Morinaga volteo a verme como si estuviera pidiendo mi autorización a l dịch - Morinaga volteo a verme como si estuviera pidiendo mi autorización a l Anh làm thế nào để nói

Morinaga volteo a verme como si est

Morinaga volteo a verme como si estuviera pidiendo mi autorización a lo que le conteste asintiendo con la cabeza. Cada uno lo tomo de un brazo y lo cargamos hasta la regadera. Su cuerpo se sentía muy caliente y sudoroso, esa sensación me desagradaba. Morinaga seguía preocupándose por él y le dijo que debía atender sus heridas, pero él menciono que primero debería calmarse. Nos pidió salir del baño a lo que no pensé dos veces y abandone la habitación.

Ambos nos sentamos en la sala mientras permanecíamos en silencio procesando lo ocurrido. La verdad era que quería terminar con la conversación que había dejado pendiente pero en ese momento mi cabeza no tenía espacio para más problemas. Una vez más no era el momento. Parecía que el tema era tabú, cada que intentaba hablar de eso algo se interponía o yo terminaba arrepintiéndome. Cada vez sentía que la piedra que llevaba cargando se hacía más grande, en algún momento no podría cargarla más o terminaría por aplastarme.

Esperamos alrededor de media hora hasta que la puerta del baño se abrió. El chico salió solo envuelto en una toalla de baño sujetándose de la puerta del marco frunciendo un poco su cara, seguramente era el dolor e incomodidad que sentía. No quería moverse mucho así que solicito que le pasáramos un cambio de ropa de su maleta. Me acerque para ayudar a Morinaga sacando la ropa.

- ¿Q-que demonios es esto? Exprese confundido y enojado sosteniendo ropa interior femenina.

- Pregunte ¿QUÉ DEMONIOS ES ESTO? Desde donde estaba le lance unos calzoncillos a la cara. Se asustó y callo sentado. Yo me acerque a él con mi puño cerrado sosteniendo algo más con mi otra mano.

- ¿Por qué demonios tienes algo así?... y no solo eso, TAMBIÉN TIENES LA PARTE DE ARRIBA. Dije ahora lanzándole un brasier con la cara un poco roja. Sentía mis manos temblar de rabia pero ahora no gritaría saliéndome de control y diciendo cosas que lastimaran a Morinaga, porque aunque me molestará él seguía siendo algo así como su amigo. - ¡EXPLÍCATE! Dije mientras lo señalaba.

Morinaga se acercaba por detrás con un vestido doblado entre sus brazos.

- Espera… Me dirigía ahora hacía Morinaga señalando el cambio que traía. - ¿No hay algo más normal que pueda ponerse?... algo no tan femenino.

- Pues… Comenzó a rascar su cabeza con nerviosismo.

- Es todo lo que tengo. Me decía sonrojado quien yacía en el suelo. - Desde la ropa hasta lo interior todo es de mujer, sería extraño que vistiera como hombre siendo una modelo. Así que ahora no tengo nada "apropiado".

- ¿No sería más NORMAL vestir como hombre?... ¿Cómo lo que eres? Trataba de mantener la calma pero simplemente no lo entendía.

- T-tengo mis razones… lo… lo siento.

- ¡Tsk! No queda de otra… tendré que prestarte algo ropa. Lleve mi mano a la cabeza sobándome la sien.

Volteo a verme sorprendido subiendo la cabeza que había mantenido mirando al suelo desde que cayó.

- Aunque tal vez te quede un poco grande… Murmuré con mi mano en la barbilla, observándolo de pies a cabeza.

- N-no es necesario…

- Claro que lo es. Puedes vestirte como quieras allá afuera, ¡no me importa!, pero mientras estás aquí te lo prohibido. También la ropa interior… debe haber nueva que pueda darte, ¡no puedes usar ese tipo de cosas estando aquí!

Me di la vuelta y Morinaga me estaba sonriendo. Estaba de acuerdo en cómo arregle las cosas pero a decir verdad seguía molesto por eso y muchas otras cosas más. Fui a mi habitación por la ropa y cuando regrese él se cambió en el baño. Salió y ahora se parecía más un chico; el pantalón y camisa eran algo largos para él pero era mejor a tener que verlo vestido de mujer otra vez. Pidió prestado nuestro botiquín para curarse, aunque Morinaga se ofreció a ayudarlo, al final termino también haciendo eso solo.

- Yuu-chan ¿quieres que arregle tu cabello? Casualmente le pregunto con una sonrisa. Esa oferta me había molestado mucho, aunque yo sabía que Morinaga cortaba de vez en cuando le pelo de sus amigos me irritaba todas las atenciones que tenía con él.

- ¿Acaso estoy celoso de él?... no puede ser… él es un hombre. Aunque los dos son… ¡ahhhhh! no pensaré en eso, es RIDÍCULO.

El imbécil acepto y el tarado de Morinaga termino cortando su cabello. Yo encendí el televisor para no prestarles atención pero era imposible ya que se la pasaban parloteando. Los miraba de reojo. A pesar de que Morinaga acababa de enterarse de su mentira estaba platicando como si nada hubiera pasado y siguieran siendo los mejores amigos.

- Cuanta tolerancia tiene. Yo no soporto las mentiras, detesto que me oculten la ver…dad. Sentí una punzada en el pecho mientras reflexionaba. Yo estaba haciendo lo mismo.

Tan pronto terminó con su tarea Yuuhiro se acercó y se sentó en el sofá de junto. Le costaba un poco de trabajo el sentarse y acomodarse. Morinaga guardó las tijeras, barrió el cabello y limpió.

- Gracias Morinaga-niisan, me gusto como quedó mi cabello.

- No hay de que, tan solo lo empareje un poco. Río un poco ocultando su vergüenza por el alago.

- ¿Emparejarlo? Pero si quedo estupendo. Creo que me podría acostumbrar a llevar el cabello así. Sonrió un poco más mientras seguía agradeciéndole.

Volteaba a verlos de reojo mientras me molestaba por su plática tan trivial. Encendí un cigarrillo mientras renegaba para mí mismo e intentaba ignorarlos. - Tsk!

- ¡Es verdad. Con toda esta conmoción olvide por completo la cena! Se percató de mi mal humor mientras me miraba fumar. Se daba media vuelta con dirección a la cocina, cuando una vez más detuvieron su andar.

- E-espera un momento Moringa-niisan.

- ¿Eh? ¿Qué sucede Yuu-chan?

Hablaba con Morinaga pero de repente dirigía su vista hacía a mí. Estaba muy serio y prestándole atención vi sus manos temblar ligeramente.

- Mmmm… no sé cómo decirlo pero… ¿podría hablar a solas con Tatsumi-san?

- ¿¡Quéééé!? Se escuchó al unísono. Yo me pare de un brinco de mi lugar y Morinaga por poco pierde el equilibrio por la impresión.

- ¿Conmigo? ¿De qué querrías hablar conmigo? Estaba confundido.

- Es algo de suma importancia. Por favor.

Había decisión y desesperación en sus ojos. Eran esmeralda, tal y como los de él, parecían cristalizarse y a punto de derramar una lágrima. Sentí nostalgia y un poco de empatía. Desde cuando me había vuelto tan considerado con otras personas, más si me irritaban tanto como esta persona. ¿Es por qué se parecen? ¿Es por qué al ver sus ojos veo la misma tristeza y pesar?

Después de discutir por un rato más acepte hablar con él. Morinaga tampoco estaba seguro de dejarnos solos pero temía más por lo que pudiera hacerle a su amigo que otra cosa, tal vez yo le había dado pie a pensar así pero lo resolví explicándole y echándolo a empujones. Estando afuera dijo que iría a comprar la cena y me pidió tener más paciencia que la que acostumbraba tener. Regresé al recibidor en donde él me esperaba sentado.

- Y bien, ¿qué asunto tienes que tratar conmigo?

- B-bien… pues… no sé por dónde empezar. Dijo mientras entrelazaba sus manos, bastante nervioso.

- ¡Tan solo di lo que tengas que decir, no me hagas perder mi tiempo!

- E-está bien, entonces voy a ser directo. ¿Morinaga-niisan sabe sobre lo que ocurrió con su mamá?

- ¿Eh? Hice una pausa y me quede mudo. Su pregunta fue como un cubetazo de agua fría, me puse muy nervioso y estaba a punto de quebrar. Me sentía muy sensible cuando mencionaban el tema. Además el nerviosismo me invadía al ocultar una verdad tan importante, me sentía cometer el peor de los crímenes. - ¿D-de que estas hablando? Traté de sonar calmado pero no podía modular mi voz.

- Por tu reacción es obvio que sabes lo que pasa, ¿no es así?

Me acerque a él y lo tome del cuello de la camisa sujetándolo para ponerlo de pie. Cerré mi puño e iba a golpearlo, en esos momentos no estaba pensando con la cabeza, tan solo quería callarlo, no quería que fuera a decir algo innecesario frente a Morinaga cuando regresara. No sabía de dónde demonios había sacado esa información pero era peligroso. Me sentía bastante inquieto y arrinconado. Volví en mí al verlo quejarse, estaba dispuesto a golpearlo, pero él apretaba los dientes y ojos fuertemente en señal de dolor.

- ¿D-de donde escuchaste eso? Abrí lentamente mi puño y lo baje aventándolo al sofá.

- Recibí una carta… de ella. Lo vi tensarse y pasar saliva intentando deshacer el nudo que, aunque invisible, parecía presente en su garganta.

- ¿C-cómo que una carta…? ¿De ella? ¿QUÉ DEMONIOS ESTAS DICIENDO?

Me sentía lidiar ante un gran problema. Cada que abría la boca no hacía otra cosa que intrigarme cada vez más, sentía como si estuviera al descubierto y estuvieran leyendo a través de todas mis falsas verdades. Se portaba muy misterioso y ahora pensaba que estaba en lo correcto al desconfiar de el-ella desde el principio.

- ¿Quién rayos es la persona que está frente a mí? ¿Por qué sabe todas estas cosas?... y ¿Qué es eso de la carta? No hay manera de que este diciendo la verdad. Me niego a creer en ello.

- No me crees verdad. Era de esperarse, yo tampoco creería todo lo que ha pasado… puede que incluso al explicarte no me entiendas.

- ¡Deja de hacerte el maldito interesante, bastardo! Habla… o no me haré responsable por lo que pueda ocurrirte. Di un golpe justo al lado de su rostro, lo que hiso que se asustará y diera un brinco.

- Lo siento, lo siento. Entonces él todavía no sabe nada... Suspiró y anunció como si esa fuera la conclusión a la que hubiera llegado. Agacho su mirada por unos instantes y vi sus labios temblar, luego se incorporó y se mostraba serio una vez más. - Hay algo importante que… no sé lo que vayas a hacer después de que te diga pero… aquí voy.

Ya me tenía harto que estuviera dándole tantas vueltas al asunto y no dijera nada en concreto. Si seguía haciéndose el tonto poco me iban a importar los golpes que ya tenía o lo que me fuera a decir Morinaga; echo a su amiguito a patadas si es necesario.
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Morinaga dump to me as if he were asking my permission to answer him nodding his head. Each took an arm and carry it to the shower. His body felt hot and sweaty, I dislike that feeling. Morinaga was still worrying about it and said that it should take care of his wounds, but he mentioned that he should first calm down. He asked us to go the bathroom which did not think twice and leave the room.Both sit in the room while we remained silent processing what has happened. The truth was that I wanted to put an end to the conversation that had been left pending but at that time my head did not have space for more problems. Once again was not the time. It seemed that the issue was taboo, each that it was trying to talk about that rather stood or I ended up repenting. Increasingly felt that the stone had been charged was larger, at some point not it could load it more or would eventually crush me.We waited about half an hour until the bathroom door opened. The guy left holding just wrapped in a bath towel door frame slightly easing its face, surely was the pain and discomfort I felt. He didn't move much so I would ask that we go you a change of clothes in your suitcase. I move to help Morinaga removing clothes.-Q-who the hell is this? Voice confused and angry holding ladies underwear.-Ask what the hell is this? From where it was lance le underpants to the face. He panicked and quiet sitting. I me closer to him with my closed fist holding something more with my other hand.-Why demons got something so?... and not only that, also have the part above. I said now throwing a bra with the face slightly red. I felt my hands tremble with rage but now he would not cry me out of control and saying things that hurt to Morinaga, because although it bothered me was still something as a friend. -EXPLAIN TO YOU! I said as I pointed out it.Morinaga was approaching from behind with a dress folded his arms.-Waiting... I was going now towards Morinaga pointing out the change that brought. -No more normal thing to be?... something not so feminine.-Because... He began to scratch his head nervously.-She is all I have. Told me flushed who lay on the ground. -From the clothing to the interior is female, it would be strange to dressed as a man to be a model. So now I have nothing 'appropriate'.-Would it not be more NORMAL to dress as a man?... How are you? Trying to stay calm but simply did not understand it.-T - I have my reasons... it... sorry.-Tsk! No remains of another... will have to lend you some clothes. Take my hand to the head rubbing my temples.Turning to me surprised up head that had kept looking at the floor since it fell.-Although it is perhaps a little big... I murmuré with my hand on his chin, looking at him from head to toe.-N-no need...-Of course it is. You can dress as you like beyond outside, I don't care!, but while you are here you what is forbidden. Also the underwear... There must be new that can give you, can not use such things being here!I turned and Morinaga was smiling on me. Agreed on how fix things but to say truth remained upset by that and many other things. I went to my room for clothes and when he returns he is changed in the bathroom. It came out and now more resembled a guy; pants and shirt were rather long for it but it was better to have to see him dress women again. It borrowed our Kit to be cured, although Morinaga volunteered to help him, the final term also doing that alone.-Yuu-chan would like to fix your hair? Casually asked with a smile. That offer had bothered me much, but I know that Morinaga cut occasionally hair you friends I was irritated all the attention it had with him.-Perhaps am I jealous of him?... cannot be... He is a man. Although the two are... ahhhhh! I do not think that, it's RIDICULOUS.The imbecile accept and the spring rate of Morinaga finish cutting your hair. I turned on the TV to not to pay attention to them, but was impossible since they passed her prattling. He looked at them askance. While Morinaga had just learned of his lie was talking as if nothing had happened and they remained best friends.-How much tolerance has. I can't stand the lies, I hate that they hide me see... dad. I felt a twinge in the chest while he pondered. I was doing the same thing.Soon ended with homework Yuuhiro went and sat on the sofa together. Cost you a little bit of work to sit and settle. Morinaga kept the scissors, hair swept and cleaned.-Thanks Morinaga-niisan, I like my hair was.-There's that match it just a little. River a little hiding their shame by the alake.-Match it? But if I'm super. I think I could get used to wear the hair as well. He smiled a little more while still thanking him.He turned to look at them sideways while it bothered me by their talk so trivial. I lit a cigarette while he rejected for myself and tried to ignore them. -Tsk!-It is true. With all this commotion completely forget the dinner! He noticed my bad mood while watching me smoking. Half-turn occurred with direction to the kitchen, when once again stopped his walk.-E-espera a moment Moringa-niisan.-Huh? What Yuu-chan?He spoke with Morinaga, but suddenly he was heading his view was to me. It was very serious and paying attention I saw his hands tremble slightly.-Mmmm... don't know how to say it but... it could speak alone with Tatsumi-san?-Queeee! It was heard in unison. I stop me a bounce of my place and Morinaga narrowly loses his balance by printing.-With me? What would you like to talk to me? I was confused.-It is something very important. Please.There was decision and desperation in their eyes. They were Emerald, as those of it, seemed to crystallize and about to shed a tear. I felt nostalgia and a bit of empathy. Since when I had become so concerned with other people, more if they irritated me so much as this person. Is why they look like? Is it why seeing her eyes I see the same sadness and weigh?After arguing for one little longer accept talk to him. Morinaga was not sure to leave us alone but most feared for what could do to his friend than anything else, maybe I had given him standing to think so, but I solved it explaining and throwing it to shoving. While outside he said that it would buy dinner and asked me to be more patient than that used to have. I returned to the hallway where he awaited me sitting.- And well, what issue you have to deal with me?-B-bien... well... don't know where to start. She said as she twirls her hands, quite nervous.-Just say what you have to say, I don't waste my time!-E-is good, then I will be direct. Morinaga-niisan knows about what happened with his mother?-Huh? I did a pause and left me silent. Your question was as a cubetazo of cold water, I was very nervous and was about to break. I felt very sensitive when they mentioned the subject. In addition the nervousness came over me to hide an important truth, I felt I was committing the worst crimes. -D-from who are you talking about? I tried to sound calm but I could not modulate my voice.-By your reaction it is obvious that you know what happens, isn't it?Me closer to him and take it the shirt neck grasping to put it standing. I closed my fist and he was going to beat him, in those moments was not thinking with your head, just wanted to shut him up, did not want to go to say something unnecessary with Morinaga when he returned. I did not know where demons had taken that information, but it was dangerous. I felt quite uneasy and cornered. I returned me to see him complaining, he was ready to beat him, but he pressed the teeth and eyes strongly as a sign of pain.-D-from where you heard that? I slowly opened my fist and lower it to throwing it on the sofa.-I received a letter... of it. I saw him wind up and pass saliva trying to undo the knot that, although invisible, seem to present in his throat.-C-como a letter...? From it? WHAT DEMONS THEY SAYING?I was dealing a great problem. Each that opened the mouth did nothing but intrigue me more and more, felt as if it were exposed and they were reading through all my false truths. It was carrying very mysterious and now thought that it was right to distrust-it from the beginning.-Who Ray is the person who is in front of me? Why do all these things?... and what is that letter? There is no way that this telling the truth. I refuse to believe it.-Believe me not true. It was expected, I would not believe all what happened... can you even to explain you do not understand.-Stop to get the damn interesting, bastard! Speaking... or not I will make responsible for what might happen. I gave a fair hit beside her face, what hiso who is scared and gave a jump.-Sorry, sorry. Then he still does not know anything... He sighed and announced as if that is the conclusion it had reached. I duck her gaze for a few seconds and I saw his lips tremble, then joined and showed serious once again. -There is something important that I... don't know what you are going to do after you say but... here I go.I had already had enough that was giving so many turns to the topic and not say nothing in particular. If the fool was doing little I would import the blows that I already had or what I was to tell Morinaga; I miss his friend kicked if necessary.
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Morinaga turned to me as if asking my permission to answer what you nodding. Each took him by an arm and load up the shower. His body felt hot and sweaty, I disliked that feeling. Morinaga was worrying about him and told him to meet his wounds, but he mentioned that he should calm down first. He asked us to leave the bathroom I did not think twice and leave the room. We both sat in the room while we remained silent processing what happened. The truth was that he wanted to end the conversation he had left open but at that moment my head was not room for more problems. Again, it was not the time. It seemed that the issue was taboo, each trying to talk about it or something I ended up regretting stood. Whenever he felt the stone that was carrying grew larger, at some point might not end up charging more or crush. We expect about half an hour until the bathroom door opened. The guy just came wrapped in a bath towel holding on to the door frame her face frowning slightly, probably was the pain and discomfort he felt. I did not want to move much so that we spent I request a change of clothes from his suitcase. I approached to help Morinaga removing clothes. - Q-what the hell is this? Express confused and angry holding female underwear. - Ask WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? From where he stood he launches underpants in the face. He got scared and sat callus. I approached him with my fist holding something more with my other hand. - Why the hell you something ... and not only that, you also have the top?. I said now throwing a bra with a little red face. I felt my hands shaking with rage but now saliéndome control scream and saying things that hurt to Morinaga, because although I was still bothered him something of his friend. - Explain yourself! I said while pointing. Morinaga approaching from behind with his arms folded dress. - Wait ... I ran Morinaga was pointing now bringing change. - Is not there something that can be normal ... something so feminine?. - Well ... He started scratching his head nervously. - It's all that I have. I said blushing who lay on the ground. - From clothing to what is inside all women, it would be strange to dress as a man to be a model. So now I have nothing "appropriate". - Would not it be more normal dress as a man ... How are you? I tried to stay calm but it just did not understand. - T-I have my reasons ... so ... sorry. - Tsk! No choice ... I will have to lend you some clothes. Take my hand to her temple rubbing my head. He turned to me caught up head that had kept staring at the ground since the fall. - But maybe you stay a little big ... I mumbled with my hand on chin, watching him from head to toe . - N-not necessary ... - Sure it is. You can wear what you like out there, I do not care !, but while you are here the forbidden. Also underwear ... there must be new that can give you, you can not use that kind of thing being here! I turned around and I was smiling Morinaga. He agreed on how to fix things but truth still upset about that and many other things. I went to my room for the clothes and when it was changed back in the bathroom. He left and now looked more like a boy; pants and shirt were rather long but it was better for him to have to see him dressed as a woman again. He borrowed our kit to heal, but Morinaga offered to help in the end term also doing that alone. - Yuu-chan do you want to fix your hair? Casually he asked with a smile. That offer had bothered me a lot, although I knew that Morinaga occasionally cut hair of his friends he irritated me all the attention he had with him. - Am I jealous of him ... can not be ... he is a man. Although the two are ... ahhhhh! I will not think about that, it's ridiculous. The imbecile and moron accept Morinaga I finish cutting his hair. I turned on the TV to ignore them but it was impossible and that the spent chattering. The he leered. Although Morinaga had just learned of his lie he was talking as if nothing had happened and remain the best of friends. - How much tolerance has. I hate lies, I hate that hide me see ... dad. I felt a twinge in his chest as he pondered. I was doing the same thing. As soon ended his task Yuuhiro came and sat on the couch together. It cost a little work and settle sitting. Morinaga kept scissors, hair swept and cleaned. - Thanks Morinaga-niisan, I liked how my hair was. - No that it matches only a little. I laugh a little hiding his shame by alago. - match it? But if I am great. I think I could get used to wear your hair like that. He smiled a little as he kept thanking. turned sideways to see them while I resented by his talk as trivial. I lit a cigarette as he denied to myself and tried to ignore them. - Tsk! - is true. With all this commotion completely forget dinner! He noticed my mood as he watched me smoke. It was turned towards the kitchen, where once again stopped his walk. - E-wait a minute-niisan Moringa. - Huh? What Yuu-chan? He spoke Morinaga but suddenly directed his gaze to me. He was very serious and paying attention saw his hands tremble slightly. - Mmmm ... I do not know how to say it but ... could speak alone with Tatsumi-san? - queeee !? It was heard in unison. I stood in my place jumped Morinaga and almost lost his balance printing. - With me? What would you want to talk to me? I was confused. - It's something important. Please. There was determination and desperation in his eyes. They were emerald, just like his, seemed to crystallize and about to shed a tear. I felt a little nostalgia and empathy. From when I had become so considerate of other people, especially if irritated me as much as this person. Is it because they look like? It is why seeing your eyes I see the same sadness and regret? After arguing for a while longer accept to talk to him. Morinaga was not sure but he feared more leave us alone so that his friend might do otherwise, perhaps I had given one to think so but I solved explaining and casting pushed. While he said he would go out to buy dinner and asked me to have more patience than they used to have. I returned to the hall where he sat waiting for me. - Well, what business have to deal with me? - B-Well ... well ... I do not know where to start. He said as he laced his hands, quite nervous. - Just say what you have to say, do not waste my time! - E-okay, then I'll be direct. ¿Morinaga-niisan known about what happened to your mom? - Huh? I paused and I was speechless. Your question was like a cubetazo cold water, I became very nervous and was about to break. I was very sensitive when they mentioned it. Besides nervousness came over me to hide such an important truth, I was committing the worst crimes. - Wh-what are you talking about? I tried to sound calm but could not modulate my voice. - By your reaction obviously know what happens, is not it? I approached him and take the collar holding him to put it away. I closed my fist and was about to hit him, at that time I was not thinking head, I just wanted to silence him, he did not want to say something against unnecessary Morinaga when he returned. I did not know where the hell he get that information, but it was dangerous. I felt very restless and cornered. I came to complain to him, was ready to hit him, but he gritted his teeth and eyes tightly in grief. - Wh-where did you hear that? I slowly opened my fist and throwing him down on the couch. - I got a letter ... it. I saw him tense up and go hard, trying to undo the knot, though invisible, seemed present in his throat. - H-how that a letter ...? Her? What the hell are you saying? I was dealing a big problem. Every time he opened his mouth did nothing to intrigue me more and more, I felt like I was in the open and were reading through all my false truths. He behaved very mysterious and now thought it was right to distrust him-her from the beginning. - Who the hell is the person in front of me? Why you know all these things? ... And what is that letter? No way this telling the truth. I refuse to believe it. - I do not really think. It was expected, I would not believe everything that's happened ... maybe even to explain I do not understand. - Stop playing the damn interesting, you bastard! Talks ... or I will not hold so it can happen to you. I took a blow to the right side of his face, which hiso that would startle and jump. - Sorry, sorry. And he still does not know anything ... He sighed and said as if that was the conclusion I have reached. Lowered his gaze for a moment and saw his trembling lips, then he stood up and showed serious again. - There's something important ... I do not know what you will do after you say but ... here I go. He had me so sick that he was giving over the matter and did not say anything concrete. If still playing dumb little matter I was going to shock you already had or whatever I say Morinaga; ECHO kicked his friend if necessary.

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