¡Esta es tu oportunidad Tetsuhiro…!Me acerque por su espalda, él no se dịch - ¡Esta es tu oportunidad Tetsuhiro…!Me acerque por su espalda, él no se Anh làm thế nào để nói

¡Esta es tu oportunidad Tetsuhiro…!

¡Esta es tu oportunidad Tetsuhiro…!

Me acerque por su espalda, él no se daba cuenta de mi presencia, y comencé a hacerle cosquillas. Él salió de su trance en un instante e intentó voltearse pero no le era posible. Se encorvó, contenía su risa y con sus manos intentaba alejar las mías. Yo continuaba rozando su estómago y costillas sobre la ropa y él se encogía aún más hasta que le fue imposible mantener su boca cerrada. Soltó una fuete carcajada y continuó riendo, se quejaba diciéndome que parará pero él lloraba de risa. Consiguió voltearse y pude admirar su hermosa sonrisa, que aunque involuntaria, parecía haberle regresado un poco de alegría.

- Mo-morinaga… te digo que… te detengas… y-ya fue suficiente…

No conozco límites así que fue hasta que Senpai me empujo y alejó que me detuve. No quería parar pues él se miraba muy feliz aunque lo niegue.

- Ba… bastardo… que demo-nios… crees que… hacías… Me regañaba mientras trataba de recuperar el aire. Estaba molesto, pero parecía haber regresado a ser el mismo de siempre. Si tenía ánimos para pelear significaba que se encontraba bien.

- Senpai has estado distante y me preocupa que estas muy callado, no me dices nada… ¿hice algo que te molestará?

Me miraba sorprendido. Tal vez no se había dado cuenta de su estado sino hasta que se lo hice notar.

- N-no, tú no has hecho nada. Es solo que…

- ¿Qué Senpai?

Nuestras miradas se encontraron. Me miraba fijamente hasta que aparto la mirada y volvió su vista, tal como cuando se dice una mentira.

- Mmm… ¿q-quería saber si tu… podías e-enseñarme a cocinar?

- ¿Eh? ¿Senpai quiere que le enseñé a cocinar? Pensé que iba a darme la vuelta como hace ya varios días lleva haciéndolo, ¿puede qué solo este avergonzado y no haya sabido como pedírmelo?

- ¿Senpai quieres aprender a cocinar?

- … Su cara estaba totalmente roja y solo asintió.

Me hacía muy feliz que quisiera que le enseñará, pero me parecía muy inusual.

- Senpai… pero ¿por qué tan de repente?

- P-pues… cuando tuve que cuidarte sentía que abusaba de la amabilidad de Matsuda-san y aunque aprendí una que otra cosa, todavía no puedo cocinar nada que se pueda llamar comida. Es un asco… maldición…

- Pero a ti nunca te había interesado nada de eso… no tienes que forzarte si en verdad no quieres, yo puedo encargarme de todo si es lo que te preocupa.

- I-idiota, ahí vas de nuevo… siempre cargas con todo el trabajo, a-además después de todo creo que podría ser útil si aprendo un poco… pero si tú no quieres enseñarme, entonces me voy…

Molesto, salía de la cocina cuando tome su muñeca y lo detuve. Me disculpe y lo invite a quedarse y me ayudará con el desayuno. Iniciamos por lo básico, hacer un huevo, suena fácil pero fue todo un reto. Su poca paciencia junto con su fuerza desmedida fueron un problema pero me las arregle para tomar su mano por detrás y guiarlo en la cocina. Se enojó al principio pero como fue agarrando el ritmo le fue tomando menos importancia. Estaba tan feliz de poder cocinar junto a él. Tardamos algún tiempo en terminar de hacer el desayuno pero era lo de menos.

Servimos los paltos, café y nos sentamos a desayunar. La comida sabía diez, no, mil veces mejor ya que había sido preparada por Senpai, la felicidad no me cabía en el pecho. A pesar de estar un poco distraído y cansado, ahora se miraba más animado y presente en la conversación. Me da gusto que, aunque sea un poco, haya recuperado su habitual humor. Estando así no me podía aprovechar de él, quiero que tenga confianza y llegue a disfrutar estar junto a mí. No quiero agobiarlo.

El día paso tranquilo, estuvimos en casa; Senpai leyendo, con trabajo de la universidad y se ofreció a ayudarme con el quehacer un poco, regresando a la cocina para la hora de la comida y posterior la cena. Se ponía muy energético preparando la comida pero temía que canalizara mal esa "energía" teniendo cerca cuchillos y con poca paciencia. Al ver que los platillos resultaban difíciles para él, le aconseje que primero observara la preparación para que se le facilitara un poco el proceso, le hice saber que lo estaría supervisado así que no debía tener miedo a estropear nada. Luego me impresiono por lo inteligente que es, siempre se le había dificultado la cocina pero mientras observaba llego a la peculiar conclusión de que cocinar era como los experimentos y con esa lógica todo se le facilito.

- Como Senpai no hay otro. Pensé mientras lo veía y soltaba un suspiro.

Siempre admiré eso en él, cuando se decidía por a hacer algo no hay que lo detuviera y la verdad era que aprendía rápido. Al ser sus experimentos lo más importante era posible que con esa lógica llegue a ser muy bueno en la cocina. Su cabeza estuvo ocupada en otras actividades así que ya no estuvo distraído en todo el día.

La frescura de la noche se hiso presente, secaba mi cabello de camino a la estancia en donde Senpai se había quedado leyendo un libro, cuando me acerque al sofá vi que se había quedado plácidamente dormido. Bajo sus ojos se miraban pequeñas ojeras y respiraba descansando con tranquilidad. No podía obligarlo a que me quisiera de la forma en que yo quería, pero él me lo demostraba muy a su manera y desde hace buen tiempo había estado preocupado por mí, protegiéndome y cuidándome. Cuando me di cuenta se lo hice saber agradeciéndole.

- Poder convivir contigo de esta manera… ver lo mucho que has cambiado por mí… demostrarte cuanto te amo y saber que aceptas mis sentimientos… Senpai…

Me acerque, cerré mis ojos y roce nuestros labios en un largo pero suave beso. Lo abrace con delicadeza y llene mis pulmones del olor de su shampoo. No quería separarme de él, quería caer rendido a su lado teniéndolo entre mis brazos. Así que lo cargue, con cuidado de no despertarlo, nos adentramos en el cuarto donde lentamente lo deposite en mi cama y lo arrope. Acto seguido yo también entre en la cama. Como si estuviera consiente, buscando mi calor, se giró y acomodo acercándose a mí; solo nos separaban las manos que Senpai había puesto como barrera sobre mi pecho como si intentará alejarme. Hasta dormido seguía contradiciéndose y actuando irracionalmente. Lo abrace y nuestros cuerpos se acoplaron como un rompecabezas. Me sentía tan dichoso que pude dormir con una sonrisa posada en mi rostro.


La mañana había resultado bastante agitada. Primero porque no había conciliado el sueño hasta altas horas de la madrugada pensando en todo lo que había pasado, luego cuando no encontré a ninguno de los dos pensé lo peor.

- Y si le conto todo… y si Morinaga no quiere verme y por eso se fue con su hermano… y si no me perdona por ocultarle esto… y si vuelve a cometer alguna estupidez…

Sentía que una preocupación muy grande invadía mi pecho y no había manera de calmarla. Tome mi celular pero intentar llamarlo fue en vano, me di cuenta en cuanto escuche el tono de su celular sonar.

- Y si se fue dejando todo atrás para ya no regresar…

Buscaba la tranquilidad pero mi cerebro solo aventaba pensamientos más negativos uno tras otros, uno peor que el anterior. Revise por todos lados para ver si encontraba una pista que me dijera en donde se encontraban. El chico, Yuuhiro, se había llevado todas sus maletas. Pensando en que hacer o lugares en donde pudiera encontrarlo me encamine a su habitación, de pronto escuche a alguien entrar al departamento. El bastardo había regresado.

- ¿Por qué sigo tan intranquilo?

Morinaga no tardo en percibir el aura que me rodeaba e intento "levantarme el ánimo". Aun no entiendo que pasa por su cabezota y como se le ocurrió que haciendo algo que sabe me molesta podía hacerme sentir mejor. Cuando me cuestiono sobre mi mirada perdida tuve que mentir, esperaba que no lo descubriera así que volteando a ver los sartenes que sacó momentos atrás solo dije lo primero que se me vino a la mente. Minutos después me encontraba arrepentido por solicitarle un favor tan vergonzoso, pero debo de admitir que después de encontrar mi propio ritmo fue entretenido.

Me encontraba en una posición muy difícil. Ya no tenía a nadie estorbándome para hablar con Morinaga pero ahora él se veía demasiado feliz como para que mi voz lo alcanzara. Un nudo se formaba en mi garganta y me impedía hablar del tema.

- ¿Por qué tiene que estar tan sonriente y feliz?... no es como si lo odiara, es solo que… no puedo verlo a los ojos de esta manera.

Leía un libro que un profesor me había recomendado mientras esperaba a Morinaga salir del baño, cuando el cansancio me venció y mis ojos se fueron cerrando. Las pesadillas tomaron control de mis sueños y el silencio que permanecía en mis labios me atormentaba. Una brillante luz se hiso presente alejando toda oscuridad que me rodeaba, desvaneciendo las cadenas que me mantenían atado y brindándome su calidez. Sentía una extraña fuerza rodearme haciéndome sentir seguro y protegido. Podía dormir en paz dejando mis tormentos a un lado, por lo menos esta noche.


Soltaba un suspiro mientras tomaba lugar en la barra y pedía una bebida al barman.

- Que aburrido… venir por trabajo y no tener como divertirme a estas horas. Ya que estaré aquí por unos días no sería mala idea visitar mañana a mi tirano favorito. Con él tengo asegurado un rato de diversión, más porque no puede negarse.

Mientras pensaba en como atormentar a Souichi esta vez, tomé el wiski que había ordenado de un trago, pedí un trago más y algunos bocadillos. Era domingo por la noche y había salido a un bar cercano al hotel donde me hospedaba, quedaba en el centro de la ciudad. Solo pasaría un rato ahí para después regresar al hotel pues habría trabajo por la mañana.

- Ahhh… hablando del rey de roma.

Lo mire de reojo. Souichi entraba por la puerta del bar, pensé que estaría acompañado por su querido Kouhai pero venía solo.

- ¿Una pelea?... esos dos nunca cambian.
Từ: -
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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This is your chance Tetsuhiro...!I close by his back, he did not give account of my presence, and I started to tickle. He came out of his trance in an instant and tried to turn around but was not possible. It curved, contained their laughter and with his hands trying to get away the mine. I continued rubbing her stomach and ribs on the clothes and it shrank it further until it was impossible to keep his mouth shut. He let go a strong laugh and continued laughing, complained saying it will stop, but he was crying with laughter. He managed to turn around and I admire your beautiful smile, which although involuntary, seemed to have returned a little joy.-Mo-morinaga... I say that... stop... and - it was already enough...I do not know boundaries so it was until I push Senpai and walked away I stopped. He didn't stop because he looked was very happy although I denied it.-Ba... bastardo... which demo-children... think that you did...... I scolded while trying to recover air. It was annoying, but it seemed to have returned to be the same as always. If I had encouragement to fight meant that he was all right.-Senpai has been distant and I am concerned that these very quiet, does not tell me anything... did do something that bothered you?Looked at me surprised. Perhaps not had noticed his status until we did notice.-N-no, you have not done anything. It's just that...-What Senpai?Our eyes met. He stared at me until I appliance look and returned your view, such as when it tells a lie.-Mmm... q - wanted to know if your... you could e - teach me to Cook?-Huh? Senpai want to that I taught him to Cook? I thought that I was going to give me back as several days ago it has been doing, can what only this embarrassed and has not known as asking me?-Senpai would like to learn how to Cook?- … His face was completely red and only nodded.I was very happy that I would like that it will teach you, but I thought it was very unusual.-Senpai... but why so suddenly?-P-well... when I had to take care of you felt that it was abusing the kindness of Matsuda-san and although one that I learned something else, I can not still cooking anything food can be called. It is a disgusting... curse...- But you had never interested you anything like that... don't have to force you if you don't really want, I can take care of everything if it is what worries you.-I-idiota, then go again... always loads with all the work, a-plus after all I think that it might be useful if I learn a little... but if you do not want to teach me, then I'm going...Upset, came out of the kitchen when you take your wrist and stopped it. I apologise and invite you to stay and will help me with breakfast. We started with the basics, make an egg, sounds easy but it was a challenge. Your little patience along with its excessive force were a problem but I arrange them to take his hand from behind and guide you in the kitchen. Angry at first, but as he was holding the rhythm he was taking it less importance. I was so happy to be able to cook alongside him. It took us some time to finish the breakfast but it was unimportant.We serve the avocado, coffee and sat down to breakfast. The food knew ten, no, a thousand times better since it had been prepared by Senpai, happiness didn't fit me in the chest. Despite being a little distracted and tired, now it looked more lively and present in the conversation. I'm glad that, even a little, it has recovered his usual humor. Being so I could not take advantage of it, I want to have confidence and come to enjoy being next to me. I don't want to overwhelm him.The quiet step day, we were at home; Senpai reading, with work of the University and he offered to help me with the work a little, returning to the kitchen for the lunch and the dinner later. It became very energetic preparing food but I was afraid that it channeled evil that "energy" about taking knives and with little patience. Seeing that the dishes were difficult for him, advise you that first observe the preparation so that is somewhat facilitate the process, I did know that he would be monitored so it should not be afraid to spoil anything. Then I was impressed by how smart that is, always the kitchen it had hindered but while I watched I get peculiar concluded that cooking was as experiments and with that logic everything is you provide.-As Senpai there is another. I thought as I saw it and let go a sigh.Always admired that in him, when it is decided by a do something there to stop him and the truth was that I was learning fast. When his experiments most importantly it was possible that with this logic gets to be very good in the kitchen. His head was occupied in other activities so it was not distracted throughout the day.The freshness of the evening is hiso present, dried my hair on the way to the room where Senpai is had been reading a book, when I move to the sofa I saw that it had been peacefully asleep. Under his eyes looked small dark circles and I breathed resting calmly. He could not force him to that I would like in the way that I wanted to, but he showed it to me much to his way and for good weather had been worried about me, protecting me and caring for me. When I realized I did know thank you.-To be able to live with you in this way... see how much you've changed me... to show you how much I love you and know that you accept my feelings... Senpai...I move closer, I closed my eyes and rub our lips in a long but gentle kiss. Embrace it with delicacy and fill my lungs with the scent of her shampoo. I didn't want to separate me from it, I wanted to fall yielded by his side, taking him in my arms. So load it, careful not to wake him, we got into the room where slowly deposited it into my bed and tuck it. Then I also enters the bed. As if you were aware, looking for my heat, turned and I settle closer to me; they only separated us hands that Senpai had placed as a barrier on my chest as if it will try to get away. Even asleep still contradicting and acting irrationally. Hugs and our bodies are mated like a puzzle. I felt so happy that I could sleep with a smile Inn in my face.POV SOUICHIThe morning had been quite hectic. First because he had not reconciled the dream until the wee hours thinking about everything that had happened, I thought then when I did not find either of the two worst.- And if you all told... and if Morinaga doesn't want to see me and that went with his brother... and if not forgive me for hide this... and if it returns to commit something stupid...I felt a very big concern invaded my chest and there was no way to calm her down. Take my cell phone but try to call it was in vain, I realized as soon as you hear the tone of your cell phone ringing.- And if it was leaving everything behind for now not return...I was looking for tranquility but my brain just threw more negative thoughts one after the other, worse than the previous one. Check everywhere to see if it was a track that told me where they were. The boy, Yuuhiro, had taken all their bags. Thinking they do or places where you could find it route me to his room, suddenly heard someone entering the Department. The bastard had returned.-Why I still so uneasy?Morinaga takes not to perceive the aura that surrounded me and try to "cheer me up". I still don't understand passing through his stubborn and as it occurred to him that doing something they know it bothers me I could make me feel better. When I question about my staring I had to lie, I expected it not discovered it so turning to see the pans which took only moments ago I said the first thing that came to my mind. Minutes later I was sorry for asking a favor so shameful, but I must admit that after finding my own pace, it was entertaining.I was in a very difficult position. He had no clogging me to speak with Morinaga, but now he looked too happy as to which my voice reached him. A knot formed in my throat and prevented me to talk about.-Why should that be so smiley and happy?... not as if I hated it, is just that... I can't see it in the eyes of this way.I was reading a book that a Professor had recommended me while waiting for Morinaga out of the bathroom, when I beat tiredness and my eyes were closing. Nightmares took control of my dreams and the silence that remained on my lips tormented me. A bright light is present hiso away all darkness surrounding me, fading chains that kept me tied and giving me your warmth. I felt a strange force surrounding me making me feel safe and secure. I could sleep in peace leaving my torments to one side, at least tonight.POV ISOGAIBlew a sigh while it was taking place in the bar and asked for a drink the bartender.-That boring... come for work and not having as fun at this hour. Since I will be here for a few days would not be bad idea tomorrow visit my favourite tyrant. With him I have secured a fun time, more because he can not refuse.While I thought of as Souichi torment this time, I took the wiski had ordered a drink, I ordered a drink more and some snacks. It was Sunday night and had gone to a bar near the hotel where I was, remained in the center of the city. Awhile there would only happen to then return to the hotel would have work in the morning.-Ahhh... speaking of the King of Rome.Look at it sideways. Souichi entered through the door of the bar, I thought that it would be accompanied by his beloved Kouhai but was only.-Do a fight?... those two never change.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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This is your chance Tetsuhiro ...! I walked down his back, he was not aware of my presence, and I began to tickle. He came out of his trance in a moment and tried to turn around but it was not possible. He hunched, containing his laughter and his hands trying to ward off mine. I kept rubbing his stomach and ribs on the clothes and he shrank further until it was impossible to keep his mouth shut. He gave a laugh whip and continued laughing, complained saying that will stop but he was crying with laughter. He managed to turn around and I admired her beautiful smile, although unintentional, seemed to have returned some joy. - Mo-Morinaga ... I tell you ... hold back ... and-that's enough ... I do not know boundaries so it was until Senpai pushed me and away I stopped. I did not want to stop because he looked very happy although he denies. - Ba ... bastard ... that demo-children ... think ... doing ... I scolded as he tried to regain the air. He was upset, but seemed to have returned to be the same as always. If I had the courage to fight meant that was all right. - Senpai has been distant and I worry that these very quiet, I did not say anything ... I did something that bother you? I looked surprised. Perhaps he had not noticed her state but until I pointed. - N-no, you have not done anything. It's just ... - What Senpai? Our eyes met. I stared until I looked away and turned their sight, as when a lie is told. - Mmm ... q-wanted to know ... if you could e-teach me to cook? - Huh? Senpai wants to teach you to cook? I thought it was going to turn around as several days ago has been doing, can do just this embarrassed and has not known how to ask me? - Senpai want to learn to cook? -. ... His face was all red and just nodded I was very Happy that would teach him, but it seemed very unusual. - Senpai ... but why so suddenly? - P-well ... when I had to take care felt abused the kindness of Matsuda-san and even learned a thing or two still I can not cook anything that can be called food. It sucks ... damn ... - But never you you had been interested any of that ... you have to force yourself if you really do not want, I can take care of everything if you're worried. - I-Idiot, there you go again ... always loads all the work, A-plus after all I think it might be helpful if I learn a bit ... but if you do not want to teach me, then I'll ... Annoying, out of the kitchen when he takes her wrist and stopped him. I apologize and invite him to stay and help me with breakfast. We started with the basics, make an egg, it sounds easy but it was a challenge. Your little patience with his excessive force were a problem but I managed to take his hand and lead him back into the kitchen. He was angry at first but as he was holding the pace he was taking less importance. I was so happy to cook with him. It took some time to finish making breakfast but it was not important. We serve avocados, coffee and sat down to breakfast. The food tasted ten no, a thousand times better since it had been prepared by Senpai, happiness did not fit in the chest. Despite being a little distracted and tired, now he looked more lively and present in the conversation. I'm glad, even a little, has recovered his usual humor. Being so I could not take it, I have confidence and get to enjoy being with me. I do not want to burden. The quiet passing day, we were at home; Senpai reading, work with college and offered to help with the work a little, returning to the kitchen for lunch and after dinner. It got very energetic preparing food but feared that channeled evil "energy" taking near knives and little patience. Seeing that the saucers were difficult for him, advised that first observed that the preparation is a little facilitate the process, let him know that he should be supervised and not be afraid to spoil anything. Then I was impressed by how smart he is, always had hindered him as he watched the kitchen but came to the peculiar conclusion that cooking was as experiments with that logic and everything was provided. - As Senpai no other. I thought as I watched him and let out a sigh. I always admired that in him, when he decided to do something no stopping him and the truth was a quick learner. As the most important experiments it was possible that this logic will become very good at cooking. His head was busy in other activities so and was not distracted all day. The freshness of the night hiso present, dried my hair on my way to the room where Senpai had been reading a book, when I approached the sofa I saw that he had fallen asleep peacefully. Small dark circles under his eyes and looked calmly resting breathing. I could not force him to love me the way I wanted, but he showed me his way and very warm weather from'd been worried about me, protecting me and watching me. When I realized I let him know thanking. - Be able to live with you like this ... see how much you've changed me ... show you how much I love you and know that you accept my feelings ... Senpai ... I approached, I closed my eyes and touch our lips in a long but gentle kiss. Gently hugged him and fill my lungs with the smell of your shampoo. I did not want to leave him, I wanted to fall asleep beside her holding it in my arms. So upload, careful not to wake him, we enter the room where the deposited slowly on my bed and syrup. Then I also enters the bed. As if conscious, looking for my heat, turned and accommodation approaching me; only hands that separated us had Senpai barrier on my chest as if he will try to get away. Until asleep still he is contradicting and acting irrationally. I hugged him and our bodies were coupled as a puzzle. I felt so happy that I could sleep with a smile on my face inn. POV Souichi The morning had been quite hectic. First because he had not reconciled sleep late into the morning thinking about what had happened, then when I did not find either thought the worst. - And if I told everything ... and if Morinaga not see me and why he went with his brother ... and forgive me if you do not hide it ... and if you re-commit something stupid ... I felt a big concern invaded my chest and there was no way to calm her. Take my cell but try to call to no avail, I realized as the tone of his phone ringing. - And if he was leaving everything behind to not return ... I was looking for peace but my brain just would throw more negative thoughts one after the other , one worse than the last. Check everywhere to see if there was a hint to tell me where they were. The boy, Yuuhiro, had taken all their luggage. Wondering what to do or places where I could find my way to her room, suddenly heard someone enter the apartment. The bastard was back. - Why I'm still so uneasy? Morinaga not slow to perceive the aura around me and try to "cheer me up". Still I do not understand what goes through your stubborn and as he came to know that doing something bothers me could make me feel better. When I questioned about my stare I had to lie, do not expect discovered so turning to see the pans took only moments ago I said the first thing that came to mind. Minutes later I was sorry for ask a favor so embarrassing, but I must admit that after finding my own pace was entertaining. I was in a very difficult position. And I had no one to talk to Morinaga estorbándome but now he looked too happy to reach my voice. A lump formed in my throat and prevented me from talking about it. - Why must it be so smiling and happy ... it's not like I hate, it's just ... I can not see the eyes this way. I read a book that a professor had recommended me as I waited for Morinaga leave the bathroom, when fatigue overcame me and my eyes were closing. Nightmares took control of my dreams and silence that remained on my lips tormented me. A bright light is present hiso away all darkness around me, banishing the chains that bound me and kept giving me their warmth. He felt a strange force surround making me feel safe and secure. He could sleep peacefully leaving my torments aside, at least tonight. POV Isogai let out a sigh as he took place in the bar and asked for a drink the bartender. - How boring ... come for work and not have the fun at this time . Since I'll be here for a few days it does not hurt to visit my favorite tyrant morning. I have assured him a fun time, more because he can not refuse. As I thought about how tormenting Souichi this time, I took the wiski he had ordered a drink, I ordered a drink and some snacks. It was Sunday night and went out to a nearby bar where I was staying, was at the center of the city. Only there would be a while before returning to the hotel as it would work in the morning. - Ahhh ... speaking of the devil. I looked askance. Souichi came through the door of the bar, I thought it would be accompanied by his beloved Kouhai but came alone. - A fight ... those two never change?.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
This is your chance Tetsuhiro...!

I went through his back, he was not aware of my presence, and I started to tickle. He came out of his trance in an instant and tried to turn but it was not possible. Humped, contained his Laughter and his hands trying to get Mine.I continued rubbing his stomach and ribs on the clothes and he Shrank further until it was impossible for him to keep his mouth shut. He let out a laugh and continued Strong, telling me to stop Laughing, complained but he cried with laughter. I got to turn around and admire your beautiful Smile, even if unintended, seemed to have returned a Little Joy.Mo Morinaga... I tell you... And you... - that's enough...

I know no limits so that was until senpai pushed me away and I stopped. I didn't want to stop because he looked very happy though they deny it.

ba... That bastard... Demo - Children... Do you think... You were scolded me while trying to recover the air. I was upset, but seemed to have returned to be the same.If I had Courage to fight meant that he was well.

senpai you've been distant, and I worried that these very quiet, Don't say anything... I did something that bother you?

I looked surprised. Perhaps he had not realized his State until I told him. - you haven't done anything. It's just that...

- What Birds?

Our Eyes met.I stared to look away and returned your eyesight, such as when he tells a lie.
q - Mmm... - I wanted to know if you... - and you could Teach me how to Cook?

- huh? Senpai wants taught him how to Cook? I thought I was going to turn around and take it several days ago, what this can only embarrassed and didn't know how to ask?

senpai want to learn how to Cook?

- his face was very red and just nodded.

I was very happy that I teach, but I seemed very unusual.
senpai... But Why So Suddenly?

- P - well... When I had to take care of you felt that abuse the kindness of Matsuda San and although I learned a thing or two, Still I can't cook anything you can call it food. It sucks... Damn...

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