El silencio reinaba en la cocina, Souichi y Morinaga se miraban a los  dịch - El silencio reinaba en la cocina, Souichi y Morinaga se miraban a los  Anh làm thế nào để nói

El silencio reinaba en la cocina, S

El silencio reinaba en la cocina, Souichi y Morinaga se miraban a los ojos tras la desaparición de Akira, Morinaga sabía que algo raro le estaba pasando a su sempai, y esto tenía que ver con Akira, ¿acaso por fin su sueño de sempai celoso se estaba cumpliendo? eso parecía, sobre todo con su intento de asesinato sobre el castaño.

-Sempai, ¿estás bien?-inquirió acercándose a él, despacio, como quien se acerca a un gato asustado, con miedo a que le golpeara, pero sin embargo, el rubio no hizo nada, no se movió solo seguía mirándole. -¿sempai?

-Estoy bien-mintió, no lo estaba.-no es nada.

-¿seguro Sempai? -le acarició la mejilla con dulzura haciendole sonrojar, sin embargo se sorprendió cuando el rubio no apartó la mano. No dijo nada, simplemente le miraba, como esperando algo.

Sin estar muy seguro de si era aquello lo que quería, Morinaga acercó el rostro al del rubio y le besó, siendo correspondido para su sorpresa, los brazos de Souicho se enroscaron alrededor de su cuello para pegarse a él, no iba soltarle, internamente necesitaba saber que Morinaga seguía siendo suyo, aquella canción de la chica le había dejado descolocado, ¿se había enamorado de Akira? ¿Habrían vuelto los sentimientos que debió tener en el pasado por el cantante? necesitaba saber que aún ese corazón seguía siendo suyo. Morinaga le rodeó la cadera con las manos, aprovechando, aunque recordándose que no podía hacer nada, no con Kanako durmiendo allí y con Akira en el baño, ni recordando eso pudo detener su cuerpo.

-Mori...naga -gimió el sempai en el beso, las manos del moreno se adentraron al final en la camisa del pijama, tocando aquella piel que le volvía loco, volviendo loco al rubio en el camino.-pa..para.

-¿De verdad quieres que pare sempai? -inquirió en un susurro ronco que hizo estremecer aquel cuerpo tirano.-porque yo creo que no.

-n no podemos -susurró con los ojos cerrados y un fuerte sonrojo en sus mejillas- Kana...Kanako.

-sigue dormida...y mi habitación esta libre -susurró mordiendo el lóbulo de su oreja, y luego bajando por el cuello, notando como las piernas del rubio comenzaban a fallar- además Akira tardará en el baño-Souichi se mordió el labio, quería, pero esa única neurona que seguía funcionando en su cabeza decía que no debía, no con público.

Pero como si fuera una ayuda del cielo, las luces se fueron, y como afuera estaba oscuro por una tormenta veraniega que se había comenzado a formar, el piso quedó en penumbras, se miraron a los ojos, todo era un aliciente, entonces desde el baño la música empezó a sonar seguida de la voz de Akira.

Las luces están fuera y yo apenas te conozco

Vamos hacia arriba y el lugar se está desacelerando

Sabía que vendrías

Las manos de Morinaga descendieron por el cuerpo del sempai mientras volvían a besarse con ganas, la presencia de Akira en el baño, su canción, encendieron al sempai más todavía, quería que ese capullo los escuchase, que viera que Morinaga solo era suyo, su bestia posesiva había salido y solo Dios sabía como volvería a encerrarla, si es que en algun momento lo lograba.

Tú me cautivas, algo de ti me tiene

Me sentía sola ahora me haces sentir vivo

¿Serás mía esta noche?

Las miradas llenas de lujuria se encontraron, Morinaga alzó a Souichi mientras volvían a besarse con más hambre, como si quisieran devorarse por completo en aquel beso, dos bestias hambrientas, llevadas por la lujuria, el amor y una música pecaminosa. Las piernas de Souichi se enrroscaron alrrededor de la cintura de Mornaga mientras este caminaba hacia el cuarto, cerrando la puerta con una patada.

Apoyó el cuerpo del sempai en la pared, sosteniendolo con su fuerza y el muro, sus labios se separaron, hinchados, pero pronto los de Morinaga volvieron a estar ocupados en el cuello de Souichi, que había empezado a jadear en voz baja, esa neurona que aun seguía funcionando y que había desistido en su tarea de poner un poco de sentido común en el cuerpo, se encargaba ahora de recordarle a su garganta de que evitara gemir muy alto.

Tómame en el suelo (dadada da dadadada)

No puedo aguantar más (dadada da dadadada)

Te quiero, te quiero, yo quiero que me enseñes el amor

Tómame en el suelo (dadada da dadadada)

Te puedo dar más (dadada da dadadada)

Me matas, me matas, me matas con tu toque

Se deslizaron por la pared hasta el suelo, las ropas que llevaban fueron eliminadas de su cuerpo quedando esparcidas por el lugar, no importaba donde habían caido, ya se encargarían de ello cuando recuperaban la coridura robada.

-Mori...naga -gimió Souichi mientras las manos de Morinaga le recorrían el cuerpo, haciendo que ardiera en cada caricia, notando un calor que si bien era conocido, esta vez era más ardiente.

La boca se unió a las manos, marcando el territorio, haciendo miles de marcas que luego Souichi ocultaría con la ropa, descendiendo hasta sus muslos ya libres de prenda alguna, besando su cara interna, subiendo hacia esa parte de la anatomía de Souichi que planeaba devorar, haciendo que Souichi se sintiese morir a cada toque.

Mi corazón se acelera a medida que se está moviendo más cerca

Me llevas más alto con cada aliento que tomo

¿Estaría mal reservar?

Ambos corazones estaban acelerados, el gemido brota de la boca del mayor de los dos cuando su miembro es apresado entre esos labios, cuando la lengua experimentada empieza a moverse en un ritmo tan tortuoso como placentero, Souichi siente que le falta el aire mientras gime, el placer es intenso, y más cuando a esa boca se le unen los dedos en su retaguardia, lubricados con sudor y saliba. Es tanto el placer que siente en esos momentos, tanto que creé que no va a sentir aún más, se equivoca, pues cuando su mirada se curza con la de Morinaga el placer se incrementa.

Tómame en el suelo (dadada da dadadada)

No puedo aguantar más (dadada da dadadada)

Te quiero, te quiero, yo quiero que me enseñes el amor

Tómame en el suelo (dadada da dadadada)

Te puedo dar más (dadada da dadadada)

Me matas, me matas, me matas con tu toque

No puede evtarlo, y alcanza el orgasmo en la boca de Morinaga, gimiendo con fuerza su nombre, esa neurona se da por vencida, no hay nada que más pueda hacer, solo como sus compañeras, relajarse y dejar que el cuerpo disfrute, las consecuencias ya vendrán después.

Morinaga se limpia la comisura de los labios, en el suelo se alza y mira al mayor de ambos que respira agitado y en sus ojos estan las lágrimas del placer que ha sentido, y del que le piensa hacerle sentir.

-Cama -es lo único que logra decir Souichi al ver las intenciones de Morinaga.

El menor alza al mayor, con cuidado y le tira sobre la cama, en su mente alguna neurona se pone a trabajar, recordandole a Souichi que en esa cama, ayer Morinaga durmió con Akira y que los pilló en una posición comprometedora, pero pronto los labios de morinaga la cayan, hacienod que otra le haga pensar que ahora es él el que esta en su cama, en su mente, bajo su peso, entre sus brazos, siendo embestido con gran fuerza, gimiendo su nombre, como si no hubiera mañana, abrazadole y marcándole como suyo en esa fuerte espalda.

-Sempai...te amo...sempai -jadeaba Morinaga en su oreja mientras sus caderas seguían moviendose.-te amo...solo a ti...sempai.

-Mori...naga -gimió, aquellas palabras le dieron calma a su corazón, y de sus labios afloraron unas palabras que luego negaría haber dicho- mío.

Mientras en el salón Akira había salido del baño hacia un rato, estaba tumbado en el sofá con el brazo caído hacia el suelo, su voz se había dejado de oír hacía rato, en la casa solo se oían los gemidos de esos dos amantes, Souichi ganaba otro punto ante Morinaga. La puerta del cuarto contiguo se abrió y Kanako salió, con la cara roja por los gemidos de su hermano. Se miraron y no hizo falta nada más, la pequeña se acercó al mayor y se sentó a su lado, le notó temblar y escuchó el sollozo algo raro, porque Akira estaba sonriendo.

Akira notó el cuerpo de Kanako sobre el suyo, la pequeña cabeza apoyada en su pecho y los brazos aferrándose a su sudadera.

-Llore si quiere llorar Akira-san, yo no diré nada -fueron sus palabras en susurros antes de notar como el cantante la abrazaba.

-Gracias, Kanako
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Silence reigned in the kitchen, Souichi and Morinaga looked in the eye after the disappearance of Akira, Morinaga knew that something odd was happening to his sempai, and this had to do with Akira, would perhaps at last his dream of jealous sempai was serving? so it seemed, mostly with his attempted murder on chestnut.-Sempai, are you well?-it inquired approaching him, slowly, as who is approaching a scared cat, afraid to hit him, but however, the blonde did nothing, he moved not only kept looking at him. -do sempai?-I'm OK - you lied, it was-no is nothing.-are you sure Sempai? -stroked you the cheek sweetly making him blush, it was however surprised when the rubio not set off hand. It said nothing, simply looked you, as waiting for something.Without being very sure if that was what I wanted, Morinaga approached the blonde's face and kissed him, still corresponded to his surprise, Souicho arms enroscaron around his neck to stick to it, it would not release him, internally I needed to know that Morinaga was still theirs, that song from the girl had left him dislodged, he had love with Akira? Would have they returned the feelings that must have had in the past by the singer? I needed to know that even that heart was still theirs. Morinaga surrounded her hip with his hands, taking advantage of, while remembering that I couldn't do anything, not with Kanako sleeping there and with Akira in the bathroom, or recalling that could stop his body.-Mori... naga - groaned in the kiss sempai, hands of moreno went at the end in the shirt of the Pajamas, touching the skin which made him mad, going crazy at the blond in the way-pa... for.-Do you really want to stop sempai? -He inquired in a hoarse whisper that he did shudder that tyrant body-because I believe that not.-n cannot - she whispered with closed eyes and a strong Reverend on his cheeks - Kana... Kanako.-still sleeping... and my room is free - whispered, biting his ear lobe, and then down the neck, noticing how the blonde's legs began to fail - Akira also takes in the bathroom-Souichi bit lip, I wanted to, but that single neuron that was still running in his head said that it was not, not with the public.As if it were a help from the sky, the lights were, but as it was dark outside by a summer storm that had begun to form, floor was left in darkness, they looked at the eyes, everything was an incentive, then from the bath music began to sound followed by the voice of Akira.The lights are out and I hardly know youWe are going up and the place is slowingI knew that you comeThe hands of Morinaga descended by the body of the sempai while returning to kiss eager, the presence of Akira in the bathroom, his song, fired the sempai, I wanted that cocoon to listen to them, to see that only Morinaga was hers, her possessive beast had left and only God knew and it would enclose it, if it is that at any time could it.You me captive, something you got to meI felt alone now make me feel aliveWill you be mine tonight?Lust-filled eyes met, Morinaga won Souichi as they returned to kiss more hungry, as if they wanted to eat completely in that Kiss, two hungry beasts, carried by lust, love, and a sinful music. The legs of Souichi is enrroscaron Mornaga waist alrrededor as this walked into the room, closing the door with a kick.It supported the sempai body on the wall, sosteniendolo with its strength and the wall, his lips parted, swollen, but soon the Morinaga returned to be populated in the neck of Souichi, which had begun to gasp aloud, this neuron that was still running and that had desisted in their efforts to put some common sense in the body , is now responsible for reminding his throat of that avoided to moan loudly.Take me on the floor (dadada da dadadada)I can not take anymore (dadada da dadadada)I love you, I love you, I want that I teach loveTake me on the floor (dadada da dadadada)I can give more (dadada da dadadada)Kill me, kill me, kill me with your touchThey slipped through the wall to the floor, clothes carrying were removed from his body being scattered throughout the place, no matter where it had fallen, is already responsible for this when they recovered the stolen coridura.-Mori... naga - moaned Souichi while Morinaga hands roamed her body, making it burn in every touch, feeling a warmth that even though he was known, this time was more ardent.Mouth joined hands, marking the territory, making thousands of brands then Souichi pylon with clothes, down to her thighs already free of any garment, kissing her inner side, up towards that part of the anatomy of Souichi who planned to devour, making Souichi is felt death to every touch.My heart is accelerating as it is moving closerTake me higher with every breath I takeWould it be wrong to book?Both hearts were accelerated, mourning springs from the mouth of the largest of the two when its member is caught between those lips, when experienced language begins to move at a pace as tortuous as pleasant, Souichi feels the air lacks while he moans, the pleasure is intense, and more when that mouth join you the fingers in his rear sweat and saliva-lubricated. It is both the pleasure felt at those moments, so much that I created that you won't feel even more, you make a mistake, because when his gaze is curve with the Morinaga pleasure is increased.Take me on the floor (dadada da dadadada)I can not take anymore (dadada da dadadada)I love you, I love you, I want that I teach loveTake me on the floor (dadada da dadadada)I can give more (dadada da dadadada)Kill me, kill me, kill me with your touchEvtarlo, can not and reaches orgasm in the mouth of Morinaga, groaning with force his name, that neuron gives up, there is nothing more to do, just as her companions, relax and leave the body to enjoy, the consequences already come after.Morinaga cleaned to the corner of the mouth, on the ground it stands and looks at the largest both agitated breathing and his eyes are tears of pleasure that he has felt, and think you make you feel.-Bed that is the only thing that manages to tell Souichi to see the intentions of Morinaga.Minor boosts wholesale, with care and throws on the bed, in his mind any neuron gets to work, reminding to Souichi who yesterday Morinaga slept with Akira in that bed, and which caught them in a compromising position, but soon the lips of morinaga cayan, hacienod other do you think is it now which is in your bed , in his mind, under their weight, in her arms, being hit with great force, moaning his name, as if there were no tomorrow, abrazadole and marking him as yours in that strong back.-Sempai... I love you... sempai - panted Morinaga in his ear as his hips were moving.-love... just you... sempai.-Mori... naga - it groaned, those words gave calm to his heart, and his lips surfaced a few words which would then deny having said - mine.While in the salon Akira had left the bathroom for a while, I was lying on the sofa with arm dropped to the ground, his voice had been left to hear it was time, in the House only heard the groans of those two lovers, Souichi earned another point before Morinaga. The room next door was opened and Kanako came out, with his face red by the groans of his brother. They looked at and did not lack anything else, small approached the mayor and sat beside her, noticed him tremble and he heard something strange sobbing, because Akira was smiling.Akira noticed Kanako body on his small head resting on his chest and arms, clinging to his sweatshirt.-Cry if you want to cry Akira-san, I will not say anything - were his words whispered before you notice as the singer embraced it.-Thanks, Kanako
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Silence reigned in the kitchen, Souichi and Morinaga looked into his eyes after the disappearance of Akira, Morinaga knew something strange was happening to her sempai, and this had to do with Akira, did his dream finally jealous sempai He was being fulfilled? it seemed, especially with the assassination attempt on the chestnut. -Sempai, are you okay? asked approaching him slowly, as one approaches a scared cat, scared to hit him, but however, blonde did nothing, did not move just kept looking at him. -¿sempai? I'm fine-lied, not estaba.-Nothing. Sempai You sure? He stroked her cheek gently making him blush, but was surprised when the blond kept his hand. He said nothing, just looked at him, as if waiting for something. Without being quite sure whether this was what he wanted, Morinaga approached the blonde's face and kissed him, being matched to his surprise, Souicho arms curled around his neck to stick to it, he would not let go, internally needed to know that Morinaga was still his, that song the girl had left him dislocated, do you fell in love with Akira? Would they have become the feelings that must have in the past for the singer? still he needed to know that his heart remained. Morinaga circled her hips with his hands, drawing, though reminding himself that he could do nothing, not sleeping there Kanako and Akira in the bathroom, no reminding that could stop your body. -Mori ... naga wailed in the sempai the kiss, hands penetrated the dark end in pajama, touching skin that drove him crazy, going crazy at the blond in the camino.-pa..para. 'You really want me to stop sempai? asked in a hoarse whisper that shook her body tirano.-because I think not. -n can not whispered with closed eyes and a strong blush on her cheeks Kana ... Kanako. Go on sleeping ... and my room is free whispered biting his earlobe, and then down the neck, feeling like legs began to fail-blond Akira also take in the bath-Souichi bit her lip, I wanted to, but that single neuron who was running in his head told that he should not publicly. But like a heaven's help, the lights went out, and as it was dark outside by a summer storm that had begun to form, the floor was in darkness the eyes they looked, it was an incentive, then from the bathroom the music started, followed by the voice of Akira. The lights are out and I barely know you We're going up and the place is slowing down I knew you'd come The Morinaga hands down by the body as they returned to kissing sempai forward, the presence of Akira in the bathroom, her song, lit the upperclassman's still wanted that the cocoon listen, he saw that Morinaga was just him, his beast possessive had left and only God knew how would enclose, if at some point it could. You have me captive, some you me I was lonely now you make me feel alive Will you be mine tonight? The eyes full of lust found, Morinaga lifted Souichi while returning to kiss hungrier, as if to devour the kiss completely in two hungry beasts, driven by lust, love and sinful music. Legs Souichi is enrroscaron alrrededor waist Mornaga as he walked into the room, closing the door with a kick. He laid the body of sempai on the wall, holding it with his strength and the wall, her lips parted, swollen, Morinaga but soon returned to be engaged in the neck Souichi, who had begun to gasp softly, that neuron that he was still working and had given up his job to put some sense into the body, was responsible Now remind your throat to avoid moaning very high. Take me on the floor (dadada gives dadadada) can not take it anymore (dadada gives dadadada) I love you, I love you, I want you to show me love Take me on the floor (dadada gives dadadada) I can give more (dadada gives dadadada) You kill me, kill me, kill me with your touch slid down the wall to the floor, the clothes they wore were removed from his body being scattered around the place, no matter where had fallen, and take care of it when recovering the stolen coridura. -Mori ... naga moaned as his hands Souichi Morinaga through her ​​body, causing burn in every stroke, feeling a warmth that although he was known, this It was becoming hot. The mouth joined hands, marking the territory, making thousands of brands that then Souichi hide clothing, down to their already free of any pledge thighs, kissing her inner side, up to that part of the Souichi anatomy he planned to devour, making her feel Souichi die every touch. My heart is racing as you're moving closer You take me higher with every breath I take Would it be wrong to stay? Both hearts were accelerated, the groan pouring from the mouth of the larger of the two as his cock is captured between those lips, when experienced language begins to move in such a tortuous as leisurely pace, Souichi feel short of breath while groans, pleasure is intense, and more when the mouth is joined fingers on his rear, lubricated with saliva and sweat. Is both the pleasure felt at the time, so I think you will not feel even more, think again, because when his gaze curza with Morinaga pleasure increases. Take me on the floor (dadada gives dadadada) I can not hold back (dadada gives dadadada) I love you, I love you, I want you to show me love Take me on the floor (dadada gives dadadada) I can give more (dadada gives dadadada) You kill me, kill me, kill me with your touch No You can evtarlo, and reaches orgasm in the mouth of Morinaga, groaning loudly his name, that neuron give up, there is nothing that can most do, just as her companions, relax and let the body enjoy the consequences and . come after Morinaga the corner of his mouth is clean, he stands on the floor and looks at the higher of the two troubled breathing and his eyes are tears of joy that he felt, and he thinks make you feel. -Bed - It is all that manages to say Souichi to see the intentions of Morinaga. The smaller increase to more carefully, throws on the bed in his mind some neuron gets to work, reminding Souichi in that bed yesterday Morinaga slept Akira and that he caught in a compromising position, but soon lips Morinaga cayan, hacienod another makes you think that now it is he who is in his bed, in his mind, under him, in his arms, being rammed with great force, moaning his name, as if there was no tomorrow, marking him as his abrazadole and in that strong back. -Sempai ... I love you ... sempai Morinaga panted in her ear as her hips were moviendose.-te love you ... only you ... sempai. -Mori ... naga wailed, those words gave him calm his heart and with his lips words that surfaced then have said- deny mine. While living in Akira had left the bathroom a while ago, I was lying on the couch with the fallen to the ground arm, his voice had stopped hearing for some time in the house only the moans of those two lovers heard, Souichi earned another point before Morinaga . The door to the next room opened and Kanako out, red-faced by the groans of his brother. They looked and did not need anything else, the little girl approached the older and sat beside him, he felt shaking and heard something strange sob, because Akira was smiling. Akira noticed the body of Kanako on his own, small head resting on his chest and arms clutching his sweatshirt. I cried if you want to mourn Akira-san, I will say nothing were his words whispered before noticing as the singer held her. Thank you, Kanako

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Silence reigned in the kitchen, Souichi Morinaga Eyes and looked after the disappearance of Akira, Morinaga knew that something strange was happening to his sempai, and this had to do with Akira, and finally his dream was fulfilled sempai Jealous? This seemed especially with his Assassination attempt on Chestnut.

- sempai, you okay? - her approaching him, slowly,How about a Cat Who Is Scared, afraid to hit him, but however, The blond did nothing, moved only kept looking at him. Sempai?

- I Lied, she was. - IT's nothing.

- sempai? He stroked the cheek Gently making him Blush, but was surprised When The blond not off hand. He said nothing, just stared at him, as though waiting for something.Not sure if this was what I wanted, Morinaga came face to Blond and kissed him, and returned to his Surprise, the Arms souicho coiled around his neck to stick to him, would not let him go, Internally Morinaga still needed to know that that song of yours, the girl had left out, had fallen in love with Akira?The Feelings you would have had in the past by The Singer? I needed to know that her heart still remained. Morinaga surrounded him with hands on HIPS, recalling that, although I couldn't do nothing, Kanako sleeping there and with Akira in the bathroom, and recalling that could stop his body.

- mori...Naga - She moaned the sempai in Kiss,The Hands of the Moreno went to the final in the shirt, Pajama, touching the skin that it drove him Crazy, Crazy Blond in the Way - pa..para.

- really want me to stop sempai? - I asked in a Whisper That Shook The Body tirano. - Because I think not.

- n can't whispered With Closed Eyes and a Blush on her cheeks - Kana...Kanako.

- still asleep and my room is free - whispered in your ear Lobe, and then down the neck, noticing how Blond legs began to fail - also in the bathroom - Akira will Souichi bit his lip, he wanted, but that only one Neuron that was still running in her head saying that she should not, not public.

but as an aid in the Sky, The Lights Went OutIt was dark outside and as a Summer Storm that had begun to form, the floor was dark, he looked into her eyes, it was all an incentive from the bathroom, then the music began to play, followed by the Voice of Akira. The lights are out and I barely know you

come to up and The place is slowing

I knew you'd come.Hands Down The Body of the sempai Morinaga returned to Win while kissing, the presence of Akira in the bathroom, His Song, LIT the sempai More, that asshole wanted to listen, see that Morinaga was only your possessive Beast had left and only god knew how to put her away again, if is that at some point he

you Captive.
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