-No peleen... por favor- volví a hablar pero nuevamente fui ignorado.
-¡Ay si claro! No confías en mí. Solo dejaste que escuchara tu historia porque no te quedó de otra, pues YO NO ME IBA A MOVER DE ESTA MESA-
-¡BASTA!- grité y se callaron de inmediato –¿Acaso siempre tienen que pelear?- los regañé –Desde que los presenté paran gritándose. Ni siquiera pueden mantener una conversación sin llegar a los insultos-
-Así es, Mori. Es por eso que debo rechazar tu oferta. Gracias por invitarme a cenar, pero debo irme- respondió Taiga con orgullo.
-¿Pero... a dónde irás?-
-No lo sé. Ya no tengo trabajo y gasté casi todos mis ahorros en todo este tema de investigar a Takasu, así que con el poco dinero que tengo... no sé... alquilaré un pequeño cuarto... o... ya veo cómo me las arreglo- sonrió melancólicamente –Antes de irme... ¿me prestas tu baño, por favor?-
-Claro- dije desanimado –Entrando al pasillo a la derecha-
Taiga se puso de pie y corrió al baño. A decir verdad... no podía dejar que Taiga se vaya en el estado que está. Estaba golpeada, deprimida, sola, casi sin dinero y... el loco asesino de su ex novio la estaría buscando para matarla. No... no puedo hacerle eso... no puedo echarla de mi casa. Si hago eso... la estoy poniendo en peligro, pero... ahhh... no puedo seguir contradiciendo a Sempai. Él no quiere que Taiga se quede, pero... no puedo estar tranquilo sabiendo que Taiga está sola... en la calle... buscando a dónde ir... en una noche de domingo. No soy tan desalmado para no apoyarla, si ella tan amablemente me ayudó a mí cuando yo lo necesitaba. Definitivamente debo convencer a Sempai que deje que Taiga se quede aquí con nosotros... por lo menos un corto tiempo o hasta que ella encuentre un trabajo y pueda pagar aunque sea el alquiler de un mini departamento.
Cuando miré a Sempai, vi que estaba prendiendo un cigarro y empezó a fumar...
-Sempai...- suspiré –Sempai, escucha-
-No, Morinaga. Fui bien claro-
-Lo sé, pero...-
-No voy a dormir bajo el mismo techo que esa loca-
-¡No tiene a dónde ir!-
-Ya conseguirá algo-
-¿Pero... a estas horas de la noche?-
-Ese no es nuestro problema-
-No, Morinaga. Lo siento-
-Takasu debe estar buscándola para matarla-
-¡Ja! Peor todavía- se indignó –Si dejamos que tu "amiguita" se esconda aquí, la estaríamos ayudando; y eso también nos traerá problemas con el LOCO de su ex novio-
-Seremos cuidadosos y discretos con ese tema. Pero por favor... deja que se quede-
-No voy a poner nuestras vidas en peligro solamente por un CAPRICHO-
-Nadie va a hacernos nada-
-Tú mismo dices que Takasu es peligroso ¿no?-
-Sí, pero... peligroso para ella. Yo no le tengo miedo. Ni siquiera lo odio-
-Baka. ¿No lo recuerdas?- me regañó –Cuando estabas en el hospital, recuperándote de lo que te hizo el otaku,... Takasu y Taiga vinieron a verte-
-Sí... lo recuerdo-
-¿No notaste la forma en la que Takasu te miraba y te hablaba? ES OBVIO QUE TE ODIA-
-Bueno... así me odie o no, es imposible que me haga daño. Yo no le he hecho nada malo-
-¡NO LE DES MOTIVOS, ENTONCES!- gritó –Lo que haya pasado entre Takasu y Taiga es problema de ELLOS. Desde un principio te dije que no te metas en asuntos que NO te competen. Y si tú escondes a Taiga... ya te estás involucrando y encima... en contra de Takasu-
-Sempai... no exageres- lo calmé –Además... sé defenderme-
-¿No escuchaste a tu amiguita?- se burló –Takasu tiene dinero y poder. Si puede burlar a la ley, obviamente que va a poder lastimarte así seas cinturón negro en karate- suspiró –Yo... yo no quiero que te pase nada. Tengo miedo que...- se puso nervioso –Tengo miedo que Takasu sea aún PEOR que el otaku. No… no quiero volver a vivir esos momentos-
-...Ay...- respiré hondo –Sempai... entiendo tu preocupación- lo miré a los ojos e intenté hacerlo comprender –Pero... no puedo abandonar a Taiga en un momento como este- suspiré –Por favor... deja que Taiga se quede... por lo menos... por lo menos hasta que encuentre un empleo y pueda pagarse un lugar donde vivir-
-Lo siento, Morinaga. Pero no-
-Por favor, Sempai. No seas tan inhumano. Taiga podrá mostrarse dura, pero por dentro está asustada y desesperada. La conozco y es... parecida a ti- sonreí melancólicamente.
-¿Eh?- se ofendió.
-Sí. Tú también eres así... duro por fuera... pero por dentro puede ser muy sensible y amarme muchísimo-
-Deja las cursilería, baka. Y no me compares con ESA- dijo indignado.
-El punto es que...- me puse algo sentimental –En verdad... nos necesita. De no ser así... no hubiera venido hasta nuestra casa-
-Es solo porque no conoce a nadie más en Nagoya-
-Imagínate si Kanako-chan pasara por una situación similar... que esté desesperada por conseguir ayuda, un lugar donde quedarse por un tiempo, y... una persona igual a ti... le cierre las puertas de su casa y la deje sola a su suerte-
-¿Cómo te sentirías?-
-¡Ay ya! ¡No me hagas sentir mal!- explotó de la cólera –Una semana ¿entiendes? UNA SEMANA. Es todo-
-Pero Sempai... es muy poco tiempo como para buscar un trabajo. Al menos dale 2 meses y...-
-¿Dos meses? ¿ESTÁS LOCO?-
-Por favor, Sempai-
-Dije UNA semana- aclaró seriamente –Tómalo o déjalo-
-...- me resigné –Está bien... lo tomo-
Había convencido a Sempai. Taiga se iba a quedar con nosotros… bueno… al menos una semana. Estaba tan feliz… no solo por el hecho de protegerla, sino también porque tendría a mi mejor amiga cerca. Tan solo me preocupaba el hecho que Sempai y Taiga se lleven bien. Ellos no mantienen una conversación sin llegar a los gritos y a los insultos y… a las peleas. A veces parecía que se odiaran. Pero el punto es que estaba feliz. Tal vez Takasu descubra que ayudé a Taiga y me agarre más odio del que ya tiene me tiene, pero… NO ME IMPORTA. Yo a Takasu NO LE TENGO MIEDO. Es más… me encantaría cruzármelo por la calle para ROMPERLE LA CARA. Lo que le hizo a Taiga es imperdonable… empezando porque siempre fue un hombre casado y encima con UN HIJO. Ese imbécil le hizo daño tanto a Taiga como a su esposa e hijo. Aunque Sempai haya dicho una semana, yo estaba seguro que al final… Sempai se compadecería y dejaría que se quede más tiempo. Lo único que sí me preocupaba era que Taiga debía conseguir un empleo rápido.
Recogí la mesa y estaba lavando los platos, mientras que Sempai se había sentado cómodamente en el sofá, con un cigarro en la mano, leyendo un libro, y bebiendo un poco de café. De pronto… Taiga salió del baño bastante desanimada…
-Bueno, Mori… muchas gracias por la cena y…-
-¡Espera, Taiga!- expresé terminando de lavar los platos y acercándome a Taiga, mientras que Sempai seguía concentrado en su libro –Sempai dijo que te puedes quedar- sonreí.
-¿Qué? ¿Enserio Souichi aceptó?-
-Vaya… tú sí que sabes cómo manejar a ese tirano jaja- dijo en son de broma.
-Mocosa… si vas a burlarte… te puedes largar de aquí- Sempai habló sin ni siquiera mirarnos.
-Mira, tirano… si fuera por mí... me iría, pero la verdad no tengo a donde ir… así que me quedo con ustedes-
-Por favor… no peleen- volví a calmarlos –Taiga… si vas a quedarte, trata de ser más amable con Sempai, por favor-
-Yo seré amable con él, si él también se porta bien conmigo-
-¡JA! Yo no tengo por qué hacerlo. Esta es MI CASA y yo hago y digo lo que se me pegue la gana- expresó muy orgulloso –Y si no te gusta… mira… ahí está la puerta- señaló aún sentado cómodamente en el sofá.
-¿Perdón? ¿Cómo te atreves a decirme eso?- Taiga estaba muy ofendida.
-Ehh…. Taiga… por favor… enserio… no pelees con Sempai- me puse en medio de los dos –Aunque sea… hazlo por mí-
-Está bien, lo haré SOLO por ti- suspiró –En fin… dime, Mori… me imagino que dormiré en el sofá cierto…-
-¡Pero qué inteligente eres, mocosita! Jaja- Sempai se puso de pie y se burló –Para ser una baka captas muy rápido-
-Mori… sé que dije que no pelearía con Souichi, pero… MÍRALO… me está INSULTANDO-
-… Ay dios…- susurré preocupado, pues no quería regañar a Sempai.
-Ya ya… no seas quejona. El punto es que SÍ… dormirás en la sala, porque este apartamento solo tiene dos habitaciones… el de Morinaga y el mío-
-Pero Sempai… por qué no dejas que Taiga duerma en tu cuarto-
-Es decir… tú duermes conmigo en mi habitación y casi nunca duermes en la tuya-
-Lo siento, Sempai-
-¿Dormir en el cuarto de Souichi, eh? Interesante jajajaja- rió.
-¡No! NI LO SUEÑES- aclaró –En mi cuarto no te metes-
-Uy… entonces… no te molestaría que duerma en la habitación de Mori ¿verdad?-
-¿Pero qué tiene de malo?- preguntó sarcásticamente –No sería la primera vez que Mori y yo dormimos en el mismo cuarto-
-Do not fight... Please - I returned to talk but I was again ignored.-Oh yes! You don't trust me. Only left to listen your history because it was not another, as I not ME was going to move from this table --YOU'RE A ROUGH!--YOUR ONE SET!-ENOUGH! - I screamed and they fell silent immediately - what perhaps always have to fight? - regañé them - since I submitted them to stop screaming. They can not even hold a conversation without the insults--So, Mori. That is why I must reject your offer. Thank you for inviting me to dinner, but I must go I - Taiga answered with pride.- But... where will it go?--Don't know. I have no work and spent almost all of my savings on this whole subject of investigating Takasu, as well with the little money I have... I do not know... will rent a small room... or... I see how fix me them - smiled wistfully - before I go... do I borrow your bathroom, please? --I clear - said discouraged - entering the Hall to the right--Thank you-Taiga stood up and ran to the bathroom. To tell the truth... I couldn't stop going Taiga in the State that is. She was stricken, depressed, alone, almost out of money and... the mad murderer of her ex-boyfriend would be looking for her to kill her. No... No can do that... I can not throw it in my house. If I do that... I'm putting into danger, but... ahhh... no I can keep contradicting Sempai. He doesn't want to be Taiga, but... I can't be quiet knowing Taiga is single... on the street... looking for where to go... on a Sunday night. I'm not so heartless to not support it, if she so kindly helped me when I needed it. Definitely should convince Sempai who let Taiga dry here with us... at least a short time or until she found a job and can pay even rent a mini Department.When I looked at Sempai, I saw that he was lighting a cigarette and started smoking...-Sempai...-sighed - Sempai, listen--No, Morinaga. I was very clear--I know but...--I won't sleep under the same roof to esa loca--You don't have to go!--Already achieved something--But... these night?--That is not our problem--Sempai!--No, Morinaga. Sorry--Takasu should be looking for it to kill her--Ja! Worse still - was outraged - if we let your "friend" is hidden here, we would be helping them; and that will also bring us problems with the madman of her ex-boyfriend--We will be careful and discreet with that topic. But please... stop to stay--I won't endanger our lives only on a whim--No one is going to do us nothing--You say that Takasu is dangerous right?--Yes, but... dangerous for her. I don't have her fear. I even hate it-- BUT YOU DO--Huh?--Baka. Do not remember? - scolded me - when you were in the hospital, recovering yourself from what did you the otaku,... TAKASU and Taiga came to see you--Yes... I remember it --Have not noticed the way that Takasu looked and you spoke? IT IS OBVIOUS WHAT YOU HATE --Well... so I hate or not, it is impossible to do me harm. I have not done him nothing wrong--NO LE DES MOTIFS, then! - cried - what has happened between Takasu and Taiga is their problem. From the very beginning I told you don't mess in matters that do not involve you. And if you hide to Taiga... now you're involved and over... against Takasu --Sempai... don't overdo - calmed down it - plus... I know defend myself --Did we not hear to your little friend? - mocked - Takasu has money and power. If you can circumvent the law, which will obviously be able to hurt you so be a black belt in karate - he sighed - I... I do not want to pass you anything. I'm afraid that...-got nervous--I'm afraid that Takasu is even worse than the otaku. No... I don't want to relive those moments--... Oh...-took a deep breath - Sempai... understand your concern - I looked at him in the eyes and I tried to do it to understand - but I can... not abandon Taiga in a moment as I sighed - please... stop that Taiga is... at least... at least until he finds a job and can afford a place to live - East --Sorry, Morinaga. But non--Please, Sempai. Don't be so inhuman. Taiga may be hard, but on the inside is scared and desperate. I know it and it's... like you - smiled wistfully.-Huh? - offended.-Yes. You're so... hard outside... but inside can also be very sensitive and loving me so much --Leave the kitsch, baka. And do not compare me with that - said indignantly.-The point is that...-I got something sentimental - indeed... we need. If not... it had not come to our House--It is only because don't you know anyone more in Nagoya--Imagine if Kanako-chan went through a similar situation... that is desperate to get help, a place to stay for a while, and... someone like you... close you the doors of his house and left alone to their fate-Mori... naga --How would you feel?--Oh already! Do not make me feel bad!-exploded in anger - a week do you understand? A WEEK. It's all-- But Sempai... is very little time to find a job. At least give it 2 months and...--Do two months? THESE LOCO?--Please, Sempai--I said a week - he said seriously - take it or leave it--...-I resigned myself - OK... take it -He had convinced Sempai. Taiga was going to stay with us... well... at least one week. I was so happy... not only by the fact of protecting it, but also because it would have my best friend close. Just I was concerned with the fact that Sempai and Taiga are carried well. They do not have a conversation without shouting and insults and... to the fights. It sometimes seemed that they hate. But the point is that I was happy. Perhaps Takasu discover that you helped Taiga and grip me more hate than it already does have me, but... I don't care. I Takasu no LE TENGO MIEDO. It is more... I love to cross it down the street to smash his face. What he did to Taiga is unforgivable... starting because he was always a man married and with a son. That idiot did damage both Taiga and his wife and son. Even though Sempai said a week, I was sure that at the end... Sempai is compadecería and leave to stay longer. The only thing that yes I cared was that Taiga should get a quick job.I picked up the table and I was washing the dishes, while Sempai had sat comfortably on the sofa, with a cigar in hand, reading a book and drinking some coffee. Suddenly... Taiga came out of the bathroom pretty discouraged...-Well, Mori... thank you for the dinner and...--Wait, Taiga! - expressed ending of washing dishes and approaching Taiga, while Sempai remained concentrated in his book - Sempai said that you can stay - smiled.-What? Do I seriously Souichi accepted?--Yes!--Go... you if you know how to handle this tyrant haha - said joke son.-Runny... If you're going to make fun of you... you can get of here - Sempai spoke without even looking at us.-Look, tirano... If it were for me... I would go, but the truth I have no where to go... so I'm with you --Please don't fight - returned to calm them - Taiga... If you are going to stay, tries to be more friendly with Sempai, please --I will be kind to him, if he is also well behaved with me--JA! I don't have to do it. This is my house and I do and I say what sticking me the win - expressed very proud - and if you don't like it... look... There is the door - noted still sitting comfortably on the couch.-Does forgiveness? How dare you say that?-Taiga was very offended.-Ehh... Taiga... Please... seriously... do not fight with Sempai - I was in the middle of the two - although it is... do it for me --Okay, I will do so only for you - he sighed - well... tell me, Mori... I guess I'll sleep on the couch some...--Etto...-- But how smart you are, mocosita! Haha - Sempai stood and mocked - to be a baka get very fast --Mori... I know that I said that it would not fight with Souichi, but... Look at it... me is INSULTING --… Oh God...-susurré worried, because I didn't want to scold Sempai.-Ya ya... don't be quejona. The point is that if... will sleep in the room, because this single apartment has two bedrooms... Morinaga and mine -- But Sempai... why not let Taiga to sleep in your room--WHAT?--IE... you sleep with me in my room and almost never sleep in yours--BAKA! TEA SAID THAT NOT COUNTING OUR THINGS - ANDES-Sorry, Sempai--Would sleep in the room of Souichi, eh? Interesting jajajaja - laughed.-Not! OR the dream - he explained - in my room don't you get --Oops... then... would not disturb you sleep in the room of Mori right?--WORSE YET -- But what's wrong? - asked sarcastically - wouldn't be the first time that Mori and I slept in the same room --TAIGA!-
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No ... please- fight again spoke but was ignored again. Oh yeah! Do not trust me. Let alone to listen to your story because you had no other because I DO NOT MOVE THIS WOULD table You are a GROSS - 'And YOU A TARADA - Enough - I screamed and fell silent immediately -do always have to fight - the -From scolded that introduced stop yelling. They can not even hold a conversation without the insults So it is, Mori. That's why I must decline your offer. Thank you for inviting me to dinner, but I irme- Taiga replied proudly. But ... where will you go? - I do not know. I have no work and spent almost all my savings in this whole issue of investigating Takasu, so with the little money I have ... I do not know ... I'll rent a small room ... or ... I see how I the arrangement-smiled wistfully Before I go ... I borrow your bathroom, please - said discouraged -Sure--entering the hall to his right -Gracias- Taiga I stood up and ran to the bathroom. In fact ... I could not let go Taiga in the state it is. He was beaten, depressed, alone, with almost no money and ... the murderer of her former boyfriend madman would be looking to kill her. No ... I can not do that ... I can not throw her out of my house. If I do that ... I'm putting in danger, but ... ahhh ... I can not keep contradicting Sempai. Taiga he does not want to stay, but ... I can not rest easy knowing that Taiga is alone ... ... looking at where to go ... on a Sunday night. I am not so heartless to not support her, if she so kindly helped me when I needed him. Definitely I convince Sempai that let Taiga stay here with us ... at least a short time or until she finds a job and can pay even renting a mini department. When I looked at Sempai, I was I lighting a cigarette and started smoking ... ...- I sighed -Sempai -Sempai, escucha- No, Morinaga. I was well clear- know, but ...- I'm not going to sleep under the same roof as the local -¡No has nowhere to go - -and get something- But ... at this time of night - That's not our problem- -¡Sempai - No, Morinaga. Sorry- -Takasu must be searching to kill her Ha! If worse yet- was outraged let your "girlfriend" is hidden here, the would be helping; and that will also bring problems with her ex boyfriend LOCO We'll be careful and discreet with this theme. But please ... let it quede- I'm not going to put our lives in danger just for caprice Nobody's going to make us nothing- You yourself say that Takasu is dangerous right? - Yes, but .. . dangerous for her. I'm not afraid. Not even hatred 'But YOU YES- Huh - -Baka. Do not you remember? - I scolded When you were in the hospital, recovering from what you did otaku ... Taiga Takasu and came to see you- Yes ... the memory- isn't noticed how Takasu who looked at you and you spoke? Obviously TE ODIA- Well ... so hate me or not, it is impossible to get hurt. I have not done anything bad- -¡NO LE DES REASONS, THEN - shouted 'What has happened between Taiga and Takasu's their problem. From the beginning I told you not into matters that do not concern you. And if you hide Taiga ... and you're involved ... and up against Takasu- exageres- -Sempai ... no ... I know what calmed Besides defenderme- Did not you hear your little friend? - mocked -Takasu have money and power. If you can outwit the law, obviously it's going to hurt you so you are able to black belt in karate sighed I ... I do not want anything happen to you. I'm scared that ...- got nervous I'm afraid that even worse Takasu otaku. No ... I do not want to relive those moments- -... ...- Oh -Sempai deep breath ... I understand your concern-I looked into his eyes and tried to make it understood ... But I can not abandon Taiga sighed a time like this- 'Please ... let Taiga stay ... at least ... at least until you find a job and can afford a place to live- 'm sorry, Morinaga. But non -Please Sempai. Do not be so inhuman. Taiga may appear tough, but inside are scared and desperate. I know and like TI ... smiled wistfully. Huh - resented. Yes. You are also well ... tough on the outside ... but inside can be very sensitive and loving me muchísimo- Stop the kitsch, baka. And do not compare me with ESADE she said indignantly. 'The point is that ...- I got sentimental' Truly ... needs us. Otherwise ... I would not have come to our house- It's just because no one else knows Nagoya- -Imagínate if Kanako-chan went through a similar situation ... you are desperate for help, a place where stay for a while, and ... a person like you ... you close the doors of your home and leave her alone his luck naga- -Mori ... How would you feel? - Oh and ! Me you do not feel bad - you exploded in anger -A week do you understand? ONE WEEK. Is all- Sempai ... But there is little time to find a job. At least 2 months and give ...- 'Two months? Are you crazy? - -Please Sempai- A week- I said seriously clarified Take it or déjalo- -...- I resigned tomographic All right ... I was convinced Sempai. Taiga was going to stay with us ... well ... at least a week. I was so happy ... not just for the sake of protecting it, but also because my best friend would close. Only I was concerned that Sempai and Taiga get along. They do not have a conversation without shouting and the insults and ... to fighting. Sometimes it seemed to be hated. But the point is that he was happy. Perhaps Takasu discovers that helped Taiga and grabbed more hatred than I already have, but ... I DO NOT CARE. To Takasu I'm not afraid. Moreover ... I would love cruzármelo down the street to smash his face. What he did is unforgivable ... Taiga beginning because it was always a married man with one child above. That asshole hurt you both Taiga and his wife and son. Although Sempai has said a week, I was sure that in the end ... Sempai take pity and let him stay longer. The only thing that worried me was that Taiga had to get a quick job. I picked up the table and was washing the dishes while Sempai was sitting comfortably on the sofa, with a cigar in hand, reading a book and drinking a little of coffee. ... Taiga suddenly left the bathroom quite discouraged ... Well, Mori ... thank you very much for dinner and ... - Wait, Taiga - I expressed finishing the dishes and approaching Taiga, while Sempai was concentrated in his book - Sempai said you can quedar- smiled. What? ¿Really Souichi accepted - 'Yes - -go ... you sure know how to handle that haha tyrant said jokingly. -Mocosa ... if you're going to make fun ... you can largar of here without even spoke Sempai look at us. Look, tyrant ... if it were me ... I'd go, but I really do not have to go ... so I stay with you- 'Please ... not peleen- -Taiga calm again ... if you're staying try to be nicer to Sempai, please- -I will be kind to him, if he carries too well with me Ha! I do not have to do that. This is my home and I do and say what I hit the cattle expressed very proud And if you do not like ... look ... there is the door said still sitting comfortably on the sofa. Excuse me? How dare you say that? - Taiga was very offended. Erm .... Taiga ... please ... do not fight seriously ... Sempai- I got in between the two Though it ... do it for me, 'All right, I will ONLY by TI sighed' Well ... tell me, Mori ... I guess I'll sleep a sofa in the ... - -Etto ... - But what a clever you are, Mocosita! Haha Sempai stood and mocked -To be a very fast- Baka captas -Mori ... I know I said I would not fight Souichi, but ... look ... I is INSULTANDO- - ... Oh God ... - I whispered worried, because no Sempai wanted to scold. -yâ and ... do not be quejona. The point is that if ... sleep in the room, because this apartment has only two rooms ... Morinaga and mine Sempai ... But why not let him sleep in your room-Taiga - What? -that ... you sleep in my room and almost never sleep in yours too -¡BAKA! I told you not ANDES telling our things, 'Sorry, Sempai- -¿Dormir Souichi's room, huh? Interesting jajajaja- laughed. No! NOR SUEÑES- said -In my room do not metes- -u ... then ... do not bother to sleep in the room right Mori - Worse yet- But what's wrong - would be asked sarcastically No Mori the first time and I slept in the same room- -¡TAIGA! -
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