Lo más incómodo de su trabajo era cargar con el incómodo portafolio a  dịch - Lo más incómodo de su trabajo era cargar con el incómodo portafolio a  Anh làm thế nào để nói

Lo más incómodo de su trabajo era c

Lo más incómodo de su trabajo era cargar con el incómodo portafolio a todos lados, y estar cambiando de salón a cada hora. Eso de sentarse frente a un escritorio no era lo suyo. Y digamos que no tenía mucha paciencia, pero necesitaba el trabajo, tomándolo por el lado de que la universidad necesitaba cubrir un espacio libre y él era el único disponible, decidió tomarlo.

Paso de los alumnos que lo esperaban en los pasillos, principalmente ahora que se acababa el semestre se comportaban aún más molestos. Si realmente no querían reprobar, hubieran cumplido desde el principio. Souichi dio vuelta en el primer edificio, para subir al segundo piso del tercer edificio, pasando de todos los estudiantes de segundo semestre, los más molestos a su parecer. Ese día tenía tres clases y después podría irse al laboratorio.

Al verlo, algunos de los que estaban fuera del aula se apresuraron a entrar, como siempre Souichi traía una cara de pocos amigos. Los fulmino con la mirada y entro dando tras pies. Preguntándose porque los estudiantes a su cargo eran una bola de inútiles, sin excepciones.

—las personas que tienen derecho a presentar examen de recuperación la calificación requerida es como mínimo ochenta puntos— sin prestar atención, dejo el maletín sobre el escritorio y comenzó a escribir en la pizarra, algunos chicos se quejaron de fondo, mientras que se lamentaban el que sacar una calificación así, en uno de sus exámenes, era imposible.

— ¡todos los demás profesores, ponen como mínimo setenta puntos ¡

— ¿Ja?—Souichi giro hacia el grupo de treinta estudiantes, entre hombres y mujeres—Lárgate del aula, no necesito gente mediocre en el grupo.

El chico se quedó callado, mientras alternaba la vista hacia la salida y al grupo, que en instantes guardo silencio. El chico golpeo con las palmas el pupitre, se puso de pie y con las manos en los bolsillos salió del aula, Souichi rolo los ojos, ese chico era problemático.

En esos días, no había mucho que hacer, solo desilusionar al alumnado y echarle en cara su poco desempeño a lo largo del semestre. La hora se fue como si hubiera pasado en cinco minutos. Algunos chicos se acercaban al final de la hora a molestar sobre sus oportunidades, a los cuales solo evadía, con una vaga respuesta.

Odiaba comer en la cafetería, pero se estaba muriendo de hambre. Resignado a ir, tomo el camino corto pasando por un empaque de galletas y una bebida. En la cafetería tenían las noticias matutinas. Estaba sentado en una mesa para cuatro personas. Los demás maestros comían juntos, por lo que entablaban conversaciones sobre sus vidas, pero eso a él, no le parecía una buena manera de comer el almuerzo.

La mesa tenía mucho espacio. Tenía tiempo que no comía solo en una de esas mesas, su compañía ya no estaba allí y no había remedio. Extrañaba pasar tiempo con él, quizá solo quejarse sobre la mayoría de las cosas y que siempre le dieran la razón al hacerlo. Ahora tenía que esperar hasta llegar al departamento y solo en algunas ocasiones tener la suficiente energía para esperar despierto.

— ¿Souichi, que haces comiendo solo?—con una galleta en la boca, volteo hacia la voz que lo llamo, era una chica de cabello color caramelo rebasando por unos centímetros sus hombros, tenía la voz dulce, Souichi asintió con la cabeza en modo de saludo.

—Buenas profesora Mei—la chica al parecer esperaba una repuesta más larga, Souichi termino de masticar la galleta y se dirigió a ella de nuevo—nada solo entre a la cafetería, por el ambiente más fresco.

— ¡No me llames "profesora" vamos, si hasta soy un año menor que tú!

— ¿Entonces…Hatoyama?—Mei traía una charola con comida y un refresco, Souichi imagino que venía con amigos, o se dirigía a la sala de profesores. A respuesta la chica hiso un puchero, hiso a un lado la silla al otro extremo de la mesa donde él estaba sentado y dejo su plato en la mesa, junto con la bebida dejando de lado la charola. Souichi volteo a verla algo desconcertado, no quiera ser descortés, y menos con una colega por así decirlo, ambos habían empezado como suplentes, pero al contrario de él, ella obtuvo el puesto por un familiar retirado y el por una bacante.

—No, suficiente tengo con que chicos de apenas cuatro años menos que yo me digan señora puedes creerlo?

—« ¿Cómo se supone que lo haría?»—al parecer Mei estaba decidida a entablar una conversación o la chica estaba sola y no quería comer con los maestros, aunque en realidad no sabía muy bien como tratar con una mujer.

—Me alegra tener a un compañero de trabajo de mi edad—había conocido a Mei desde el primer día que llego, he incluso la había visto antes en el laboratorio, aunque en ese entonces no le pareció una chica sobresaliente. Después de que le pidieran que le explicara un poco sobre el programa de estudios, ella le tomo mucha confianza, aunque Souichi trataba de no socializar con nadie, con ella era fácil que fluyera una conversación, principalmente porque la mayoría de las veces el terminaba sin decir nada—Y cómo te decía, mi hermano llego muy enojado a casa ese día, no sabía que decirle— de repente las noticias tomaban algo de atractivo, Mei hablaba demasiado—creo que tiene pareja y no estoy segura de que sea una mujer, estoy muy preocupada.

— ¿Es homosexual?— Souichi levanto una ceja, desviando a Mei de la charla, esta se pensó la respuesta y soltó por fin con un suspiro.

—No lo sé, daría igual si lo es, de todos modos no me permite meterme en su vida— Se notaba frustrada, Souichi se sintió identificado con ese sentimiento. A punto de decir algo sobre el tema, la chica dejo de lado su puré de papa y se inclinó en la mesa—pero de lo que si estoy segura es que alguien le quita el sueño, en varios aspectos—Mei cambio el tono de voz un poco más lento y con doble sentido, Souichi se atraganto—ahora resulta que el chico tiene más acción que yo—rolo los ojos, para después reír, a Souichi no le causo gracia ¿a que venía ese tema?—Supongo que no es tiempo de una relación, ¿no lo crees?—Souichi tenía en mente a Morinaga, el mundo se estaba llenando de homosexuales por todos lados e incluso él vivía con uno, de una manera no muy apropiada. Y para empezar ¿Cómo había cambiado de esa manera el tema? ¿Acaso lo sabía, se había dado cuenta de algo? después de todo era mujer y por lo visto son algo intuitivas, o esas tonterías de las que habla Kanako y que siempre resulta tener razón. A respuesta evasiva tomó de su bebida sin responder—Ya veo, tienes pareja ¿cierto?—dijo insinuándole que sabía más de lo que cubría la conversación.

—N-no, por supuesto que no—soltó Souichi sin pensar, sobresaltado—«Demonios, ahora está formulándose más preguntas estúpidas, ¿y que hay con eso de los homosexuales?»

—Ah, ni yo. Más bien creo que es una pérdida de tiempo, pero eso no quita que me gustaría ir a tomar una copa de vez en cuando.

—«Me equivoque, por lo menos ya dejo de interrogarme, mejor que hable de su aburrida vida»— Souichi se alivió, pero no duro mucho, la chica volvió a voltear la conversación. Al parecer ir a la cafetería fue lo peor.

— ¡Invítame a comer algo, vamos será divertido!—Souichi levanto una ceja y la observo, tenía una gran sonrisa, con una porción de puré por entrar a su boca— ¿Entonces, qué dices?

¿Qué, que decía? La respuesta era un claro No, esa chica era peligrosa, lo había escuchado de otras mujeres, Mei de alguno u otro modo siempre lo sabía todo.

—Quizá algún día—respondió seco a su invitación, Mei bajo la mirada algo avergonzada por ser tan insistente, estaba claro que había puesto incomodo a Souichi, entonces una pregunta se deslizo por sus labios, el último recurso.

— ¿Eres gay?

Si no se ahogó con el trozo de galleta, se ahogaría con su bebida. Bajo el vaso para toparse con unos ojos totalmente abiertos para captar toda sensación y descubrir si mentía. ¿Cómo puso siquiera preguntarle que era gay? Se le creo un hoyo en el estómago, sintiendo ganas de vomitar par los nervios, pero ¿Por qué se ponía nervioso, al punto de casi querer sudar frio? Él no era gay, ni estaba cerca de serlo.

— ¿Bromeas o estás loca? ¡Por supuesto que no!

Mei se echó a reír, ante el semblante de Souichi, veía lo enojado que estaba por la pregunta, entonces decidió arriesgarse un poco más.

—Entonces si no lo eres, porque no salimos a comer—Souichi separo los labios pero Mei volvió a hablar interrumpiéndolo—si ambos estamos solteros, no habrá inconveniente ¿no es así? Creí que podría haber algún problema si eras gay y mi insistencia te incomodaba pero…como dijiste que no.

Estaba entre la espada y la pared. Esa mujer era una arpía, ira que llamarlo gay, en un lugar público. Fuera quien fuera le demostraría que o podían dudar de que era heterosexual, además una comida no era nada del otro mundo. Flexiona los hombros en respuesta a que le daba igual, recibiendo más risas, esa chica tenía que tener al menos un botón de apagado para soportarla.

El celular de Souichi empezó a vibrar, Mei que casi quería subirse sobre la mesa, trato de ver con disimulo que nombre marcaba la pantalla sin que Souichi se diese cuenta.

Souichi puso los ojos en blanco, con el impulso de colgar, recordó el incómodo momento en que estaba, casi agradeciendo en que lo llamaran, al ver que contestaba Mei tomo su bolso.

— ¡Bueno…fue un placer comer contigo, me estoy ahogando en trabajo así que espero con ansias esa copa!

Souichi chasqueo los dientes. Al menos ya se había librado de ella. Volteo a la pantalla y volvió a leer el nombre, ya se había quedado solo así que no tenía por qué fingir que hablaba y colgó. Dejo el celular sobre la mesa, mientras recogía sus cosas, al poco de ponerse de pie, el celular vibro repetidas veces, bailando sobre la mesa.

~Isogai Taichirou

Que malo eres Souichi, me has colgado cuando ya habías atendido la llamada. Como sea, no importa, para que veas lo buen amigo que soy, en la cena para Kanako, también les llevare un regalito a ti y a tu noviecito. Jueguen bonito, nos vemos.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Most uncomfortable of his work was loaded with uncomfortable portfolio on all sides, and be changing room every hour. That sit in front of a desk was not theirs. And say that I didn't have a lot of patience, but I needed the work, taking it on the side that the University needed to cover a gap and he was the only one available, decided to take.Step students waiting in the corridors, mainly now that the semester just behaved even more annoying. If they really didn't want to fail, they had met from the beginning. Souichi turned in the first building to go up to the second floor of the third building, from all students in the second semester, the most troublesome in your view. That day had three classes and then could go to the lab.To see it, some of which were outside the classroom rushed to go, as always Souichi brought a scowling face. I fulmino them with the look and enter giving after feet. Wondering because the students responsible were a ball of useless, no exceptions.-persons who have the right to present the required qualification examination of recovery is at least eighty points — without paying attention, I leave the Briefcase on the desk and began to write on the Blackboard, some boys complained of background, while lamenting that it was impossible to get a rating, in one of their tests,.-all other teachers, put at least seventy points!!-Do ja? - Souichi turn towards the Group of thirty students, between men and women - get out of the classroom, I don't need mediocre people in the group.The boy was silent, while alternating the view toward the exit and to the group, which at moments I keep silence. Guy beating the palms the desk, stood up and left the classroom, with hands in pockets Souichi rolo eyes, that boy was problematic.In those days, there was much to do, only to disappoint students and throw in face their little performance throughout the semester. The hour is was as if it had happened in five minutes. Some guys approached the end of the time to bother about their opportunities, to which only shunned, with a vague response.I hated eating in the cafeteria, but it was dying of hunger. Resigned to go, taking the short way through a package of cookies and a beverage. In the cafeteria, they had the morning news. I was sitting at a table for four people. Other teachers ate together, so were waging talks about their lives, but that to him, did not seem a good way to eat lunch.The table had plenty of space. I had time not eating only at one of these tables, his company was no longer there and there was no remedy. I missed spending time with him, perhaps only complain about most things and that always gave him reason to do so. Now I had to wait until you get to the Department and only occasionally have enough energy to wait awake.-Souichi, you do eating only?-with a cookie in his mouth, turning towards the voice that I call him, was a girl of Candy-colored hair over her shoulders by a few centimetres, it had the sweet voice, Souichi nodded his head in greeting mode.-Good teacher Mei - the girl apparently expected a longer response, Souichi finish chewing the biscuit and turned to it again - nothing only entering the cafeteria, by the cooler environment.-Do not call me "teacher" are going, if I'm up to one year younger than you!-Then...? Do Hatoyama? - Mei brought a tray with food and refreshments, Souichi imagine that it came with friends, or headed to the staff room. To answer the girl hiso a stew, hiso aside Chair at the other end of the table where he was sitting and leave your plate on the table, along with the drink aside from the tray. Souichi turning to see her rather baffled, do not want to be discourteous, and less with a colleague so to speak, both had begun as alternates, but unlike him, she got the post by a retired family and by a bacchante.-Not, enough have with guys from just four years younger that I tell me Madam can you believe it?-«How supposed he would?» -Mei was apparently determined to strike up a conversation or the girl was alone and did not want to eat with the teachers, but in fact I did not know very well how to deal with a woman.-I am pleased to have a coworker of my age - had met Mei from the first day I arrived, I had even seen her before in the laboratory, but then did not seem a remarkable girl. When they asked you that explain a little about the program of studies, she took it confidence, but Souichi was not socialize with anyone, it was easy that flowed a conversation, mainly because most of the time the ended without saying anything--and how I was saying, my brother get home very angry that day , did not know to tell you - suddenly the news took something attractive, Mei spoke too - I think that you have a partner and I'm not sure that is a woman, I'm very worried.-Are you a homosexual? - Souichi lifted an eyebrow, diverting to talk Mei, it was thought the response and finally let go with a sigh.-Do not know, it would not matter if it is, anyway it does not allow me to get into his life - she felt frustrated, Souichi felt identified with that feeling. About to say something about the subject, the girl leave aside your mashed potatoes and leaned on the table-but from what I know is that someone takes away the dream, in several aspects-Mei change the tone of voice a bit slower and with double meaning, Souichi is atraganto-now it turns out that the guy has more action than I-rolo eyes for then to laugh, to Souichi not caused him grace would to come this issue? - I suppose it is not time for a relationship, don't you think? - Souichi had in mind to Morinaga, the world was filled with homosexuals everywhere and even lived with one, not very appropriately. And to start how he had changed that way the theme? Perhaps you knew it, you had noticed something? After all was woman and it seems they are somewhat intuitive, or that nonsense that speaks Kanako and that is always to be right. Evasive answer took your drink without responding - I see, you already you have couple right? - he said hinting him that she knew that more than covered the conversation.-N-no, of course that non - dropped Souichi without thinking, startled-«demons, now it is developing more stupid questions, and what's with that gay?»-Oh, not me. I rather think that it is a waste of time, but that doesn't mean that I'd like to go for a drink once in a while.-'I was wrong, at least already interrogating me, better leave that speaks to his boring life» - Souichi is alleviated, but not hard, the girl returned to turn the conversation. Apparently go to the cafeteria was the worst.-Invite me to eat something, will be fun! - Souichi lifted an eyebrow and I note it, I had a big smile, with a portion of mash by going to his mouth - then what?What he said? The answer was a clear No, that girl was dangerous, had heard it from other women, Mei one or otherwise always knew everything.-Maybe someday - dry responded to his invitation, Mei under the gaze of somewhat embarrassed for being so insistent, it was clear that he had been uncomfortable to Souichi, then a question slip by his lips, a last resort.-Are you gay?If not drowned with the piece of biscuit, drown it with your drink. Under the glass meets with wide open eyes to capture all sensation and discover if he lied. How did you put even ask that he was gay? Was created a hole in the stomach, feeling like vomiting pair nerves, but what it became nervous, to the point of almost wanting to sweat cold? He was not gay, nor was close to being it.-Are you kidding or are crazy? Of course not!Mei laughed, before the countenance of Souichi, saw the angry that was the question, then decided to risk a little more.-Then if you're not, because don't we go out to eat-Souichi I separated the lips but Mei returned to talk about interrupting him - if both are single, there will be no drawback isn't it? I thought that there might be a problem if you were gay and my insistence bothering you but... as you said that not.It was between the sword and the wall. That woman was a Harpy, anger that call him gay, in a public place. It was whoever would demonstrate you that either could doubt that he was heterosexual, also a meal was nothing otherworldly. Flexes shoulder in response to that gave equal, getting more laughs, that girl had to have at least one off button to support it.Souichi cellphone began to vibrate, Mei, I almost wanted to get on the table, try to see With dissimulation that name marked the screen without that Souichi be given account.Souichi put eyes in white, with the urge to hang, recalled the uncomfortable moment that was, almost thanking in to called it, seeing that he answered Mei took her handbag.-Well... it was a pleasure to eat with you, I am drowning in work so I look forward to that Cup!Souichi click teeth. At least now he had escaped her. Flip to the screen and again to read the name, already had been just so he didn't why pretend that he spoke and hung. I leave the phone on the table, while collecting their things, shortly after standing, cell phone vibration again and again, dancing on the table.~ Isogai TaichirouThat bad are Souichi, I've posted when you've already attended the call. Either way, doesn't matter, so you can see the good friend that I am, at the dinner for Kanako, also bears les a gift to you and your boyfriend. Play nice, see you.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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The most uncomfortable of his job was to carry the portfolio uncomfortable everywhere, and to be changing every hour lounge. That of sitting at a desk was not for him. And let's say you did not have much patience, but needed the job, taking on the side that the university needed to cover a gap and he was the only one available, he decided to take it. Step of students who were waiting in the hallways, especially now that semester had just behaved even more annoying. If you really did not want to fail, they would have met from the beginning. Souichi turned into the first building to go up to the second floor of the third building, from all students in the second semester, the most annoying in his opinion. That day had three classes and then could go to the lab. Seeing him, some of which were outside the classroom rushed in, as always Souichi brought a scowl. The glared and entered after taking feet. Wondering why the students in their care were a bunch of useless, no exceptions. -people who are entitled to submit retest the qualification required is at least eighty points-ignoring, put his briefcase on the desk and began to write on the board, some guys complained fund, while lamenting that get a score like that, in one of his tests, it was impossible. - all other teachers put at least seventy points ? - Ja -Souichi turned to the group of thirty students, men and women-Get out of the classroom, I do not need mediocre people in the group. The boy was silent, as he alternated his gaze to the exit and the group, which was silent moments. The boy hit palms the desk, stood, hands in pockets left the classroom, Souichi rolled his eyes, that boy was problematic. In those days, there was not much to do but disappoint the students and checking in his little face performance throughout the semester. The hour was as if it happened in five minutes. Some guys were nearing the end of the time to bother about their opportunities, which just evaded, with a vague answer. I hated eating in the cafeteria, but he was starving. He resigned to go, take the shortest path through a package of cookies and a drink. The cafeteria had the morning news. He sat at a table for four. The other teachers ate together, so entablaban conversations about their lives, but that to him, did not seem a good way to eat lunch. The table had plenty of room. He had not eaten while only one of these tables, the company was no longer there and there was no help. I missed spending time with him, maybe just complain about most things and I always gave him the right to do so. Now he had to wait until the department and only rarely have the energy to wait awake. - Souichi, which make eating alone, with a biscuit in his mouth, turned to the voice that called him, was a girl? candy-colored hair for a few centimeters surpassing his shoulders, had the sweet voice, Souichi nodded in greeting. Good teacher Mei-girl apparently expected a longer answer, Souichi finished chewing cookie and addressed her again-no one enters the cafeteria, the cooler environment. - Do not call me "professor" Come on, if even I'm a year younger than you! - So ... Mei Hatoyama brought a tray of food? refreshments, Souichi imagine coming with friends, or heading to the staffroom. A response hiso the girl pouted, hiso aside the chair on the other end of the table where he sat and put his plate on the table, along with the drink tray aside. Souichi turned to her somewhat puzzled not want to be rude, and less with a colleague so to speak, both had begun as alternates, but unlike him, she got the job by a retired family and a bacchante. No, enough I have with guys just four years younger than I say lady you believe it? - "How are we supposed to do?" - apparently Mei was determined to strike up a conversation or the girl was alone and did not want to eat with teachers, although in reality did not quite know how to deal with a woman. I'm glad to have a co-worker of my age-Mei had known from the first day I arrived, I had even seen before in the laboratory, although then it did not seem an outstanding girl. After being asked to explain a little about the curriculum, she took a lot of confidence, but Souichi was not socialize with anyone, it was easy to flow a conversation, mainly because most of the time ended without And say nothing-as I said, my brother came home very angry that day, did not know the news suddenly say to him taking some attractive, Mei talked too much-I think it has a couple and I'm not sure it's a woman, I am very worried. - Is homosexual -. Souichi raised an eyebrow, diverting Mei chat, this response was thought and gave finally with a sigh I do not know, it would not matter if it is anyway not allows me to get into his life it showed frustrated, Souichi felt identified with that feeling. About to say something about it, the girl dropped his mashed potatoes and leaned on the table-but what if I am sure that anyone you awake in several respects-Mei change the tone a little slower and with double meaning, Souichi choked-it turns out the guy has more action than I-rolled his eyes, then laugh, Souichi would not amused Are coming this topic? I suppose it's not time in a relationship, do not you think? -Souichi Morinaga had in mind, the world was filled with homosexuals everywhere and even he lived with one, a not very appropriate. And how had started that way changed the subject? Do not know, he had noticed something? after all she was a woman and apparently are rather intuitive, or nonsense of talking Kanako and that is always right. A took evasive answer your drink unanswered-I see, you have a partner right? Said hinting that he knew more than covered the conversation. N-no, of course not let Souichi without thinking, startled 'Demons is now formulated more stupid questions, so what's up with that of homosexuals? " Oh, I do not. Rather, I think it's a waste of time, but that does not mean I would go for a drink occasionally. - "I was wrong, at least I stopped questioning, rather than talk about his boring life" - Souichi He was relieved, but did not last long, the girl returned to turn the conversation. Apparently go to the cafe was the worst. - Invite me to eat something, we will be fun -Souichi raised an eyebrow and looked, had a big smile, with a portion of mashed by entering your mouth So what you say? What, you say? The answer was a clear no, that girl was dangerous, he had heard from other women, Mei some way or another always knew everything. Maybe someday-dry responded to his invitation, Mei under the somewhat sheepish look for being so insistent, it was clear that he had put Souichi uncomfortable, then a question slipped from his lips, the last resort. - Are you gay If not choked on the piece of cookie, you would choke on his drink. Under the glass to encounter eyes wide open to capture all feel and discover if he lied. How to put even he asks who was gay? I will create a hole in the stomach, feeling like vomiting few nerves, but why was nervous, almost to the point of wanting cold sweat? He was not gay, or was close to it. - Are you kidding or are you crazy? Of course not! Mei laughed, before the face of Souichi, saw how angry he was at the question, then decided to risk a little more. Then if you're not, because they do not go out to eat-Souichi parted but Mei lips spoke again interrupting him-if both are single, no drawback is it not? I thought I could be a problem if you were gay and my insistence uncomfortable but ... as you said no. I was between a rock and a hard place. That woman was a shrew, call gay anger in a public place. Whoever it was would show that either could doubt that he was heterosexual, plus a meal was not anything special. Flex your shoulders in response he did not care, receiving more laughter, the girl had to have at least an off button to support it. The cell phone started vibrating Souichi, Mei almost wanted to get on the table, I try to do with dissimulation name marked the screen without Souichi noticing. Souichi rolled his eyes, with the urge to hang recalled the awkward moment when he was almost thankful at being called, seeing that answer Mei took her purse. - Well ... it was a pleasure to eat with you, I'm drowning in work so I look forward to that cup! Souichi click teeth. At least he had spared her. Turning to the screen and reread the name because it had been left alone so did not have to pretend to speak and hung up. I put the phone on the table, picking up her things, soon to stand, vibro cell repeatedly, dancing on the table. ~ Isogai Taichirou Too bad you Souichi, you hang me when you've already answered the call. Anyway, never mind, so you can see what a good friend I am, at dinner for Kanako also'll take them a little present for you and your little boyfriend. Play nice, see you.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
The most uncomfortable of his job was to carry the uncomfortable Portfolio to all sides, and Hall to be changing every hour. Sit at a desk that was not theirs. And I Don't have a lot of Patience, but I needed the work, taking him by the hand that the University needed a free space and he was the only one available, decided to take it.Passage of Pupils who were waiting in the corridors, especially now that the semester just behave Even More annoying. If you really don't want to Fail, have attained since the beginning. Souichi turned in the first building to go up to the second floor of the third building, All Students of the second semester, the most distressing to the Mind.This Day I had three classes, and then I could go to the laboratory.

at him, some of which were outside the classroom Rushed In, as always Souichi wearing a scowl. Struck with the gaze and entered after giving feet. Wondering why the students in their care were a bunch of useless, without exceptions.- people have the right to submit the required Qualification Exam is at least Eighty Points - without attention, leave the briefcase on the desk and began to write on the blackboard, some guys complained Fund, while lamenting that get a qualification in one of their examination was impossible

-. All The Other teachers.Put at least Seventy points

- ja? - Souichi Turn Toward the group of thirty students, men and Women Get out of the classroom, I need not mediocre people in the Group. The boy was Silent, while with the view towards the exit and the Group, now kept Silent. The Boy banged the desk with Palms,He stood with his hands in his pockets, left the classroom, Souichi Rolo Eyes, that boy was problematic. In those days, there was not much to do, only to disappoint the students and take in its Little Face Performance throughout the semester. When it was as if I'd Gone in five minutes. Some boys were Nearing the end of the hour to intrude on their opportunities.To which just evaded, with a vague answer.

I hated eating in the cafeteria, but was dying of hunger. Resigned to go, took the short way through a pack of biscuits and a drink. In The cafeteria of the Morning News. I was sitting at a table for four people. The Other teachers ate lunch together, so that bilateral talks on their lives,But that he didn't think it was a good way of eating lunch.
The Bureau had much space. Not only had the time I ate at one of those tables, his company was no longer there, and there was no Remedy. I Miss spending time with him, maybe just complain about most things and always gave him the right to do so.Now he had to wait until you arrive to the apartment and only on some occasions have sufficient energy to wait.

- Souichi, what are you doing eating alone? - a Cookie in the mouth, turn to the voice that called it, was a girl of Caramel Colored Hair by inches above his shoulders, had a Sweet Voice, Souichi nodded his head in greeting.- Good Teacher Mei Girl apparently expecting an answer more Long Term chewing, Souichi cookie and spoke to her again - not only between the cafeteria, the cooler environment.

- Don't Call Me "Teacher" to come, if I'm a year younger than you!

- then...Hatoyama? Mei brought a Tray with Food and Drink, Souichi Imagine coming with friends,Or went to the Teachers' lounge. To answer the girl made a Stew, made next to the chair at the other end of the table where he was sitting and left Dish on the table, along with the Beverage, Leaving aside the tray. I see something Souichi Confused, Don't want to be rude, and less so to speak with a colleague, both started as alternates, but unlike him,She won the position by a retired Family and by a bacchante.

I - No, enough with that Boys barely four years unless I tell me, madam, can you believe it?

- "How am I supposed to do? 'apparently Mei was determined to engage in a conversation or the girl was alone and didn't want to eat with the teachers, although I knew very well how to treat a woman.- i'm glad to have a Companion of my age - I had met Mei from the first day I arrived, I had seen before even in the laboratory, but then was not an outstanding Girl. After she was asked to explain a little about the curriculum, she took a lot of confidence, but Souichi was Don't socialize with anyone,It was an easy flowing Conversation, mainly because most of the time the end without saying anything - and how you said very angry, My Brother came home that day, I didn't know what to say - Suddenly the News took something attractive, Mei talked too much - I have a partner, and I'm not sure as A Woman, I'm very concerned.

- He's gay?- Souichi raised an Eyebrow, diverting Mei chat, this was the answer and finally dropped with a Sigh. I Don't know, might as well if it is, anyway i can get into your life - I felt frustrated, Souichi is identified with that feeling. To say something on the subject,The Girl dropped her Mashed Potato and leaned on the table - but I am sure that somebody takes the Dream, in several respects, Mei change the tone a bit slower and with double meaning, Souichi choked - Now it turns out that the boy has more action than I - Rolo Eyes, then laugh, Souichi was not grace came to this topic?- I guess it's not time for a relationship, Don't you think? - Souichi Morinaga had in mind, the world was filled with gay everywhere and even he lived with one, in a way not very appropriate. And how to start the subject had changed in that way? Perhaps I had noticed something? After all she was a woman and you are somewhat intuitive,Or such nonsense that speaks and Kanako is always have reason to evasive answer took his Drink without Answer - I see you have a partner, right? He said that insinuándole knew more than covered the conversation.

- N - No, of course not - Let Souichi startled - without thinking, 'hell, is now formulated more Stupid questions, and what's with that of Homosexuals? '
- Oh, not me. I think that is a waste of time, but that does not mean that I'd like to go for a drink once in a while. - I made a mistake, at least you keep questioning me, Better Talk of his boring Life - Souichi is eased, but did not last Long, The Girl went back to flip The Conversation seems to go to the cafeteria was the worst.

- buy me something to eat, come on!- i raise One Eyebrow and Souichi observed, he had a great Smile, with a side of Mashed Potatoes by entering your mouth - So What do you say?

what Who Said? The answer was a clear no, that girl was dangerous, I had heard from other women, Mei one way or another always knew everything.

maybe someday - Dry responded to his invitation,Mei under the eyes embarrassed for being so insistent, it was clear that he had put a question to Souichi uncomfortable, then slid over her lips, The Last Resort. - are you gay?

if you choked on a piece of Biscuit, you'd Drown with your drink. Under the glass to walk with eyes wide open to capture all feeling and discover if I lied.How would She even ask? He created a Hole in the stomach, feeling nauseous, couple the nerves, but why are you nervous, almost want to sweat Cold? He was not gay, wasn't even close. - you kidding me or are you crazy? Of course not!

Mei laughed, in the face of Souichi, Saw how Angry he was with the question,Then decided to Risk a little more.

- so if you're not, why don't we go out to eat - Souichi parted Lips but Mei talked again discontinuing - If both are single, there will be no drawback is that not so? I thought it might be a problem if you're Gay and my insistence annoyed you but like you said no.

was between the Sword and the Wall. That woman was a Bitch,Anger that call you gay, in a public place. Whoever you would or could doubt that was Straight, plus a meal was nothing else. In response to that flexes The Shoulder was like, getting more laughter, that girl had to have at least an Off Button for it.

Souichi's Cell Phone began to vibrate, Mei almost wanted to climb on the table,Try to check a name marked the screen without Souichi noticed.

Souichi put Eyes on target, with the momentum of hang, recalled the moment that was awkward, almost thanking him, seeing that answer Mei took her purse. - it was nice to eat with you, I'm Drowning In work so I'm looking forward to it!

Souichi cracked teeth. At least I had been spared. I returned to the screen and read the name had already been left alone so I had to pretend to speak, and he Hung Up. Leave the phone on the table, while collecting his things, The Little stand, the Cellphone vibrated repeatedly, Dancing on the table. Taichirou

~ Isogai Souichi that bad,You hung up on me when you heard the call. As it is, no matter, to see what a good friend I am, at dinner to Kanako, also will bring you a little something for you and your little boyfriend. Play Nice, we
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