El ambiente se sentía un poco pesado, recordar cosas tristes o mejor d dịch - El ambiente se sentía un poco pesado, recordar cosas tristes o mejor d Anh làm thế nào để nói

El ambiente se sentía un poco pesad

El ambiente se sentía un poco pesado, recordar cosas tristes o mejor dicho un amor que no tuvo el final feliz como el de los cuentos de hadas me hacía sentir así, el mío solo fue una mentira; él no me amaba, yo creía… quise creer que el sentimiento era mutuo, pero solo fui el reemplazo de mi hermano y a pesar del daño que me hizo no lo odio, todavía lo amo tal vez no con la misma fuerza que antes, pero todavía lo amo, siempre me pregunto qué fue de Masaki-san, después del intento de suicidio ya no supe nada de él. Como quisiera verlo una vez más, hay tantas preguntas que quisiera hacerle tanto que quisiera decirle y tal vez así podría cerrar por completo el capítulo de la historia que tuvimos y comenzar otro capítulo en el que pueda estar, con algo de suerte, con otro amor; realmente quiero enamorarme de nuevo pero tengo miedo de que se vuelva otra mentira.

Qué debería hacer para sanar mi corazón sin lastimar a nadie en el proceso…no quisiera cometer el mismo error que Masaki-san" esos pensamientos eran los que pasaban por la mente de Morinaga, la plática con Hiroto le había traído tristes recuerdos, su amigo se había dado cuenta de eso y prefirió solo servirle otra copa más de wiski y acompañarlo a tomar, Morinaga lo miró un momento y con una sonrisa le agradeció su compresión. Después de un pasar un rato en silencio, Hiroto decide iniciar la plática…

-angel-kun, estuve pensando que no sería mala idea que te hicieras amigo de tu sempai

-Hiroto-kun pensé que...

-déjame continuar-lo dijo Hiroto serio pero amable, entonces Morinaga dejo que continúe

-te decía que sería bueno que te hicieras amigo de tu sempai, tú le agradas y según mi opinión puede que sienta algo por ti pero como recién se están conociendo puede que al final solo sea amistad lo que llegue a sentir por ti ya que tú dices que él no parece ser gay, pero a veces los sentimientos cambian con el tiempo y con ello su forma de ver las cosas

-a donde quieras llegar

-que puede que ahora solo lo veas como un amigo pero que con el tiempo puede que te enamores de él, lo mismo le puede suceder a él.

-ah? Pero que cosas dices Hiroto-kun-

-Eso sería bueno para ti angel-kun, ya sabes cerrar por fin el capítulo de Masaki


-incluso si solo tu llegaras a enamorarte esto te serviría para por fin cerrar las heridas que te dejo Masaki, recuerda que ya no eres un chiquillo al que rompieron el corazón.

-estas diciendo que si me vuelvo a enamorar incluso si mis sentimientos no son correspondidos podré superar a Masaki-san?

-sí, eso trataba de decir

-pero eso solo me ocasionaría un nuevo dolor

-podría ser, pero solo sería porque él no correspondió a tus sentimientos y no porque te hiciera lo mismo que Masaki te hizo, además no deberías ser tan negativo puede que también se dé el caso de que él te corresponda o que ninguno de los dos sienta atracción entre si.

-pero también podía ocurrir que se enamore de mí y yo no le corresponda, lo lastimaría si eso pasara y puede que deje de ser mi amigo.

-bueno sería un riesgo que se tiene que tomar, pero ya te dije que no seas negativo además yo sí creo que tú te enamoraste del él.

-en serio?

-sí, pues la forma como me hablaste de él me dio a entender que no fue simple atracción física lo que sentiste es por eso que creo que sería bueno que te hicieras su amigo y ver qué pasa más adelante, es posible que él llegue a sentir algo por ti

-lo tendré en cuenta Hiroto-kun de hecho le dije en un mensaje que me gustaría comer con él en la cafeterías solo los dos

-y que te respondió

-no recibí respuesta, pero tampoco lo esperaba le dije que yo le avisaría

-¡y aun así me dices que no sientes nada por él!-

-yo no he dicho que no sienta nada por él solo te dije que no siento que este enamorado

-pero ya has dado el primer paso para que sean amigos, tengo un buen presentimiento de todo esto jeje- reía divertido Hiroto, imaginándose muchos escenarios románticos

-contigo no se puede jaja-se reía Morinaga acompañando a la risa de su amigo

Así siguieron conversando haciendo esta vez la plática más agradable...

En otro lugar un chico pelilargo no podía dormir después de comer había tomado una ducha para relajarse un rato pero no le ayudo mucho que digamos trato de dormir cambiando en muchas posiciones en su cama, pero nada servía la razón es que no podía dejar de pensar en cierto peliazul por más que lo intentaba.

-rayos, maldición- se quejaba el pelilargo- por qué no puedo dejar de pensar en ti- lo decía mientras golpeaba su almohada mientras se imaginaba la cara del peliazul en ella. No importaba lo que hiciera no dejaba de pensar en el peliazul "Qué es diferente en él que me hace querer estar a su lado" no entendía ese sentimiento que lo estaba volviendo loco, jamás lo había sentido por nadie esta era la primera vez que le pasaba algo así; necesitaba ayuda, por primera vez en su tirana vida quería que alguien le explicara qué era lo que sentía por ese chico, que significaban esos extraños sentimientos que lo estaban comenzando a atormentar desde que vio al peliazul por primera vez en las afueras de la facultad, no entendía si a simple vista parecía un chico normal, claro era alto, apuesto, tenía un rostro dulce bastante inocente cuando sonreía, " su sonrisa es la más encantadora que había visto en mi vida" le provocaba un deseo de abrazarlo y acariciar su ancha espalda con ambas manos subir una de ellas hasta su cabeza y acariciar sus cabellos que se veían suaves y sedosos de ahí tocar su rostro mirar sus hermosos ojos verdes y perderse en su mirada para después...

-¡maldición no me puede estar pasando de nuevo!-sí, por más que lo intentaba siempre terminaba imaginándose a él y al peliazul besándose y eso le molestaba, más aún que se lo imaginaba diciéndole directamente que le agradaba mucho así como que le gustaría que comieran juntos tal y como decía el mensaje que recibió del peliazul en la tarde.

-debo de evitarlo, definitivamente tengo que alejarme de él-se decía en un susurro, él de alguna manera llego a la conclusión de que si se volvían a ver ya no había marcha atrás, que después posiblemente trataría de saber todo de él sus gustos, sus pasatiempos, en donde vive y otras cosas más que consideraba vergonzosas de preguntar y eso no lo iba a permitir él tiene su orgullo no podía comportarse como una chica enamorada o peor como una solterona desesperada ni loco! se iba a comportar de esa forma o hacer ese tipo de preguntas primero muerto antes que hacer eso.

-es lo mejor, no quiero que piense que soy gay porque no lo soy-se lo decía tratando de sonar convencido-lo que sentí hoy es solo por el cansancio o el estrés acumulado nada mas-y una vez dicho eso se quedó dormido.

Al día siguiente se levantó temprano, se le había quitado el sueño "maldición todo es tu culpa Morinaga" le gritaba mentalmente al peliazul mientras le daba un golpe a la pobre almohada que ya en la noche anterior recibió muchos de esos golpes. Entro al baño con una muda de ropa, tenía pensado cambiarse en el baño para así ahorrar tiempo e irse a la universidad temprano

Ya estando cambiado y teniendo su mochila en el recibidor ya estaba listo para irse cuando...

-buenos días niisan, ya te vas? acaso no piensas desayunar

-oh buenos días kanako no sabía que ya te habías levantado, lamento si te desperté

-descuida niisan, me levante temprano porque quede con unos amigos que los vería a primera hora para dar los últimos detalles a un trabajo de la escuela

-ya veo-

-pero niisan por qué tanta prisa por irte tan temprano, pasa algo?

-no pasa nada deja de imaginarte cosas, solo me gusta la puntualidad nada mas

-pero al menos desayuna niisan o si no te enfermaras

-estoy de acuerdo con lo que dice kanako; niisan, debes cuidar más tu salud-decía Tomoe mientras bajaba las escaleras

-buenos días Tomoe

-buenos días niisan, debes desayunar primero todavía es temprano para ir a la universidad por qué no nos acompañas

-si niisan acompáñanos o es que te encontraras con alguien, alguna chica quizás- decía kanako avergonzando un poco a su hermano

-ya te dije que dejes de imaginarte cosas kanako, solo voy a ver algunos experimentos que hice ayer con un profesor nada mas

-entonces no veo nada de malo que desayunes primero niisan, espera un momento no me tardare en prepararlo mientras tanto ve tomando asiento

-si niisan ven siéntate -decía kanako arrastrando al pelilargo al comedor para que se sentara a desayunar

-kanako suéltame yo puedo ir a sentarme solo

-está bien niisan yo iré a ayudar a Tomoe-niisan con el desayuno, no te vayas a ir

-no me voy a escapar kanako-lo decía el pelilargo un tanto resignado, el realmente quería ir temprano a la universidad no tanto por los experimentos sino porque no quería encontrarse a Morinaga y es que el día que lo conoció fue a primera hora entonces pensó que sería mejor que fuera aún más temprano para así evitar encontrárselo y si el peliazul tratara de llamarlo no le contestaría pues ya había tomado la decisión de no verlo para que así ya no tenga que sentir ese extraño sentimiento que tuvo cuando lo vio por primera vez "definitivamente tengo que evitarlo, es lo mejor" pensaba mientras sentía un dolor en su pecho, "si esto es lo mejor, por qué me siento molesto" pensaba mientras veía el número del peliazul en su celular el cual no tuvo el valor de borrarlo…

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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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The atmosphere felt a little heavy, remember sad things or rather a love that had no happy ending as of fairy tales made me feel this way, mine just was a lie; He not loved me, I thought... I wanted to believe that the feeling was mutual, but only I was the replacement of my brother and despite the damage that I did not hate it, still love you perhaps not with the same force as before, but I still love him, I always wonder what happened to Masaki-san, after attempted suicide already didn't know anything of it. As I wanted to see it one more time, there are so many questions that I would like to make it so that I would like to tell you maybe could close the chapter of history that we had completely and begin another chapter in which it may be, with any luck, with another love; I really want to fall in love again, but I'm afraid that is again another lie.What should be done to heal my heart without hurting anyone in the process... do not want to make the same mistake that Masaki-san"those thoughts were those who passed through the mind of Morinaga, the conversation with Hiroto had brought him bitter memories, his friend had noticed that and it preferred only to serve you another Cup over wiski and accompany him to take Morinaga looked at him a moment, and with a smile thanked him its compression. After an awhile in silence, Hiroto decides to start the conversation...-angel-kun, I was thinking that it would not be bad idea that you did you friend your sempai-Hiroto-kun I thought that...-Let me continue, serious but friendly, Hiroto said it then Morinaga let that continue-I told you that it would be good for you to do your sempai friend, you please you and my opinion you might feel something for you but as recently they are learning may ultimately only be friendship which comes to feel for you since you say that it doesn't seem to be gay, but sometimes the feelings change over time and thus their way of seeing things-to where you want to go-You can now you see it only as a friend but that over time can you fall in love with it, the same thing can happen to him.-ah? But things to say Hiroto-kun--That would be good for you angel-kun, you know finally close the chapter of Masaki-What?-even if only you get to fall in love with this you would finally close the wounds that I leave Masaki, remember that you are no longer a boy that broke the heart.-you saying that if I go to fall even if my feelings are not reciprocated will be able overcome Masaki-San?-Yes, that was to say- but that alone would bring about a new pain-It could be, but would only be because it does not correspond to your feelings, and not because do you the same as Masaki made you, you should also not be so negative can be also the case that it corresponds to be given or neither of them feel attraction between if.- but it could also happen that you fall in love with me and I not apply to you, would hurt it if that happens and can to stop being my friend.-It would be good a risk you have to take, but you already said that you're not negative also I do believe that you you fell in love with it.-seriously?-Yes, because the way how I spoke of it gave me to understand that it was not simple physical attraction what felt is that I think it would be good for you to do your friend and see what happens later, it is possible that he could feel something for you-will take it into account Hiroto-kun in fact said in a message that I'd like to dine with him in the cafes only the two- and you said-I did not receive a response, but neither expected it I told him that I warn you- and yet you tell me that you don't feel anything for him!--I never said that you feel nothing for him just told you that I don't feel that this love- but you've already taken the first step to make them friends, I have a good feeling all this lol - laughing funny Hiroto, imagining many romantic scenarios-with you haha - cannot be laughed Morinaga accompanying laughter of his friendThus continued talking by this time more pleasant conversation...Elsewhere a pelilargo guy could not sleep after eating he had taken a shower to relax awhile I not help you much to say I try to sleep by changing in many positions in his bed, but nothing as the reason is that it could not stop thinking about certain peliazul as much as you tried to it.-Ray, curse - complained about the pelilargo - why I can not think of you - while you beat your pillow while imagining the face of the peliazul in it said it. No matter what do I kept thinking in the peliazul "What is different in it that makes me want to be by your side" I didn't understand that feeling that it was going crazy, this had never felt for anyone was the first time passing him something; he needed help, for the first time in his life tirana I wanted someone to explain him what he felt about that guy, that meant those strange feelings that were starting to haunt since he saw the peliazul for the first time in the outskirts of the Faculty did not understand if at first glance it looked like a normal guy, clear was tall, good looking pretty innocent had a sweet face when he smiled, "your smile is the most lovely thing I had seen in my life" caused him a desire to hug him and stroking his wide back with both hands go one up to his head and stroking his hair that looked soft and silky there to touch his face looking at her beautiful green eyes and get lost in her eyes then...-curse not me can be happening again!-yes, even though I tried to always it ended up imagining him and the peliazul kissing and that bothered him, even more that I imagined it is telling him directly that he liked much as well as I would like to they ate together as he said the message he received from the peliazul in the afternoon.-I definitely avoid it, I have to get away from it - I said in a whisper, he somehow came to the conclusion that if they were returning to see there was no March back, then it would possibly know all of it tastes, their hobbies, where lives and other things more that it was considered shameful to ask and that was not going to let him has his pride not could behave like a girl in love or worse as one old maid desperate or crazy! I was going to behave that way or do that kind of questions the first dead rather than do that.that is the best, I don't want to think I'm gay because I am not it - I said it was trying to sound convencido-lo that I felt today is only by fatigue or stress cumulated nothing more - and said once that fell asleep.The next day he arose early, had removed the dream "curse everything's your fault Morinaga" mentally screaming you to the peliazul while she gave him a blow to the poor pillow that already in last night received many of those hits. I go to the bathroom with a change of clothes, he planned change in the bathroom to save time and go to college earlyAlready being changed and taking his backpack in the Hall it was already ready to go when...-good morning niisan, already going? don't think breakfast-oh good morning kanako did not know that you had already raised, I am sorry if you woke up-niisan, neglects me up early because it is with some friends that would see them early to give the final details to a school work-I see-- but niisan why so much haste to leave so early, something happens to?-not passes nothing lets imagine things, only I like punctuality nothing more- but at least breakfast niisan or if not you nurses-I'm agree with what said kanako; niisan, take more care of your health - said Tomoe as it came down the stairs-good morning, Tomoe-good morning niisan, you must have breakfast first still is early to go to College, why not join us-If niisan join us or is that you find someone, some girl said maybe - kanako slightly embarrassing her brother-I already told you let imagine things kanako, I only see some experiments I made yesterday with a teacher-nothing else-then I do not see nothing wrong that you first breakfasts niisan, waiting a moment I do not tarry in preparing it while both view taking seat-If niisan come sit - said kanako dragging the pelilargo dining room so sit for breakfast-kanako let me go I can go sit alone-Okay niisan I'll help Tomoe-niisan with breakfast, do not go to go-I won't escape kanako - pelilargo somewhat resigned, said it the really wanted to go early to the University not so much by the experiments but didn't find a Morinaga and is the day that knew it was early then thought that it would be better to go even earlier to avoid finding it and if the peliazul call it not answer him because he had already taken the decision not to see him so that no longer have to feel that strange feeling you had when you first saw it "definitely I have to avoid it, it is the best" I thought as I felt a pain in his chest, "If this is the best, why I am annoying" thought as he watched the number of the peliazul on his cell phone which had the value of delete it...
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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The atmosphere felt a little heavy, sad or remember things better that a love that was not happy as the fairy tales made ​​me feel well, final mine was just a lie; he did not love me, I thought ... I wanted to believe that the feeling was mutual, but I was just replacing my brother and despite the damage he did not hate me, I still love him perhaps not with the same force as before, but still I love him, I always wonder what happened to Masaki-san, after suicide attempt not heard from him. How I wish to see him again, there are so many questions I wanted him so much I want to say and maybe that could completely close the chapter of history we had and start another chapter in which it can be, hopefully, another love ; I really want to fall in love again but I am afraid that another lie again. What should I do to heal my heart without hurting anyone in the process ... not want to make the same mistake that Masaki-san "these thoughts were passing through his mind Morinaga, the conversation with Hiroto had brought sad memories, his friend had noticed that and preferred to serve another drink just over wiski and accompany him to drink, Morinaga looked at him a moment with a smile and thanked him for his understanding. After a hang quietly, Hiroto decide to start the conversation ... -angel-kun, I was thinking it would not be a bad idea if you hicieras friend of your sempai -Hiroto-kun thought ... Let me continue-what Hiroto said seriously but kind, then let Morinaga continue -te said it would be good to get your friend hicieras sempai, you likes you and in my opinion may feel something for you but as just being knowing it may be the end only friendship that come to feel for you and you say he does not seem gay, but sometimes feelings change over time and thus their way of seeing things that you want to reach -a which you can now just see him as a friend but over time may fall in love with him, the same can happen to him. Oh? But things Hiroto-kun say 'That would be good for you angel-kun, you know finally close the chapter of Masaki -what? even if you came to fall in love only this will serve to finally heal the wounds that I leave you Masaki, remember that you are no longer a kid who broke your heart. You're saying that if I fall in love again even if my feelings are not reciprocated able to overcome Masaki-san? Yes, that was trying to say -but that's just me cause new pain Could be, but only because he would not correspond to your feelings and not because you do the same as Masaki made ​​you also should not be so negative that the case can he also give you appropriate or neither feel attraction to each other. -but could also happen that you fall in love with me and not due him hurt him if that happened and can stop being my friend. Well would be a risk that must be taken, but I told you not to be negative also I do believe that you fell in love of him. -Seriously? yes, because the way I talked about it made ​​me understand that it was not mere physical attraction that's why you felt I think it would be good that you would make her friend and see what happens later, he may come to feel something for you 'I'll remember Hiroto-kun actually told him in a message I'd eat with him in the cafes just two -and that you responded -not heard back, but neither told him I hoped he would warn 'And I still say you do not feel anything for him - I did not say you do not feel anything for him I just told you not feel this love But you've already taken the first step to be friends, I have a good feeling about this jeje- fun Hiroto laughed, imagining many romantic settings -contigo can not laugh haha-is accompanying Morinaga to the laughter of his friend they continued talking doing so this time the most pleasant conversation ... Elsewhere one longhaired boy could not sleep after eating had taken a shower to relax for a while but it did not help much to say try to sleep changing in many positions in his bed, but it was no good reason that I could not stop thinking about certain peliazul even though he tried. rays-, he curses the pelilargo- complained why I can not stop thinking about what TI said as he pounded his pillow while her face peliazul imagined. No matter what I did not stop thinking about the peliazul "What's different about him that makes me want to be by his side" did not understand that feeling that I was going crazy, I had never felt for anyone this was the first time I something happened; needed help for the first time in his life tyrant wanted someone to explain what he felt about that guy, that meant those strange feelings that were beginning to haunt since I saw the first peliazul outside the faculty, I did not understand if the naked eye looked like a normal guy, of course he was tall, handsome, had a pretty sweet innocent face when he smiled, "her smile is the loveliest I had seen in my life" caused him a desire to hug and caress her wide back with both hands up one to his head and stroking her hair that looked soft and silky touch his face there looking at his beautiful green eyes and get lost in her eyes and then ... Damn not be happening to me again! yes, even though I tried imagining it always ended peliazul and kissing and that bothered him even more than she imagined telling him directly that he liked so much as he would like to eat together as the message he said peliazul received the afternoon. I must to avoid it, I definitely have to get away from him-it was said in a whisper, he somehow came to the conclusion that if they turned to see no turning back, possibly after try to know him all tastes, hobbies, where you live and other things he considered shameful to ask and that I would not let him have his pride could not behave like a lovesick girl or worse as a spinster desperate or crazy ! would behave that way or do that kind of questions first died before doing that. It's the best, I do not think I'm gay because I'm not-it said, trying to sound confident-what I felt today is only by fatigue or stress accumulated nothing more-and once said that he fell asleep. The next day got up early, had taken his dream "curse all your fault Morinaga" yelled mentally peliazul while giving him a blow to the poor pillow the night before and received many such blows. I enter the bathroom with a change of clothes, he planned to change in the bathroom to save time and go to college early already being changed and taking his backpack in the hall was ready to leave when ... Good morning niisan as you leave? Did not think breakfast oh good kanako days not know you were already up, I'm sorry if I woke -descuida niisan, I woke up early because they stay with some friends the first thing would be to give the final touches to a school work see--and niisan But why such a hurry to leave so early, something happens? 'It's leaves nothing to imagine things, I just like punctuality nothing more -but at least breakfast or if you do not niisan nurses were I agree kanako what you say; niisan, must take better care of your health-Tomoe said as he descended the stairs Good morning Tomoe niisan-good days, you must first breakfast is too early to go to college why not come with us if niisan join us or you find someone , a girl perhaps-a little embarrassing kanako said his brother 'I told you to stop imagining things kanako only going to see some experiments I did yesterday with a teacher nothing more -then I see nothing wrong niisan have breakfast first, wait a minute I shall soon prepare meanwhile seen taking a seat if niisan come sit longhaired 'he said kanako dragging the dining room to sit down to breakfast -kanako let go I can go sit alone niisan All right I'll help Tomoe-niisan with breakfast, do not go to go 'I'm going to escape kanako-lo said the longhaired somewhat resigned, he really wanted to go to college early so no experiments but because they wanted to meet and Morinaga the day she met him was early then thought it best to go even earlier to avoid to find him and if the peliazul trying to call does not answer him because he had already decided not to see him so they do not already have it feel that strange feeling he had when I first saw "definitely have to avoid this, it is best" thought as she felt a pain in his chest, "if this is the best, why I'm upset," he thought as he watched the number of peliazul in his cell which had not the courage to erase ...

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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He somehow came to the conclusion that if they see no way back, after all he possibly wanting to know your tastes, hobbies, home and other things He considered shameful to ask and that wouldn't allow him to have his Pride could not behave Like A Girl In Love, or worse a spinster Desperate or Insane!I Still Love You, perhaps not with the same force as before, but I Still Love You, I always wonder what was Masaki San, after the suicide attempt, I never heard from him again. As I see it,The atmosphere was a Little heavy, remember Sad things, or Better said a love that had not the Happy Ending of the Fairy Tales I felt well, mine was only a lie; he did not love me, I thought... I wanted to believe that the feeling was Mutual, but was only the replacement of my brother and Despite the harm I did not hate you,There are so many questions that I have so much I want to tell you, and maybe I could completely close the chapter of history that we had and begin another chapter that will be, hopefully, another Love, really want to Fall In Love Again, but I'm afraid that becomes another Lie.What should I do to heal my heart without Hurting others in the process won't make the Same Mistake that Masaki San "- These were the thoughts that went through the Mind of the conversation with Morinaga, Hiroto has brought her Sad Memories, his friend had realized this and chose to serve only one more Cup of cheese and to accompany him to drinkMorinaga looked a moment with a smile and thanked him for his understanding. After a pass for a while in Silence, Hiroto decides to initiate the conversation...

- Angel - kun, I was thinking that it might not be a Bad idea for you to get your friend

- sempai Hiroto Kun thought

let Me continue... - I said Hiroto serious but friendly, Morinaga left then continue

- you said you were a Friend of your sempai, likes you and in my opinion you may feel something for you, but they're just as knowing can ultimately only be Friendship that I feel for you as you say he does not seem to be gay, but sometimes the feelings change with time and with it their way of Seeing things

- where you want to get- you can now only see him as a friend but with time you may fall in love with him, it can happen to him. - Oh? But the things you say Hiroto Kun -

- that would be good for you Angel kun, you close the chapter of Masaki


- even if only you love this you would finally close the wounds that left you Masaki,Remember, you are not a Little Boy That broke my heart. - You're saying that if I'm ever going to Love Again, even if I can overcome my feelings are not reciprocated Masaki San?

, that was to say that - but I just lead a New Pain

- could be, but it would only be because he was not your feelings, and not because you did what you did to Masaki,In addition, you shouldn't be so negative that it may also be the case that he or she is neither feel Attraction between.

- but it could also happen that love me, and I Hurt him if that was appropriate, and may stop being my friend

-. Well, it would be a risk that must be taken.But I told you, Don't be negative and I Think You fell in love with him. - really?

- Yes, because the way you talked me he gave me to understand that it was not mere Physical Attraction I felt that I think would be good for you to get his friend and see what happens later, it is possible that he gets to feel something for you

- i'il consider Hiroto Kun he said in a message that I would like to eat with him at the cafes just the two of you


- responded and received no response, but did not expect, I told him that I Would Tell You

- and yet you feel nothing for me him! -
- I haven't said I feel nothing for him, I just told you I Don't feel that I'm in Love

Elsewhere a longhaired Boy couldn't Sleep after lunch had taken a shower to relax a bit, but did not help him much Changing in many positions tried sleeping in his bed, but nothing worked. The reason is that I couldn't stop thinking about True Blue Hair by I

- rays.
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