Me quedé perplejo, por una parte Ryo en la habitación sufriendo de las dịch - Me quedé perplejo, por una parte Ryo en la habitación sufriendo de las Anh làm thế nào để nói

Me quedé perplejo, por una parte Ry

Me quedé perplejo, por una parte Ryo en la habitación sufriendo de las consecuencias del temperamento de Senpai…y por el otro las palabras que Senpai había dicho me retumbaban en la cabeza. Los sueños de Senpai y los míos…eran tan incompatibles pero aun así no podía dejarlo de amar.

Al día siguiente desperté con el peor dolor de cabeza posible, menos mal que era sábado y no tenía ningún asunto pendiente. Ryo estaba profundamente dormido a lado mío…era tan hermoso.

-Morinaga… ¿ya me has olvidado?- Giré para buscar a Senpai por la habitación pero no encontré nada.

-Aquí estoy Morinaga, esperándote. ¿Ya no me amas?- Vi a Senpai apoyándose en la puerta, llevaba solamente unos pantalones, podía ver su cuerpo cubierto por sus cabellos dorados, comencé a sudar frio y talle mis ojos. Se había ido.

-Claro que aun te amo, el sentimiento no se lo va a llevar nadie pero necesito seguir con mi vida, necesito conocer…otros mundos para ver si en alguno de esos me pierdo.- suspiré.

-¿Buenos días?- una mano tocó mi espalda desnuda, era Ryo que se despertaba. –Escuché una voz y pensé era tu amigo, el amargado…- dijo mientras giraba su cuerpo desnudo para ponerse más cómodo.

-Ah, sí. No es nadie, no te preocupes. Te puedes quedar hasta la hora que quieras, por cierto.-

-Gracias Morinaga, pero tengo…unas cosas que hacer. La pasé muy bien.- respondió mientras acariciaba mi rostro. Volví a sentir el calor viajando por mi cuerpo pero no me dejé llevar. Después de haber imaginado a Senpai lo que realmente quería era soledad.

Ryo pareció tampoco estar buscando algo más que una despedida. Se levantó y me preguntó si podía ducharse aquí. Me di un espectáculo observando su cuerpo desnudo atravesar el cuarto, sí, era un hombre por los que muchos matarían por estar pero no era suficiente. Y así como llegó, se fue…sólo lo vi una vez más y después no volví a saber de él pero de eso se tratan este tipo de aventuras, solamente una noche y no más.

Decidí ducharme también, las gotas recorrían mi cuerpo y no pude evitar pensar en Senpai. En todas las veces que sus manos recorrieron gentilmente mi silueta, como las marcas de sus uñas quedaban impregnadas en mi espalda…como todo fue real. Podía él simular que nada ocurría al día siguiente, hacerse el desentendido, pero yo tenía las pruebas que todo fue real, que él y yo fuimos uno. Pero supongo eso ya no importaba, podía tener toda la evidencia pero si a Senpai no le importaba no existía ningún valor en ello. Comencé a llorar, maldita nostalgia.

Al salir pude ver que había una maleta en la habitación, -¿Hola?- pregunté.

-Morinaga. Vine a empacar, permanentemente.- dijo Senpai mirando hacía el suelo evitándome.

-¿Por qué?-

-Morinaga, ya te lo he dicho muchas veces. Estoy genuinamente cansado de todo esto, de ti, de tus decisiones estúpidas. Quiero irme.-

-¡Ah! Ahora son sólo mis decisiones estúpidas…-

-¿A qué te refieres?- me miró con frialdad.

-Sí, Senpai. Tú tampoco has tomado las decisiones más inteligentes. Míranos ahora, de repente se te ocurre querer ser padre, ser esposo, ser todo eso. ¿Desde cuándo? Decidiste que yo solo sería tu pasatiempo mientras tu vida se acomodaba como querías.- grité.

-¡Eres un idiota! Sí te dejé hacer todo eso era porque eras especial, te lo había dicho pero el que seas especial no me va a dar las satisfacciones que busco. Te lo dije desde el inicio, ¡no soy homosexual! Entiéndelo de una vez por todas.-

-Sí lo entiendo, lo que no entiendo es porque aceptaste tantas cosas si te parecían desagradables…-

-No sé,- dijo titubeante –quizás porque no te quería perder, eres uno de mis pocos amigos. Pero, también pudo haber sido por lastima.-

-¿Lastima? ¿De verdad, Souichi?- agaché la cabeza y las lágrimas comenzaron a brotar.

-¡No llores Morinaga! Para ahora mismo…- se dirigió hacía su recamara y comenzó a sacar sus cosas. –No lo hagas más difícil de lo que ya es, por favor. Me partes el corazón…-

Se acercó para abrazarme, dejé que lo hiciera. Necesitaba consuelo, aunque el fuera el problema también era siempre parte de la solución, dejé que se acercara para poder despedirme en silencio, para poder olerlo una última vez, para poder dejarlo ir.

-Perdóname, sé que…las cosas tomaron un rumbo que para ti suponían otra cosa. Nunca te di esperanzas, nunca te dije que te amaba. Morinaga, fui sincero desde el principio pero lamento haberte dejado hacer cosas que no debieron pasar.- me murmuró al oído. Me separé de su cuerpo y lo mire. Senpai siguió acomodando las cosas en su maleta, -No huyas, no te vayas a ir de la Universidad por favor.- me dijo mientras abría la puerta para irse. Yo asentí con la cabeza. Iba a ser un fin de semana largo.

Ese sábado no comí ningún bocado, me sentía débil, me sentía sólo. Recuerdo que muchas ideas pasaron por mi mente, entre ellas huir de Japón pero eran demasiadas sensaciones que recorrían mi cuerpo que era imposible enfocarme en una sola. Necesitaba compañía, ¿volvería a ser como antes? Una persona sin compromiso alguno. Al menos así no me lastimaban, al menos así podía recibir algo a cambio.

Me acosté en la cama, en esa cama dónde había estado con Senpai…esa cama dónde muchas cosas pasaron. Odiaba como cada rincón de la habitación contaba una historia y no me dejaba en paz. Necesitaba intentarlo una vez más…al menos una vez más y esta vez si Senpai me rechazaba me iría apenas se terminará el periodo escolar. Me iría, lejos para no volver.

Caminé bajo la lluvia hacía la casa de Senpai, temblaba de nervios. Era mi última oportunidad para luchar por lo que quería, aunque tenía un plan B no quería usarlo.

-¡Morinaga! Que gusto verte, hace mucho tiempo que no te veía.- Kanako se abalanzó para abrazarme, si nada funcionaba la iba a echar mucho de menos. -¿Está todo bien? Mi hermano llegó a casa con una maleta.- sus grandes ojos se humedecieron.

-Eh, sí Kanako, no te preocupes. Vine a hablar con tu hermano, ¿crees podrías llamarle?-

-¡Sí! No tardo.-

Esperé bajo un techo para no mojarme más, esperaba que Senpai me recibiese con sorpresa, con agrado.

-¿Qué haces aquí?- dijo mientras se asomaba por su ventana.

-Senpai, necesito hablar contigo. ¿Podrías bajar?-

-No. Te dije no hicieras las cosas más difíciles…-

-Entonces gritaré, gritaré todo lo que te quiero decir para que todo mundo me escuche- lo rete.

-¡Cállate! No digas nada, ahí quédate.-


-Bien, aquí me tienes, cara a cara. ¿Qué más quieres agregar Morinaga?-

-No…no me daré por vencido así nada más. Merezco dar una lucha, quiero luchar por ti.-

Senpai soltó un suspiro, -¿Luchar para qué?- miro hacía la puerta y vio a Kanako asomándose, me tomó del brazo, -Aquí no vamos a hablar, vamos a dar una caminata.-

-Pero, está lloviendo-

-No me importa, no quiero Kanako escuche cosas innecesarias. Podemos ir a beber algo, pero lejos de aquí.-

Asentí con la cabeza, no era mala idea. Llegamos a un bar al centro de la ciudad, no había estado nunca aquí. El lugar era agradable, la música era tranquila…pero mi compañía no parecía muy feliz.

-Habla ya.- ordenó Senpai

-Ah sí, Senpai…Senpai, ¿me dejarías luchar por ti?-
Từ: -
Sang: -
Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
Sao chép!
I was puzzled, on the one hand Ryo in the room suffering from the consequences of the temperament of Senpai... and on the other words that Senpai had said rang me on the head. The dreams of Senpai and mine... were so incompatible but still could not quit loving.The next day I woke up with the worst possible, least bad headache which was Saturday and had no issue. Ryo was deeply asleep to my side... it was so beautiful.-Morinaga... already have forgotten me?-I turned to find Senpai for the room but found nothing.-Here I am Morinaga, waiting for you. Already not I love?-I saw Senpai leaning on the door, he wore only trousers, I could see her body covered by her golden hair, began to sweat cold and rub my eyes. It had left.-Of course I still love you, feeling not going is to take no one but I need to continue with my life, I need to know... other worlds to see if any of those lose me-I sighed.-Good morning? - a hand touched my bare back, was Ryo awaking. -I heard a voice and I thought was your friend, the embittered...-said as she turned her naked body to make yourself more comfortable.-Ah, Yes. It is not no one, don't worry. You can stay until the time you want, by the way.-Thanks Morinaga, but... I have a few things to do. Very well-had responded as he caressed my face. I went back to feel the heat traveling through my body, but I did not take. After having imagined Senpai really wanted was loneliness.Ryo seemed to not be looking for something more than a farewell. He stood up and asked me if I could take a shower here. I gave a show watching her body naked across the room, Yes, was a man for which many would kill to be but it was not enough. And just as he came, was... only I saw him once again and then didn't know it but that dealt with this kind of adventures, only one night and no more.I decided to take a shower I also, droplets ran through my body and I couldn't help but think of Senpai. At all times your hands gently toured my silhouette, as marks of your nails were impregnated with my back... like everything was real. Could it simulate nothing happened the next day, become the material lying around, but I was testing that everything was real, that he and I were one. But I guess that because it didn't matter, he could have all the evidence but if a Senpai it didn't there was no value in it. I started to cry, damn nostalgia.Out I could see that there was a suitcase in the room, - Hello? - asked.-Morinaga. I came to pack, permanently-Senpai said looking towards the floor avoiding me.-Why?--Morinaga, now I've told you many times. I am truly tired of all of this, of you, of your stupid decisions. I want to go.-Ah! Are now only my stupid decisions...--Do you mean? - looked at me coldly.-Yes, Senpai. You have not taken the more intelligent decisions. Look at us now, suddenly you think of wanting to be father, husband, be all that. How long? Did you decide that I just would be your pastime while your life is settled as you wanted-I cried.-You're an idiot! Yes I left you do all that was because you were special, had told you but you're special not going to give me the satisfaction that I'm looking for. I told you from the beginning, I'm not gay! Understand it once and for all.-Yes I understand, what I don't understand is because you accepted so many things if they seemed nasty to you...--Don't know - said faltering - perhaps because he did not want to lose, you're one of my few friends. But may also have been by shame.-Does hurt? Indeed, Souichi?-I reached down his head and tears began to sprout.-No llores Morinaga! For now turned itself...-was his bedroom and began taking his stuff. -Don't make it harder than it already is, please. I heart parts...-He came to hug me, I left to do it. I needed consolation, although the outside problem was always part of the solution, I left that come closer to be able to dismiss me in silence, to be able to smell it one last time, to be able to let it go.-Forgive me, I know that... things took a course that you assumed otherwise. I never gave hope, never told you that I loved you. Morinaga, I was sincere from the beginning but I regret letting you do things that should not happen.-I whispered in his ear. I left me her body and look at it. Senpai continued placing things in your suitcase, - do not you run away, do not go to go the University please.-I said as he opened the door to leave. I nodded. It was going to be a long weekend.That Saturday I ate no no snack, I felt weak, I felt only. I remember that many ideas passed through my mind, including escape from Japan but they were too many sensations that ran through my body that it was impossible to focus on a single. She needed company, would he again be as before? A person without any commitment. At least not me hurting, at least so he could receive something in return.I went to bed on the bed, on the bed where she had been with Senpai... that bed where many things have passed away. I hated every corner of the room telling a story and not let me in peace. I needed to try one more time... at least once more and this time if Senpai rejected me I would go just the school term will end. I would go, far not to go back.I walked under the rain made the House of Senpai, it shook nerves. It was my last chance to fight for what I wanted, even though he had a plan B didn't want to use it.-Morinaga! Like to see you, a long time ago that did not see you.-Kanako rushed to embrace me, if nothing worked was going to take much less. -Is all well? My brother came home with a suitcase-big eyes moistened.-Eh, yes Kanako, don't worry. I came to talk to your brother, do you think you could call it?--Yes! Not slow.I waited under a ceiling not to wet me more, he hoped that Senpai I received with surprise, welcomed.-What are you doing here? - said as he looked out from his window.-Senpai, I need to speak with you. Could you get?--No. I told you not to do the hardest things...--Then I shout, I shout all you want to say to make everyone listen to me - rete it.-Shut up! Not to say anything, hence keep.-Senpai...--Well, here I am, face to face. What else would add Morinaga?--Do not... I will not give up and nothing more. I deserve to give a fight, I want to fight for you.Senpai released a sigh, - fight for what? - I look towards the door and saw Kanako leaning out, grabbed me by the arm, - here we will not talk about, let's take a walk-- But, it's raining--I don't, I don't want to listen to Kanako unnecessary things. We can go to drink, but far from here.I nodded, it wasn't a bad idea. We arrived at a bar to the center of the city, it had never been here. The place was nice, the music was quiet... but my company didn't look very happy.-Talk already-ordered Senpai-Ah yes, Senpai... Senpai, would I leave to fight for you?-
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
Sao chép!
I was puzzled by a party in the room Ryo suffering from the consequences of temperament Senpai ... and on the other the words Senpai had said echoed in my head. Senpai dreams and mine were so inconsistent ... but still could not let love. The next day I woke up with the worst possible pain head, luckily it was Saturday and had no unfinished business. Ryo was fast asleep beside me ... it was so beautiful. -Morinaga ... and have forgotten me -. I turned to look at Senpai for the room but found nothing Morinaga Here I am, waiting. Already do not love me - I saw Senpai leaning in the doorway, wearing only pants, I could see his body covered with her ​​golden hair, I began to sweat cold and rub my eyes. Was gone. Of course I still love, the feeling is not going to take anyone but I need to get on with my life, I need to know ... other worlds to see if any of those I pierdo.- sighed. -¿Buenos days? - a hand touched my bare back, was he woke Ryo. I heard a voice and thought was your friend, bitter ... - she said as she turned her naked body to get more comfortable. Oh, yes. There is no, do not worry. You can stay up as late as you want, for cierto.- Morinaga Thanks, but ... I have some things to do. I spent very bien.- replied, stroking my face. I again feel the heat traveling through my body but I got carried away. Having imagined Senpai what I really wanted was solitude. Ryo also seemed to be looking for more than a farewell. He got up and asked if I could take a shower here. I saw a show watching her naked body across the room, yes, he was a man who many would kill to be but it was not enough. And as it came, he was ... just saw him once more and then not heard from him but that such adventures are treated, only one night and no more. I decided to take a shower too, drops down my body and not I could not help thinking about Senpai. At all times your hands gently roamed my silhouette as the marks of his nails were soaked in my back ... as everything was real. He could he pretend nothing happened the next day, turn a blind eye, but I had all the evidence was real, that he and I were one. But I guess that did not matter, he could have all the evidence but if Senpai did not care there was no value in it. I began to mourn, damn nostalgia. On leaving I could see he had a suitcase in the room, 'Hello? - I asked. -Morinaga. I came to pack, permanentemente.- said Senpai Looking to the ground avoiding me. Why? - -Morinaga, as I told you many times. I am truly tired of all this, you, your stupid decisions. I irme.- Ah! Now just my stupid decisions ... - 'What do you mean - he looks at me coldly. Yes, Senpai. You have not taken the smartest decisions. Look at us now, suddenly it occurs to you wanting to be a father, a husband, be all. Since when? I just decided to be your hobby while your life settled as querías.- shouted. 'You're an idiot! Yes I let you do all that it was because you were special, I told you so but you special will not give me the satisfaction that I seek. I told you from the beginning, I'm not gay! Understand once and for todas.- Yes I understand, I do not understand is that if you accepted so many things seemed unpleasant ... - I do not know, - said hesitantly perhaps because you did not want to lose, you're one of my few friends. But it could also have been lastima.- -¿Lastima? Really, Souichi - my head down and the tears began to flow. -¡No Morinaga cry! For now ... - he went to his bedroom and began to take her things. 'I do not make this harder than it already is, please. I heart party ... - He came to hug me, I let him do it. Needed comfort, although he was also the problem was always part of the solution, I left to come over to say goodbye in silence, to smell it one last time to let go. Forgive me, I know ... things took a course that for you assumed otherwise. I never gave you hope, I never told you I loved you. Morinaga, I was honest from the beginning but I'm sorry I let them do things that should not pasar.- I whispered in his ear. I separated from his body and look. Senpai continued arranging things in his suitcase, run away No, do not go to go to college for note.- said as he opened the door to leave. I nodded. It would be a long weekend. That Saturday I did not eat any snack, I felt weak, I felt alone. I remember many ideas went through my mind, including Japan flee but were too many feelings through my body that it was impossible to focus on one. She needed company, would you be as before? A person without any commitment. At least it did not hurt me, so I could at least get something in return. I lay in bed, in the bed where she had been with Senpai ... that bed where many things happened. He hated as every corner of the room told a story and not leave me alone. He needed one more try ... at least once more and this time if I refused I would Senpai just the school year will end. I would go away for good. I walked through the rain to Senpai's house, shaking with nerves. It was my last chance to fight for what I wanted, but had a plan B did not want to use it. -¡Morinaga! What a pleasure to see you, long time ago that you do not veía.- Kanako rushed to hug me, if nothing worked was going to miss you. -Everything is alright? My brother came home with a maleta.- their big eyes watered. Uh, yes Kanako, do not worry. I came to talk to your brother, do you think you could call it - Yes! Tardo.- not waited under one roof to not get wet again, Senpai hoped would receive me with surprise, welcome. What are you doing here? - said, peering through her ​​window. -Senpai, I need to talk to you. You could lose - No. I told you not to do things more difficult ... - Then scream, I scream all you want to say to everybody escuche- rete me. Shut up! Do not say anything, there quédate.- -Senpai ... - Well, here I am face to face. What do you want to add Morinaga - No ... I will not give up just like that. To deserve a fight, I fight for you.- Senpai sighed, -¿Luchar why - looked at the door and saw peeking Kanako, took my arm, 'Here we are not talking, going for a walk .- But, it is lloviendo- I do not care, I do not listen Kanako unnecessary things. We can go for a drink, but far from here.- nodded, was not a bad idea. We came to a bar downtown, there had never been here. The place was nice, the music was quiet ... but my company did not seem very happy. Speak ya.- ordered Senpai Ah yes, Senpai ... Senpai, you let me fight for you? -

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