–Kanako prefirió no decir nada, se levantó y se acomodó el vestido de  dịch - –Kanako prefirió no decir nada, se levantó y se acomodó el vestido de  Anh làm thế nào để nói

–Kanako prefirió no decir nada, se

–Kanako prefirió no decir nada, se levantó y se acomodó el vestido de flores que tanto le gustaba y observo a Souichi mientras echaba algunas cosas a la maleta.

Antes de que saliera se aclaró la voz.

− ¿Solo iras por el seminario?

si−respondió Souichi con sequedad.

¿No iras a ver a Tomoe?

Souichi se colgó la maleta a la espalda.

−Tengo que−dijo apretando los dientes −ese pervertido de Kurokawa tiene que ser constantemente amenazado.

−Ay hermano−rio por lo bajo y paso a un lado de él, de reojo observo a su hermano, que no había cambiado ni un poco en su aspecto, respiro hondo e insistió− ¿y a…?

Sí, también iré a buscar a Morinaga.

Kanako salió corriendo del pasillo con una sonrisa. Sabía que ese era el primer paso, y se sentía orgullosa de que fuera su hermano quien lo daría.

El que su celular sonara después de salir del trabajo era extraño.

Repaso mentalmente lo que tenía que hacer, pero no había nada. Miyori debía estar en casa con Zahi, y el trabajo estaba terminado, en todo caso lo único que quedaba era regresar a la casa con ambas, pero no le apetecía. Se sentía diferente, desanimado por volver y dormir, no quería que el día se acabara.

Suspiro y después de pensarlo se aflojo la corbata. Dio vuelta en el primer semáforo hacia el lado contrario a su hogar.

Como si el tiempo estuviera jugando con sus nervios la semana se pasó en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Maldijo por lo bajo y cerro la llave de la ducha, se sentía fatal ¿Cómo se había metido en eso? Mei, esa tipa era la culpable, tenía ganas de solo cerrar los ojos y esperar a que el vuelo despegara sin él, pero no podía, estaba comprometido a ir aunque solo fuera una excusa, además le faltaban dos días para arrepentirse, no tenía que estar tan nervioso.

Con las palabras entre sus labios abrió la puerta. No se había acostumbrado al nuevo departamento, era una especie de cuarto de hotel barato, pero estar con Matsuda le daba pena, en algún momento se empezó a sentir como un parasito sin hacer nada, y hacer algo para solucionarlo no estaba en las opciones. Recordaba como Morinaga hacia que el departamento se viera impecable y que vivieran como seres humanos, tampoco es que ensuciara mucho, pero Matsuda ya era mayor, y el…un completo inútil, era la verdad, intentar hacer la cena fue fatal, y ni se diga de entenderle a la lavadora.

Se mordió los labios, estaba harto de contemplar el celular por horas y no decidirse. Solo tenía que tocar la pantalla y el celular haría el resto. Ya había tomado la decisión de ir a la maldita ciudad de los gays, el núcleo de la homosexualidad, ¿y a qué? Claro a buscar a un hombre. Aun no pisaba esa tierra infernal y su influencia homo ya le había afectado, ¿y si se volvía raro? Su mente divagó en pensamientos claramente estúpidos, pero que increíblemente en ese momento sonaban razonables.

Suspiro con la pantalla oscura y un terrible dolor de cabeza. Si no le pedía ayuda a isogai todo sería en vano. Iría a Estados unidos, sí. Pero no vería a Morinaga, además el seminario seria en un lugar específico y no se sentía con mucha suerte como para que coincidieran el estado, y menos la ciudad.

−Al diablo conmigo−exclamo fastidiado, enojado sin ninguna razón aparente, aun así no pudo evitar sentir como se le encogía el estómago cuando Isogai contesto−ah, Soy Souichi, creo que necesito que me ayudes.

Chasqueo los dientes, ese tipo jugaría con él, eso lo veía venir.

−Souichi pidiéndome un favor, pero espera ¿Es el mismo Souichi que yo conozco?−se burló canturreando cada frase, el sonido de una maldición al otro lado del teléfono hizo que soltara una carcajada−vamos a ver, ¿en que soy bueno?

Souichi rolo los ojos tratando de encontrar el consuelo en su interior, la excusa por la cual le llamaba justamente a él, y apretando los puños para tratar de calmarse.

−Iré a un seminario−paro en seco, el silencio no parecía significar nada para Isogai que solo se rasco la nariz y verifico que la llamada no se hubiese cortado−en Estados Unidos−todo cobro sentido, y una gran sonrisa se extendió por su rostro.

Hasta que hablas claro Souichi, pero no entiendo en qué lugar entro yo.

La mente de Souichi no encontraba que decir, y sus labios solo se secaban amenazando con sangrar si no dejaba de morderlos.

−Con un carajo ¿no puedes simplemente imaginártelo? ¿Para que más te llamaría si no es para que lo localices?

Isogai abrió los ojos con sorpresa.

– ¿Estás seguro Souichi?–su tono lo sorprendió, estaba confundido por no recibir un montón de burlas, en cambio todo se tornó a una conversación seria, ¿estaba seguro de querer ver a Morinaga? Si de eso no había duda, lo necesitaba. Ya se había hecho mucho daño al alejarlo, y ahora que todo se ponía en orden para verlo no iba a ignorar la oportunidad––no quiero ser pesimista, ¿pero crees que Morinaga querrá reencontrarse contigo?

Frunció el entrecejo, ¡claro que querrá hacerlo! ¿Cómo siquiera puede preguntarlo?

Pero no estaba tan seguro, se le hizo un nudo en el estómago al pensarlo de nuevo, ¿y si él era el único que quería arreglar las cosas? Quizá Morinaga siguió con su vida e inevitablemente cambio.

–¿Por qué lo dices?– tartamudeo un poco, apretó los puños y espero a que Isogai le diera una respuesta estúpida la cual ignorar, pero tardo en responder, obviamente Isogai quería decir las cosas con tacto, pero tenía que ser directo para que Souichi entendiera, y decidiera si cambiar de opinión o continuar.

–¿Hace cuánto tiempo que cortaron toda comunicación?–no espero a que Souichi respondiera y continuo–sé que ha sido difícil, pero tú fuiste el que lo desecho de tu vida, y al principio se te veía muy normal–su tono incomodo a Souichi que se debatía en colgarle de una vez por todas, pero siendo realista a quien más acudiría si no era a ese idiota–no digas que fue por apariencia, porque todos sabemos que hay algo entre ustedes o al menos que lo había, a excepción de tu padre, pero él es de mente abierta, te recibiría de la misma forma en que lo hizo con tu hermano y Kurokawa, no había nada que te impidiera aceptar su relación. Solo tu ego.

Souichi se quedó mudo. Apretó los puños y cerro con fuerza los ojos. Fue estúpido eso lo sabía, los momentos que había vivido con Morinaga eran como fantasmas siguiéndolo a todas partes, colándose en sus sueños, haciendo que anhelara verlo otra vez, sentir su calidez o solo escuchar su voz, realmente sentía que lo necesitaba.

–Tú no entiendes.

Isogai suspiro ¿Cuántas veces había tenido esta conversación? Ya estaba cansado de repetir las mismas palabras una y otra vez para que Souichi simplemente las ignorara.

–O quizá sí, solo que no te has puesto a pensar sobre mis sentimientos.

–Estupideces–verifico la hora y se recostó en el sillón, volteo a los lados buscando una caja de cigarrillos sin éxito, y como era costumbre se quedó viendo a la nada queriendo volver a la costumbre de solo pedir las cosas y no tener que buscarlas por sí mismo–¿Qué, ahora eres homosexual?

– ¡Aja!–acuso en tono bulón– ¡admites que eres gay!

– ¡Carajo! ¿Cuándo he dicho que soy un estúpido homosexual?–Souichi grito demasiado fuerte, y tan exaltado que se había puesto de pie–habla maldita sea.

–Acabas de preguntar si soy gay, entonces si lo relacionas con mis preguntas sobre tu relación quiere decir que en el fondo sabes que tu relación con Morinaga es romántica por lo tanto es homosexual.

–Toda esa mierda no tiene sentido.

–Lo que sea, lo admitiste. Yo me refería a que he estado enamorado y creo saber lo que se siente y que lo más importante es estar bien con esa persona, no buscar agradarle a todo el mundo–espero un poco para retomar el tema–y también es recibir y dar amor, lo que tu hiciste fue pisotear a ese pobre chico, nunca he estado con un hombre pero solo por el hecho de que sea hombre no significa que sus sentimientos sean de piedra o nada mas quiera sexo.
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-Kanako preferred to say nothing, rose and flower dress that you liked so much were accommodated and observe Souichi while I missed some things to the suitcase.Until he left the voice became clear.− do only iras by the seminar?Souichi SI−respondio with dryness.Not go to see Tomoe?Souichi suitcase hung back.−Tengo que−dijo gritting his teeth perverted −ese of Kurokawa has to be constantly threatened.−Ay hermano−rio by the low and step aside, sideways look to his brother, who had not changed a bit in its appearance, breathe deep and insistio− and...?Yes, I'll also look for Morinaga.Kanako rushed out of the Hall with a smile. I knew that that was the first step, and was proud that it was his brother who would give it.…Your cell phone will sound after leaving work was strange.Review mentally what you had to do, but there was nothing. Miyori was to be at home with Zahi, and the work was finished, anyway only thing left was to return to the House with both, but it didn't. It felt different, discouraged by return and sleep, didn't that day was over.I sigh and after thinking it will loosen his tie. It turned at the first traffic light towards the home side.…As if time was playing with his nerves the week spent in a twinkling of an eye. He cursed by the low and cerro shower faucet, felt fatal how had I gotten into that? Mei, that chick was the culprit, I wanted to just close my eyes and wait for that flight took off without him, but couldn't, he was committed to go even if it was only an excuse, also were missing two days to repent, didn't have to be so nervous.With the words between her lips, she opened the door. He had not become accustomed to the new Department, was a kind of hotel room cheap, but being with Matsuda made him worth, eventually began to feel like a parasite without doing anything, and do something to fix it was not in the options. He remembered Morinaga towards which the Department would be impeccable and who live as human beings, nor is it stain much, but Matsuda was greater, and the... a complete waste, was truth, attempting to make the dinner was dreadful, and not mention of understanding it to the washer.Bit is lips, it had enough behold cell phone for hours and not deciding. I only had to touch the screen and the phone would do the rest. It had already taken the decision to go to the cursed city of gays, the core of homosexuality, and what? Of course, to find a man. Yet he stepped on that infernal land and its influence homo already had affected him, and if he became rare? His mind moved in clearly foolish thoughts, but that incredibly at the time sounded reasonable.Sigh with dark screen and a terrible headache. If you not asked isogai helps everything would be in vain. I would go to the United States, Yes. But it would not be to Morinaga, in addition the seminar would be at a specific location and did not feel lucky to make coincide the State and less city.−Al Devil conmigo−exclamo annoyed, angry for no apparent reason, yet could not help but feel it shrank the stomach when Isogai contesto−ah, am Souichi, think I need your help.Click teeth, such would play with him, that saw it coming.−Souichi asking for a favor, but waiting is the same Souichi I know? −se mocked humming every phrase, the sound of a curse on the other side of the phone did that you drop a carcajada−vamos to see, in that I am good?Souichi rolo eyes trying to find solace in its interior, the excuse which called precisely, and tightening the cuffs to try to calm down.−ire to a seminario−paro dry, silence did not seem to mean nothing to Isogai which I rasco only nose and verify that the call is there cortado−en States Unidos−todo sense collection, and a big smile spread over his face.I entered until you speak clear Souichi, but I do not understand where.The mind of Souichi couldn't tell, and your lips only dried threatening to bleed if he wouldn't bite them.−Con a hell not can simply imagine it? What is the most you would call if it does not you locate it?Isogai opened his eyes in astonishment.-Are you sure Souichi?-his tone surprised him, was confused by not receiving a lot of teasing, instead everything turned into a serious conversation, I was sure of wanting to see Morinaga? If there was no doubt of that, he needed it. Much damage had already been made to keep him, and now that everything was put in order to see it was not going to ignore the opportunity-I don't want to be pessimistic, but you think that Morinaga will want to meet with you?He frowned brow, that course will want to do it! How even you can ask it?But I wasn't so sure, you did a knot in the stomach to think again, and if he was the only one who wanted to fix things? Perhaps Morinaga followed his life and inevitably change.-What say it? - stutter a little, he clenched his fists and hope to Isogai gave a stupid answer which ignore, but slow to respond, Isogai obviously wanted to say things with tact, but it had to be direct so that Souichi understood, and decide if change or continue.-How long that they cut all communication? - I hope not that Souichi responded and continuous - I know that it has been difficult, but you were that waste of your life, and you looked very normal at the beginning - his tone uncomfortable Souichi it was discussed to hang him once and for all, but realistically who most would go if it was to that idiot-no digas was by appearance , because we all know that there is something between you or at least that had it, with the exception of your father, but he is open-minded, you would receive the same way he did with your brother and Kurokawa, there was nothing preventing you to accept their relationship. Only your ego.Souichi stayed silent. Pressed cuffs and cerro with force the eyes. It was stupid that I knew it, the moments that had lived with Morinaga were like ghosts following him everywhere, seeping into their dreams, doing that it craved to see it again, feeling her warmth or just to hear his voice, really felt it needed it.-You don't understand.Isogai sigh many times had this conversation? I was already tired of repeating the same words over and over again that Souichi simply ignore them.- Or maybe, only that you have not put to think about my feelings.-Bullshit-check time and he leaned back on the couch, turning the sides looking for a box of cigarettes without success, and as it was custom was facing nothing wanting to return to the custom of only ask for things and not have to look for them by itself - what, now are you homosexual?-AHA! - I acknowledge in tone pin - admit you're gay!-Damn! When I said that I am a stupid homosexual?-Souichi is too strong, and so exalted cry that had been foot-damn talk.-You just ask if I'm gay, then if you relate it with my questions about your relationship means that ultimately you know your relationship with Morinaga's romantic therefore is homosexual.-All that shit doesn't make sense.-Whatever, admitiste it. I I meant that I have been in love and I think know what it feels like and the most important thing is to be well with that person, not seek to please everyone - I a little hope to retake the subject - and it is also receiving and giving love, what you did was trampling on the poor guy, I've never been with a man, but only by the fact that man does not mean that their feelings are stone or just want to sex.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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-Kanako Preferred not to say anything, stood up and dress he loved flowers sat and watched as he threw some things Souichi the suitcase. Before I left cleared his throat. -? anger for the seminar only if Souichi replied dryly. Do not anger to see Tomoe? Souichi suitcase slung on his back. I must said through clenched teeth-that pervert Kurokawa has to be constantly threatened. Oh brother-snickered and sidestepped him, askance I look at her brother, who had not changed a bit in appearance, deep breath and she insisted you already ...? Yes, I'll go find Morinaga. Kanako ran from the hallway a smile. I knew that this was the first step, and was proud to be his brother who would. ... The sound your phone after leaving work was odd. Review mentally what he had to do, but there was nothing. Miyori should be home with Zahi, and the work was done, if anything all that remained was to return home with both, but did not want to. It felt different, discouraged by back and sleep, did not want the day to end. I sigh and after thinking loosened his tie. He turned into the first light onto the opposite side of your home. ... As if time was playing with his nerves spent a week in the blink of an eye. He cursed under his breath and turned off the faucet of the shower, she felt fatal How had she gotten that? Mei, that chick was guilty, I wanted to just close my eyes and wait for the flight took off without him, but could not, was committed to go if only an excuse, also was missing two days to repent, did not have be so nervous. With the words in his mouth he opened the door. He had not used the new department, it was kind of cheap hotel room, but being with Matsuda he was sorry, at some point it started to feel like a parasite without doing anything, and do something to fix it was not in the options. Remembered as Morinaga to the department saw spotless and to live as human beings, not that get dirty a lot, but Matsuda was older, and ... completely useless, it was the truth, trying to make dinner was fatal, and neither say to understand the washing machine. He bit his lip, he was tired of looking at the phone for hours and not be decided. I just had to touch the screen and the cell would do the rest. He had already decided to go to the damn gay city, the core of homosexuality, and why? Sure to look for a man. Still not above the earth and homo infernal influence had affected him, what if turned weird? His mind wandered in clearly stupid thoughts, but then sounded incredibly reasonable. Sigh with dark screen and a terrible headache. If not ask for help to Isogai all it is in vain. I would go to America, yes. But would not see Morinaga, besides the serious seminar in a specific place and did not feel lucky as to coincide the state, let alone the city. 'To hell with me exclaimed annoyed, angry for no apparent reason, still not could he help feeling as her stomach when Isogai answer-ah, I am Souichi, I think I need you to help me. He snapped his teeth, that guy would play with him, that it was coming. -Souichi asking a favor, but expects Is the same Souichi I know? scoffed singing each phrase, the sound of a curse on the phone made ​​to drop a laugh-let's see, what I am good? Souichi rolled his eyes trying to find solace in Inside, the excuse for which he rightly called him, and clenching his fists to try to calm down. I'll go to a seminar-stopped short, silence did not seem to mean anything to Isogai only scratched nose and verify that the call had not been cut-US-all made ​​sense, and a big smile spread across his face. Until Souichi speaking plainly, but I do not understand what place I come in. The mind Souichi was not to say, and only her lips were drying threatening bleeding if not stop biting. With a hell can not you just imagine? What else if not call you to locate it? Isogai opened his eyes in surprise. - You sure Souichi His tone surprised him was confused by not getting a lot of jokes, however everything became a serious conversation, were you sure that you want to see Morinaga? If that was no doubt needed. Had already done much harm to zoom out, and now everything is put in order to see it was not going to ignore the opportunity - I do not want to be pessimistic, but do you think Morinaga want to reconnect with you He frowned, clearly you want to do ! How can you even ask? But I was not so sure, he made ​​a knot in my stomach to think again, what if he was the one who wanted to fix things? Perhaps Morinaga continued his life and inevitably change. Why do you say - a little stutter, clenched his fists and waited Isogai give him a stupid answer which ignore, but slow to respond, obviously meant things Isogai tactful, but had to be direct to Souichi understood, and decide whether to continue or change your mind. -¿Hace how long they cut all communication? -not hope to answer and continuous-Souichi know it's been difficult, but you You were the one who waste your life, and at first you looked very ordinary-his uncomfortable tone to Souichi who struggled in hang once and for all, but realistically who else would come if it was not that idiot-not say which was by appearance, because we all know that there is something between you or at least had, except for your father, but he is open-minded, you receive the same way you did with your brother and Kurokawa not there was nothing to prevent you accept their relationship. Only your ego. Souichi was speechless. He clenched his fists and closed his eyes tightly. He knew it was stupid, moments that had lived with Morinaga were like ghosts following him everywhere, creeping into their dreams, making longed to see him again, to feel her warmth or just hearing his voice, I really felt I needed it. 'You You do not understand. Isogai sigh How many times had this conversation? I was tired of repeating the same words over and over again so that Souichi simply ignored. Or maybe yes, just that you have not thought about my feelings. -Estupideces-verify time and leaned back in his chair, turned the sides looking for a carton of cigarettes without success, and as was the custom was stared at nothing wanting to return to the habit of only ask for things and not having to look for yourself-What, now you're homosexual? - Aja ! he accused in tone bulón- admit you're gay! - Damn! When did I say that I am a homosexual stupid? -Souichi Cry too strong, and so exalted that had stood-speaking damn it. You just ask if I'm gay, so if you relate to my questions about your relationship means that deep down you know that your relationship with Morinaga is romantic so is homosexual. -All that shit does not make sense. 'Whatever, you admitted. I meant that I have been in love and I know how it feels and the most important thing is to be well with that person and not seek to please everyone-wait a bit to revisit the issue-and also receive and give love , what you did was trampling on the poor guy, I've never been with a man but only by the fact that man is not to say that their feelings are stone or anything else you want sex.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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–kanako preferred not to say anything, he got up and put the dress of flowers that he liked and watched while Souichi missed some things to the case before it.

clarified the voice. - just go for the Seminar?

si−respondió Souichi with Dryness. You're not going to see Miss Tomoe?

Souichi Hung The Bag in the back.−tengo que−dijo gritted teeth −ese Pervert Kurokawa has to be constantly threatened.

−ay hermano−rio down and step aside from him, sideways was his brother, who had not changed a bit in their appearance, deep breath and insistió− and...

I go find Morinaga.
Kanako ran out of the hall with a smile.I knew that this was the first step and felt proud to be his brother, who would give him


... That your cell phone will sound after leaving work was Strange.

I go over what I had to do, but nothing was there. Should be home with miyori Zahi, and the work was completed, in any case, All that remained was to return to the house with both, but doesn't want to.It felt different, discouraged by back and sleep, didn't want the day to End.

Sigh after thinking and loosened his tie. At the first Traffic Light turn to the opposite side home.


as if time was playing with your nerves this week happened in a Blink of an eye. Cursed by the low Hill and turn the shower,How were you feeling Bad? Mei, she was guilty, I just close my eyes and wait for the plane to take off without him, but I couldn't, I was committed to go even if it was only an excuse, he had two days to repent, he didn't have to be so nervous.

with the words between her lips opened the door.Was not accustomed to the new Department, was kind of a cheap hotel room, but were embarrassed to be with Matsuda, eventually began to feel like a Parasite without doing anything, and do something to fix it wasn't in the options. He remembered how Morinaga to the Department were impeccable and live like human beings, nor is much dirty,But Matsuda was older, and a completely useless, it was the Truth, try to make the dinner was fatal, not to mention the Machine understanding.
bit her lips, was fed up with the phone for hours and not decide. Just touch the screen and the cell would do the rest. He had already taken the decision to go to the fucking City of Gays, the core of homosexualityAnd what? Clear to find a man. Yet Earth and its influence on that infernal homo already had affected him, and if it got Weird? Divagó thoughts clearly in your mind that incredibly stupid, but at that moment sounded reasonable.

I Sigh with the Dark screen and a terrible headache. If you don't ask for help Isogai everything is in vain. Go to the United States, yes.But not see Morinaga, moreover the Seminar would be in a specific place and did not feel very lucky as to coincide with the State, and the Devil conmigo−exclamo.

−al annoyed, Angry for no apparent reason, still could not help feeling as you Shrink the stomach when I'm contesto−ah Isogai, Souichi I think I need your help.Cracked teeth, that guy would play with him, I saw that coming.

−souichi asking me for a favor, but Souichi wait is the same that I know? Each sentence −se Fun singing, The Sound of a curse on the other side of the phone carcajada−vamos made up a to see, that I am Good?

Souichi Rolo Eyes trying to find comfort in its interior.The reason why I called to him, and Tightening the cuffs to try and calm down. −iré

a seminario−paro seemed Dry, Silence does not mean nothing to Isogai only scratched the nose and verified that the call was not cortado−en States unidos−todo made sense, and a Big Smile spread his face.
until you Clear Souichi,But I Don't see where I come in.

the Mind of Souichi was not to say, and his lips only dried threatening bleed if I kept biting. - shit, can't You Just imagine it? For that you would call if it is not for you to track him down?

Isogai opened his eyes In Surprise. Souichi

- are you sure? - his tone.I was confused to not receive a lot of teasing, instead became a serious Conversation, I sure want to see Morinaga? If that was not in doubt, I needed it. Much had already been done Harm to him, and now everything was in order for him to ignore the oportunidad––no was not to be pessimistic, but you want Morinaga Reconnect with you?

Scowled, sure you do! How can you even ask?

but I was not so sure, I had a knot in my stomach to think again, and if he was the one that wanted to fix things? Maybe Morinaga continued with his life and inevitably change. - What? - a Little stutter,Clenched his fists, and I hope to give you a stupid answer Isogai which ignore, but slow to respond, Isogai obviously wanted to say things with TACT, but had to be direct to understand and decide if that Souichi, change of opinion or continue.

- how long to cut off all communication? - I hope to respond and continuo–sé Souichi has been difficult.But you were the one that you waste your life at First, and you looked very uncomfortable normal–su Tone that was on Souichi off once and for all, but being realistic who else would come if it was not to say that idiota–no was for appearance, because we all know there's something between you or at least I, except for your father, but he is open-minded.You would receive the same way he did with your brother and Kurokawa, there was nothing to prevent you from accepting their relationship. Only your ego.

Souichi Speechless. Clenched his fists and with Closed Eyes. I knew that was stupid, the moments we had lived with Morinaga as Ghosts were following him everywhere, breaking into his dreams, who yearn to see you again,Feel their warmth or only hear his Voice, I really felt that I needed.

Isogai Sigh you don't understand. How many times had this conversation? I'm tired of repeating the same words again and again to Souichi Simply ignored. Or maybe I just have you thought about my feelings.–estupideces–verifico time and lay down on the couch, turn it Sideways looking for a Box of cigarettes without success, and as was the custom Was Seeing nothing wanting to return to the habit of asking for things and not have to look for mismo–qué Yeah, now you're gay?

- Aha! –acuso Tone bulón– admit you're gay!

- fuck!When I said that I am a stupid gay? –souichi cry too hard, and so elated that he had pie–habla damn.

–acabas ask if I'm gay, then if you hook up with my questions about your relationship means that you know in your heart that your Romantic relationship with Morinaga is therefore is homosexual.

- All That Shit Don't make sense

,,.You admitted it. I mean I've been in Love And I think I know what it feels like and what is more important to be right with that person, not find a Little like the mundo–espero to retake the tema–y is also receiving and Giving Love, what you did was trampling on that poor kidI've never been with a man, but only by the fact that man does not mean that their feelings are stone or just want sex.
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