Al siguiente día que estaba en la escuela me tocaba dar la clase al gr dịch - Al siguiente día que estaba en la escuela me tocaba dar la clase al gr Anh làm thế nào để nói

Al siguiente día que estaba en la e

Al siguiente día que estaba en la escuela me tocaba dar la clase al grupo de Morinaga pero extrañamente él no había asistido, de alguna forma tengo un mal presentimiento, no recordaba por completo la historia que una vez me contaste sobre ti, así que no tenía idea que era lo que olvidaba, pero debía ser bastante importante puesto que no había partido todavía de este lugar. Al pasar asistencia escuche un comentario que me hizo rabiar:

-Menos mal que ya no vino, ojala ya no regrese nunca más a esta escuela-

Mi ira estalló, pero no de una forma violenta, ahora debía alegar de forma racional con esos muchachos, porque razón eran tan intolerantes, no creo que alguno de ellos pasara por algo como lo que a mí me había ocurrido para ser tan intolerantes, entonces les dije:

-Antes de comenzar esta clase me gustaría platicar con ustedes. He notado que ustedes tienen un profundo desprecio por su compañero Morinaga Tetsuhiro, no comprendo porque lo odian tanto, él es una buena persona que no merece ser tratado así. Es diferente, pero acaso no lo somos todos, algunos somos más altos, otros más bajos, algunos gordos, otros flacos y nuestras facciones son desemejantes al igual que nuestros gustos. Pero las cosas que nos hacen diferentes, son las mismas que producen que la realidad sea interesante. A pesar de que no compartamos los mismos gustos, no todos vamos a hacer las mismas cosas ¿Qué sería de este mundo si todos decidiéramos hacer las mismas cosas o buscáramos seguir el mismo camino? ¿Alguno de ustedes entiende la situación por la cual atraviesa su compañero? No son ustedes los únicos que lo desprecian, ahora ya no tiene a nadie ¿Han visto su rostro? No refleja tranquilidad, está lleno de sufrimiento ¿Qué desean conseguir tratándolo de esa manera? ¿Desean que muera? Todos necesitamos de los demás. Les suplico que entiendan que todo eso no fue su elección, pónganse en su lugar, ¿Qué harían si todo el mundo les diera la espalda? Creo que es todo por hoy reflexionen sobre eso-

Entre lágrimas mis palabras cambiaban el rostro de los jóvenes a los que me dirigía, el rostro de muchos de ellos parecían entender lo que explicaba. Pensé que debía visitarlo, pero hablar con él en su casa debía ser bastante difícil, de modo que decidí tocar a su ventana.

-Tatsumi sensei ¿Qué hace aquí? ¿Cómo supo dónde vivó o cuál es mi habitación?-

Cuando lo vi asomarse por la ventana con los ojos hinchados por tanto llanto, su cara con síntomas de sumo cansancio fue que recordé lo que había pasado. El estúpido Masaki se cortó las muñecas.

-En la escuela me dijeron dónde vives y sobre tu habitación fue solo suerte. ¿Podemos hablar?-

-Está bien saldré por aquí sin que nadie me vea-

Caminamos hasta el parque y mirando hacia el suelo expresó:

-Masaki se intentó suicidar, no debí dejarlo solo, fue culpa mía-

-¿QUÉ? Por supuesto que no, tu no lo has entendido aún, nadie es responsable de la vida de otro, mucho menos si te hizo tanto daño, no fue tu culpa te acababa de romper tu corazón, las cosas que hizo fueron por decisión suya, ¿Cómo ibas a saberlo? Además él está bien, me dijeron que está en el hospital recuperándose-

Me miraba asombrado por mis palabras, quizá era puesto que yo conocía toda la historia.

-Ya lo sé. Yo quería verlo, necesitaba verlo para saber que estaba bien, pero no me permitieron entrar, siento tanta impotencia, tanta rabia. ¡Es un tonto! ¡Lo odio! No tenía ningún derecho a jugar conmigo. No tenía por qué intentar suicidarse si hay alguien que todavía lo espera-

Al fin escuchaba su rabia salir, toda su ira, su sufrimiento se esparcía entre sus palabras, a pesar de que volvió a llorar y acabe consolándolo, me di cuenta ese día que nos despedimos que ya estaba mucho mejor.

-Gracias Tatsumi-sensei, por escucharme, no sé qué hay en usted que me inspira tanta confianza, por alguna razón siento que ya lo conozco, como si fuera un viejo amigo. Sabe una cosa, desde mañana estoy inscrito en clases de defensa personal, le aseguro que nadie volverá a maltratarme-

Jamás entendí como una persona con tanto sufrimiento en su vida podía ser tan agradable, cariñosa y dulce con los demás a su alrededor. Una vez viendo cada uno de los pasajes de su propia vida y conociéndolo cada vez más, creo que de verdad el amor que siento por él es más grande. Lo amo tanto, necesito regresar con él, el verdadero, aquel que me conoce y piensa en mí.

Fui a descansar a mi habitación en el hotel, por la mañana me arregle para salir, pero justo cuando saldría sentí que estaba desapareciendo de nuevo. Había aparecido en el baño de algún lugar, afuera de aquí se escuchaba música. En esta ocasión traía prendas bastante llamativas, una camisa negra pegada, un pantalón de mezclilla negro también bastante entallado. Afortunadamente al salir del sanitario, no había nadie más, pero me sorprendió al verme al espejo que ya no me veía viejo, ahora volvía a ser yo mismo, pero un poco más joven, quizá 18 años. Tenía la dichosa nota en mi mano, la leí y decía.

Lo has hecho bastante bien todas las veces,

ahora enfrentas un reto más grande, tienes

que calmar su corazón, si no lo haces bien

lo verás irse con alguien más. Si no eres tú,

será cualquier otro, incluso algún abusador.

Al salir me percate que estaba en algo así como un bar gay, ya que todos éramos hombres, tenía ganas de correr y salir de ahí hasta que lo vi, a mi Morinaga con sus ojos tristes, sin vida, tal como ocurrió cuando su familia lo acababa de rechazar, pidió alcohol y el bar tender ni le importo que fuera menor de edad le sirvió una copa. Miraba hacia todos lados hasta que nuestros ojos se encontraron, sonrió de una manera extraña, se aproximó a mí y comenzó hablarme:

-Hola ¿Cómo te llamas?-

Se me hizo realmente raro ver a un chiquillo intentar seducirme, pero recordé lo que una vez me contó, que el llevaba una vida salvaje después de recibir el rechazo de Masaki, cosa que acababa de suceder, pero aunque mi apariencia era de un muchacho yo era un tipo mayor casi le doblaba la edad de seguro, ¿Cómo podía estar haciendo cosas tan sucias? Deseaba alejarme de ahí y sacarlo a golpes hasta su casa pero en ese momento un extraño presentimiento me llego, saque la nota de mi bolsillo y leí otra vez lo que decía:

Lo has hecho bastante bien todas las veces,

ahora enfrentas un reto más grande, tienes

que calmar su corazón, si no lo haces bien

lo verás irse con alguien más. Si no eres tú,

será cualquier otro, incluso algún abusador.

Al ver subrayado el texto comprendí, de modo que, agache la mirada y le sonreí falsamente.

-Mi nombre es Tatsumi, Souichi, ¿no quieres beber una copa conmigo?-

-Claro- me contesto el tierno muchachito que era mi Morinaga.
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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The next day which was in school he played to give the class a group of Morinaga but strangely he had not attended, somehow I have a bad feeling, did not remember the story that once told me about you, so I had no idea that was what forgot completely, but it should be quite important since it had not departed yet from this place. Listen to a comment that made me rage to spend assistance:-Less evil that it did not come, I hope, and do not return anymore to this school-My anger has burst, but not in a violent way, now he should argue rationally with those boys, because reason were so intolerant, I do not think that any of them pass for something like what had happened to me to be so intolerant, then told them:-Before of starting this class I'd like to talk with you. I've noticed that you have a deep disdain for teammate Morinaga Tetsuhiro, I do not understand because they hate him so much, he is a good person who does not deserve to be treated as well. It is different, but maybe we're not all, some are higher, other lower, some fat and other weak and our factions are unlike like our tastes. But the things that make us different, are the same that produce that reality is interesting. While we can not share the same tastes, not all are going to do the same things what would this world if everyone decided to do the same things or look for to follow the same path? Do any of you understand the situation which is going through its companion? Are not the only ones who despise him, now to you because you don't have anyone would have seen his face? Does not reflect tranquility, is full of suffering what do want get treating it that way? Do you want to die? We all need of others. Pray them that they understand that all that was not your choice, put in place, what would do if everyone would give them back? I think that it is all for today reflect on that -Tearfully my words changed the face of the young who directed me, the face of many of them seemed to understand what explained. I thought that I should visit it, but talk to him in your House should be quite difficult, so I decided to touch to your window.-Tatsumi sensei what here? How knew where live or what is my room?-When I saw him lean out the window with eyes swollen by so much crying, her face with symptoms of extreme fatigue was that I remembered what had happened. The stupid Masaki cut wrists.-In the school they told me where you live and your room it was just luck. Can we talk?--Okay out here without that nobody see me -We walk to the Park and facing the ground expressed:-Masaki tried to commit suicide, I should leave it alone, it was fault mine --WHAT? Of course not, you do not you have understood it yet, nobody is responsible for the life of another, much less if it hurt you so much, wasn't your fault you just break your heart, the things he did were by his decision, how you were going to know it? In addition he is well, they told me that it is in the hospital recovering-I looked amazed by my words, perhaps was since I knew the history.-I know. I wanted to see it, I needed to see it to know that it was OK, but they did not allow me enter, I feel such impotence, so angry. What a fool! I hate it! He had no right to play with me. Had why try to commit suicide if there is someone who still awaits you -At last I heard their rage out all his anger, his suffering spread between their words, while he returned to cry ends up consoling him, and I realized that day that we said goodbye that it was already much better.-Thanks Tatsumi-sensei, for listening to me, I don't know what's in you who inspires me so much confidence, for some reason I feel that I already know it, as if it were an old friend. He knows one thing, from tomorrow I am enrolled in self-defense classes, I can assure you that nobody will return to mistreat me-I never understood how a person with so much suffering in your life could be so nice, loving and sweet with each other to your around. Once seeing each of the passages in his own life and knowing him more and more, I think that really the love I feel for him is larger. I love it so much, I need to return with him, the real, that which knows me and think of me.I went to rest at my room at the hotel, in the morning I arrange to exit, but just when it would come out I felt that I was disappearing again. He had appeared in the bathroom somewhere, outside of here are listened to music. On this occasion brought quite striking garments, attached black shirt, black denim pants, also quite fitted. Fortunately leaving the toilet, there was no one more, but I was surprised to see me in the mirror that I saw no longer old, now back to being me itself, but a little younger, perhaps 18 years. He had the happy note in my hand, I read it and said.Have done you pretty well every time,Now you face a bigger challenge, you havethat calm your heart, if you don't do it wellYou'll leave with someone else. If you're not you,It will be otherwise, even some abuser.Leaving me realize that it was something as well as a gay bar, since we were all men, wanted to run and get out of there until I saw it, my Morinaga with his sad, lifeless eyes, as happened when his family had it rejected, called for alcohol and bar tender or import you that out minor served him a drink. I looked on all sides until our eyes met, smiled in a strange way, approached me and started talking to me:-Hello what is your name?-Is made me really weird seeing a little boy trying to seduce me, but remembered what once told me, that the he had a wild life after receiving the rejection of Masaki, thing that had just happened, but although my appearance was of a boy I was one greater guy almost doubled you the insurance age, how could be doing things so dirty? I wanted to get away from there and out blows to his house but at that moment a strange feeling I get, remove the note from my pocket and read again what he said:Have done you pretty well every time,Now you face a bigger challenge, you havethat calm your heart, if you don't do it wellYou'll leave with someone else. If you're not you,It will be otherwise, even some abuser.To see underlined text I realized, so, you bend the gaze and smiled falsely.-My name is Tatsumi, Souichi, don't you want a drink with me?-Clear - answered me the cute boy who was my Morinaga.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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The next day I was in school I had to take the class to the group Morinaga but strangely he had not attended, somehow I have a bad feeling not remember completely the story once told me about you, so I did not idea what I forgot, but it must be pretty important since there had left this place yet. Assistance in passing hear a comment made ​​me rage: Thank goodness no wine, no longer hopefully never return to this school- My anger exploded, but not in a violent way, now would rationally argue with those guys, They were so intolerant that reason, I do not think any of them go through something like that to me had happened to me to be so intolerant, so I told them: 'Before I begin this class would like to talk with you. I've noticed that you have a profound contempt for his fellow Tetsuhiro Morinaga not understand why they hate him so much, he is a good person who does not deserve to be treated well. It's different, but perhaps not we all, some are higher, some lower, some fat, others thin and our factions are unlike like our tastes. But the things that make us different, are the same that produce that reality is interesting. Although we do not share the same taste, not all going to do the same things What would this world if we all decided to do the same things and we sought to follow the same path? Do any of you understand the situation by which crosses your partner? You are not the only ones who despise him, now you do not have anyone Have you seen his face? It does not reflect tranquility, it is full of suffering What treating want to get that? You want to die? We all need each other. I beg you to understand that all this was not your choice, please Instead, what if everyone would give them back? I think that's all for today think about that- tearfully my words changed the face of the young people that I walked the face of many of them seemed to understand what he explained. I thought I should visit him, but talk to him in his house must be quite difficult, so I decided to knock on your window. -Tatsumi sensei Why are you here? How did you know where I live or what my room - when I saw him look out the window with both eyes swollen from crying, her face with symptoms of extreme fatigue was I remembered what had happened. The stupid Masaki cut her wrists. 'In school they told me where you live and your room was just luck. Can we talk? - All right'll go through here without anyone vea- I walked to the park and looking at the floor he said: -Masaki attempted suicide, I should not leave him alone, was blamed mine- What? Of course not, you have not understood yet, nobody is responsible for the life of another, much less if you did so much damage, it was not your fault you had just broken your heart, things that were made ​​by his decision, would How could you know? In addition he is well, I was told is in the hospital recuperándose- I looked amazed at my words, maybe it was because I knew the whole story. 'I know. I wanted to see him, I needed him to know he was OK, but would not let me go, I feel so helpless, so angry. He is a fool! I hate it! He had no right to play with me. Did not have to attempt suicide if anyone still Wait- At last heard his anger out, his anger, his suffering is spreading among his words, although again mourn and comforting end, I realized that day that goodbye was already much better. Thank Tatsumi-sensei, for listening, I do not know what's in you that inspires me so much confidence, for some reason I feel like I already know, like an old friend. Know one thing, tomorrow I am enrolled in self-defense classes, I assure you no one will maltratarme- I never understood how someone with so much suffering in his life could be so nice, loving and gentle with others around them. After watching each of the passages of his own life and knowing more and more, I think really the love I feel for him is bigger. I love him so much, I need to go back with him, the true, who knows me and think of me. I went to my room to rest in the hotel, in the morning I managed to get out, but just as he would felt was disappearing again. He had appeared in the bathroom somewhere, outside of music played here. This time brought quite flashy clothes, a black shirt stuck, black denim trousers also quite fitted. Fortunately out of the toilet, there was no one else, but I was surprised to see me in the mirror did not see me old, now back to being myself but a little younger, maybe 18 years. Had the happy note in my hand, I read and read. You did pretty well all the time, now face a bigger challenge, you have to calm your heart, if you do not well I'll go with someone else. If it's not you, you will be any, even a bully. Upon leaving I realized I was in something like a gay bar, and we were all men, I wanted to run and get out of there until I saw it, I Morinaga with his eyes sad, lifeless, as happened when his family had just rejected, alcohol and asked the bartender and he cares that was minor poured her a glass. Looked everywhere until our eyes met, she smiled in a strange way, he approached me and started talking to me: ? Hello What is your name - It was really rare to see a boy trying to seduce me, but I remembered what a Once he told me, he was carrying a wild life after receiving the rejection of Masaki, something that just happened, but while my appearance was a boy I was an older guy almost twice her age insurance, How could he be doing things so dirty? He wanted to get away from there and bring it blows to his house but then a strange feeling came to me, take note of my pocket and read again what he said: You did pretty well all the time, now face a bigger challenge You have to calm your heart, if you do not well you'll go with someone else. If it's not you, you will be any, even a bully. Seeing underlined text I understood, so, lower his gaze and smiled falsely. My name is Tatsumi Souichi, do not you want a drink with me? - - Claro tender boy answered me it was my Morinaga.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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The Next day I was in School, I was the Class Group of Morinaga but strangely he had not attended, Somehow I got a Bad feeling, not completely remembered the story that you once told me about you, so I had no idea what I forgot, but should be quite important since this place had not left yet.The assistance I heard a comment that made me Angry:

- Lucky You didn't come, hopefully it won't come back again to this school -

my Anger exploded, but not in a violent Way, must now argue rationally with these guys, why were so intolerant, I do not think that any they passed through what I had happened to be so intolerant.Then I said to them:

- before the start of this class, I'd like to talk with you. I noticed you have a profound Contempt for Fellow Tetsuhiro Morinaga, I Don't understand why you hate him so much, he is a good person who deserves to be treated well. It's different, but aren't we all, some are higher, Lower, some fat,Our Weaknesses and other factions are Dissimilar as our tastes. But the things that make us different, are the same that produce that is really interesting. Despite the fact that we do not share the same tastes, Don't we all do the same things, What would this World Be Like If everyone decided to do the same things or sought to follow the same path?You understand the situation where is your partner? You are not the only ones who despise him, now you don't have anybody have seen his face? Tranquility does not reflect what is full of Suffering, want to get it that way? Want To Die? We all need each other. I beg you to understand that it was not his choice.Put Yourself in his place, What Would You Do If everyone give them back? I think that's All for Today

- ponder that tearful words changed the face of my youth that I Ran, the face of many of them seemed to understand what I was saying. I thought I should visit, but talk with him at his house should be rather difficult, so we decided to play his window.

Tatsumi Sensei - What are you doing here? How Did you know where I was or what is my room? -

when I saw him looking out of the window with swollen eyes for crying, her face with symptoms of fatigue was remembered what had happened. The Stupid Masaki she cut her wrists.

- in the School told me about where you live and your room it's just Luck. Can We Talk?
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