- No quiero que vuelvas a dejarme… tienes que recuperarte idiota.- ¿Eh dịch - - No quiero que vuelvas a dejarme… tienes que recuperarte idiota.- ¿Eh Anh làm thế nào để nói

- No quiero que vuelvas a dejarme…

- No quiero que vuelvas a dejarme… tienes que recuperarte idiota.

- ¿Eh… de qué está hablando? ¿Por qué Senpai está aquí? No hay manera en que me haya encontrado… ¿acaso esto es una alucinación provocada por la fiebre?

Miraba la angustia y como pasaba el dorso de su mano en un intento de secar sus lágrimas. Entre la oscuridad, se arrodillaba junto a mi cama, buscaba mi mano y la sujetaba con delicadeza. Ponía mi mano contra su frente, podía verlo suplicar mientras sentía como el agua fría y cálida se mezclaba y me empapaba. Sus sollozos eran acallados por la fuerte corriente de agua y poco a poco sus deseos no llegaban a mis oídos. Su voz se apagaba lentamente.

- Morinaga…

Sus manos tomando la mía, transmitiéndome su miedo, el temblor. Suspiró. Se separó y lo noté destrozado. Beso mi mano con suavidad y entereza.

- No volveré a buscarte.

Apenas escuché su triste declaración el sueño me venció. No tuve la fuerza de articular palabra. Renegaba de mi debilidad, nunca aprovechaba los momentos que se presentaban ante mí. Le daba la espalda a la suerte, o tal vez ella me la daba a mí.

Volví a despertar, esta vez mucho más confundido. Una enfermera hacía sus chequeos rutinarios cuando sucedió. Trataba de recordar mi situación pero me costó algún trabajo. Asusté a esa mujer cuando con un grito llamé a quien se aferraba de mi mano durante la noche de lluvia.

- ¡SENPAI! Se escuchó en la habitación cuando abrí con terror mis ojos.

- Por favor usted debe de tranquilizarse. Se está recuperando todavía de las complicaciones de su operación y no le hará ningún bien. Cuidaba que yo no fuera a ser un fuerte movimiento o me levantara.

- ¿Señorita usted debe de saberlo no es así? Volteé a verla con desesperación.

- ¿Qué es lo que debería de saber?

- Una persona, un hombre, vino a mi habitación durante la noche mientras estaba lloviendo. Sujetaba su mano y alcanzaba a presionarla un poco sin darme cuenta.

- ¿Lluvia? Eso fue hace dos noches. Concluyó.

- ¿Hace dos noches?... ¿pero él estuvo aquí no es así?

- Fue real, estoy seguro que lo fue.

- ¿Él?...Yo no estuve de guardia aquella noche pero la lluvia se presentó muy pasada la hora de visitas así que dudo que alguien haya ingresado sin permiso. Me dijo mientras indagaba en su memoria.

- Pero yo lo recuerdo ¿Esta segura que no vieron a nadie?

Observando mi evidente preocupación y al parecer importante, amablemente preguntó a varios de sus compañeros pero solo me confirmó la dolorosa verdad: nadie se había presentado. Ninguna persona recordaba a alguien con la descripción que yo había dado.

- No puede ser solo una ilusión.

Me explicaron que había tenido fiebre durante varios días y que combinado con los sedantes pudieron haber causado aquella visión. No quería entender pero me vi forzado a hacerlo. No había esperanza, no había duda, no tenía porqué empeñarme en una mentira más, un truco de mi mente e intento de nublar mi camino.

Poco a poco mi salud fue mejorando. Estuve internado por varios días más y posteriormente me dieron el alta. Los psicólogos no me abandonaron y continuaron hasta que pude superar la profunda depresión. Día a día me perdonaba intentando creer en mis palabras. Deseando que todas las heridas fueran lavadas por el tiempo.

- No has hecho nada malo, tomaste tu decisión y aunque errónea, era lo que creías mejor. Te perdonó y te libero.

Escucharme continuamente decir eso hizo que comenzara a creerlo, a pensar en que podía perdonarme. La carga que había puesto en mis hombros fue disminuyendo, podía disfrutar una vez más de las actividades que realizaba. El gusto por la cocina, la realización por las metas alcanzadas en mi trabajo, todo volvía a traerme felicidad y de vez en cuando podía sonreír con sinceridad. Trataba de quererme cada día más aunque en los momentos de debilidad me avergonzaba ver las cicatrices que ahora me acompañaban. Ver ante un espejo mi cuerpo desnudo me causaba cierta ansiedad y sentimientos encontrados.

Luego de una desagradable experiencia con mi última operación decidí que no era necesario hacer más. Un rostro más fino estaría siempre al verme en mi reflejo y me imposibilitaría olvidar ese mal paso. Era un buen recordatorio. Corté mi pelo y regresaba a mi anterior vida, una nueva vida. Esta era una etapa de cambios, de decisiones, de ser ambicioso por primera vez. Trabajé mucho más que nadie y con satisfacción podía llamarme a mí mismo un "doctor". Escalé tanto como pude jerárquicamente en la empresa y podía sentir como el vacío comenzaba a llenarse. Tenía un buen equipo de trabajo y me dediqué mayormente a mi trabajo que en cualquier otra de las áreas de mi vida. Regresé a tener el mismo trato con las personas que me rodeaban pero ya no tomaba a nadie tan enserio; tal vez porque no quería ser lastimado.

- Morinaga-san, Morinaga-san… ¿no le gustaría acompañarnos a tomar un trago? todos los compañeros van a ir y quieren que se nos una.

- Siento mucho decir que ya tengo otros compromisos. En verdad siento no poder acompañarlos.

Era un experto mentiroso y evasor.

- No quiero convivir demasiado con ustedes, no quiero tomarles cariño.

- Es una pena que nunca pueda acompañarnos. Siempre está trabajando más que los demás, debería tomar un descanso.

- Tener que supervisar varios proyectos a la vez no es fácil pero tampoco puedo quejarme. Reí amistosamente. - Será en la próxima ocasión.

Esa era siempre mi respuesta.

Pasaron volando cuatro años frente a mis ojos. Estando sumergido entre tanto trabajo se hizo imposible percatarse de ello. Yo era quien comúnmente asistía en días como navidad o año nuevo, no había nada que festejar o alguien que me esperara en casa. Era tan terco que solo pedía mis días de descanso cuando mi condición me obligaba. Caía enfermo y agotado por algunos días y después regresaba a mi estresante ritmo de vida. Parecía un drogadicto que ingresaban unos cuantos días a rehabilitación y regresaba a las calles por más. Mi vida se convirtió en algo que no podía afrontar sin poner en primer lugar al trabajo.

- Tanto que odiaba que papá no estuviera en casa y solo hablara de su bendito trabajo.

Reía y me burlaba de lo irónica que era la vida. Si no encontraba algo que le diera sentido a mi vida nuevamente iba a terminar por colapsar en el hospital; cuanto rencor había tomado por ese lugar. Intenté pasar más tiempo en mi departamento pero la soledad no era mi mejor amiga, era una completa tortura. Mi cabeza dolía y me zumbaban los oídos con la profundidad del silencio; algo insoportable. También traté pasar tiempo con mis compañeros pero aquello no era más que un sinfín de pláticas vacías. Se emborrachaban mientras hablaban del trabajo y de vez en cuando las conversaciones se tornaban mucho más personales al avanzar la noche.

- Ne, ne… Morinaga-san, ¿usted no tiene compromisos verdad? Preguntaba una de las pocas chicas sobrevivientes a la doceava ronda de tragos.

- Eh… pues… Bajé con nerviosismo el wiski que estaba por llevar a mi boca.

- No, ahora que lo pienso, es bastante apuesto así que seguro debe de tener una linda novia… Hizo un puchero cruzando los brazos.

- B-bueno yo… Entré en pánico. Odiaba tener que enfrentarme a ese tipo de preguntas; una de las tantas razones que evitara salir pues al llegar a cierta hora de la noche todo se ponía comprometedor.

- Akemi, no crees que estas yendo muy lejos. Le daba un ligero codazo una de sus amigas mientras le susurraba. - Aunque no haya reglas fuera del trabajo sigue siendo tu jefe. Compórtate por favor.

- Morinaga-san no le preste atención. A ella le gusta acompañarnos pero es una mala bebedora como puede darse cuenta. Río apenado uno más de mis subordinados.

- ¿Pero qué hay de malo con querer saber Yui? *hick* Podía verse que había llegado a su límite varias rondas atrás. - ¡Traigan algo más fuerte que mi tarro está vacío!

- ¡Akemi, por favor baja de la mesa!

Era divertida la compañía de todos pero inevitablemente querían conocer más de mí ¿eso es lo que buscan los amigos, no? Ese oscuro pasado seguía arrastrándolo hasta el día de hoy y esa imagen de él suplicando y angustiado en medio de la luz de los truenos, no podía olvidarlo. De vez en cuando me visitaba entre sueños y en otras ocasiones en pesadillas. No soñaba tan seguido con él pero era evidente que no había cerrado adecuadamente ese capítulo en mi vida. Esa puerta todavía permanecía entreabierta.

Lo más humillante era cuando lograba filtrarse en mis momentos de placer. Su voz resonando en mis oídos, su piel contra la mía, su sabor, lo vibrante de su esencia. La pasión de los besos y sus manos recorriendo mi espalda. Me veía atrapado en medio de esa antigua adicción y luego todo terminaba en lágrimas de amargura. Él ya no estaba junto a mí, él no correspondía o reaccionaba a mis caricias. Él ya no dibujaba mi silueta con el temblor de su tacto. Quería ver esta última prueba superada. Olvidar a quien me olvido y concluir la historia que jamás comenzó ¿Es posible amar a alguien por tanto tiempo? Todavía no podía negar a esa pregunta.

Hablé con mi supervisor y solicité un cambio a otra sucursal de la farmacéutica. Nagoya era la única vacante dentro de Japón. Otra vez la vida se mofaba de mi infortunio. Antes habría matado por una mínima oportunidad pero hoy en día que se presentaba rogaba poder afrontar mi realidad.

- Esto también es temporal… "nada es para siempre" ¿no es así Senpai?

Era como si mi destino estuviera encadenado a ese lugar ¿Cuántas veces más tenía que morir en esa ciudad que me recibió con los brazos abiertos? ¿Cuántas oportunidades más iba a regalarme? ¿Y cuantas veces más sería capaz de soportar?

- No hay mal que dure mil años… y en todo caso, no hay cuerpo que lo aguante.

Miré el contrato frente a mí y después de vacilar unos segundos terminé firmando ¿Qué son dos años más en esa ciudad? Había estado huyendo desde hace tanto tiempo y a pesar de eso regresaba. Probablemente en ese lugar era donde se encontraba mi hogar.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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-Do not want to let me... you have to retrieve you idiot.-Are Eh... What is talking about? Why is Senpai here? There is no way that has found me... perhaps this is do a fever-induced hallucination?I watched the anguish and as passing the back of his hand in an attempt to dry her tears. Between darkness, knelt beside my bed, looking for my hand and held it gently. Put my hand against his forehead, I could see him plead as felt as warm and cold water mixing and I soaked. His sobs were silenced by the strong current of water and gradually their wishes not reached my ears. His voice died out slowly.-Morinaga...His hands taking mine, transmitting to me their fear, trembling. He sighed. Broke and I noticed it shattered. Kiss my hand gently and fortitude.-I will not looking for you.Soon as I heard his sad statement sleep me beat. I didn't have the strength of articulate Word. He rejected my weakness, he never took the moments that stood before me. He turned his back to luck, or perhaps she gave it to me.I went back to wake up, this time much more confused. A nurse was doing his routine check-ups when it happened. I tried to remember my situation but it took me some work. I freaked out that woman when I called with a cry to who clung my hand during the rainy night.-SENPAI! It was heard in the room when I opened my eyes with terror.-Please, please calm down. It is recovering still from the complications of its operation and won't do you any good. He took care that I was not to be a strong movement or I lift.-Miss you must know it is not the case? I turn to see her desperately.-What you should know?-A person, a man, came to my room at night while it was raining. Holding his hand and reached to push it a bit without realizing.-Do rain? That was two nights ago. He concluded.-Do it two nights ago?... but he was here not so?-It was real, I'm sure it was him.-Do the?... I was not on duty that night, but rain was presented very last time of visits so I doubt that someone has been entered without permission. He said as he inquired in his memory.- But I remember this safe that did not see anyone?Looking at my obvious concern and apparently important, kindly asked several of his companions but confirmed me just the painful truth: no one had arisen. No one remembered someone with the description I had given.-It cannot be just an illusion.Explained me that I had fever for several days and that combined with sedatives could have caused that vision. I didn't understand but I was forced to do so. There was no hope, there was no doubt, he had no why engage me in a lie, a trick my mind and attempt to cloud my way.My health was gradually improving. I was hospitalized for several days more, and later got discharge. Psychologists not abandoned me and continued until I was able to overcome the deep depression. Every day I forgave trying to believe in my words. Wishing that all wounds were washed by the time.-Haven't done anything wrong, you took your decision and although flawed, it was what you thought best. You forgave and you release.Listen to me continuously say that made to begin to believe it, thinking that he could forgive me. The burden had been placed on my shoulders was decreasing, it could enjoy once again of the activities carried out. The taste for the kitchen, the realization by the targets reached in my work, everything turned to bring me happiness and could occasionally smile with sincerity. It was love me every day though in moments of weakness you ashamed to see the scars that now accompanied me. See my naked body before a mirror caused me some anxiety and feelings.After an unpleasant experience with my last operation I decided that it was not necessary to do more. A thinner face would always be to see me in my reflection and impossible I forget this misstep. It was a good reminder. I cut my hair and went back to my former life, a new life. This was a period of change, of decisions, be ambitious for the first time. I worked much more than anyone else and with satisfaction he could call me me himself a "doctor". I climbed as much as I could in the enterprise hierarchically and I could feel as the vacuum began to fill up. He had a good team and myself mostly to my work than in any other areas of my life. I returned to have the same deal with people surrounding me but he was not taking anyone so seriously; Maybe because I didn't want to be hurt.-Morinaga-san, Morinaga-san... would you like join us for a drink? all colleagues are going and want to us you will.-I'm sorry to say that I have other commitments. In truth I am not be able to accompany them.He was an expert liar and evader.-I don't live too much with you, I don't want to take their love.-It is a pity that you can never join us. He is always working more than others, you should take a break.-Having to supervise several projects at the same time is not easy, but I can not complain. I laughed amicably. -It will be on the next occasion.That was always my reply.They were flying four years before my eyes. Being immersed in the meantime work became impossible to realize this. I was who commonly went on days like Christmas or new year, there was nothing to celebrate or someone that I wait at home. It was so stubborn to just asking my days off when I forced my condition. He fell sick and exhausted for a few days and then returned to my stressful pace of life. It looked like a drug addict entering a few days to rehabilitation and returned to the streets for more. My life became something that could afford without putting in the first place to work.-So much that he hated that Pope was not at home and only speak of their blessed work.He laughed and teased me as ironic that life was. If you couldn't find something that would give meaning to my life again he would end up collapsing in the hospital; how much rancor had taken by that place. I tried to spend more time in my Department but loneliness was not my best friend, was a complete torture. My head hurt and they buzzing my ears with the depth of silence; something unbearable. I also tried to spend time with my colleagues, but that was nothing more than an endless number of empty talks. They got drunk while they talked about work and occasionally talks become much more personal to make progress overnight.-Ne, ne... Morinaga-san, do you not have commitments truth? I was asking one of the few surviving girls to the twelfth round of drinks.-Eh... well... I went down with nervousness the wiski which was to my mouth.-No, now that I think about it, it's pretty good looking so insurance should have a cute girlfriend... He made a stew crossing arms.-B-kind I... I went into panic. I hated having to face that kind of questions; one of the many reasons to avoid leaving since arriving at certain hours of the night everything began compromising.-Akemi, don't you think that these going very far. Gave him a light nudge one of his friends whispering in his. -Although there are no rules out of work it is still your boss. Behave please.-Morinaga-san does not pay attention. She likes to join us but it is a bad drinker as you can realize. Distressed River one more of my subordinates.- But what's wrong with wanting to know Yui? * hick * could see that had reached its limit several rounds ago. -Bring something stronger that my jar is empty!-Akemi, low table please!Fun was the company all but inevitably they wanted to know more about me thats what friends, seek not? That dark past was dragging it until today and that image of him pleading and anguished amidst the light of Thunder, could not forget it. I occasionally visited between dreams and sometimes nightmares. Not dreamed so often it but it was clear that he had not closed properly that chapter in my life. That door still remained ajar.The most humiliating was achieved when filtered in my moments of pleasure. His voice ringing in my ears, your skin against mine, its flavor, the vibrant essence. The passion of kisses and hands covering my back. I was caught in the middle of this old addiction and then everything ended up in tears of bitterness. He was no longer beside me, it was not appropriate or reacting to my touch. He not already drawing my silhouette with the tremor of your touch. I wanted to see this test passed. Is forget forgot who and conclude the story that never began possible to love someone for so much time? Still I could not deny that question.I talked to my supervisor and asked for a change to another branch of the pharmaceutical. Nagoya was the only vacancy within Japan. Again the life taunted my misfortune. Before you would have killed for a minimum chance but arising today begged to be able to deal with my reality.-This is also temporary... is "nothing is forever" not so Senpai?It was as if my destiny be chained to that place did many times more to die in that city who received me with open arms? How many more opportunities would give me? And how many would be able to withstand?-There is no bad to last a thousand years... and in any case, there is no body that hold it.I looked at the contract before me and after hesitating a few seconds I ended up signing what are two years more in that city? I had been avoiding for so long and yet returned. Probably this place was where was my home.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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- I do not want to leave me again ... you have to recover idiot. - Huh ... what you're talking about? Why Senpai here? There is no way I have found ... perhaps this is a hallucination brought on by fever? He looked like anxiety and passed the back of his hand in an attempt to dry his tears. Between the darkness, she knelt beside my bed, looking my hand and held it gently. I put my hand on his forehead, I could see pleading as he felt the cold and warm water mixed and soaked. Her sobs were silenced by the strong current of water and gradually their wishes did not reach my ears. His voice trailed off slowly. - Morinaga ... His hands taking mine, transmitting their fear, trembling. She sighed. He pulled and I felt shattered. Kiss my hand gently and integrity. - Do not come back for you. Just heard his sad statement sleep overcame me. I did not have the strength to speak. Disowned my weakness, I never took advantage of the moments that came before me. His back to the luck, or maybe she gave me to me. I woke up again, this time much more confused. A nurse did her routine check when it happened. I am trying to remember my position but it took some work. I was scared when the woman with a shout I called who was holding my hand overnight rain. - SENPAI! It was heard in the room when I opened my eyes in horror. - Please you should calm down. Still it is recovering from the complications of operation and will not do you any good. Cared that I was not to be a strong movement or lift me. - Miss you should know is not it? I turned to see desperately. - What you should know? - One person, one man came to my room at night while it was raining. He held her hand and reached to push a little without noticing. - Rain? That was two nights ago. He concluded. - Two nights ago ... but he was here not so? - It was real, I'm sure it was. - Is he ... I was not on duty that night but the rain was presented very visits last time so I doubt that someone has entered without permission. He said while inquiring into his memory. - But I remember You sure you did not see anyone? Noting my obvious concern and apparently important, politely asked several of his companions but only confirmed me the painful truth: no one had presented . No one remembered someone with the description I had given. - It can not be just an illusion. They explained that he had had a fever for several days and that combined with sedatives could have caused that vision. I did not want to understand but I was forced to do so. There was no hope, no doubt, did not have to empeñarme in another lie, a trick of my mind and try to cloud my way. Slowly my health was improving. I was hospitalized for several days and then I was released. Psychologists did not abandon me and continued until I could overcome the deep depression. I forgive me everyday trying to believe in my words. Wishing all wounds were washed by time. - You have not done anything wrong, you made ​​your decision and although erroneous, was what you thought best. I forgive and release you. Listen To continually say that he began to believe, to think I could forgive. The burden was placed on my shoulders was declining, he could once again enjoy the activities performed. The taste for the kitchen, the performance by the achievements in my job, everything was back to bring me happiness and occasionally could smile with sincerity. I was loving every day even in moments of weakness I was ashamed to see the scars that were with me now. See my naked before a mirror body causing me some anxiety and feelings. After a bad experience with my last operation I decided it was not necessary to do more. Finer face would always be seeing me in my reflection and I would make it impossible to forget that misstep. It was a good reminder. I cut my hair and went back to my old life, a new life. This was a time of change, of decisions, to be ambitious for the first time. I worked more than anyone and with satisfaction could call myself a "doctor". I climbed as much as I could in the company hierarchy and could feel beginning to fill the void. He had a good team and I started my work mostly in other areas of my life. I returned to have the same relationship with the people around me but not take anyone too seriously; perhaps not wanting to be hurt. - Morinaga-san, Morinaga-san ... would not you like to join us for a drink? all partners will go and want to join us. - I'm sorry to say that I have other commitments. I really feel unable to accompany them. He was a liar and evader expert. - I do not want to live with you too, do not want to take them dear. - It's a pity I can never join. He's always working harder than others, you should take a break. - Having to monitor multiple projects at once is not easy but I can not complain. I laughed amicably. - Is it the next time. That was always my answer. They flew four years before my eyes. Being immersed in the meantime work became impossible to notice. I was the one who usually attended on days like Christmas or New Year, there was nothing to celebrate or someone waiting for me at home. It was so stubborn that only asked my days off when my condition forced me. He fell ill and exhausted for a few days and then returned to my stressful lifestyle. It looked like a drug addict who entered rehab for a few days and returned to the streets for more. My life became something that could not afford without putting work first. - Both hated Dad was not home and just talk about your blessed work. He laughed and teased me what life was ironic. If there was something to give meaning to my life again I would end up collapsing in the hospital; As rancor that had taken place. I tried to spend more time in my apartment but loneliness was not my best friend, was a complete torture. My head ached and my ears were ringing with the depth of silence; unbearable. I also tried to spend time with my colleagues but that was just endless empty talks. They got are drunk while talking of work and occasionally talks were becoming more personal as the night progressed. Ne, ne ... Morinaga-san, you do not have commitments truth - Asked one of the few girls who survived the twelfth round of drinks. - Uh ... well ... I went down nervously wiski was to take my mouth. - No, come to think, is pretty safe bet so must have a cute girlfriend ... He pouted crossing his arms. - W-well I ... I panicked. He hated having to face such questions; one of the many reasons to avoid leaving it at a certain time of night put everything compromising. - Akemi not think you're going too far. She gave him a nudge one of his friends as he whispered. - Although there are no rules outside of work still your boss. Behave please. - Morinaga-san did not pay attention. She likes to accompany a bad drinker but as you can realize. River sorry one more of my subordinates. - But what's wrong with wanting to know Yui? * Hick * could be seen that had reached its limits several rounds ago. - Bring something stronger than my jar is empty! - Akemi, please off the table! It was fun company but inevitably all wanted to know more about me is that what you seek friends, right? That dark past still dragging until today and that image of him pleading and distressed light amid the thunder, could not forget. Occasionally I visited me in dreams and sometimes nightmares. No he dreamed so often with him but obviously had not properly closed that chapter in my life. That door still stood ajar. The most humiliating was when he managed to seep into my moments of pleasure. His voice ringing in my ears, your skin against mine, his taste, his essence vibrant. The passion of the kisses and his hands down my back. I saw myself caught in the middle of this old addiction and then everything ended in bitter tears. He was no longer with me, he was not for or react to my touch. He does not draw my silhouette with the trembling of his touch. I wanted to see this latest test passed. I forget who forget history and conclude that never began Is it possible to love someone for so long? I still could not deny that question. I talked to my supervisor and requested a change to another branch of the pharmaceutical. Nagoya was the only vacancy within Japan. Life again taunted my misfortune. Before I would have killed for a minimum chance but today they had prayed to face my reality. - This is temporary ... "nothing is forever" is not Senpai It was as if my destiny was chained to that place How many times had to die in that city that received me with open arms? How many opportunities would give me more? And how many times be able to stand? - No evil that lasts a thousand years ... and in any case there is no body that supports it. I looked at the contract in front of me and after hesitating a moment I finished signing What are two years more in that city? He had been running for so long and yet returned. Probably this place was where was my home.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
- I Don't want you to leave me... You have to recover idiot. - Hey... What are you talking about? Why senpai's here? There's no way that I have found... This is a Hallucination caused by the Fever?

The anguish and was looked like the back of his hand in an attempt to Dry The Tears. In The Darkness, knelt beside my bed,I was holding my hand and gently. Put my hand on his forehead, and felt like I could see beg for cold and hot water mixed and soaked me. His Sobs were silenced by the strong current of water and gradually their wishes did not come to my ears. His Voice went out slowly.

Morinaga... His hands taking Mine, me your fear, Trembling. She sighed.I noticed it was separated and broken. Kiss My Hand Gently and Fortitude.

will not contact you again. I heard his Sad statement barely Sleep overcame me. I didn't have the strength to utter a Word. Denying my weakness, never used the moments that were before me. He was turned to Luck, or maybe she gave me.

I Awaken, this time much more confused.A nurse was doing their routine checks when it happened. I was trying to remember my situation but I took some work. That woman with a scared Scream when I called he gripped my hand during the rainy night.

senpai! Was heard in the room when I opened my eyes with terror.

please you must calm down.Is still recovering from the complications of operation and will do you no good. After that I would not be a strong movement or me up. - you must know is that not so? I see her with desperation. - What should I know?

- a person, a man came to my room in the night when it was raining.He held his hand and reached to push her a Little without realizing it.

- Rain? That was two nights Ago. Concluded.

- two nights ago? ... But he was here, wasn't it?

- it was real, I'm sure it was. - He? I Don't call that night, but the rain was very last time so I doubt that someone visits have entered without permission.I said as I investigated Her Memory.

but I Remember it is sure that you saw no one?

noting my obvious concern and apparently important kindly asked several of his teammates but only confirmed to Me The Painful Truth: nobody had been submitted. Any person remembered someone with the description that I had. - it can't just be an illusion.
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