Esos días en los que me recuperaba de mi anemia, tuve mucho tiempo par dịch - Esos días en los que me recuperaba de mi anemia, tuve mucho tiempo par Anh làm thế nào để nói

Esos días en los que me recuperaba

Esos días en los que me recuperaba de mi anemia, tuve mucho tiempo para reflexionar sobre mi situación tan extraña. Sé que todo esto suena a locura, pero si no hubiera ocurrido ¿acaso yo podría sentir este dolor de pérdida dentro de mí?

Esto es muy confuso ahora que lo pienso detenidamente, existo yo Souichi Tatsumi que vivió una vida totalmente diferente a causa de haberme topado con Morinaga Tetsuhiro, mi vida estaba tan completa, con ese estúpido homo-baka. Por otra parte existe un Souichi que jamás conoció a Morinaga, que siempre ha sentido un vacío existencial y que se hizo amigo de Hikari. Aunque no lo entiendo bien, ese Souichi y este somos el mismo, no coexistimos en diferentes dimensiones puesto que yo tengo memoria de ambas realidades. Si es verdad que existen los mundos paralelos, ¿Cómo es posible que yo mismo tenga conciencia de la otra realidad donde yo mismo viví esas cosas? Y a la vez conozca este mundo totalmente ajeno, pero del cual tengo más certeza percibir como la realidad.

Nos dirigíamos a Fukuoka, mi familia estaba todavía preocupada, mi hermano Tomoe llamaba todos los días para saber si ya estaba mejor, tanta era su angustia que incluso poco antes de que iniciara mi mejoría, empezó a ver si podía encontrar otro empleo para regresar a Nagoya y cuidar de mí. Mi hermanita Kanako lo tranquilizó una vez que noto mi recuperación, le explicó que ya estaba bien, no se me veía tan deprimido, ahora tenía una meta. Todo esto me lo detalló Hikari, también ella me hizo el favor de inventar una historia, con tal de no contarle a mi familia cosas que los harían pensar estoy loco.

En el camino a Fukuoka Hikari me preguntó varias cosas sobre Morinaga, por alguna razón estaba realmente interesada en el hombre que según ella robo mi corazón:

-Sou-kun dime, me lo he ganado ¿no? ¿Cómo era estar con Morinaga?-

-Era algo pesado a veces siempre estaba sobre mí, sin dejarme respirar tranquilo-

-Cuéntame, ¿Qué cosa era la que más te gustaba de estar con él?-

-mmmm… siempre fue un excelente cocinero, todas sus comidas eran fabulosas-

- Sabes que no me refería a eso, vamos no seas aguafiestas ¿sus besos eran más ricos que los míos? ¿Qué sentías cuando tocaba tu piel?-

-…no lo sé…-

En el momento que hizo esas preguntas mi mente volaba hasta los recuerdos de su piel contra la mía, sus dulces besos eran la cosa que más extrañaba, sus brazos fuertes estrechando mi cuerpo desnudo junto al suyo, las miradas llenas de pasión. Todo es tan triste, seguro él es feliz con alguien que no soy yo. No obstante necesitaba verlo, quizá tenía una oportunidad nueva para conocerlo, incluso para ser solo amigos. ¿Amigos? Realmente deseo que seamos amigos, dijo que se enamoró a primera vista de mí, quizá ocurra una segunda vez.

Hikari era una excelente amiga, ella noto que me puse serio y dejo de hacer preguntas tontas sobre nosotros, cosas que después de nuestra primera plática resultaban ser obvias, sin embargo pregunto algo que si pude contestar.

-Dime quien es este hombre perfecto, ¿Qué sabes de él en todos esos años que lo conociste?-

-Morinaga es un tipo amistoso como tu, siempre estaba rodeado de bastante gente, sonreía casi todo el tiempo, incluso cuando algo lo atormentaba. Siempre odie su sonrisa fingida llena de dolor por problemas que lo aquejaban como mis rechazos….- Demonios no sé porque dije eso.

-Rechazos…Ahora que lo pienso por qué tienes tanto problema con aceptarlo?-

-Es simple, porque soy heterosexual no veo posible que un hombre se enamore de otro-

-Pero, no logro comprender, tu hermano ama a un hombre, tu lo has visto realmente feliz desde que son pareja, ¿no es así? Tú mismo… ¿No buscamos justo ahora a Morinaga-san, pues te sentías tan satisfecho de vivir tu vida en compañía de él?-

La maldita creo que tiene razón, me sentía tan bien, nunca me percate de ello, a razón de que no poseía un punto de comparación.

-mmmm no te das cuenta todavía, si no lo amaras todos esos momentos en compañíade él serían simplemente fútiles ¿El hecho de perderlo no te trajo aquí en primer lugar?-

Las lágrimas brotaban sin que yo lo quisiera, ¿por qué tengo que sentir estas cosas absurdas? Unos instantes después sentí un tierno abrazo de Hikari.

-¿Qué voy a hacer cuando lo vea?-

-No te preocupes ya pensaremos en algo, platícame como era la vida de él antes de conocerte eso quizá nos dé una idea de donde buscar-

-No se mucho sobre él... mmmm...El salió de su pueblo natal, porque todo el pueblo descubrió que era gay, puesto que andaba con el amigo de su hermano que era hijo de alguien importante en el lugar. Este tipo llamado Masaki rompió su corazón, cuando fueron descubiertos y repudiados por el hermano mayor de Morinaga del cual Masaki estaba enamorado, al saberse despreciado por el hermano intento suicidarse sin éxito. Los rumores corrieron de que Morinaga había sido quien lo orilló a suicidarse, quien lo volvió gay. Para colmo su familia le diola espalda, estaban tan avergonzados porque su hijo fuera gay, además del escándalo que se produjo, que optaron por mandarlo lejos a estudiar la universidad. Esos miserables, como se atrevieron a despreciar a su propio hijo-

-Pero que triste historia, ahora entiendo que no sólo tu lo necesitas, el también te necesita a ti-

Una vez llegando a Fukuoka caminábamos por el lugar que parecía entre antiguo y moderno por el tipo construcciones que se mostraban por todo el lugar. Como no decidíamos bien que hacer, preguntamos en el primer negocio que pareciera antiguo, pues seguro sus propietarios conocerían a las familias que habitaban en el pueblo.

-Buenos días estamos buscando la casa de la familia Morinaga, es que somos viejos amigos de la familia- Dijo Hikari con una sonrisa, al señor que atendía el lugar.

-mmmm los Morinaga, papá donde queda la casa de los Morinaga-

-Los Morinaga viven casi al final del pueblo, solo sigan el camino derecho hasta el fondo y cuando lleguen ahí verán varias casas de estilo tradicional una de ellas es la de los Morinaga. Con gusto les escribo la dirección con el número. Pero díganme ¿para qué los necesitan?-

-Es que nuestros padres eran viejos amigos de esa familia y queríamos ver cómo les ha ido estos últimos años, aún recuerdo al pequeño Tetsuhiro, me muero de ganas por saber que ha sido de él- Mintió Hikari para sacar información.

-Oh sí, es el menor de la familia, aún estudia en la universidad, según se, está por terminar la escuela. Si él es a quien quieren ver, deberían visitar la universidad, ahí se la pasa todo el día, suele venir a menudo con su prometida a la cafetería, se casarán en cuanto terminen la escuela-

-¡¿Eh?! ¿Casarse?- No creía lo que escuchaban mis oídos mi Morinaga se casaría y con una mujer, no sabía que pensar, ya no quería encontrarlo, para verlo feliz al lado de una mujer, sentía mi corazón doler como si estuviera herido, saber que se casaría me rompía el alma en mil pedazos.

-De casualidad no sabe ¿dónde queda la universidad?- Preguntaba Hikari mientras yo me hundía en mis pensamientos sin poder articular palabra alguna.

-Claro, con gusto también le escribiré esa dirección, para que puedan visitarlo. Hey, muchacho se siente bien, pareciera que se va a desmallar, siéntese. Hijo tráele un café al joven, por favor-

Siento tanto frío recorriendo mi cuerpo, pero que demonios es esta sensación, debo calmarme, ya no sé si quiero seguir y encontrarme con ese malnacido.

-Sou-kun calma. No te preocupes, las cosas irán bien, no está casado, eso se pueden corregir, ya verás en cuanto te vea quizá hasta se enamore de ti- Me dijo Hikari cuando se alejaron para traerme el café.

-Quien demonios dijo algo de querer que se enamore de mi ese imbécil- Respondió mi orgullo, porque me arrepentía de las absurdas cosas que me moría por decir.

A pesar de lo que sale de mi boca, no puedo evitar pensar que me gustaría tanto que me ame como todas esas veces, yo soy el único al que Morinaga puede amar.

Nos dirigimos a la universidad, entre Hikari y yo pensamos que lo mejor sería revisar las investigaciones sobre agricultura que se realizaban ahí, para pedir a la universidad de Nagoya que me permitiera asistir en una de esas investigaciones, tal cual lo había hecho en Canadá. Así fue como buscamos en cuál de todas las investigaciones Morinaga Tetsuhiro estaba participando, para la sorpresa de Hikari, no únicamente existía un Morinaga Tetsuhiro estudiando la licenciatura de agricultura, también era participante activo de una las investigaciones más importantes que se realizaban en esa universidad. Gracias a ello afortunadamente me dieron permiso de participar en esa investigación, sólo debía de regresar Hikari a Nagoya para llenar papeleo, además de vigilar nuestros propios experimentos que dejamos. Ella accedió amablemente a todo lo que se le encomendaba, pero antes de irse quería conocer al tan nombrado hombre que afanosamente había buscado.

Todo estaba listo, el profesor Fukushima nos había dado en permiso para participar en la universidad de Fukuoka, ahora solo requeríamos hablar con el profesor encargado de esa investigación, pero para ello nos encontraríamos con el asistente, el cual era Morinaga. Todos estos acontecimientos me hacen sentirme muy ansioso, pues tiene meses que no lo he visto, que tal si le caigo mal, no sé qué demonios voy a decirle cuando lo vea. Mientras pensaba en eso Hikari puso su mano sobre mi hombro, me miro tiernamente diciendo:

-Calma, todo saldrá bien, ¿Ya pensaste que le dirás? ¿Quizá eso es lo que te tiene tan preocupado? Mira yo te sugiero que simplemente te presentes cortésmente sin sacar tu personalidad agresiva, se lo mas tranquilo y amable que puedas. De inmediato sabrás si le caes bien, si ocurre así, en un par de días podrás invitarlo a realizar alguna actividad que recuerdes les gustaba hacer juntos, por cierto ¿Qué era eso?-

Al escuchar esas palabras, sentí que me tranquilizaba un poco, pensaba en las actividades que hacíamos juntos, recordaba la investigación como la primera cosa
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Those days in which I recovered from my anemia I had much time to think about my situation so strange. I know that this sounds like madness, but if it had not happened it could feel the pain of loss within me?This is very confusing now that I think about it carefully, exist me Souichi Tatsumi who lived a life completely different from cause of having met with Morinaga Tetsuhiro, my life was very full, with that stupid homo-baka. On the other hand there is a Souichi who never met Morinaga, who has always felt an existential vacuum and became a friend of Hikari. Although I don't understand well, that Souichi and this are the same, not coexist in different dimensions since I have memory of both realities. If it is true that there are parallel worlds, how it is possible myself aware of another reality where I lived those things? And at the same time get to know this world completely alien, but of which I have more certainty perceived as reality.We were heading to Fukuoka, my family was still concerned, my brother Tomoe called every day to find out if he was better, so great was his anguish that even little until it began my improvement, you started to see if I could find another job to return to Nagoya and take care of me. My sister Kanako reassured once I notice my recovery, he explained that he was well, not me she looked so depressed, now had a goal. All this Hikari, explained it I also she did me the favor of inventing a story, just to not count my family things that would make them think I'm crazy.On the way to Fukuoka Hikari asked me several things about Morinaga, for some reason was really interested in the man she stole my heart:-Sou-kun tell me, I earned it? What it was like to be with Morinaga?--It was something heavy at times always was on me without letting me rest easy --Tell me, what was that more liked living with him?--mmmm... always was an excellent Cook, their meals were fabulous--You know that I was not referring to that, let's don't be spoilsport their kisses were richer than mine? What feel when touching your skin?--.. .no I know it...-When asked these questions, my mind flew up to memories of his skin against mine, his sweet kisses were the thing that most missed, his arms strong narrowing my naked body next to his, passion-filled eyes. Everything is so sad, sure he's happy with someone who I am not. However needed to see him, maybe had a new opportunity to meet him, even to be just friends. Friends? Really wish that we are friends, said that he fell in love at first sight for me, perhaps it happens a second time.Hikari was an excellent friend, she noticed that I was serious and I stop asking silly questions about us, things that were obvious after our first conversation, however I ask something that if I could answer.-Tell me who is this perfect man, do you know him in all these years who knew it?--Morinaga is a friendly type like you, he was always surrounded by enough people, he smiled almost all the time, even when something tormented him. Always hated his feigned smile full of pain problems bedeviling it as my rejections...-demons don't know why I said that.-Rejects... Now that think why they have so much problem with accepting it?--It is simple, because I am heterosexual not see possible that a man fall in love with another -- But, I can not understand, your brother loves a man, your you've seen him really happy since they are couple, isn't it? Yourself... do not look right now to Morinaga-san, because you feel so satisfied to live your life in the company of the?-The damn I think you are right, I felt as well, never me realize this, to reason that did not have a point of comparison.-mmmm don't you realize yet, if not what you loved all those moments in companiade it would be simply pointless does the fact of losing it not brought you here in the first place?-Tears flowed without that I want it, why should I feel these absurd things? A few moments later I felt a tender embrace of Hikari.-What will I do when they see it?--Do not worry because we will think about something, tell me how it was his life before meeting you that perhaps give us an idea of where search --Not be much over it... mmmm... He left his hometown, because all the people discovered that he was gay, since that was the friend of her brother who was the son of someone important in the workplace. This guy named Masaki broke his heart when they were discovered and repudiated by the older brother of Morinaga which Masaki was in love, to becoming despised by brother try to commit suicide without success. Rumors raced that Morinaga was who pushed him to commit suicide, who gay again. For high his family le diola back, were so ashamed because his son was gay, as well as the scandal that ensued, who chose to send it away to study College. Those miserable, as they dared to despise his own son--Pero que triste historia, ahora entiendo que no sólo tu lo necesitas, el también te necesita a ti-Una vez llegando a Fukuoka caminábamos por el lugar que parecía entre antiguo y moderno por el tipo construcciones que se mostraban por todo el lugar. Como no decidíamos bien que hacer, preguntamos en el primer negocio que pareciera antiguo, pues seguro sus propietarios conocerían a las familias que habitaban en el pueblo.-Buenos días estamos buscando la casa de la familia Morinaga, es que somos viejos amigos de la familia- Dijo Hikari con una sonrisa, al señor que atendía el lugar.-mmmm los Morinaga, papá donde queda la casa de los Morinaga--Los Morinaga viven casi al final del pueblo, solo sigan el camino derecho hasta el fondo y cuando lleguen ahí verán varias casas de estilo tradicional una de ellas es la de los Morinaga. Con gusto les escribo la dirección con el número. Pero díganme ¿para qué los necesitan?--Es que nuestros padres eran viejos amigos de esa familia y queríamos ver cómo les ha ido estos últimos años, aún recuerdo al pequeño Tetsuhiro, me muero de ganas por saber que ha sido de él- Mintió Hikari para sacar información.-Oh sí, es el menor de la familia, aún estudia en la universidad, según se, está por terminar la escuela. Si él es a quien quieren ver, deberían visitar la universidad, ahí se la pasa todo el día, suele venir a menudo con su prometida a la cafetería, se casarán en cuanto terminen la escuela--Huh? You would marry?-did not believe what my ears heard my Morinaga marry and with a woman, did not know think, already didn't want to find him, to see him happy beside a woman, felt my heart hurt as if wounded, knowing that they would marry broke me the soul in a thousand pieces.-By chance do not know where is the University? - asked Hikari while I I had in my thoughts without being able to articulate a Word.-Clear, warmly also write him that direction, so they can visit him. Hey, boy it feels good, it seems to be to got, feel. Son bring coffee to the young, please -I feel so cold around my body, but that hell is this feeling, I calm myself, I no longer know if I want to go and meet this malnacido.-Sou-kun calm. Don't worry, things will go well, is not married, that can be corrected, you will see as soon as you see maybe up to enamore de ti - Hikari told Me when leave to bring me coffee.-Who demons said something want to se enamore de mi that imbecile - answered my pride, because I repented of the absurd things that I was dying to say.Despite what comes out of my mouth, I can't help but think that I'd so much that I love you like all those times, I'm the only one that Morinaga can love.Nos dirigimos a la universidad, entre Hikari y yo pensamos que lo mejor sería revisar las investigaciones sobre agricultura que se realizaban ahí, para pedir a la universidad de Nagoya que me permitiera asistir en una de esas investigaciones, tal cual lo había hecho en Canadá. Así fue como buscamos en cuál de todas las investigaciones Morinaga Tetsuhiro estaba participando, para la sorpresa de Hikari, no únicamente existía un Morinaga Tetsuhiro estudiando la licenciatura de agricultura, también era participante activo de una las investigaciones más importantes que se realizaban en esa universidad. Gracias a ello afortunadamente me dieron permiso de participar en esa investigación, sólo debía de regresar Hikari a Nagoya para llenar papeleo, además de vigilar nuestros propios experimentos que dejamos. Ella accedió amablemente a todo lo que se le encomendaba, pero antes de irse quería conocer al tan nombrado hombre que afanosamente había buscado.Todo estaba listo, el profesor Fukushima nos había dado en permiso para participar en la universidad de Fukuoka, ahora solo requeríamos hablar con el profesor encargado de esa investigación, pero para ello nos encontraríamos con el asistente, el cual era Morinaga. Todos estos acontecimientos me hacen sentirme muy ansioso, pues tiene meses que no lo he visto, que tal si le caigo mal, no sé qué demonios voy a decirle cuando lo vea. Mientras pensaba en eso Hikari puso su mano sobre mi hombro, me miro tiernamente diciendo:
-Calma, todo saldrá bien, ¿Ya pensaste que le dirás? ¿Quizá eso es lo que te tiene tan preocupado? Mira yo te sugiero que simplemente te presentes cortésmente sin sacar tu personalidad agresiva, se lo mas tranquilo y amable que puedas. De inmediato sabrás si le caes bien, si ocurre así, en un par de días podrás invitarlo a realizar alguna actividad que recuerdes les gustaba hacer juntos, por cierto ¿Qué era eso?-

Al escuchar esas palabras, sentí que me tranquilizaba un poco, pensaba en las actividades que hacíamos juntos, recordaba la investigación como la primera cosa
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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These days when I was recovering from my anemia, I had plenty of time to reflect on my situation so strange. I know this sounds crazy, but if it had not happened did I could feel the pain of loss within me? This is very confusing now that I think about it carefully, I exist Souichi Tatsumi who lived a totally different life because of me Tetsuhiro Morinaga encountered, my life was so complete that stupid Homo-baka. Moreover there is an ever met Souichi Morinaga, who has always felt an emptiness and became friends with Hikari. Although not quite understand, that Souichi and this are the same, we do not coexist in different dimensions since I have memory of both realities. If it is true that there are parallel worlds, How is it possible that I be aware of another reality where I myself lived these things? And while I know this totally alien world, but which have more certainty perceive as reality. We were heading to Fukuoka, my family was still worried, my brother Tomoe called every day to see if it was better, so was his anguish even shortly before begin my improvement, she began to see if I could find another job to go back to Nagoya and take care of me. My sister Kanako reassured once I notice my recovery, he said that enough was enough, do not look so depressed me, now had a goal. All this is explained to me Hikari, she also did me the favor to invent a story, so as not to tell my family things that would make them think I'm crazy. On the way to Fukuoka Hikari asked me several things about Morinaga, for some reason I was really interested in the man who stole my heart she says: -Sou-kun tell me what I won right? What was it like being with Morinaga - It was something heavy at times was always about me, without me breathe calmly Tell me, what was the thing you liked to be with him - Mmmm ... it was always an excellent cook , all meals were fabulosas- - You know not what I meant, let's not be spoilers are your kisses were richer than mine? What did you feel when touched your skin -? - ... I do not know ... - At the time I made ​​those questions my mind raced to memories of his skin against mine, her sweet kisses were the thing I missed most, his strong arms tightening my naked body against hers, eyes full of passion. Everything is so sad, he sure is happy with someone who is not me. However needed to see him, perhaps he had a new opportunity to meet him, even for just friends. Friends? I really want to be friends, said he fell in love at first sight for me, maybe a second time occurs. Hikari was a good friend, she noticed that I got serious and stop asking silly questions about us, things that after our first talk They turned out to be obvious, but I wonder if you could answer something. Tell me who this perfect man, what you know about him in all those years you met him - -Morinaga is a friendly guy like you, I was always surrounded by enough people He smiled most of the time, even when something troubled him. I always hated his fake smile full of pain problems that plagued him as my rejections ... .- Demons do not know why I said that. -Rechazos ... Now that I think about why you have so much trouble with accept - It's simple, because I'm not heterosexual I see a man may fall in love with other- But I can not understand your brother loves a man, you have seen him since they are really happy couple, do not you? Yourself ... Do not look right now Morinaga-san, since you felt so happy to live your life in his company - Damn think you're right, I felt so good, I never realized it at the rate of did not have a point of comparison. Mmmm do not realize yet, if you loved him all those times he would simply be futile compañíade The fact of losing did not bring you here first - Tears welled unless I want why do I have to feel these absurdities? . A few moments later I felt a tender embrace of Hikari What will I do when I see it - Do not worry, we'll think of something, Tell me what life was like before I met him that maybe give us an idea of where Search- No lot about it ... mmmm ... He left his hometown, because all the people discovered he was gay, since the friend who was with his brother who was the son of someone important on the spot. This guy named Masaki broke his heart when they were discovered and rejected by the older brother Masaki Morinaga which he loved, to be known contempt for the attempted suicide unsuccessfully brother. Rumors ran that Morinaga was the one who drove him to the suicide, who turned gay. To top his family Diola back, they were so ashamed that his son was gay, besides the scandal that occurred, who chose to send him away to attend college. Those miserable, as they dared to despise his own son But that sad story, I now understand not only what you need, you also need the TI Once reaching Fukuoka walked through the place that looked between ancient and modern by type buildings that were shown all over the place. As well we decided not to do, ask in the first business that seems old, for sure their owners would know the families living in the village. Good day we are looking for the house of the family Morinaga is that we are old friends of the family - Hikari said with a smile, the man who took care of the place. Mmmm the Morinaga, dad where the house is Morinaga- Morinaga -The living near the end of town, just follow the right way to the bottom and when you get there you will see several houses traditional one is that of Morinaga. With pleasure I write the address number. But tell me why they need - It's our parents were old friends of the family and wanted to see how it has fared in recent years, I still remember the little Tetsuhiro, I'm dying to know what has become of him lied Hikari to get information. Oh yes, is the youngest of the family, still studying at the university, as it is about to finish school. If he is who you want to see, they should visit the university, that he spends all day, often tends to come with his fiancée to the cafeteria, will marry after they finish school- -¡¿Eh ?! Marry - did not believe what they were hearing my ears my Morinaga marry with a woman and not know what to think, did not want to find him, to see him happy beside a woman, I felt my heart ache as if wounded, knowing that marry broke my heart into a million pieces. -dE not happen to know where the university is -. He asked Hikari while I sank into my thoughts unable to utter a word Of course, we're also write that direction, so they can visit. Hey, boy feels good, it seems to be desmallar, sit. Son bring him coffee to young, please- I feel so cold through my body, but what the hell is this feeling, I must calm down, and I do not know if I want to go and meet that bastard. -Sou-kun calm. Do not worry, things will go well, you are not married, that can be corrected, you'll see when he sees you might even fall in love with it- I Hikari said as they walked away to bring me coffee. -Who the hell said anything about wanting fall in love with me that imbecile answered my pride because I regret the foolish things I was dying to say. Despite what comes out of my mouth, I can not help thinking that I long to love me like all those times, I am the only one Morinaga can love. We are headed to college, between Hikari and I thought it best to review research on agriculture that were made ​​there to ask Nagoya University to allow me to attend one of those investigations, as it had done in Canada. That's how we look at what all the research Morinaga Tetsuhiro was participating, to the surprise of Hikari, not only existed Morinaga Tetsuhiro studying a degree in agriculture, was also an active participant of the most important research being conducted at the university. Thanks to that fortunately I was given permission to participate in this research, only Hikari was returning to Nagoya to fill paperwork, in addition to monitoring our own experiments we left. She kindly agreed to everything that was commended, but before he wanted to meet the man who had appointed as eagerly sought. Everything was ready, the teacher in Fukushima had given us permission to participate in Fukuoka University, now we required only talk with the teacher in charge of the investigation, but for this we would find the wizard, which was Morinaga. All these events make me very anxious, because he has months have not seen it, what if I fall ill, I do not know what the hell I'll tell you when I see it. As I thought that Hikari put his hand on my shoulder, I looked tenderly saying: Calm down, everything will be fine, Have you thought that you say? Maybe that's what's got you so worried? Look, I suggest you simply present you politely without taking your aggressive personality is as quiet and friendly as possible. Immediately know if he likes you, if it does, in a couple of days you'll invite him to do something you'll remember loved to do together, by the way What was that? - Hearing those words, I felt like I relaxed a little, I thought the activities we did together, remembered the research as the first thing

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Those days where I recovered my anemia, I had much time to think about my situation so Strange. I know this sounds Crazy, but if it hadn't happened I could feel this Pain of loss within me?

This Is Very confused now that I think about it carefully,I am Souichi Tatsumi who lived a Life completely different because I ran into Tetsuhiro Morinaga, my life was so complete, that stupid homo - Baka. Moreover, there is a never met Morinaga Souichi, who has always been an existential Vacuum and became Friend of Hikari. Although I do not understand Well, and this is the same that Souichi,Not co-exist in different Dimensions since I have Memory of both realities. If it is true that there are PARALLEL WORLDS, How is it possible that I was aware of another Reality where I lived those things? And at the same time know this world totally unaware, but which have more Certainty to perceive as reality.

we headed to FukuokaMy family was still worried, My Brother Tomoe called every day to see if I was better, so his anguish was even prior to my Improvement, began to see if I could find another job to go to Nagoya and take care of me. My Little Sister Kanako reassured him once noticed my Recovery, I explained that I was, I was so depressed.Now I had a goal. All This I also detailed Hikari, she did me the favor of make up a Story, so as not to tell my family that things would think I'm Crazy.

in the way Hikari Fukuoka asked me several things on Morinaga, for some reason I was really interested in the man that she Stole My Heart

- sou kun: Tell Me, I won't?
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