Morinaga se había sentado en el suelo a ponerse sus zapatos para irse, dịch - Morinaga se había sentado en el suelo a ponerse sus zapatos para irse, Anh làm thế nào để nói

Morinaga se había sentado en el sue

Morinaga se había sentado en el suelo a ponerse sus zapatos para irse, pero no quería que se fuera con una mala impresión. ¿Qué me está dando a entender… que ya no volvería… que todo se acabó? No… NO PUEDE SER ASÍ… TÚ TIENES QUE CREERME…

-¿Qué haces?… ¡Aún no terminamos de hablar!- le pregunté parado detrás de él.

-Ya no hay nada que hablar. Me LARGO de aquí-

-¡Baka! Tienes que creerme-

-¿Por qué he de creerte?-

-Pues porque… porque….- estaba pensando en algo convincente –Si en verdad me amas… deberías creerme-

-Sí, claro que TE AMO, Souichi. Pero veo que me equivoqué. Todo lo interpreté a mi conveniencia como tú sueles decirme siempre-

-Morinaga… no es así… todo fue real…- no sabía cómo convencerlo –Cuando yo te pedí una oportunidad, cuando te pedí para salir, cuando te dije que quería divorciarme de Yuki… todo eso FUE REAL, solo mentí con el tema del divorcio en proceso… perdón-

-No, no me pidas perdón. Yo sé lo que vi… no vas a cambiar nada con tus excusas. Yo vi cómo la besabas, cómo le hacías el amor, y cómo le decías que LA AMAS-

-¡No, Morinaga! Yuki me obligó ENTIÉNDEME-

-Es imposible que ella te haya forzado… es ilógico… te veías tan apasionado con ella…-



-Morinaga… yo te había confesado que estoy sintiendo algo especial por ti-

-¡No! No me mientas más-

-¡No es mentira!-

-Entonces por qué le dijiste a Yuki que la amas-


-Deja de humillarme- se frustró –Deja de humillarme, por favor-

-Estoy diciendo la verdad-

-Uno cree en los hechos, no en las palabras- Yuki se volvió a meter.

-¡Te dije que te calles, baka!- estaba harto de que se metiera, ella estaba arruinando todo con Morinaga.

-Ella tiene razón. Debo creer en los hechos, porque las palabras se la lleva el viento-


-Sabes qué… Taiga tenía razón… nunca debí haberte visto otra vez, nunca debí haber hablado contigo, nunca debí darte una oportunidad, nunca debí aceptar salir contigo y… NUNCA DEBÍ VOLVER A NAGOYA- de pronto se puso a rebuscar algo en su mochila.

-Qué... qué haces...- pregunté confundido.

-¿Ves esto?- me enseñó su documento de traslado a Nagoya –Mira... ¿ves... VES?- Morinaga se volvió loco pues rompió el documento en mil pedazos.

-¡NOOO! IDIOTA, QUÉ HICISTE- me puse como loco, pues sin ese papel, Morinaga no regresará a Nagoya.


Pude ver la frustración y el dolor de Morinaga, pues al decir esas palabras se le derramaron dos lágrimas... él se estaba conteniendo. Se había dado media vuelta y se dirigió a la puerta y un segundo después que la abrió lo intenté detenerlo...

-¡NO, ESPERA!- lo jalé del brazo.

Morinaga se volteó de una manera brusca y con los ojos llenos de lágrimas y odio y sin darme cuenta... me percaté que ya estaba tirado en el suelo. Así es, al jalar del brazo a Morinaga, se dio la vuelta y me lanzó un puñete exactamente en el medio de la cara, entre la nariz y la boca. Ese golpe fue con odio, pude sentirlo, no solo en sus ojos, sino por la fuerza.

Me noqueó y me derribó. Caí sentado al suelo, tapándome con la mano la parte afectada. Me había salido lágrimas a causa del golpe y cuando me destapé, pude notar que tenía sangre en la mano, además la zona afectada me ardía y la sentía húmeda. Era obvio, estaba sangrando por los labios y por la nariz.

Morinaga por otra parte, se quedó sorprendido por su acción. Estuvo inmóvil, cambió su mirada de odio a miedo. Creo que ni él mismo pudo creer que tuviera una reacción como esa y encima... CONTRA MÍ. Morinaga JAMÁS me había golpeado, él nunca hubiera sido capaz ni siquiera de lastimarme físicamente de esa manera, pero ahora... todo cambió. Morinaga fue capaz de darme un puñete como ese.

Yo me quedé sentado en el suelo, semidesnudo cubierto con la sábana, inmóvil y con mi mirada entre mi mano con sangre y la imagen atormentada de Morinaga. Yuki se asustó y corrió hacia mí agachándose detrás de mí, pero la ignoré. Por otro lado, Morinaga aún seguía inmóvil, con ojos de miedo, de pánico... muy asustado. No pudo seguir con esta tensión, por lo tanto se fue y cerró al puerta.

Morinaga... te fuiste... me pegaste... me gritaste... destruiste tu posibilidad de regresar a Nagoya... todo terminó mal entre nosotros. Sé que te está doliendo y aunque no lo creas... a mí también ME DUELE. Tan solo me pregunto ¿Qué va a pasar ahora?


¿Qué fue lo que hice? No... no... Dios mío... cómo fui capaz de pegarle a Sempai. Yo... YO NO SOY ASÍ. ¿POR QUÉ LO HICE? No quería hacerlo maldita sea... fue una reacción... yo no quería golpearlo. Pude ver... su dolor... sus labios y su nariz ensangrentada... POR MI CULPA; sin embargo, estaba muy dolido y no me medí. No podía creer que Sempai se haya burlado de mí en este corto tiempo que nos habíamos reencontrado. Aunque me cueste admitirlo... ese golpe se lo tenía bien merecido, pero... no me gustó para nada. Si pudiera me castigaría yo mismo... pero en parte... no sé por qué me siento bien en haberlo hecho. NOOO DE QUÉ ESTOY HABLANDO... CLARO QUE NO. ME DUELE HABERLE PEGADO A SEMPAI, YO NO SOY ASÍ... YO... LO AMO.

Por qué... por qué me hizo tal cosa. No lo entiendo... se supone que me había pedido una oportunidad... me había pedido para "salir". Ahora... ahora me doy cuenta que Sempai solo... se burló de mí.

No pude soportar la humillación, el dolor, la tensión del lugar. Sempai me había engañado, él mismo admitió que me MINTIÓ. No había NINGÚN divorcio en proceso, y según él... sí se lo había pedido a Yuki. La verdad, ya no sabía qué creerle. Para mí... todo era MENTIRA.

Me partió el alma ver a Sempai rogándome, pidiéndome para hablar tan desesperadamente, explicándome la situación como si fuera una obligación; pero a pesar de todo... lo que más me duele es que... entre Sempai y yo todo SE ACABÓ. Le dije cosas horribles, le grité como nunca lo había hecho, lo golpeé, y lo peor de todo... ROMPÍ EL DOCUMENTO DE MI TRASLADO A NAGOYA. Me tomó más de un año en que me lo dieran y que me lo aprobaran; y ahora... todo se fue a la mierda. Ya no me trasladaré, me quedaré en Hamatsu donde siempre debí permanecer. No debí hacerme ilusiones estúpidas, pero... aún así... me duele... ME DUELE MUCHO.

Me duele el hecho de pensar de que me había vuelto a enamorar de Sempai, de que ahora tendría que poner de mi parte otra vez para poder olvidarlo, que ese año que pasé sin Sempai no me sirvió para nada, pues a fin de cuentas... LO AMO... LO AMO... y MÁS QUE ANTES.

Todos mis pensamientos me atormentaban, obviamente me fui del apartamento con lágrimas en los ojos y distraído en mi mente. Estaba corriendo sin rumbo alguno, solamente quería irme de ese lugar... largarme... DESAPARECER. Sentí que algo malo iba a pasarme, sentí como un dejavú al cruzar la calle. Apenas puse un pie en la pista, nuevamente oí ese claxon que en el pasado me causó una desgracia. De inmediato miré hacia el lado izquierda y pude ver un carro que se aproximaba hacia a mí. "No puede ser, no otra vez"; pensé muy resignado, pero de pronto perdí el equilibrio y caí sentado hacia atrás, el carro logró girar a tiempo y pasó delante de mí.

Tan solo pude escuchar "Fíjate, idiota", departe del conductor. Me quedé sentado en la acera, con los ojos clavados en el carro que acababa de pasar. Mi rostro estaba húmedo, mi respiración acelerada y el susto interrumpió mi llanto. Me sequé las lágrimas con mis mangas, me puse de pie, tomé un taxi y me fui... me fui lejos... rumbo al... aeropuerto.
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Morinaga had sat on the floor to put on his shoes to go, but didn't want to go with a bad impression. What is giving me to understand... that already he would not again... that everything is over? No... IT MAY NOT BE SO... YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME...-What do you do?... not even finished speaking!-I asked standing behind him.-There is nothing to talk about. I long for here --Baka! You have to believe me--Why do I have to believe you?--Well because... because...-was thinking of something compelling - if I really love... you should believe me--Yes, clear that TE AMO, Souichi. But I see that I was wrong. I interpreted everything at my convenience as you usually tell me always--Morinaga is... not so... everything was real...-did not know how to convince him - when I asked you once, when I asked to leave, when I said I wanted to divorce Yuki... all that was REAL, only lied with the subject of divorce in process... sorry --No, I do not ask forgiveness. I know what I saw... will not change anything with your excuses. I saw how her Kiss, how did you love, and how you were saying that the HOUSEWIVES --No, Morinaga! Yuki forced me understand me --It is impossible that it has forced you... is illogical... you looked so passionate with her...--Morinaga... SHE I THREATENED. I SAID THAT IF NOT TO ALL THAT SHE I SAID... SHE WAS GOING TO SEND PEOPLE TO KILL YOU --ALREADY ENOUGH, SOUICHI! STOP telling me lies, lets justify-stood quite angry and turned to look me in the eyes - already I'm clear that never I going to want... NOW I RESIGNED MYSELF... NOW LEAVE ME ALONE...--Morinaga... I had confessed you that I'm feeling something special for you --Not! Don't lie to me more--It is not lying!--Then why said you to Yuki that you love it--Because she ME OBLIGO --Lets humiliate me - was thwarted - lets humiliate me, please --I'm telling the truth--One believe in the facts, not words - Yuki turned to meter.-I told you that you streets, baka!-was tired of is mess, she was ruining everything with Morinaga.-She is right. I have to believe in the facts, because the words was the leading wind--Mori...--You know what... Taiga was right... I should never have seen again, I should never have talked to you, I should never give you a chance, I should never accept to go out with you and... NEVER DEBI return to NAGOYA - suddenly began to rummage in his backpack.-What... What do...-I asked confused.-See this? - taught me your document of transfer to Nagoya - look... do you see... Do you see? - Morinaga went crazy because he broke the document into a thousand pieces.-NOOO! IDIOT, you did - I was like crazy, because without this role, Morinaga will not return to Nagoya.-NOW NEVER MORE SHALL RETURN TO NAGOYA, IT WAS A MISTAKE TO HAVE DEALT WITH YOU AGAIN -I could see the frustration and pain of Morinaga, as saying those words two tears spilled him... He was containing it. A turnaround had been given and went to the door and tried a second after it opened it to stop it...-NO, wait! - pulled the arm.Morinaga turned in a sudden manner and with eyes full of tears and hatred and without realizing... I realized that he was already lying on the ground. So it is, when you pull the arm to Morinaga, turned and threw me an appliances exactly in the middle of the face, between the nose and mouth. That coup was with hatred, I could feel it, not only in their eyes, but by force.I knocked and knocked me down. I fell seated on the ground, covering me with your hand the affected part. I had come out to tears because of the coup and when I destapé me, I notice that he had blood in his hand, also the affected area was burning me and felt wet. It was obvious, it was bleeding through the nose and lips.Morinaga was on the other hand, surprised by his action. He was still, it changed her look of hatred to fear. I think that you or he could believe that he had a reaction like that and over... AGAINST ME. Morinaga never had beaten, he would never have been able to even physically hurt me that way, but now... everything changed. Morinaga was able to give me an appliances like that.I was sitting on the floor, naked covered with savanna, stationary and my gaze between my hand with blood and the troubled image of Morinaga. Yuki got scared and ran to me ducking behind me, but I ignored it. On the other hand, Morinaga was still stationary, with eyes of fear, of panic... very afraid. He could not continue with this tension, so it went and closed the door.Morinaga... you left... I hit him... I cried... destroyed your possibility of returning to Nagoya... all ended wrong between us. I know that it is hurting you and but does not believe it... I also hurts. I wonder just what will happen now?POV MORINAGAWhat do what I did? No... No... My God... how I was able to hit Sempai. I... I AM NOT SO. WOULD THAT IT DID? Didn't want to do it damn it... was a reaction... I didn't want to hit him. His lips and his bloody nose could see... your pain...... BY MY FAULT; However, I was very hurt and not measured me. I couldn't believe that Sempai have mocked me in this short time that we had reunited. Although hard I admit... that coup had it well deserved, but... I didn't like at all. If I could I would punish myself... but in part... I don't know why I feel well to have. NOOO WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT... OF COURSE NOT. I HURT HIM GLUED TO SEMPAI, I AM NOT SO... I... THE MASTER.Why... Why did me such a thing. Do not understand... it is assumed that you had asked me a chance... had asked me to "exit". Now... now I realize account only Sempai... mocked me.I could not bear the humiliation, pain, tension of the place. Sempai had cheated me, he himself admitted that I lied. There was no divorce in process, and according to him... Yes had asked Yuki. The truth, did not know what to believe. For me... everything was a lie.Split me the soul see Sempai begging me, asking me to speak so desperately, explaining the situation as if it were an obligation; But despite everything... what hurts me most is that... between Sempai and I everything is just. I said horrible things, I yelled as he had never done it, I hit it, and worst of all... I BROKE THE DOCUMENT OF MY TRANSFER TO NAGOYA. It took me more than one year in which give it me and that approve me; and now... everything went to shit. I will not pass, I'll be in Hamatsu where I should always remain. I should not make me stupid illusions, but... still... it hurts me... I HURTS.Hurts the fact of thinking that I had become to fall in love with Sempai, that would now have to do my part again to be able to forget it, that year I spent without Sempai me did nothing to nothing, because in the end... THE MASTER... THE love you... more than before.All my thoughts tormented me, obviously I left the apartment with tears in his eyes and distracted in my mind. It was running without any direction, only wanted to leave that place... get out... DISAPPEAR. I felt that something bad was going to happen to me, I felt like a dejavu to across the street. Just put a foot on the track, again I heard that horn which in the past caused me a misfortune. I immediately looked to the left side and I could see a car coming towards me. "It can not be, not again"; I thought very resigned, but suddenly I lost balance and fell sitting back, the truck managed to turn in time and went in front of me.I could just listen to "Look, idiot", depart from the driver. I was sitting on the sidewalk, with eyes riveted in the truck that had just passed. My face was wet, my rapid breathing and scare interrupted my tears. I wiped my tears with my sleeves, I was standing, I took a taxi and I went... I went away... heading to the... airport.
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Morinaga was sitting on the floor to get his shoes to leave, but did not want to leave with a bad impression. What is giving me understand ... that never return ... it's all over? No ... NOT BE SO ... YOU have to believe me ... What do ... Still not finished talking -?! I asked standing behind him. 'I do not nothing to talk about. I'm out of here -¡Baka! You must creerme- Why I believe you - Well, because ... because ... .- was thinking of something really compelling If you love me ... you should creerme- Yes, of course I LOVE YOU, Souichi. But I see I was wrong. I played all my convenience as you usually tell me forever -Morinaga ... not so ... everything was real ... - I did not know how to convince When I asked you once, when I asked you to leave, when I said I wanted to divorce Yuki ... all this was real, I only lied to the theme of forgiveness divorce process ... No, do not ask me for forgiveness. I know what I saw ... not going to change anything with your excuses. I saw how kissed, how you did love him, and how you told that AMAS- No, Morinaga! Yuki forced me ENTIÉNDEME- It's impossible that she will be forced ... It is illogical ... you looked so passionate about it ... - -Morinaga ... she threatened me. He said if I did everything she ME SAID ... she would send people to kill you -¡YA BASTA, Souichi! Stop telling LIES, stop JUSTIFICARTE- stood quite angry and turned to look me in the eyes -YA it became clear that NEVER GONNA WANT ME ... AND I resigned ... AND LEAVE ME ALONE ... - ... I had you -Morinaga I confess I'm feeling something special for TI No! Do not lie more- -¡No is a lie - Then why did you tell the amas- Yuki Because she ME OBLIGÓ- Stop Stop humiliating humillarme- was frustrated, please- I'm telling the truth - -One believe in deeds, not in words Yuki got back into. 'I told you to shut up, baka -. I was fed to mind, she was ruining everything with Morinaga She's right. I believe the facts, because the words he takes the wind -Mori ... - You know what ... Taiga was right ... I should never have seen you again, I should never have spoken to you, I should never give you a chance, I should never accept out and you should NEVER AGAIN ... Nagoya- suddenly began to dig something in his bag. ... -What do you do ...- I asked confused. Do you see this - he showed me his movement document to Nagoya Look ... you see ... VES - Morinaga went crazy because he broke the document to pieces. -¡NOOO! IDIOT, HICISTE- WHAT I started like crazy, because without that role, Morinaga not return to Nagoya. -NOW never go back to Nagoya, WAS A MISTAKE YOU have tried again- I could see the frustration and pain of Morinaga, as the those words will shed two tears ... he was holding. He had turned around and went to the door and opened it second after I tried to stop him ... No, wait! - I pulled the arm. Morinaga turned in a rough manner and with eyes full of tears and hatred without realizing it ... I realized I was already lying on the ground. This is, by pulling the arm Morinaga, he turned and gave me a punch right in the middle of the face, between the nose and mouth. That hit was with loathing, I could feel it, not only in his eyes, but by force. I knocked and knocked me down. I fell sitting on the ground, covering my hand the affected part. I had tears come from the blow and when I uncovered me, I noticed that there was blood on hand, plus the affected area was burning and I felt wet. It was obvious, he was bleeding from the mouth and nose. Morinaga on the other hand, was surprised by his action. He was motionless, he changed his glare to fear. I think even he could believe he had such a reaction ... and up against me. Morinaga had never hit me, he would never have been able even to physically hurt me that way, but now ... everything changed. Morinaga was able to give me a punch like that. I sat on the floor, covered with a sheet naked, motionless and with my eyes between my hands with blood and torment Morinaga image. Yuki got scared and ran to me crouching behind me, but I ignored. On the other hand, Morinaga was still motionless with eyes of fear, panic ... very scared. He could not continue with this tension, so he went and closed the door. Morinaga ... you left ... you hit me ... I screamed ... destroyed your ability to return to Nagoya ... all ended badly between we. I know you is hurting and believe it or not ... I too painful. I just wonder what will happen now? POV Morinaga What did I do? No ... no ... my God ... how I was able to hit Sempai. I ... I AM NOT SO. WHY I DID IT? Did not want to damn ... it was a reaction ... I did not want to hit him. I could see his pain ... ... her lips and bloody nose ... my fault; however, I was very hurt and did not measure me. I could not believe that Sempai has mocked me in this short time we had reunited us. Although I hate to admit it ... that shot was well deserved, but ... I did not like at all. If I could I punish myself ... but partly ... do not know why I feel good to have. NOOO what I mean ... of course not. HURTS A SEMPAI have hit, I AM NOT WELL ... I ... I love him. Why ... why I did that. I do not understand ... it is assumed that I had ordered a chance ... I had been asked to "come out". Now ... now I realize ... Sempai just laughed at me. I could not bear the humiliation, pain, workplace stress. Sempai had deceived me, he admitted that he lied to me. There was no divorce in process, and according to him ... if she had asked Yuki. I really do not know what to believe. For me ... it was all lies. It broke my heart to see Sempai begging, desperately asking to speak, explaining the situation as if it were an obligation; but nevertheless ... what hurts me most is that ... between Sempai and all over. I said horrible things, I yelled as I had never done, hit him, and worst of all ... BROKE MY DOCUMENT TRANSFER TO NAGOYA. It took me over a year to give it to me and I approve it; and now ... it all went to hell. I will not be moving me, I will stay in Hamatsu where I should always remain. I should not make me stupid illusions, but ... still ... it hurts ... it hurts me. It hurts the thought that I had fallen in love Sempai, you now have to do my part other time to forget, that year I spent without Sempai did not help me at all, because after all ... I love him ... I love him ... and more than before. All my thoughts tormented me, I obviously went the apartment with tears in his eyes and in my mind distracted. He was running aimlessly, I just wanted to leave that place ... get out ... disappear. I felt something bad was going to happen, I felt like a Dejavú across the street. Just set foot on the track, I heard the horn again in the past caused me a disgrace. I immediately looked to the left side and I could see a car approaching towards me. "It can not be, not again"; I thought very resigned, but suddenly lost my balance and fell sitting back, managed to turn the car and spent time in front of me. So I could only hear "Look, you idiot," departe driver. I was sitting on the sidewalk, staring at the car that just happened. My face was wet, my breathing accelerated and the shock stopped my tears. I wiped my tears with my sleeves, I stood up, I took a taxi and went ... I went away ... ... toward the airport.

đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Morinaga was sitting on the Ground to put their shoes to go, but I didn't want to leave a bad impression. What are you implying... That you would never... It's all over? No, it can't be that... You have to believe me...

- What are you doing? - we haven't finished Talking! - I asked him standing behind him. - There's nothing to talk about. - i'm outta here

- Baka! You have to believe me -
- Why Should I believe you? -
- because... Because... - I was thinking something compelling, if you love me, you should believe me -

- Yes, of course I Love You, Souichi. But I see I was wrong. Everything I did my convenience as you always tell me

- Morinaga... That... It was all real. - I didn't know how to convince him when I asked You for an opportunity, when I asked You to leave,When I told you I wanted to divorce Yuki... That was all right, only I Lied with the divorce process...

- - No, Don't apologize. I know what I saw... You're not going to change anything with your excuses. I saw you kissing her, how to love, and you said that you love

- No, Morinaga. Yuki forced me entiÉndeme -

It's impossible that she has forced is illogical... You were so Passionate about it... -

- Morinaga... She amenazÓ. I did everything she told me she was going to send people to kill you!

I, Souichi. Stop telling me liesStop overcompensating - stood Pretty Angry and turned to look at me in the eyes, I was clear that I will never want... I resignÉ... You let me in Peace...

- Morinaga, I confessed that I felt something special for you

! Don't Lie to me anymore -

it's not Bullshit!

- - Then Why did you tell her you love her - Yuki because she OBLIGÓ

- Stop Me - failed - Please stop freaking me


I'm telling the truth - - You Believe In Deeds, not in words - Yuki went inside. - I said Shut Up, Baka! - I was sick of her, she was Ruining everything with Morinaga.

- she is right. I believe Facts, because the words are carried by the wind - - mori -

...- you know what, taiga was right. I should never have seen you again, I should never have talked to you, I should never give you a Chance, I would never go out with you and never debÍ back to Nagoya - soon began to rummage in your backpack. - What... What are you... - I asked confused. - you see this? - He showed me his transfer document to Nagoya - look... You See... See?- Morinaga went Crazy because the paper broke into a Thousand pieces.

- Nooo! Idiot, what did - I Like Crazy, because without this paper, Morinaga's not going back to Nagoya.

now never REGRESARÉ to Nagoya, it was a mistake to have treated you again -

I could see the pain and frustration of Morinaga, because to say those words to him two Shed tears... He was holding back.He turned back and went to the door and opened a Second after he tried to stop him...

! - I pulled the arm.

Morinaga turned in a Rough manner and eyes Filled With Tears and Anger, and without realizing... I realized that I was lying on the floor. That is, Pull the arm to Morinaga,He turned and threw a punch right in the middle of the face, between the nose and Mouth. That Blow was with hatred, I could feel it, not only in his eyes but by force.

I he knocked and knocked me down. Sitting between me and fell to the Ground, with the hand the affected part. I was Crying because of the coup and when I came out, I noticed there was Blood on the hand,In addition to the affected area and felt I was wet. It was obvious, he was bleeding from the mouth and nose.
Morinaga, moreover, was surprised by his action. He was motionless, changed his look of Fear to hate. I think that even he could believe they had a reaction like that! Against me. Morinaga never had hit me,He never would have even been able to physically hurt me like that, but now... Everything changed. Morinaga was able to give me a fist like that

. I sat on the floor, naked and covered with the sheet, still with my eyes with my hand between blood and the image's tormented Morinaga. Yuki was frightened and ran towards me cowering behind me, but I ignored her.On the other hand, Morinaga still remained motionless with eyes of Fear, Panic... Very scared. Could not continue with this tension, so the door was closed and Morinaga.

... You were... You hit me... I screamed. You destroyed your chance to go back to Nagoya All ended badly between us. I know you're Hurting, and, believe it or not... I Hurt too.I just wonder what's going to happen now? POV Morinaga

? Not... Not... My God... How was capable of hitting sempai. I... I'm not like that. What did I do? I didn't do it. Damn it. It was a reaction... I wanted to hit him. I could see... Your pain... His lips and his Bloody Nose... However, my fault; I was very hurt and not measured.I couldn't believe that sempai has been ridiculed in this short time that we had together. Although I hate to admit it... This coup was well deserved, but... I didn't like you. If I could I would myself... But in part... I Don't know why I feel good to have done so. - What I'm Talking... Of course not. I have hit sempai, I'm not so... I.... I Love it.

... Why I did such a thing. I Don't understand... I had asked for a chance... I had been asked to "Come Out". Now... I realize now that sempai. He made fun of me. I could not stand the humiliation, Pain, the tension of the place. Sempai had me fooled, he himself admitted that he MINTIÓ. There was no divorce in process, and according to him...He had asked Yuki. The Truth, I Don't know what to believe. For me... It was all a lie.

I broke my heart to see sempai begging me, asking me to talk so desperately, explaining the situation as if it were an obligation; but in spite of everything... What Hurts Me most is that... Between sempai and everything herself. I said horrible things to her, I Cried as I never had hit him,And Worst of all... I broke the record of my transfer to Nagoya. It took me more than a year that I had and I approve it; and now... Everything went to shit. I Don't Move, I'll stay in Hamatsu where I should stay. I shouldn't delude myself stupid, but... Still... It hurts... It hurts so much!

I to think that I had turned to love with sempai,I would put my hand again to Forget, that year I spent without sempai I didn't nothing, because in the End... I Love You... I Love You... And more than before.

all my thoughts plagued me, I left the apartment with Tears In My Eyes and in my mind distracted. I was running aimlessly, just wanted to leave this place...Get out... Disappear. I felt that something bad was going to happen to me, I felt like a dejavú when Crossing the street. As soon as I set foot on the track, once again heard the Horn in the past I was a disgrace. Immediately I looked to the left and I could see a car coming toward me. " Can't BE, Not Again; "I thought very resigned,But soon I lost my balance and fell down backward, the car managed to turn and time spent in front of me. I could only hear "you idiot", from the driver. I sat on the sidewalk, eyes Riveted on the cart that had just happened. My face was wet, my Breathing accelerated and the Scare interrupted my tears. I dried My Tears with my sleeves,I stood up, took a cab and went... I went away... The course... Airport.
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