-¡Buenas Tardes! Miharu-chan, Tadokoro-kun ¿Cómo han estado?- saludé c dịch - -¡Buenas Tardes! Miharu-chan, Tadokoro-kun ¿Cómo han estado?- saludé c Anh làm thế nào để nói

-¡Buenas Tardes! Miharu-chan, Tadok

-¡Buenas Tardes! Miharu-chan, Tadokoro-kun ¿Cómo han estado?- saludé cordialmente y ellos me respondieron con una reverencia -Buenas Tardes Morinaga-san muy bien ¿y usted?- les sonreí tranquilamente, siendo observado por Souichi seriamente -Muy bien gracias, siento interrumpir, pero puedo hablar un momento contigo Sempai- suelo llamar a Sempai con respeto delante de los nuevos asistentes, si me atreviera a decir su primer nombre, me mataría a golpes por insolente.

-¿Que quieres? no tienes que ir a clases, estoy muy ocupado- me dijo malhumorado frunciendo el ceño, ¡Aaah! él sigue tratándome mal, no importa quién nos mire -Solo será un momento, por favor quiero pedirte un consejo- le mire nervioso y accedió pues mi expresión era de preocupación. -Vamos a fuera- me señalo la puerta -Ustedes, empiecen con las primeras fases del cultivo que les mostré, no tardo- les dejo instrucciones y salió rápidamente -Hasta luego, cuídense, nos vemos- me despedí de los chicos saliendo detrás de Souichi.

-¿Qué quieres? que sea rápido, en verdad estoy a tope de trabajo- me dijo secamente, realmente es de los hombres que odian que le interrumpan mientras trabajan -¡Oh! Verás solo es algo rápido, Sempai tengo la tarde libre y quiero ir a comprar un obsequio, para dárselo a mi madre mañana ¿Que crees que puedo obsequiarle? No tengo idea- lo mire a los ojos preocupado, quería un consejo, pues yo tenia ciertas dudas en mi cabeza -Ah bueno verás… un presente sencillo, puedes regalarle flores o una caja de bombones, yo creo que se sentirá feliz si le das un pequeño presente- me dijo mas tranquilo -pero tú deberías saber cuales son sus gustos- sonreí inocentemente -mi madre es de gustos extraños y la verdad ya son casi seis años que no la veo, desde la última vez… supongo cambio muchísimo, así que quería un obsequio formal- le confesé nervioso.

-No te preocupes, lo que le obsequies le gustará, es tu madre al fin y al cabo, los hijos son lo mas importantes para ellas- me dijo mirándome a los ojos -si tienes razón, muchas gracias, me retiro, disculpa por robarte unos minutos, me voy entonces- me despedí de él, con una reverencia, estaba conteniendo unas ganas de abrazarlo y besarlo, pero no podía hacerlo, no aquí en plena puerta del laboratorio -te veo en casa- le susurre muy despacio -Llegaré un poco tarde, cena yo… cenaré con ellos aquí- me respondió muy bajito pero perceptible para mi -ok lo haré, esfuérzate- me despedí y comencé a caminar, se oyó la puerta deslizarte al abrir y cerrar, volteé hacia atrás y él ya había entrado al laboratorio.

Recorrí las calles del centro para ubicar el restaurant en donde el día de mañana vería a mi madre y muy emocionado fui a una tienda de flores y compre un pequeño arreglo florar para ella, no algo ostentoso ya que según recordaba ella, llamaba vulgar a los arreglos demasiados grandes, compre uno en donde una caja de cristal albergaba un ramo de tulipanes holandeses de color naranja con follajes verdes y detalles muy serios, agregue una tarjeta con dedicatoria para ella, di la instrucción para que la llevarán el día de mañana al restaurante y las colocarán en la reservación a nombre de la Sra. Morinaga, pague y me fui a una tienda de ropa a comprar algo nuevo de vestir. Durante mi niñez y adolescencia mis padres nos educaron a mi hermano y a mí con suma disciplina en la etiqueta, ya que desgraciadamente mi familia siempre se preocupo por las apariencias, el asistir a reuniones de gente importante, comportarse en la mesa, comer con elegancia y sobre todo hablar con suma propiedad.

Durante estos años yo no me preocupe por cosas como esas, ya que después de ser desterrado de mi familia, por el problema con Masaki-san y haber vivido una vida completamente salvaje, había arrojado por la borda toda mi educación, sin embargo el comer con mi madre mañana me tenía muy nervioso, sin importar tanto el motivo de su visita, me preocupaba mostrarme refinado a su lado.

Termine los preparativos del día de mañana y regrese a departamento a preparar la cena para mi y recordé que Sempai me comentó que no cenaría conmigo, comí poco y me fui a trabajar en mi laptop un par de horas, avanzando lo mas rápido en el trabajo que la farmacéutica me había enviado, el tiempo voló y escuche a Sempai saludar en la entrada -¡Estoy en casa!- me dirigí a la puerta en donde lo recibí con una sonrisa -¡Bienvenido a casa!- se notaba muy cansado, dejo sus cosas en el recibidor y me comento -Voy a recostarme, trabajamos mucho el día de hoy, adelante lo suficiente mañana solo será observación y podre salir temprano, ¿Como te fue?- sus ojos estaban rojos y se le notaba exhausto, lo mire con calma y sonreí -Muy bien, mañana te contaré, descansa por favor- me miro de reojo y me dijo dirigiéndose a su habitación -Deberías dormir también, mañana es un día importante- me encanta que aún cuando viene muerto de cansancio se preocupe por mi de esa manera -Claro guardaré mis avances y descansaré- le comunique tranquilo -ok esta noche esta muy fría no te desveles y cúbrete, buenas noches- llego a su habitación y se encerró para descansar. Lo miré como idiota todo el tiempo, en todas sus facetas Souichi se ve hermoso, cuanto lo amo -Tengo que seguir con esto un poco más, ya que estoy nervioso por mañana quiero cansarme para dormir tranquilo- regresé a mi habitación y seguí con mi trabajo, sin darme cuenta me fui quedando dormido y como Souichi dijo la madrugada resulto ser fría, estaba temblando y me puse mi pijama y me dormí sin embargo estuve estornudando toda la noche -no puedo resfriarme, mañana veré a mi madre- me dije conciliando el sueño.

En la mañana siguiente mi despertador sonó, era el gran día sin embargo me desperté con un gran dolor de cabeza y un ligero ardor en la garganta, la mañana estaba nublada y un poco fría, sin embargo no le preste atención y me metí a bañar, salí y me dirigí a hacer el desayuno, al poco rato de terminar de cocinar Sempai apareció completamente repuesto y listo para salir, tomo asiento en la mesa y me saludo -Buenos Días Morinaga- mientras le llevaba el plato de su desayuno le sonreí -Buenos Días Souichi- me miro directamente y me pregunto -¿Que te pasa?- su pregunta me sorprendió -¿Eh? a que te refieres, estoy bien por q - antes de terminar mi frase coloco una mano en mi frente -¡Souichi!- me sorprendí y lo mire con los ojos bien abiertos -No es muy alta, anoche no te cubriste bien ¿verdad?- retiro su mano de mi frente y camino hacia el baño -¡uh! anoche- lo seguí con la mirada, regreso con un frasco de aspirinas en la mano saco una y me la dio junto con un vaso de agua -Tomate esto, tienes un poco de fiebre, te refriaste idiota- ¡ah! coloque mi mano en mi frente es verdad solo es una ligera fiebre, creo que fue por quedarme dormido en la mesa de estudio a la mitad de la noche, además los estornudos y el dolor de cabeza se me quitaron con la ducha -gracias, no te preocupes estoy bien- me miro serio y se sentó de nuevo a comer su desayuno, no me reclamo nada mas.

Salimos del departamento, el día en verdad estaría muy nublado, según las noticias del tiempo se esperaban lluvias por la tarde, así que tome mi abrigo y un paraguas, igual que Sempai y nos fuimos a la universidad, durante el camino le conté sobre el arreglo que le mande a diseñar a mi madre y algunos detalles de su forma de ser, tan estricta en cuanto a los regalos -ya veo, eso esta bien, va acorde con ella, Morinaga saldré temprano, el día de hoy solo será observación, me iré contigo a casa, solo esperemos que no llueva para que no tengas contratiempos- Souichi me dio su opinión sobre mi obsequio, también me pidió regresar juntos y me comento otra cosa, sin embargo lo note misterioso -Morinaga cuéntame lo que te diga el profesor Fukushima por favor- lo mire asombrado -Souichi no te preocupes tengo confianza en que el proyecto saldrá muy bien, y vas a ver que no lloverá hasta por la noche, no te preocupes- me miro asombrado, adoro sentir que se preocupe por mi y mis actividades -Esta bien- no dijo nada más, llegamos a la entrada y nuevamente nos despedimos como todos los día él a su laboratorio y yo a mis clases.

El día paso bastante lento, clase y clase pasaba, mi emoción se hacia mas grande dentro de unas horas verá a mi madre, tengo tastas ideas en la cabeza que de pronto me puse nervioso, de que hablaría con ella, que puedo contarle... durante todo este tiempo el tema de conversación ha sido Souichi -"pero no puedo hablarle a mi madre de él, no le gustará oír esa historia de mi vida; ya se le hablaré de mi trabajo y mi contrato anual en Hamamatsu"- eso seria un buen tema de conversación así como mi cercana graduación y mi deseo de que estén conmigo en mi ceremonia de titulación, se sentirá orgullosa ya que no realizaré ningún examen ya que el promedio que tengo es el necesario para titularme; durante toda la mañana mi mente se lleno de posibles temas de conversación y sin darme cuenta paso medio día. Mis clases acabaron, junto con la semana de escuela, los fines de semana los dedicaba exclusivamente a trabajar en los proyectos de la farmacéutica, me encaminé a la oficina del profesor Fukushima, llegue rápidamente, tranquilamente toque la puerta y me indico que pasara.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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-Good afternoon! Miharu-chan, Tadokoro-kun how have you been? - I greeted cordially and they answered me with a reverence - good afternoon Morinaga-san very well and you? - smiled les calmly, being watched by Souichi seriously - very well thanks, sorry to interrupt, but I speak a moment with you Sempai - I usually call Sempai with respect in front of the new attendees, if I dared to say her first name, I would kill to shocks by insolent.-What do you like? you don't have to go to classes, I am very busy - I said grumpy frowning, Aaah! He is treating me badly, no matter who we look - Solo will be a moment, please let me ask you a tip - look you nervous and agreed as my expression was of concern. -Going out - I can tell me the door - you, begin with the first phases of the crop that I showed them, not slow - I leave instructions and came out quickly - until then, take care, see you - I said goodbye to the guys leaving behind Souichi.-What would they be? that might indeed be quick, I'm butt-work - told me curtly, really is for men who hate to interrupt you while you work - Oh! You will only see it is something fast, Sempai have the afternoon free and I want to buy a gift, to give it to my mother tomorrow what you think that I can give him? I have no idea - look him in the eyes worried, wanted a Council, as I had doubts in my head - Ah well... see a simple present, can give her flowers or a box of chocolates, I think you feel happy if you give him a small present - told me quieter--but you should know what your tastes--smiled innocently - my mother is strange tastes and the truth because they are nearly six years do not see it , since the last time I guess... change a lot, so I wanted a formal gift - confessed you nervous.-Don't worry, what obsequies you'll like, is your mother in the end and after the children are the most important for them--told me looking me in the eyes - if you're right, thank you very much, I retire, apology for steal a few minutes, I'm going then - I said goodbye to him, bowed, it was containing a desire to hug him and kiss him , but I couldn't do it, not here in full door of the laboratory - see you at home - whisper you very slowly - I'll be a little late, dinner I... dine with them here - I responded very short but noticeable for mi - ok I will do so, strive - I said goodbye and started walking, the door was heard slide to open and close, turn back and he had already entered the laboratory.Went through the streets of the Center to locate the restaurant where tomorrow would be my mother and very excited I went to a flower shop and buy a small arrangement floral for it, not something flashy since as she remembered, he called vulgar arrangements too big, buy one where a glass box housed a bouquet of orange with green foliage and very serious details Dutch tulips , add a card with dedication for her, I gave the instruction to take it tomorrow to the restaurant and placed them on the reservation on behalf of Ms. Morinaga, pay and I went to a clothing store to buy something new dress. During my childhood and adolescence my parents we raised my brother and me with utmost discipline on the label, since unfortunately my family always be worry about appearances, attend meetings of important people, behave at the table, eating with elegance and above all speak with sum property.During these years I do not I worry about stuff like that, since after being banished from my family, the problem with Masaki-san, and having lived a completely wild life had thrown overboard all my education, however eating with my mother morning had me very nervous, regardless of both the purpose of their visit, I worried about show me refined by his side.Complete preparations for tomorrow and return to Department to prepare dinner for my and I remembered that Sempai told me that it does not cenaría with me, ate little and I went to work on my laptop a couple of hours, advancing as fast at work that I had sent the pharmaceutical, the time flew and listen to Sempai greeting at the entrance - I'm Home! - I went to the door where I received it with a smile -! Welcome Home! - I felt very tired, leave your things in the hallway and told me - I will lie me, work a lot today, forward enough tomorrow only will be observation and may leave early, how do you was?-their eyes were red and noticeable exhausted, look at it calmly and smiled - very well, I will tell you tomorrow, rest please - I look askance and said to your room - should also sleep , tomorrow is an important day - I love that even when it comes to dead tired worry by my so - clear I will keep my progress and I will rest - to send quiet - ok this this very cold night not you desveles and cover, good nights - get to your room and it is locked to rest. Looked at him as idiot all the time, in all its facets Souichi looks beautiful, how much I love it - I have to continue with this a little more, since I'm nervous morning want to tired to sleep peacefully - I went back to my room and I followed with my work, without realizing I was falling asleep and Souichi said the morning turned out to be cold I was trembling and put on my pajamas and I fell asleep but was sneezing all night - no I can cool me, tomorrow I will see my mother - I said to myself sleep.The next morning my alarm clock rang, was the big day however I woke up with a big headache and a light burning in the throat, morning was cloudy and a little cold, but do not pay you attention and I got to swim, I left and went to make breakfast, soon after finishing cooking Sempai appeared completely spare and ready to go took a seat at the table and I salute - Buenos days Morinaga - while carrying him his breakfast dish smiled you - Buenos days Souichi - I look directly and I wonder - do that wrong? - your question surprised me - Eh? you mean, I'm fine by q - before finishing my sentence, I put one hand on my forehead - Souichi! - I was surprised and look at it with eyes wide open - it is not very high, last night not you coveredst you well right? - removing his hand from my forehead and towards the bathroom - uh! last night - I kept staring, returning with a bottle of aspirin in the hand bag one and it gave me along with a glass of water - tomato, have a little fever, you refriaste idiot - ah! put my hand on my forehead is truth is only a slight fever, I think that it was me asleep on the desk in the middle of the night, besides sneezing and headache I removed the shower - thank you, don't worry I am well - I look serious and sat down to eat his breakfast , I do not claim anything more.We left the Department, the day would indeed be very cloudy, as news of the time expected rains in the afternoon, so take my coat and an umbrella, as well as Sempai and we went to the University, the way I told him about the arrangement that sends you to design my mother and some details of your way of being so strict in terms of gifts - I see, that this well, goes according to her, Morinaga will leave early, today will only be observation, I will go with you home, just hope it doesn't rain so that you don't have setbacks - Souichi gave me his opinion about my gift, also asked me to come back together and told me another thing, however note this mysterious - Morinaga tell me what you say Professor Fukushima please - look at him amazed - Souichi not worry I have confidence that the project will come out very well, and you'll see that it will not rain until the evening, don't worry - I look astonished, I love feeling that you worry about me and my activities - this well - said nothing more, we came to the entrance and again we said goodbye to all the day he to his lab and I to my classes.The rather slow step day, class and class passed, my excitement is towards more great within a few hours you will see my mother, I have tastás ideas in mind that suddenly I was nervous, of that he would speak with her, that I can tell you... during this time the topic of conversation has been Souichi-"but I can not talk to my mother You'll not want to hear that story of my life; now speak you of my work and my annual contract in Hamamatsu "-that would be a good topic of conversation as well as my close graduation and my desire to be with me in my degree ceremony, she will feel proud since I will not do any test is the average that I have needed to me;" throughout the morning, my mind is full of possible topics of conversation and without my account spend half day. My classes ended, along with the school week, weekends devoted them exclusively to work on the projects of the pharmaceutical, I walked to the office of Professor Fukushima, arrive quickly, quietly touches the door and Indian I happen to that.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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-Good afternoon! Miharu-chan, Tadokoro-kun How have - and they responded warmly greeted me with a reverence Good afternoon Morinaga-san very well what about you - I smiled at them calmly, being watched by Souichi seriously Very well thank you, sorry interrupt, but I can have a word with you Sempai- floor Sempai respectfully call before the new comers, if I dared to say his first name, strokes kill me insolent. What do you want? You do not have to go to class, I am very busy- he told me grumpy frown, Aaah! he is treating me wrong, no matter who looks at us -Only be a moment, please, I want to ask you a tip- you look nervous and agreed it was my expression of concern. Let me point out to outside-the -You door, starting with the early stages of crop showed them not tardo- leave instructions and darted Until then, take care, vemos- we said goodbye to the guys leaving behind Souichi . What do you want? it is fast, I'm really work-butt dryly told me, it really is men who hate to be disturbed while working Oh! You see it's just something quick, Sempai have the afternoon off and want to go buy a gift, to give to my mother tomorrow what do you think can present him? No I have ideals you look at the worried eyes, he wanted some advice, because I had some doubts in my head Ah well you see ... a simple present, you can give her flowers or a box of chocolates, I think I will be happy if you give a small present- told me calmer But you should know your tastes- My mother smiled innocently is strange tastes and truth are almost six years I have not seen her since the last time ... I guess change a lot, so I wanted a formal gift I confessed nervous. Do not worry, what obsequies will like, it's your mother after all, children are the most important to them-looking eyes told me if you're right , thank you very much, I withdraw, sorry to steal a few minutes, I'm going then- I said goodbye to him with a bow, was holding a desire to kiss him, but I could not, not here in full door -te lab I see home- I whispered slowly -Llegaré a little late dinner I eat with them ... here, I replied softly but perceptible for my -ok will, esfuérzate- said goodbye and started walking, he heard the door slide opening and close, I turned back and he had already entered the laboratory. I walked the streets of downtown to locate the restaurant where tomorrow see my mother and very excited I went to a flower shop and buy a small florar arrangement for her not as she remembered something flashy, vulgar and calling the arrangements too big, buy one where a glass case housing a bouquet of Dutch tulips orange with green foliage and very serious details, add a card with a dedication to her , gave the instruction that will lead tomorrow to the restaurant and placed on the reservation in the name of Ms. Morinaga, pay and went to a clothing store to buy something new to wear. During my childhood my parents raised us to my brother and me with great discipline on the label, because unfortunately my family always worried about appearances, attending meetings of important people behave at the table, eating with elegance and especially talking to sum ​​property. During these years I did not worry about things like that, and that after being banished from my family, the problem with Masaki-san and lived a completely wild life, had thrown overboard all my education, but eating with my mom morning I was very nervous, regardless of both the reason for your visit, I worried refined to show him. Finish preparations tomorrow and return to the department to prepare dinner for my and I remembered that Sempai told me not to have dinner with me, ate little and went to work on my laptop a couple of hours, moving as fast at work that the pharmaceutical had sent me, the time flew and listen to Sempai greet in I'm home entrance - I went to the door where I received a smile 'Welcome home - it felt very tired, leave your things in the hall and told me I'm going to lie down, we work hard day today, tomorrow just forward enough and I can be watching out early, how did it go - his eyes were red and he looked exhausted, you look calmly and smiled Very well, tomorrow I'll tell you, I rest please- I look askance and said addressing his room You should sleep well, tomorrow is a day I love importantly still dead tired when it comes to worry about me that way course keep my progress and communicate descansaré- quiet -ok Tonight is very cold will not desveles and cover, good night I get to his room and locked himself to rest. I looked like an idiot all the time, in all its facets Souichi looks beautiful, I love it as I must keep this a little more, because I'm nervous I am tired to sleep calmly back to my room and went on with my work, not realizing I was asleep and leaving me as Souichi said early turned out to be cold, I was shivering and put on my pajamas and fell asleep but was sneezing all night-I can not catch a cold, tomorrow I will see my mother told me reconciling sleep. The next morning my alarm went off, it was the big day but woke up with a big headache and a slight sore throat, morning was overcast and a little cool, but do not pay attention and I I got to bathe, I left and went to make breakfast, after a while you finish cooking Sempai appeared fully replenished and ready to go, I sit at the table and greeted me Good morning Morinaga- as he carried the dish breakfast I smiled Souichi- Good morning I look directly and wonder What's wrong? - His question surprised me Huh? to which you refer, I'm good for q - before finishing my sentence I put a hand on my forehead -¡Souichi - I was surprised and looked at him with eyes wide open 'It's not very high, last night you do not have covered well right? - withdrew his hand on my forehead and walked to the bathroom -¡uh! last night I followed him with his eyes, back with a bottle of aspirin in hand bag over and handed it to me along with a glass of water 'Take this, you have a little fever, refriaste you idiot ah! put my hand on my forehead is true is only a slight fever, I think it was to fall asleep in the study table in the middle of the night, besides sneezing and headache took me with thanks shower, no worry'm fine I look serious and sat back to eating his breakfast, I do not claim anything else. We left the apartment, the day really would be very cloudy, according to weather news afternoon showers are expected, so take my coat and umbrella, as Sempai and went to college on the way told her about the arrangement to send him to design my mother and some details of his nature, so strict about gifts - I see, that's fine, it is consistent with it, Morinaga go out early today just be watching, I'll go home with you, just hope it does not rain so you wont have contratiempos- Souichi gave me his opinion about my gift, also she called me back together and told me something else, however noticing mysterious -Morinaga tell me what you say Professor Fukushima please- you look amazed -Souichi not worry I have confidence that the project will go well, and you will see no rain until the evening, do not worry I look stunned, I love feeling like you worry about my welfare and my activities -This said no more, we reached the entrance and again parted like him all day his lab and my classes. The day went pretty slow, class and class passed, my excitement grew larger within a few hours you will see my mother, I have Tastas ideas in my head that I suddenly got nervous, they talk with it, I can tell ... all this time the talk was Souichi - "but I can not talk to my mother about it, will not like to hear the story of my life; and I will talk about my work and my annual contract in Hamamatsu "- that would be a good topic of conversation and my close graduation and my desire to be with me at my graduation ceremony, you will feel proud because I will not perform any examination and the average that I have is the need for my degree,. throughout the morning my mind is full of possible topics of conversation without realizing medium passing day My classes ended, with a week of school, weekends were devoted exclusively to work on projects in the pharmaceutical, I walked to the office of Professor Fukushima, come quickly, quietly knock on the door and told me to come in.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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- Good afternoon! Miharu - Tadokoro Kun Chan, how you been? - greeted warmly and they responded with a Bow - Afternoon Morinaga San very well, and you? - I smiled quietly, being watched by Souichi seriously - very well, thank you, sorry to interrupt, but can I talk to you for a moment to call sempai sempai carpeted with respect in front of New attendees.If I dared to say his name, he'd Kill me to death by Insolent. - What do you want? You Don't have to go to School, I'm very busy - I said crossly, frowning, Aaah! He keeps treating me wrong, no matter who we look - just a moment, please I need your advice - you look nervous and agreed because my expression was of Concern.- We're out the door - - I told you, start with the first phases of cultivation that I took them, and went quickly left instructions - until then, take care, see you - i fired The Kids leaving behind Souichi. - What do you want? Be quick, I'm really busy I said drily.It is men who Hate being interrupted while working! It is only something Quick, sempai got the afternoon off and I want to buy a gift to give to my mother Tomorrow what can I bring? I have no idea what look in the eyes concerned, wanted a Board, I had certain doubts in my head - a simple, well you see...You can give her flowers or a Box of chocolates, I think I will be happy if you give her a Little present - I said Quiet - but you should know what your tastes are - - My mother smiled innocently is strange tastes and Truth are already almost six years no see, since the last time I guess... Change A Lot, so he wanted a formal Gift

- confessed nervous.- Don't worry, you will like what you give, is your mother in the end, the Children are most important to them - I said look me in the Eyes - If you're right, thank you, I'm sorry for stealing a few minutes, I'm so - i fired him, with a reverence was Holding Back a desire to kiss him, but I couldn't do it,Not here in the Lab Door - See you at Home - I whispered very slowly - i'll be a little late, I have dinner with them here... - I said very softly, but noticeable for me - Ok I will try - I Said Goodbye and I began to walk, he heard the door Slide open and close, turn back and he had already entered the laboratory.I walked the streets of the center to locate the restaurant where tomorrow to see my mother very excited and I went to a Flower Shop and bought a small floral arrangement for her, as she recalled something flashy, called vulgar arrangements too big,Buy One Where a Glass Box housed a Dutch Tulips Bouquet Of Orange with green foliage and very serious details, Add a card with Dedication to her, gave the instruction to take the restaurant tomorrow and put them on the reservation in the name of ms. Morinaga, Pay and I went to a clothing store to buy some new clothes.During my Childhood and Adolescence my parents educated me and my brother with utmost discipline in the Label since, unfortunately, my family was always concerned with appearances, attend meetings of important people, to behave at the table, eating with elegance and especially talk with sum Property during these years I

. Don't worry about things like That.After being exiled from my family, for the problem with Masaki - San and lived a Life completely Wild, had thrown All My Education, but I had lunch with my mother Tomorrow Very Nervous, no matter the reason for your visit, I worried about be refined at his side.

Finish preparations tomorrow and return to Department to prepare dinner for my sempai and remembered that I said no dinner, I ate little and went to work on my laptop for a couple of hours, moving quickly into the work that the pharmacist had sent me, and time flew and listen to Dai sempai welcome at the entrance - i'm Home!- I went to the door, where I received it with a Smile - Welcome Home! - He seemed very tired, leave your stuff in the hall and I said I'm going to lie down, work hard Today, Tomorrow will only Forward enough Observation and I can leave early, as I was? His eyes were red, and he looked Exhausted and smiled calmly, look very good, Tomorrow I'll tell you,- Please - looked askance at me and told me from his room - also should Sleep, Tomorrow is an important Day - I Love is dead tired when still Worry About me in that way - - and I'll Save My Progress Report - Ok Tonight you sleep and not very cold cover up,Good Night - and he came to his room to rest. I looked like an idiot All Time, in all its facets Souichi looks beautiful, I Love You - I have to take this a little more, because I am nervous about tomorrow i tired to sleep - I went back to my room and went on with my work,Without realizing I was falling asleep and Souichi said the morning was cold, he was shaking and I put on my pajamas and I slept, however I've been sneezing All Night - - I can't see you tomorrow, my mother told me to sleep. The next morning My Alarm Clock Rang,However it was the great day I woke up with a headache and a Light Burning in the throat, the morning was cloudy and a bit cold, but Pay no attention to him and I went to swim, I went out to do breakfast, Soon finished Cooking sempai appeared completely. Ready to go,She took a seat at the table and I Salute - Morning Morinaga - while I brought your breakfast Plate smiled - Morning Souichi - looked straight at me and asked what's wrong with you? Her question surprised me - huh? What do you mean, I'm good for Q - before finish my sentence placed a hand on my forehead - Souichi. - I was surprised and looked at him with Wide Open Eyes - is not very high,You had right? - dropped his hand from my face and walked to the bathroom. - Uh! Last night I followed him with his eyes, he returned with a bottle of aspirin in a Hand Bag and gave it to me with a glass of water - take this, you have a Little Fever, you refriaste Idiot Ah! I put my hand on my forehead is really only a slight Fever,I think that was about to fall asleep on the desk in the middle of the night, besides sneezing and the Headache went away with the shower - Thank you, Don't Worry - I look serious and sat back down to eat breakfast, I claim nothing more left. Department, The Truth would be very cloudy day, according to the News of the long expected afternoon showers,So take my coat And Umbrella, as sempai and went to the University, on the way I told him about the arrangement that I sent to my mother and some Design details of their way of being so strict about gifts I See, that this well, goes with her, Morinaga out early, today I will only comment, Go Home,Let's just hope it doesn't Rain not to have setbacks - Souichi gave me his opinion about my Gift, also asked me back together and told me Another thing, however I noticed Mysterious Morinaga - Tell me what you please tell the teacher what Fukushima Souichi look astonished - Don't worry, I have confidence that the project will very well,And you'll see that it will not Rain at night, Don't Worry - I looked astonished, I love to feel that you worry about me and my activities - said nothing more, Reach the entrance and again as the day we Said Goodbye to his Laboratory and I

My Classes. Day passed very slow, Class and Class I, my Emotion was largest within a few hours to see my mother,I have Tastas ideas that suddenly made me Nervous, I would talk to her, I can tell... During all this time the topic of Conversation has been Souichi, "but I can't talk to my mother, I love to hear the story of my life;You talking about my work and My Annual Contract in Hamamatsu "- that would be a good topic of Conversation as well as my approaching graduation and My Desire to be with me in my graduation ceremony, will be proud because I will not perform any review since the average is required for qualifying.Throughout the morning, my mind is full of possible topics of Conversation and realized Step Half Day. My Classes finished, along with the school week, weekends devoted exclusively to work on projects for the Pharmaceutical, I went to the Office of Professor Fukushima, come quickly, quietly touch the door and I said it.
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