POV SEMPAINo recuerdo en qué momento cerré los ojos y me dormí; pero a dịch - POV SEMPAINo recuerdo en qué momento cerré los ojos y me dormí; pero a Anh làm thế nào để nói

POV SEMPAINo recuerdo en qué moment


No recuerdo en qué momento cerré los ojos y me dormí; pero al despertar noté que nuevamente había dormido de rodillas y con la cabeza gacha. Me dolía horrible el cuello. Aún no abría muy bien los ojos, pero estaba consciente que había despertado; sin embargo, me asusté y abrí completamente los ojos cuando escuché que la puerta en frente de mí se abría.

Era... MORINAGA. Estaba caminando lentamente y cojeaba un poco. Se le notaba adolorido y obviamente el otaku le apuntaba con la pistola por atrás. Al final estaba Yuki que de inmediato se posicionó al lado de las cadenas de los pies de Morinaga que conectaban con el piso. El otaku le ordenó a Morinaga que se arrodillara nuevamente en su lugar y así lo hizo. Yuki lo encadenó como estaba antes y se aseguró que sus manos también estuvieran bien encadenadas. Finalmente, el otaku y Yuki se fueron sin decir nada.

El silencio nos invadió, ni siquiera pude verle la cara a Morinaga porque su pelo se la tapaba. No me dijo nada... así que yo inicié la conversación...

-¿Mo... Mori... naga?- lo llamé muy nervioso, pero no obtuve respuesta -¿Morinaga? Respóndeme, por favor...-

-Me... me duele el trasero...- comentó avergonzado y aún con la cabeza gacha.

-... Eh... bueno...- no sabía qué responder ante eso –Lo sé, bueno... me lo imagino- respiré hondo –Morinaga... ya no te sacrifiques por mí, por favor...-

-Cállate... no me digas nada-

-No, Morinaga. Yo no quiero que te sacrifiques por mí, no quiero verte sufrir- me angustié –Ayer... tus gritos... tus gritos me perturbaron. Me sentí horrible con lo que te estaba pasando... yo... yo no sabía qué hacer...-

-Ahora te das cuenta de lo que soy capaz de hacer por ti-

-En ningún momento te lo he pedido-

-No me retracto de lo que me ha pasado. Me lo tengo merecido-


-Es el karma...-

-¿De qué hablas?-

-Yo... yo te violé una vez... ¿o ya se te olvidó?-

-No... no se me olvidó. Esa noche abusaste de mí... no tenías derecho-

-Sí... lo sé-

-Ahora sientes lo que yo sentí ¿no?-

-SÍ... LO SÉ, MALDITA SEA- Morinaga se enfadó y levantó la mirada llena de frustración, humillación y dolor –LO ESTOY PAGANDO ¿ENTIENDES? TAL VEZ... LO ESTOY PAGANDO- respiró fuerte –Yo te violé una vez... y ahora A MÍ ME VIOLARON-

-Mori...- me asusté por su reacción.

-No lo veo como una desgracia que me haya sucedido algo así; lo veo como el karma... como si la vida estuviera haciendo justicia. Yo nunca pagué por lo que te hice... y ahora... la misma vida me está haciendo pagar. Todas las veces que te forcé... la vida me las está cobrando-




-Además... jaja... tenías razón- pensé que Morinaga se estaba volviendo loco –Tenías razón cuando me decías que te excitabas conmigo por una respuesta fisiológica normal y lógica. Era obvio... si yo te tocaba en tus zonas sensibles... era un hecho que te ibas a excitar porque eres humano- se deprimió –Yo pensé que... pensé que te gustaba... que de alguna manera lo disfrutabas... PERO NO... tú cuerpo solamente estaba reaccionando a mis acciones- lagrimeó –Y eso... eso lo sentí con el otaku...-

-Él... él me dijo que te corriste 3 veces con él-

-¡SÍ! ES CIERTO... PERO... QUÉ PODÍA HACER SI ME ESTABA TOCANDO ¿AH?- lloró con dolor y humillación –La excitación es algo involuntario... NO SE PUEDE CONTROLAR. Cuando me violaba... intentaba contenerme con todas mis fuerzas, forzar mis pensamientos a pensar en otras cosas... pero NO PODÍA... y... y me sentí usado y derrotado cuando me corría con él...-


-Entonces... en ese momento recordé que cuando TÚ te corrías conmigo... no lo hacías porque te gustara o porque quisieras... sino porque YO TE ESTABA FORZANDO-

-¡NO PIENSES ESO! ESTÁS EQUIVOCADO- grité, pues no quería que tenga ese concepto de mí –Yo... yo SÍ QUERÍA- suspiré y me puse nervioso –Es cierto que me forzabas pero... ya te lo había dicho una vez ¿no? Yo terminaba cediendo porque así YO LO QUERÍA. Si no hubiera querido hacerlo contigo... te hubiera matado a golpes la primera vez, pero... NO LO HICE... porque... porque de algún modo... sí... sí quería... y sí me gustaba-



-Ya no sé qué creerte. Me has mentido mucho, me has ilusionado en vano... no... espera. Yo solito me hice falsas esperanzas- continuó con su llanto –Mi vida... ha sido horrible hasta ahora y pensé... CREÍ que el enamorarme de ti... podría ser feliz... pero NO. El estar cerca de ti, el aferrarme a ti y el pensar que tenía alguna posibilidad contigo ME HA HECHO MUCHO DAÑO-

-No me digas eso...-

-¡SÍ! SÍ TE LO DIGO. Quiero que sepas TODO lo que pienso respecto a ti, respecto a lo que hemos vivido hasta ahora... porque... porque sé que NOS VAMOS MORIR-

-¡NO! NO NOS VAMOS A MORIR. Vamos a salir de aquí-

-No, Sempai-

-Sí, Morinaga- suspiré –Debe haber alguna manera... algún milagro va a suceder y vamos a salir de aquí con vida-

-No. El otaku tarde o temprano nos va a matar-

-Por qué eres tan pesimista-

-No soy pesimista, soy REALISTA. Por fin... veo las cosas con claridad, por fin he despertado, por fin me he curado de mi ceguera de amor que te tenía-

-¿Qué quieres decir?-

-Desde que te conocí... he estado al pendiente de ti, amándote cada día más y más. Intentaba conocerte y acercarme a ti. Tan solo una palabra tuya me haría feliz, a pesar que todo me decían que me alejara porque eras un tirano... NO ME IMPORTÓ. Cada vez que hablaba contigo o te veía... me ponía nervioso como un adolescente estúpido enamorado; a pesar que TÚ ni siquiera te molestabas en recordar mi nombre o preguntar sobre mí...-


-¡CÁLLATE Y ESCUCHA!- suspiró –Recién te diste cuenta de mi existencia cuando te rescaté de ese profesor que quiso abusar de ti. Si no fuera por MÍ, tú habrías sido violado por ÉL. Aunque no te guste mi opinión... de algún modo estaba feliz por eso... ya que si no fuera por ese profesor, yo jamás te hubiera salvado y jamás hubiera pasado a ser tu kohai. Cuando empecé a ayudarte con los experimentos... me sentía tan feliz, tan vivo por dentro. Después de haber roto con Masaki-san... yo me sentía horrible... usado... no creí que algún día podría volver a sonreír, pero gracias a ti lo hice... VOLVI A SONREÍR, A TENER ESPERANZAS, A CREER NUEVAMENTE EN EL AMOR... PERO VEO QUE ESTABA EQUIVOCADO. Tú... tú eres un egoísta, SOLO TE PREOCUPAS POR TI-


-¡NO!- gritó con lágrimas en los ojos –Si tú te hubieras preocupado por mí... hubieras anticipado que el hecho de casarte con alguien más... ME DOLERÍA... pero ¿te importó? CLARO QUE NO-

-Estaba en todo mi derecho. Yo soy libre de decidir si me caso o no... además yo no tenía ningún compromiso más allá de la amitas contigo y...-

-Lo mismo te digo yo. Si no teníamos nada más allá de la amistad... por qué... dime POR QUÉ no me dejaste ir la primera vez que decidí marcharme de Nagoya ¿eh?-

-Es que tú... pues... no era lo correcto. Ibas a abandonar tu carrera solo porque yo te rechacé-

-No, Sempai. No iba a abandonar mi carrera. Yo me iba a trasladar a otra universidad, pero TÚ NO QUISISTE QUE ME FUERA... ¿y sabes por qué? Porque a ti no te importa nada más que tú estabilidad emocional. Solo me querías retener para no sentirte culpable. Además... cuando me confesé a ti... tú me rechazaste de la peor manera- suspiró –Sabes... hay maneras de rechazar... y la forma en la que tú lo hiciste... fue horrible... ¿TIENES IDEA DE CÓMO ME SENTÍ?- me reclamó.

-No, y lo lamento. Perdón... no debí haberte rechazado así- me avergoncé, pues todo lo que me estaba diciendo de alguna manera era verdad –Nunca tuve la oportunidad de disculparme, pero ahora lo hago. Perdóname, Morinaga-

-Pues no. Porque ahora no me sirve tu perdón-

-Lo lamento...-

-Sabes... a veces pienso que mejor hubiera sido no haberte conocido-

-No digas eso...-

-La única persona que en verdad me ha querido y me ha apoyado ha sido Taiga; y le doy gracias a Dios de habérmela puesto en mi camino. Ella ha sido la ÚNICA que en verdad se ha preocupado por mí- nuevamente empezó a llorar –Cómo la extraño... ella ni siquiera sabe que me voy a morir y eso me pone mal. Si tuviera que elegir a la última persona que vería antes de morir... la elegiría a ella y NO A TI-
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV SEMPAIDo not remember at what point closed my eyes and I slept; but when you wake up I noticed that it had again slept on his knees and with his head down. Neck hurt me horrible. Still not opened very well the eyes, but he was aware that he had awakened; However, I got scared and completely opened my eyes when I heard that the door in front of me opened.Era... MORINAGA. He was walking slowly and limped a little. Noticeable sore and obviously the otaku pointed her gun back. At the end it was Yuki that immediately positioned beside the chains from the foot of Morinaga connecting with the floor. The otaku ordered Morinaga you kneel back in place and so did. Yuki chained it to as it was before and made sure that his hands were also well linked. Finally, the otaku and Yuki went without saying anything.Silence invaded us, I could not even see the face to Morinaga because his hair was blocking it. Not told me anything... so I started the conversation...-Mo...? Mori... naga? - I called him very nervous, but I got no response - do Morinaga? Answer me, please...--Me... hurts the rear...-said embarrassed and even with his head down.-... EH... well...-didn't know what to say to that - I know, well... guess it - took a deep breath - Morinaga... and not your sacrificing yourself for me, please...--Shut up... I say nothing --No, Morinaga. I don't want you sacrificing yourself for me, I don't want to see you suffer - I angustié - yesterday... you scream... you scream I disturbed. I felt horrible for what was you happening... I... I didn't know what to do...--Now you realize what I am capable of doing for you--At any time I've asked for it yourself--Not I retract me what has happened to me. I have it deserved--What?--It is karma...-Of which you speak?--I... I you violé once... or already forgot you?--No... I did not forget. That night abused me... had no right --Yes I know it... --Now feel what I felt not? --IF... THE know, MALDITA SEA - Morinaga was angry and looked full of frustration, humiliation and pain - LO ESTOY PAGANDO do you understand? PERHAPS... I'm paying it - breathed strong - I you violé once... and now to my ME RAPED --Mori...-I got scared by their reaction.-I see it as a disaster that could have happened to me something as well; I see it as karma... as if life were doing justice. I never paid for what you did... and now... the same life is making me pay. Every time you force... life is gaining them me--DO NOT SAY THAT! I... I NEVER WANTED YOU TO PAY FOR WHAT I DID --DO NOT TRY TO MINIMIZE THE DAMAGE--Morinaga...--Moreover... haha... were right - I thought that Morinaga was going mad - were right when you said that you excitabas with me by a physiological response of normal and logical. It was obvious... If I touched you in your sensitive areas... was a fact that you were going to excite because you are human - became depressed - I thought... I thought that he liked you... that somehow you enjoyed... BUT NO... you body was only reacting to my actions - lagrimeó - and that was that... with the otaku...-He... He told me that I ran 3 times with it --YES! IT IS TRUE... BUT... PODIA if I was playing do AH? - wept with pain and humiliation - excitation is something unintentional... IT CAN NOT BE CONTROLLED. When he raped me... trying to contain me with all my strength, to think of other things... but not force my thoughts I could... and... and I felt used and defeated when I ran with it...--Morinaga...--Time... at this time I remembered that when you you ran with me... not you did it because you liked or you'd like to... but because I was forcing you --DON'T THINK THAT! These wrong - I shouted, since I didn't have that concept from me - I... I if I wanted - I sighed and I was nervous - it is true that I forzabas but... ya no? had told you once I ended up yielding so I LO I wanted to. If he had not wanted to do it with you... you had killed to shock the first time, but... NO I did... because... because in some way... Yes... yes I wanted to... and yes I liked --SHUT UP! DO NOT USE YOUR LIES LIKE A COMFORT--THEY AREN'T LIES... IS TRUE-Now I don't know what to believe. You've lied to me much, I've excited in vain... not... waiting. I myself I did false hopes - continued with their cry - my life... has been horrible so far and I thought... I thought that enamorarme de ti... could be happy... but NO. Being close to you, clinging to you and think I had a chance with you I have done much damage --Don't tell me that...--YES! IF TEA THING I SAY. I want to know everything that I respect you, with regard to what we have experienced so far... because... because I know that we're going to die --NOT! NO WE ARE GOING TO DIE. Let's get out of here--No, Sempai--Yes, Morinaga - sighed - must have somehow... some miracle will happen and we are going to get out of here alive --No. The otaku sooner or later is going to kill--Why are you so pessimistic--I am not pessimistic, I am a REALIST. Finally... I see things clearly, I finally woke up, finally I have cured my blindness of love that you had--What do you mean?--Since I met you... I've been on the lookout for you, loving you every day more and more. He tried to know you and come to you. Just one word from you would make me happy, despite the fact that everything they told me that I went away because you were an tyrant... NOT I IMPORTED. Whenever he spoke with you or see you... I was nervous as a stupid teenager in love; Despite the fact that you even you molestabas remember my name or ask about me...--Morinaga...--Shut up and listen! - sighed - recently I realise my existence when you rescued that teacher wanted you to abuse. If it weren't for me, you would have been violated by it. Even if you do not like my opinion... somehow was happy that... If it weren't for that Professor, I never you saved and never happened to be your kohai. When I started to help with experiments... I felt so happy, so alive inside. After having broken with Masaki-san... I I felt horrible... used... I do not think that someday could return to smile, but thanks to you I did it... I RETURNED A SMILE, TO HOPE, TO BELIEVE AGAIN IN LOVE... BUT I SEE THAT I WAS WRONG. You... you are a selfish, only you care by TI--NOT SO, I ALWAYS I WORRY ABOUT TI...--NO! - cried out with tears in their eyes - if you yourself would have worried about me... had anticipated that the fact of marrying someone else... ME it hurt... but do you care? CLEAR THAT NON--I was within my rights. I am free to decide whether I marry or not... also I didn't have no commitment beyond the owners with you and...--The same you say I. If we didn't have anything beyond friendship... why... tell me why don't you let me go the first time that I decided to leave Nagoya huh? --Is that you... well... wasn't the right thing. You were going to give up your career just because I you refused--No, Sempai. It was not going to give up my career. I was going to transfer to another University, but your not wanted that ME out... and you know why? Because you do not you care more than you anything emotional stability. I only wanted to retain to not feel guilty. Also... when I confessed to you... you me rejected in the worst way - sighed - you know... There are ways to reject... and the way in which you did... was horrible... do you have IDEA's as I sorry? - I claimed.-No, and I'm sorry. Forgiveness should... not having rejected as well - I felt ashamed, because everything I was saying in any way was truth - I never had the opportunity to apologize, but now I do. Perdonadme, Morinaga --As not. Because now it is me your forgiveness--I'm sorry...--You know... sometimes I think that would have been better not have known--Do not say that...--The only person who truly loved me and has supported me was Taiga; and I give thanks to God for having me put in my way. She has been the only one that has really been concerned about me - again began to cry - the stranger... She even knows I'm going to die and that makes me ill. If I had to choose to the last person who would see before dying... I would choose it her and not TI-
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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POV SEMPAI not remember when I closed my eyes and fell asleep; but on waking I noticed that I had fallen asleep again kneeling with his head down. It hurt neck awful. He not yet opened his eyes very well, but was aware that he had awakened; however, I was scared and completely opened my eyes when I heard the door in front of me opened. It was ... Morinaga. He was walking slowly and with a limp. You could see the otaku obviously sore and was pointing the gun at the back. In the end it was Yuki who was positioned immediately adjacent chains Morinaga feet connecting with the floor. The otaku Morinaga ordered to kneel back into place and he did. Yuki chained what it was before and made ​​sure his hands also were well shackled. Finally, the otaku and Yuki left without saying anything. Silence invaded us, I could not even see the face of Morinaga because her hair covered her. He said nothing ... so I started the conversation ... ... Mori ... -¿Mo naga - I called him very nervous, but got no answer -¿Morinaga? Answer me, please ...- 'I ... back hurts ...- he said embarrassed and still with his head down. -... ...- Eh ... well not know what to answer to that - I know, well ... I imagine-what -Morinaga deep breath ... not sacrifice yourself for me, please ...- Shut up ... do not tell me nothing- No, Morinaga. I do not want you to sacrifice for me, I do not want to see you suffer, distresses me ... Yesterday ... you scream your screams disturbed me. I felt horrible with what was happening to you ... I ... I do not know what to do ...- Now you realize what I am capable of doing for TI 'In no time I have pedido- you - I do not take back what has happened. I've got merecido- What? - It's the karma ...- What do you mean? - I ... I raped once ... or you've forgotten it - No .. . I did not forget me. That night you abused me ... you had right- Yes ... I know, Now feel what I felt right? - Yeah ... I know, damn it Morinaga became angry and looked full of frustration, humiliation and pain I'm paying -LO understand? MAYBE ... I'M PAGANDO- 'I breathed hard once you raped ... and now ME ME VIOLARON- -Mori ...- got scared by his reaction. I do not see it as a misfortune that has befallen me something like that; I see it as karma ... as if life were doing justice. I never paid for what you did ... and now ... the life is making me pay. Every time I forced you ... life is cobrando- me 'Do not say THAT! I ... I NEVER WANTED TO PAY FOR WHAT I HICISTE- 'Do not try to minimize the damage- -Morinaga ...- Besides ... haha ... had rightly thought I was going crazy Morinaga You had right when you told me you excitabas me for a normal and logical physiological response. It was obvious ... if I played in your sensitive areas ... it was a fact that you were going to excite you because you are depressed human-thought ... 'I thought you liked ... that somehow You enjoyed ... BUT ... you body was only reacting to tearing my actions ... And that's what I felt with the otaku ...- He ... he said you ran 3 times with him -YES! It's true ... but ... what I could do if I was playing Oh - wept with pain and humiliation 'The excitement is involuntary ... CAN NOT CONTROL. When he raped me ... trying to restrain myself with all my strength, forcing my thoughts to think about other things ... but I could not ... and ... and I felt used and defeated when I ran with it ...- - Morinaga ...- Then ... then I remembered that when You were running me ... you did not because you like it or because you wanted ... but because I WAS FORZANDO- -¡NO think so! You're wrong-screamed, not wanting to have that concept of me I ... I wanted- YES sighed and I got nervous It's true that forzabas me but ... because you had said once right? I ended up giving up because I wanted it so. If he had not wanted to do with you ... I would have beaten to death the first time, but ... I DID NOT ... because ... because somehow ... yes ... yes ... and yes wanted gustaba- me Shut up! DO NOT USE YOUR LIES AS A consolation -NO are lies ... IS the truth 'I do not know what to believe. You lied a lot, you have me excited in vain ... no ... wait. I alone made ​​me false hopes-he continued his tears ... My life has been horrible so far and I thought ... I thought he might fall in love with you ... be happy ... but NO. Being close to you, the cling to you and think you had a chance has done much damage-ME 'I say that ...- Yes! If you say so. I want to know everything I think about you, about what we have experienced so far ... because ... because I know that we will die- NO! WE ARE GOING TO DIE. Let's get out of here No, Sempai- Yes, sighed Morinaga- It must be some way ... some miracle will happen and we will leave here with life- No. Sooner or later we will kill-otaku 'Why are you so pessimistic No I am pessimistic, I am realistic. Finally ... I see things clearly, I have finally woken up, I finally cured my blindness of love that you had- What do you mean? - Ever since I met you ... I've been following you, loving you more and more each day. He is trying to meet and get close to you. Just one word from you would make me happy, despite everything told me to stay away because you were a tyrant ... I did not care. Every time I talked to you or seen you ... made ​​me nervous as a stupid teenager in love; although you do not even remember my name permenantly in or ask about me ...- -Morinaga ...- Shut up LISTEN - he sighed -Just you realize my existence when I rescued that teacher who wanted abuse you. If it were not for me, you would have been raped by him. Although you do not like my opinion ... somehow I was happy about that ... because if it were not for that teacher, I never would have saved you and I would never have become your kohai. When I started to help with the experiments ... I felt so happy, so alive inside. Having broken with Masaki-san ... I felt horrible ... I used ... I did not believe that someday could smile again, but thanks to you I did ... smiled again, to hope, to BELIEVE IN LOVE AGAIN ... but I see I was wrong. You ... you're selfish, you just worry about it- it is not thus, I always care about you ...- -¡NO - she shouted with tears in her eyes If you had you worried about me. .. you had anticipated that the fact marry someone else ... it would hurt ... but would you mind? CLEAR THAT NO- I was on my right. I am free to decide whether or not to me ... plus I had no commitment beyond ...- amitas you and tell you I'm the same. If we had nothing more than friendship ... tell me ... why did not you let me go the first time decided to leave Nagoya huh? - It's ... well ... you were not right. You were going to abandon your career just because I rechacé- No, Sempai. He would not give up my career. I was going to move me to another school, but you did not want me to go ... and do you know why? Because you do not care about anything but your emotional stability. I just wanted to hold you to not feel guilty. Also ... when I confessed to you ... you rejected me in the worst way-sighed You know ... there are ways to refuse ... and how you did it ... it was horrible ... You have you any idea how I felt - I called. No, and I'm sorry. Sorry ... I should not have rejected ASI- I was ashamed, because everything I was saying was true somehow I never got a chance to apologize, but now I do. Forgive Morinaga- Well no. Because now serves me your forgiveness I'm sorry ...- You know ... sometimes I think it would have been better not having known- ...- 'Do not say that 'The only person that really wanted me and supported me has been Taiga; and I thank God habérmela placed in my path. She was the only one that really worried me, he has again started the mourn -How strange ... she did not even know I'm going to die and that makes me bad. If I had to choose the last person to see before you die ... I would choose her and not to TI

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV sempai

not remember what time I closed My Eyes, and I fell asleep, but wake up I noticed back of knees and was asleep with his head down. I had a horrible Neck. Not yet opened very good Eyes, but I was aware that he had woken up; however, it completely opened Eyes when I heard the door opened in front of me. It was... Morinaga.He was walking slowly and Limping a bit. He was aching, and obviously the otaku pulled the Gun Back. At the end that Yuki was immediately moved to the side Chains of Morinaga feet connected with the floor. The otaku Morinaga ordered to kneel down again in his place and he did.Yuki was chained as before and also said that his hands were chained. Finally, the otaku and Yuki left without saying anything.
the Silence invaded US, I couldn't even see the face of Morinaga because their hair covered her. I said nothing... So I started the conversation...

- Mo... Mori... Naga? - I called him Very Nervous, but got no response - Morinaga?Please answer me...

... My Butt Hurts, still embarrassed and said with his head down.

... Uh... Well... - I didn't know what the answer to that, I know, well... I can imagine - I have taken a deep breath –morinaga... You Don't sacrifice yourself for me, please... - Shut Up

... Don't Tell Me - - not

, Morinaga. I Don't want you to sacrifice yourself for me, I Don't wanna see you suffer - in yesterday...Your screams... Your screams they Disturbed me. I felt horrible with what was happening to you I... I didn't know what to do... -

- Now do you see what I can do for you - at any time -

I asked - - I Stand by what has happened to me. I deserved

I - - What? -

it's Karma... - What are you talking about? - i -

... I raped you once... Or did you forget? -

...Do not forget me. That night you abused me. You have no right - -

... - Now I know

- Feel what I felt? - Yes -

... - I know, damn Morinaga is Angry and he looks full of frustration, humiliation and pain, I'm paying you? Maybe... I'm paying - Breathed hard - rape you once... And now I'm violated -

- mori... - I was Frightened by his reaction.- I Don't see this as a disgrace that something happened to me; I see it as Karma... As if life was doing Justice. I've never paid for what I did to you... And now... Life itself is making me pay. All the times that made you... Life is gaining

I - - Don't say that! I... I never wanted you to pay for what I did -

- Don't try to minimize the damage - - -

- in addition... Haha... You Were Right - I thought I was going crazy –tenías Morinaga right when you said you'd get hard with me for a normal Physiological response and Logic. It was obvious... If I was in your Sensitive Areas. It was a fact that excite you because you're Human. - have I thought that... I thought you liked... That somehow you enjoyed it... But not...You only my body was reacting to lagrimeó actions - and that... I felt that with the otaku...

he... He told me You Ran 3 times with him

- - Yes! It is true... But... What could you do if I was playing ah? She cried With Pain and humiliation, the excitement is Involuntary. You can't control. When raped me... I was trying to help it with all my Strength,Force my thoughts to other things. But could not... And... And I felt used and defeated when I was with him...


so Morinaga... -... I remembered that at that time when you were with me... Don't do it because you wanted to or because you liked... But because I was forcing -

- Don't think about that! You are wrong - IWell, I didn't want to have this concept of me -... I was - I wanted and I got Nervous, is true You were Faking It, but... I already told you once. I ended up giving up because I wanted. If I hadn't wanted to do it with you... I would have killed him the first time, but... I did not... Because... Because somehow... Yes... I wanted to...

and I did - - Shut Up!Don't use your lies like a Consolation -

- are lies... The Truth Is -

- I Don't know what to believe. You lied to me so much, you excited in vain... Not... Wait. By myself I Hope - My Life continued with tears... Until now it was horrible and I thought... I thought that the love you... I could be happy... But not to be close to you.The cling to you and to think I had a chance with you has made me much damage - - Don't tell me that

... - Yes! Yes, I tell you. I want you to know everything I think about you, about what we have lived until now. Because... Because I know that we're going to die -

! We're not going to die. Let's get out of here -

- sempai Morinaga - - Yes, I must have somehow...A miracle is going to happen and we're gonna get out of here Alive -

- not the otaku. Sooner or later we will kill -

- Why are you so pessimistic -

I'm not pessimistic, I'm realistic. Finally... I see things clearly, I finally awake, Finally I cured my Blindness I had Love You

- - What do you mean?

- - since I met you... I've been Watching You, Loving You More and more each day.Trying to get to know you and get you. Just one word from you would make me happy, though All told me away because you were a tyrant... I Don't IMPORTÓ. Every time I saw you... I was nervous as a stupid Teenager In Love, Despite that you don't even bother to remember my name or ask about me

Morinaga... - Shut up and Listen!- –recién sighed you realize my existence I The Professor who wanted to abuse you. If it wasn't for me, you'd have been raped by him. Even if you don't like my opinion... Somehow I was happy about that... As if it were not for the teacher, I never would have saved you and never happened to be your kohai. When I started to help with the experiments.I felt so happy, so alive inside. After being broken up with Masaki San... I felt horrible. Used... I never thought that one day I could smile again, but thanks to you, I did. I Smile, to Hope, To Believe In Love Again... But I see I was wrong. You... You're a Selfish, you only care about yourself -

- not so, I always worry about you...

- No! He cried, With Tears in my eyes, you've Worried About me... You had anticipated that the fact Marry someone else... I dolerÍa... But you cared? Of course not -

- was on my right. I'm free to decide whether or not I should... Besides, I had no commitment Beyond the amitas

- You -- - you tell me. If we had nothing Beyond Friendship... Why... Tell Me Why you didn't Let me go when I first decided to leave Nagoya?

- - is that you... Well... It was not right. You abandon your career just because I I -

- sempai. I wasn't going to Give Up My Career. I was going to move to another School, but you didn't want me to go... And you know why? Because You Don't care about anything but you emotional stability.I just wanted to hold to not feel guilty. Besides... When I confessed to you... You rejected me in the worst Way sighed - you know... There are ways to reject... And the way that you did. It was awful... Do you have any idea how I felt? - I was. - No, and I'm sorry. Sorry... I shouldn't have rejected it - I was ashamed,Well, All I was saying was somehow never really had the opportunity to apologize, but I do now. Forgive Me, Morinaga -

- because now I Don't want your Forgiveness -

I'm sorry... - you know... Sometimes I think it would have been better not to have known - -

- Don't say that... The only person who really loved me and supported me has been Taiga;And I thank God I put in my path. She has been the one that really has to be worried about me - again began to Cry - The Strange... She doesn't even know I was going to die and that puts me bad. If I had to choose the last person to see before you die... I'd go with her and not Yourself -
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