La mañana llegó sin remedio, Souichi permanecía en su cama mirando el  dịch - La mañana llegó sin remedio, Souichi permanecía en su cama mirando el  Anh làm thế nào để nói

La mañana llegó sin remedio, Souich

La mañana llegó sin remedio, Souichi permanecía en su cama mirando el techo, cansado, no había podido dormir nada desde que viera eso a través de la puerta del cuarto de Morinaga, su mente había estado divagando toda la noche en aquella escena, iba a matarlos lentamente y de la manera dolorosa que se le ocurriese, sobretodo a Akira.

Giró en la cama mirando por la ventana lo que le permitía su posición, susupiró, ¿no era él el que había dicho hacía unos meses que no se iba a poner celoso de quien se acercase a Morinaga con intenciones de ligarle? ¿que confiaba en Morinaga porque no haría nunca nada?.

-Confio en Mori-se dijo volviendo a girar en la cama poniendo el antrebrazo sobre sus ojos notandolos rojos y escocidos- en quien no confio es en ese cantante de mierda. Puto aprovechado.

Escuchó entonces ruido en el cuarto de al lado, uns pequeñas risas, seguidas del ruido de los muelles de la cama para levantarse, escuchó el ruido de las ropas al ser puestas y a Morinaga recriminándole algo a Akira que simplemente rió. Luego la puerta del cuarto y las voces pasaron al salón. Cuando se quiso dar cuenta tenía las sábanas agarradas entre los puños, estrujadas, por la ira que sentía en esos momento. Iba matar a alguien lenta y dolorosamente, y ese alguien era castaño y tenía los ojos violetas, el intento del cenicero había fallado, pero aun habían muchos objetos arrojadizos, además, ¿que las caidas por las escaleras no solían pasar muy a menudo?, todo el mundo podía tener una.

Antes de que su mente empezase a desvariar más decidió levantarse, no quería darle mucha cancha suelta a Akira, después de todo Morinaga, aunque no lo admitiera todavía, era suyo, sólamente suyo, y no se lo iba a dejar a nadie. Fue cuando entreabrió la puerta que escuchó la voz de Akira cantandole a Morinaga, mientras este hacía el desayuno.

-Prended la radio si queréis música- murmuró mentalmente viendo por entre la puerta como Akira, que más que nunca le daba el aire de mujer, vamos esas piernas tan finas no eran normales, pero claro esa voz dejaba claro que no era una mujer, sino un hombre, un hombre que estaba con Morinaga que solo llevaba un pantalón, mientras él solo llevaba una sudadera tres o cuatro tallas más grandes.

No puedo entender

Que es lo que pasa

No puedo entender

¿ Que me pasó ?

Si cuando me di centa de

lo que ocurrió

Deje ir libre a tu corazón

La voz de Akira resonaba en las paredes de la casa, Souichi tenía que admitir que era hermosa y atrayente, pero hasta ahí, no quería darle mucha cancha a su rival declarado que al parecer ya tenía media cancha ganada por su pasado con Morinaga, el cual ni siquera había mencionado. Además, ¿que era esa canción? ¿dejar ir libre a alguien? ¿un corazón roto?

No habrá una broma que me

Pueda hacer reir

Tampoco abrá una puerta que

Te Permita entrar por ahi

Procuré faltar siempre clases

Solo por verte a ti

Repetí , y ahora siento mucha

Tristeza solo por mi

Eso era una obsesión para Souichi, ¿estaría narrando Akira su hisotira con Morinaga? aunque más bien le parecía la de Morinaga con Masaki, sabía lo mucho que le había amado a ese rubio imbecil que ahora, por fin, había empezado a salir con Kunihiro, uno de sus apoyos ya que ambos estaban en situaciones similiares, junto con Isogai.

En vez de pensar en un futuro para mi

Segui deseandote hasta que enloquecí

Desorientada estoy

Caminando por esta ciudad lejana

Pensando si tu amor tu ya me daras

¿ Que me esta pasando ?

-Espera espera-susurró- ¿se está rindiendo? -vió como Morinaga la abrazaba y sus esperanzas se fueron por el desagüe rápidas como un rayo. ¿de quien hablaba? ¿por que la canción le parecía que narraba un poco su situación con Morinaga? ¿por que se sentía identificado? Morinaga le había amado cuatro años en secreto sin esperar nada a cambio, deseandole hasta que no pudo más y con el asunto de la botella sucumbió a sus más bajas pasiones, aún todavía, el moreno se preguntaba si Souichi de verdad lo amaba, y eso el rubio lo sabía muy bien, pero él no sabía si lo amaba o no todavía, aunque tenía la ligera impresión de por donde iban sus sentimientos por el moreno.

No puedo entender

Que es lo que pasa

No puedo entender

¿ Que me pasó ?

Si cuando me di cuenta de

Lo que ocurrió

Deje ir libre a tu corazón

No puedo Obtener

Mucho coraje

No puedo Obtener

Tanto valor

Yo siempre termino

Disi-mulando todo

Lo que siente mi corazón

¿dejar ir libre a Morinaga? ni muerto, pero era cierto, no podía obtenr mucho valor para decirlo, ya le había costado lo suyo admitir que lo quería junto a él y que no quería que se marchase de su lado, además de que no le gustaba verle triste porque le ponía triste a él también, le quería mucho, demasiado, pero no sabía como expresarlo, y siempre lo terminaba disimulando en acciones, o en quejas que a veces hacían llorar a Morinaga, como aquella vez con Masaki, solo Dios sabía lo mal que lo había pasado con todo aquello.

No comprendes

No me miras

No me escuchas

Ni me prestas atención

Dime ahora

¿ Quién es ella ?

¿ Quien está a tu lado ahora-aaa ?

Realmente ella es linda , muy bonita

¿ No soy linda ?

Ignorado, así se sentía cuando Morinaga decidía tomar las decisiones por su cuenta, cuando no le contaba nada, como cuando aceptó el trabajo de la farmacéutica, o como cuando tomó las entradas para el concierto de Ika, pero ahora más que nunca se sentía ignorado, en aquel concierto, toda la anteción de Morinaga había estado en Akira, igual que en el backstage, igual que ayer, igual que ahora en la cocina, y dolía. Akira o Ika era un chico guapo, rostro afeminado, de largas pestañas, piel algo pálida, piernas suaves y bien formadas, parecía más una mujer que un hombre en algunos casos, pero lo mas bello eran sus ojos violetas, era hermoso aunque le fastidiase, una buena competencia. ¿y él? él no se consideraba guapo, a pesar de que Morinaga le acosaba diciendole que era hermoso y que muchas mujeres y hombres iban tras él.

Ne-ce-si-to que seas sincero

-¿Esta él ocupando tu corazón?-se preguntó al ver como Akira besaba la frente de Morinaga que se había recargado en su pecho y se dejaba acariciar como un cachorrillo mientras el café se hacía- no, no puedo permitir eso, no después de todo lo que me ha costado.

No puedo entender

Que es lo que pasa

No puedo entender

Que me pasó

Akira le vio mientras acariciaba la cabeza del moreno y le sonrió de una manera un tanto desagradable para el gusto de Souichi, y supo que los últimos versos que segurían irian dedicados a él.

Mientras yo trataba de conquistar

Tu corazón

Tu estabas con otro amor


Le dolió, dolió demasiado aquellas palabras, pero se aguantó, sacó pecho y salió del cuarto a la cocina, ese cabronazo no iba a quitarle a Morinaga ni de broma, él era suyo, aun tenía su corazón, lo supo porque en cuanto salió del cuarto el chico se dirigió a le a darle los buenos días con una sonrisa boba.

-La guerra aun no esta perdida, y no voy a perder contra tí-le dijo a Akira con la mirada, este solo rió dejando de cantar y bajandose de la encimera para ir al baño.

-Ven con todo lo que tengas Tsundere-chan-le susurró a la oreja antes de irse de la escena.

Eres ese tipo

Que no necesita una melancolica

-Como yo -susurró Akira antes de encerrarse en el baño y dejar a la pareja que no es pareja juntos en la cocina
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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The morning came without remedy, Souichi remained in his bed looking at the ceiling, tired, had been able to sleep nothing since I saw that through the door of the room of Morinaga, his mind had been wandering the night in that scene, he was going to kill them slowly and painful fashion which is to happen, above all to Akira.She turned in the bed looking out the window which allowed its position, susupiro, was not he who had said a few months ago that he was not going to get jealous of who is closer to Morinaga with intentions of linking him? that relied on Morinaga because it would never do nothing?.-Trust in Mori-is said to back onto the bed by putting the antrebrazo on his eyes red and escocidos notandolos - who I trust is not at that shit singer. Fucking taken advantage.Then he heard noise in the room from side, uns small laughter, followed by the noise of the springs of the bed to get up, heard the noise of the clothes to be put and to Morinaga by berating him rather to Akira that simply laughed. Then the Chamber door and the voices went to the salon. When one wanted to realize it had seized sheets between the cuffs, crushed by the anger that he felt at those times. He would kill someone slowly and painfully, and that someone was Brown and had violet eyes, the ashtray attempt had failed, but still had many throwing objects, Furthermore, what falls down the stairs not used to happen very often?, everyone could have one.Until his mind began to desvariar more decided to get up, he didn't give him much loose Court Akira, after all over Morinaga, though not admitted it still, it was yours, only yours, and not he was going to leave anyone. It was when the door that he heard the voice of Akira apparition singing to Morinaga, while this was the breakfast.-Seize the radio if you want music - murmured mentally looking through the door like Akira, which more than never gave him the air of a woman, we will these so thin legs were not normal, but clear that voice made it clear that it was not a woman, but a man, a man who was with Morinaga that only wore trousers, while he only wore a sweatshirt three or four larger sizes.I can't understandThat's what happensI can't understandThat happened?When I di centa'sWhat happenedLet your heart go freeAkira voice echoed in the walls of the House, Souichi had to admit that it was beautiful and attractive, but even there, didn't give much Court to his declared rival who had apparently already half-court won by his past with Morinaga, which didn't even had mentioned. In addition, which was that song? Let go free to someone? a broken heart?There won't be a joke to meIt can make you laughEither open a door thatTea allowed enter thereI tried to always miss classesJust to see youI repeated, and now feel muchSadness only by myIt was an obsession for Souichi, you would be its just with Morinaga narrating Akira? Although he rather thought of with Masaki Morinaga, he knew how much that had loved him that blond idiot that now, at last, had started out with Delgado, one of his supporters since both were in situations similar, together with Isogai.Instead of thinking about the future for mySegui wishing until crazyI am disorientedWalking along this far cityThinking if your love your already I'llThat me going?-Wait wait - she whispered - it is paying? -He saw as Morinaga hugged her and their hopes went down the drain fast like lightning. from who spoke? do that song seemed it that he narrated a bit its situation with Morinaga? for that was identified? Morinaga had loved four years in secret without expecting anything in return, deseandole until he could and with the issue of bottle succumbed to their low passions, even still, moreno wondered if Souichi's really loved him, and that the blond I knew it very well, but he did not know if he loved him or not still , although had the slight impression of where were their feelings by moreno.I can't understandThat's what happensI can't understandThat happened?If, when I became aware ofWhat happenedLet your heart go freeI can not getMuch courageI can not getBoth valueI always end upDisi-mulando allWhat feels like my heartLet go free to Morinaga? not dead, but it was true, couldn't get much value to put it, it had already cost him his admitting he wanted next to him and he didn't want to leave on your side, you didn't see him sad because putting him sad to him also, he loved you very much, too, but I didn't know how to express it, and it always ended up hiding in actions , or complaints that sometimes made cry to Morinaga, as this time with Masaki, only God knew how bad that happened with everything.You do not understandDon't watch meI cant'nI pay no attentionTell me nowWho is she?Who is on your side now-aaa?She is really cute, very niceI am not cute?Ignored, so he felt when Morinaga decided to make decisions on their own, when she told him nothing, as when accepted the job of the pharmaceutical or when it took the tickets to the concert of Ika, but now more that never felt ignored, in that concert, all the amenities of Morinaga had been in Akira, as in the backstage same as yesterday, same as now in the kitchen, and hurt. Akira or Ika was a guy handsome, face effeminate, long lashes, rather pale skin, soft and well formed legs seemed more a woman than a man in some cases, but the most beautiful were his violet eyes, she was beautiful even if you fastidiase, a good competition. and he? He did not consider is handsome, while Morinaga harassed him saying that was beautiful and that many women and men were after him.NE-ce-si-to be honest-This the occupying your heart? - asked to see how Akira kissed the forehead of Morinaga, who had charged in his chest and it was left to cherish as a young while the coffee - no, I cannot allow that, not after all it has cost me.I can't understandThat's what happensI can't understandThat happened to meAkira saw him while he caressed the head of moreno and smiled you in a way somewhat unpleasant to the taste of Souichi, and knew that the last verses to irian segurian dedicated to him.While I tried to conquerYour heartYou were with another lovelALALALALIt hurt, it hurt too those words, but he endured, pulled chest and he left the room to the kitchen, that bastard was not going to take Morinaga nor of joke, he was theirs, even had his heart, he knew it because as soon as I left the room the boy turned to him to give him the good days with a silly smile.-War is not yet lost, and won't lose against you - I told Akira with the look, this single river leaving singing and getting off the top to go to the bathroom.-Come with everything you have Tsundere-chan-le whispered to the ear before leaving the scene.You're such aYou don't need a melancholy-Like me - she whispered Akira before locking themselves in the bathroom and let the couple is not pair together in the kitchen
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Morning came hopelessly Souichi lay in bed staring at the ceiling, tired, had not slept at all since he saw that through the bedroom door Morinaga, his mind had been wandering all night in that scene would kill slowly and painfully that occurred to him, especially Akira. He turned in bed looking out the window which allowed his position, susupiró, was not he who had said a few months ago that was not going to put jealous of those who did come close to Morinaga intending to link you? What Morinaga trusted because they never do anything ?. I trust he told Mori-again turning in bed antrebrazo putting on his red eyes and noticing them escocidos- I trust not in that fucking singer. Puto advantage. then heard noise in the next room, uns small laughter, followed by the noise of the bedsprings to get up, heard the noise of the clothes to be worn and Akira Morinaga rebuking something that simply laughed. Then the bedroom door and went to the living voices. When I wanted to account sheets had gripped between his fists, crushed by his anger at that time. He was going to kill someone slowly and painfully, and that someone was brown and had violet eyes, the attempt had failed ashtray, but still had many throwing objects, besides, that falls down stairs not used very often happen ?, everyone could have one. Before your mind empezase to rave again decided to get up, did not want to give a lot of loose court Akira, after all Morinaga, although not admit it yet, it was his, only his, and I was not going to leave anyone. It was when he opened the door he heard the voice of Akira singing to Morinaga, as he made ​​breakfast. -Prended radio if you want music- muttered mentally looking out from the door as Akira, more than ever gave him the air of a woman, let those legs so thin they were not normal, but of course that voice made ​​it clear she was not a woman but a man, a man who was with Morinaga wearing only pants while he was only wearing a sweatshirt three or four sizes too big. I can not understand That's what happens can not understand What happened to me? If when I centa of what happened Let go free to your heart 's voice Akira echoing off the walls of the house, Souichi had to admit it was beautiful and engaging, but until then, he did not want to give much ground to its stated who apparently had won midfield for the past with Morinaga, which was was not even mentioned rival. Also, what was that song? Do you let someone go free? A broken heart? There will be a joke that I can make laugh also open a door to you Let go out there I tried to miss always classes just by seeing you I repeated, and now I feel much sadness just for me That was an obsession for Souichi, Akira would you be telling your hisotira with Morinaga? but rather it seemed the Morinaga with Masaki, knew how much she had loved him for that idiot blond now, at last, had started dating Kunihiro, one of his supporters as both were in similiar situations, along with Isogai . Instead of thinking about a future for my Segui Wishing until freaked Disoriented'm Walking through this remote city wondering if you and your love will give me What is happening to me? Wait, do you expect he whispered is performing? He watched Morinaga hugged and hopes went down the drain fast as lightning. Whose talking about? Why that song seemed to him recounting some Morinaga your situation? Why he felt identified? Morinaga had loved him four years in secret without expecting anything in return, wishing him until he broke down and the matter of the bottle succumbed to their basest passions, yet still, brown wondered if Souichi really loved him, and that blond knew very well, but he did not know if she loved him or not yet, although he had the slight impression of where were her feelings for the dark. I can not understand That's what happens can not understand What happened to me? If when I realized What happened Let your heart go free Can not Get Much courage I can not get much value I always end Disi-lating all my heart feel What do you let him go free on Morinaga? nor dead, but it was true, I could not obtenr valuable to say, and had cost him his own admit they wanted with him and did not want to go away from him, plus he did not like seeing sad because you put sad to it too, loved him, too, but did not know how to express it, and always ended up hiding in shares, or complaints sometimes made ​​mourn Morinaga, like that time with Masaki, only God knew how bad it was past all that. You do not understand not look at me I do not hear you I did not pay attention now tell me who is she? Who is on your side now-ah? She's really cute, very nice Are not I cute? Ignored as well are Morinaga felt when I decided to take decisions on their own, when he did not have anything when he accepted the job as the pharmaceutical, or as when he took the tickets for the concert Ika, but now more than ever felt ignored at that concert , all anteción Morinaga had been in Akira, like backstage, like yesterday, as now in the kitchen, and it hurt. Akira or Ika was a handsome boy, effeminate face, long eyelashes, something pale skin, smooth and shapely legs, looked more like a woman than a man in some cases, but more beautiful were her violet eyes, it was beautiful though it disrupted a good competition. and he? it was not considered handsome, though Morinaga harassed him telling him it was beautiful and that many women and men were behind him. Ne-ce-if-you are sincere to him 'Are occupying your heart? he wondered to see Akira kissed the forehead of Morinaga who had leaning against his chest and let caress like a puppy while the coffee did-no, I can not afford that, not after everything that has cost me. I can not understand What do passing can not understand what happened to me Akira saw him stroking the head of tan and smiled in a way somewhat unpleasant to taste Souichi, and knew that the last poem segurían irian dedicated to him. While I was trying to conquer your heart you were with another love lalalalal It hurt, it hurt too much the words, but held, puffed out his chest and left the room to the kitchen, that bastard would not terminate Morinaga or joke, he was hers, even had his heart , he knew that as soon as he left the room, the boy turned to him to say good morning with a smirk. 'The war is not yet lost, and I will not lose to you-told Akira at her, this only river leaving singing and getting off of the counter to go to the bathroom. Come with everything you have Tsundere-chan-whispered to his ear before leaving the scene. You're that guy who does not need a melancholy As I - Akira whispered before into the bathroom and leave the couple is not a couple together in the kitchen

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Morning came without Remedy, Souichi remained in bed staring at the ceiling, tired, Haven't gotten any sleep since I saw it through the door of Morinaga, his mind had been Rambling all night in that scene, he was gonna kill the slow and painful way that happened, especially Akira.

Turned in bed looking out the window that allowed susupiró, not his position, he had said some months earlier that he would not be jealous of anyone who comes to ligarle Morinaga with intentions? Morinaga Trusted because he would never do anything?

.- I Trust Mori Said returning to turn in bed with his eyes on the antrebrazo notandolos Red and burning - Who is not confident in that fucking Singer. Fucking tapped.

then noise heard in the next room, a Little laughter, followed by the noise of the bed Springs up,He heard the noise of the clothes to be put and Morinaga recriminándole something Akira Simply laughed. Then the bedroom door and went to the hall Voices. When she realized I had sheets clasped between the Cuffs, crushed by the Anger I felt at that time. He slowly and painfully Kill someone, and that someone was Brown and had Violet Eyes,The ashtray, the attempt failed, but still had many missiles also Falls Down the stairs, which often did not happen very often? Everyone could have a.
before his mind started to wander more decided stand, I wouldn't give him a Court released Akira Morinaga, after all, though he didn't admit it was Yours, only Yours yet,And I wasn't going to let anybody. When the door was entreabrió Akira who heard the Voice of singing to Morinaga, while he was making breakfast. - take the radio if you want to, "He muttered mentally seeing music through the door as Akira, who more than ever gave him the air of a woman's Legs So Thin, these were not normal, but clearly that Voice made it clear that it wasn't a woman,But A Man, a man with Morinaga only wearing a Pants, a sweatshirt as he only had three or four bigger sizes.

I can't understand what

I can't understand what happened to me? If when I di Centa

what happened Let Go Free Your Heart

The Voice of Akira resonated in the walls of the House,Souichi had to admit that she was beautiful and attractive, but even there, I didn't want to give too much to your opponent's Court declared that apparently had gained from his past half court with Morinaga, which was not even mentioned. Furthermore, what was that song? Let Go Free? A Broken Heart?

not be a joke that I can make people laugh

not open a doorAllows you to enter there

just Skip classes always tried to see you

I, and now I feel great sorrow for me

that was an Obsession for Souichi, Narrating its history with Morinaga Akira would be? Although it seemed the with Masaki Morinaga, knew how much he loved this Blond asshole now had finally begun to come up with,
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