¿Te dijo dónde estaba?- cuestionó Samantha a un lado suyo--No alcanzó  dịch - ¿Te dijo dónde estaba?- cuestionó Samantha a un lado suyo--No alcanzó  Anh làm thế nào để nói

¿Te dijo dónde estaba?- cuestionó S

¿Te dijo dónde estaba?- cuestionó Samantha a un lado suyo-

-No alcanzó si no a decirme que estaba en la entrada principal del único aeropuerto de Shinkei, ¿acaso está fumado? Shinkei ha de tener más aeropuertos- habló Souichi enfadado-

-Él está en lo correcto, de prisa Komadori kun- aceleró Samantha-

-Ya voy Sami, por temprano llegaremos en media hora- dijo su amigo concentrado en su trabajo-

-Gracias Komadori kun-

-¿Tu novio?- preguntó el rubio tratando de mantener su cabeza fría, hablando de cosas cotidianas, y así no estresarse tanto-

-Sí, nos vamos a casar pronto ¿verdad amor?- dijo de manera burlona el piloto de la nave-

-Ya veo, ella tiene fácil al dejar de lado alguien- pensó volviendo su mirada a la ventana- ¿Por qué no pude hacer lo mismo cuando me dejó?- se cuestionó- ¿Qué haría yo si Morinaga me hiciera lo mismo de nuevo? A él si lo detuve… a Samantha la dejé ir, luché pero no como lo hago cada vez que él me deja, que él se vaya me duele más que cualquier cosa- pensó frunciendo el ceño-

-¡Oe Souichi! ¿Me oyes? Komadori kun, siempre sales con bromas de mal gusto, como sea sujétate bien el cinturón Sou, ya faltan dos minutos para aterrizar-

-Aja- contestó ausente- Ya verán ladrones de pacotilla, con Tatsumi Souichi nadie se mete. ¿Eh? Fue al idiota de Morinaga al que lesionaron…-

-Souichi deberías comer- ofreció un poco de comida- Por favor, es por tu bien- dijo Samantha preocupada-

-No gracias- apartando la deliciosa comida de su vista-

-Si no comes no aterrizamos, ¡Tu decides! ¡Estás muy pálido! te ves decaído, incluso no has podido pegar el ojo, se nota a leguas- insistió la mujer-

-De acuerdo, ¡pero no lo haré por gusto!- reprochó arrebatándole de las manos el platillo, engulléndolo como pudo, saboreando a escondidas, sintiéndose ocultamente realizado- ¡Bendita sea la comida y maldita ella por ser tan atenta!-

-¿Terminaste?- asumió Samantha quitándole el plato-

-¡Oye me faltaba la espiral!- mirándola a punto de asesinarla-

-Ajústense los cinturones por favor, ya vamos a aterrizar- advirtió Komadori-

-Oye Sou ¿qué es eso de allá?- señalaba Samantha desde su asiento-

-¿Eh?- levantando un poco el cuello, divisando cinco personas debajo de él a escasos metros-

-Listo, ya estamos llegando chicos, nos quedan unos metros y llegamos, en la pista aterri…-

-¡Es Morinaga!- pensó con su pulso acelerado- ¡Yo me bajo aquí!- soltándose el cinturón impulsivamente-

-¡No Souichi espera!- halándole del brazo para detenerlo-

-¡No interfieras Samantha!- gritó movido por la impaciencia, sin importarle nada, soltó el agarre de la chica, tomó su maleta, la que trajo de casa, y con el paracaídas se aventó de la avioneta como pudo-

Mi padre-madre se lanzó por su preocupación, el temor de perder a mi papá le invadió hasta los huesos, veía en cámara lenta a su kōhai siendo atacado por uno de esos hombres. Valió eso para que expusiera su vida peligrosamente, ya nada importaba, ese pequeño muchacho cabeza hueca le necesitaba, y como si fuera destino, poder de la atracción o casualidad, ambos nombres, el suyo y el de mi padre se oían, retumbando en eco, reencontrándose incluso en el sonido, en un llamado.

-¡Souichi!- gritó Samantha con el corazón en la mano-

-¡Morinaga!- gritó Souichi llegando al suelo en su rescate, cayendo sobre dos de los ladrones noqueándolos al instante-

-¡Sempai! ¿Qué haces aquí?- palpándose el estómago mirándolo con su cara golpeada y sin fuerzas desde el suelo- Esto debe ser un sueño- tratando de alcanzarlo con su mano, a pesar de verlo a escasos metros suyo no podía lograr su objetivo-

-No trates de levantarte- le habló la ilusión no tan difusa- ¡Yo iré por ti!- poniéndose de pie con total equilibrio, a pesar de la dura caída, le sirvió caer sobre los maleantes, amortiguaron el golpe-

-¿Estás demente? ¡Danos tus cosas!- gritaron los ladrones soltando a Morinaga y yendo hacia él con unos cuchillos, los cuales fueron esquivados con maestría-

-¡SI NO COOPERAS CON NOSOTROS TU AMIGO SE MUERE!- lanzando con el puñal en mano su ataque mortal a Morinaga, quien aún indefenso como estaba, contra todo pronóstico, en pocos segundos detuvo su ataque mientras ambos forcejeaban-

-¡Se morirán ustedes!- exclamó sempai encestándole un puño en el rostro, alejándolo de Morinaga, aventándolo a unos cuantos metros-

-¡A ELLOS!- señalándolos un ladrón pidió-

-Ni lo sueñes, nosotros nos vamos- susurró Souichi alzando a Morinaga, ayudándolo a irse hasta el avión, donde Samantha los esperaba a la entrada-

-¡Sempai!- deteniéndolo- ¡Mi compañero de viaje no está!- se preocupó Morinaga mirando para todos los lados- ¡Lo secuestraron! ¿Será que lo mataron?-

-¿Qué importa? ¡Vámonos imbécil!- arrastrándolo-

-¡Souichi ven! Dejaremos la avioneta aquí para denunciar a esos criminales- anunció Samantha bajando del aparato con su amigo-

-Es mejor que corras mariquita travestido, déjanos a tus amiguitos, total, no queremos ni saber lo que te dejas hacer de ellos- insultó uno de los ladrones que estaba en pie... firmando sin saber su sentencia directo al hospital, si es que el de cabellos atados en una coleta baja no lo mataba antes de llegar-

-¿Qué…acabas de decir?- volteando su cabeza en cámara lenta- ¿Cómo me llamaste?- tirando a un lado a su kōhai, quien temblando presintió que desataron el demonio que dormitaba en su sempai-

-¡Souichi no se expongan así! ¡VAMOOS CORRAN!- gritó la jovenzuela apurándoles-

-¡No os preocupéis! Vayan a poner la denuncia, ¡DE ESTOS ME ENCARGO YO!- moviendo su cuello hacia el lado derecho, luego el izquierdo, y sonando los puños de sus manos se fue acercando poco a poco, a su víctima-

-¿Qué peli largo, vienes a hacernos una paja?- retó burlón otro asaltante-

-¡DESEARÁN NO HABER NACIDO!- corriendo hacia los dos únicos hombres en pie, quienes se quedaron cruzados de brazos, a espera de sus próximas y de seguro ''torpes'' movidas-

-¡SEMPAI ESPERE NO COMETA UNA LOCURA! ¡SI LOS MATA SOLO USTED IRÁ A LA CÁRCEL!- advirtió Morinaga sosteniéndose el estómago y tambaleándose para ir a calmarlo, como sólo el podía hacerlo-

-¡ESTA VEZ NO TE HARÉ CASO MORINAGA, Y MANTENTE AL MARGEN O NO RESPONDO!- peleando con los maleantes, quienes ni cortos ni perezosos atajaron sus ataques, unos acertados otros no tanto, pero aun así, quien terminaba sin un rasguño era el sempai-

Una especie de batalla campal comenzó a librarse en aquella trocha, puños, patadas y hasta piedras se veían por doquier, mi padre-madre lanzaba golpes sin parar, aterrando a los presentes, incluso a dos valientes lobos, los cuales iban convirtiéndose en mansas y temerosas ovejas, sin demostrarlo.

-¿ES TODO LO QUE TIENEN? ¡A MI ME RESPETAN, MARICA TRAVESTIDO SERÁ EL PAPÁ DE USTEDES! ¡YO SOY UN VARÓN!- gritó persiguiéndoles con una piedra por donde fueran, por suerte no había gente, si alguno de esos asaltantes moría ahí, no habría a quien culpar- ¡ESPERA SAMANTHA NO VAYAS A DENUNCIAR AÚN! NO HASTA QUE SOBREVIVAN TODOS- gritó Souichi temiendo ser descubierto por las autoridades, descuidándose por un segundo… que quizá le costaría-

-¿Me buscabas?- halándolo del cabello y aventándolo al suelo, pateándolo en repetidas ocasiones-

-No cantes victoria- susurró Souichi tosiendo un poco de sangre-

-¡SEMPAAAAII NO TE DEJES GOLPEAR!- llorando Morinaga corría en auxilio de su salvador-

-¡TE ORDENÉ QUE NO TE METIERAS EN ESTO! ¡DEBES OBEDECERME IDIOTAA!- magullado gritó, intentando ponerse de pie, mas su captor le noqueó golpeando su nuca-

-¡No lastimes a Sempai!- cambiando su adolorido semblante por uno más serio, un tanto… ¿menos compasivo?- Les perdoné todo, que nos escupieran a mi compañero de viaje y a mí, les perdoné que me patearan, que me golpearan, que enlodaran mi cara, me robaran, me noquearan y ahora volvieran para completar su robo… habría soportado…- comentó un hombre de cabellos azul oscuro y ojos verde, los cuales no se veían por tener la cabeza gacha-

-¿Enmudeciste gallinita? ¡Ustedes!- habló a sus colegas- Sostengan a este rubio demente, háganlo bien, porque cuando despierte los mata, y ¡ni siquiera yo podré hacer algo contra esa maldita bestia!- dijo entregándoselo a ellos-

-La cosa se puso fea, si esto sigue así le pediré a Komadori que nos metamos en la pelea- pensó Samantha preocupada viendo lo que acontecía desde lejos, mordiéndose las uñas pese a criticar a los que hacían aquello-

-¡TODO MENOS QUE LO TOCARAAAAAN –gritó Morinaga dando golpes a diestra y siniestra, a pesar de que dos de los ladrones estaban preparados para atacar, él ya no estaba acobardado, a pesar del dolor de su estómago y demás extremidades maltratadas, la adrenalina, la fuerza y la decisión fluían por completo a través de su cuerpo-

Mi papá, limpió sus lágrimas, y los restos de sangre seca que aún conservaba, desabotonando su camisa, aventándola a otro sitio, se juró terminar la batalla en el nombre de su sempai, quien yacía dormido a causa de la golpiza recibida. Usando su sentido común, mi alocado y joven padre ideó un plan mejor, donde la fuerza bruta luego haría su aparición.

-¡MUÉSTRAME DE LO QUE ALARDEAS!- retó uno de los malhechores-

-Yo no hago alardes, soy un cobarde…hasta que tocan a los que quiero- aseguró Morinaga en susurros- Pero eso es cuento aparte, soy a quien quieren y aquí me tienen, déjenlo a él, actualmente yo gano más de lo que él podría en diez milenios- extendiendo sus brazos, enseñando el anillo que portaba en su dedo- ¡VENGAN POR ÉL!-

-¡SI ESO QUIERES! ¡YA VERAS BASTAARDOOO!- el ladrón y sus dos amigos irían contra el hombre que sin camisa e inmutable, esperaba con paciencia… ¿mirándolos enloquecido?-
Từ: -
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Told you where it was? - questioned Samantha aside yours --Did not reach if not to tell me that he was at the main entrance of the only airport of Shinkei, is smoked? Shinkei must have more airports - spoke angrily Souichi --It is right, in a hurry Komadori kun - accelerated Samantha--I'm coming Sami, by early will arrive in half an hour - said his friend concentrate in their work --Thanks Komadori kun --Would your boyfriend? - asked the blonde, trying to keep his cool head, talking about everyday things, and thus do not get stressed so much-Yes, we're going to get married soon right love? - mocking way said the pilot of the ship --I see, she is easy to the set aside someone - he thought returning his gaze to the window - why not could do the same when I left? - was questioned - what would I if Morinaga did me the same thing again? To it if I stopped... Samantha let it go, I fought but not like I do whenever he lets me, that it will be me it hurts more than any thing - thought pursing the frown--Oe Souichi! Do you hear me? Komadori kun, always salts with jokes in bad taste, as it will hold well Sou belt, already missing two minutes to land --Aja - answered absent - as thieves of cheesy, will be with Tatsumi Souichi no one gets. Eh? It was the idiot of Morinaga he injured...--Souichi should eat - it offered some food - please, is for your sake - said Samantha concerned --No thanks - away delicious food from his sight--If you don't eat not landed, you decide! You're very pale! you look down, even you have not been able to paste eye, note leagues - insisted the woman --By agreement, but won't do it for fun! - reproached snatching her hands saucer, gobbling it as he could, enjoying secretly, feeling secretly made - blessed be the food and damn her for being so attentive!--Would you end up? - Samantha took removing the dish--Hear the spiral was missing me! - looking at her about to kill her --Adjusted the straps please and we will land - warned Komadori --Hey Sou what do that there? - noted Samantha from his seat --Huh? - by slightly lifting the neck, overlooking five people under it a few meters away--Ready, we are already coming guys, we still have a few meters and arrived, on the track aterri...--Is Morinaga! - he thought with his rapid pulse - I I am under here! - releasing belt impulsively --Not Souichi wait! - pulling her arm to stop him--Not interfieras Samantha! - she screamed by impatience, regardless of anything, released the grip of the girl, took his suitcase, which brought home, and with the parachute threw the plane as he could -My father-mother was launched by its concern, fear of losing invaded my dad to the bone, I watched in slow motion to their kōhai being attacked by one of those men. That earned that exposed his life dangerously, already nothing mattered, that little boy sockethead needed him, and as if it were destiny, power of attraction or coincidence, both names, yours and that of my father is heard, rumbling echo, rediscovering even in sound, in a call.-Souichi! - shouted Samantha with the heart in the hand--Morinaga! - shouted Souichi reaching the ground in their rescue, falling on two thieves knocking them out the moment--Sempai! What are you doing here? - feeling his stomach looking at him with her beaten face and no forces from the ground - this must be a dream - trying to reach it with their hand, despite what a few meters yours not could achieve their goal---Do not try to get up - spoke you not so diffused illusion - I'll go for you! - standing with total balance, despite the tough fall, it did fall on the thugs, they cushioned the blow --Are you crazy? Give us your stuff! - shouted thieves dropping to Morinaga and going towards him with a few knives, which were dodged with master --If not cooperate with us your friend die!-with the dagger in his hand throwing his deadly attack to Morinaga, who still helpless as he was, against all odds, in few seconds stopped their attack while both forcejeaban --You will die! - sempai, cried out you a slap in the face, away from Morinaga, throwing a few meters --To them! - pointing them a thief called-- Or the dream, we we're going - whispered Souichi raising to Morinaga, helping him to go to the plane, where Samantha was waiting for them at the entrance--Sempai! - stopping him - my travel companion is not! - worried Morinaga looking for all sides - kidnapped him! Could it be that they killed him?--What does it matter? Let's jerk! - dragging it --Souichi come! We will leave the plane here to denounce those criminals - announced Samantha down the appliance with your friend--It is better that you run Ladybug transvestite, leave us your friends, total, we do not want or know what let you make them - insulted one of the thieves was standing... signing without knowing its decision directly to the hospital, if it is that of hair tied in a low ponytail not killed it before --Have what... just say? - turning his head in slow motion - how you called me? - pulling aside his kōhai, who, trembling, sensed that they unleashed the demon who was dozing in his sempai --Souichi is not exposed as well! VAMOOS CORRAN! - cried the youthful rushing them--Don't worry! Go to the denunciation of these ME custom YO! - by moving his neck to the right side, then the left, and ringing the cuffs of his hands was approaching little by little, his victim --What movie long, come to make us a straw? - mocking challenged another assailant --WISH to not have born! - running into the only two men on foot who were crossed arms, awaiting their next and insurance "clumsy" moved--SEMPAI WAIT NOT COMET CRAZY! If the MATA only you ANGER to jail!-warned Morinaga holding stomach and staggering to calm him, as only the could do it --This time not tea I case MORINAGA, and keep up to the Bank or do not answer!-fighting with criminals, who neither short nor lazy did head their attacks, some successful other not so much, but even so, who ended up without a scratch was the sempai -A kind of free-for-all began to RID on that trail, fists, kicks and even stones were everywhere, my father-mother threw blows nonstop, terrifying present, even to two brave wolves, which were becoming meek and fearful sheep, without showing it.-IS EVERYTHING YOU HAVE? A MI ME THEY RESPECT, TRANSVESTITE FAG WILL BE THE POPE OF YOU! I am a man!-shouted chasing them with a stone where they were, luckily there weren't people, if any of those assailants died there, it wouldn't be to blame - waiting SAMANTHA not go to report yet! NOT that survive up to all - cried Souichi fearing to be discovered by the authorities, neglecting for a second... that perhaps cost him--Me looking for? - pulling hair and throwing it to the ground, kicking him repeatedly--No cantes victoria - whispered Souichi coughing some blood--SEMPAAAAII not you let hit! - crying Morinaga ran to the aid of their Savior--TEA ORDERED QUE NO TE OVERPLAYED IN THIS! You must obey me IDIOTAA! - bruised he shouted, trying to stand up, but her captor knocked him hitting his neck --Not hurt Sempai! - changing his sore face one more serious, somewhat... do less compassionate? - forgave Les everything that we insulted my companion travel and to me, forgave them me XD, that beat me, enlodaran my face, I steal, I noquearan and now return to complete their theft... would have supported...-said a man of dark blue hair and eyes Green which were not to have his head down--Do enmudeciste hen? You! - spoke to his colleagues - hold to this insane blonde, do well, because when wake up the kills, and even I can do something against that damn beast!, said delivering to them --The thing was ugly, if this continues I will ask him Komadori ourselves in the fight – thought Samantha concerned seeing what happened from afar, biting fingernails despite criticizing those who did that --ALL less than the TOCARAAAAAN - screamed Morinaga hitting left and right, while two of the robbers were prepared to attack, he was no longer unmanned, despite the pain of his stomach and other battered limbs, Adrenaline and force the decision flowed completely through his body-!My dad, wiped her tears, and the remains of dried blood that still retained, unbuttoning his shirt, throwing it to another site, has vowed to end the battle in the name of his sempai, who lay asleep because of the beating received. Using common sense, my crazy and young father devised a better plan, where brute force would then make their appearance.-Show me of what ALARDEAS! - challenged one of the criminals --I am not boasting, I am a coward... until they touch to those that want to - he said Morinaga in whispers - but that's story apart, am who want to and I have here, leave it to it, currently I earn more than what he could in ten millennia - extending his arms, showing the ring he carried in his finger-come by! --IF THAT LIKE! ALREADY really BASTAARDOOO!-the thief and his two friends would go against the man that shirtless and immutable, he waited patiently... would watching them crazy?-
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Did he say where he was - Samantha questioned a hand hers reached No if not tell me she was at the main entrance of the airport only Shinkei, is perhaps smoked? Shinkei must have more airports- spoke angrily Souichi He is right, hurry Komadori kun accelerated Samantha Sami-and I, for half an hour early to get his friend said her work focused on Komadori Thank kun - Does your boyfriend? - asked the blonde trying to keep his cool head, talking about everyday things, so do not stress tanto- Yes, we're getting married soon do you love - mockingly said the pilot of the ship - 'I see, it is easy to stop thought someone-side turning his gaze to the window Why could not do the same when I left - is cuestionó- What would I do if I Morinaga do the same again ? He stopped if Samantha ... I let her go, but I fought like I do every time he leaves me, he leaves me hurts more than anything-thought frowning -¡Oe Souichi! Do you hear me? Komadori kun, always come out with bad jokes, as well hang on the Sou belt, and missing two minutes to aterrizar- -Aja- replied absently thieves already be shoddy, with Tatsumi Souichi nobody messes. Huh? It was the idiot who was injured Morinaga ... - -Souichi should trade offered some food- Please Samantha is worried for your well-said thank you- No delicious food away from your view- If you do not eat no landed, You decide! You're so pale! you look listless, even you could not stick the eye, note leguas- insisted the woman Okay, but I will not do it for fun - reproached snatching hands saucer, engulfing as he could, savoring the sly, feeling secretly done-Blessed be the food and cursed her for being so attentive - Did you finish - he took Samantha removing his plate was missing the spiral Hey - looking into asesinarla- point belts please -Ajústense as will aterrizar- warned Komadori- Sou Hey what's that over there - pointed from his seat Samantha Eh - up a little neck, spotting five people underneath him a few yards away 'Ready, we're getting guys, we still have a few meters and arrive at the track ... aterri - 'It's Morinaga - she thought her pulse accelerators I lower here - disengaging the belt impulsively -¡No Souichi expected - pulling him arm to stop him -¡No interfere Samantha - shouted moved by impatience, regardless of anything, he released his grip on the girl, took her suitcase, brought from home, and threw the parachute from the plane as he could - My father-mother gave for their concern, the fear of losing my dad came over him to the bone, saw his kōhai camera slowly being attacked by one of those men. It was worth it to expose his life dangerously, nothing mattered, that little boy airhead needed him, and like destiny, power of attraction or chance, both names, yours and my father could be heard rumbling echo , rediscovering the sound even in a call. -¡Souichi - Samantha cried with heart in hand -¡Morinaga - shouted down Souichi coming to their rescue, landing on two of the robbers noqueándolos instantly- - Sempai! What are you doing here? - Patting his stomach watching him limp and bruised face from the floor This must be a dream trying to catch up with his hand, despite his view a few meters could not achieve its objective- No will try to levantarte- spoke no illusion as difusa- I'll get you - standing up with overall balance, despite the hard fall, he poured down on the thugs, cushioned the blow Are you insane? Give us your stuff - releasing the robbers shouted Morinaga and going at him with knives, which were shunned by maestría- 'If you do not cooperate WITH US YOUR FRIEND DIES - throwing knife in hand with its deadly attack Morinaga, who still helpless as he was, against all odds, in a few seconds as the two stopped their attack forcejeaban- -¡Se you die - sempai said encestándole a fist in the face, away from Morinaga, throwing him a few yards away -¡ THEM - by pointing a thief pidió- Nor even dream, we whispered Souichi vamos- raising to Morinaga, helping to go to the plane, where Samantha was waiting at the doorway -¡Sempai - stopping him My companion Travel is not - Morinaga worried looking for all sides- kidnapped! Is what killed - What does it matter? Come jerk - arrastrándolo- -¡Souichi come! Plane will leave here to denounce these criminal-announced Samantha down the apparatus with his friend It's better run transvestite sissy, let us your buddies, total, we do not even want to know what you make of them stop insulting one of the thieves who stood ... signed without knowing his direct statement to the hospital, if the hair tied into a low ponytail did not kill him before llegar- ... What you just said - turning his head in slow motion - What did you call me - throwing aside his kōhai, who felt that quivering unleashed the demon who was dozing in his sempai- -¡Souichi not exposed so! Vamoos RUN - cried the chit apurándoles- -¡No worry! Go to file a complaint, I'll take care THESE - moving his neck to the right, then the left, and ringing the cuffs of his hands was approaching slowly, his victim What movie length, you come to us a straw - mocking another asaltante- challenged -¡DESEARÁN not born - running toward the only two men on foot, who were idly, waiting for their next and safe '' awkward '' moved - WAIT NO KITE -¡SEMPAI crazy! MATA ONLY IF YOU GO TO JAIL - Morinaga said holding his stomach and staggered to go to calm him, as only he could do so -¡ESTA TIME NO CASE YOU WILL Morinaga, and stay out or I will answer - fighting with the thugs, who without thinking twice did head attacks, some successful other less so, but still, who finished without a scratch was sempai- A kind of pitched battle was fought on that trail, punches, kicks and even stones were everywhere, my father-mother threw punches non-stop terrorizing those present, including two brave wolves, which were becoming meek ​​and frightened sheep without proof. Is that all you got? MY RESPECT ME, FAG TRANSVESTITE WILL YOU DAD! I AM A MALE - shouted chasing a rock where they were, thankfully there were no people, if any of those assailants died there, who would not culpar- SAMANTHA EXPECTED TO REPORT STILL DO NOT GO! NOT SURVIVE UNTIL ALL- Souichi shouted fearing discovery by authorities, neglecting for a second ... maybe you costaría- 'you Are looking for - pulling hair and throwing him to the ground, kicking him repeatedly occasions whispered Victoria No songs Souichi coughing a little blood- -¡SEMPAAAAII DO NOT BE HIT - Morinaga ran crying to the aid of his savior -¡TE ORDERED THAT DO NOT meddle in this! Must obey IDIOTAA - bruised shouted, trying to stand, but his captor knocked him hitting his nape -¡No hurt to Sempai - changing his sore face for a more serious, somewhat ... less compassionate - Les forgave However, to spit us to my traveling companion and me, forgave them kicked me, beat me, that enlodaran my face, I stole, I KO'd and now return to complete their theft ... have borne ... - said a man hair dark blue and green eyes, which were not seen as having the head down -¿Enmudeciste hen? You - spoke to his colleagues Hold this insane blonde, do it well, because when I wake kills, and even I can do something about that damned beast - said handing it to them- -The things got ugly, if this continues I will ask Komadori that we get into the fight-he thought Samantha worried watching what was happening from a distance, biting his nails despite criticizing those who did aquello- -¡TODO UNLESS TOCARAAAAAN shouted banging to Morinaga left and right, even though two of the robbers were ready to attack, he was no longer cowed, despite the pain in his stomach and other battered limbs, adrenaline, strength and determination flowed entirely through its body- My dad, wiped her tears, and the remains of dried blood still preserved, unbuttoning his shirt, by winnowing elsewhere, he vowed to end the battle in the name of his sempai, who lay asleep because of the beating received. Using common sense, my wild and young father devised a better plan, where brute force then make their appearance. -¡MUÉSTRAME WHAT brag - he challenged one of the malhechores- -I do not bragging, I am a coward ... until touching those who want- Morinaga said in a whisper But that story aside, I'm the one you want and here I am, I leave it to him, now I earn more than he could in ten millennia extending his arms, teaching He is carrying ring on your finger COME FOR HIM - 'If THAT YOU WANT! You'll see BASTAARDOOO - the thief and his two friends would go against the man shirtless and unchangeable, waiting patiently ... mad at them? -

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Told you where I was? - Samantha aside questioned her

- t if not to tell me that I was the only Airport in the main entrance of Shinkei, you smoked? Shinkei have more Airports - Souichi

- Angry - He's right, hurry komadori Kun Accelerated Samantha -

I'm sami, Early will arrive in half an hour, "said his friend into his work -


Thanks komadori Kun - Your Boyfriend? - ask the blonde trying to keep his head, talking about everyday things, so don't stress out both -

- Yes, we're getting married soon, right? - derisively said the pilot of the ship -

- I See, IT's easy to let go of someone you thought Turning its Gaze to the window - Why couldn't I do the same when I Left?- question - What would I do if I Morinaga do the same thing again? If I stopped him, let him go to Samantha, I Fought but not as I do every time he leaves, he leaves It Hurts Me More than anything he thought frowning -
OE Souichi. Can you hear me? Komadori kun, you always distasteful jokes, as tight Belt Sou, two minutes to land -

I answered it absent - Thieves...... nobody messes with Souichi Tatsumi. Huh? Morinaga was the Idiot who injured...

- - offered Souichi should Eat some food - Please, IT's for your own good, "said Samantha worried -

- No Thanks - away food

your view - - If you don't Eat not Landed, you decide! You're so Pale! You Look Down,You couldn't even hit the eye, apparent stressed Women

- - Okay, but don't do it for you! - for wiping Hands the saucer, engulléndolo as he could, with a Hidden feeling secretly made - Bless the food and Cursed her to be so attentive! -
- finished? - Samantha took out the plate -
I lacked the spiral!- look - - point of murdering her

please Fasten your Seat Belts, we're Landing - warned komadori -

- Hey. What's that over there? - Samantha noted from his seat -

- huh? - lifting a Little Neck, and five People Under him a few meters -

- Ready, we're coming, guys, we have a few meters and we're on track aterri...

- Morinaga.- With Your Pulse Racing - This is me! - letting Loose the belt impulsively Souichi

- - Wait! - pulling the arm to stop him -

- Don't interfere, Samantha! - she screamed moved by impatience, not caring about anything, loosened the Grip of the girl, took her suitcase, which brought Home The Parachute, and threw the plane as he could -

My father mother is launched by your Concern, the fear of losing my dad he was moved to the bone, seen in Slow Motion to kōhai being attacked by one of those men. It was to express his life dangerously, nothing Mattered, that little boy airhead needed him, and as if it was fate or Chance, Power of Attraction, both names,You And My Father heard Rumbling ECHO, reencontrándose even in the Sound, called Souichi.
! Samantha - cried, hand on Heart -

- Morinaga. - she screamed Souichi coming down in their Rescue, dropping two of the Thieves noqueándolos Instantly -

- sempai! What are you doing here?- palpándose stomach staring at him with his face beaten and forces from the ground - This must be a Dream - trying to reach her hand to him, despite a few meters could not achieve its objective -

- Don't try to get up and told him the illusion not so Diffuse, i'il get you! - by standing with total balance, despite the hard Fall, she served on the Thugs Down,Cushioned the blow -

- are you insane? Give us your things! - shouted thieves by Morinaga and moving towards him with Knives, which were avoided with master
- If you don't cooperate with us, your friend is dying! - throwing Dagger in his hand with the Deadly attack on Morinaga, who was helpless and yet, against All Odds,In a few seconds stopped his Attack While both forcejeaban -

- Die you! - sempai encestándole exclaimed a fist in the face out of aventándolo Morinaga, few meters -
! - bring them a Thief called
- Hell, we whispered Souichi Holding Morinaga, helping him to go to the plane, where Samantha was waiting at the entrance -

- sempai!- stopping My Travel companion is not! - He was looking for Morinaga all sides - kidnapped! Is that what killed him? -

? Let's Go!

- - - dragging Souichi come! The plane will leave here to denounce these criminals - Samantha announced down Apparatus with his friend

- You better run Ladybird transvestite, let your friends,We don't even want to know what you make of them insulted one of the Thieves was standing... Signing without knowing his case directly to the hospital, if the hair tied in a ponytail Low did not kill him before arriving -

what you just said? - Turning his head in Slow Motion - how you call me? - throwing aside his kōhai,Trembling who realized that unleashed the Demon asleep on his sempai

- Souichi is not exposed. Vamoos Run! - cried The Little apurándoles -

- do not worry! Go to the complaint, these back to me! - Moving his neck towards the right, then left, and ringing The Fists of his hands he gradually, his Victim -

what's Long,You have a Straw? - Mocking challenged another Assailant -

- DESEARÁN had never been born! - running to the only two men who were standing Idle, waiting for their next Insurance 'and' Clumsy 'Moves -

- sempai wait do anything Crazy! If you will only Kill to jail! - warned Morinaga Holding stomach and reeling to go calm him down,Just as the IT
- - this time you will stay on the sidelines and Morinaga Case, or no answer! - Fighting Villains, who neither Short nor Lazy halted their attacks, some successful, others not so much, but still, who ended without a Scratch was the sempai

a sort of Battle began to escape on that Trail, fists, Kicking up stones and looked everywhere,My father mother threw punches non-stop, terrifying even to the present, two Brave Wolves, which were becoming calm and timid Sheep, without Proof. - is that all you have? I will respect the transvestite, faggot! I am a Male! - she screamed with a Stone where they were going, Luckily, there were no peopleIf any of those who died there, would not have to blame - Samantha to denounce Don't Go yet! Not all will survive until he cried Souichi Fearing being discovered by the authorities, neglected for a Second... That maybe it would cost -

- looking for me? - halándolo and aventándolo hair to the Ground, Kicking him repeatedly -

- Don't Cry Victory whispered Souichi coughing a Little Blood -

- sempaaaaii Don't hit! - Crying In Distress Morinaga was its Savior -

- I ordered you to stay out of this! You must Obey me idiotaa! - Bruised shouted, trying to stand his captor, banging his head knocked him out -

Don't Hurt sempai! - Changing His painful face one more serious,A Little Less Compassionate? - i forgave IT, we Spit On My traveling companion and I forgave me, Beat me, Beat me, enlodaran my face, I Get Knocked Out, and now I return to complete his robbery would be supported, Said a Man of Dark Blue hair and Green Eyes, which are not by having the head looked down -

- are you struck Dumb Chick? You!- talked to his colleagues - Hold This blonde Crazy, get it right, because when he wakes up, and even I can do something against that Cursed Beast! - hand it to them -

- things got Ugly, if this Continues, I will ask us to go into the fight komadori thought Samantha worried seeing this coming from afar,Biting his Nails, despite criticism that did that -

- less than tocaraaaaan –gritó Morinaga hitting to left and right, despite the fact that two of the Thieves were ready to attack, he was no longer intimidated, despite the pain of his stomach and other limbs Battered, Adrenaline, the decision by full force and flowing through Your Body -

My dad, wiped his Tears, and Dried Blood that remains Still, desabotonando his shirt, aventándola elsewhere, he vowed to end the Battle in the name of his sempai, who was lying asleep because of the beating received. Using your common sense, and my crazy Young father came up with a better plan, where Brute Force would then make their appearance. - What are you showing off!- challenged one of the criminals -

- I do not boast, I am a Coward until you touch the Morinaga in Whispers said I Want - - but that's Story. Besides, I'm here with me and who want to go to him, I actually won more than he could in Ten Millennia - spreading his Arms, showing the ring on her Finger - who had come for him! -

if you want!I really bastaardooo! The Thief and his two friends would go against the Man without a shirt and immutable, waited patiently... Them crazy? -
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