Estábamos frente a la puerta del departamento; un sitio cercano a la F dịch - Estábamos frente a la puerta del departamento; un sitio cercano a la F Anh làm thế nào để nói

Estábamos frente a la puerta del de

Estábamos frente a la puerta del departamento; un sitio cercano a la Farmacéutica. Hablé con el encargado del edificio hace un tiempo para rentar ahí en lo que duraba mi estadía para la capacitación. Por la mañana contacté nuevamente con él para confirmar que el departamento se encontraba vacío pues di otra fecha de llegada. Afortunadamente indicó que sí, el inquilino anterior se había ido hace una semana y dijo que podía instalarme tan pronto lo necesitara.

- Adelante… Abrí la puerta y le cedí el paso.

- Gracias, lamento las molestias.

El lugar no era muy espacioso ya que la idea era que yo me quedaría aquí, nunca me imaginé que tendría invitados por lo que elegí el lugar basándome en eso. Al entrar a mano derecha se encontraba el baño y unos pasos adelante una mini cocina; tenía una estufa de dos quemadores, el lavamanos y debajo había un pequeño refrigerador. Pasando por una segunda puerta se encontraba un sofá, el televisor, una mesa en el centro y un gran closet. En seguida del closet estaban unas escaleras que daban arriba en donde sólo estaba una cama y la mesita de noche.

Pasamos a la sala, le ofrecí asiento y luego de acomodar mi maleta yo también me incorporé.

- Siento que sea muy pequeño.

- No, al contrario, te agradezco que dejaras quedarme. Disculpa ¿Cuál es tu nombre? Es vergonzoso pero no te lo había preguntado.

- Morinaga, Morinaga Tetsuhiro.

- ¿Mo-ri-na-ga…? Puso una cara muy seria al escuchar mi nombre y se quedó pensando. Me vio por unos minutos analizándome a detalle.

- ¿Pasa algo malo?

- No, gracias Morinaga-san. Mi nombre es Kobayashi Kyoko, puedes llamarme por mi nombre de pila. Hizo una reverencia.

- Tienes un nombre bonito Kyoko-chan, creo que te queda a la perfección.

Conversamos un rato para romper el hielo y conocernos mejor. No era una plática profunda sino más bien trivial y comentábamos lo que venía a nuestras cabezas; nuestros intereses, comida favorita, algunos hábitos, sobre nuestros estudios pero nada demasiado personal. Luego de un rato se escuchó claramente el sonido de un estómago rugiendo.

- ¡Ahh…! E-estoy tan apenada. Se puso colorada de la vergüenza.

- Es normal no tienes por qué avergonzarte. A decir verdad es bastante tarde. Mi reloj indicaba que la hora de comida pasó hace tiempo. Nos entretuvimos y perdimos la noción del tiempo.

- ¿No te molesta que ordene a domicilio? Prepararía algo de comer pero como acabamos de llegar el refrigerador está vacío.

- Sí, lo que tú decidas está bien para mí.

Investigué los sitios de comida rápida cercanos al departamento y escogí uno. Al volver a la sala Kyoko-chan se ofreció a comprar lo más esencial en la tienda de conveniencia mientras llegaba la comida. Le entregué una lista de lo que necesitaríamos, le di el dinero más un extra en caso de que necesitara comprarse algo de uso personal y para que luego comprara algo de ropa ya que me comentó que lo que vestía era lo único que traía consigo.

- Te juro que en cuanto encuentre trabajo te pagaré hasta el último centavo. Dijo muy decidida.

- Claro, no le tomes tanta importancia ¿Por cierto, a qué te dedicas?

- Soy modelo.

- ¿Modelo? Posiblemente es la razón de que me parezcas familiar.

- E-esa no es la razón. Agachó la cabeza escondiendo su mirada y murmuró sin que entendiera lo que dijo. Actuó extraño pero regresó a su previa sonrisa.

- … como te decía, quizá me hayas visto en la portada de alguna revista o en un espectacular.

- Entonces debes de ser muy popular.

- Para nada, todavía tengo mucho que aprender de mis Senpai. Por ahora no puedo contactar a la agencia, no con esto en mi cara. Señaló el moretón de su mejilla. - … pero apenas esté trabajando te pagaré por todo, también por mi estancia en el departamento.

- No hay necesidad de pagarme por el departamento, en mi trabajo me ayudaron a conseguirlo.

- Pero quiero hacerlo, aunque creo que ni pagándote es suficiente para agradecer por la ayuda que me estás dando. Cualquier otra persona no se hubiera tomado tantas molestias, eres alguien muy amable.

Posteriormente consulté con ella la opción para el menú de hoy y al aceptar encargué la comida. Ella salió a hacer las compras de lo que le pedí y regresó muy pronto.

- La comida estuvo deliciosa.

- Si, es bueno tener cerca un restaurante con servicio a domicilio.

La comida estuvo muy rica pero no podía creer lo mucho que había comido Kyoko-chan. Para ser mujer y modelo comía demasiado, comió incluso más que yo.

El día pasó apresuradamente mientras me instalaba; yo desempaqué y guardé mi ropa, así como acomodé las otras pocas cosas que traía conmigo. Luego me encargaría de comprar más ropa si era necesario. Por su parte Kyoko-chan acomodó las compras. Y para terminar el día ambos tomamos un baño, ella primero, y luego fuimos a dormir; aunque quise cederle mi cama, ella se rehusó y durmió en el sofá de la estancia.

Esa noche tuve un sueño, uno como hacía tiempo no tenía. Era un sueño bastante real y revelador. Lo recordé, aquel momento en que entré por primera vez a la universidad y vi a Senpai. Estaba muy deprimido por lo que pasó con Masaki-san pero en cuando me topé con él sentí un flechazo directo a mi corazón. Amor a primera vista. Era como un ángel; sus cabellos bailaban al ritmo del viento y su presencia se imponía sobre los demás, era el tipo de persona perfecta y amoldada a mis gustos. En ese momento, ante mis ojos, era como la perfección misma encarnada en una persona. Claro que después me di cuenta de su horrenda personalidad pero inexplicablemente eso no cambio mis sentimientos por él; esa parte a la que muchos temían yo terminé encariñado. Amar a alguien es ver perfecta a una persona imperfecta, aceptar todo de él y comprenderlo. Eso era lo poco que pude recordar antes de despertar.

- ¿Cómo pude olvidar a la persona que amo? Pensé mientras traté de controlar mi acelerada respiración. Estaba cubierto de sudor e impresionado. - Ahora estoy seguro…

Yo lo amaba, yo amaba a Senpai sin lugar a duda y no había nada que pudiera cambiar mis sentimientos. Sabía que el camino que escogí era uno peligroso, riesgoso y lleno de espinas pues aunque estaba seguro de lo que sentía no conocía lo que Senpai pensaba al respecto. Pasamos la noche juntos pero en ningún momento mencionó algún comentario ¿Era por qué el médico se lo prohibió? Claramente advirtió que no debía darme pistas y tenía que recordarlo por mi cuenta ¿Me protegía? Todavía habían lagunas mentales en mis recuerdos ¿Ésta no era toda nuestra historia, verdad?

- Me gustaría que fuera más expresivo, que pusiera sus deseos en palabras…

Me urgía salir corriendo y subir al primer tren de regreso a Nagoya. Quería tenerlo nuevamente entre mis brazos y besarlo, decirle cuanto lo amo una y otra vez hasta que volviera a confiar en mí. Pero no, no podía volver y complicar las cosas tan precipitadamente, eso siempre me traía problemas, era algo muy importante como para estropearlo con un impulso. Opté por tranquilizarme, esperar para regresar y enfrentarme con lo que dejé pendiente.

- Senpai, te amo. Te extraño.

Confesé mientras llevaba una de mis manos a mi pecho, justo en mi corazón.


- ¿Cuántos días han pasado?

Ya habían pasado dos semanas y sentía la falta de compañía por su ausencia. Sin darme cuenta mi mundo había estado girando a su alrededor y ahora él no estaba. Aun después de su partida no dejé de pensar y preocuparme por él. De hecho, ahora me encontraba más ansioso al no tener ninguna noticia de él y estar incomunicado.

No me quedé tranquilo así como así; intenté llamarlo a su celular en varias ocasiones pero el muy maldito bloqueo mi número. También le escribí a su correo pero nunca contestó mis mensajes. Era muy frustrante y para mi desgracia no tenía la menor idea de donde estaba el departamento en el que se estaba quedando.

- Debí preguntarle por lo menos eso ¡Maldita sea!

La única cosa por hacer era seguir esperando su regreso y sabía que eso no iba a pasar pronto. De pronto se escuchó el fuerte golpeteo de la puerta de alguien que llamaba con insistencia.

*Toc, toc, toc*

- ¡Ahhh, que molesto! ¿Quién será a esta hora?

Eran pasadas las diez de la noche y yo ya me había preparado para dormir cuando alguien muy inoportuno llegó a tocar mi puerta. Me levanté, me puse de nuevo los anteojos y fui directo a abrir la puerta.

- ¡Buenas noches! Saludé en un tono bastante molesto.

- ¡Hola Souichi-kun! ¡Cuánto tiempo sin vernos!

Entonces vi un horroroso y molesto monstruo frente a mí. Fue un verdadero espanto y por simple acto reflejo cerré la puerta, o eso creí, ya que él puso su maletín en medio impidiéndome dejarlo fuera.

- ¿¡Qué crees que haces aquí Isogai!? ¿Qué nadie te quiere en tu casa como para que vengas a molestarme? Regresa al maldito agujero del que saliste rata.

- ¿Acaso está mal venir a saludar a un viejo amigo? Intentaba provocarme y no le costaba trabajo alguno tener éxito.

- Yo no soy tu amigo, si estuviera en mis manos ni conocidos seriamos.

- Que cruel eres Souichi-kun…~ Odiaba su sarcasmo.

- Tengo derecho de tratarte como se me venga en gana ¡Y deja de llamarme por mi nombre! No recuerdo haberte dado permiso de eso.

- Y yo que pensé que la vez anterior nos habíamos divertido tanto~

Los recuerdos de aquellas noches se manifestaron en mi mente, había sido tan vergonzoso y lo peor vino cuando impuso su estúpido castigo.

- D-divertirme, ni loco, tú estuviste chantajeándome ¡Fue una tortura!

- Vamos, abre la puerta y déjame entrar. Dijo empujando fuertemente.

- ¡Por supuesto que no! Puse resistencia.

Forcejeamos un rato en la entrada, hasta que él obtuvo la victoria; como se esperaba. Pasó, se puso muy cómodo en el sofá y me vi obligado a servirle té. Lo detestaba pero le mostraría que era una persona cortés y con modales a diferencia suya.

- ¿¡Y que bienes a buscar aquí!? Mostré la rabia que sentía con su visita. - ¿Qué no has visto la hora?

- Si, ya la vi, pero lo que me sorprende no haber visto es a tu lindo kouhai.

- ¿Eh? ¿A Morin
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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We were outside the door of the Department; a site near the pharmaceutical. I spoke with the Manager of the building some time ago for rent there in which lasted my time for training. In the morning I contacted again him to confirm that the Department was empty because I gave another date of arrival. Fortunately indicated that Yes, the previous tenant had left a week ago and said it could install me as soon needed it.-Forward... I opened the door and gave him the step.-Thanks, I regret any inconvenience.The place was not very spacious because the idea was that I would stay here, I never imagined that it would be guests that chose the place based on that. To enter by hand right was the bathroom and steps forward a mini kitchen. I had two burners, sink stove and under had a small refrigerator. Passing through a second gate was a sofa, TV, a table in the Center and a large closet. Then the closet were stairs giving up on where it was just a bed and night table.We went to the room, I offered him a seat and then accommodate my suitcase I also I joined.-I feel that it is very small.-No, on the contrary, thank you that you leave to stay. Sorry what is your name? It is shameful but had not asked him yourself.-Morinaga, Morinaga Tetsuhiro.-Mo-ri-na-ga...? It put a serious face to hear my name and it was thinking. I saw a few minutes analyzing me to detail.-Do something bad happens?-No, thanks Morinaga-san. My name is Kobayashi Kyoko, you can call me by my first name. He bowed.-You have a nice name Kyoko-chan, I think that you have perfectly.We talked awhile to break the ice and get to know us better. It wasn't a deep but rather trivial conversation and commented that came to our heads; our interests, favorite food, habits, about our studies but nothing too personal. After a while the sound of a stomach was clearly heard roaring.-Ahh...! E I'm so embarrassed. She was red from embarrassment.-It is normal to not have why shame on you. To tell the truth it is pretty late. My watch indicated that lunch passed long ago. We stopped and lost track of time.-Does you not bother to order door to door? It would prepare something to eat but as we just get the refrigerator is empty.-Yes, what you decide is right for me.I researched fast food places close to the Department and chose one. Returning to the room Kyoko-chan offered to buy the most essential in the convenience store as the food arrived. Gave you a list of what we need, gave him more money an extra in case that you need to buy something for personal use and for that then buy some clothes since he told me that what they wore was the only thing that came with it.-I swear that once you find a job you will pay every penny. It said very determined.-Of course, don't take you as much importance do by the way, what you do?-I'm a model.-Model? It is possibly the reason that you look like my family.- E - that is not the reason. He ducked his head hiding his eyes and muttered while he understood what he said. He acted strange, but returned to her previous smile.-... as I said, perhaps I've seen on the cover of any magazine or on a spectacular.-Then you must be very popular.-For nothing, I still have much to learn from my Senpai. For now I can not contact the Agency, not with this in my face. He said the bruise of his cheek. -... but just be working you pay for everything, also for my stay in the Department.-There is no need to pay me by the Department, in my work helped me to get it."But I want to do it, but I think that you not paying you is enough to thank for the help that they are giving me." Any other person not taken so many hassles, you are someone very friendly.Then I consulted with her choice for today's menu and by accepting ordered food. She went out to make shopping for what you asked and returned very soon.-The food was delicious.-Yes, it is nice to have nearby a restaurant with in-home service.The food was very rich but I couldn't believe how much that had eaten Kyoko-chan. To be female and model he ate too much, ate even more than I.The day passed hastily while I installed; I desempaqué and I kept my clothes as I settled the other few things that came with me. Then I would buy more clothes if it was necessary. Meanwhile Kyoko-chan, it accommodated purchases. And to finish the day both took a bath, her first, and then went to sleep; Although I wanted to give you my bed, she refused and slept on the sofa in the room.That night I had a dream, one as long he didn't. It was a pretty real and revealing dream. I remembered it, that moment when I entered for the first time the University saw Senpai. He was very depressed by what happened with Masaki-san but when I came across it I felt a crush on direct to my heart. Love at first sight. It was like an angel; his hair danced to the rhythm of the wind and its presence was imposed on the others, was the kind of person perfect and snuggled to my tastes. At that time, in my eyes, it was like the same perfection embodied in a person. Clear that after I was aware of his horrible personality but inexplicably that do not change my feelings for him; that part to which many feared I ended up fond. Loving someone is seeing an imperfect person perfect, accept all of it, and understand it. That was how little I could remember before waking up.-How can I forget the person I love? I thought as I tried to control my breathing accelerated. I was covered in sweat and impressed. -Now, I'm sure...I loved it, I loved Senpai without place to doubt, and there was nothing that could change my feelings. I knew that the path I chose was one dangerous, risky and full of thorns as though he was unsure of what she felt he did not know what Senpai thought in this regard. We spent the night together but never mentioned comment was why the doctor was it banned? Clearly warned that it should not give me clues and had to remind myself I protected? There were still mental gaps in my memories it was not all our history, truth?-I would like to be more expressive, to put their wishes in words...He urged me to run out and get on the first train back to Nagoya. I wanted to have it back in my arms and kiss him, tell him how much I love it again and again until he returned to trust me. But no, he could not return and complicate things so abruptly, that always brought me problems, it was something very important to spoil it with a boost. I chose to reassure me, wait to go back and confront me with what I left pending.-Senpai, I love you. I miss you.I confessed while carrying one of my hands to my chest, right in my heart.POV SOUICHI-How many days have passed?They had already spent two weeks and felt the lack of company by their absence. Without realizing my world had been turning to her around and now he was not. Even after his departure I did not think and worry about it. In fact, I was now more anxious not to have no news of him and being held incommunicado.I was not quiet as well as thus; I tried to call him at his cell phone several times but the very damn blocking my number. Also wrote you to your e-mail but never answered my messages. It was very frustrating and my unfortunately had no idea where was the Department where he was staying.-I should ask at least that damn!The only thing to do was wait his return and knew that would not happen soon. Suddenly heard strong pounding the door of someone calling insistently.* Toc, toc, toc *-Ahhh, that annoying! Who will be at this hour?Ten in the evening were past and I had already prepared me to sleep when someone very wrong came to knock on my door. I got up, put on my glasses again and went direct to the door.-Good night! I saluted in a quite annoying tone.-Hello Souichi-kun! How long without seeing us!Then I saw a horrific and annoying monster in front of me. It was a real horror by simple reflex, I closed the door, and that thought, since he put his bag in the Middle preventing me leave it out.-You think that you do here Isogai! What anyone you want in your House as to which you come to bother me? Return to the damn hole that left rat.-Anything is wrong come to greet an old friend? I was trying to provoke me and not cost labour any success.-I'm not your friend, if it were in my hands not known we would be.-Cruel're Souichi-kun... ~ hated his sarcasm.-I have right to treat you as you come in wins and fails to call me by my name! Do not remember having given permission to that.- And I thought that the last time we had so much fun ~The memories of those nights were in my mind, had been so embarrassing and worst came when he imposed his stupid punishment.-D - fun, or crazy, you were blackmailing me was a torture!-Go, open the door and let me enter. He said pushing firmly.-Of course not! I put resistance.We struggled a while at the entrance, until he obtained the victory; as expected. Happened, got comfortable on the couch and I was compelled to serve him tea. I hated it but it would show you that he was a courteous and unlike his manners.-And what goods to look here! I showed the rage he felt with his visit. -What have you not seen the hour?-Yes, I saw it, but what surprises me not seeing is your cute kouhai.-Huh? At Morin
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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We were in front of the apartment door; Pharmaceutical near the site. I talked to the building manager for a while there in rent than she was my time for training. In the morning I contacted him again to confirm that the apartment was empty then took another arrival. Luckily he said yes, the previous tenant had left a week ago and said he could settle as soon as needed. - Go ahead ... I opened the door and gave in step. -. Thanks, sorry for the inconvenience The place was not very spacious and the idea was that I would be here, I never imagined I would have invited me so I chose the place based on that. Upon entering the bathroom right hand and stepped forward was a mini kitchen; He had a two-burner stove, under the sink and had a small refrigerator. Passing through a second gate sofa, the TV, a table in the center and a large closet was. Then the closet were stairs that gave up on where it was just a bed and nightstand. We had a room, I offered her seat and then to accommodate my suitcase I also joined me. - I feel very small. - No On the contrary, I thank you left stay. Excuse me, what is your name? It's embarrassing but I had asked you. - Morinaga Tetsuhiro Morinaga. - Mo-ri-na-ga ...? He put a very serious hearing my name and thought about face. I watched for a few minutes analyzing me in detail. - Is something wrong? - No, thank Morinaga-san. My name is Kyoko Kobayashi, you can call me by my first name. Bowed. - You have a nice name Kyoko-chan, I think you have left to perfection. We talked a while to break the ice and get to know better. It was not deep but rather trivial conversation and commented on how he came to our heads; our interests, favorite food, some habits, our studies but nothing too personal. After a while the sound of a growling stomach is clearly listened. - Ahh ...! I-I'm so sorry. Blush of shame stood. - It is normal do not have to be ashamed. In fact it is quite late. My watch indicated that mealtime long passed. Wined and lost track of time. - Do you mind ordering at home? Prepare something to eat but as we just got the refrigerator is empty. - Yes, what you decide is fine with me. I researched the fast food places near the apartment and picked one. Upon returning to the room Kyoko-chan offered to buy the essentials in the convenience store while the food arrived. I gave a list of what you need, I gave the money plus an extra in case I needed to buy some personal use and then buy some clothes and I said that what she wore was all that came with it. - I swear find work as I'll pay every penny. I said very determined. - Sure, it does not take much importance By the way, what do you do? - I'm a model. - Model? Possibly the reason I look like family. - E-that's not the reason. She ducked her head, hiding her eyes and murmured without understand what he said. He acted strange but returned to his previous smile. - ... as I said, to me you've probably seen on the cover of a magazine or in a spectacular. - So you must be very popular. - Not at all, yet I have much to learn from my Senpai . For now I can not contact the agency, not that in my face. He said the bruise on his cheek. - ... But just be working I'll pay for everything, also for my stay in the apartment. - No need to pay me for the department, in my work helped me get it. - But I want to, but I think that not paying you enough to thanks for the help you are giving me. Any other person would not have gone to such trouble, you are someone very friendly. Then I consulted with her ​​choice for the menu today and ordered to accept the food. She came to shop than you asked and returned very soon. - The food was delicious. -. Yes, it's good to have a restaurant delivery service The food was very rich but could not believe how much they had eaten Kyoko-chan. Model for women and ate too much, ate even more than me. The day happened while I hastily installed; I unpacked and put my clothes, and settled the few other things I had with me. Then I take care to buy more clothes if necessary. Meanwhile Kyoko-chan settled purchases. And to end the day we both took a bath, her first, and then went to sleep; but wanted to cede my bed, she refused and slept on the couch in the room. That night I had a dream, one had long lacked. It was a very real and revealing dream. I remembered, that moment when I first got to college and saw Senpai. He was very depressed about what happened to Masaki-san but when I ran into him felt a crush straight to my heart. Love at first sight. It was like an angel; her hair danced with the wind and his presence was imposed on others, he was the perfect type of person and molded to my tastes. At that time, before my eyes, it was like perfection itself embodied in a person. Of course I then realized his horrible personality but inexplicably does not change my feelings for him; the party to which many feared I finished fondly. Loving someone is seeing an imperfect person perfectly, accept it and understand it all. That's what little I could remember before waking. - How could I forget the person I love? I thought as I tried to control my breathing hard. He was covered in sweat and impressed. - Now I'm sure ... I loved him, I loved Senpai no doubt and there was nothing that could change my feelings. He knew the path I chose was one dangerous, risky and full of thorns as though he was sure of what he felt did not know what he thought about Senpai. We spent the night together but never mentioned any comment Was why the doctor forbade him? Clearly she warned to not give me tracks and had to remember my own Am I protected? Still they had blackouts in my memories How This was not our history, right? - I wish it were more expressive, to put their wishes into words ... I urged run and get on the first train back to Nagoya. She wanted him back in my arms and kiss him, tell him I love him as again and again until he returned to trust me. But no, I could not go back and complicate things so abruptly, that always brought me problems, was too important to mess with a boost. I opted for calm, waiting to return and face with what I left slope. - Senpai, I love you. . I miss confessed while wearing one of my hands to my chest, right in my heart. POV Souichi - How many days have passed? You had been two weeks and felt the lack of company for its absence. Without realizing my world she had been turning around and now he was gone. Even after his departure I not stopped thinking and worrying about him. In fact, I was more anxious now having no news from him and out of touch. I did not stay quiet like that; I tried to call him on his cell phone several times but pretty darn blocking my number. I also wrote to his email but never answered my messages. It was very frustrating and unfortunately for me I had no idea where the apartment where he was staying was. - I should ask at least that Damn The only thing to do was to keep waiting for his return and knew that would not She would happen soon. Suddenly the loud knocking on the door of someone calling insistently heard. * Knock, knock, knock * - Ahhh, that annoying! Who will be at this hour? It was past ten in the evening and I was ready to sleep when someone very inopportune got to touch my door. I got up, put on the glasses again and went straight to the door. - Good night! I greeted him in a rather annoyed tone. - Hello Souichi-kun! Long time no see! I saw a horrible and annoying monster in front of me. It was a real shock and simple reflex closed the door, or so I thought, as he put his briefcase in the middle preventing me leave it out. - What are you doing here Isogai think !? What nobody wants in your home and to come to bother me? Return to fucking rat hole you left. - Does evil is come to greet an old friend? Trying to provoke and did not cost any work succeed. - I'm not your friend, if you were in my hands or known we would. - How cruel are Souichi-kun ... ~ I hated her sarcasm. - I have the right to treat you as I come in Wins And stop calling me by my name! I do not remember giving permission for that. - And here I thought that the last time we had so much fun ~ The memories of those nights were manifested in my mind, it was so embarrassing and worst came when imposed his stupid penalty. - D- fun, not crazy, you were blackmailing was torture! - Come on, open the door and let me in. He said pushing strongly. - Of course not! I put resistance. We struggled a bit at the entrance, until he was victorious; as expected. It happened, he was very comfortable on the couch and I was forced to serve tea. Hated but would show that it was a polite and mannered person unlike you. - And look here !? goods I showed her anger with their visit. - What you have not seen the time? - Yes, I saw, but what surprises me is not seeing your cute kouhai. - Huh? To Morin

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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We were in front of the apartment door; a site close to the Pharmaceutical. I talked with the manager of the building some time ago to rent my stay there I went for training. In the morning I contacted with him again to confirm that the apartment was empty because di another date of arrival. Fortunately said yes,
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