No deseaba traumar al pequeño Morinaga que se encontraba jugando tan f dịch - No deseaba traumar al pequeño Morinaga que se encontraba jugando tan f Anh làm thế nào để nói

No deseaba traumar al pequeño Morin

No deseaba traumar al pequeño Morinaga que se encontraba jugando tan felizmente, pero necesitaba acercarme más para observarlo, después de todo tenía como misión hacerlo feliz, para volver a donde pertenezco. Desafortunadamente estaba muy cerca e hice mucho ruido, incluso me queje un poco, pues con las hojas de los árboles me estaba lastimando los pies, eran bastante molestas raspando e irritando mi sensible piel, todo eso hizo notar mi presencia tras el árbol que me tapaba de ser visto.

-¿Quién anda ahí? Sal ahora monstruo, te voy a destruir-

-Espera, no te acerques más-

Decirle eso a un niño era casi pedirle que se acercara, unos poco segundos después ya estaba parado frente a mí.

-Señor, ¿Por qué esta vestido con plantas? Usted es un espíritu del bosque ¿Cómo en los cuentos?-

-Claro que no mocoso, un bromista me quito mi ropa, ¿Podrías prestarme tu capa?-

-mmmmm … no sé qué hacer, no debería hablar con un extraño, mmmm tu no pareces malo hay algo en ti que me agrada, pero mi capa es muy importante para mí sin ella no podré volar-

-Que dices entonces si me traes algo de ropa de tu papá, ¿Podrías? Estoy aquí solo para estar contigo, he venido de muy lejos para ayudarte en lo que tú quieras, pero antes debes hacerme ese pequeño favor ¿Qué dices?-

-No sé si deba le preguntaré a mi oniisan, él siempre sabe qué hacer para que no se enojen mis papás-

Maldito gusano, ahora que te digo para convencerte… ya sé, él tiene miedo a sus padres…

-No le digas a nadie, si no se van a enojar conmigo y me van a castigar ¿Dejarías que me peguen?-

-mmmm …bueno te voy a ayudar espera aquí y te traeré ropa de mi papá-

Menos mal, si su hermano mayor me ve aquí desnudo seguro pensaría que soy un pervertido, espero no tarde mucho. Aguarde un poco y enseguida regreso.

-¿Señor?… ¿todavía está por aquí?-

-Seee, tráeme la ropa de una vez-

-¿Podrías alejarte un poco mientras me visto?-

Ese miserable mocoso cada que me dice señor me hace sentir extraño, pero es obvio, es que no sabe mi nombre.

-He, mocoso ven ya estoy vestido, me presentaré adecuadamente mi nombre es Tatsumi Souichi y soy tu ángel guardián-

-Soy pequeño pero no soy tonto, Souichi-san usted no es ningún ángel, haber ¿Dónde están sus alas?-

Es más listo de lo que creí, ¿ahora que le digo? Pero claro yo se cosas sobre él.

-Claro que sí, aunque no tenga alas soy un ángel que viene a cuidarte a ti Morinaga Tetsuhiro, el menor de la familia Morinaga, tus padres están trabajando, tu hermano te cuida pero siempre está ocupado. Así que tú te escapas y vienes al bosque para jugar ¿Tengo razón?-

-¡INCREÍBLE! Tengo mi propio ángel, ¿Cómo saben esas cosas los ángeles? ¿Nos ven todo el tiempo?-

-Casi todo el tiempo, pero lo que más vemos son las cosas que te ponen triste, hablando de eso ¿Cuáles son esas cosas Morinaga-kun?

-No me digas así, eres mi ángel llámame Tetsu-

-Está bien, Tetsu-kun ¿cuáles son las cosas que te hacen estar triste?-

-No se mmmm….Hago enojar a todo el mundo, no les gusta que me les acerque, siempre me dicen que estorbo-

Al escuchar eso que me decía empecé a entender lo que ocurría, a pesar de tener familia nadie le prestaba atención quizá era mi deber. Si ese era el caso entonces ¿Cuánto tiempo permaneceré aquí?

En medio de mis reflexiones mi estómago sonó, pues tenía bastante tiempo que no comía algo.

-No tenía idea que los ángeles padecieran hambre, espera te traeré algo-

El mocoso se fue corriendo, sigo sin entender como los niños pueden tener tanta energía, pensaba ahora en aquello que me dijo; estaba triste porque no le prestan atención, no tengo idea que debo hacer. Esperaba y esperaba pero ahora estaba tardando demasiado, entonces decidí ir en su busca.

Caminaba rumbo a su casa preguntándome ¿Qué demonios diría para preguntar por él? ¿Cómo podría saber qué decir? Soy un científico partiré primero por analizar al sujeto, por ende necesito saber cómo interactúa en su propio mundo para saber que necesito hacer. Agradecí haber conocido el rumbo a su casa, también donde estaba cada habitación.

No sé si esto sea allanamiento de morada, pero según recuerdo su habitación estaba por aquí, me voy a meter por la ventana.

No veo a nadie ¿Dónde demonios puede estar? Un segundo ese ruido ¿Qué es? Caminé un poco y escuche en el closet un llanto apagado, al abrir el closet:

-Waaaa, pero… ¿qué haces aquí Tenshi-sama?- (tenshi es ángel en japonés)

-Me preocupe porque tardabas, ¿Estabas llorando?-

-Es que me pego mi niisan… (moqueaba y lloriqueaba)buuuu… es malo, me regaño porque no debo salirme y portarme bien, no andar corriendo, ni gritando-

Al ver sus tiernas lágrimas sólo pude abrazarlo.

-No pasa nada, es que te quiere, por eso te cuida para que no te ocurra algo-

-Soy… muy malo y ruidoso… debo controlarme-

El pequeño no podía ni hablar bien por su llanto, no pensé que un niño pudiera llorar tan silenciosamente debo distraerlo para que olvide su tristeza.

-Dime Mori digo Tetsu-kun ¿Cuántos años tienes?-

-Tengo seis, verdad que ya soy muy grande-

-Ja… claro ya solo te falta buscar un trabajo-


-No perdón solo era broma, digo si estás muy grande-

-Tenshi-sama tenías hambre verdad, voy a traer algo-

-Espera primero debes prometer que no le dirás a nadie que estoy aquí si me descubren puede pasar algo malo, por favor ¿Harías eso por mí?-

-Si Tenshi-sama-

-No me digas así, mejor dime Souichi-

-Si Souichi-sama-

La inocencia en ese pequeño Morinaga hacia que mi frío corazón se derritiera, necesitaba de mí por lo visto estaba muy solo, todos los Morinagas que yo conocía tenían una historia similar tan llena de soledad y abandono, quizá por eso somos tan compatibles pues yo era la otra cara de la misma moneda, comprendía lo que era la pérdida de seres queridos, pero opuestamente tenía todo lo que el carecía, una familia amorosa que apoya incondicionalmente. A pesar de la pérdida de mi madre tuve la fortuna de haberla conocido, me cuido y enseño lo que era el más tierno amor, aunque al perderla mi corazón parecía haberse vuelto de piedra. Gracias a ti entendí que todavía tenía un corazón pues me lo habías roto en aquella despedida, me esmeraré para recuperar lo que perdí y volver pronto al lado del que me espera, aquél que daría todo por estar a mi lado.

Volvió con la comida, entonces mientras yo comía él platicaba sus fantasías sobre dragones, sobre super héroes y cosas que veía en la televisión, para ser tan pequeño tenía una gran imaginación, saco unos juguetes del armario y jugamos algunas horas, era realmente un fastidio, pero en ese instante escuchamos:

-Tetsuhiro con quien hablas-

-Con Tenshi-sama-

Entonces me escondí en el closet, lo escuche entrar a la habitación, cuando se aproximó al closet para abrirlo sentí que se entumecían mis manos, todo mi cuerpo desaparecía de nuevo, en un instante todo era borroso y luego volví a estar en el mismo lugar. Como no escuché nada entonces abrí la puerta, pude ver que ninguna cosa estaba como la última vez que estuve ahí, era de noche, no había juguetes, ni estaba Morinaga, a lo lejos pero claramente escuche las voces de adultos, primero de una mujer:

-Compórtate debes madurar, ni se te ocurra llorar, sigue el ejemplo de tu hermano. No debes ser así, no quiero que me vuelvan a llamar de tu escuela, nada de que vuelves a pelear-

Luego una voz masculina:

-Los hombres no lloran, no seas marica. Más te vale comportarte o te irá peor la próxima, qué no entiendes que tu madre y yo tenemos que trabajar. Las peleas son para los tontos, ahora ve a tu habitación-

Volví al armario para escuchar a Morinaga entrar y abrir el armario a prisa con lágrimas en sus ojos.

-Tenshi-sama- Dijo sorprendido pero con un quejido melancólico.

Se aferraba a mí en un abrazo, ese mocoso hacía que mi corazón doliera por tan malos tratos que recibía. Cuando vi que se calmaba un poco le pregunte:

-¿Qué ocurrió?-

-En la escuela un niño me empujó entonces cuando me levanté le dije "tonto" luego empezó a llorar, corrió con la maestra y me acusó que de que le pegue, por ello me dieron un papel para mis papas, cuando se los di me pegaron ni me dejaron explicar. Nadie me quiere-

Al decir eso, sus lindos ojos verdes se llenaban de lágrimas nuevamente.

-Ahhh (suspiro) No pasa nada si te quieren, solo que son egoístas, yo estoy aquí para escucharte y hacerte feliz… Lo vez, sabía que podía hacerte sonreír-

-De verdad Souichi-sama, el otro día que entró mi hermano desapareciste, pensé que te vería, pero ya no estabas cuando abrió la puerta del closet, entonces supuse que ya no volverías-

-Regresaré mientras me necesites, para eso estoy aquí, ya te lo había dicho-

Desde afuera escuchamos una voz.

-Tetsuhiro, será mejor que te duermas ya, guarda silencio y apaga la luz-

-Si papá- Después en voz muy bajita se acercó a mí y me dijo:

-Debemos dormir, ¿Te quedarás aquí? No desaparezcas quédate onegai Tenshi-sama-

-Claro, dormiré aquí no estarás solo-
Từ: Tây Ban Nha
Sang: Anh
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Did not want traumar to the small Morinaga, which was playing so happily, but needed closer me to watch it, after all it had as mission make it happy, to go back to where you belong. Unfortunately it was very close and I made too much noise, even I complained a little, with the leaves of the trees it was hurting my feet, they were quite annoying scraping and irritating my sensitive skin, all that made my presence felt after the tree that was blocking me from being seen.-Who's there? Salt now monster, I'll destroy--Wait, don't go near more-Say that a child was nearly ask him he approached, a few seconds later it already stood before me.-Sir, why does this dress with plants? You are a spirit of the forest as in the tales?--Of course that no kid, a prankster remove my clothes, could you lend me your coat?--mmmmm... don't know what to do, should not talk to a stranger, mmmm you do not look bad there is something in you that I like, but my coat is very important to me without it I can not fly --What you say then if I bring some clothes of your dad, could you? I am here only to be with you, I have come from far away to help you in what you want, but before you must do me that small favor what?--Don't know if you need it I will ask my oniisan, he always knows what to do for my parents - not angryDamn worm, now that I say to convince you... now I know, he is afraid his parents...-Do not tell anyone, if they are not going to be angry with me, and I will punish would leave me sticking?--mmmm... well I'll help waiting here and you bring clothes of my dad-Luckily, if your brother sees me here naked insurance would think I'm a pervert, I hope not late very much. Wait a bit and then return.-Lord?... are still here?--Seee, bring me clothes of once --Do you stay a little while away I seen?-That miserable kid each that tells me Lord makes me feel strange, but it is obvious, is that you don't know my name.-I have, brat come because I am dressed, I will present properly my name is Tatsumi Souichi and I am your guardian angel --I'm little but I'm not dumb, Souichi-san you is not no angel, have where are your wings?-It is smarter than I thought, now that I say? But I will clear things on it.-Of course, Yes, even if you have no wings I'm an angel who comes to take care you Morinaga Tetsuhiro, the minor family Morinaga, your parents are working, your brother takes care of you but always busy. So you you run away and come to the forest to play do have reason?--INCREDIBLE! I have my own angel, how do the angels know stuff? We see all the time?--Almost all the time, but what more we see are the things that you get sad, speaking of that are those things Morinaga-kun?-Do not tell me so, you are my angel call me Tetsu --Okay, Tetsu-kun what are the things that make you be sad?--Not be mmmm... I do get angry at everyone, don't like to me to approach them, always say me that I estorbo -To hear that saying I started to understand what was happening, despite having family nobody paying you attention perhaps was my duty. If that was the case then how long will remain here?In the midst of my thoughts my stomach rang, for he had quite some time not eating something.-Did not have idea that angels suffered hunger, waiting you bring something -The brat was running, I still do not understand how children can have so much energy, I thought now in what I said; I was sad because they do not pay attention, I have no idea to do. He hoped and expected but now it was taking too long, so I decided to go looking for.I walked headed home wondering would hell to ask for it? How could I know what to say? I am a scientist to operate first by analyzing the subject, therefore I need to know how to interact in their own world to know that I need to do. I thanked have also known the way to his house, where each room was.I don't know if this is a burglary, but as I recall your room was here, I'm going to get out of the window.I don't see anyone where demons can be? A second that noise, what is? I walked a bit and listen in closet off cry, when you open the closet:-Yo, but... What are you doing here Tenshi-sama?-(tenshi is angel in Japanese)-I care about because you tardabas, you were crying?--It is I hit me my niisan... (it moqueaba and lloriqueaba) booed is... bad, I chastised because I must not leave me and behave well, not go running, or screaming -To see only his tender tears I could hug him.-Nothing, it is that you want, that takes care of you so not something - imagine-I am... very bad and loud... I must control myself -Small could not nor speak well for her weeping, I did not think that a child might cry so quietly I distract him so you forget your sadness.-Tell me Mori say Tetsu-kun, how many years do you have?--I have six, the truth that I am already very large--Ja... of course, because only you need to find a job --Looking for work?--Not only forgiveness was joke, I say if you are very large--Tenshi-sama had really hungry, I'll bring something--Waiting must first promise to not tell you anyone that I'm here if I find can pass something wrong, please would do that for me?--Yes Tenshi-sama --Do not tell me so, better tell me Souichi --Yes Souichi-sama -The innocence in that small Morinaga towards which my cold heart is melting, needed me apparently I was very alone, all the Morinagas I knew had a similar story so full of loneliness and abandonment, perhaps that is the reason why we are so compatible as I was the other side of the same coin, understand what was the loss of loved ones , but conversely had everything the lacked, a loving family that supports unconditionally. Despite the loss of my mother, I had the fortune to have known, I care and teach what was the most tender love, but losing it my heart seemed to have become stone. Thanks you realized he still had a heart because you've broken me in that farewell, I esmeraré to regain what they lost and return soon next to which awaits me, one who would give anything to be by my side.He returned with the food, then while I ate he talked his fantasies about dragons, superheroes and things he saw on television, to be so small it had a great imagination, sack a few toys from the closet and we play some hours, it was really a hassle, but at that moment we heard:-Tetsuhiro with whom you speak--With Tenshi-sama-Then I hid in the closet, listens to it entering the room, when he approached the closet to open it I felt that they entumecían be my hands, my body disappeared again, in an instant, everything was blurry and then came back to be in the same place. As I heard nothing so I opened the door, I could see that nothing was like the last time I was there, it was night, there were no toys, nor was Morinaga, far away but clearly heard the voices of adults, the first of a woman:-Behave you must mature, not ever cry, following the example of your brother. You should not be so, I don't want to get me to call your school, anything that you come back to fight -Then a male voice:-Men don't cry, don't be a FAG. More you better behave or will you be worse the next, what don't you understand that your mother and I have to work. The fights are for fools, now go to your room-I went back to the closet to listen to Morinaga enter and open the locker to hurry with tears in their eyes.-Tenshi-sama-said surprised but with a melancholy moan.Clung to me in a hug, that kid made my heart hurt for ill-treatment he received. When I saw that it soothed some asked:-What happened?--In the school a child pushed me then when I woke up I said "silly" then he began to cry and ran with the teacher accused me that from that hit, so they gave me a paper for my parents, when I gave them to hit me or let me explain. Nobody loves me-Saying that, its pretty green eyes filled with tears again.-Ahhh (sigh) not passes nothing if you want, only that they are selfish, I am here to listen to you and make you happy... The time, knew that it could make you smile --Truth Souichi-sama, the other day my brother went into desapareciste, I thought that you would, but you were not already when he opened the door of the closet, then I assumed that already you do not again --I will come back as you need me, for that I am here, I had already told you-From the outside we heard a voice.-Tetsuhiro, you'd better do sleep now, silent and turn off the light--If Pope-then in a very low voice came to me and said to me:-We must sleep, you will be here? Do not disappear stay onegai Tenshi-sama --Of course, sleep here will not be alone -
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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He did not want to traumatize the little Morinaga was playing so happily, but I needed to get closer to observe, after all mission was to make him happy, to return to where I belong. Unfortunately it was very close and made ​​a lot of noise, even I complained a little, because the leaves of the trees I was hurting their feet, they were pretty annoying scratching and irritating my sensitive skin, all made ​​my presence known after the tree that hid me to be seen. Who's there? Sal monster now, I'll destroy- Wait, do not go near more- Telling a child that was almost asking to come closer, a little seconds later I was standing in front of me. Sir, why this dress with plants ? You are a forest spirit How in stories - Of course not brat, a joker off my clothes, could you lend me your coat - Mmmmm ... I do not know what to do, should not talk to a stranger, hmm your not look bad there's something about you I like, but my coat is very important to me without her I can not fly- That you say then if you bring me some clothes from your dad, could you? I am here just to be with you, I've come a long way to help you in whatever you want, but before you do me this little favor What do you say? - I do not know if I should I ask my oniisan, he always knows how to make not my angry popes Cursed worm, now that I say to convince you ... I know, he's afraid his parents ... No tell anyone, if they will not get mad at me and I will punish Would you let me stick ? - Hmmm ... well I'll wait here and I'll help bring my Dad clothing Fortunately, if your brother sees me naked safe here I think I'm a pervert, I hope not take long. Wait a bit and then back. 'Sir ... is still around -? -Seee, bring me clothes once- Could you get away a little while I dress - That wretched brat each telling me makes me sir feel strange, but obviously, you do not know my name. I've brat I see'm dressed, I present my name is properly Souichi Tatsumi warden and I am your angel I'm small but I'm not stupid, you do not Souichi-san is no angel, having Where are your wings - He's smarter than I thought, now I say? But then I was about him. Of course I do, even without wings'm an angel who comes to take care of you Tetsuhiro Morinaga, the youngest of the family Morinaga, your parents are working, your brother takes care of you but always busy. So you run away and you come to the forest to play Am I right - Incredible! I have my own angel, How do you know these things the angels? Do we see all the time - ? Almost all the time, but what we see are the things that make you sad, talking about it What are those things Morinaga-kun 'Do not tell me so, you're my angel call me Tetsu - All right, Tetsu-kun what are the things that make you sad are - .Hago mmmm ... 'Do not upset everybody, do not like I approach them, they always tell me that estorbo- Hearing that saying I began to understand what was happening, despite having family nobody paid attention maybe it was my duty. If that was the case then How long will I here? In the middle of my stomach rang my thoughts, for he had enough time to not eat anything. I had no idea that angels go hungry, wait I'll bring you something- the brat ran I still can not understand how children can have so much energy now thought of what he said; I was sad because he did not pay attention, I have no idea what I should do. Waited and waited but now it was taking too long, so I decided to go after him. He walked toward his house wondering what the hell would he ask for? How could I know what to say? I am a scientist will depart first to analyze the subject, therefore I need to know how to interact in their own world to know I need to do. I was grateful to have known the way to his home, also where each room was. I do not know if this is burglary, but as I remember his room was here, I'll put out the window. I do not see anyone Where the hell can be ? A second What is that noise? I walked a little and listen a shutdown in the closet, opening the closet crying: -Waaaa, but ... what are you doing here Tenshi-sama - (tenshi angel is in Japanese)? 'I worry because tardabas, Were crying - - It hit me that my niisan ... (runny and whimpering) buuuu ... is bad, scolding me because I do not get out and be good and not run around or shouting when her tender tears could only embrace him. 'It's all is that loves you, cares for you so you do not happen something- I'm ... very bad and noisy ... I controlarme- The little I could not speak well for his crying, I did not think that a child may have to distract him so silently mourn for sure . sadness Mori Tell me tell Tetsu-kun How old are you? - I have six that I'm really very great light and Ha ... you just need to find a work- -¿Trabajo - No forgiveness was only joking I say if you are very great -Tenshi-sama were hungry right, I'll bring something- Wait, first you must promise you will not tell anyone I'm here if I find can go wrong, please Would you do that for me? - If Tenshi-sama not tell me so, better tell me Souichi- If Souichi-sama 's innocence in that little Morinaga to my cold heart melt, he needed me apparently was very lonely, all Morinagas I knew they had a similar story so full of loneliness and abandonment, maybe that's why we are so compatible as I was the other side of the same coin, he understood what was the loss of loved ones, but oppositely had everything that lacked, a loving family that supports unconditionally. Despite the loss of my mother I was fortunate to have known, I take care and teach what was the most tender love, but to lose my heart seemed turned to stone. Thanks to you I realized that I still had a heart for me you had broken that farewell, I esmeraré to recover what I lost and come back soon next awaits me, the one who would give anything to be by my side. He returned with food, then he talked while I ate her fantasies about dragons, superheroes and about things he saw on television, to be so small had a great imagination, I take some toys closet and play a few hours, it was really a bummer, but at that moment We listen: -Tetsuhiro who hablas- With Tenshi-sama Then I hid in the closet, I heard him enter the room, when he approached the closet to open it felt like my hands were numb, my whole body disappeared again, a moment everything was blurred and then returned to be in the same place. As I heard nothing so I opened the door, I could see that nothing was like the last time I was there, it was dark, there were no toys, no was Morinaga, far away but clearly hear the voices of adults, first a woman : Behave must mature, do not ever mourn, following the example of your brother. You should not, I do not want to call me back at your school, nothing to go back to fight- then a male voice: 'Men do not cry, do not be a sissy. You better behave or you'll be worse next time, do not you understand that your mother and I have to work. Fighting is for fools, now go to your room- I went to the closet to listen to Morinaga enter and open the closet to hurry with tears in his eyes. -Tenshi-sama said surprised but with a melancholy moan. She clung to me in an embrace, that brat made ​​my heart ache for such mistreatment he received. When I saw calmed down a bit I asked: ? What happened - 'In school a child pushed me when I got up I said "dumb" then began to mourn, he ran to the teacher and accused me that I hit , so I got a role for my parents, when I was beaten di nor let me explain. No one want-me saying that, her beautiful green eyes filled with tears again. Ahhh (sigh) It's fine if you want, just that they are selfish, I am here to listen and make you happy ... I once knew I could make you smile 'Really Souichi-sama, came the other day that my brother disappeared, I thought I'd see you, but you were gone when she opened the closet door, then I figured no longer volverías- 'll be back as I need, for that I'm here because I had told you hear a voice from outside. -Tetsuhiro, you better sleep and, silent and off the light- If Dad in a very soft voice After he came to me and said: - We sleep, Will you stay here? Do not disappear stay onegai Tenshi-sama Sure, you will not be sleep here just-

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Not to look at the small Morinaga was playing so Happily, but I needed to get closer to him, after all, had a Mission to make you happy, to return to where I belong. Unfortunately it was very close and I made a lot of noise, even complain a Little, then with the leaves of the trees was Hurting me feet,They were pretty annoying scraping and irritate my Sensitive Skin, it made my presence known after the Tree over my being seen. - Who's there? Salt now Monster, I'm going to Destroy -


COME CLOSER - Tell a child that was almost ask you, a few seconds later I was standing in front of me. - Sir, why this dress with plants?You are a Spirit of the Forest like in fairy tales?
no Brat, a Joker I take off my clothes, could I Borrow your coat? -
- Mmmmm... I Don't know what to do, should not talk with a Stranger, you don't look so bad, there's something about you that I like, but my coat is very important to me but she can't Fly -

what then if you bring me some clothes from your dad, Could you?I'm Here just to be with you, I've come a very long way to help you in whatever you want, but before you must do me this small favor?

- - I Don't know if I should ask my oniisan, he always knows what to do to not be Angry, my parents -

damn Worm, now I say to you, you know, he's afraid of his parents...

Don't tell anyone,If you are angry with me and I will punish you hit me? -
- Mmmm... I'm gonna help you wait here and I'll get you some clothes from my dad -

less Bad, if his Elder Brother see me NAKED you would think I am a Pervert, I hope not too long. Wait a bit and be right back. - Sir? -- is he still here?

- - Yeah, bring me the clothes at once -

- could you take me a little while? - that miserable Brat each

I said Lord makes me feel Strange, but it's obvious, is that you don't Know My Name.

I, you see I am dressed properly introduce myself, my name is and I Am Your Guardian Angel Souichi Tatsumi -

I'm small, but I'm no Fool, Souichi - San you is no Angel, Where Are Your Wings?
He's Smarter than I thought, now that I say? But I Know Things about him. - Yeah, but I Don't Have Wings of an Angel coming to take care of you Morinaga Tetsuhiro Morinaga, the youngest of the Family, your parents are working, but you watch your brother's always busy. So You run away and come to the Forest to play right? -
- Unbelievable! I have my own Angel,How do they know these things the Angels? We see all the time? -
- almost all the time, but what are the things that make you sad, talking about what those things are Morinaga kun?

- Don't tell me, you are my angel Tetsu - Call Me

- Tetsu kun, what are the things that make you sad? -
- Mmmm....hago piss all over the World, they don't like me near them,I always say that I -

to hear me saying that I began to understand what was happening, despite having Family, nobody paid any attention, Perhaps it was my duty. If that was the case then how long will stay here?

in the midst of my thoughts, my stomach was therefore not had enough time to eat something. - I had no idea that Angels Have Hungry, wait, I'll bring you something -

The Kid ran away, I Don't understand how children can have so much energy, I thought now in what I said. I was sad because I Don't Care, I have no idea what I should do. I hoped and expected, but now it was too late, so I decided to go in search of it.

I walked towards Home wondering what I would say about him?How could you know what mean? I am a Scientist Depart first by Analyzing the subject, so I need to know how to interact in their own world to know that I need to do. I have known on his way home, where every room.

I Don't know if this is breaking and entering his room, but as I was here, I'm going in through the window.I Don't see where the hell can anyone be? A Second What Is That Noise? I walked a little and look in the closet Crying off, open the closet:

- Waaaa, Tenshi - but what are you doing here?! - (Tenshi's Angel in Japanese)

I worry Because you were late, were you crying? -
- I hit my Niisan (ooohh... Was running and whining)... Is bad, scolded me because I Don't have to get out and be good,No running or screaming -

The Tears I could only see his tender embrace.

- nothing wrong, is that you want, that's why you care for something that doesn't happen -

I'm very naughty and noisy, i Control Myself -

Little couldn't speak well for crying, I thought that a Child Could not cry so silently i distract him to forget his sorrow.- I mean Tetsu Mori Kun how old are you? -
- I got six, I'm very big -

ha... Of course you only need to find a Job -

- work?

- Forgiveness - not only it was a joke, I mean If you're too big -

- Tenshi Sama really Hungry, I'm going to get some -

- First, you gotta promise not to tell anyone that I'm Here I discover something might Happen,Please do that for me? -

if Tenshi Sama - - Don't tell me, tell me - If Souichi Souichi -

- sama Innocence in that little Morinaga to melt my Cold Heart, needed me she was very Lonely, All morinagas I knew had a history similar so full of loneliness and abandonment.Maybe that's why we are so compatible, because I was the other side of the same coin, understood what was the loss of loved ones, but the opposite was all that was lacking, a loving family that supports unconditionally. Despite the loss of my mother, I was fortunate to have met you, and I taught that he was the most tender Love,Although the lose my heart seemed to have turned to Stone. Thanks to you, I still had a Heart So I'd broken in that Farewell, I esmeraré to regain what I Lost And Soon return to the side of that I expected, that would give everything to be by my side. He returned with the food, then he talked while I ate their Fantasies about DragonsAbout Super Heroes and things I saw on television, to be so small had a great Imagination, the closet Bag toys and play a few hours, was really a Bummer, but at that moment we hear:


Tetsuhiro who you talking - - Tenshi - sama

so I HID in the closet, heard him enter the room,When approached to open the closet it numbed my hands, my whole body disappeared again in a moment everything was Blur and then came back to be in the same place. As I heard nothing, then I opened the door, I could see that I was anything like the last time I was there, it was Night, no Toys, no was Morinaga,Far away but clearly hear the Voices of adults, first to a Woman:

- Just Grow Up, Don't Cry, follow your brother's example. Don't be like that, I Don't want to call back from your school, nothing to fight back then -

- a Male voice: Men Don't Cry, Don't be a faggot. You'd better behave or you'll be worse Next,What Don't you understand that your mother and I have to work. The Fights are for fools, now go to your room -

back to the closet to listen to Morinaga enter and open the wardrobe to hurry With Tears in their eyes.

- Tenshi - sama was surprised but with a Whimper Melancholy.

she clung to me in a Hug, that Brat made my heart Hurts So Bad treatment they received.When I saw that calmed a bit

I asked: what happened? -
- at School, a Boy pushed me when I woke up I said, "Fool" then started to cry, and ran to the Teacher accused me of him, so I got a part for my parents, they gave me when I left to explain. Nobody wants me to say so -

,Its Beautiful Green Eyes filling With Tears again

Oh. (sighs) it's okay if you want, only that they are Selfish, I am here to listen to you and make you happy... Again, I knew I could make you smile -

- really Souichi sama, the other day I entered my brother disappeared I thought you would, but you weren't when he opened the door of the closet,So I figured you'd Never -

- as long as you need me, that's why I'm here, I've already told you - we heard a voice from outside


- Tetsuhiro, you better go to sleep, keep quiet and turn off the Light -

if dad then quietly came to me and said:

- We Sleep, are you staying here? Don't disappear stay Onegai Tenshi - sama

-I sleep here, you are not alone -
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