¡Maldición... maldición... MALDICIÓN!, pegué un grito rompí el periódi dịch - ¡Maldición... maldición... MALDICIÓN!, pegué un grito rompí el periódi Anh làm thế nào để nói

¡Maldición... maldición... MALDICIÓ

¡Maldición... maldición... MALDICIÓN!, pegué un grito rompí el periódico en mil pedazos, lo boté a la basura y me dirigí hasta la sala para sentarme en el sofá apoyando los codos en mis rodillas y tapándome el rostro con mis manos.

Sentía que cada vez me quebraba más y más. Últimamente me había vuelto un tipo llorón y eso me hacía odiarme a mí mismo por mostrar tanta debilidad emocional.

Ese bastardo, ese idiota... tienes pensando mudarse de aquí. No... no puede hacer eso... NO PUEDE. Él tiene que recuperar su memoria, él tiene que volver a ser el mismo de antes, ÉL TIENE QUE RECORDAR SU PASADO.

"Sabes... ya pasó más de un mes. Deberíamos resignarnos. Es obvio que mi amnesia es permanente. Ya lo acepté y estoy dispuesto a vivir con eso...", recordé las palabras de Morinaga. No podía permitir que simplemente se rindiera y... hacer como si nada hubiera pasado, vivir nuestras vidas con indiferencia a los hechos recientes. ME NEGABA A HACER ESO.

Pero entonces... qué hago para que Morinaga no se vaya... ¡QUÉ HAGO! Ya le dije que entre Taiga y yo no pasa nada, pero... sigue sin creerme. Qué tal si un día viene de mal humor y hace sus maletas para irse del apartamento. ¿Qué se supone que haré? ¿Detenerlo? ¿Pero con qué excusa? Ese idiota cree que es heterosexual, y si llega a saber lo que siento por él... me va a despreciar, me va a odiar... y se irá de aquí.

Llegué a la conclusión que decirle la verdad respecto a nuestra relación y a lo que sentía por él... no era buena idea. Simplemente lo espantaría aún más. Así que decidí callar y usarlo tal vez como último recurso...

-¿Souichi?- Taiga se había levantado y estaba parada frente a mí -¿Estás bien?- preguntó preocupada por verme con la cara tapada.

-¿Eh?- levanté el rostro y la vi –No pasa nada... estoy... estoy bien- respondí algo deprimido.

-¿Dónde está Mori? ¿El beso funcionó? ¿Qué fue lo que te dijo?-

-Taiga...- suspiré –No funcionó-


-¡QUE NO FUNCIONÓ! NADA FUNCIONA. NADA SE PUEDE HACER- me alteré –Ese idiota sigue siendo el Morinaga rebelde- me puse triste.

-Estaba segurísima que funcionaría- se sorprendió sentándose a mi lado en el sofá –Desperdicié un beso por las puras-

-Ay, Taiga. Basta de bromas. No estoy para eso-

-Bueno, para que estés con esa cara... Mori debe haberte dicho algo-

-¡Sí! El muy baka está pensando en mudarse de aquí-

-¡QUÉ!- se asustó –No puede hacerlo. Mori no se puede ir. Él está amnésico y...-

-Lo mismo le dije, pero... al parecer él ya se resignó. Me hizo entender que lo mejor es adaptarse su "nueva" vida-

-No podemos permitir eso, Souichi. Debemos hacer algo... debemos...-

-¡Golpearlo!- aseguré.

-¿Cómo dices?-

-Quiero retomar la opción 1 del libro y darle un buen golpe a ese baka-

-Souichi, quedamos en que no íbamos a lastimarlo físicamente-


-No me grites-

-Es que... no quieres colaborar-

-Claro que quiero, pero... no quiero lastimarlo-

-Debemos intentarlo- la sujeté de los hombros y la miré a los ojos –Morinaga ya se resignó a su maldita amnesia y está a punto de largarse del apartamento. Si eso pasa... VAMOS A PERDERLE EL RASTRO y... se olvidará de nosotros- lo peor de me vino a la mente y se me escapó una lágrima.

-Ya, Souichi... no llores-

-Maldita sea- susurré -¿Crees que quiero llorar? ¿Crees que es agradable hacerlo y encima frente a ti? ¡Pues no!- me alteré y la solté –Pero no puedo evitarlo. Mierda... es que todo esto... me duele y tengo miedo de... perderlo- tragué grueso y me sequé los ojos con mis manos.

-Ay...- respiró hondo –De acuerdo, Souichi, tú ganas. Te ayudaré a "golpear" a Mori-

-Gracias- me sentí aliviado –Espero que funcioné-

-¿Y si no?-

-Caeré en la desesperación y me volveré loco-

-No exageres- roló los ojos.

-El punto es que TIENE QUE FUNCIONAR-

-Pero... también está la posibilidad de que no funcione y...-

-¡Cállate!- renegué frustrado –Si no funciona al primer golpe, pues funcionará al segundo-

-Solo dos golpes, Souichi. No más-

-Y tú lo harás-

-Creo que no tengo opción- se resignó.

-Y lo haremos parecer un accidente-

-Dime tu plan-

-Bien... lo que haremos es lo siguiente...-

Y me pasé toda la tarde ideando la trampa perfecta para darle un buen golpe a Morinaga. Tan solo esperaba y deseaba con todas mis fuerzas que ese plan funcione.

Vamos, Morinaga, tienes que recordar. Yo... te estaré esperando.


La noche había caído y estaba regresando al apartamento en el metro. Todos los días era lo mismo. Levantarme temprano, viajar en metro hasta la farmacéutica, trabajar mucho, viajar en metro hasta el apartamento y dormir. Esa costumbre ya me estaba agotando. Necesitaba hacer algo nuevo con mi vida y no hacer lo mismo todos los malditos días del año. Además me quedé pensando en el beso de Taiga y Tatsumi; es decir, ¿son novios o no? Aunque Tatsumi me haya negado mil veces alguna clase de relación amorosa con Taiga, sé que él no besaría a cualquier persona así nomás. Me parece que Tatsumi no es esa clase de personas que anda repartiendo besos por ahí. Sin embargo, de todas maneras estaba pensando en mudarme a un lugar más pequeño, ya que... necesitaba mi privacidad. Era divertido vivir con un amargado y una preñada, pero... necesitaba mi propio espacio.

Al llegar a casa me paso algo muy extraño. Normalmente Tatsumi no solía compartir su comida conmigo; es decir, solo compraba comida enlatada, ya que ni él ni Taiga sabían cocinar, pero nunca me invitaba y si le robaba un poco… se enojaba; sin embargo, esta vez… fue diferente. Tatsumi había pedido sushi por delivery y me invitó a comer con él y con Taiga en la sala. Moría de hambre, así que acepté.

La pequeña discusión que tuve con ese cuatro ojos de Tatsumi en la mañana no le di mucha importancia, porque son cosas muy triviales. A fin de cuentas si me mudaba o no era mi problema.

El sushi estaba en toda la mesa, yo me senté en el medio, Taiga a mi lado izquierdo y Tatsumi a mi lado derecho. Empezamos a comer silenciosamente. No tenía mucho qué decir, ya que tampoco confiaba en ellos al 100%. Para mí… eran unos completos extraños que decían ser mis amigos.

Al igual que yo… Taiga y Tatsumi se mantuvieron en silencio hasta que…

-Etto… Mori…- Taiga habló tímidamente –Digo... Morinaga- se corrigió a sí misma ya que le había dejado en claro que no me gustaba que me dijera "Mori".

-Qué- respondí con seriedad.

-¿Ya has recordado algo?-


-Ah… pe… pero… ¿ni siquiera has hecho un esfuerzo?-

-¿Qué esfuerzo voy a hacer?- cuestioné confundido –Intento pensar en el pasado a ver si uno de mis recuerdos vienen a mi mente, pero… no… no hay nada-

-Y qué tal si te cuento cosas que hacíamos tu y yo en Hamatsu y…-

-Ni te molestes en hacerlo, gorda- la interrumpí –Pierdes tu tiempo-

-¿Oye… qué te pasa?- interfirió el cuatro ojos –Eso fue muy grosero-

-Qué me importa- respondí sin hacerle mucho caso.

-Intentamos ayudarte, sabes- insistió Tatsumi.

-En ningún momento les pedí ayuda-

-No necesitamos que nos pidas ayuda. Estamos haciendo lo correcto- se metió Taiga.

-Pues no gracias- aclaré, pues me estaban hostigando –Además…- miré a Tatsumi –Ya te dije que me he resignado a mi amnesia y estoy dispuesto a vivir una nueva vida-

-¡Pues me niego a aceptar eso!- levantó la voz.

-¿Y quién te crees que eres para decidir sobre mí?- lo regañé.

-…- Tatsumi me miró fijamente a los ojos con el ceño fruncido como si se estuviera aguantando las ganas de gritarme y lo más extraño era que sus ojos se humedecían.

-Etto… chicos… hay que seguir comiendo- Taiga intentó minimizar la tensión del ambiente.

-Tsk…- Tatsumi expresó y miró hacia otro lado con enojo –Haz lo que quieras, baka- susurró y suspiró –Taiga… trae la salsa de soya-

-De acuerdo-

Y lo más extraño vino ahora. La gorda se puso de pie y se dirigió a la cocina para sacar la salsa de soya, pero en vez de llegar a la mesa y dárselo a Tatsumi, antes de llegar a la sala expresó…

-Oye, Souichi… ¡atrápalo!-


Lanzó la salsa de soya hacia Tatsumi, pero su mala puntería hizo que la botellita de plástico me cayera entre la frente y la cabeza. Por ende… la salsa de soya rebotó y cayó al suelo, pero como estaba bien sellada… no se derramó. Sin embargo, el afectado fui yo. Sinceramente, sentí dolor pero no tanto, pero más que nada me impactó la sorpresa del golpe.

-¡Auuuuuuch… mierda!- expresé tapándome la zona afectada.

-¡Ay por Dios, Morinaga!- Taiga expresó asustada y se acercó inmediatamente a mí –Lo siento… de verdad lo siento-

-Eres una idiota- la insulté sin pensarlo, pues solo me concentraba en el dolor.

-En verdad, perdóname- puso su mano en mi hombro, pero la quité de inmediato.

-¡SUÉLTAME!- le grité.

-…- ella se alejó un poco del miedo, pues reaccioné bruscamente.

-Tranquilízate, baka. Fue un accidente- Tatsumi interfirió.

-Pero me dolió-

-Ay qué dramático- roló los ojos –A ver… déjame revisarte-

-No- respiré hondo –Solo déjenme en paz-

-En verdad perdóname, Morinaga. Yo no quería que…- Taiga quiso darme una explicación, pero la interrumpí.

-Ya, ya… sabes qué… guárdate tus explicaciones-

-…- ambos se impactaron con mi respuesta.

-Haré como si nada hubiera pasado y me iré a dormir- me puse de pie –Tan solo… déjenme tranquilo- me dirigí a mi habitación y cerré mi puerta de un portazo.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Curse... curse...! Damn it!, I glued a cry I broke the newspaper into a thousand pieces, threw it in the trash and I headed up to the room to sit on the couch, resting elbows on my knees and covering my face with my hands.I felt increasingly quaver me more and more. He had lately become a weeping type and that made me hate myself for showing so much emotional weakness.That bastard, that idiot... you have thinking of moving here. No... You can not do that... IT CAN NOT. He has to regain his memory, he has to be the same before, EL has to remember his past."You know... because he spent more than one month. We should resign ourselves. It is obvious that my amnesia is permanent. I already accepted it and I'm willing to live with that... ", I remembered the words of Morinaga. I could not allow to simply surrender and... make as if nothing had happened, live our lives with disregard to recent events. I REFUSED TO DO THAT.But then... What do I do so that Morinaga will not go... What do I do! I already told him that between Taiga and nothing happens I... still does not believe me. What if a day comes in a bad mood and makes their bags to leave the apartment. What supposed to do? Stop it? But on what grounds? That idiot believes that he is heterosexual, and if you know what I feel for him... going to despise me, I am going to hate... and will go from here.I came to the conclusion that tell the truth about our relationship and I felt for him was... not good idea. It simply espantaría it even more. So I decided to keep quiet and perhaps use it as a last resort...-Souichi? - Taiga had risen and was stood opposite me - are you well? - asked anxious to see me with a covered face.-Huh? - raised my face and saw it - does not pass anything... I'm... I'm Okay - I answered somewhat depressed.-Where is Mori? Did the kiss work? What was that you said?--Taiga...-I sighed - did not work--WHAT?--THAT DIDN'T WORK! NOTHING WILL OPERATE. NOTHING can be done - I altered - this idiot is still the rebel Morinaga - I was sad.-Very would run - he was surprised was sitting beside me on the sofa - Muffed a Kiss by the pure --Oh, Taiga. No more jokes. I'm not for that--Well, for that you are with this face... Mori must have said something--Yes! The very baka is thinking about moving here --What! - got scared - can't do it. Mori can not go. He is amnesiac and...--The same told, but... apparently he already resigned is. It made me understand the best thing to do is to adapt his "new" life--Cannot, Souichi. We have to do something... we should...--Beat it - guaranteed.-How you say?--I want to return to option 1 of the book and give a good blow to the baka--Souichi, agreed that I would not hurt you physically--TAIGA! THE KISS DID NOT WORK NOT THING YOU UNDERSTAND?--Not me shout--Is that you don't want to collaborate--Of course I want to, but... I don't hurt you--Must try it - I held her shoulders and looked her in the eyes - Morinaga is already resigned to his damn amnesia and is about to launch from the apartment. If that happens... We are going to lose the trail and you... forget us - the worst of it came to my mind and a tear escaped me.-Ya, Souichi... don't cry --Damn it - I susurré - do you think that I want to cry? Do you think that it is enjoyable to do and over in front of you? Maybe not!-I altered and I I let go it - but I can't. Shit... is that all this... hurts me and I fear... lose - swallowed thickly and wiped my eyes with my hands.-Oh...-breathed deep - okay, Souichi, you desire. I will help you to "beat" Mori--Thank you - I was relieved - I hope that I ran -- And if not?--I fall into despair and I will go mad--Don't overdo - shifting eyes.-The point is that you have to run-- But... also is the possibility that does not work and...--Shut up - renounced frustrated - if it doesn't work the first coup, because it will run a second --Only two hits, Souichi. No more-- And you will do it--I think I have no choice - be resigned.- And we will make it look like an accident--Tell me your plan--Well... what to do is the following...-And I spent all the afternoon devising the perfect trap to give a good blow to Morinaga. I just hoped and wished with all my might that plan to work.Come on, Morinaga, you have to remember. I... we'll be waiting.POV MORINAGANight had fallen and was returning to the apartment in the metro. Every day it was the same. I get up early, travel by underground to the pharmaceutical, work hard, travel by underground to the apartment and sleep. This habit already I was running out. I needed to do something new with my life and do the same thing all the damned day of the year. Also I kept thinking about the kiss of Taiga and Tatsumi; i.e. are they dating or not? Although Tatsumi has denied me thousand times some sort of affair with Taiga, I know that he not Kiss anyone so nomas. It seems to me that Tatsumi is not that kind of people who go handing out kisses there. However, anyway I was thinking about moving to a smaller place, since... I needed my privacy. It was fun to live with a bitter and one pregnant, but... I needed my own space.To reach House something very strange happened to me. Normally Tatsumi not used to sharing their food with me; i.e., only bought food canned, since neither he nor Taiga knew Cook, but never invite me and if you stole you a bit... quick to anger; However, this time was... different. Tatsumi had ordered sushi by delivery and invited me to eat with him and Taiga in the room. He died of hunger, so I accepted.The small discussion that I had with that four-eyed Tatsumi in the morning not gave much importance, because they are very trivial things. Ultimately if I moved or was not my problem.The sushi was on the entire table, I sat in the Middle, Taiga to my left side and Tatsumi on my right side. We started to eat silently. I didn't much what to say, since neither he trusted them to 100%. For me... they were complete strangers claiming to be my friends.Like me... Taiga and Tatsumi remained silent until...-Etto... Mori...-Taiga spoke shyly - I say... Morinaga - corrected herself since she left him in clear that I didn't tell me "Mori".-What - I replied earnestly.-Now you've remembered something?--Do not...--Ah... pe... but... not even have ever done an effort?--What effort will I do? - questioned confused - I try to think in the past to see if one of my memories come to mind, but... no... There is nothing -- And if I tell you things that we did you and I in Hamatsu and...--Not bother doing so, fat - interrupted it - you lose your time --Do hear... What's wrong? - interfered the four eyes - that was very rude --What I care - I responded without much heed.-We try to help you, you know - insisted Tatsumi.-At any time I asked for help--We don't have that you'll help. We are doing the right thing - meddled Taiga.-Since no thanks - I had, since I were harassing - also...-I looked at Tatsumi - as I told you that I've resigned to my amnesia and I'm willing to live a new life --Because I refuse to accept that! - raised voice.- And who you think you are to decide about me? - regañé it.-...-Tatsumi I stared in the eyes with furrowed brow as if it was holding the urge to shout at me and the strange thing was that his eyes were humidified.-Etto... guys... have to keep eating - Taiga tried to minimize the stress of the environment.-Tsk...-Tatsumi expressed, and looked towards the other side with anger - get what you want, baka - whispered and he sighed - Taiga brings... soy sauce -AgreedAnd the stranger came now. The gorda stood up and went to the kitchen to get soy sauce, but instead of making the table and giving it to Tatsumi, before arriving in the room said...-Hey, Souichi... catch it! -~ PUM ~It released Tatsumi to soy sauce, but his bad aim made the plastic bottle to fall me between the forehead and head. Therefore... soy sauce bounced off and fell to the ground, but as it was well sealed... it was not shed. However, the affected person was me. Honestly, I felt pain, but not so much, but more than nothing impressed the surprise of the coup.-Auuuuuuch... shit!-expressed by covering me the affected area.-Oh God, Morinaga - Taiga said scared and immediately came to me - sorry... really sorry --You're a jerk - swore it without thinking, because I only concentrated on the pain.-In truth, forgive me - he put his hand on my shoulder, but I removed it immediately.-Release me - yelled.-...-She walked away a little bit of fear, because I responded sharply.-Calm down, baka. It was an accident - Tatsumi interfered.- But, you hurt me-Oh what dramatic - shifting eyes - let's see... Let me check---No--took a deep breath - just leave me alone --Really forgive me, Morinaga. I didn't want that...-Taiga wanted to give me an explanation, but I interrupted her.-Now, now... you know what... Beware your explanations --...-both are impressed with my answer.-I will make as if nothing had happened and I'll go to sleep - I got standing - just... Let me quiet - I went to my room and closed my door of a slam.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Damn ... damn ... damn !, hit a cry tore the paper into pieces, what Throw away and went into the living room to sit on the couch elbows on my knees and covered my face with my hands. He felt that every time I broke more and more. Lately I had become a weeping type and that made ​​me hate myself for showing such emotional weakness. That bastard, that idiot ... you're thinking of moving here. No ... you can not do that ... I can not. He has to regain his memory, he has to go back to being his old self, he has to remember his past. "You know ... it happened over a month. We should resign. It is obvious that my amnesia is permanent. Already I accepted and I'm willing to live with that ... "I remembered the words of Morinaga. He could not allow that simply to surrender and ... act as if nothing had happened, to live our lives with indifference to the recent events. I refused to do that. But then ... why do so Morinaga not go ... I do! I told him that between Taiga and nothing happens, but ... still believe. What if one day is bad mood and makes her bags to leave the apartment. What was I supposed to do? Do I stop it? But what excuse? That idiot thinks he is straight, and if you get to know how I feel about him ... I will despise, going to hate me ... and go from here. I came to the conclusion that tell the truth about our relationship and how I felt about it ... it was not a good idea. Simply scare even more. So I decided to keep quiet and maybe use it as a last resort ... -¿Souichi - Taiga had risen and was standing in front of me Are you okay? - Asked worried me with their faces covered. Huh - I raised face and saw ... 'It's all I'm fine ... I answered somewhat depressed. Where's Mori? Is the kiss work? What did he say to you - No -Taiga worked-...- sighed - What? -what did not work! Nothing works. NOTHING CAN DO- altered me That idiot remains the Morinaga rebellious I was sad. surefire funcionaría- was surprised that I was sitting next to me on the sofa -Desperdicié kissed by puras- Oh, Taiga. Enough jokes. I'm not for that- Well, so you're with that face ... she should have said something-Mori Yes! The very Baka are considering moving out of here 'What -' Do not be scared to. Mori can not go. He is amnesiac and ...- same'm told, but ... apparently he was already resigned. It made ​​me understand that it is best to adapt his "new" life- 'We can not allow that, Souichi. We must do something ... we ...- -¡Golpearlo - I assured him. How you say - want to return to option 1 of the book and give it a good shot that baka- -Souichi, we agreed that we would not physically hurt -¡TAIGA! KISS NOT WORKED WHAT DID NOT UNDERSTAND - grites- 'I do not want ... It's that colaborar- course I do, but ... I do not want lastimarlo- We must intentarlo- held her shoulders and I looked into his eyes -Morinaga already resigned himself to his damned amnesia and is about to take off from the apartment. If that happens ... we'll lose track and forget ... the worst of us came to my mind and a tear escaped me. Yeah, no llores- Souichi ... Damn whispered sea- You think I want to mourn? Do you think it's nice to do it in front of you and above? Nope - I altered me and let go But I can not help it. Shit ... is that all this ... it hurts me and I'm afraid ... perderlo- swallowed thick and wiped my eyes with my hands. Oh deep breath ...- Okay, Souichi, you win. I'll help you "hit" Mori -Gracias- I was relieved I hope funcioné- 'And if not - -Caeré in despair and I will madman . No exageres- rolled his eyes -The point is that MUST function- But ... there is also the possibility of malfunction and ...- Shut up - I disowned frustrated If it does not work the first blow, then it runs the second- -Only two strokes, Souichi. Not more harás- And you what I think I have option- resigned. And we will look an accident Tell me your plant Well ... what we will do is this ...- And I spent all afternoon devising the perfect trap to give a good blow to Morinaga. Just hoped and wished with all my heart that this plan work. Come on, Morinaga, you have to remember. ... I'll be waiting. POV Morinaga Night had fallen and was returning to the apartment on the subway. Every day was the same. Up early, traveling by subway to the pharmaceutical, work hard, traveling by subway to the apartment and sleep. This custom was already wearing me. He needed to do something new with my life and do the same thing every damn day of the year. Also I was thinking about the kiss of Taiga and Tatsumi; ie, they are dating or not? Although Tatsumi has refused me a thousand times some kind of romantic relationship with Taiga, I know he would not kiss anyone just like that. I think that Tatsumi is not the kind of person who walks around handing out kisses. But anyway I was thinking about moving to a smaller place, because ... I needed my privacy. It was fun to live with a bitter, a pregnant, but ... I needed my own space. When I got home I spend very strange. Tatsumi normally used not to share your food with me; that is, just I bought canned food, since neither he nor Taiga knew how to cook, but never invited me and if he stole a little ... got mad; however, this time ... it was different. Tatsumi had ordered sushi delivery and invited me to eat with him and Taiga in the room. Starving, so I agreed. The little discussion I had with that Tatsumi four eyes in the morning did not give much importance, because they are very trivial things. After all if I moved or was not my problem. The sushi was across the table, I sat in the middle Taiga to my left and to my right side Tatsumi. We started eating quietly. He did not have much to say, because they did not trust 100%. For me ... they were complete strangers who claimed to be my friends. Like me ... and Tatsumi Taiga remained silent until ... -Etto ... Mori ... - I say ... Taiga spoke timidly Morinaga- corrected herself and I had made ​​it clear that I did not like to tell me "Mori". -Qué- answered seriously. -¿Ya have remembered something - No ... - Ah ... pe ... but ... have not even made ​​an effort ? - What efforts will do - I'm trying to think confused questioned in the past to see if one of my memories come to mind, but ... no ... no nothing- And what if I tell you things we did and I Hamatsu and ... - Nor do bother, I interrupted Gorda're wasting your time- -¿Oye ... what's wrong - the four eyes interfered That was very rude- -What I answered without making imports much attention. We tried to help, you know- insisted Tatsumi. -In no time asked for help- We do not need to ask us for help. We're doing the right thing Taiga got. Well, thank you- not cleared, as were harassing me ... Besides - I looked at Tatsumi 'I told you that I have resigned my amnesia and I am ready to live a new life -¡Pues I refuse to accept that - he raised his voice. 'Who you think you are to decide on me - I scolded. - ... - Tatsumi looked me straight in the eyes with a frown as if you were holding the urge to the strangest yell and his eyes were moist. -Etto ... guys ... have to keep eating-Taiga tried to minimize the tension in the air. Tsk ... - Tatsumi said and looked away angrily Do what you want, baka - whispered and sighed -Taiga ... Soya Sauce brings -of agree- And the strangest came now. Fat stood up and went to the kitchen to make soy sauce, but instead of coming to the table and give it to Tatsumi, before reaching the room said ... Hey, Souichi ... catch it - ~ PUM ~ she Launched soy sauce to Tatsumi, but his poor shooting made ​​the plastic bottle I fell between the forehead and head. Therefore ... soy sauce bounced and fell, but was sealed as well ... not spilled. However, I was concerned. Honestly, I felt pain but not as much, but mostly struck me the surprise hit. -¡Auuuuuuch ... shit - affected zone expressed covering my. Oh God, Morinaga - Taiga said scared and came immediately to me I'm sorry ... I'm sorry really 're an idiot I insulted without thinking, because I only focused on the pain. 'Truly, perdóname- put his hand on my shoulder, but I took it immediately. Let me go! - I shouted. - ... - she walked away a bit of fear, because I reacted sharply. Relax, baka. It was an accident Tatsumi interfered. But I dolió- Oh what dramatico rolled his eyes see ... let me revisarte- -A deep breath -No- peacetime- -Only let me forgive 'Truly, Morinaga. I did not want ... - Taiga wanted to give me an explanation, but I interrupted. Yeah, and ... you know what your explanations-beware ... - ... -. both were shocked with my answer will do as if nothing had happened and go to sleep - 'As I stood calmly let me just ... I went to my room and locked my door shut.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Damn... Damn... Oh, Damn! I screamed, the newspaper broke into a Thousand pieces, I threw it in the garbage and I went to the living room to sit on the couch and supporting elbows knees and stuffing my face with my hands. I felt every time I Break more and more. I had become a type, and that made me cry Hate Myself for showing so much Emotional weakness.

That bastard, that asshole... You're thinking of Moving here. Not... You can't do that. Can not. He has to recover his Memory, he has to return to the same as before, he has to remember his past.
"You know... It's been over a month. We should resign. It is obvious that the amnesia is permanent. I already accepted and I'm willing to live with that... ", I remembered the words of Morinaga.I couldn't let you just give up and... Do as if nothing had happened, Live our lives with indifference to recent events. I refused to do that. But then... What do I do for Morinaga Don't go... What should I do! I told you I between Taiga and nothing happens, but... Still doesn't believe me. What if a day comes in a bad mood and makes his bags to leave the apartment.What am I supposed to do? Stop him? But with what excuse? That Idiot thinks he is heterosexual, and if you know what I feel for him. I will despise, I Hate... And leave here. I came to the conclusion that tell the truth about our relationship and how she felt about him... It was not a good idea. Just flip out even more.So I decided to keep it and use it as a Last Resort - Souichi...

? - taiga was up and he was standing in front of me - are you okay? He asked about me with the face covered. - huh? - I picked up the face and saw no problem... I am... I said something depressed. - Where's Mori? The Kiss worked? What was that you said? -
- taiga... - worked -

I - - What?-
not worked! Nothing Works. Nothing can be done - so that Idiot remains the Morinaga Rebel - SAD. - was it - I was sitting next to me on the couch –desperdicié a KISS for the pure

Oh, taiga. Enough Jokes. I'm not that

- for you with that face... Mori must have told you something -

!The Baka is thinking about Moving here

- What! - He can not do it. Mori can not go. He's Amnesiac and...

- same thing I said, but... Apparently he resigned. He made me understand that it is best to adapt his "new" Life

- we can't allow that, Souichi. We must do something... We must...

- hit him! - Check. - What?
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
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