martini - pretended to check his cell phone until you feel that the death look about the disappeared.-Your here's new?-sight came up, the guy whose name was a jumble of words watched him with an eye on the other boy.-Your harassing your partner as usual? - Morinaga took the glass lips doing the serious - your name was?-Abel, demons yours is more complicated and I learned it - came up bottle by placing it aside from Morinaga that I raised an eyebrow in surprise-Jack, but I don't want drunken ranters tonight.-It is easy to say that when you have with whom to speak - was fists mouth without saying more, for what? He knew that he looked miserable, because in reality it was, at least at night could show as he felt.In a blink of an eye it was only again, with the exception of your drink. I didn't want to think about Miyori because immediately feel a waste by disappointing it that way. It was still a baby but would soon grow and just now felt very immature and desperate to get out of the mass grave where it had sunk.Look at the bottle and came to but hand until he could take it another hand will tell you, turn to see a boy sitting next to him with dark glasses on the nape of the neck and so drunk that by noting that it was a bottle empty stamped it in the bar along with your face.-That me time!-Morinaga lift the corner of the mouth in a half-smile that I cover with your fingers.Will I turn trying to ignore as the man beside her dribbled over the bar, and mumbled asking for more alcohol. And if that way was when came this time? If so, not blamed Abel by mocking continuously, that boy was hurt and a tremendous laugh.Put elbows on the bar trying to remember as Souichi is drunk before knowing that he was gay, as showed all its facets and tell him things or hide from it didn't. And that was perhaps better to have him punished, although he had discovered more, more things that once believed it would find out. It was like a dream that later collapsed, but still could still remember beautiful moments, still remained it enough memories to fantasize about the past.-Who do you think?-some fingers strongly held its clothes, she turned to see who had hung the drunk guy, I immediately try to shake it off, but it seemed impossible. I had watery eyes and riotous hair, it was a sexy guy but still not felt more than that.He felt a knot in the stomach, thinking about how when Masaki leave first thing he did was try to forget getting to know more people, away from his thoughts. And now just wanted to sit and remember and not paying attention to anyone else, seemed easier to just pretend that everything was alright and try to forget during the day.-E - these well-received no response, until the boy counted his lips against yours out of his thoughts.-Ya was good Fuwa-give away it, with an embarrassed smile, which was not going towards Morinaga, but Michael that was annoying the boy asleep in his arms - excuse me Sir, if I may take my brother to her house - sigh and turned to Morinaga - and you Tetsu, say that today will not be your night - wink you an eye single Morinaga said with a half smile.-No, is not a misunderstanding - it said moving the palms of one side to another and immediately stood up leaving money for the drinks at the bar - leaves will help with that..-I have called eight times and up to the ninth you worthy to answer me!-Mei was furious, had a mask in the face and was playing with a keychain in the shape of Wolf - already spoke with my uncle?-would it not be easier to call and ask? silly woman.The girl frowned brow, was fed up with the indifference of Souichi, all for his cursed spite.-Obviously not Tared - stressed - if I ask you thought I am interested in you or some bullshit, it is assumed that we are friends, you should already forget your stupid hate, you board a passage towards your happiness.He paused to spell each word and that is most annoying to Souichi which saw no time to hang him, but that could not only do it by the curiosity that had. How Mei occasionally saying something intelligent, so he had to be careful because they were very rarely in his brain worked well.-Yes, Yes, thank you - whatever you put eyes blank, felt as he vomited for grateful - something more?It took a new turn in bed making nearly falling, but that only causes to her scream leaving bewildered Souichi.-Eh, Mei!-I am well!-I am not only concerned, which would be dangerous to be the last to talk about if something happens - I explain with emphatic voice, which immediately received a reply in the same way.-that you're an idiot and if there is something else!-What? - I feigned disinterest, but too fast answer with desire to know if he was referring to the seminar, had to be it if it would not hang, not worth still have stupid conversations.Mei slept with staring at the ceiling, she felt upset and sad, but that had nothing to do with the decision to help Souichi, was only because I wanted to fix what he did, somehow.-Forgive me for ruining your relationship, I-stutter, looking for words that did it see less guilty - I know that problems between them were mostly by your stupid stubbornness but I was one further factor which made that everything will crumble - bit the lips thinking that more add - so sorry.There was silence, where he only thought of hanging but did not have clear what felt, was upset by everything that happened, but no longer angry with Mei that with itself, so it was not worth worth strive to only engaging the guilt in it.-Just let me know if you know something of utility-Mei nodded not knowing what Souichi - a way of doing that left me more time beyond referred.-Will last six months the seminar, enough time to throw your pride away and find that boy - animated, responded without waiting the same mood returned.-I hate not only can't take you.That did, only Mei responded with a feigned laughter. Sometimes herself nor supported it..I did not understand how he had come to this rare situation. He was driving in the early morning to a House that increasingly became more and closer to yours, first it was intuition but it soon be discomfort and fear that that boy was his neighbor and that does not hold the desire to share that. I had the mind focused on ideas of as everything could be terrible, yet was still driving with a drunk guy
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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He paused, it was late and Isogai only was giving useless sermons. - can you help me or not? Isogai knew there was no way to change his mind plus it was something we all expected him to do that did not change the fact that It was not the way to look for Morinaga. But still it would help, how not? -¡Ha contracted with cupid Isogai! I am at your service-snorting hear someone on the other side of the line, long talks with Souichi were just that, talk, talk to wait for an empty response, it was still fun to hear how contradecía- any idea where he is ? No, no. He pursed his lips, assuming that he would have to call people who did not want to call back. It's going to be complicated. No import Souichi said and hung up. . He stood watching her face in the mirror as he had dark circles and still had no intention of returning home, just get to the monotony of his life made ​​him feel different. Uncomfortable for her taste, and perhaps he did this bad father, a stupid man. Empty water in their palms and hair to comb back got wet and not to a big change but different. If anyone else saw it would endanger many stuff. For example, he did not know if Miyori accept that your preferences or why the bother. Did not want that make her unhappy, because he had done enough damage to those most loved, he could not do that to her. I put the bag aside and left the parking lot. The night was always noisy and full of light, tranquility missed out at night and go home for dinner, then eat at his side. But that was past, present music and had a totally different environment. In the morning in an office, in the afternoon kindergarten and rarely at night would take. . - "Where did I put the stupid number?" - He ran his hands through his hair, "And here I am doing free work, bravo Taichirou whether shall prosper "She bit her lips recalling that angry was when he moved as control all the crap including telephone that person. He smiled to himself and took his cell. - "Excuse me Sou but it remains of another "He bowed and sat around waiting for the window contestaran- Hey! I am the voice-change and ridiculous-sounding gloomy cuñadito know you asked me a super favor. . Just before entering his cell phone rang, and ignore the call. Jace was safe and what he wanted? Possibly going to a bar, but a meter of him was one that unlike places where Jace was going to get him, that was more modest. I go trying to change his face, was not looking to drink with whom spend the night themselves that did not have to look uncomfortable impress or show. Only boring, boring business man, was repeated this until he sat in the bar. And he knew several staff people. The bartender was Michael, the meceros to which you can not let them talk to unless you're constantly or at least known, were Dan and their extra jealous boyfriend, controller and attractive that no matter which occupied will be, always had an eye on the other guy . How not to apply the rule of "no romance at work"? -a Martini- pretended to check your phone until you feel the look of death on the disappeared. - You here again - rose sight, the guy whose name It was a jumble of words was watching with an eye on the other guy. -? Your harassing your partner as always -Morinaga the glass to his lips becoming the seriously does your name was Abel, hell is yours more complicated and I learned-he pulled the bottle putting aside Morinaga that raised an eyebrow in surprise-take, but do not want much drunk tonight. It's easy to say that when you have to talk-is his fists led to the mouth without saying more, why? He knew he looked miserable, because it really was, at least at night could be shown as felt. In a blink of an eye he was alone again, except for his drink. Miyori not want to think about that right away rubbish for disappointing you feel that way. She was still a baby but would soon grow and right now was very immature, and desperate to get out of the pit in which he had sunk. I looked at the bottle and put his hand out but before he could take another hand I beat him, turned to see a guy sitting next to him with sunglasses on her neck and so drunk to notice that it was an empty bottle smashed it on the bar with his face. - Let me once - Morinaga lifted the corner of lips in a half smile that I cover with your fingers. I was trying to ignore turned as the man beside her drooling over the bar, and stammered asking for more alcohol. What if that way he looked when he came that time? If so, do not blame Abel continually taunt, that boy was hurt and a tremendous laugh. He put his elbows on the bar trying to remember how Souichi drunk before I knew I was gay, as showing all its facets and did not care tell things or hide it. And perhaps it was better to have it suppressed, but had discovered more, more things to discover once believed. It was like a dream that later collapsed, but still I could still remember beautiful moments, still had enough memories to fantasize about the past. - Who do you think-about fingers tightly fastened his clothes, he turned to see who had hung? the drunk guy once tried to shake it off but it seemed impossible. His watery eyes and disheveled hair, was an attractive guy but still felt nothing but that. He felt a knot in my stomach, thinking about how when Masaki I leave first thing he did was try to forget knowing more people away from your thoughts. And now I just wanted to sit and remember and paid no attention to anyone else, seemed easier just to pretend that all was well and try to forget during the day. -? E-these well-not receive a reply until the boy estampo his lips against hers him out of his thoughts. -yâ was good Fuwa-Dan I away from him with a pained smile, which was not going to Morinaga, but Michael reluctantly the boy asleep in her arms-excuse me sir, if I take my brother to his house- and sigh addressed Morinaga- and you Tetsu, say that today will not be your night-le Gino a look at what Morinaga only replied with a half smile. No, it is not a malentendido- said moving palms forth and immediately got up leaving money on the drinks at the bar-stop I help you with that. . - I called you eight times until the ninth you worthy to Mei answer was furious, had a mask on his face and played with a keychain in the shape of wolf Have you talked to my uncle!? - would not it be easier to call him and ask? foolish woman. She frowned, was tired of the indifference of Souichi, all for his bloody grudge. Obviously no moron-enfatizo- if I ask you to think I'm interested in you or some bullshit, it is assumed that we are friends, you should I forget and hate your stupid, you tip a passage to your happiness. He paused to spell each word and make it more annoying to Souichi not wait to hang, but just could not do it out of curiosity I had. From time to time Mei said something smart, so I had to be careful because they were rarely in his brain worked well. Yes, yes, as thank-placed eyes, it felt like vomiting for having gratefully Anything else? I took a turn in bed almost makes you fall, but that only causes him to scream leaving confounded Souichi. - Hey, Mei !? - I'm fine! I'm not worried, just be dangerous to be the last with which you speak if anything happens-I explain with sharp voice, to which he immediately received a reply in the same way. - What an idiot you are and if there's more! - What feigned disinterest, but answered? forward too fast whether it was referring to the seminar, it had to be if not hang, not worth still have stupid conversations. Mei lay staring at the ceiling, felt upset and sad, but it had nothing to do with the decision to help Souichi, it was only because I wanted to fix what he did, somehow. Forgive me for ruining your relationship, I stammered, searching for words that would make it look less guilty know that the problems between the two were mostly because your stupid stubbornness but was another factor that made ​​everything crumble-will lip bit thinking it added, more so than forgiveness. There was silence, which only thought of hanging but it was not clear what he felt, was upset by what had happened, but nothing Mei angry with himself, so not worth striving to enfrascar only fault in it. -Only let me know if you know anything useful-Mei nodded without knowing what Souichi-a way to make me stay there longer. referred -Durara seminar six months, enough time to throw away your pride and find that boy-animated replied, expecting the same spirit returned. 'Do I just hate not stand. I knew that, Mei only responded with a mock laugh. Sometimes she is also not supported. . I did not understand how he got to this strange situation. Driving in the morning to a house it was becoming closer and closer to hers, was first intuition but was soon discomfort and fear in that kid was his neighbor and the desire to divulge not hold out. His mind was focused on ideas of how everything could be terrible, yet still driving with a drunk guy

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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He paused, Isogai was late and I was just giving Sermons useless. - Can you help me or not?

Isogai knew that there was no change of opinion and that was something they all expected to do that doesn't change the fact that was not the way to look for Morinaga. But still he would help, How do I not?

he hired Isogai Cupid!I'm your servicio–escucho blowing someone on the other side of the line, The Long talks with Souichi were just that, talk and talk to wait for an answer in Vain, yet it was very funny to hear how contradecía– any idea where he is?

pursed his lips, supposing she was going to have to call people who didn't call back. He'll be complicated

.- importa– Souichi said and hung up.

watched his face in the mirror, as I had dark circles and still had no intention of returning home, just come to the Monotony of his life made him feel different. Uncomfortable for your taste, and maybe this was a Bad Father, a stupid man.
empty Water in their palms and Wet hair to comb it back,Not a Big change but if different.

if anyone else Saw jeopardize many things. For example, I didn't know if miyori accept their preferences or if Why bother. I didn't want that to be unhappy, he had already done enough damage to Who Loved MOST, I couldn't do that to her.

I leave the Bag side and out of the parking lot.The night was always noisy and full of Light, let the quiet of the night and go back home for dinner, after eating at their Side. But that was the past, its present Music and had a completely different atmosphere. In the morning in the afternoon in an office, nursery, and rarely at night would take.


−« where I Put The Stupid Number?»–se's hands by the cabello–« and here I am doing Free Work, Bravo taichirou if bit her lips to prosperaras»−se Recalling that Angry was when he moved to command all the shit and included the phone that person smiled to himself.


took his cell phone.Excuse me −« Sou but is not otra»−hizo a reverence and arranged around the window waiting for contestaran− Hey! I'm yo–cambio Voice Sounding Creepy and ridículo–sabes Huh you asked me a great favour.


just before entering his cell phone rang, and ignored the call. Jace was sure what he wanted? Possibly go to a Bar,But he had an underground One, unlike the places where I was putting him Jace, that was more modest.

I trying to change his countenance, was going to drink not to seek who spend the night he didn't seek to Impress or being uncomfortable. Only boring boring, a businessman, was repeated this until I sat down at the bar.I knew several people on the staff. The barman was Michael, The Chill which you can't talk to you unless you're a constant or at least known, Dan and her boyfriend were extra Jealous, controller and attractive no matter which will be busy, always had an eye on the other Kid. How did not apply the rule of "no romance in the Workplace"?

A martini– pretended to check his cell phone until you feel the eyes of Death on the disappeared. - you here again? - up the boy, whose name was a Jumble of words watched him with an eye on the other Kid. - your Stalking your partner as always? –morinaga took the cup to the Lips - and your name is?

Abel,Demons yours is more complicated and I aprendí–acercó Bottle by a side that lifted an Eyebrow in sorpresa–toma Morinaga, Drunk Tonight but I Don't want to talk. - easy to say that when you're with hablar–se who took fists to the mouth without saying More, for what? I was miserable, because in reality it was,At least at night could be as felt.

in the Blink of an Eye I was alone again, with the exception of his drink. I Don't want to think about miyori because trash immediately feel disappoint you that way. But there was still a Baby would grow and now felt very immature, and desperate to get out of the Pit where it had Sunk.

Look at the bottle and close the hand toward but before he could make another hand is Advancement, turned to see a Guy sitting next to him on the back with dark glasses and so drunk that the note that was an Empty Bottle to kill the bar along with her face. - Me Again! Morinaga, lifted the corners of the lips in a Half Smile covered with fingers.I was trying to ignore the man at his side as he drooled over the bar, and stammered for more alcohol. And if that's the way it was when that time CAME? If so, Don't blame Abel for Mocking continuously, the kid was a tremendous shame and laughter.
put elbows on the counter, trying to remember how Souichi is Drunk before know I was gay,As shown in all its facets and didn't care about things or hide from him. And maybe it was better to be repressed, but had discovered more things more than once thought he would find out. It was like a Dream which later collapsed, but still could not remember Beautiful Moments, still had enough memories to fantasize about the past.- What do you think? Some fingers tightly holding his clothes, he turned to see that he had Hung the drunk guy, I try to shake him off but seemed impossible. I have Watery Eyes and Tangled Hair, he was attractive but still felt no more.

he felt a knot in my stomach,When thinking about how Masaki left first thing he did was to try to forget about getting more people away from their thoughts. And now just wanted to sit and Remember and didn't pay attention to anyone else, it seemed easier to just pretend that everything was ok and try to forget during the day.

- e - these well? No reply was received,Until The Boy stamped His Lips against HERS out of His thoughts.
- fuwa–dan was well away from him, with a smile which was not sorry to Morinaga, but Michael was annoyed at the boy asleep in their brazos–discúlpeme Sir, if I may take my brother Home and sigh and you went to morinaga– TetsuLet's say that today will not be your noche–le Wink an eye to what Morinaga only responded with a Half smile.

-, is not a malentendido– las palmas Said moving from side to side and immediately stood up and left the money of the drinks in the barra–deja I help you with that.


- i've called you eight times and until the ninth deign to answer me! –mei was Furious,Had a face mask and played with a Keychain in the shape of lobo– already talked to my uncle?

- Wouldn't it be easier to call him and ask. Silly Woman.
The Girl frowned, Sick of the indifference of Souichi, All over his fucking grudge. Obviously not tarado–enfatizo–

if asked to think that I'm interested in you or some shit,We're supposed to be friends, you should Forget your Stupid hate, you Board a Passage to your happiness.
paused to spell every word and it more annoying for Souichi that couldn't wait to hang up, but I couldn't do it just for the curiosity that had once said something about Mei Intelligent,So I had to be careful because there were very few times in her brain worked well. - Yeah, yeah, whatever gracias–puso White Eyes felt as agradecido– vomited Him Something Else?

turned in bed that he almost falls, but only causes Screaming leaving baffled Souichi.

- Hey, Mei! ?

I am good!

I'm not worried,Just that it would be dangerous to be the last to speak if something sucede–explico with Clear Voice, I immediately received a Reply in the same way. - You're an idiot and if there's anything else!

- What? –fingió disinterest, but answered Too Fast Forward whether it was about the Seminar, I had to be if I Hang You,Not worth continue to have Stupid conversations.
Mei slept with eyes fixed on the ceiling, he felt upset and sad, but that had nothing to do with the decision to help Souichi, it was only because I wanted to fix what he did, somehow.

–Discúlpame for Ruining your relationship yo–tartamudeo,Looking for words that would see less culpable– know that problems between both were mostly by your Stupid stubbornness but I was a factor that made everything desmoronara–se bit her lips, thinking that more añadir– so sorry. There was Silence, the only Thought in Hang but was not sure how I felt, he was upset by everything that had happened,But no more angry with Mei with himself, so not worth to mean only the fault in it. Just Let me know if you hear anything utilidad–mei nodded without knowing what he meant souichi–una Way make me stay more time there. –durara six months long enough for the Seminar throw away your pride and find that chico–respondió LivelyWithout waiting for the same spirit returned.

- I just can't stand you.

I know that, Mei only responded with a Fake laugh. Sometimes it is not supported.


I couldn't understand how he had come to this strange situation. I was in the morning to a house that was getting more and more close to Yours,First it was Intuition but soon be discomfort and fear that that boy was his neighbor and not to divulge it. His Mind was focused on ideas of how it might be terrible, yet still with a Boy Drunk Driving
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