Me quedé callado, no quise hacer enojar a Sempai también. Definitivame dịch - Me quedé callado, no quise hacer enojar a Sempai también. Definitivame Anh làm thế nào để nói

Me quedé callado, no quise hacer en

Me quedé callado, no quise hacer enojar a Sempai también. Definitivamente me sentía muy culpable; es decir, por mi culpa casi secuestran a Taiga, pero... pero es que... no podía decirle la verdad aún. Estaba contra la espada y la pared... no era justo.

El resto del día Sempai se la pasó durmiendo porque estaba exhausto; Taiga estuvo encerrada en su habitación; y yo... me quedé solo en la cocina limpiando y haciendo la cena. No estaba de humor para comer cosas sólidas, así que preparé sopa miso. Esa noche... Taiga no salió a cenar de su habitación, y ni siquiera me dejó entrar para llevarle la comida al cuarto. Su puerta estaba con pestillo y a pesar que estuve tocando varios minutos... nunca me dio respuesta.

Como era de esperarse, Sempai me abordó con sus preguntas de cómo me había ido, de que si recuperé mi empleo, etc. No quise entrar en detalles, pues sabía que se enojaría, así que solo le dije que me fue bien, que convencí al gerente que no me corra, y que si volvía a causar algún problema... ahí sí me iban a correr; sin embargo, jamás mencioné el tema de pedirle perdón a Takasu.

Lamentablemente el lunes llegó rápido y estaba sentado en el metro camino a la oficina.

No quiero rebajarme ni pedirle perdón a ese maldito de Takasu. NO SE LO MERECE. Él debería ser el que pida perdón, pero no a mí... sino a Taiga. Cómo lo odio, y cómo odio esta injusticia. Solo por tener "dinero" puede comprar a los demás, poniéndolos en mi contra. Voy a aguantarme la ira y le pediré perdón SOLO por no perder mi empleo, pensé.

Minutos después llegué a la farmacéutica y me comunicaron que había sido citado en el directorio de la gerencia. Mi cuerpo empezó a temblar, y mis manos a sudar. Definitivamente... estaba muy nervioso.

Subí al último piso y me dirigí al directorio. A pesar que la puerta estaba cerrada, pude notar que había varios gerentes ahí, y al parecer... alguien estaba exponiendo un tema. Respiré hondo, me armé de valor y toqué la puerta...

~Toc, toc, toc~

Después de unos segundos... el gerente general me abrió la puerta y me hizo pasar. Cuando entré a la sala del directorio, la exposición se detuvo, hubo un gran silencio y los 5 gerentes de distintas área que estaban sentados... se me quedaron mirando. Iba a estallar de los nervios, pero... luego... levanté la mirada y vi que la persona que estaba exponiendo era... Takasu.

Maldita sea. Qué hace el aquí. De seguro también tiene comprado a todos estos gerentes, pensé.

-Perdone la interrupción, Takahashi-san- habló el gerente general poniéndose detrás de mí –Morinaga tiene algo que decirle-

-Oh... Morinaga- expresó burlón –Qué gusto tenerte aquí ¿Viniste a escuchar la exposición?-

-...- no sabía qué responder.

-De hecho. Lo que Morinaga vino a decirle es otra cosa- luego se acercó a mi oído –Empieza a hablar-

-...- me quedé mirando a Takasu con ojos que emanaban odio.

-¿Algún problema, Tetsuhiro Morinaga?- dijo Takasu sarcásticamente acercándose a mí.

Idiota... encima que estoy pasando por un momento vergonzoso... cómo te atreves a burlarte de mí, por dentro quería asesinarlo. Moría de ganas de lanzármele encima y reventarle la cara a golpes por lo que hizo a Taiga y por intentar secuestrarla el día de ayer. No me habían percatado que me quedé mirándolo a los ojos silenciosamente.

-Morinaga, habla- insistió el gerente general.

-...- no quiero, no quiero, no quiero.

-¡Morinaga!- el gerente estaba perdiendo la paciencia y Takasu disfrutaba el momento.

-...- respiré hondo –Yo... yo... vengo a...- empecé a temblar de la frustración –Vengo a... ofrecerte... una... una disculpa...-

-¿Perdón, qué dijiste?- alzó la voz –Es que no te escuché, Morinaga- dijo apropósito.

-Dije que... vengo a...-

-Más alto que no te oigo...- mostró su oído.

-QUE VENGO A PEDIRTE PERDÓN- cerré los ojos y grité.

-...- se quedó impactado con lo que dije, pero luego... empezó con su burla –Wow... pero qué valiente jaja- rió -¿Y... a qué se debe tu "perdón"?-

-Es que...- me están obligando, bastardo... solo por eso –Pensé en lo que pasó y... me di cuenta que... que hice mal en... en agredirte sin razón hace días-

-Pues... qué bueno que te hayas dado cuenta- se cruzó de brazos y sonrió victoriosamente –Espero que no vuelva a suceder-

-...- me quedé viéndolo con rencor.

-Sigue...- me susurró el gerente.

-Yo... yo no soy nadie para... para... haberte... faltado el respeto-

-Exacto. Así que la próxima vez, acuérdate cuál es tu lugar en esta empresa- respondió.

Ese idiota me humilló con lo último qué dijo. Cómo se atreve. Encima que me estoy "disculpando" públicamente fue capaz de decirme algo que me avergonzara aún más. Yo sé cuál es mi lugar en esta empresa. No soy nadie importante ni con poder. Sin embargo... él sí... y lo tengo muy claro.

Los demás gerentes empezaban a susurrarse cosas y reírse de mí discretamente. Takasu me estaba poniendo en ridículo en frente de los ojos más importantes de la empresa donde yo quería crecer profesionalmente. Eso definitivamente marcará mi futuro en Farmacéuticas S.

Me había quedado en silencio... mirándolo a los ojos. Por un momento me concentré tanto en el odio que me olvidé que estaba en público con el directorio gerencial.

-La reverencia- me susurró el gerente –Falta... la reverencia-

-...- me quedé mudo.

-Hazlo...- me dijo entre dientes.

No me quedó opción más que cerrar los ojos y hacer una pequeña reverencia como símbolo de "respeto". Luego volví a enderezarme y salí de la sala.

Odiaba toda esta situación. Lo que me estaba pasando NO ERA JUSTO.

Después de ese suceso horrible... mis días empezaron a ser más agotadores que de costumbre. Por suerte... más de dos semanas pasaron volando.

Obviamente en todo ese lapso de tiempo... las cosas con Taiga se calmaron. Ella me perdonó y es más... se disculpó por haber sido tan dura conmigo. Le dije que lo olvidáramos y que no haya resentimientos. Nada había cambiado. Sempai y Taiga seguían peleando cada vez que podían, y yo como siempre... llegaba a tiempo para evitar que se mataran. De algún modo... me divertía presenciar ese tipo de cosas. Ambos se veían muy graciosos cuando discutían o se insultaban. La pancita de Taiga había crecido un poco más y eso me parecía muy tierno. Lo único que me pareció raro y sospechoso es que en esos aproximadamente 14 días... Takasu no volvió a aparecerse en el apartamento y la verdad... eso me preocupaba porque... puede que esté tramando algo horrible. De todos modos Taiga sabía perfectamente que no debía abrirle la puerta a NADIE mientras estuviera sola en casa. Igualmente, Sempai regresaba temprano de la universidad para "cuidarla" y hacerle compañía a Taiga. Eso me lo hacía a mí como favor, pues yo tenía que seguir trabajando horas extras en la farmacéutica para ganar más dinero.

Nuevamente... estábamos en el ginecólogo como todos los meses. Esta vez... Sempai y yo habíamos acompañado a Taiga a la consulta. Fue difícil convencer a mi Sempai, pero... lo soborné con hacerle masaje en la espalda antes de dormir. Últimamente... Sempai paraba muy estresado después de dictar clases y trabajar en sus experimentos, y veía que a veces le dolía el cuello y la espalda, así que opté por ofrecerle ese favor, si él nos acompañaba al ginecólogo. Además... no quería que Sempai se quedara solo en el apartamento... temía que Takasu aparezca y le haga daño...

-Hola, hija. Nuevamente estamos aquí... en el ginecólogo. Ya te tengo en mi pancita casi 6 meses y hoy veremos cómo estás- Taiga estaba grabando otro de sus videoblogs para su hija –Mira... esta vez... Souichi también nos acompaña- apuntó la cámara hacia Sempai –Di "Hola", Souichi-

-Ya te dije que no me gusta que me graben- Sempai estaba leyendo un libro, sentado en la silla del costado –Aleja esa cámara de mí-

-Ay, Souichi, no seas tirano. Vamos... dile algo lindo a mi hija-

-...- respondió sacándole el dedo medio a la cámara.

-Sempai... eso fue grosero- me aparecí detrás de él para regañarlo.

-Tú cállate, baka. Ya le dije que no me gusta que me graben-

-Sí, pero... recuerda que ese video lo verá una niña-

-A mí eso no me importa... y además...-

Como estaba tan cerca de Sempai, no pude contenerme más y lo interrumpí dándole un beso en los labios. Como era de esperarse... se sorprendió y me empujó rápido para tomar aire...

-Idiota... ya te dije que no hagas eso en lugares públicos- renegó limpiándose los labios.

-Pero... Sempai...-

-¡Pero NADA!-

-¡Awww... qué lindos!- dijo Taiga –Los novios acaban de darse un beso-

-Espera... ¡no me digas que grabaste eso!- gritó Sempai entrando en pánico.

-De acuerdo... no te lo diré jaja- rió Taiga guardando la cámara.

-¡No, mierda!- se paró para quitarle la cámara a Taiga –Bórralo, bórralo, bórralo-

-Buenos tardes, señores- el médico había entrado al consultorio.

Obviamente, Sempai se calmó y se quedó sentado en la silla bastante enojado y con los brazos cruzados. Yo me quedé parado su lado prestando atención a lo que el doctor decía.

Afortunadamente la bebé estaba bien. La ecografía no presentó nada fuera de lo común. El doctor recomendó que Taiga siguiera una dieta para cuidar mejor la salud de su bebé y que vaya a clases de pre-parto, pues la bebé pronto irá acomodándose dentro de la pancita de Taiga para venir al mundo.

Apenas regresamos a casa. Sempai se desparramó en el sofá para relajarse y ver televisión, pero justo antes de coger el control remoto... Taiga se lo arranchó y también se sentó en el sofá para ver sus programas. Mientras que yo... también me desparramé, pero en el sofá que era más pequeño... para una sola persona.

-No puedo creerlo. Ya tengo casi 6 meses- dijo Taiga acariciando su pancita.

-Qué rápido se ha pasado el tiempo- expresé con una mirada melancólica.

-Ya no puedo esperar- comentó Sempai.

-¿A que mi bebé nazca?- preguntó Taiga.

-Sí. A que nazca para que luego... TE VAYAS-

-¡Sempai! Eso fue grosero- lo regañé.

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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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I kept quiet, I didn't want to make angry Sempai also. I definitely felt very guilty; i.e., by my guilt is almost kidnapped Taiga, but... but it is that... I couldn't tell him the truth still. It was against the sword and the wall was... not fair.The rest of the day Sempai passed sleeping because it was exhausted; Taiga was locked up in your room; and I... I was only in the kitchen cleaning and making dinner. It was not in the mood for eating solid things, so I prepared miso soup. That night... Taiga not went out to dine in your room, and not even let me to bring food to the room. Your door was latched and despite the fact that I was playing several minutes... never gave me response.As it was to be expected, Sempai I dealt with questions of how I had gone, that if recovered my job, etc. I didn't want to go into details, because I knew he was angry, so I told him that I did well, I convinced the manager that I don't run, and that if returned to cause trouble... there if I were going to run; However, I never mentioned the issue of forgiveness Takasu.Unfortunately on Monday arrived fast and was sitting on the subway route to the office.I don't want to lower myself to not apologize to that damn of Takasu. NOT IS IT DESERVES. It should be you ask for forgiveness, but not to me... but to Taiga. How what I hate, and how I hate this injustice. Only by having "money" you can purchase others, putting them against me. I'm going to hold my anger and ask him forgiveness only for not losing my job, I thought.Minutes later I arrived at the pharmaceutical and they told me that he had been quoted in directory management. My body began to tremble, and my hands to sweat. Definitely it was... very nervous.I went up to the top floor and I went to the directory. Despite the fact that the door was closed, I could note that had several managers there, and apparently... someone was exposing an issue. I took a deep breath, I plucked up value and knocked the door...~ Toc, toc, toc ~After a few seconds... the general manager opened the door and ushered me. When I entered the room of the directory, the exposure stopped, there was a great silence and 5 different area managers who were seated... I stared at. I was going to explode from the nerves, but woke up... then... look and saw that the person who was exposing was... TAKASU.Damn it. What does the here. Insurance also has bought all these managers, I thought.-Forgive the interruption, Takahashi-san - spoke the general manager being behind me - Morinaga has something to say to you --Oh... Morinaga - expressed mocking - what like having you here did come to listen exposure?--...-didn't know what to say.-In fact. Morinaga came to tell her what else - then he came to my ear - talk --.-I was looking at Takasu eyes emanating hatred.-Any problem, Tetsuhiro Morinaga? - said Takasu sarcastically approaching me.Idiot... above that I am going through an embarrassing moment... How dare you taunt me, inside I wanted to kill him. Dying to throw you over and burst him face to death for what he did to Taiga and for trying to kidnap her yesterday. They had not noticed me that I stared at him in the eyes silently.-Morinaga, speaks - insisted the general manager.-...-I don't, I don't, I don't.-Morinaga! - the Manager was losing patience and Takasu was enjoying the moment.-...-took a deep breath - I... I... I come to...-I started to tremble with frustration - I come to... offer... one... an apology...--Sorry, did you say? - raised his voice--is that I didn't hear you, Morinaga - said intentional.-I said I come... to...--Higher than I can't hear you...-showed his ear.-TO come to ask for FORGIVENESS - closed my eyes and screamed.-...-He was shocked with what I said, but then... it started with its mockery - Wow... but what brave haha - laughed - and... your "forgiveness" is it? --Is that...-are forcing me, bastard... just that - I thought what happened and... I realized that... that I made bad in... in attack you without reason days ago --Well... what good that have given you account - crossed arms and smiled victoriously - I hope that does not happen - again-.-I was seeing him with resentment.-Still...-whispered to me the Manager.-I... I'm not one to... to... have you... missed the respect--Exactly. So the next time, remember your place in this company - what is said.That idiot humbled me with what he said. How dare you. Over that I'm "apology" publicly was able to tell me what me even more shame. I know what is my place in this company. I'm not anyone important or with power. Without however... it Yes... and I have very clear.Other managers began to whisper things and laugh at me quietly. TAKASU was me putting on ridiculous in front of the most important eyes of the company where I wanted to grow professionally. That will definitely mark my future in pharmaceuticals.He had been silent... looking at it in the eyes. For a moment I focused so much on hatred that I forgot I was in public with the Management Board.-Reverence - whispered the Manager - is missing... the reverence--.-I was dumb.-Do this...-I said between teeth.I had no choice rather than close your eyes and make a small bow as a symbol of 'respect'. Then I went back to straighten me and left the room.I hated this entire situation. What was happening to me not was right.After this horrible event... my days began to be more stressful than usual. Luckily, more than two weeks... went to flying.Obviously in all that period of time... with Taiga things have calmed down. She forgave me and is more... apologized for having been so hard with me. I told him that we forget about it and that there are no hard feelings. Nothing had changed. Sempai and Taiga continued fighting whenever they could, and I as always... came in time to avoid that she is to kill. I had somehow... it fun to witness such things. Both were very funny when they were discussing or be insulted. The Taiga belly had grown a bit more and that seemed to me to be very tender. The only thing that struck me as weird and suspicious is that in those approximately 14 days... TAKASU did not appear in the apartment and the truth... that I was concerned because... you can that you are plotting something horrible. However Taiga knew perfectly not to open the door to anyone while she was alone at home. Equally, Sempai returning early from University to "care for" and keep you company to Taiga. That did it to me as a favor, because I had to continue working overtime in the pharmaceutical to earn more money.Again... we were at the gynecologist monthly. This time... Sempai and I had escorted Taiga to the query. It was difficult to convince my Sempai, but... I soborné to back rub before sleeping. Lately... Sempai stopped very stressed out after classes and work on their experiments, and saw that sometimes hurt her neck and back, so I opted to offer you that please, if he accompanied us to the gynecologist. Also... didn't want that Sempai will remain only in the apartment... feared that Takasu appears and do you harm...-Hi, daughter. Again we are here... at the gynecologist. I already have you in my belly almost 6 months and today we will see how're - Taiga was filming one of their video for his daughter - Mira... this time... Souichi also accompanies us - pointed the camera at - Di "Hello", Souichi - Sempai-You mentioned that I don't like me to graben - Sempai was reading a book, seated in the side - away that camera of me--Oh, Souichi, don't be a tyrant. Come on... say something nice to my daughter --...-answered taking finger with the camera.-Sempai... that was rude - I showed up behind him to scold him.-You shut up, baka. I already said that I don't like that I record--Yes, but... remember that video a girl - see-To me that I don't care... and also...-As it was so close to Sempai, I could not contain more and interrupted him giving him a kiss on the lips. As it was to be expected... He was surprised and quickly pushed me to take a breath...-Idiot... you mentioned that you do not do that in public places - denied wiping lips.-But... Sempai...-- But nothing!--Awww... what cute! - said Taiga - the bride and groom just a kiss --Wait... don't tell me you recorded that! - shouted Sempai going into panic.-Agreement... not it will say you haha - he laughed Taiga keeping the camera.-No, shit! - stood to take the camera to Taiga - delete it, delete it, delete it --Good afternoon, gentlemen - the doctor had gone to the clinic.Obviously, Sempai calmed and was sitting in the Chair quite angry and idly. I was standing beside paying attention to what the doctor said.Fortunately the baby was fine. The ultrasound did not show anything out of the ordinary. The doctor recommended that Taiga follow a diet to better care for the health of your baby and go to classes of labor, because the baby will soon accommodate within the belly of Taiga to come to the world.We just returned home. Sempai is poured out on the couch to relax and watch TV, but just before you pick up the remote control... Taiga grabbed it is and also sat on the couch to watch their programs. While I... also I desparramé me, but on the couch that was... smaller for a single person.-I can't believe it. I have almost 6 months - he said Taiga stroking her belly.-How quickly passed the time - expressed with a melancholy look.-Already I can't wait - Sempai said.-What my baby is born? - asked Taiga.-Yes. To be born so then... TE VAYAS --Sempai! That was rude - regañé it.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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I kept quiet, I did not want to upset Sempai too. I definitely felt very guilty; ie my fault almost kidnap Taiga, but ... but I ... could not tell the truth yet. It was against the rock and ... it was not fair. The rest of the day was spent sleeping Sempai because he was exhausted; Taiga was locked in her room; and I ... I was alone in the kitchen making dinner and cleaning. He was in no mood to eat solid things, so I prepared miso soup. That night ... Taiga did not go to dinner in their room, and not even let me in to bring food to the room. His door was latched and although I played several minutes ... never gave me answer. As expected, Sempai approached me with questions about how I had gone, that if I got my job, etc. I did not go into details, because I knew that would get mad, so I just told him I was fine, I convinced the manager that I did not run, and that if he ever cause a problem ... there they were going to run; however, I never mentioned the topic to apologize to Takasu. Unfortunately Monday came fast and was sitting on the subway route to the office. I do not want to lower myself and apologize to that damn Takasu. HE DOES NOT DESERVE IT. He should be the one to apologize, but not me ... but Taiga. How I hate it, and I hate this injustice. Just to have "money" you can buy others, putting them against me. I'll put up with anger and ask forgiveness ONLY not lose my job, I thought. Minutes later I came to the pharmaceutical and informed me that I had been quoted in the directory management. My body started shaking, my hands sweating. Definitely ... I was very nervous. I climbed to the top floor and went to the directory. Although the door was closed, I noticed that there were several managers, and apparently ... someone was exposing a subject. I breathed deeply, I took courage and knocked on the door ... ~ Knock, knock, knock ~ After a few seconds ... GM opened the door and ushered me. When I walked into the boardroom, the exposure is stopped, there was a great silence and 5 different area managers were sitting ... they stared at me. It would burst nerves, but ... then ... I looked up and saw that the person was exhibiting was ... Takasu. Damn. What you do here. Also has purchased insurance to all these managers, I thought. Pardon the interruption, Takahashi-san spoke CEO -Morinaga setting behind me has something to say to him ... Oh What a pleasure Morinaga- expressed mocking you here Did you come to hear the exhibition - -...- not know what to say. 'Actually. Morinaga what came to tell you is something else then walked to my ear Starting to speak -...- stared at me with eyes Takasu emanating hatred. Any problems, Tetsuhiro Morinaga - Takasu said sarcastically approaching me. Idiot ... I'm up to going through an embarrassing moment ... how dare you make fun of me, inside I wanted to kill him. Lanzármele dying to burst her face up and beaten for what he did to Taiga and attempting to kidnap her yesterday. I had not realized that I was looking into his eyes silently. -Morinaga, speech-CEO insisted. -...- I would not, would not, want not. -¡Morinaga - the manager was losing patience and Takasu enjoying the moment. -...- I ... I took a deep breath ... come to ...- started shaking frustration ... I come to offer an apology ... one ... .. .- Excuse me, did you say? - It's raised voice that I did not hear, said Morinaga- on purpose. I said that ... I come to ...- high -More than you ...- I hear expressed his ear. -I come to ask forgiveness closed my eyes and screamed. -...- remained impressed with what I said, but then ... Wow started his mockery ... but how brave haha laughed -¿ And ... what should be your "forgiveness" - ...- It's that are forcing me, you bastard ... just so I thought about what happened and ... I realized ... that I was wrong to attack you for no reason ... to make days- Well ... how good you've given you account-crossed his arms and smiled victoriously hope not happen-again -...- I was seeing with rancor. Go on ...- whispered the manager. I ... I'm not one to ... to ... sorry ... missed the respect- Exactly. So next time, remember your place in this company- responded. That idiot humbled me last thing he said. How do you dare. I am over "apologizing" was able to publicly say something to embarrass me even more. I know my place in this company. I'm nobody important or empowered. However ... he did ... and I have very clear. The other managers were beginning to whisper things and laugh at me quietly. Takasu was making me look ridiculous in front of the most important eyes of the company I wanted to grow professionally. That definitely will mark my future in Pharmaceutical S. I was silent ... looking into his eyes. For a moment I focused both hate that I forgot I was in public with the management board. -The whispered reverently Lack manager ... the bow -...- I was speechless. Do it .. .- he said through clenched teeth. I had no choice but to close your eyes and make a small bow as a symbol of "respect". Then I went to straighten up and left the room. He hated all this. What was happening was not fair. After this horrible event ... my days became more stressful than usual. Luckily ... more than two weeks flew by. Obviously all this period of time ... Taiga things calmed down. She forgave me and more ... he apologized for being so hard on me. I told him to forget and no hard feelings. Nothing had changed. Sempai and Taiga still fighting whenever they could, and as always ... I arrived in time to prevent killed. Somehow ... I enjoyed witnessing such things. Both looked very funny when discussing or insulted. Taiga's tummy had grown a little more and it seemed very sweet. The only thing that was strange and suspicious is that in about 14 days ... those Takasu turned not to show up at the apartment and the truth ... that worried me because ... may be up to something horrible. Taiga anyway perfectly knew not to open the door to anyone while she was alone at home. Similarly, Sempai returned early from college to "take care" and her company to Taiga. That made ​​me as a favor, because I had to keep working in the pharmaceutical overtime to make more money. Again ... we were at the gynecologist every month. This time ... Sempai and I had accompanied Taiga to the query. It was difficult to convince my Sempai, but ... bribed to give back rub before bed. While ... Sempai kept very stressed after lecturing and working on his experiments, and saw that sometimes hurt his neck and back, so I decided to give this favor, if he accompanied us to the gynecologist. Besides ... Sempai not want to stay alone in the apartment ... he feared that appears Takasu and hurt him ... Hello, daughter. Again we are here ... at the gynecologist. I already have in my belly almost 6 months and now we'll see how you- Taiga was their videoblogs recording another for her daughter ... Look ... this time we also accompanied Souichi pointed the camera at Sempai Say "Hello" , Souichi- 'I told you I do not like that graben- Sempai I was reading a book, sitting in the chair on the side of me, that camera -Aleja Oh, Souichi, do not be a tyrant. ... Let me say something cute daughter responded -...- tore out his middle finger to the camera. -Sempai ... that was rude- I appeared behind him to scold him. 'You shut up, baka. I told you I do not like I graben- Yes, but ... remember that this video will see one female , in my I do not care ... and also ...- As Sempai was so close, I could not contain more and I stopped kissing her on the lips. As expected ... I was surprised and pushed fast for air ... Idiot ... I told you not to do that in places públicos- reneged wiping his lips. But ... Sempai ...- 'But nothing - -¡Awww ... how cute - Taiga said -The boyfriends just given a kiss Wait ... do not tell me you recorded it -. Sempai shouted panicking Okay ... I will not tell haha laughed Taiga keeping the camera. No, shit - he stopped to take his camera to Taiga -Bórralo, delete, bórralo- Good afternoon, señores- the doctor had entered the office. Obviously, Sempai calmed down and sat in the chair and quite angry with arms crossed. I was standing beside me paying attention to what the doctor said. Luckily the baby was fine. Ultrasound did not show anything unusual. The doctor recommended that Taiga follow a diet for better health care for your baby and go to pre-natal classes, because the baby will soon settling into the belly of Taiga to come into the world. Just returned home. Sempai spilled on the couch to relax and watch TV, but just before taking the remote control ... it arranchó Taiga and sat on the sofa to watch their programs. While I ... also scatter me, but the couch was smaller ... for one person. 'I can not believe it. Now I have almost 6 months Taiga said stroking her tummy. -What has happened fast time- I expressed with a gloomy look. 'I can not wait- Sempai said. 'What my baby is born - Taiga asked. Yes . A born to then ... TE go- -¡Sempai! That was rude- scolded him.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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I was Silent, I didn't mean to upset sempai. I definitely felt very Guilty; that is to say, by my fault almost Kidnap Taiga, but... But is that... I couldn't tell her the truth. He was against the Wall... It was not right. The rest of the day is spent sleeping sempai because he was exhausted; Taiga was locked in her room; and I...I was alone in the kitchen cleaning and making dinner. He was in no mood to eat things that are solid, so I prepared Miso Soup. That night... Taiga does not out to dinner in his room and won't even let me in to bring the food to the room. His door was locked and I was playing despite several minutes... I never responded.

as expected,Sempai accosted me with questions of how it had gone, if I got my old job back, so I didn't go into details, because I knew he would be mad, so I just told him I was fine, I talked to the manager that I run, and that if he were to cause a problem. There I went to Run; however, he never mentioned the subject of apologizing to Takasu.

Unfortunately Monday came quickly and was sitting on the subway to the Office. I Don't want to grovel or apologize to that fucking Takasu. You Don't deserve it. He should be the one to apologize, but not me... But to Taiga. How I hate him and I Hate This injustice. Only by having "Money" Can Buy others, placing them against me.I'm gonna hold my Anger and ask him to forgive me for not only lose my job, I thought.
minutes after I got to the pharmaceutical and told me that he had been cited in the directory Management. My Body started shaking, and my hands sweating. Definitely... I was very nervous. I went up to the top floor and headed to the directory. Despite that the door was closed.I noticed that there were a number of Managers, and apparently... Someone was making a topic. I took a deep breath, I steeled myself and I knocked...

~ Knock, knock, knock ~

after a few seconds... The General Manager opened the door for me and made me go. When I walked into the Boardroom, Exposure was stopped, there was a Great Silence and 5 Managers of different area were sitting...Staring At Me. The nerves going to explode, but... Then... I looked up and saw that the person I was making... Takasu. Damn it. What does here. Insurance also has bought all these managers thought.

- Pardon the interruption, Takahashi San - General Manager getting behind me –morinaga has something to tell you - - Oh

...Morinaga expressed quizzical - Glad You're here, came to hear the briefing?

not knew what to say. - indeed. Morinaga came to tell her what is another thing - then approached to Talk My Ear –empieza -

- with eyes stared at Takasu from hatred.

- problem, Tetsuhiro Morinaga? - Mr. Takasu Said sarcastically approaching me

...On what I'm going through a bit embarrassing... How Dare You make fun of me, Inside I wanted to kill him. Was Dying to Hump the shit out of him and Smashing your face for what he did to Taiga and attempting to abduct her yesterday. I had realized that I was looking at the eyes silently.

- Morinaga, Speech said the General Manager.

I -...I Don't want Morinaga.
! The manager was losing patience and Takasu enjoyed the time.

...... I took a deep breath -... I... I -- I started to shake –vengo frustration... Offer... An... A

- Excuse me... - Sorry, what did you say? - He's The Voice you heard, Morinaga Said

- on purpose. - I said... I

- highest... - I can't hear you...- He showed his ear.

- I came to ask for Pardon - I closed My Eyes and screamed.

- was impressed with what I said, but then... He began to taunt –wow... - but what Brave haha laughed and... What is your "Sorry"?

- - is that... - You're forcing me, Bastard... Why only thought of what happened and... I realized that... I did wrong... In attack you without reason days ago -

-...What good you realize - crossed Arms and smiled in Triumph –espero not happen again -

-... - I was watching with grudge.

- Follow - whispered the manager.

I I'm not one to... For... Have... Disrespected -

- exactly. So the next time, remember what is your place in this company replied that idiot.

I was last with what he said.How Dare You. Above that I'm apologizing publicly he was capable of telling me something to embarrass me even more. I know what is my place in this company. I'm not important or power. However... He... And I'm Pretty Clear.

other managers began to be whispered things and laugh at me quietly.Takasu I was making a fool of myself in front of the eyes of the most important company where I wanted to grow professionally. That definitely will in my future Pharmaceutical S.

I had remained Silent. Eye to eye. For a moment I was so focused on hatred that I forgot I was in public with the directory Management.- The manager –falta reverence - whispered to me... Reverence -

I stayed Mute. - do it. - He said between his teeth.

I was left with no option but to close your eyes and make a small Bow as a symbol of "respect". Then back to straighten up and left the room.

I hated all this. What was happening was not fair.

after that horrible event...My Day began to be more Exhausting than usual. Luckily... More than two weeks flew by.
obviously in all that time... Taiga things calmed Down. She forgave me and more... He apologized for being so hard on me. I told him to leave it alone and that there are no Hard Feelings. Nothing had changed. Sempai and Taiga still Fighting whenever I could,And I always... Arrived in time to avoid being killed. Somehow... It was fun to see that kind of stuff. Both were very funny when arguing or insulted. Belly Of Taiga had grown a little more and I looked very cute. I felt Strange and suspect is at approximately 14 days.Takasu didn't appear in the apartment and the Truth... That worried me because... It may be up to something Bad. Anyway Taiga knew perfectly well that should not open the door while I was alone in the House. Similarly, sempai returned early to the University for "Her" and make company to Taiga. I did it to me as a favour,Well, I had to work overtime to earn more money in the pharmaceutical again.

... We were at the gynecologist as every month. This Time... Sempai and I had accompanied Taiga to the consultation. It was difficult to convince my sempai, but... I Bribed him back massage before bedtime. Lately...Sempai was very stressed after classes and work in their experiments, and saw that he had a neck and back, so I offer you this favor, he accompanied us to the gynecologist. Besides... I didn't want that sempai Alone in the apartment... Takasu is feared and hurt him...

Hello, daughter. Once again we are here... At the gynecologist.I got you in my Tummy and almost 6 months, today we will see how are you - taiga was filming another of her vlogs for his daughter look... This Time... Souichi also accompanies us towards the camera - sempai –di said "Hello", Souichi -

- I told you I Don't like graben sempai was reading a book, sitting in the chair on the side of the House –aleja me

Oh, Souichi, Don't be a tyrant. Come on... Say Something Nice to my daughter -

- responded by taking the Middle Finger to the camera.

- sempai... - that was rude to Scold i appeared behind him. - Shut Up, Baka. I told you I Don't like graben

- Yes, but... Remember that video you will see A Girl

I Don't care about that... And besides... -

as sempai was so near,I couldn't Help Myself more and I interrupted you giving her a kiss on the lips. As was to be expected... I was surprised and quickly pushed for Air - Idiot...

... I already said, not in Public Places - disowned brushing her lips. - but...

- sempai... - but nothing! -
- Awww... Cute! Taiga - Said the Boyfriends just a Kiss -

- Wait... Don't tell me you got that!- she screamed sempai panicking. - Okay... I won't tell you haha laughed Taiga - holding the camera. - No Shit! I stopped to take a camera to –bórralo Taiga, erase, erase -

- Good afternoon, Gentlemen - the doctor had entered the Office. Obviously, sempai calmed down and sat in the Chair quite angry with arms crossed.I stood his side to pay attention to what the doctor Said. Fortunately, The Baby was fine. The Ultrasound was nothing out of the ordinary. The doctor recommended that Taiga follow a Diet to Better Care for the health of your baby and go to classes of pre Birth, because the baby will soon settled within the belly of Taiga to come into the World.

Just back home.Sempai is Splattered on the sofa to relax and watch TV, but right before you take the remote control. It arranchó Taiga and also sat on the sofa to see their programs. While I... I also spread on the couch, but it was smaller. For a single person. - I can't believe it. I'm almost 6 months - Said Taiga patting her Belly.

- how fast the time has passed - Said with a wistful look. - I can't Wait - commented sempai.

- that my baby is born? - He asked Taiga. - Yeah. To be Born and then... You
- sempai! - I told him off, that was rude.
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