Suspiré mientras trataba de dormir, no lo conseguía así que giré de un dịch - Suspiré mientras trataba de dormir, no lo conseguía así que giré de un Anh làm thế nào để nói

Suspiré mientras trataba de dormir,

Suspiré mientras trataba de dormir, no lo conseguía así que giré de un lado al otro. Cerraba mis ojos pero el tornado de ideas que invadía mi cabeza no me permitía entrar al sueño profundo, era desesperante, me sentía ansioso. Decidí sentarme a pensar abiertamente, analizar este mal que me consumía, pero esas ideas se iban desvaneciendo. La sombra de su imagen se formó en mi cabeza y ahora sólo pensaba en él; siempre era él. Últimamente había caído en estado de estrés constante, llegaba siempre a conclusiones negativas al meditar sus acciones, nunca era suficiente, no era lo que esperaba. A pesar de mi intranquilidad trataba de mantener la misma imagen alegre de siempre, sonreía mientras cuestionaba el futuro incierto ¿Por qué atormentarse por lo que no había sucedido? Precisamente por eso, porque no había sucedido. Cada día deseaba más de Senpai, quería que nuestra relación avanzara a un punto sin retorno donde no pudiera arrepentirse más.

- ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que pensé en otra persona que no fuera él?

Era un tema recurrente al que era adicto y no tenía intenciones de rehabilitarme. Pero así como lo disfrutaba dolía. Me lastimaba su indiferencia, su inexpresividad y la poca sinceridad por sus sentimientos pero no podía culparlo ¿En verdad dudaba de lo que sentía o era que para Senpai no existía? No era honesto pero esa inocente e inexperta parte de él también la amaba. Me enamoré de su personalidad y de todos los problemas que conllevaba, siempre acepté esa parte. Me veía a mí mismo sentado en esta habitación, era algo increíble, compartía departamento con la persona que tanto amaba. No lo podía comparar en ningún sentido a mis primeros años en la universidad, sea lo que fuera esta relación que teníamos, había algo, algo muy especial. Estaba seguro que no compartiría las mismas experiencias que tiene conmigo con otra persona, él se adaptó a mí, él comprendía el fuerte amor que le profesaba pero yo no conocía el suyo; no estaba seguro de que existiera. ¿Él aceptaba mis sentimientos?

- Senpai, ¿Me quieres? Susurré.

Anteriormente me dijo que no huiría, me permitió quedarme a su lado y a su modo aceptaba lo que hacíamos en la privacidad de nuestra casa, pero jamás mencionó un "te quiero". Si me comportaba más quisquilloso eso ni siquiera podría ser rival para todos los te amos que ha recibido de mi parte. La distancia entre el querer y el amor es de proporciones inmensas; son similares, sencillo de confundirlos pero totalmente diferentes. Hasta la fecha no conseguí arrancarle una pequeña confesión ¿Cuánto más esperaría por la prueba final y más importante? Él se esforzaba por demostrarme al menos en caricias que me echaría de menos si me apartaba de su lado, aceptó acostarse conmigo y dejarme amarlo tanto como quisiera, tenía su consentimiento y parecía no resultarle desagradable como al principio. Robó un par de besos de mis labios, me ilusionó, me hizo desear su corazón más de lo que ya lo hacía. Todas sus acciones por diminutas que fueran me hacían feliz pero escucharlo de su voz era importante para mí. Anhelaba más que cualquier otra cosa saber lo importante que era para él, lo que sentía y lo que mis besos provocaban a su ser. Su silencio me entristecía, ¿Acaso sólo sentía lastima por mí? ¿Era la razón por la que me mantenía a su lado? ¿O el cariño que sentía por mí era diferente a mi amor?

- ¿Cuál de las dos es Senpai?

Sabía perfectamente que no podía exigirle una respuesta y aquí estaba torturándome una noche más. El reloj no se detenía y marcaba la hora de madrugada.

- Tengo que seguir como hasta ahora y esperar a que la respuesta llegué algún día. No debo ser egoísta y debo dejar de pensar en esto o Senpai lo notara.

Sí, él aprendió a leer mis expresiones y se daba cuenta de mis cambios de humor. Podía seguir engañando a mis amigos de la universidad, incluso podía engañarme a mí mismo pero a él no, ya no era tan sencillo. Y pensar que no podía recordar mi nombre hace algunos años. Tenía que ser más paciente, esto tomaría tiempo y luego de que vivimos una cercana separación supe que sería más tiempo del que pensaba. Si quería una respuesta de su parte debía escuchar con mucha atención y no con los oídos sino con el corazón.

Mis parpados fueron cayendo a medida de que la madrugada avanzaba y finalmente pude conciliar el sueño.


Era un nuevo día y como acostumbraba me levanté temprano e hice el desayuno. Mientras dejaba calentando la sopa miso echaba ropa a la lavadora para meterla a la secadora después de comer, procuraba aprovechar las mañanas al máximo pues regresaba bastante tarde y agotado. Nos preparamos para salir, cada uno tomó su respectiva mochila y nos despedimos al saber que iríamos por diferentes caminos. Solía ir todas las mañanas con Senpai a la universidad pero desde hace algunas semanas que me aceptaron en la farmacéutica y tenía que asistir con cierta frecuencia a entrenamientos antes de entrar a trabajar tiempo completo. Había ocasiones en que los entrenamientos se extendían por dos semanas y el horario no me permitía regresar, pero recientemente bastaba con que fuera un par de días por la mañana y en la tarde regresaba en tren. Seguía presentándome a clases y en las tardes le ayudaba a Senpai con sus experimentos además de instruir a los reemplazos que él había elegido para el tiempo en que yo tuviera que dejar la escuela. Al principio estaba asustado por su decisión pero con el tiempo me di cuenta que esto también formaba parte mi decisión. Ellos aparentaban ser muy capacitados, Senpai no tuvo otro motivo para elegirlos.

Uno de los asistentes era una linda chica de cabellos cortos color miel de nombre Mika; ella denotaba alegría y sería una buena idea tener a una mujer con un enfoque diferente ayudando con la investigación. El otro era un joven de lentes de apariencia amable llamado Tadokoro; él tenía habilidades más lógicas y se le facilitaba más la resolución de problemas que Mika-san. En su momento fueron potenciales enemigos al no conocer sus intenciones, me sentí abrumado, pero demostraron que se unieron al equipo con el único propósito de aprender del mejor alumno de agricultura de la facultad.

Después de terminar mis asuntos en la farmacéutica me encaminé rápidamente a la estación para alcanzar el tren que estaba a punto de salir. Cuando llegué a Nagoya estaba soñando despierto meditando una vez más la razón de mi insomnio, me bajé algo adormilado por el viaje cuando escuché a lo lejos una voz familiar.

- ¡Angel-kun!

Hiroto-kun se acercó entusiasmado de verme pero se quedó confundido al notar mi mirada perdida. Agitó su mano frente a mis ojos para sacarme de mis pensamientos.

- ¡Ah, lo siento! Hola Hiroto-kun, ¿Qué haces por aquí? Lo saludé con una sonrisa.

- Se hace tarde y tengo que limpiar antes de abrir el bar. Sólo venía a saludarte pero ahora hay algo que me tiene inquieto.

- ¿Y qué es?

- Tú eres el culpable Angel-kun ¿Qué es lo que pasa ahora? Te ves decaído y podría apostar que la razón es un corazón roto y preocupado.

- ¡Sí, es Senpai! Me lancé a sus brazos mientras lloraba inconsolablemente y tan exagerado como acostumbraba.

- Por favor tranquilízate, todo va a estar bien. Dijo mientras me daba palmaditas. - ¿Por qué no vienes hoy al bar y me lo cuentas todo? Eso ayudará a que pongas tus ideas en claro y dejes de estar angustiado. Sabes que soy todo oídos siempre que lo necesites.

- Muchas gracias Hiroto-kun, eres un gran amigo, no sé qué haría sin tu ayuda.

Él se despidió y yo me fui a la universidad. Prometí encontrarme con él por la noche pero eso ya no podría ser, para mi corazón sería demasiado tarde. Esa tarde fue espantosa, la peor en toda mi vida pues no estaba preparado para lo que mis ojos presenciarían al abrir la puerta del laboratorio. Yo estaba tremendamente emocionado por regresar, tenía fervientes deseos de verlo y no podía esperar un minuto más. Aquel día había un misterioso silencio por los pasillos que me provocó escalofríos, no había un alma en la universidad por donde quiera que viera. Al llegar a mi destino y deslizar la puerta mi vista se nubló y mi corazón se detuvo. Las fuerzas me abandonaban poco a poco al ver a Senpai cometiendo traición. Él estaba besando a Mika-san con una pasión que nunca mostró conmigo, estaba sobre ella tomando visible dominio. Era fácil deducir lo que sucedía al observar una situación como ésta. Yo soy alguien impulsivo por lo que no pensé reaccionar de la manera en que lo hice, mi mente se puso en blanco. De un momento a otro los celos aventaban mil ideas que se convirtieron en un dolor de cabeza.

- Esto es un error, sólo estoy dejando a mi imaginación volar y que me controle.

No, en el fondo sabía que no era así.

- Hola…

Mi boca fue más rápida que mi cabeza y esa fue la única palabra que salió luego de entrar al infierno.

- ¡Ah, Morinaga-san!

Mika se veía colorada y con prisa abotonó la parte superior de su camisa. Ambas batas se encontraban olvidadas en la mesa de trabajo y podía ver en sus labios evidencia que comprobaba mi teoría.

- M-morinaga, no es lo que parece, lo que pasa es que…
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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I sighed while trying to sleep, not getting it so I turned from one side to the other. I closed my eyes but the tornado of ideas that invaded my head did not allow me to enter deep sleep, was desperate, I felt anxious. I decided to sit and think openly, analyze this evil that I consumed, but these ideas were fading. The shadow of his image was formed in my head and now only thought of him; was it always. He had lately fallen into constant stress state, always came to negative conclusions to ponder his actions, it was never enough, it wasn't what I expected. Despite my uneasiness he tried to keep the same cheerful image of always, she smiled while he questioned the uncertain future would why torment is by what had not happened? Precisely for this reason, because had not happened. Every day I wanted more of Senpai, I wanted our relationship to progress to a point of no return where no could repent more.-When was the last time that I thought about another person that he wasn't?It was a recurring theme to which he was addicted and had no intentions to rehabilitate me. But just as I enjoyed it hurt. It was hurting me his indifference, its blankness and little sincerity by feelings but you could not blame him would really doubted what they felt or was that for Senpai does not exist? It wasn't honest but that innocent and inexperienced part of he also loved her. I fell in love with his personality and all the problems that entailed, always accepted that part. I saw myself sitting in this room, it was something incredible, shared Department with the person he loved so much. It could not compare it in no sense my first years at the University, is what was this relationship we had, there was something, something very special. I was sure that it would not share the same experiences with another person with me, it was adapted to me, he understood the strong love that professed him but I did not know his; I wasn't sure that exist. He accepted my feelings?-Senpai, do you love Me? I susurré.He previously said that he would not flee, it allowed me to stay by his side and in his own way he accepted what we did in the privacy of our home, but he never mentioned an "I love you". If I entailed more fussy that even could be rival to all the you masters you received from my part. The distance between the love and love is of immense proportions; they are similar, easy-to-confuse them but totally different. So far I could not extract a small confession would more expect for the final and most important test? He endeavored to show me at least in caresses that I would you miss if I away from his side, agreed to sleep with me and let me love him so much as I wanted, had your consent and seemed to not be unpleasant at the beginning. He stole a couple of kisses from my lips, it excited me, made me wish your heart more than it already did. All of its actions by tiny that they were made me happy but hear it in her voice was important to me. He longed for more than anything else know how important that was for him, I felt and it caused my kisses to her being. His silence grieved me, would just felt sorry for me? Was it the reason why I kept beside her? Or the affection that he felt for me was different than my love?-Which of the two is Senpai?I knew perfectly that he could not demand a response and here he was torturing me one more night. The watch did not stop and marked the hour of dawn.-I have to follow as usual and wait for the answer arrived one day. I must not be selfish and I should stop thinking about this or Senpai would notice it.Yes, he learned to read my expression and knew of my mood swings. Couldn't follow deceiving my friends from University, couldn't even fool me myself but him not, was not as simple. And to think that I could not remember my name a few years ago. It had to be more patient, this would take time and after that we live close spaced knew that it would be more time than he thought. If you wanted a response on your part should listen carefully and not with the ears but with the heart.My eyelids were dropping to measure that the morning progressed and I could finally get to sleep.-.-.-.-.-It was a new day and as usual I woke up early and made breakfast. Leaving heating soup miso I missed clothes to the washing machine to get it in the dryer after eating, it sought to take advantage of the most mornings because he returned quite late and exhausted. We prepare to leave, each took their respective backpack and we left knowing that we would be in different ways. I used to go every morning with Senpai to the University but few weeks ago that I got accepted in the pharmaceutical and had to regularly attend training before going to work full time. There were occasions in which training extended by two weeks, schedule did not allow me to go back, but recently enough that out a couple of days in the morning and in the evening returning by train. Still presenting me to classes and in the afternoon helped him Senpai with his experiments as well as instruct replacements he had chosen for the time that I had to leave school. At first he was scared for his decision, but over time I realized that this was also part my decision. They appeared to be highly skilled, Senpai had no other reason to choose them.One of the attendees was a cute girl of Mika name honey-coloured short hair; it denoted a joy and it would be a good idea to have a woman with a different approach to helping with the investigation. The other was a young man of friendly appearance lenses called Tadokoro; He had more logical skills and are more facilitated the resolution of problems that Mika-san. At the time were potential enemies not knowing their intentions, I felt overwhelmed, but showed that they joined the team for the sole purpose of learning from the best student of the Faculty of agriculture.After finishing my affairs in the pharmaceutical I walked quickly to the station to reach the train which was about to leave. When I arrived in Nagoya he was daydreaming meditating once again the reason for my insomnia, I got me something asleep for the trip when I heard a familiar voice in the distance.-Angel-kun!Hiroto-kun approached excited to see me but was confused to notice my stare. He waved his hand in front of my eyes to get me out of my thoughts.-Oh, sorry! Hello Hiroto-kun, what are you doing here? I greeted him with a smile.-It's getting late and I need to clean before opening the bar. It only came to greet you, but there is now something that has me restless.- And what is?-You are the guilty Angel-kun what what happens now? You look down and you could bet that the reason is a broken and troubled heart.-Yes, is Senpai! I went to her arms as she wept inconsolably and so exaggerated as I used to.-Please calm down, everything will be OK. He said while giving me Pat. -Why do not you come today to the bar and it tell me everything? That will help you put your ideas clear and sure to be distressed. You know that I am all ears whenever you need it.-Many thanks Hiroto-kun, you are a great friend, I don't know what would do without your help.He said goodbye and I went to College. I promised to meet with him at night but that could not be, for my heart it would be too late. That afternoon was terrible, the worst in my life was not prepared for what my eyes neck to open the door of the laboratory. I was tremendously excited to return, had fervent desire to see him and could not wait one more minute. That day there was a mysterious silence through the corridors that caused me chills, there was not a soul at the University where you want to see. To get to my destination and slide door clouded my view and my heart stopped. The forces I gradually left to see Senpai committing treason. He was kissing Mika-San with a passion that never was with me, was about her taking visible domain. It was easy to deduce what happened to observe a situation like this. I am someone impulsive so I didn't react in the way that I did it, my mind was blank. From one moment to another jealousy backwards thousand ideas that became a headache.-This is an error, I'm just letting my imagination fly and that I check.No, in the background I knew that it was not so.-Hello...My mouth was faster than my head and that was the only word that came out after entering hell.-Ah, Morinaga-san!Mika looked red and rushed abotonó the top of his shirt. Both robes were forgotten in the Workbench and I could see her lips evidence that proved my theory.-M-morinaga, is not what it seems, what happens is that...
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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I sighed as I tried to sleep, he did not get so turned from side to side. I closed my eyes but the tornado of ideas that filled my head would not let me go to sleep, I was desperate, I felt anxious. I decided to sit and think openly discuss this evil that consumed me, but those ideas were fading. The shadow of his image formed in my head and now only thought of him; he always was. Lately he had fallen into a state of constant stress, always came to negative conclusions to ponder his actions, it was never enough, it was not what I expected. Despite my uneasiness I was to maintain the same image always cheerful, smiling while questioning the uncertain future Why agonizing over what had happened? Precisely, because it had happened. Every day wanted more than Senpai, I wanted our relationship to progress to a point of no return where he could not repenting. - When was the last time I thought about someone else but him? It was a theme to which he was addicted and not he intended to rehabilitate. But just as he enjoyed hurt. I hurt his indifference, blankness and glibly about their feelings but she could not blame You really doubted what was or was that there was Senpai? It was not that innocent and honest but inexperienced part he loved her. I loved his personality and all the problems that entailed, I always accepted that part. I saw myself sitting in this room, it was incredible, shared department with the person he loved. I could not compare in any way to my first years in college, whatever it was this relationship that we had, there was something very special. I was sure that would not share the same experiences that you have me with someone else, he adapted to me, he understood the strong love for him but I did not know his; I was not sure existed. Does he accept my feelings? - Senpai, I want? I whispered. Previously told me not to run away, let me stay with him and his so accepted what we were doing in the privacy of our home, but never said "I love you". If I behaved more picky that might not even be clear to all masters that you have received from me. The distance between wanting and love is of immense proportions; They are similar, but simpler to confound completely different. So far I did not manage to extract a confession small How much more would wait for the final and most important test? He was trying to show me at least caress that would miss me if I left her side, she agreed to sleep with me and love me as much as I wanted to, had his consent and seemed to find it unpleasant as ever. He stole a few kisses my lips, I was deluded, made ​​me wish your heart more than they already did. All his actions were tiny which made ​​me happy but hear his voice was important to me. Wanted more than anything to know how important it was for him, how he felt and what caused my kisses his being. His silence saddened me, Did I just felt sorry for me? Was the reason that I supported his side? Or the affection he felt for me was different than my love? - Which of the two is Senpai? He knew he could not require an answer and was torturing me one more night here. The clock is stopped and marked the dawn hour. - I have to carry on as before and wait for the answer came one day. I must not be selfish and I stop thinking about this or Senpai noticed. Yes, he learned to read my expressions and realized my moods. He could continue to deceive my college friends, he could even fool myself but they did not, it was not so simple. And to think that I could not remember my name some years ago. It had to be more patient, this would take time and live after a close separation knew it would be longer than they thought. If you wanted a response from you should listen carefully and not with your ears but with the heart. My eyelids were falling as the morning progressed that could finally sleep. -.-.-.-.- Era a new day and as usual I got up early and made ​​breakfast. While heating the miso soup left threw clothes into the washer to the dryer to put it after eating morning tried to take it back up pretty late and exhausted. We prepared to leave, each took their respective backpack and said goodbye knowing we were going separate ways. I used to go every morning with Senpai to college but some weeks they accepted me in the pharmaceutical ago and had to attend a training quite often before going to work full time. There were times in workouts extended by two weeks and the schedule does not allow me to return, but recently enough that a couple of days off in the morning and in the afternoon return by train. He kept introducing me to classes and afternoon Senpai helped him with his experiments in addition to instructing the replacements he had chosen for the time I had to leave school. At first I was frightened by his decision but eventually I realized that this was also part of my decision. They appeared to be very capable, Senpai had no other reason to choose them. One of the attendees was a pretty girl with short hair honey Mika name; He betrayed her joy and would be a good idea to have a woman with a different approach helping with the investigation. The other was a young man named lenses Tadokoro friendly appearance; he had more logical skills and is more easier troubleshooting Mika-san. At the time were potential enemies not knowing his intentions, I was overwhelmed, but showed who joined the team for the sole purpose of learning from the best student of agriculture faculty. After finishing my affairs in the pharmaceutical I walked quickly Station to catch the train that was about to leave. When I arrived in Nagoya was daydreaming meditating once again the reason for my insomnia, I got something groggy from the journey when I heard in the distance a familiar voice. - Angel-kun Hiroto-kun came excited to see me but stayed noticing my puzzled stare. He waved his hand in front of me to get me out of my thoughts. - Oh, sorry! Hello Hiroto-kun, what are you doing here? I greeted him with a smile. - It's getting late and I have to clear before opening the bar. Just came to say hello but now there is something that has me worried. - And what is it? - You're the culprit Angel-kun What happens now? You look listless and could bet that the reason is a broken and troubled heart. - Yes, it's Senpai! I jumped into his arms as she wept inconsolably and so exaggerated as usual. - Please calm down, everything will be fine. He said while patting me. - Why do not you come today to the bar and tell me everything? That will help you put your ideas into clear and stop being distressed. You know I'm all ears whenever you need. - Thank Hiroto-kun, you're a great friend, do not know what I'd do without you. He said goodbye and I went to college. I promised to meet him at night but that could not be, for my heart is too late. That afternoon was dreadful, the worst in my life as I was not prepared for what my eyes would witness to open the lab door. I was extremely excited to return, had fervent desire to see it and could not wait another minute. That day there was an eerie silence through the corridors that gave me chills, there was not a soul in college wherever they see. Arriving at my destination and slide the door my vision blurred and my heart stopped. The forces gradually abandoned me to see Senpai committing treason. He was kissing Mika-san with a passion that never showed me, it was about taking visible domain. It was easy to figure out what happened to observe a situation like this. I am someone impulsive so I did not think to react the way I did, my mind went blank. From time to time jealousy fanning thousand ideas that became a headache. - This is a mistake, I'm just letting my imagination fly and control me. No, basically I knew it was not. - Hello ... My mouth was faster than my head and that was the only word left then go to hell. - Ah, Morinaga-san! Mika looked flushed and hastily buttoned the top of his shirt. Both coats it were forgotten in the desk and could see his lips evidence checked my theory. - M-Morinaga, is not what it seems, it's just that ...

đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
While I was sleeping, I Got So Turned from one side to the other. I closed My Eyes, but the tornado of ideas which filled My Head didn't allow me to enter the Deep Sleep, I was desperate, I felt anxious. I decided to sit down and think clearly, analyzing This evil that I did, but those ideas were fading.The Shadow of His image was formed in my head and now only thought of him; He always was. I was in a State of Constant stress was always negative Inferences to ponder his actions, it was never enough, not what I was expecting. Despite my concern was to maintain the same image always cheerful,She smiled as she questioned why the uncertain future burdened by what had happened? Precisely why, because had not happened. Every day I wanted more of senpai, wanted our relationship progressed to a Point of no return could not repent.

- When was the last time you thought about anybody else that wasn't him?

It was a recurring theme that was Addicted and had no intentions of Rehab. But as I was hurt. I was Hurting his indifference, his blankness and Little sincerity for your feelings but I couldn't blame him really doubted what was or was not for senpai existed? But that was not honest, innocent and inexperienced part of him also loved her.I love your personality and all the problems associated with, I always accepted that. I saw myself Sitting in this room, it was incredible, shared the apartment with the person loved. I could not compare in any sense in my first years in College, whatever it was this relationship that we had something very special.I was sure I wouldn't share the same experience with me with another person, he adapted to me, he understood the strong love that but I didn't know it was yours. I wasn't sure you exist. He accepted my feelings?

senpai, do you love me? I whispered.

I previously said he wouldn't Run,Let me stay at your side and your way of what we did in the privacy of Our House, but he never mentioned a "I Love You". If I behaved more picky that might even rival All The Masters that you have received from me. The distance between the love and love is of immense proportions; are similar, easy to confuse but completely different.To date, no I got a Little confession would take much more and more important for the final test? He strives to prove at least in caresses you would miss me if I let it out of his hand, agreed to sleep with me and let me love him as much as I had your consent and seemed not to be unpleasant at first.Stole a couple Kisses of My Lips, I was excited, I Wish Your Heart more than it already was. All their actions by Tiny that made me happy to hear her voice, but it was important to me. Craved more than anything else to know how important it was for him, what he felt and what my Kisses led to his being. His Silence made me Sad,Only felt sorry for me? Was the reason I kept Your Side? Or the Affection he had for me was different to my love?

- which is the Champ?

I knew I couldn't demand an answer, and here I was torturing me for One More Night. The Clock is stopped and set the hour of Dawn.- I have to continue as up to now and wait for the response arrived one day. I should not be Selfish and I should stop thinking about this notice or Senpai.

he learned to read my expressions and realize my Mood swings. I could go on deceiving My College Friends, could even Fool Myself, but not him, was not so simple.And to think that I could not remember my name some years ago. It had to be more patient, this will take time, and after that we live a close Separation knew that it would be more time than I thought. If I wanted your response should listen attentively and with the ears but not with the heart.My eyelids were falling as the night progressed and I could finally sleep.

-. -. -. -. -

it was a New Day and as he got up early and made breakfast. While he was Warming the Miso Soup to the washing machine for clothes into the dryer after eating, sought to exploit the maximum because the morning was quite late and exhausted.Prepare to leave, each took his backpack and we say goodbye knowing that go by different roads. I used to go every morning with senpai to University but for some weeks I was in the pharmaceutical and frequently had to attend to training before going to work full time.There were occasions in which the training is extended for two weeks and Schedule didn't allow me to return, but recently it was enough for a couple of days in the morning and in the afternoon return by train.Continued from classes in the afternoon and I helped him with his senpai Experiments in addition to instruct the replacements he had chosen for the time that I had to leave school. At first I was Scared By his decision, but over time I realized that this was my decision. They appeared to be very capableSenpai had no other reason to choose them. One of the attendees was a girl named Mika honey colored Hair Short; her "Joy and it would be a good idea to have a woman with a different approach to assist with the investigation. Another was a young man named Tadokoro Lens friendly appearance;He had Skills more logical and is facilitated the resolution of problems that Mika San. At the time they were potential Enemies did not know their Intentions, I felt overwhelmed, but showed that joined the team with the sole purpose of Learning from the Best Student of the Faculty of Agriculture.After Finishing my Affairs in the Pharmaceutical, I quickly went to the station to catch the train that I was about to leave. When I arrived in Nagoya was daydreaming meditating once again the reason of my insomnia, I downloaded some Sleepy for the journey far away when I heard a familiar Voice.

- Angel - kun!

Hiroto Kun came excited me but he was confused to see my eyes. He waved his hand in front of my eyes to get my thoughts.

Oh, sorry! Hello Hiroto kun, what are you doing here? I greeted him with a smile. - IT's getting late and I have to clean up before we open the bar. I just came to say hello, but now there's something I got Restless. - What is it?

- You're the Guilty Angel kun, what happens now? You look tired and could Bet that the reason is a Broken Heart and concerned.

- Yeah, Champ! I threw myself into his arms while Crying inconsolably and as much as I used to. - Calm down, everything's gonna be fine. He said while I patted her gently. - Why don't you come today to the bar and tell me everything.This will help you to put your ideas into clear and don't be Distressed. You know, I'm All Ears whenever you need it.

thank Hiroto kun, you're a Great Man, I Don't know what I'd do without your help.

he fired and I went to College. I promised to meet him at night, but it could not be, for my heart, it would be too late. That afternoon was awful,The Worst in my life because I was not prepared for what my eyes witnessed by opening the door of the laboratory. I was tremendously excited about going back, had Strong desires of him and couldn't wait a minute. That day was a mysterious Silence through the corridors which gave me Chills, there was not a Soul in the University where I saw him.To reach my destination and Sliding Door became my sight and my heart stopped. Forces left me Little by little to see senpai committing treason. He was Kissing Mika San with a Passion that never showed me, was she taking visible domain. It was easy to deduce what happened to observe a situation like this.I'm someone impulsive so I didn't REACT the way I did, My Mind went Blank. From one moment to another Jealousy threw a Thousand ideas that became a headache. - This is a mistake, I'm just letting my Imagination Fly and control me. No, I knew in my heart it was not so.

...My mouth was quicker than my head and that's the only word that came later to enter Hell.

Oh, Morinaga san!

Mika hurry abotonó looked Red and the top of his shirt. Both Coats were Forgotten in the work table and could see his lips found evidence that my Theory.

- M - Morinaga, isn't what it looks like, what happens is...
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