La mañana del jueves había llegado y con ella el casi tan ansiado fin  dịch - La mañana del jueves había llegado y con ella el casi tan ansiado fin  Anh làm thế nào để nói

La mañana del jueves había llegado

La mañana del jueves había llegado y con ella el casi tan ansiado fin de semana. El tirano se despertó con las justas y no exactamente por su alarma, sino porque su celular estaba vibrando insistentemente, sacándolo de la fase REM en cuestión de segundos. Su mano se abrió paso entre las sábanas, se estiró hacia la mesa de noche y a tientas cogió el aparato que estuvo a punto de caer al suelo.

– ¿Mmm?

– ¡Ohayou niisan!

– Niisan, niisan… – Ah, ¿Kanako?

– ¿Tienes alguna otra hermana?

– Sí… Está en el extranjero y está casada con un maldito degene… – masculló medio dormido hasta que al fin se dio cuenta de su realidad – ¡¿Eh?! No, no, lo que yo tengo es un hermano, ¡UN HERMANO!

– Ay, niisan, tú siempre despertando de la manera más extrema…

– ¡¿Ka-Kanako?! ¿Eres tú?

– ¡Claro que soy yo, baka! Aproveché para llamarte ahorita antes de entrar a clases para saber si este fin de semana podemos vernos. ¿Qué dices?

– Bueno… – respondió un poco dudoso – Este fin de semana me voy de viaje.

– ¿Hontou? ¿Y a dónde?

– Morinaga y yo tenemos un congreso en Fukuoka y…

– Oh, ya veo, irás con Morinaga-san... – dijo con un claro tono de suspicacia.

– Kanako, no trates de insinuar tonterías nuevamente, ¿quieres? Nuestro profesor nos exigió ir y tenemos que hacerlo, ¿lo entiendes ahora?

– Sí, por supuesto. – contestó con ironía – Por cierto, no olvides traerme souvenirs.

– Esta niña interesada. – Veré qué encuentro, pero tendrás que conformarte con lo que te compre.

– Qué roñoso, niisan.

– No seas malagradecida.

– Ah, ¿pero cuándo te vas? Porque podrías venir hoy en la noche.

– Buena idea, porque nosotros viajamos mañana al mediodía, así que hoy puedo pasar un rato a verte.

– ¡Yatta!

– Entonces así quedamos. Tengo que colgar, debo alistarme para ir a la universidad.

– Hai, le diré a Matsuda-san que prepare una rica cena hoy.

– Qué considerada. En fin, nos vemos en la noche. Ki wo tsukete, ¿nee?

– ¡Hai, niisan mo ki wo tsukete!

Souichi colgó la llamada y se quedó viendo la pantalla del celular. Su hermana estaba creciendo verdaderamente rápido y junto con ella crecían sus sospechas, que ya eran prácticamente afirmaciones, sobre la extraña relación que existía entre él y Tetsuhiro. Trataba de no pensar en ello, pero por momentos no podía evitarlo. Su kouhai le había dicho muchas veces que quería que fueran compañeros para toda la vida y él no sabía bien a qué se refería con eso, además de que nunca se había planteado demasiado su futuro. Pero el tiempo pasaba y ellos seguían viviendo juntos en una relación no definida. ¿Su familia estaría sospechando algo? Kanako sí, y eso era indiscutible. Tomoe era muy despistado para esas cosas, así que lo más probable era que no. Su ahora esposo, Mitsugu, podría tener ciertas sospechas, pero no pruebas. Su padre no veía más allá de sus insectos y Matsuda-san era muy inocente como para darse cuenta. El único que conocía con certeza la naturaleza de esa relación era Isogai Taichirou. Era el único que podría contar la verdad y ese era un temor que lo perseguía desde aquel fatídico día en que los había encontrado a ambos en un momento comprometedor en plena vía pública.

– Ese maldito de Isogai sabe demasiado y me tiene atrapado, y lo peor es que no puedo matarlo como quisiera. Pero si le dice algo al desgraciado de Kurokawa y peor aún, a Tomoe, juro que no vivirá para tener descendencia.

Estaba tan concentrado en su odio apretando fuertemente su celular que no escuchó cuando su asistente lo llamaba, sino hasta que este puso una mano sobre su hombro y lo espantó.

– ¡Morinaga, ya te dije que no hagas eso!

– Go-gomen, es que andabas distraído. ¿Estabas hablando con Kanako-chan? ¿Pasó algo malo?

– Solamente que sigue pensando que hay cosas raras entre tú y yo. – explicó molesto.

– Kanako-chan es una niña muy lista y se da cuenta de todo.

– Eso es precisamente lo que me preocupa, baka. Debe haber alguna manera en la que podamos disuadirla…

Mientras Souichi reflexionaba sobre las opciones que tenía para sacar a su hermana de su error, una expresión sombría apareció en el rostro de Tetsuhiro. Era imposible, ¿verdad? Era imposible ser parte de la familia de Senpai de la forma que él quería, de la forma que ahora lo era Kurokawa Mitsugu. ¿Cómo podían aceptarlo si ni siquiera Senpai lo había terminado de aceptar? Quería que se quedara a su lado y se lo había dicho claramente, lo cual lo hacía feliz. Pero eso no implicaba que fueran una pareja oficial ante su familia y el mundo entero.

– ¿Qué te pasa ahora?

– ¿Eh? ¿Decías algo, Senpai?

– Otra vez estás poniendo esa cara. ¿Qué diablos te sucede? Si tienes algo que decir, solo hazlo.

– No es nada. Es solo que me doy cuenta de lo mucho que quisiera ser parte de tu familia. – confesó sonriendo débilmente.

– Morinaga… – susurró Senpai sorprendido por las palabras del otro.

– ¿Es que no lo ves, Senpai? Tu familia es perfecta. Si Soujin-san fuera mi padre, habría aceptado a un hijo gay como yo, así como lo hizo con Tomoe-kun. Además, también aceptó a Kurokawa-san como parte de la familia porque confió en la elección de tu hermano y apoyó su decisión de casarse con él.

Senpai bajó la cabeza y se sintió avergonzado sin saber por qué. Claro que estaba agradecido de tener la familia que tenía, incluso después de que su madre se fuera de su lado. Sin embargo, solo ahora caía en cuenta de que al menos tenía recuerdos maravillosos de ella. Su kouhai, en cambio, siempre sería perseguido por el amargo recuerdo que significaba el rechazo de sus padres.

– Yo…

– Senpai, no pongas esa cara, solo te estaba contando lo que pensaba con respecto a tu familia. No es que vaya a robártela ni nada por el estilo.

– Ahou, ¿quién dijo algo semejante? – preguntó algo indignado – Mi familia… te tiene mucho aprecio. Ya viste cómo la última vez todos se formaron un gran concepto de ti.

– Y haré lo posible para que lo mantengan. – declaró sonriente.

– Tú sí que eres raro, tienes unos cambios de humor verdaderamente radicales.

– Esa es más mi línea, ¿no?

– Urusai… Bueno, ¿ya preparaste el desayuno?

– Hai, hai.

Souichi se levantó de la cama y se vistió para tomar desayuno con su kouhai. Ese día sería el último de la semana que irían al laboratorio, ya que el viernes tomarían el vuelo de las 12.30 pm de Nagoya a Fukuoka. Estaban terminando de desayunar cuando Tetsuhiro miró a su Senpai y le lanzó una intrépida pregunta.

– Senpai, me estaba preguntando… El acuerdo no incluye besos, ¿verdad?

– ¿Q-qué, c-cómo?

– Besos inocentes, quiero decir. El trato solo implica no tener sexo, ¿nee?

– ¡De-deja de hablar de esas cosas desde tan temprano! – chilló sonrojándose por completo.

– Solo es una pregunta. Me refiero, por ejemplo… – dijo acorralándolo contra la pared – a un beso en la mejilla o en la frente o…

Quedaron muy cerca el uno del otro sintiendo cómo se entremezclaban sus respiraciones. Souichi, como por instinto, bajó la mirada hacia los labios de su kouhai totalmente seguro de que lo besaría. Estuvo a punto de cerrar los ojos cuando de pronto, Tetsuhiro resopló con fuerza y se separó de golpe de él.

– Bueno, trataré de evitarlos, pero no prometo nada.

Souichi quedó petrificado. Miró a todos lados tratando de encontrar una posible explicación a la actitud de su asistente. Ni en un millón de años imaginó que pudiera resistir la tentación para hacer algo que siempre hacía de la nada. Simplemente no había forma. Trato de guardar la compostura y carraspeó como no dando importancia a lo que acababa de ocurrir.

– Y-ya basta de tonterías y vamos a trabajar.

– Lo que tú digas, Senpai.

Se dirigieron al laboratorio como hacían usualmente y avanzaron el proyecto pendiente hasta cierta etapa. Varias horas después, se dirigieron hacia la residencia Matsuda. En el camino solo hablaron de temas de la universidad o del trabajo de Tetsuhiro. Apenas llegaron, Kanako salió a recibirlos muy animada como de costumbre.

– ¡Souichi-niisan, Morinaga-san, hisashiburi!

– Hisashiburi, Kanako-chan. – dijo acariciando su cabello.

– Pasen y siéntense, la cena está casi lista.

Ambos científicos saludaron a Matsuda-san y los cuatro se sentaron a cenar mientras conversaban sobre las novedades de esas últimas semanas.

– ¿Y cómo te va en la escuela, Kanako-chan?

– Muy bien, soy una de las primeras de mi clase.

– No esperaba menos de ti, Kanako-chan. Los Tatsumi son muy inteligentes.

– Naturalmente. – asintió Souichi con orgullo.

– Niisan, pero la idea es ser inteligente y sociable. Y a ti te falta mucho lo segundo.

– Kanako, no hagas comentarios innecesarios.

– Bueno, Kanako-chan, la verdad es que Senpai últimamente ha estado más accesible.

– ¿Lo dices solo porque él está presente?

– No, no, lo digo en serio. Senpai ahora trata de controlar mejor su carácter y es más amable y...

– Mmm… – quedó pensativa la niña por unos instantes – No, eso jamás sucederá.

Ambos casi caen de sus asientos ante la sinceridad de la pequeña. Matsuda-san rió y se puso de pie para servir el postre a los presentes.

– Sou-kun, ¿ya tienen reservado el hotel?

– Como es un congreso organizado por la misma universidad, todos los gastos están cubiertos.

– ¡Sugoi! Entonces tendrás dinero para traerme regalos.

– Te traeré un llavero.

– Yo también te compraré algo, Kanako-chan, así que no te preocupes. – le aseguró el menor con una gran sonrisa.

– ¡Yatta! Deberías aprender, niisan.

– Morinaga, deja de engreírla, y tú, Kanako, no te pases de lista.

La pequeña le sacó la lengua haciendo reír a todos, con excepción de Souichi que solo bufó con su malhumor de siempre. Horas después, vieron que ya se había hecho tarde y tenían que regresar, así que agradecieron y se despidieron. Souichi prometió volver pronto y se retiró de la casa siendo seguido por su inseparable amigo.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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The Thursday morning had arrived and with it the almost awaited weekend. The tyrant awaked with the fair and not exactly by your alarm, but because his cell phone was vibrating insistently, out of the REM phase in a matter of seconds. His hand broke through between the sheets, stretched toward the nightstand and groped grabbed the device that was on the verge of falling to the ground.-Do Mmm?-Ohayou niisan!-Niisan, niisan... - Ah, do Kanako?-Do you have any other sister?-Yes... Is abroad and is married to a damn degene... - muttered half asleep until at last he realized his reality - huh? No, no, what I have is a brother, a brother!-Oh, niisan, you always waking up in the most extreme way...-Do ka-Kanako? Are you?-Of course, that's me, baka! I took to calling you right now before entering classes to find out if this weekend we can see us. What are you saying?-Well... - He replied a little dubious - this weekend I'm going travel.-Do Hontou? And to where?-Morinaga and I have a Congress in Fukuoka and...-Oh, I see, will go with Morinaga-san--said with a clear tone of suspicion.-Kanako, do not try to insinuate nonsense again, would like to? Our teacher called us to go and we have to do it, do you understand it now?-Yes, of course. -replied ironically - by the way, don't forget to bring me souvenirs.-This interested girl. -I'll see what meeting, but you'll have to settle for what you buy.-What roñoso, niisan.-Don't be a malagradecida.-Ah, but when are you going? Because you could come today at night.-Good idea, because we travel tomorrow to noon, so today I have a time to see you.-Yatta!-So we are so left. I have to hang up, I get ready to go to College.-Hai, say you to Matsuda-san to prepare a dinner today.-What considered. Anyway, see you at night. Ki wo tsukete, would nee?-Niisan mo ki wo tsukete Hai!Souichi hung up the call and the phone screen was watching. His sister was growing really fast and with it grew his suspicions, which were practically statements, about the strange relationship that existed between him and Tetsuhiro. He was not thinking about it, but at times I could not help it. His kouhai had told many times that I wanted them to be companions for life and he did not know well what concerned with that, that was never too raised its future. But time passed and they continued living together in a relationship that is not defined. His family would be suspecting something? Kanako, and that was indisputable. Tomoe was very clueless to these things, so it was likely that not. Her now husband, Mitsugu, could have certain suspicions, but no evidence. His father did not see beyond their insect and Matsuda-san was very innocent as to realize it. The only one who knew with certainty the nature of that relationship was Isogai Taichirou. It was the only one who could tell the truth and that was a fear that chased him from that fateful day that had found them both in a compromising moment in public street.-That damn Isogai knows too much and has me trapped, and the worst thing is that I can not kill him as I would like. But if he says something to the wretched of Kurokawa and worse still, to Tomoe, I swear that you will not live to have offspring.I was so focused on his hate strongly pressing their cell phone that did not hear when his assistant called him, but until he put a hand on his shoulder and spooked him.-Morinaga, I told you not to do that!-Go-gomen, is that you were distracted. Were you talking to Kanako-chan? Did something wrong?-Only that continues to believe that there are strange things between you and I. -annoying explained.-Kanako-chan is a very clever girl and realize everything.-That is exactly what worries me, baka. There must be some way in which we can dissuade her...While Souichi pondering the options he had to remove his sister from his mistake, a grim expression appeared in the face of Tetsuhiro. It was impossible, right? It was impossible to be part of the family's Senpai in the way he wanted, in the way that it was now Kurokawa Mitsugu. How could accept it if even Senpai had finished it OK? I wanted to stay by his side and had said so clearly, which made him happy. But that did not imply that they were an official couple before his family and the whole world.-You what now?-Huh? Did you say something, Senpai?-Again you're putting that face. What the heck it happens to you? If you have something to say, just do it.-It's nothing. It's just that I realize how much that would like to be part of your family. -He confessed, smiling weakly.-Morinaga whispered... - Senpai surprised by the words of the other.-Is that you don't see it, Senpai? Your family is perfect. If Soujin-san was my father, I would have accepted a son gay like me, as it did with Tomoe-kun. In addition, it agreed also to Kurokawa-san as part of the family because it relied on the choice of your brother and supported his decision to marry him.Senpai lowered his head and felt ashamed without knowing why. Of course, that he was grateful to the family which had, even after his mother out of his side. However, only now it fell into account that at least he had wonderful memories of her. His kouhai, on the other hand, always would be pursued by the bitter memory that meant the rejection of their parents.-Yo...-Senpai, don't put that face, you just was telling what he thought with respect to your family. It is not to steal it or anything like that.-Ahou, who said such a thing? -asked something outraged - my family... you have much appreciation. You already saw how the last time all they formed a great concept from you.- And I will do everything to maintain it. -She said smiling.-You are that rare, you have some really radical mood swings.-That's more my line, right?-Urusai... Well, do already prepared breakfast?-Hai, hai.Souichi rose from the bed and got dressed for breakfast with his kouhai. That day would be the last week that would go to the laboratory, since Friday would take the flight of 12.30 pm from Nagoya to Fukuoka. They were finishing breakfast when Tetsuhiro looked to his Senpai and threw a bold question.-Senpai, I was just wondering... The agreement does not include kissing, right?-Q-what, c-como?-Innocent kisses, I mean. The only treatment involves not having sex, do nee?-De-deja to speak of those things so early! -It screamed certainly completely.-It is just a question. I mean, for example--he said rounding it up against the wall - a kiss on the cheek or on the forehead or...From the other feeling is how mixed their breaths were very close. Souichi, as by instinct, looked towards the lips of his kouhai completely sure that kiss him down. It was on the verge of closing their eyes when suddenly, Tetsuhiro puffed with force and separated from hit him.-Well, I will try to avoid them, but I don't promise anything.Souichi was petrified. Looked everywhere trying to find a possible explanation for the attitude of his assistant. Not in a million years imagined that he could resist the temptation to do something that always made from scratch. There was simply no way. I try to save face and carraspeó it as not giving importance to what had just happened.-And-already enough nonsense and we are going to work.-What you say, Senpai.They went to the laboratory as usually did and moved the project pending until certain stage. Several hours later, they headed towards the residence Matsuda. In the only way they discussed topics of the University or work Tetsuhiro. Just arrived, Kanako went out to meet them very lively in the usual way.-Souichi-niisan, Morinaga-san, hisashiburi!-Hisashiburi, Kanako-chan. -He said stroking his hair.-Come and sit, dinner is almost ready.Both scientists greeted Matsuda-san and the four sat down for dinner while they were talking about the news of these last few weeks.- And how you going at the school, Kanako-chan?-Very well, I am one of the first in my class.-Did not expect less than you, Kanako-chan. The Tatsumi are very smart.-Naturally. -Souichi nodded proudly.-Niisan, but the idea is to be intelligent and sociable. And the second thing much to you.-Kanako, don't make unnecessary comments.-Well, Kanako-chan, the truth is that Senpai has lately been more accessible.-Would you say it only because he is present?-No, no, I mean it. Senpai is now better control their character and is more friendly and...-Mmm... - was thoughtful girl for a moment - No, that will never happen.Both nearly fall off their seats to the sincerity of the small. MATSUDA-san laughed and stood up to serve dessert to those present.-Sou-kun already have reserved hotel?- As it is a conference organized by the University, all expenses are covered.-Sugoi! Then you will have money to bring me gifts.-You bring a keychain.-I also you'll buy something, Kanako-chan, so don't worry. -assured him the child with a big smile.-Yatta! You should learn, niisan.-Morinaga, ceases to pamper her, and you, Kanako, it passes you list.Small took the language making laugh everyone, with the exception of Souichi that only bufó with moodiness of always. Hours later, saw that had already late and had to return, so they thanked and bid farewell. Souichi promised to return soon, and withdrew from the House being followed by his inseparable friend.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Thursday morning had arrived and with it the almost longed weekend. The tyrant awoke to fair and not exactly alarmed, but because his cell was vibrating strongly, removing the REM phase in seconds. His hand pushed through the covers, reached for the nightstand and picked up the device grope nearly fell. - Mmm? - Ohayou niisan! - Niisan, niisan ... - Ah, Kanako? - Do you have another sister? - Yes ... You're abroad and is married to a bloody Degene ... - mumbled half asleep until finally realized reality - Huh ?! No, no, what I have is a brother, a brother! - Oh, niisan, you always waking up in the most extreme way ... - Ka-Kanako!? ?! Is that you? - Of course I am, baka! I took to calling you right now before going to school to see if this weekend can see us. What do you say? - Well ... - answered a little iffy - This weekend I will travel. - Hontou? And where? - Morinaga and I have a conference in Fukuoka and ... - Oh, I see, you go with Morinaga-san ... - he said with a light shade of suspicion. - Kanako not try to insinuate nonsense again, ¿ you want? Our teacher required us to go and we have to, do you understand? - Yes, of course. - He replied wryly - By the way, do not forget to bring me souvenirs. - This girl interested. - I'll see what I can find, but you'll have to make do with what you buy. - What grungy, niisan. - Do not be ungrateful. - Ah, but when you leave? Because you could come tonight. - Good idea, because we traveled by noon tomorrow, so today I spend time to see you. - Yatta! - And so we were. I have to hang up, I get ready to go to college. - Hai, I'll tell Matsuda-san to prepare a delicious dinner today. - What considered. Anyway, see you in the night. Ki wo tsukete, Nee? - Ai, ki wo mo niisan tsukete! Souichi hung up the call and stared at the phone screen. His sister was growing really fast and with it grew his suspicions, which were practically statements about the strange relationship between him and Tetsuhiro. He tried not to think about it, but at times I could not help it. Kouhai had told her many times that wanted them to be companions for life and he was not sure what he meant by that, plus it had never raised her future too. But time passed and they were still living together in an undefined relationship. Does your family would be suspecting something? Kanako yes, and that was indisputable. Tomoe was very confused for those things, so it most likely was not. Her husband now, Mitsugu, might have some suspicions, but no proof. His father could not see beyond their insect and Matsuda-san was very innocent to realize. The only thing I knew for certain the nature of that relationship was Isogai Taichirou. It was the only one who could tell the truth and that was a fear that haunted him since that fateful day when he found the two in a compromising on a public street now. - That damn Isogai knows too much and I got caught, and worse is that I can not kill him as he wanted. But if he says something unfortunate Kurokawa and worse, Tomoe, I swear I will not live to have children. I was so focused on his hatred strongly pressing his cell he did not hear when his assistant called him, but until this put a hand on his shoulder and scared. - Morinaga, I told you not to do that! - Go-Gomen, is that you were distracted. Were you talking to Kanako-chan? Did something bad? - Only that continues to believe that there are rare things between you and me. - He explained annoying. - Kanako-chan is a very smart girl and realizes everything. - That's what worries me, baka. There must be some way that we can dissuade ... Souichi While pondering his options to take his sister from his mistake, a grim expression on his face Tetsuhiro. It was impossible, right? It was impossible to be part of the family of Senpai the way he wanted, the way it was now Mitsugu Kurokawa. How could they accept it even if he had finished Senpai accept? I wanted to stay by his side and he had clearly said, which made ​​him happy. But that did not mean they were an official couple to his family and the whole world. - What is it now? - Huh? You were saying something, Senpai? - Again're making that face. What the hell are you? If you have something to say, just do it. - It's nothing. It's just that I realize how much I wanted to be part of your family. - Confessed smiling faintly. - Morinaga ... - whispered Senpai surprised by the other's words. - Do not you see, Senpai? Your family is perfect. If Soujin-san was my father, I would have accepted a gay son as well as he did with Tomoe-kun. In addition, he agreed to Kurokawa-san as part of the family because he trusted in choosing your brother and supported her decision to marry him. Senpai lowered his head and felt ashamed without knowing why. Of course she was grateful to have the family I had, even after his mother left his side. However, only now it is falling into account that at least it had wonderful memories. Your kouhai, however, would always be haunted by the bitter memory which meant the rejection of their parents. - I ... - Senpai not make that face, I was telling you only what I thought about your family. It is not going to steal it or anything like that. - Ahou, who said such a thing? - Indignantly he asked something - My family ... I have much appreciation. You saw how the last time all of you a great concept formed. - And I do my best to keep it. - Said smiling. - You really are weird, you have a change of truly radical humor. - This is my line, right? - Urusai ... Well, as you prepare breakfast? -. Hai, hai Souichi rose from the bed and dressed for breakfast with his kouhai. That would be the last day of the week they would go to the lab, and that Friday would take the 24:30 flight from Nagoya to Fukuoka. They were finishing breakfast when Tetsuhiro looked at her Senpai and launched a bold question. - Senpai, I was wondering ... The agreement does not include kissing, right? - Q-what, c-how? - innocent kisses, I mean. The treatment involves not only have sex, is neck? - De-stop talking about these things so early! - She screamed blushing completely. - It's just a question. I refer, for example ... - he said cornering him against the wall - a kiss on the cheek or on the forehead or ... They were very close to each other feeling their breaths mingled. Souichi, as if by instinct, looked down at his lips totally sure he would kiss kouhai. He was about to close his eyes when suddenly, Tetsuhiro snorted loudly and abruptly broke it. - Well, I try to avoid them, but no promises. Souichi froze. He looked around trying to find a possible explanation for the attitude of his assistant. Never in a million years imagined I could resist the temptation to do something that always made ​​from scratch. There was simply no way. I try to keep my composure and cleared his throat as not giving importance to what had just happened. - And-and enough of this nonsense and go to work. -. Whatever you say, Senpai went to the lab as the current project usually did and moved to a certain stage. Several hours later, they went to the residence Matsuda. In the only way they discussed issues of college or work Tetsuhiro. When they arrived, Kanako met them lively as usual. - Souichi-niisan, Morinaga-san, hisashiburi! - Hisashiburi, Kanako-chan. - He said, stroking her hair. - Come and sit down, dinner is almost ready. Both scientists they greeted Matsuda-san and the four sat down to dinner as they talked about developments of these last few weeks. - And how are you doing in school Kanako-chan? - Well, I'm one of the first in my class. - I expected no less from you, Kanako-chan. The Tatsumi are very smart. - Naturally. - Souichi nodded proudly. - Niisan, but the idea is to be smart and sociable. And you will take much the latter. - Kanako, do not make unnecessary comments. - Well, Kanako-chan, the truth is that Senpai has lately been more accessible. - Do you mean just because he is present? - No, no, I'm serious. Senpai is now better control your character and is more friendly and ... - Mmm ... - He looked thoughtful for a moment the girl. - No, that it will never happen both almost fall from their seats to the sincerity of the child. Matsuda-san laughed and stood up to serve the dessert to the present. - Sou-kun, did you have booked it? - As a congress organized by the university, all expenses are covered. - Sugoi! Then you will have money to bring me gifts. - I'll get a key. - I'll buy you something, Kanako-chan, so do not worry. - He assured the child with a big smile. - Yatta! You should learn, niisan. - Morinaga, engreírla stops, and you, Kanako, do not overdo list. The small stuck his tongue making everyone laugh except Souichi only snorted usual moodiness. Hours later, they saw that he had already done late and had to return, so thanked and dismissed. Souichi promised to come back soon and left the house being followed by his inseparable friend.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
Thursday Morning had arrived and with it the long-awaited weekend. The Tyrant was awakened by the alarm and not exactly Fair, but because his cell phone was on Vibrate insistently, out of REM sleep in a matter of seconds. His hand was opened between the sheets, stretched to the bedside table and Groping took the device that was about to fall to the ground.- Mmm?

- ohayou Niisan!

- Niisan, Niisan... - Oh, Kanako?

- you have another sister?

- Yes... Is abroad and is married to a fucking degene mumbled Half Asleep... Until finally realized his reality, huh? No, no, I have a Brother, a brother!

- Oh, Niisan, you always waking up in the most Extreme...

- ka Kanako? ! Are you?

- of course I am, Baka! I call you just before entering class to see if we can meet this weekend. What do you say?

- well... - Responded Doubtful. This weekend I'm going on a Trip. - hontou

? And where?

- Morinaga and I have a Congress in Fukuoka and...

Oh, I See, you're going with Morinaga San... He said with a Clear Tone of
- Kanako, suspicion.Don't say that again, Will you? Our Teacher required us to go and we have to do it, you understand it now?

- Yes, of course. Said with Irony - - by the way, Don't forget to bring souvenirs.

- This Girl interested. - i'll see what I can find, but you'll have to settle for what you buy.

what Beast, Niisan.

Don't be ungrateful. - Ah, but when are you going?Because you could come over Tonight. - good idea, because we travel at noon Tomorrow, So today I can spend a little time to see you. - Hooray!

- then stay. I gotta go, I'm ready to go to the University.

- Hai, i'il Tell Matsuda San to prepare a Rich dinner Today. - how thoughtful. So, see you tonight. Ki Wo tsukete, Nee?

- Hai,Niisan mo ki Wo tsukete!

Souichi Hung Up The Call and was watching the screen of the cell phone. His sister was growing really fast and together with growing suspicions that were virtually assertions on the Strange relationship that existed between him and Tetsuhiro. Try not to think about it, but at times I couldn't help it.His kouhai he had said many times that I wanted to be Partners for Life and he wasn't sure what he meant by that, and never raised his future too. But time passed and they were still living together in a relationship not defined. Your Family would be suspicious? Kanako and yes, it was undisputed. Tomoe was very absent-minded to those things,So most likely was not. Her now husband, Mitsugu could have suspicions, but no Proof. His father could not see beyond their insects and Matsuda San was so naive as to realize. The only one who knew with certainty the nature of this relationship was taichirou Isogai.Was the only one who could tell the Truth and that it was a fear that had followed him since that fateful Day in which I found both in a Challenging time in the street. - fucking Isogai knows too much, and I got caught, and what is worse is that I can't kill him like I would. But if he says something to the Bastard of Kurokawa and worse, Tomoe.Swear you won't Live to have Offspring.

I was so engrossed in his Hate tightly squeezing her cell not heard when he called his assistant, but until this laid a hand on his shoulder and scared him away.

- Morinaga, I told you not to do that!

- Go - Gomen, is that you were distracted. You were talking to Kanako Chan? Something Bad happened?

- just keep thinking that there are strange things between you and me. - annoying explained.

- Kanako Chan is a very smart kid, and realizes it.

- that is precisely what worries me, Baka. There must be some way that we can stop her,

while Souichi pondered the options he had to get his sister of his mistake.A Grim expression appeared in the face of Tetsuhiro. It was impossible, right? It was impossible to be part of the family of Birds In the way he wanted to, The Way was now Mitsugu Kurokawa. How could they accept it even if I had finished senpai accept? I wanted her to stay at his side and told him clearly, which made him happy.But that was not to be an official couple to his family and the World.

- What happens now?

- huh? You said something, Champ?

- are you making that face again. What the hell is wrong with you? If you have something to say, just do it. - IT's nothing. It's just that I realized how much I would like to be part of your family.

- confessed smiling faintly.Whispered senpai, Morinaga, surprised by the words of another. - is that you, Champ? Your family is perfect. If soujin San were my father, I would have agreed to a Gay son like me, like you did with Tomoe kun. In addition, also accepted to Kurokawa San like part of the Family because she trusted the election of your brother and supported her decision to marry him.Senpai, lowered his head and felt ashamed without knowing why. I was grateful to have the Family he had even after her mother leave her side. However, only now falling at least had wonderful Memories of her. His kouhai, instead, I would always be haunted by the bitter Memory which meant the rejection of their parents.


...- Champ, Don't look, I was just telling what I thought about your family. It's not going to steal it or anything. Ahou
, who said such a thing? - He asked indignantly - Something my family, I have greatly appreciated. The last time you saw how they all formed a great deal of you.

and I will do my best to keep it.

- Said smiling.- You're Weird, you have truly radical changes of mood. - that's My Line, Don't you?

- Urusai... Well, you made breakfast?

- Hai, Hai. Souichi got out of bed and dressed for breakfast with your kouhai. This would be the last day of the week to go to the laboratory, as Friday take flight from 12.30 pm to Fukuoka, Nagoya.Tetsuhiro was Finishing breakfast when he looked at his senpai and launched a Bold question.

- Champ, I was wondering, the Agreement includes kissing, huh?

- C - Q - What, what?

- Innocent Kisses, I mean. The Treatment involves not just having sex, Nee?

- - stop talking about these things from so Early! - cried altogether Blushing. - it was just a question.I refer, for example, Said acorralándolo against the Wall - A Kiss on the cheek or forehead or...

were very close to each other, feeling how intertwining their breaths. Souichi, like Instinct, he looked down upon the lips of her kouhai totally confident that he would Kiss. Was to close the eyes When suddenlyTetsuhiro snorted loudly and he hit him. - Well, try to avoid them, but I can't Promise anything.
Souichi was Petrified. Looked everywhere trying to find a possible explanation for the attitude of his assistant. Not in a million years would I could resist the temptation to do something that was always nothing. There was simply no way.Try to keep Composure and coughed as not giving importance to what had just happened.

- and - stop this nonsense and go to work. - Whatever you say, Senpai.

as they usually went to the Lab and Advanced the project pending until a certain stage. Several hours later, went to the residence Matsuda.Only in the way discussed issues of the University or the work of Tetsuhiro. Just came out to greet them, Kanako Lively as usual.
- Niisan Souichi, Morinaga San, hisashiburi!

- hisashiburi, Kanako Chan. - Said, stroking her hair. - Come and sit down, dinner's almost ready.Both Scientists greeted Matsuda San and the four sat down to dinner while talking about the Developments of the last few weeks. - and how is School, Kanako Chan?

- very well, I am one of the first in My Class.
I expected no less of you, Kanako Chan. The Tatsumi are very smart. - Naturally. Souichi - nodded proudly.
- Niisan,But the idea is to be intelligent and sociable. And you need a Second.

- Kanako, Don't make comments unnecessary.

- Well, Kanako Chan, the truth is that senpai has recently been more accessible.

I Say Just because he is this?

- No, no, I'm serious. Senpai now is to better control their character and is more friendly and...

- Mmm... - The girl was thoughtful for a Moment - No, that will never happen.

both nearly fall off their seats to the sincerity of the small San laughed. Matsuda and stood to serve dessert to the present.

- SOU, already have booked the hotel?

- as it is a Congress organized by the University, all expenses are covered.

- Sugoi!Then you'll have money to bring gifts. - i'll get you a Keychain


I also buy you something, Kanako Chan, so don't worry. - He said with a Big Smile.

- Yatta! You should learn Niisan.
- engreírla Morinaga, stop, and you, Kanako, Don't Get Smart.

Small Stuck out his tongue, making Everybody laugh,With the exception of Souichi only he went with his annoyance always. Hours later, we were already late and had to go back, so I thanked and dismissed. Souichi promised to return soon and withdrew from the House being followed by his inseparable friend.
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