El hombre le miro desconfiado pero al final lo dejo pasar, caminaron a dịch - El hombre le miro desconfiado pero al final lo dejo pasar, caminaron a Anh làm thế nào để nói

El hombre le miro desconfiado pero

El hombre le miro desconfiado pero al final lo dejo pasar, caminaron abajo para comer algo y una vez terminado de cenar Souji acerco su maletín y de ahí saco una pequeña bolsa que parecía de regalo.

-Un regalo.-Señalo el hombre y le acerco el paquete al niño que lo miraba desconcertado.

-Gracias.-Dijo Souichi y con calma lo fue abriendo. Y una vez abierto vio en su interior lo que parecía ser un shorts, lo que dejo boquiabierto al niño, quien comenzó a temblar.

-Lo vi y pensé que te iría bien, si quieres podemos ir este sábado a que te compre una camisa que le haga juego, pronto el calor sera insoportable y tendrás que desacerté de esas prendas largas que acostumbras ponerte. ¿Porqué no te lo pruebas?.

-¡No quiero!

El hombre miró impresionado y bajo la taza de té que en sus dedos traía, nunca el niño le había dicho algo semejante, usualmente siempre hacía lo que él quería.

-¿Qué haz dicho Souichi?.-dijo con el ceño fruncido.

-Lo siento padre, no veo conveniente para mi probarme algo tan corto, no me gusta, no lo quiero, me gustan mis pantalones largos y mis camisas holgadas.-Entonces no supo en que momento sus ojos le comenzaron a picar dejando caer las lágrimas una vez más por sus mejillas.

-No seas arrogante Souichi, simplemente lo quiero ver puesto en ti, no tiene nada de malo, pruébate eso y si no te queda veremos que haremos, no tiene nada de malo que pruebes un cambio de look.-Souji se acerco un poco y trato de ayudar aquel su hijo más grande tratase de cambiar de opinión, Souichi se asusto de lo cerca que estaba su padre y en un movimiento rápido trato de apartarlo pero su padre fue más rápido y justo lo tomo de la muñeca lastimada, de sus labios salio un gemido de dolor, aún la piel le hervía de dolor y las punzadas que antes se habían calmado volvían a apoderarse de él, su padre le miro raro, e inteligente mente fijo su mirada en la muñeca desnuda de su hijo, y se encontró con el tremendo moretón que desde hacia un rato Souichi ocultaba debajo de su camisa de manga larga.

No tardo un segundo para alzarle la manga y encontrarse con más de aquellos manchones oscuros en la piel pálida de su hijo, algunos rojizos y otros más viejos con un color que se asemejaba al verde y al morado.

-¿Qué son estos Souichi?.-Pregunto alarmado pero con aquella voz que tenía el niño lo tomo como de enojo en lugar de preocupación, el pequeño comenzó a llorar más sintiendo con ello sus mejillas volverse rojas, tenía miedo de que su propio padre le reprimiera y lo castigara. Porque se veía enojado.

-No, no papá no me hagas ponerme el shorts, déjame por favor, no he hecho nada malo.-Trataba de defenderse el infante de algo que quizás no era necesario, hizo que su padre se preocupara más, le levanto el pantalón y se encontró todavía más con esas magulladuras, soltó a su hijo y con aún más preocupación le levanto la camisa a pesar de los forcejeo de castaño, y más moretones.

-¿Souichi que pasa?.-Dijo con un tono más relajado lo que hizo que el niño se diera por vencido, A ese punto, ¿Quien es capaz de mentir?.

-Unos niños...-Dijo pero cayo de inmediato, tenía que inhalar aire antes de desplomarse una vez mas en su patético llanto.-Me molestan.


-Un niño llamado Ryu. y sus amigos de distintos grados.


Souichi miró con el Ceño fruncido a su padre, le avergonzaba que aquel viejo hombre pusiera aquella mirada, no le gustaba que se preocupara por él, él podía defenderse solo (Claro), su padre tenía que preocuparse por Kanako y por Tomoe, no por él, de todos modos ya no podía ocultar la verdad de su situación con Ryu, mentir en ese punto sería incluso más difícil que decir la verdad.

-Se rumoreo que le escribí una carta de amor un chico de ultimo grado...-Hizo una pausa y trato de calmar su temblar.-Hace dos o tres años...

Hubo un silencio incomodo, Souichi quería salir corriendo a su habitación, encerrarse y llorar a mares, quería dejar de ver a su padre, quería que el viejo dejase de suspirar lastimero de él. Pero eso ya no era una opción, ahora ¿Qué pasaría? seguramente lo obvio, diría su padre que hablaría con la mamá de Ryu y con el director de la escuela, y después Ryu diría una disculpa con su nariz moquienta y con unas cuantas lágrimas de cocodrilo que solo bastarían para engañar a todos, menos a él.

Pero en lugar de que le preguntase por el nombre completo de Ryu o de su dirección, pregunto cosas distintas.

-¿Es cierto lo de la carta?.

-No, no lo es, ni siquiera conozco al tipo.

-¿Te han estado molestando tantos años con golpes? ¿O cuando inicio la agresión física?.

-No, los golpes vinieron el grado pasado, al principio solo me molestaban diciéndome cosas o haciendo bromas pesadas.

-¿Porqué no me dijiste?

-Porqué no quiero que te preocupes por mi, no quiero sentir que soy una carga aún más fuerte de lo que ya soy.

Souji miró a su hijo, se levanto de su asiento y dejó el vaso vació de té en el lugar de los trastos sucios, meneo la cabeza y con el ceño fruncido miró a su hijo.

-Mañana no iras a la escuela. Iremos al doctor, no me gustaría descubrir que mi hijo esta medio muerto... hablare con el director mañana por la mañana, también, sería bueno ir a buscar alguna nueva escuela... ahora vete a dormir, mañana sera un día muy largo.


Souichi se despertó por si mismo una hora antes que amaneciera, el cuerpo lo sentía pesado y aún el sueño le quebrantaba el alma, se sentía cansado y con ganas de no hacer nada ese día, hubiese preferido seguir ocultando su situación, por que solo faltaba un año más para que saliera de la escuela primaria y entrara a la secundaria, había elegido una que ninguno de su salón habría querido elegir, por que su plan de estudios parecía muy complicado y también su colegiatura era bastante cara, no le había dicho aún a su papá de aquella escuela, pero sabía que no le diría que no. Pero su plan maestro se había ido a la mierda cuando su padre le menciono la noche anterior que hablaría con el director de su escuela. "Muy tarde Souichi, muy tarde", intentó imaginar como sería la conversación entre su padre y la madre de Ryu, él siendo tratado como la victima de sus vanos acuso, pero para "suerte" de él, tenía la evidencia palpándole la piel y también era un niño que siempre decía la verdad, los profesores no creían en Ryu después de verlo robar en la cafetería unos panes que valían 1000 yenes, no mucho a comparación de otros que valían incluso 10000 yenes.

-¿Souichi? ¿Estas despierto?.-La voz de Souji le interrumpió el pensamiento, ¿Cuanto tiempo se había quedado hipnotizado en la nada de su imaginación?. Dio un suspiro pesado y se trato de cubrir la cabeza en un inútil movimiento, puesto que su muñeca aún era testigo del dolor que acompaño a la patada de días antes de alguno de los amigos de Ryu.

-Si, ahora lo estoy.-Dijo con voz cansada.

-Hable con el director por teléfono.-Apresuro a decir su padre quien aún permanecía en la puerta, curiosamente Souichi vio el teléfono inalambrico en su mano, supuso que si, realmente su padre había halado por teléfono con el director.-Le he explicado brevemente lo que ha pasado y parece estar indignado, me ha dicho que hablara con tus profesores para que sepan tu ausencia, pero he dicho yo que preferiría que eso fuera con cautela, no me gustaría que se formaran rumores.-Su padre hizo un poco de silencio y Souichi miro en sus ojos un poco de cansancio, ¿En serio todo eso era necesario?.- Iremos al doctor primero, ya hice la cita.

-¿Iras a hablar con la mamá de Ryu?.-Pregunto Souichi una vez que se sentó en el filo de la cama y se ponía los lentes que siempre dejaba en la mesita de noche.

-Si, lo tengo que hacer, lo que hace ese niño no esta bien... no es correcto que ella no lo sepa, pero no te preocupes, te cambiaré de escuela lo más rápido que pueda.

Souji le miró preocupado, y dejo a su hijo en la penumbra de su habitación, no tenía que decirle que tenía que cambiarse, ni mucho menos que lo esperaría abajo en la puerta, había algo de culpa en su ser, de impotencia al ver los golpes que su hijo tenía en el cuerpo, sentía rabia de que no lo pudiese defender pero quizás ahora que Souichi tendría la oportunidad de comenzar de nuevo, le podría explicar unas cuantas cosas más. Pero lo primordial sería que tendría que inscribir a su hijo a alguna clase de karate o de tae kwon do, y a defensa personal, no le gustaba la violencia, pero él no estaría siempre para defenderlo, y el tendría o que hacerse más fuerte o hacerse más inteligente para evadir problemas de ese tipo, pero sobre todo su pequeño retoño tendría que aprender a defenderse y a no temer.

Souichi respiro cansado y los ojos le comenzaron a picar una vez más, todo lo que había vivido a penas ayer le mareaba la cabeza y hacía que sintiera la bilis y toda la comida de una semana revolverle el estomago amenazándolo con devolverlo todo en el suelo, aún tenía sueño, aún quería dormir pero temía que si doria nunca volvería a abrir los ojos, entonces en su desesperación comenzó a gritar y llorar con todo lo que había guardado por tres años, las burlas, los abusos, la perdida de su madre, los golpes y cada una de sus heridas desaparecían con aquel sonido que venía de la boca del estomago, con la cálidas lagrimas que recorrían sus mejillas. Parecía que el dolor ya no existía.
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Man look you suspicious but ultimately left him pass, stepped down to eat something and once dine Souji came his briefcase and hence a small pouch that seemed gift bag.-A gift-point man and approached the package a child who looked at him puzzled.-Thank you-said Souichi and calmly was opening it. And once open you saw inside what appeared to be a shorts, I leave amazed the boy, who began to tremble.-I saw and I thought that it would do you well, if you want we can go this Saturday to buy you a shirt that you game, soon will be unbearable heat and you'll have that I desacerté of these long clothes that you used to get. Why not you try it?.-Don't want to!The man looked impressed and under the cup of tea that his fingers brought, never the child had said something similar, usually always did what he wanted.-What ever that Souichi?. -He said scowling.-It sorry father, I see not suitable for my try me something so short, I don't like, I don't want it, I like my trousers and my shirts loose.-then did not know that moment their eyes began you to chop dropping tears once more down her cheeks.-Don't be arrogant Souichi, I just want to see put in you, there's nothing wrong, try that and if you are not, we will see that we will do, has nothing wrong to try a change of look.-Souji approached a little and I try to help him his largest son were change of opinion, Souichi is scared of close was his father and in one quick motion I try to remove him but his father was more rapid and just take it hurt wrist, from his lips came a groan of pain, even skin him boiling of pain and twinges that before had been calm returning to take possession of it, his father miro you rare, intelligent mind fixed his gaze on the naked doll your child and met with the tremendous moreton which since towards a time Souichi hiding under his long sleeve shirt.Not takes a second to raise her sleeve and find more of those dark patches in the pale skin of his son, some reddish and other older with a color resembling green and purple.-What are these Souichi?. -I asked alarmed, but with that voice that had the child took it as anger rather than concern, little began to cry more this feeling her cheeks becoming red, afraid that his own father gassed, brutalized him and punish him. Because he was angry.-No, not Pope I don't wear shorts, please, let me have not done anything wrong-it was defend the infant with even more concern and something that was perhaps not necessary, made that his father would worry more, get up you pants and met even more with these bruises, dropped his son levanto le shirt despite struggle the chestnut , and more bruising.-Do Souichi what?. -Said with a more relaxed tone which meant that the child would be given up to that point, would who is able to lie?.-A few children...-He said but Gaius immediately had to inhale air before collapsing once more in her pathetic cry-they annoy Me.-THOSE WHO?.-A boy named Ryu. and friends of varying degrees.-Why?...Souichi looked with gathering his father frowned, it embarrassed her that the old man would that look, you didn't that worry him, he could defend himself only (Claro), his father had to worry by Kanako and Tomoe, not him, anyway already could not hide the truth of his situation with Ryu, lying at that point would be even more difficult than telling the truth.-It was rumored that I wrote him a love letter a guy of last degree...-did a pause and try to calm their Quake-two or three years ago...There was a silence uncomfortable, Souichi wanted to run to his room, locked up and cry to seas, I wanted to leave to see his father, want the old left of sorrowful sigh from him. But that was no longer an option, now what? surely obvious, say his father who would talk with the mother of Ryu and the principal of the school, and after Ryu would say an apology with your runny nose and a few crocodile tears that only would be enough to fool everyone, less to it.But all that ask you for the full name of Ryu or your address, ask you different things.-Is it true about the letter?.-No, isn't it, I don't even know the type.-You have been bothering so many years with hits? Or when I start physical aggression?-No shock came the last degree, at the beginning they bothered me telling me things or making jokes.-Do not you told me?-Why I don't want to worry about me, I want to feel that I am a still stronger than load as I am.Souji looked at his son, got up from his seat and left the vessel empty tea instead of dirty tackle, bobbing his head and scowling looked at his son.-Tomorrow will not go to school. We'll go to the doctor, I would not discover that my son is half dead... speak with director tomorrow morning, too, it would be good to get some new school... now go to sleep, tomorrow will be a very long day.(...)Souichi awaked by itself itself one hour before it amaneciera, body felt so heavy and even sleep cause you soul, felt tired and wanting to do nothing that day, I would have preferred to continue hiding his situation, that was missing only one year more so leave elementary school and enter secondary school , it had chosen one which none of her salon would have wanted to choose that its curriculum seemed very complicated his tuition was also quite expensive, and he had not told even to his dad in that school, but knew that I would not say that not. But his master plan had gone to shit when your father mention you last night that he would speak with the principal at your school. "Very late Souichi, too late", he tried to imagine as it would be the conversation between his father and the mother of Ryu, accuse him being treated as victim of their openings, but for "luck", had evidence touching her skin and it was also a child who always told the truth, teachers did not believe in Ryu after seeing him steal in the cafeteria a few loaves that were worth 1000 yen not much compared to others that were worth even 10000 yen.-Do Souichi? Do these awake?. -The voice of Souji interrupted her thought, would long be had been hypnotized nothing of his imagination?. He gave a heavy sigh and I try to cover in a useless movement, since his wrist was still witness to the pain that I accompany the kick of days before any of the friends of Ryu.-Yes, am now.-She said in a tired voice.-Talk with the director by phone.-hasten to tell his father who still remained at the gate, curiously Souichi saw the cordless phone in your hand, it meant that if, really his father had pulled over the phone with the director-I have explained briefly what happened and seems to be outraged, he told me to talk to your teachers so they know your absence , but I said I that I would prefer that that out cautiously, I wouldn't want to rumors-formed his father made a bit of silence and Souichi look in his eyes a bit of tiredness, seriously all that was needed?. -We go to the doctor first, I already made the appointment.-Do iras to talk with Ryu MOM?. -I ask Souichi once sat on the edge of the bed and put the lenses that always left on the nightstand.-Yes, I have to do, what makes that child is well... no it is not correct that she not know it, but don't worry, you will change from school as quickly which can.Souji looked worried, and I leave it to his son in the darkness of your room, didn't have to tell him that he had to change, or much less that I would expect him down at the door, had some guilt in his being, of impotence when it hits that his son had in the body, felt anger that could not defend it but perhaps now that Souichi would have the opportunity to start again you could explain a few more things. The key would be that you would have to enroll your child in any class of karate or tae kwon do and self-defense, you did not like violence, but he would not be always to defend it, and it would be or to get stronger or make smarter to avoid problems of this kind, but on all your little sprout would have to learn to defend themselves and not to fear.Souichi tired breath and eyes started you itching again, everything had lived barely yesterday dizzy you head and made you feel bile and all the food a week stir the stomach threatening to return it all on the floor, I was still sleepy, I still wanted to sleep but feared that if doria he would never open his eyes then in his desperation he began to shout and cry with everything what had kept for three years, teasing, abuse, loss of his mother, hits and each of his wounds disappeared with the sound coming from the mouth of the stomach, with the warm tears that they ran through their cheeks. It seemed that the pain no longer existed.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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The man looked suspicious but ultimately let it go, walked down to eat something and once finished dinner Souji brought his briefcase and pulled out a small bag there seemed gift. -A regalo.-I point the man approached him Package boy looked puzzled. -Gracias.-Souichi and calmly said it was opening. And after opening was inside what appeared to be a shorts, which left stunned the child, who began to tremble. 'I saw him and thought that you would be fine, if you want we can go on Saturday to buy you a shirt Match will soon be unbearable heat and have to desacerté of those long clothes that you usually wear. Why do not you try ?. -I do not want! The man looked shocked and under the cup of tea in her fingers had, never the child had said something similar, usually always did what he wanted. What do Souichi said? .- said with a frown. I'm sorry father, I see convenient for me to prove something so short, I do not like, I do not want it, I like my pants and my shirt holgadas.-Then I did not know that moment his eyes he began to itch dropping tears once more down her cheeks. Do not be arrogant Souichi, I just want to see placed on you, there's nothing wrong, try on that and if you is not see that we will not Nothing wrong to try a change of look.-Souji I moved a little and try to help your older child that cared to change your mind, Souichi was scared of how close it was his father and in one swift movement tried to remove him but his father was faster and just took his injured wrist, his lips came a groan of pain, her skin still seething with pain and throbbing that had previously been calm returned to seize him, his father would look weird , and intelligent mind fixed his gaze on the naked wrist of her son, and met with tremendous bruise from towards Souichi while hiding under his shirt with long sleeves. I did not take a second to raise her sleeve and found more than those dark splotches on the pale skin of her son, some reddish and other older with a color resembling the green and purple. What are these Souichi? .- alarmed but with that voice that had the boy asked what took as anger rather than concern, he began to mourn little more feeling with it his cheeks turn red, he was afraid that his father would repress and punish him. Because it looked angry. No, not Dad do not make me wear the shorts, please let me, I have not done anything malo.-infant was trying to defend something that perhaps was not necessary, made ​​his father cared more, we I pick up the pants and found even more with those bruises, he released his son and with further concern raised her shirt despite the struggle of brown, and bruises. -¿Souichi happens? .- he said with a tone more relaxed which made ​​the boy give up, At that point, who is capable of lying ?. children 'About ...- but fell immediately said, had to inhale air before collapsing once more in his pathetic llanto.-bother me. -Who ?. A boy called Ryu. and friends of varying degrees. -Why? ... Souichi looked frowning his father, he was ashamed that old man put that look, did not like to worry about him, he could defend himself (Claro) His father had to worry about Kanako and Tomoe, not for him, anyway could no longer hide the truth of their situation with Ryu, lying at that point would be even harder to tell the truth. He rumored that I wrote him a love letter from a guy last grade ...- He paused and tried to calm her temblar.-two or three years ago ... There was an awkward silence, Souichi wanted to run to her room, shut mourn and buckets I wanted to stop seeing his father wanted the old leave him plaintive sigh. But that was no longer an option, now What? surely the obvious, his father would talk to Ryu's mother and the school principal, and then say an apology Ryu with her ​​runny nose and a few crocodile tears only be enough to fool everyone but him . Instead of me to ask for the full name or address Ryu, I ask different things. Is it true about the letter ?. No, it is not, do not even know the guy. -¿Te have I been bothering many years with hits? Or when I start physical aggression ?. No, I came to blows last degree, at first only bothered me saying things or doing jokes. -Why did not you tell me? Because I do not want you to worry about me, I do not want feel I'm even stronger than I am and load. Souji looked at his son, he rose from his seat and left the empty glass of tea in the place of the dirty dishes, shook his head and frowning looked at her son. Tomorrow will not go to school. We go to the doctor, I do not like to discover that my son died this means ... speak to the manager in the morning, too, would be nice to go and get some new school ... now go to sleep, tomorrow will be a very long day . (...) Souichi itself awoke an hour before dawn, the body felt heavy and still sleep broke her soul, was tired and eager to do anything that day, would have preferred to conceal their situation, which only needed one more year to get out of primary school and entered the school, had chosen a room that none of his beloved would choose, for your curriculum seemed very complicated and also their tuition was quite expensive , she had not yet told his dad that school, but knew he would not say no. But his master plan had been to hell when her father mentioned the night before he would talk to the school principal. "Too late Souichi, too late", he tried to imagine what the conversation between his father and mother Ryu, it being treated as a victim of his vain accuse, but to "luck" him had evidence like feeling skin and he was also a child who always told the truth, the teachers did not believe him Ryu after stealing some bread in the cafeteria were worth 1,000 yen, not much compared to others even worth 10,000 yen. -¿Souichi? Are you awake? .-'s Voice interrupted Souji thought, how long he had been hypnotized into nothingness of your imagination ?. Gave a heavy sigh and tried to cover her head in a futile movement, since its wrist was still witness the pain that accompanied the kick days before one of Ryu's friends. Yes, now estoy. Said wearily. -Talk to the director by teléfono.-quick to say his father who was still at the door, curiously Souichi saw the cordless phone in her hand, assumed that if his father had actually pulled the phone with the director. 'I've explained briefly what happened and seems to be angry, told me to talk to your teachers so they know your absence, but I said I would prefer that to be cautious, I would not like to be formed rumores.-Su father made ​​a little quiet and Souichi look in his eyes a little tired, Really all that was necessary? .- We will go to the doctor first, since I made ​​the appointment. Will you go and talk to the mother of Ryu? .- Souichi asked once sat on the edge of the bed and lenses that always left on the bedside table set. Yes, I have to do, what makes that kid is not right ... it's not right she does not know, but do not worry, I will change school as quickly as possible. Souji looked worried and left his son in the darkness of his room, he did not have to tell him that he had to change, much less that I expect down the door, there was some fault in his being powerless to see the blows that his son was in the body, I felt anger that do not could defend but perhaps now that Souichi have a chance to start over, you could explain a few things. But the bottom line would be that would have to enroll your child some sort of karate or tae kwon do, as self-defense, did not like violence, but he would always be to defend it, and would have or to get stronger or become smarter to avoid such problems, but especially his little offspring would have to learn to defend themselves and not fear. Souichi tired breath and his eyes began to itch again, everything had barely lived her dizzy head yesterday and made ​​him feel bile and all the food a week ruffle stomach threatening to return all on the floor, still was sleepy, still I want to sleep but feared that if ever Dorian would open his eyes, then in desperation began to scream and mourn with all that had kept for three years, teasing, abuse, the loss of his mother, blows and each of his wounds disappeared with the sound coming from the pit of the stomach, with the warm tears that ran her cheeks. It seemed that the pain was gone.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Didn't take a second to alzarle sleeve and find more of those dark patches in the pale skin of her son, and some other old with a more Reddish color that resembled the Green And Purple. Souichi

- What are these? Wonder. - but that Voice which had alarmed the Child took it as Anger instead of Concern,The Man looked suspicious, but eventually let him Pass, walked down to eat, and after dinner there souji approached his briefcase and pulled out a small bag that looked like a gift.

- This is a present. - The Man approached her and said the package to the boy, who looked at him puzzled.
. - He said it was Opening Souichi and calmly.Once opened and saw inside what appeared to be a shorts, which left gaping at the Child, who began to Tremble.

I saw it and I thought that you would do well, if you want, we can go this Saturday to buy you a Shirt To Go with it, soon you will be unbearable Heat and desacerté such Long Garments that you wear. Why don't you try it? - I Don't want.


The Man looked impressed and under the cup of tea in her fingers was never the Child had said something similar, usually always did what he wanted. - What did you say Souichi

? - He said with a frown.

I see my father, not convenient to prove something so short, I Don't like it, I Don't want to, I like my trousers and my Baggy shirts.- then I knew at that moment his eyes began to Itch again dropping Tears on his Cheeks. - Don't be arrogant Souichi, just want to see it on you, there is nothing wrong, try it and see if you don't have to do it, there's nothing wrong with you a change of look.- a Little souji came and tried to help her son was the biggest change of mind, Souichi is scared of how close was his father and in one quick movement tried to move but his father was faster and Just grab his wrist Hurt, his lips came a Groan of pain.Even the skin boiled and Throbbing Pain that had calmed down before returning to seize him, his father looked at him funny and Clever Mind, fixed his gaze on the naked Wrist of his son, and met with huge bruise for a while Souichi hiding under his shirt sleeve.

Didn't take a second to alzarle sleeve and find more of those dark patches in the pale skin of her son, and some other old with a more Reddish color that resembled the Green And Purple. Souichi

- What are these? Wonder. - but that Voice which had alarmed the Child took it as Anger instead of Concern,The Boy began to cry more feeling with his Cheeks turn red, feared that his own father would repress and punish him. Because he was mad. - No, no, dad, I do not wear shorts, let me please, I haven't done anything wrong - trying to fend off the Infant of something that it might not be necessary, LED his father to worry more.He lifted the pants and found even more with those bruises, he let his son and even more concern lifted her shirt despite the struggle of Chestnut, and more bruises.

- Souichi Goes? - with a more relaxed Tone that made the Child give up to that point, who is able to lie?

- Children - but Fell immediately said,His father had to worry about Kanako and Tomoe, not him, anyway i couldn't hide the truth of their situation with Ryu, Lie at that point would be even more difficult to tell the truth. - it is rumoured that he wrote a Love Letter to a Boy made a last grade... Pause and tried to calm her temblar. - two or three years ago there was an Uncomfortable Silence...

,I had to inhale air before collapsing once more in his pathetic llanto. - Bother Me. - Who? .

- A Boy Named Ryu. And Friends of different degrees. - Why? Souichi...

frowned at his father, ashamed of that old man got that look, he didn't worry about him, he could defend himself (CLEAR)And after Ryu with his nose moquienta Say an apology and a few Crocodile Tears alone would be sufficient to deceive everyone, except him. But instead of asking for the full name of Ryu or address, Wonder things different. - is it true?

- No, IT's not, I Don't even know the guy. - have you been bothering you with so many years?Souichi wanted to run to her room, Hide And Cry, I wanted to stop seeing his father wanted the old Let me sigh for him. But that was not an option, Now What? Surely the obvious, say his father to talk to the Mom of Ryu and the Director of the School,When home or Physical Aggression?

- came Last, beating degree, at first only bothered me telling me things or making Jokes. - Why didn't you tell me?

- Why don't You Worry About me, I Don't want to feel like a burden I am stronger than I already am.

souji looked at his son,Tomorrow will be a long day. (

...) Souichi woke up for yourself an hour before Dawn, The Body felt heavy and even the Dream he had broken the soul, he felt tired and wanted to do nothing that day, would have preferred to continue hiding their situation, only missing One more year to Leave Primary School and go to High School.He had chosen a none of its Chamber would have wanted to choose, so that their curriculum was very complicated and also his Tuition was expensive, I had not yet told his dad that school, but he knew that he'd Say no. but his master plan went to Shit when his father he mentioned the previous night to speak with Your school principal."Souichi very late, very late," tried to imagine the conversation between the Father and the mother of Ryu, he being treated as the victim of their Vain accused for "Lucky", but he had the evidence palpándole skin and also was a child who always told the Truth, The teachers did not believe in Ryu after Seeing him steal some bread in the cafeteria that was worth 1000 yenNot much compared to even other Worth 10000 yen.

- Souichi? Are you awake? - The Voice of souji interrupted thought, the time had been Hypnotized into anything Your Imagination? Gave a heavy Sigh. And tried to cover the head in a useless movementSince your Wrist still witnessed the pain that accompanied The Kick of days before any of the friends of Ryu.
I - Said with a Tired Voice.

- talk with the Director - quick to tell her father who was still in the door, Curiously Souichi saw the Wireless Phone in his hand, he assumed that if his father had really pulled by phone with the director.He Rose from his seat and left the empty glass of tea in the place of the dirty dishes, and shook his head with a frown looked at his son. - You're not going to School tomorrow. Go to the doctor, I would like to discover that my son is dead... I'll talk to the manager Tomorrow, it would also be good to go to look for some new school... Now go to sleep,I've already made the appointment. - You're going to talk to the Mom of Ryu? - Ask Souichi once sat on the edge of the bed and put the glasses who always left in the bedside table. - Yes, I do, what that child is not good... It is not right that she does not know it, but don't worry, i'il change my school faster.

souji looked worried,- I explained briefly what has happened and seems to be indignant, told me to talk to your Professors to know your absence, but I said I prefer it out carefully, I would not like to be rumores. - his father had a Little Silence and Souichi look in his eyes a little tired, really all that was necessary? - go to the doctor First.And Left His son in the Dusk of his room, I had to tell him he had to be changed, much less to wait downstairs, there was something in his Guilt, helplessness, seeing that her son was beaten in the body, feeling Anger that I could Defend but perhaps now that Souichi would have the opportunity to begin Again,But on all your little child have to learn to defend themselves and to not be afraid.
Souichi Breath tired and her eyes began to Itch again, everything I had lived just yesterday I was feeling Dizzy Head and Bile and all the food a week turn your stomach threatening to return it all. On the floor, I still had a Dream,Could you explain a few things. But the main thing is you would have to register your child to some kind of Karate or Tae Kwon Do, and self-defense, disliked violence, but he'd always to defend him, and would have to be stronger or more intelligent to avoid problems that guy,It seemed that the pain was gone.Still wanted to sleep but I was afraid if Doria never to open the eyes, then in his desperation began to scream and cry with all that had been kept for three years, teasing, abuse, loss of his mother, shock and each of his wounds disappeared with the sound that came out of the mouth of the stomach, with warm tears up her cheeks.
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