Estaba ahí, alrededor de un bosque esplendido, años atrás solo veía un dịch - Estaba ahí, alrededor de un bosque esplendido, años atrás solo veía un Anh làm thế nào để nói

Estaba ahí, alrededor de un bosque

Estaba ahí, alrededor de un bosque esplendido, años atrás solo veía un montón de árboles sin sentido no entendía porque razón muchos se aventuraban en él, acaso no les gustaba estar en la cuidad, en el pueblo, en la villa, era muchos los que atravesaban aquellos majestuosos árboles, algunos por necesidad de buscar que comer, otros para huir o esconderse, otros para llegar a otros lugares y muy pocos a los que él consideraba locos que solo iban a platicar al bosque, la tranquilidad de ese lugar daba muchas oportunidades para reflexionar, para encontrar el camino, para relajarse, el no entendía como eso podía ser posible en un lugar como ese, era lo que pensaba cuando era niño…

Hoy cada semana sin falta salía temprano de su casa para aventurarse en él, se había convertido en parte de su rutina, pasaba todo el día ahí, no es porque se escondiera de algo, no era porque quisiera huir de su situación, no, no era nada de eso, él llegaba para reflexionar, para calmar su agitado corazón.

Ya era casi media tarde el descansaba ahí en medio de un claro en ese majestuoso y esplendido bosque, sobre la hierba ya tanto tiempo haciendo lo mismo que ya se había acostumbrado a aquella por lo que ya no sentía comezón alguna por el contacto con ella. Lentamente se levantaba a para sentarse aun sin abrir sus ojos, estirando sus músculos por tenerlos sin movimiento alguno por mucho tiempo.

Es momento de regresar a casa… casa mmmm ahora puedo decir que ese lugar es mi hogar, es sorprendente que aun llevando toda mi vida ahí, hasta hace poco lo llame realmente MI HOGAR. Debo de apurarme o esa persona en verdad se preocupara jajajaja- a su mente llego aquella cara de preocupación, aun no lograba entender como su vida había tomado este rumbo, si alguien alguna vez le hubiera dicho que terminaría así simplemente le hubiera tachado de loco, el cómo era en todo su magnífica presencia atravesando su vida actual, era algo que nadie en este mundo hubiera llegado a creer, no, no siendo como él era años atrás.

Caminaba buscando la salida de aquel lugar, sabía que hoy se había adentrado más de lo acostumbrado al bosque, pero extrañamente por más que se adentrara en él, siempre encontraba el camino para salir, eso no era de su preocupación, admiraba cada pequeño detalle al su alrededor, su cambio de vida le había permitido que se volviera más observador, miraba hasta el detalle más mínimo para así poder encontrar el encanto de las cosas, llego verdaderamente a apreciar todo lo que lo rodea.

Oh que tenemos aquí en verdad que ya tienes manzanas, creo que esta noche tendremos conejitos de manzanas… definitivamente se emocionara mucho por las manzanas- Con destreza subió al árbol para poder cortar algunas manzanas, cada vez que salía llevaba algo con él, ya sea frutas o plantas medicinales, en una ocasión se dio el lujo de llevar pescado, por lo que siempre cargaba consigo una pequeña bolsa para cargar lo que sea que llevara.

Amigo mío, mil gracias por las manzanas- Agradecía a la naturaleza sus frutos, aprendió a hacerlo, estaba feliz por hacerlo. Quien iba a imaginar que aquí me sentiría tan bien, mmmm cuando era pequeño no creía en el destino, no creía que todos tenemos un propósito, no creía que existieran personas predestinadas a encontrarse, no creía en nada, no me importaba nada, es irónico como la vida te golpea tan fuerte que caes, caes y caes, tan pero tan abajo, no, no al suelo, sino que aun agujero, aun agujero muy profundo del cual solo vez oscuridad, solo eso, algunos dicen que siempre hay una pequeña luz, muchos en su afán de salir no la ven aun teniéndola enfrente, hasta mucho tiempo después logran salir de ahí, pero yo, yo no vi esa luz, yo estaba sumergido en la oscuridad, no tenía intenciones de salir, no era mi prioridad, no es que me sintiera bien ahí, es solo que… para que iba a salir mi vida estaba planeada desde antes que yo naciera, entonces para que aferrarse a la nada, no, no valía la pena para mí, tenía si y solo si aceptar lo que el "destino" tenía para mí, en ningún momento recriminaba a mis padres, la dureza de ellos solo se debió a su posición, lo entiendo muy bien fue el hecho de donde nací, pero yo amo a mis padres, así que la verdad no me molesto haber nacido ahí. Recuerdo tantas cosas de mi niñez, muchas gratas, otras tristes, la verdad es que tuve una vida muy acomodada, no me falto nada, nada a excepción de una sola cosa, no sabía que era, no lo supe hasta que por fin el destino comenzó a mostrarme lo que me faltaba… amor. ¿Amor a qué? No sé, a la vida, a lo que fuera… no sabía que era el amor, no tenía en algún momento planeado sentirlo. Recuerdo que a los 10 años ella, una niña que me parecía hermosa, me dijo que tenía una profecía para mí. Reí en mis adentros ya estoy grande para cosas de niños, ella dijo:

—la profecía dice que encontraras el amor en el momento menos indicado, en la situación menos pensada y de la persona menos esperada, así que una vez lo encuentres se feliz, se feliz desde el fondo de tu corazón se feliz. —

Recuerdo haber reído como loco ante esas palabras, era demasiado absurdo, era una completa locura. ¿Qué si la profecía se hizo realidad?… bueno no sé si era la profecía o el destino, pero lo hizo. Nada fue color de rosa, nada fue solo alegría, nadie me dijo que sería fácil, todos aquellos que en verdad han amado algo han llorado hasta sangre, escuchaba como todos aquellos que ya tenían doncella, se jactaban de como la habían conquistado, como habían hasta peleado por su amor, todo para que ellas los escogieran, yo estaba apartado de todo eso, a mí, a mí se me asignaría contra mi voluntad a una doncella, obviamente no iba a ser feliz, recuerdo que mi madre me dijo:

—quizás con el tiempo la ames, pero… —dijo ella: —quien sabe lo que la diosa del destino tiene para ti… —No le tome importancia a tales palabras, quizás no supe que era lo que trataba de decirme.

Aun trato de recordar en que momento mi vida "pacifica" hasta cierto punto se volvió caótica, creo que fue con el tiempo. Dicen que las personas cambian, alguien me dijo una vez que eso era mentira, que las personas no cambian, ellas solo crean una fachada que sirve de escudo, pero ¿para qué? para defenderse, para no volver a pasar por otro sufrimiento o simplemente porque no tienen la debida confianza en las personas y mostrar su verdadero ser. Aun no logro entender eso… ¿yo cambie? sí, mi yo de niño es muy distinto a mi yo de joven y es muy distinto a mi yo actual, no, aun no me considero un adulto no creo que tenga la madurez para sentirme así pero ¿por qué? Porque mi esencia es la misma de cuando era pequeño. Pero entonces ¿en qué cambie? La respuesta es sencilla ahora todo lo veo desde otro punto de vista. Tal vez nunca me considere un adulto, quizás ante los ojos de otros lo soy, pero ante los míos no. Cree una máscara, no para protegerme, solo fue porque no quería contacto con nadie, desconfiaba de todos y a la vez de nadie, siempre me vi rodeado de personas, tenía si y solo si depender de ellas, por lo que debía de confiar.

Estaba ahí caminando, aproximándose a la salida, su cabeza llena de pensamientos, reflexionando, su andar era automático, era como si sus pies conocieran el camino correcto para salir, era como si el bosque le abriera un camino libre para que él no se preocupara en ir pendiente de donde pisar. El bosque gustoso gozaba de la presencia de él, anhelaba todos los días que el regresara pronto a visitarlo, pero ¿por qué? Él era callado, él no abusaba de sus frutos, él no robaba, él llegaba ahí para pensar, para dormir, para hacerle preguntas que el gustosamente contestaría, pero ¿cómo el bosque le contestaría? el viento le ayudaba, una suave brisa para decirle que todo estaba bien, arboles bailando al compás del viento para hacerle sentir que ellos estaban ahí, a su lado, que en el bosque no estaba solo, coros de pájaros cantando a su alrededor para verle sonreír. Definitivamente todo aquello gozaba de su presencia.

Desde cuando comencé a adentrarme al bosque… la primera vez que entre, me aterrorice, escaba de algo, quería huir, quería perderme, el dolor era demasiado grande, quería… morir.

Mi padre me encontró al siguiente día, había pasado la noche en la raíces de un árbol, estaba ahí acostado muerto en miedo, mi padre me cargo entre sus brazos y puso mi cara junto a su pecho y me susurro al oído:

—mi niño, todo estará bien la diosa del destino nos sonreirá, ya lo veras… —

Sus palabras me controlaron, caí dormido y exhausto en sus brazos. Recuerdo que desde entonces solo veía al bosque, cada vez que teníamos que ir a algún lugar trataba de no ver alrededor, mis ojos siempre estuvieron viendo hacia adelante, viendo el camino, el bosque dejo una marca de miedo en mí, su gran soberanía, su gran extensión me aterraba. El bosque no es tu enemigo era las palabras que me decían las personas que me rodeaban, el bosque si eres bueno con él, el bosque te cuida, cree en la magia decían cree… existe, el bosque es mágico. ¿Qué si creí en la magia en ese momento? No, no lo hice, lo creí muy infantil, pero ahora creo en la magia, es irónico como sucedió, pero sucedió. El transcurso de mi vida se llenó de puras ironías. Casi voy saliendo del bosque, es extraño que ahora sea como mi mejor amigo, cada semana vengo gustoso aquí, la verdad es que me gusta. El bosque cuida de mi como yo cuido de él, ambos tan iguales y la misma vez tan distintos, callados, serenos en momento mostramos nuestra furia, tan iguales y la misma vez tan distintos. Logro ahora poder ver el claro de la salida, ahí está el árbol que siempre toco cada vez que entro y salgo, es como si le saludara, como a una persona que tienes por educación hacerlo, pero para mí es muy grato hacerlo. Ahí está esa vista que solo desde aquí se tiene, arriba en esta media colina puedo ver mi hogar, las casas de los demás que viven aquí, su gran extensión, gente en la calle, niños jugando, el cielo tan majestuoso como solo él podía ser, el sol
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He was there, around a splendid forest, years ago I only saw a lot of trees without sense did not understand because reason many ventured into it, perhaps not liked to be in the city, in the village, in the village, was many who crossed those majestic trees, some need to find to eat, others to flee or hide, others to get to other places and very few to which he considered locos that were only going to talk forest, the tranquillity of this place had many opportunities to reflect, to find the way to relax, not understanding how that could be possible in a place like that, it was what I thought when I was a child...Today every week without fail early left his home to venture into it, had become part of your routine, spent all day there, is not because hide something, it wasn't because he wanted to escape from their situation, no, it wasn't anything like that, he came to think, to calm his restless heart.It was almost mid afternoon the rested there in the middle of a clearing in this majestic and splendid forest, on the grass already so long doing what already had become accustomed to that so it didn't itch by contact with her. Slowly rising to sit even without opening his eyes, stretching your muscles by having them without any motion for a long time.It is time to return home... House mmmm now I can say that this place is my home, it is surprising that even taking my life there, until recently you call it really my home. I rush me or that person really worry Hahahaha - her mind came the face of concern, even he couldn't understand how his life had taken this course, if someone ever had told him that it would end so simply had labeled him crazy, how was all your magnificent presence through his current life, it was something that no one in this world would have come to believe no, not like it was years ago.I was walking looking for the way out of that place, I knew that today had penetrated more than usual to the forest, but strangely even though it is moving on it, always was the way to go, that was not his concern, I admired every little detail to the his around, his change of life had allowed him to more observer is back, I looked at every detail more minimum as well in order to find the charm of things I really came to appreciate everything around it.Oh we have here in truth that you have apples, I believe that tonight we will have apples bunnies... definitely did much for apples - skilfully climbed the tree to cut some apples, every time he came out wearing something with him, either fruit or medicinal plants, once the luxury of carrying fish, it was so always carried with him a small bag to charge whatever it takes.My friend, thank you very much for apples - thanking nature for its fruits, learned how to do it, was happy to do it. Who would imagine that here I would feel as well, mmmm when I was young did not believe in fate, didn't we all have a purpose, I do not believe that there were people predestined to be, didn't believe in anything, I cared nothing, it is ironic as life hits you so strong that you fall, you fall and fall, so but so down, not not to the ground, but even hole, still very deep hole from which only time darkness, only that, some say there is always a small light, many in his eagerness to get out do not even considering it, until much later manage to come there, but I, I didn't see that light, I was immersed in darkness, it had no intentions of leaving It was not my priority, is not that he felt me well there, is just that... that I was going to leave my life I was planned since before I was born, so so clinging to nothing, not, not worth the penalty to me, I had if, and only if you accept the "fate" had for me, never recriminaba my parents the hardness of them only due to its position, I understand this very well was the fact of where I was born, but I love my parents, so the truth I don't bother being born there. I remember so many things from my childhood, many pleasant, other sad, the truth is that I had a very affluent life, I do not miss anything, nothing except for one thing, unaware that it was, I didn't know it until finally the target began to show me what I was missing... love. Love what? I don't know, to life, to what out... did not know it was love, it wasn't planned sometime feel it. I remember that she, a girl who seemed beautiful, told me that he had a prophecy for me at age 10. I laughed at myself because I'm great to kid stuff, she said:-the prophecy says that you will find love in the least right time, in the situation of least developed and least expected person, so once you find it is happy, be happy from the bottom of your heart is happy. —I remember having laughed like crazy at these words, it was too absurd, it was complete madness. If the prophecy came true?... well I don't know if it was the prophecy or destiny, but it did. Nothing was pink, nothing was only joy, no one told me that it would be easy, all who have truly loved something have cried until blood, I listened as all those who already had maiden, boasted of as had conquered it, as they had even fought for their love, all so they choose them, I was away from all that to me, to me I would assign against my will to a maiden, obviously wasn't going to be happy, I remember that my mother told me:-perhaps eventually love it, but... - She said:-who knows what the goddess of fate has for you... - do not take you importance to such words, perhaps I didn't know that was what I was trying to tell me.Still I try to remember that moment my life "pacifica" to a certain extent became chaotic, I think it was time. They say that people change, someone told me once that he was lying, that people do not change, they only create a facade that serves shield, but what for? to defend themselves, to not pass through other suffering or simply because they do not have adequate confidence in people and show your true being. Still can't understand that... would I change? Yes, me I child it is very different to me young and is very different from my current self, no, not yet I consider myself an adult do not believe that you have the maturity to feel so, but why? Because my essence is the same when it was small. But then in what change? The answer is simple now everything I see it from another point of view. I am perhaps never think me an adult, perhaps in the eyes of others, but mine does not. Create a mask, not to protect me, was only because he didn't have any contact with anyone, was suspicious of everyone and at the same time, I was always surrounded by people, had if and only if depending upon them, by what should trust.I was there walking, approaching the exit, his head full of thoughts, reflecting, his gait was automatic, it was as if his feet knew the right way to go, was as if forest open you a free way so it not to worry go pending where to tread. The happy forest enjoyed his presence, yearned for everyday that the return soon to visit him, but why? He was silent, he not abused its fruits, it not stealing, he came there to think, to sleep, to ask questions to the request it would answer, but how answer you the forest? wind I helped, a gentle breeze to tell him that all was well, trees dancing to the rhythm of the wind to make you feel that they were there, at his side, which was not alone in the forest, birds choirs singing to her around to see him smile. Everything definitely enjoyed his presence.From when it started to go to the forest... the first time you enter, you terrorize me, escapes, wanted to flee, wanted to lose myself, the pain was too great, I wanted to... die.My father found me the next day, he had spent the night in the roots of a tree, was there lying dead in fear, my father I charge in his arms and put my face next to his chest and I whisper in your ear:-my child, everything will be fine the goddess of fate will smile us, already it really... -His words controlled me, cai exhausted and asleep in his arms. I remember that since only saw the forest, whenever we had to go somewhere tried to not see around, my eyes were always looking forward, seeing the way forest left a mark of fear in me, its great sovereignty, its great extension me terrified. The forest is not your enemy was the words that told me the people that surrounded me, the forest if you're good with it, the forest takes care of you, believes in the magic said believe... There is, the forest is magical. Would if I believed in the magic at this time? No, I did not, I believed it is very childish, but I now believe in the magic, it is ironic how it happened, but it happened. The course of my life was filled with pure irony. I'm almost coming out of the forest, it is strange that it is now like my best friend, every week I come here willingly, the truth is that I like. Forest takes care of my as I take care of it, both as equal and once so different, quiet, serene at times show our anger, so equal and once so different. I can now see the clear of the exit, there is the tree that I always play whenever I enter and leave, it is as if you salute him, as a person you have education do so, but I am very pleased to do so. There is this view that only from here is, above in this middle Hill I can see my home, the houses of others who live here, its great extension, people in the street, children playing, as majestic as it only heaven could be, the Sun
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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It was there, around a splendid forest, years ago only saw a lot of trees senseless not understand why reason many ventured into it, maybe they did not like being in the city, in the village, in the village, was many people They crossed those majestic trees, some by necessity of seeking to eat, others to flee or hide, others to get to other places and very few whom he considered fools who would only talk to the forest, the tranquility of the place gave many opportunities to reflect, to find the way, to relax, he did not understand how that could be possible in a place like that, it was what I thought as a child ... Today every week without fail came home early to venture into it, he had become part of your routine, spent all day there, not because he was hiding something, it was not because he wanted to escape his situation, no, it was not anything like that, he came to reflect, to calm his racing heart. Now It was almost afternoon resting there in the middle of a clearing in the woods majestic and splendid on the grass so long doing the same thing had gotten used to that so it did not feel any itching from contact with her. Slowly he rose to sitting still without opening his eyes, stretching her muscles by them without movement for long. It's time to go home ... home hmm now I can say that this place is my home, it is surprising that even taking all my life there, until recently really call home. I must hurry or that person really cared jajajaja- that came to mind looking worried, still could not understand how his life had taken this course, if anyone ever would have said would end so simply would have dismissed as crazy, how it was in all its magnificent presence through your current life, it was something that no one in this world would have come to believe, no, do not be like it was years ago. I walked looking for the exit of the place, he knew he had now penetrated more than usual to the forest, but strangely more you delve into it, always found a way out, that was not his concern, admiring every little detail to around, your life change had allowed him more observer again , looked to the smallest detail in order to find the charm of things, came truly appreciate all that surrounds it. Oh we have here really already have apples, I think tonight we bunnies apples ... definitely be thrilled apples- much by deftly climbed the tree to cut some blocks, every time he left wearing something with it, either fruits or medicinal plants, once had the luxury of taking fish, which always carried with it a small bag to carry whatever it took. My friend, thanks for the grateful apples-off nature, learned to do, I was happy to do it. Who would have imagined that I here feel so good, hmm when I was little I did not believe in fate, did not believe that we all have a purpose, did not think there were predestined people to meet, did not believe in anything, I do not care about anything, it is ironic as life hits you so hard you fall, you fall and fall, so very down, no, not the ground, but even hole, even very deep hole from which only once darkness, only that, some say there is always a small light, many in their eagerness to get out do not see even having it in front, until much later manage to get out, but I did not see that light, I was immersed in the dark, had no intention of leaving, it was not my priority is not that I feel good there, it's just that ... that my life was going out was planned since before I was born, then to hold on to anything, no, not worth it for me, I had iff accept what the "target" had for me at any time my parents scolded the hardness of them only due to his position quite understand was the fact where I was born, but I love my parents, so I really do not upset to have been born there. I remember many things from my childhood, many pleasant, others sad, the truth is that I had a very comfortable life, I do not miss nothing, nothing except for one thing, I did not know it was, did not know until at last the destination He began to show me what I need ... love. Love to what? Do not know, life, whatever ... did not know what love was, had planned sometime feel. I remember that at age 10 she, a girl who seemed beautiful, told me he had a prophecy for me. I laughed to myself and great for kid stuff, she said -the prophecy says that find love at the wrong time, in the least expected and most unexpected person situation, so once you find it is happy, He is happy from the bottom of your heart happy. - I remember laughing like crazy at those words, it was too absurd, it was sheer madness. What if the prophecy come true? ... Well I do not know if it was the prophecy or fate, but he did. Nothing was pink, nothing was only joy, no one said it would be easy, all who have truly loved some have cried until blood sounded like all those who already had maid, boasted of how they had conquered, as they had up fighting for your love, all so they all chose, I was away from all that, to me, to me would be assigned me against my will, a maid obviously not going to be happy, I remember my mother told me: - perhaps over time you love, but ... she said: Who knows what the goddess of fate has for you ... No you take down such words, perhaps I did not know that was what I was trying to tell me. Even I try to remember at that time my "peaceful" life to some extent became chaotic, I think it was time. They say that people change, someone once that was a lie, people told me do not change, they just create a facade that serves as a shield, but why? to defend, not to go through another suffering or simply because they have the proper confidence in people and show your true self. Even I can not understand it ... I change? yes, my child is very different to my young and very different from my current I, no, I do not think even an adult I do not think he has the maturity to feel that way but why? Because my essence is the same as when I was little. But then what changes? The answer is simple now all I see from another point of view. Maybe I never considered an adult, perhaps in the eyes of others I am, but not in mine. Create a mask, not to protect me, it was only because he did not contact anyone, suspicious of all and yet nobody, I was always surrounded by people, had iff depend on them, so they must rely on. I was there walking, approaching the exit, his head full of thoughts, thinking, his gait was automatic, it was as if his feet knew the right way to go, it was as if the forest would open a free way for him not to worry in be aware of where to step. The forest gladly enjoyed his presence longed every day that the return soon to visit him, but why? He was quiet, he did not abuse its fruits, he did not steal, he came there to think, to sleep, to ask questions that gladly answer, but how do you answer the woods? the wind helped him, a gentle breeze to tell him that everything was fine, trees dancing with the wind to make you feel that they were there, at his side, in the woods was not alone chorus of birds singing around to see smile. Everything definitely enjoyed his presence. From when I started to delve into the forest ... the first time you enter, terrify me, Escaba something, wanted to run, want to miss, the pain was too great, I wanted to ... die. My father found me next day, had spent the night in the roots of a tree, was there lying dead in fear, my father put me in his arms and put my face close to his chest and whispered in my ear: 'My child, everything will be fine the goddess of fate will smile to us, you'll see ... - His words controlled me, I fell asleep and exhausted in his arms. I remember that since I only saw the woods, whenever we had to go somewhere was not seen around, my eyes were always looking ahead, seeing the way the forest leave a mark of fear in me, your great sovereignty, its extension terrified me. The forest is not your enemy was the words that told me the people around me, the forest if you're good with it, the forest takes care of you, believe in magic ... there believed said, the forest is magical. What if I believed in magic then? No, I did not, I believed very childish, but now I believe in magic, it is ironic how it happened, but it happened. The course of my life was filled with pure irony. I almost out of the woods, it is strange that it is now like my best friend, gladly come here every week, the truth is that I like. The forest looks after me as I care for him, both as equal and the same time so different, quiet, serene in time we show our anger, so alike and yet so very different. Achievement can now see the clear departure, there is the tree that always play whenever you go in and out, as if greet you as a person do you have for education, but for me it is a pleasure to do so. There's that view that only from here you have, earlier in this half can see my home hill, the houses of others who live here, its large size, people on the street, children playing, the sky just as majestic as he could being, the sun

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Was there some years ago a splendid Forest, only to see a lot of trees without meaning did not understand why many ventured into him, I liked being in the City, in the Village, in the Village, many of those Majestic trees, some need to find to eat, others to Run or hide,Others to get to other places and very few to which he considered Crazy that they were only going to talk to the Forest, the tranquility of this place gave many opportunities to reflect, to find a way to relax, Don't understand how that could be possible in a place like that, what I was thinking when I was a Kid...

Today every week without fail, leaving early to venture into his house, he had become part of your routine, I spent the whole day there, not because he was hiding something, not because I wish to escape their situation, no, it wasn't anything that he came to reflect, to Soothe Your Restless Heart.

It was almost half the afternoon resting there in the middle of a clear in that majestic and beautiful Forest, on the grass as much time doing what has already been used to that because I was itching for any contact with her. Slowly up to sit still without opening their eyes, Stretching your muscles to motionless for a long time.It's time to go home. Now I can say that this place is my home, it is surprising that still carrying all my life there, until recently I really call my home. I must hurry or that person really cared. - his mind came the face of Concern, even couldn't understand how his life had taken this courseIf someone ever had said that he would simply called Crazy, how was it in all its magnificent presence in his current Life, was something that no one in this world had come to believe, not being as he was years ago.

I walked looking for the exit of the place, I knew that today, had Gone to the Forest again,But strangely as he entered, always found the way out, that was not his concern, admired Every Little detail about your Life Change had allowed more Observer, looked to the slightest detail so as to find the charm of things, I'm truly appreciate everything around.Oh here you already have Apples, I think tonight we Bunnies Apples... Definitely excited much Apples - skilfully climbed a tree to Cut Some Apples, every time he was carrying something with him, either fruit or medicinal plants, once had the luxury of carrying Fish,He always carried with him a small bag to carry whatever you take.

My Friend, thank you for the Apples - Appreciating the Nature Fruit, learned to do, I was happy to do it. Who would imagine that here I feel so good when I was small, I do not believe in Fate, I thought that we all have a purpose,I didn't think were predestined to meet, do not believe in anything, I did not care, it is Ironic as life hits you so hard that you fall, you fall and Fall, so Down, not even to the Ground, but still very Deep Hole Hole, of which only After Dark, only that, some say that there is always a small Light,Many in their eagerness to come out not even do the opposite, until long after they get out of there, but I didn't see that Light, I was immersed in the Darkness, I had no intention of leaving, my priority was not, is not that I feel well there, IT's just going to... Out My Life was planned since before I was born, then to cling to anything, no,Not worth for me, if and only if we accept that the "Destination" was for me, in no time my parents scolded, the hardness of them was only due to his position, I understand very well the fact of where I was born, but I love my parents, so the truth I Don't bother to be Born there. So many things I remember about My Childhood, many pleasant, others SAD.The truth is that I had a very comfortable life, I lack nothing, except for one thing, I didn't think I was, I didn't know until he finally Destiny began to show me what I need... Love. Love to what? I Don't know, Life, whatever. I didn't know what love was, at one time it was planned. I remember that at Age 10 She, a girl who was beautiful,He told me he had a Prophecy for me. I laughed at myself because I'm Big Things for Children, she said:

- The Prophecy says you will find love in the Wrong Time, in the situation of the least developed and Least Expected person, so once you are happy, Be Happy from the bottom of your heart Happy. -

I have laughed Like Crazy In These WordsIt was too Absurd, is complete Madness. What if the Prophecy came true? Well... I Don't know if it was a prophecy, or Fate, but he did. Nothing was Pink, nothing was only Joy, no one told me it would be easy, all those who really loved something until I have cried Blood, all those who were already boasted as the maid, had conquered,As they had to fight for their love, for which they chose, I was out of all this, to me, I would be against my Will, a Maid, obviously not going to be happy, I remember my mother said to me:

- perhaps in time the love, but... She said: "Who knows what the Goddess of Destiny for you... - Don't take importance to such words,Maybe I knew that was what he was trying to tell me.

still tried to remember that moment in my life "Peaceful" to some extent became chaotic, I think with time. They say that people Change, someone once told me that that was a lie, that people don't Change, they just create a facade that serves as a Shield, but for what? To defend themselves,Not to go through another suffering or simply because they did not have adequate confidence in People and show his true self. Still Don't understand that... I change? Yes, My Child is very different to my young and is very different to my present Self, not an adult, yet I Don't think I have the maturity to be so, but why?Because my heart is the same when I was little. But then why change? The answer is simple now I see everything from another Point of view. Maybe I never considered myself an adult, perhaps in the eyes of others I am, but not before Mine. Create a Mask, not to Protect me, it was only because I didn't want contact with anyone, he distrusted all the time and nobody,I was always surrounded by People, if and only if depend on them, so they should Trust.

I was walking there, approaching the exit, his head full of thoughts, reflecting his Walk was Automatic, it was as if their feet know the right way to go, it was as if the Forest he opened a way for him to Go be not to worry where to step.The Forest happily enjoyed the presence of him for all the days that will soon return to visit, but why? He was quiet, he abused his fruits, he Stole, he was there to think, to sleep, to ask questions that you answer, but how the Forest will answer? The Wind helped him, a Gentle breeze to say that everything was fineTrees dancing to the tune of the Wind to make him feel that they were there, I was not alone in the Forest, Chorus of Birds singing around to see him smile. Finally everything was his presence.

when I began to go into the Forest... The first time you terrorize me, Escaba something, wanted to Run Away, I wanted to miss,The Pain was too great, and I wanted to die.

my father found me the next day, he spent the night in the roots of a Tree, was lying there Dead in Fear, My Father brought me in his arms and put my face against his chest and whispered in my ear:

My Child Everything will be fine, the Goddess of Fate will Smile Upon US, you'll See...

I checked,Exhausted and fell asleep in his arms. I only saw the Forest since then, every time we had to go somewhere, I tried not to look around, my eyes were always looking ahead, seeing the way the Forest Left a Mark of Great Fear in me, their sovereignty, their large size terrified me.The Forest is not your enemy was the words I said to the people around me, if you're good with him, the Forest, the Forest looks after you, do you believe in Magic "Believe... There's Magic, the Forest. What If I believed in Magic at that time? No, I didn't, I thought very CHILDISH, but now I believe in Magic, is Ironic as it happened, but it happened. The course of my life is filled with pure ironies.I almost out of the Woods, it is strange that now is my best friend, you come here every week, the truth is that I like. The Forest takes care of me as I take care of him, both as equal and the same time so different, quiet, Serene when we show our Fury, so equal and the same time so different. Achievement now view the clear the way,There's the tree that Always Touched every time I go in and out, as if greeting, as a person that have Education, but for me it is very pleasing. There is only the view from here is up this Hill, I can see my home, the Home of the others who live here, IT's Great expansion, people on the street, children playing,The Sky as Majestic as only he could, The Sun
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