"¿SOUICHI TATSUMI?"... Tarde o temprano ibas a venir a Hamatsu. Ya lo sabía… eres tal cuál Mori te describió. No puedo creer que estés aquí. Parece que esto será divertido porque POR FIN... NOS HEMOS CRUZADO... SOUICHI TATSUMI... PREPÁRATE...

Aunque quería matarlo, mantuve la compostura, pues al parecer él no se había dado cuenta de quién era yo; es decir, no me reconoció; sin embargo, quería acorralarlo con mis preguntas…

-Qué extraño, jamás te había visto por aquí-

-Eh… ¿enserio?- se puso nervioso y se rascó la cabeza –Lo que pasa es que… soy nuevo… jeje sí eso… soy nuevo aquí y me estoy familiarizando con las instalaciones de la empresa y…-

-¿En qué área trabajas?- sabía que estaba mintiendo, pero quise acorralarlo con mis preguntas.

-Ah…. en el área de… investigación- contestó bastante inseguro.

-Pero… yo trabajo al costado y nunca te he visto por ahí…-

-Ah… no no… claro que no. Es que… te dije que soy nuevo- ni él mismo se la creía, era pésimo actuando.

-¿Enserio? ¿Y…. dónde está tu fotocheck?- observé por todos lados apropósito para asustarlo.

-¿Foto… chek?- lo agarré, al fin lo acorralé, vamos a ver cómo reaccionas ahora Tatsumi.

-¡Sí! Tu identificación de trabajador de la Farmacéutica S-

-Ah…. no… aún no me la dan…-

-Eso no puede ser… a TODOS los trabajadores se les da su fotochek desde el PRIMER DÍA DE TRABAJO- enfaticé.

Definitivamente ese tirano no tenía excusa para evadirme, lo único que me preocupaba era que me dijera: "Enséñame el tuyo", ya que si me lo llega a ver, se daría cuenta que yo soy Taiga y obviamente no me creería nada, porque sabe que soy amiga de Mori y que posiblemente yo lo encubriría; sin embargo, la verdad no tendría por qué enseñárselo; es decir, no es nadie para decirme qué hacer. Me crucé de brazos y me puse muy seria apropósito. Ganas no me faltaban de golpearlo; es decir, mírenlo… qué rayos le ve Mori a ese hombre… está todo flacucho, es muy blanco, cabello desordenado, y encima… tiene unos lentes horribles; y lo que es peor… tiene una personalidad horrorosa. Es decir, dicen que a veces uno se enamora por la personalidad, pero este tirano, no es atractivo ni físicamente ni por su personalidad.

Lo único que vino a hacer aquí es seguir torturando a Mori con eso de que "No te amo, pero no quiero que te vayas". Eres un baka Souichi Tatsumi, me costó 1 semana en hacer que Mori por lo menos se reponga un poco, y tú Souichi no vas a venir a estropearlo. Ya era hora de malograrte este jueguito tonto, puesto que ya te pesqué la mentira…

-Sabía que no trabajabas aquí- sonreí malévolamente, cosa que asustó a Souichi – No puedes estar aquí, te reportaré con seguridad- saqué mi celular.

-NO ESPERA- gritó desesperadamente y le di otra oportunidad para hablar, realmente quería ver de qué manera de excusaba –Ya ya… está bien, no trabajo aquí- respiró hondo –Estoy buscando a un amigo… a…- le tembló la voz –Morinaga Tetsuhiro-

-¿Y tú eres?-

-Tatsumi Souichi… soy su Sempai de la Universidad en Nagoya-

Bueno, ahora sí… 100% confirmado, él es el tirano. Vamos a ver… de qué manera voy a divertirme contigo… qué cosa te diré para hacerte sufrir… mmmmmmmmmmmm… Aunque pensándolo bien no puedo demorarme mucho, a penas son las 11am; es decir, qué pasaría si Mori viene por los dormitorios para sacar unos apuntes o algo y se lo encuentra. No… definitivamente no… no puedo dejar que se vea con Mori y vuelva a ilusionarlo en vano. Voy a tener que sacarlo de aquí rápido…

-Eh... ¿señorita?- Souichi me llamó, pues estaba muy concentrada en mis pensamientos –Me podría decir dónde puedo ubicar a Morina...-

-Él ya no trabaja aquí- lo interrumpí bastante seria.

-¿QUÉ... PERO... CÓMO... CUÁNDO... POR QUÉ...?- se exaltó y luego sentí que su voz se quebró y su respiración se aceleró -ÉL... ÉL TRABAJA AQUÍ... ÉL ME LO DIJO...-

-Pues ya no... ya no trabaja aquí. Ahora por favor... retírese o llamaré a seguridad- le señalé la salida.

-¡ESPERE! Una cosa más... por favor... solo una cosa más- respiró hondo –Dónde puedo localizar a una chica...- se quedó pensando –Cómo se llamaba... no recuerdo muy bien su nombre... ah sí... ¿dónde puedo encontrar a... Taiga?-

-¿Ta... Taiga?- me dejó helada, no pensé que preguntaría por mí; eso significa que Mori le habrá hablado lo suficiente de mí para verse tan desesperado y preguntar por mí con el fin de localizar a Mori.

-Sí... ella trabaja en la misma área que Morinaga y...-

-NO CONOZCO A NINGUNA TAIGA, SEÑOR- me harté, tan solo quería que se vaya antes de que a Mori se le ocurra regresar al condominio y encuentre a Souichi –Le voy a pedir por última vez que se vaya de aquí. Un extraño no puede estar vagando por los condominios. Aquí hay pertenencias de los trabajadores que vienen de otra ciudad a alojarse en la empresa-

-Necesito hablar con esa chica, por favor, usted podría hacer que la localicen dentro de la empresa, por favor- en verdad se notaba desesperado –Tal vez ella me pueda decir dónde está Morinaga...-

-Morinaga Tetsuhiro renunció hace pocos días...- me aclaré la garganta y escondí disimuladamente mi fotocheck debajo del cuello del saco que tenía –No nos dijo a dónde se iría, tan solo presentó su carta de renuncia ¿ok? Ahora por favor, váyase-




-NO... NO PUEDO HACER NADA Y SI NO SE LARGA DE UNA BUENA VEZ VOY A...- pero me tomó de sorpresa el hecho que en medio de mis palabras, ese tirano se fue corriendo a lo largo del pasillo del piso 5 -¡OYE A DÓNDE VAS... OYE... SEGURIDAAAAAD!-

Maldita sea... había caído como estúpida en la trama de Souichi; es decir, él pasó a mi costado para irse corriendo. Yo volteé inmediato y recién me di cuenta y vaya que ese tirano sí que era rápido en correr. Obviamente me iba a ser imposible alcanzarlo y lo que es peor, entró a las oficinas de la Farmacéutica. NO PUEDE SER. En cualquier momento podría chocarse con Mori y si eso pasa... NO... NO... NO ME LO QUIERO IMAGINAR. Pobre Mori... toda la paz interna que logró adquirir en esta semana se irá a la mierda si vuelve a ver a Souichi Tatsumi.

Tenía que hacer algo... pero tenía que hacerlo YA. Lo único que se me ocurrió fue correr atrás de él y mientras tanto llamar a seguridad por mi celular.



¡Maldita sea... no puede estar pasando...! Acaso es cierto lo que me dijo esa chica... ¿Morinaga... se atrevió a renunciar? Cómo es posible que ese baka haya hecho semejante disparate; es decir, recién comienza su vida laboral y lo deja todo por un capricho tonto, por una decepción de amor estúpida. Un trabajo importante no lo debes cambiar POR NADA.

Estaba seguro que me encontraba en problemas... maldita niña con la que me encontré; es decir, primero me restringen la entrada de no ver a Morinaga en el hospital, luego me entero que le habían dado de alta hace 1 semana y yo estuve como un baka yendo al hospital; luego me cuentan que se había ido de Nagoya para siempre... y ahora que al fin llegué a la empresa donde trabaja debo escabullirme para entrar y encima me encuentro con una loca malhumorada que me quiere sacar por las malas de la Farmacéutica.

Corrí lo más rápido que me dieron los pies y al fin ingresé a las oficinas. Habían muchas personas yendo de un lugar a otro, todos estaban muy bien vestidos, bastante formales; tal y como Morinaga cuando se iba al trabajo. Muy dentro de mí también me encontraba nervioso, ya que... cuando vea a Morinaga... qué rayos le voy a decir: "Hola, Morinaga, regresa a Nagoya" o "Baka... por qué te fuiste" o "Tú prometiste que te quedarías a mi lado"... y muchas otras cosas que se me ocurrían, pero nada coherente; es decir, no tengo cómo sustentar mis palabras... qué tal si me preguntaba "¿Y por qué debería hacerlo, Sempai?"... qué respuesta le daría "Porque... sí"... eso no suena lógico, pues ahora ya estoy casado... Creo que... soy un idiota.

Busqué por varios pisos, pero nada. Salí a varios pasillos y se me ocurrió la idea de ir de área en área preguntando por Morinaga. La gente me miraba raro, otros no me hacían caso, otros pensaban que era un cliente perdido. Ninguno me daba respuesta, nadie me decía dónde podría estar Morinaga... ¿y si... y si era cierto... y si esa chica tenía razón... y si Morinaga en verdad ya no trabaja aquí? ¡NO NO NO!... Cómo es posible, él... él está aquí... eso yo lo sé... ÉL ESTÁ AQUÍ.

Me desesperé mucho porque yo sabía que él trabajaba aquí, pero también por qué rayos no lo encontraba; pero mi suerte vino de mal en peor cuando noto a un señor gordo y alto con traje de seguridad que me está persiguiendo. "Maldición... si este tipo me agarra... definitivamente me sacará y aumentarán la seguridad... me será difícil volver a entrar", pensé.

Intenté escabullirme silenciosamente; sin embargo, escuché una vocecita...

-¡AHÍ ESTÁ! ¡AGÁRRALO!- era ese mocosa que me había delatado, obviamente eché a correr con todas mis fuerzas.

-¡DETÉNGASE... OIGA... ALTO!- el tipo de seguridad también empezó a correr y escuché que con su teléfono radio llamó a otro tipo de seguridad –NECESITAMOS OTRA UNIDAD... SÍ... HAY UN INTRUSO EN LA EMPRESA... SE DIRIGE A LA PLANTA BAJA...-

Ya no alcancé a oír más, tan solo sabía que ahora 2 hombres de seguridad me irían a perseguir. Ya no tenía otra opción, me iban a agarrar de todas maneras; así que me arriesgué a hacer el peor escándalo...

-¡MORINAGA! MORINAGAAAAAAA MORINAGAAAAA- empecé a gritar mientras corría para que al menos me escuchara y se enterara que estoy buscándolo –¡MORINAGAA... SOY YO... SOUICHI! DÓNDE ESTAAAS... MORINAGAAAA-
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV TAIGA"SOUICHI TATSUMI?" ... Sooner or later you were going to come to Hamatsu. Already knew it... are such which Mori you described. I can't believe that you're here. It seems that this will be fun because finally... WE HAVE CROSSED... SOUICHI TATSUMI... GET READY...Although I wanted to kill him, kept his composure, because apparently he not had realized who he was I; in other words, I did not recognize; However, I wanted to trap him with my questions...-Strange, had never seen you around here--Eh... would seriously? - was nervous and scratched his head - the thing is that I'm new... lol Yes that... am new here and I am familiar with the company's facilities and...--Do in which area work? - knew that he was lying, but I wanted to trap him with my questions.-Ah... in the area of... research answered quite unsafe.- But... I work on the side and you've never seen out there...--Ah... not... do not clear that not. It is that... I told you I'm new - or he himself believed it was bad acting.-I seriously? ... Where is your fotocheck?-I saw everywhere intentional to scare him.-Photo... chek?-I grabbed it, finally I acorralé it, let's see how you react now Tatsumi.-Yes! Your identification of S - pharmaceutical-Ah... not... still do not give it me...--This cannot be... all workers are given its fotochek from the first day of work - I stressed.Definitely that tyrant had no excuse to evade me, the only thing that concerned me was that you told me: "Show me yours", since if you get me to see, I would count that I am Taiga and obviously would not believe me nothing, because he knows that I am a friend of Mori and that possibly I encubriría it; However, the truth would not have why to teach it; i.e., it is not no one to tell me what to do. I crossed of arms and got very serious intentional. Desire not missing me beat him; i.e. look at it... what Ray sees Mori this man... is all skinny, is very white, hair messed up, and over... has a horrible lens; and what is worse... has a horrible personality. I.e., they say that sometimes one falls in love by the personality, but this tyrant, is not attractive or physically or by his personality.The only thing that came to do here is continue torturing Mori thereupon that "I do not love you, but I don't want you to go". You are a baka Souichi Tatsumi, it took me 1 week to Mori is at least restored a little, and Souichi won't come to spoil it. It was time to spoil you this silly little game, since you already caught lying...-Knew that you were not working here - smiled maliciously, thing which frightened Souichi - can not be here, reportare you sure--I took my cell phone.-NO waiting - he shouted desperately and I gave him another chance to speak, really wanted to see how of excusing - already already... okay, not work here - breathed deep - I'm looking for a friend... a...-shook you the voice - Tetsuhiro Morinaga -- And you are?--Tatsumi Souichi... am his Sempai at Nagoya University-Well, now if... 100% confirmed, he is the tyrant. Let's see... how I have fun with you... what you say to make you suffer... mmmmmmmmmmmm... Second thought not can take me much, sentences are 11 am; in other words, what if Mori comes for the bedroom to get some notes or something and finds it. No... definitely not... can not see with Mori and return to excite him in vain. I'm going to have to get him out of here fast...-Eh... would miss? - Souichi called me, because I was very focused on my thoughts - could tell Me where I can locate Morina...--It is already not working here - interrupted him quite serious.-WHAT...? BUT... AS... WHEN... DO YOU...? -It is exalted and then I felt his voice broke and his breathing accelerated - the... THE WORKS HERE... THE ME IT SAID...--As already not... no longer works here. Now please withdraw... or I will call security - I pointed him out.-WAIT! One thing more... Please... just one more thing - breathed deep - where can I locate a girl...-He was thinking - is the name of... do not remember very well his name... ah yes... where can I find to...? Taiga?--Ta...? Do taiga? - left me cold, I didn't think that I would ask for me; that means that Mori will have spoken enough of me to be so desperate and ask for me in order to locate to Mori.-Yes... She works in the same area as Morinaga and...--Do not know to no TAIGA, Lord - I got, just wanted to go until Mori can think back to the condo and find Souichi - I will ask for the last time to go from here. A stranger may not be wandering condominiums. Here are the belongings of the workers coming from another city to stay in the company--I need to talk to this girl, please, you could do that they locate it within the company, please - I really felt desperate - maybe she can tell me where is Morinaga...--Morinaga Tetsuhiro resigned makes few days...-I had my throat and I secretly hid my fotocheck under the neck of the sack which had - not told us where to go, just presented his resignation letter ok? Now please, go--But...--I SAID THAT IS REMOVE... NOT I HEARD? I'm losing the damn PATIENCE - I cried.-BUT PLEASE... YOU have to help me - Souichi insisted.-NO... NOT can do nothing and if not is long of a good time I'm going to...- but it took me by surprise the fact that in the middle of my words, that tyrant was running along the 5-floor corridor - Hey where are you going...! HEY... SEGURIDAAAAAD!-Damn... had fallen as stupid in the plot of Souichi; i.e., he went to my side to go running. I turned immediately and newly realized and navigate to that tyrant if that was fast in run. Obviously I was going to be impossible to achieve it and what is worse, went to the offices of the pharmaceutical. IT MAY NOT BE. At any time could collide with Mori and if that happens... NO... NO... NOT ME AS I WANT TO IMAGINE. Poor Mori... all the internal peace that managed to acquire this week will go to shit again to see Souichi Tatsumi.I had to do something... but I had to do it now. The only thing that occurred to me was to run back and meanwhile call security for my cell phone.NOT SOUICHI TATSUMI... YOU DO NOT I WILL WIN... I'M GOING TO DO WHAT YOU PUT HERE BEFORE TU TE FIND WITH MORINAGA. THE JUROOOO!POV SEMPAIDamn... can not be happening...! It is true what I said that girl... do Morinaga... dared to resign? Is it possible that that baka has made such nonsense; i.e. it just beginning their working lives and leaves everything to a foolish whim, by a stupid love disappointment. An important work must unchanged by anything.I was sure that I was in trouble... damn girl that I found; i.e. first restrict me the entry do not see Morinaga in the hospital, then I learn that they had been given high 1 week ago and I was like a baka going to the hospital; then they tell me that had left Nagoya for ever... and now finally I arrived at the company where he works I sneak me to enter and I am up with a Moody crazy wanting me to take the hard way of the pharmaceutical.I ran as fast that got me the feet and finally entered the offices. There were many people going from one place to another, they were all very well dressed, very formal; such and such as Morinaga when he went to work. Deep inside me, I was also nervous, already that... when see this Morinaga... what rays will you say: "Hello, Morinaga, returns to Nagoya" or "Baka... why were you" or "You promised that you would choose to my side"... and many other things that has happened to me, but nothing consistent; i.e. I don't have how to sustain my words... What if I was wondering "and why they should do so, Sempai?" What answer would give you... "because... Yes"... that doesn't sound logical, because now I'm married... I think that I'm an idiot.I looked for several floors, but nothing. I went to several halls and it occurred to me the idea to go from area to area asking for Morinaga. People looked at me weird, others didn't do me case, others thought it was a lost customer. None gave me the answer, no one told me where could be Morinaga... and Yes... and if it was true... and if that girl was right... and if Morinaga indeed already does not work here? NO NO NO!... How it is possible, it... it is here... that I know this... HE IS HERE.Me much despaired because I knew that he was working here, but also by what rays couldn't find it; but my luck came from bad to worse when I notice a fat and high Lord with suit of security that is chasing me. "Curse... If this type I... definitely grab me out and they will increase security... I will be difficult to return", I thought.I tried to sneak me silently; However, I heard a little voice...-THERE IT IS! Grab it!-era that runny that I had betrayed, obviously missed running with all my strength.-STOP... HEAR... HIGH! - the type of security has also started to run and I heard that with your phone radio called to another type of security - we need another unit... IF... THERE IS AN INTRUDER IN THE COMPANY... IS AIMED AT THE GROUND FLOOR...-Already could not hear more, just knew that now 2 security men would go me to pursue. He had no other option, I would grab anyway; so I took a risk to do the worst scandal...-MORINAGA! MORINAGAAAAAAA MORINAGAAAAA - I started to shout as he ran at least listen to me and you know that I'm looking for it - MORINAGAA...! This is me... SOUICHI! WHERE ESTAAAS... MORINAGAAAA-
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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POV TAIGA "Souichi TATSUMI?" ... Sooner or later were coming to Hamatsu. Ya know ... you're just what you described Mori. I can not believe you're here. It seems that this will be fun because ... WE FINALLY HAVE CROSSED ... Souichi TATSUMI ... READY ... Although I wanted to kill him, kept his composure, because apparently he had not realized who I was; ie not recognize me; however, I wanted to corner him with my questions ... How strange, I've never seen you around here Hey ... seriously - I was nervous and'm scratched his head happens is that ... I'm new ... hehe yes that ... I'm new here and I'm familiar with the premises of the company and ... - 'What work area - knew he was lying, but I wanted to corner him with my questions. Oh .... in the area of research- answer ... quite insecure. But ... I work on the side and I've never seen you around ... - Oh ... no no ... of course not. It's just ... I told you I am again even he believed it, it was terrible acting. -¿Enserio? Y…. where is your fotocheck - I observed by all sides on purpose to scare him. -¿Foto ... chek - I grabbed him, at last cornered, let's see how you react Tatsumi now. Yes! Your worker identification Pharmaceutical S Ah .... no ... do not give me ... - . That can not be ... ALL workers are given their fotochek from the first day of work- I emphasized that tyrant was definitely no excuse to avoid me, the only thing that worried me was that I saying: "Show me yours", because if I get him to see, he would realize that I am Taiga and obviously I do not believe anything because he knows that I'm a friend of Mori and possibly I would conceal; however, the truth would not have to show it; that is, is not nobody to tell me what to do. I crossed my arms and I was very serious on purpose. I do not feel like hitting him missing; that is, look at it ... what the hell Mori sees him ... that man is all skinny, very white, messy hair, and above is horrible ... lenses; and what's worse ... is a horrible personality. Ie say sometimes you fall in love by personality, but this tyrant, is not attractive physically or by his personality. The only thing that came to do here is keep torturing Mori with that that "No I love you, but I do not want you to go". You are a baka Souichi Tatsumi, it took me one week to make Mori is reset at least a little, and you'll Souichi not come to ruin. It was time to malograrte this silly little game, because you already fished lies ... I knew you were not working here, smiled wickedly, which scared Souichi -. can not be here, I will report confidently I took out my cell -NO WAITING - desperately cried and gave him another chance to speak, really I wanted to see how to excuse -yâ and ... okay, I do not work here, deep breath I'm looking for a friend ... a ... - his voice shook -Morinaga Tetsuhiro- 'And you are -? -Tatsumi Souichi ... I'm his Sempai University in Nagoya- Well, now ... 100% confirmed, he is the tyrant. Let's see ... how I'm going to have fun with you ... I'll tell you what else to hurt you ... ... On second thought mmmmmmmmmmmm can not linger, hardly they are 11am; that is, what if Mori comes from the bedrooms to take some notes or something and find it. No ... definitely not ... I can not let him see with Mori and then ilusionarlo in vain. I'll have to get him out of here fast ... Hey ... Miss - Souichi called me because I was very focused on my thoughts' I could tell where I can locate Morina ...- He no longer works here, what I interrupted quite serious. What ... BUT ... HOW ... WHEN ... why ... - exalted and then felt his voice broke and his breathing quickened He ... IT WORKING HERE ... HE TOLD ME ...- Well ... and no longer works here. Now please ... retire or call security- I pointed out. Wait! One more thing ... please ... just one more thing- deep breath -Where I can find a girl ...- -How thought about was his name ... I do not remember his name very well ... ah yes ... where I can find ... Taiga - Taiga ... -¿Ta - left me cold, I did not think I would ask for me; that means that Mori will be spoken enough of me to be so desperate and ask for me in order to locate Mori. Yes ... she works in the same area that Morinaga and ...- -NO know any taiga, sir got fed up, I just wanted to leave before that Mori can think back to the condo and find Souichi 'I'm going to ask last time you leave here. A stranger can not be wandering around the condo. Here are belongings of workers coming from out of town to stay within the firm need to talk to this girl, please, you could do that locate within the company, please- it felt really desperate Maybe she I can tell where ...- Morinaga Tetsuhiro -Morinaga ...- resigned a few days ago I cleared my throat and my fotocheck secretly hid under the sac No neck had told us where to go, presented only his resignation letter okay? Now please váyase- ...- But I said to withdraw ... I NOT HEAR ME? I'm losing patience DAMN I cried. But PLEASE ... YOU MUST AYUDARME- Souichi insisted. No ... I CAN DO NOTHING IF NOT A GOOD LONG TIME WILL ...- but it took It surprises the fact that in the midst of my words, that tyrant was running along the corridor Floor 5 WHERE VAS Hey ... Hey ... SEGURIDAAAAAD - Damn ... it had fallen as stupid in Souichi the frame; that is, he went to my side to go running. I turned away and I just realized that this tyrant and go yes it was running fast. Obviously I was going to be impossible to achieve and what is worse, went to the offices of the Pharmaceutical. CAN NOT BE. At any time you could bump into Mori and if that happens ... NO ... NO ... I DO NOT want to imagine. Poor Mori ... all managed to acquire inner peace that this week will go to hell if he returns to see Souichi Tatsumi. He had to do something ... but I had to do it now. The only thing I could think of was running behind him and meanwhile call on my cell phone safety. NO Souichi TATSUMI ... YOU ME YOU WILL NOT WIN ... I will get you thrown out of HERE BEFORE YOU FIND YOU WITH Morinaga. LO JUROOOO! POV SEMPAI Damn ... can not be happening ...! Is it true what they told me ... that girl ... Morinaga dared to give up? How is it possible that the Baka have made ​​such nonsense; ie just beginning their careers and leaves all for a silly whim, a stupid deception of love. An important work it should not change anything. I was sure that I was in trouble ... damn girl that I met; that is, first I restrict entry of not seeing Morinaga in the hospital, then I find out who had been discharged one week ago and I was like a baka going to the hospital; then they tell me that he was gone forever ... Nagoya and now at last arrived at the company where I work and I sneak out to go up encounter with an angry mad that I want to take the hard Pharmaceutical. I ran it I got fast feet and finally entered the offices. There were many people going from one place to another, they were all very well dressed, very formal; Morinaga as when he went to work. Deep inside me I was too nervous, because ... when you see Morinaga ... what the hell I'm going to say, "Hi, Morinaga, returns to Nagoya" or "Baka ... why you left" or " You promised you'd stay by my side "... and many other things that occurred to me, but nothing consistent; that is, I have no support my words ... how about if I ask, "And why should, Sempai?" ... what would you answer "Because ... yes" ... that does not sound logical, because now I'm married ... I think ... I'm an idiot. I looked up several floors, but nothing. I went to several corridors and came up with the idea of going from one area asking for Morinaga. People looked at me weird, others did to me, others thought it was a lost customer. None gave me answer, no one told me where I could be Morinaga ... what if ... and if it was true ... and if that girl was right ... and if Morinaga really no longer work here? NO NO NO! ... How is it possible, he ... he's here ... I know ... it's here. I panicked a lot because I knew he was working here, but why the hell not I found it; but my luck came from bad to worse when he noticed a fat man with a suit and high security is chasing me. "Damn ... if this guy grabs me ... I definitely will bring and increase safety ... it will be difficult to get back," I thought. I tried to sneak silently; however, I heard a little voice ... There he is! Naked - was that brat who had betrayed me obviously started running with all my strength. -¡DETÉNGASE ... HEAR ... ALTO - the type of security also started running and heard his radio telephone called to other security We need another unit ... YES ... THERE AN INTRUDER IN THE COMPANY ... HEADS TO THE GROUND FLOOR ...- no longer I could hear more, just know that now 2 men Security would chase me. He had no choice, they would grab me anyway; so I ventured to do the worst scandal ... -¡MORINAGA! MORINAGAAAAAAA MORINAGAAAAA- started screaming as she ran to at least hear me and found out that I'm looking for him ... I'm ... -¡MORINAGAA Souichi! WHERE ESTAAAS ... MORINAGAAAA-

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV Taiga

"Souichi Tatsumi?" ... Sooner or later you come to Hamatsu. I knew it. You're what Mori described you. I can't believe you're here. This is gonna be fun because... We've crossed... Souichi Tatsumi. Prepare...

but I wanted to kill him, I kept my Composure, Apparently he didn't realize who I was; not recognized me;However, I wanted to drive with my questions...

- Strange, I've never seen you here -

- Uh... Really? - they got nervous and scratched his head, what happens is that... I Am Again... Hehe... I'm new here and I'm familiar with the facilities of the company and...

- in what area you work? - I knew he was lying, but I wanted him with my questions. - Ah....In the area of Research, replied quite insecure.

but I work hard and I've never seen you around... -

Oh, no, of course not. I told him that I Am Again - not the same thought acting was terrible -

. Really? And... Where's your general? - I watched everywhere on purpose to scare him.

- Chek Photo...? - got it, Finally I CORNERED,Let's see how you're reacting now Tatsumi.

! Your Worker Identification PHARMACEUTICAL S -

Oh.... I still don't get... -

- that can't be... To all workers are given their fotochek from the first day of work - hit.
definitely that Tyrant had no excuse to escape, the only thing that worried me was telling me, "Show Me Yours"Because if I get to see, they would realize that I am not Taiga and obviously I believe nothing, because he knows that I'm a Friend of Mori and possibly I would Conceal the truth; however, Why would not show; i.e., there is no one to tell me what to do. I crossed Arms and I got very serious purpose. I'd had it, i.e.Look... What you see Mori that man... Is everything is very Skinny, White, messy hair, and glasses on... Is horrible, and what's worse... Has a horrible personality. That is to say, they say that sometimes One Falls In Love by personality, but this Tyrant, is neither attractive nor physically or by his personality.I only came here to do is to continue torturing Mori that "I do not love you, but I Don't want you to go." You're a Baka Souichi Tatsumi, it cost me 1 week to Mori at least get a Little, and you're not going to come to spoil Souichi. It was time to spoil This Little Fool, since you caught The Lie...

- knew you didn't work here - Smiling malevolently,Thing that scared Souichi - you can't be here, I'll Report you to Security - I took my cell phone. - No, wait - shouted desperately, and gave him another chance to talk, really wanted to see what manner of excuse, because... It's Okay, I Don't work here - breathed deeply, I am looking for a friend... To... - The Voice trembled –morinaga Tetsuhiro -

- and you are?
- i'm his sempai Souichi Tatsumi, the University in Nagoya -

good now... 100% confirmed, he is a tyrant. Let's See... How I'm gonna have fun with you... What I tell you to make you suffer... Mmmmmmmmmmmm... Although I can't Linger, sentences are 11am; i.e.What would happen if Mori's bedroom to take notes or something and you find it. No, definitely not. I can't let you see with Mori and re flashed him in vain. I'm gonna get you out of here

- Uh... Miss? - I called Souichi, was highly concentrated in my thoughts, I could tell where I can locate Morina -

...- He doesn't work here. - am I interrupting something Pretty serious. - What... But... How... When... Why...? - exalted and then I felt his voice broke and her Breathing accelerated - He... He works here... He told me... -

- not... You Don't work here. Now, please... Leave or i'll call security - pointed out. - Wait! One more thing. Please...Just One more thing - breathed deeply where can I find a girl... Was thinking - it was called... I Don't quite remember the name... Ah yes... Where can I find... Taiga? -

ta... Taiga? - left me Cold, I didn't ask for me, that means I will have spoken enough of me to be so Desperate and ask for me to locate Mori.

- Yes... She works in the same area that Morinaga and...

I know no Taiga, Lord - i'm tired, just wanted to leave before that happens to Mori back to the Condo and find Souichi, "I'm going to ask one last time to leave here. A Stranger can't be wandering the condos.Here's belongings of Workers coming from another city to stay in the company -

- I need to talk to that girl, please, you could do that locate within the Company, please - I was desperate, perhaps she can tell me where's Morinaga...

- Tetsuhiro Morinaga Quit a few days ago...I cleared my throat and secretly HID fotocheck Neck SAC had not told us where to go, just submitted his letter of resignation, okay? Now please, Go -

I retire... I escuchÓ? I'm losing fucking Patience - i screamed.

- but please... You have to help me - Souichi insisted.

...I can't do anything and if it is not a good long time - but the fact that took me by surprise in the middle of my words, that Tyrant was running through the hallway Floor 5 - Hey to where you go... Hey... Seguridaaaaad!

- Damn... Had fallen as stupid in the plot of Souichi; i.e., he came to my side to go running.I turned around and I realized immediately and go to that Tyrant, he was quick in running. Obviously I was going to be impossible to accomplish, and what is worse, entered the offices of the Pharmaceutical. It can't be. At any moment I could bump into Mori and if that happens... Not... Not... I Don't want to imagine. Poor Mori...All the Inner peace that managed to acquire this week goes to shit if you see Souichi Tatsumi.

I had to do something... But I had to do it. The only thing I could think of was running behind him and Meanwhile call security for my cell phone.

not Souichi Tatsumi. You Gonna Beat me... I'm gonna get you out of here before you find yourself with Morinaga. The juroooo!

sempai POV fucking... Can't be happening! Is it true what you told me that girl... Morinaga. He dared to give up? How is it possible that Baka has made such nonsense; that is to say, just beginning their Working Lives and leaves everything for a stupid Crush a disappointment in Love, Stupid. An important work you wouldn't change it for anything.I was sure that I was in trouble... Damn Girl, I found myself; that is to say, First, I restrict the entry of non See Morinaga in hospital, then I learned that he had been discharged 1 week ago and I was going to the hospital as a Baka; Then tell me that Nagoya was gone forever...And now that I finally got to the company where he works i Sneak in and I meet a MAD Moody wants me out of the Bad Pharmaceutical.

I Ran as fast as I got the feet and finally entered the offices. A lot of people going from one place to another, they were all very Well Dressed, quite formal;As Morinaga when going to work. Inside Me I was also very Nervous, as... When he sees Morinaga. What I'm gonna say, "Hi, Morinaga returned to Nagoya," or "Baka... Why did you "or" you promised that you would stay to my side "... And many other things that I could see nothing, but Coherent; that is, I can't Support my words...What If I asked, "and Why Should I, sempai." ... What answer would be "because... Yes "... That doesn't Sound right, so now I'm married... I think that... I'm an idiot.

I looked through several Floors, but nothing. I went to several corridors and I came up with the idea of going area area asking for Morinaga. People looked at me Strangely, I did,Others thought that it was a Lost customer. None gave me answer, nobody told me where I could be Morinaga. And if... And if it was true... And if that girl was right. Morinaga and if you don't work here? No no no! ... How is it possible, he... He's here... I know that... He is here

I panicked because I knew he was here,But why the hell not found; but my Luck came from Bad to worse when I a Fat Man in a suit and high security is Chasing me. " Damn... If This guy grabs me... I definitely will increase the Safety and... It will be difficult for me to get back, "I thought.

I tried to Sneak silently; however, I heard a Little Voice...

- there is!AgÁrralo! - was that girl had ratted me out, Obviously I ran with all my might.

- [... Hey... High! - the type of Security also started to run and I heard his phone Radio called another kind of Security –necesitamos another Unit... Yes... There is an intruder in the company... It leads to the ground floor...

because I couldn't hear,Only knew that now two Security men I would pursue. I had no other choice, I'd Catch anyway; so I ventured to do the worst Scandal...

- Morinaga. Morinagaaaaaaa morinagaaaaa - started screaming while running to at least listen to me and know that I am looking for –morinagaa... I am... Souichi. Where estaaas... Morinagaaaa -
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