Morinaga and Souichi looked, silently though alrrededor of them had many people, children crying, mothers scolding and groups of friends chatting about some girl that had driven the eye. Both opened the mouth to talk at the same time, cerrandola to realize the action of the other, sonrojandose and laughing slightly one and away look, outed the other, both shaking nerves.Tetsuhiro looked at him, trying to guess their thoughts, and trying to order yours, do not jump into his arms and eat it with kisses, Akira would kill him his did that because most likely is that blonde left fleeing, and if that happened, would end hacieno puentig Cordless from the window of the hotel room of the singer who is actually a woman. On the other hand Souichi did not know that do or say, all the value that had gathered had marched away, had packed their bags and had left her without even saying goodbye. They swallowed both hard and is smiled slightly at sonrojandose at the same time.-By that they do nothing? -she whispered Kanako mirandolos while eating nails, nervous, alongside Akira seemed that he wanted to kill someone.-Those morons talking Rev. once couple of idiots!-cried in a whisper, raising his fist.-Relajese Akira-san, both are during the timid, as if it was their first date.- But the show is so shy after having done everything you have done, is not very normal, isn't it? -It inquired Kanako.-Well that is...-Isogai started-because they are both - continued Akira-a couple of idiots--culminated the three at once sighing afterwards and ducking his head.While Morinaga and Souichi had not said or peep, seemed a couple of fish out of water, gasping, that was something that upset much blonde, but that it could not, it had no value, and Morinaga just didn't want to put it, each thinking the other, unable to express themselves for fear of what might happen, desesperandose because they wanted something to happen.-Look at the shit! -Akira coming out of hide and seek, going to where he had left the car and pulling out a Spanish guitar that cried.-Akira-san, what you going to do? -It inquired Kanako looking as the redhead failing onto the stage that had been before the couple and where a band was playing without that nobody made him almost.-Give them a little push, although by my gave them a guitarrazo.Everyone looked as Akira went up to the stage, pushed the Orchestra with nasty master and as it thundered it when it tried to replicate, the man could swear that he had seen bat wings out of the back of the girl, horns on his head, and his red hair back serpiernes that hissed him, perhaps by that ran the stage shouting something like "gorgona" down. Akira bufó before sighing and looking at people with a smile of good girl doing that Morianga look as if she were crazy.-What does there? -Morinaga Souichi asked.-No idea.-All, sorry, but the truth is that the scenario to help a couple of morons who does not dare to say anything and good would give that a guitarrazo - said I needed at this time and his tone of voice was changing to one less friendly, Morinaga felt fear that violet gaze, Souichi shame-so hope me we apologize for and enjoy.Opened the box and took out the guitar hanging it with the belt before starting to play dedicating this song to the couple, to see if once they were talking, because if not end up throwing stones.I found after wreckTears of ice into the mattress.Souichi and Morinaga are regarded as she sang, this time was Morinaga, who began to speak.-Sempai, sorry what happened these days, truth, mat that you've said about Akira, on which was a woman and... have made you more case, was an idiot.-It is your friend, it is normal to take the case, aunqeu bother me your samples of affection, it doesn't kiss you.-It, it is a custom, it will no longer do so, I don't want to miss something like that, not after what has cost let me stay by your side.-are you going to stay with me?-If the want the sempai. I just want the sempai to be happy, I want this with him, sempai, before I met you I was a lost soul, the pain which made me Masaki still was in me, but Verte, enamorarme de ti, made my heart again beating, sempai, you saved me, and I love you, don't want to hurt you, I want to be by your side.In the evening of my disillusionmentYou nourished me heartWould imagine that?you were going to delete my sentences?-Then stay with me - she asked mirandole, - do not go with her, to stay by my side-Sempai, are you sure?-Clear I am, see Morinaga - swallowed hard, it was difficult to speak, but felt that Akira was able to throw the guitar, microphone, a speaker or even any of the musicians that you towards the accompaniment, if he didn't speak, and that Kanako and Isogai would help it, had caused too many problems, especially to moreno - I have to apologize to you, I do not I have ported me nothing good I made you suffer much.-Sempai...And love round since then by my room.a swallow has returned to my balconyAgain life has released me to danceAnd I want to danceLittle by little youComes the Sun to see me if I look at youI'm back to get my blue dressand my mouth speaks only of you.He died for you.-No se te ocurra cortarme -le pidió, más bien ordenó.- Mira Morinaga, yo me he dado cuenta de que estaba muy celoso con Akira, quería matarlo, lo del cenicero no fue por la cucaracha, sino que se lo iba a tirar a ella -confesó, aunque eso era algo que Morianga ya sabía- y porque el laboratorio está cerrado, sino la hubiera envenenado. Morinaga, cuando Masaki vino, pasó lo mismo y bueno, poco a poco me he dado cuenta de que, ojo, ¡no soy homosexual para nada, antes muerto! pero...-suspiró y le miró con cariño apretando los puños, tenía que decirlo, pero las palabras no salían, lo que si salió fue salir corriendo.Te encontré y no sé cómo explicarFue el presagio de un tiempo mejorTu risa a contra luzMis dos copas de másY probé tus labios por probar¿Cómo imaginar que ibas a borrar mis penas?Souichi salió corriendo, no podía, no podía decirlo, casi pudo oír a Akira en su cabeza acordándose de su familia, a Kanako y a Isogai preparando el sacrificio humano que sería, y notaba a Morianga detrás de él corriendo para alcanzarle llamándole, no podía enfrentarle a pesar de todo a pesar de todas las vueltas que le había dado al asunto, no podía. Subió las escaleras del final del parque llegando a un templo deshabitado, Morianga le pisaba los talones, pero no podía decírselo, no tenía valor, tenía miedo, no porque no supiera la respuesta de Morinaga si se confesaba, sino porque dudaba poder hacerle feliz. Se escondió como un cobarde dentro del templo, Morinaga gritaba su nombre buscándole.Por su parte Morinaga corría tras el rubio, tras su presagio de un tiempo mejor, esa canción la había compuesto Akira por la mañana para Souichi, pensando en ellos, Souichi era su luz, el que borró sus penas y le revivió el marchito corazón. No iba a dejarlo escapar, a lo lejos aún se oía la música y la voz de Akira, ante todo era cantante, y odiaba dejar las canciones a medias a pesar de que las ganas de matar que debía estar sintiendo en esos momentos serían bestiales.Y el amor ronda desde entonces por mi habitación.una golondrina ha vuelto a mi balcónOtra vez la vida me ha lanzado a bailarY quiero bailarPoco a poco tuViene el sol a verme si me miras túHe vuelto a ponerme mi vestido azuly mi boca solo habla de ti.Se muere por ti.Sin pensarlo mucho Souichi se metió dentro del templo y cerró las puertas, suspirando aliviado cuando Morinaga pasó de largo llamándole, no tenía el valor todavía para decirle aquello, y menos con la voz de Akira sonando a lo lejos, Dios, sentía que se le iba a salir el corazón del pecho y no solo por la carrera que se había pegado.-Parece que te buscan-dijo una voz infantil a su lado, tuvo que ahogar un grito cuando vio a su lado a un niño pequeño, de unos doce años vestido con un uniforme escolar oscuro- vaaa niiisan no te asustes, tampoco soy tan feo.-¿T Tú estabas aquí antes? -gritó susurrando al niño.-Puede ser -rió afablemente sentándose a su lado.- me has asustado, no esperaba a nadie como tú.Souichi miró al niño, era alto para su edad, no mucho, tenía el cabello algo largo, castaño claro, aunque se notaban unos cuantos mechones pelirrojos, estaba teñido, pero lo que más le llamó la atención a Souichi fueron los ojos, eran violetas, como los de Akira, si no fuera porque era imposible, hubiera dicho que era su hermano menor.-No digas nada.-¿estás jugando al escondite? -inquirió mirándole curioso- yo estoy esperando.-¿Esperando?-Si, a mi amigo y a mi hermana, dijeron que iban a traerme un pastel de chocolate, ¿sabes? mi pareja me dejó, me utilizó y cuando se cansó de jugar conmigo -dijo con una sonrisa triste- me dijo que todo había sido una apuesta, cruel, ¿no crees?-Un poco -dijo mirando al niño, la verdad es que su historia le importaba bien poco. La voz de Morinaga se volvió a escuchar muy cerca-Ese chico parece estar buscándote desesperado, ¿Tienes asuntos con él?-¿y a ti que te importa? -espetó-Eso es que si -sonrió ampliamente- Me llamo Hikaru, ¿y tú?-Souichi-Pues Souichi, sea lo que sea, deberías salir y hacerle frente a lo que le debes a ese chico, creo que si no se tirara toda la tarde buscándote.-Debería, pero tengo miedo de lo que decirle-Hombre, si te rechaza...-¡No es que vaya a rechazarme! -gritó demasiado alto- ¡le daría de leches si lo hiciera después de todo lo que me ha hecho pasar, pero tengo miedo joder! ¡Tengo miedo de cagarla y de hacerle mucho daño ya lo pasó bastante mal con su ex! ¡No quiero hacer sufrir a la persona que amo! -se le habí
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