GRacias a todos por sus comentarios. A ver lo primero las actualizacio dịch - GRacias a todos por sus comentarios. A ver lo primero las actualizacio Anh làm thế nào để nói

GRacias a todos por sus comentarios

GRacias a todos por sus comentarios. A ver lo primero las actualizaciones seran cada dos días mas o menos, aunque seguramente el capitulo 3 de este fic no estará el domingo sino el lunes. espero que lo disfruten

El concierto terminó entre obaciones del público que coreaba el nombre de los miembros del grupo llamado "Ilusion", en primera fila Kanako miraba con adoración a su Ika-san que sonreía al público.

-Gracias a todos por venir esta noche, espero que lo pasen genial en el festival-hablaba el cantante despidiendose con la mano- Ilusion les desea buenas noches a todos y feliz verano.

Una última mirada fue lanzada a la primera fila junto con una sonrisa, toda ella dedicada a Morinaga que correspondió al gesto dejando a un Souichi enfurecido aunque no lo demostrase abiertamente.

-¡Bastardo deja de sonreir a ese gilipollas así!-gritó internamente ante esas sonrisas, para luego quedarse helado por el hilo que empezaban a seguir sus pensamientos, puesto que lo siguiente que iba a pensar era algo así como "solo puedes sonreirme a mí así baka" y eso le asustaba, mucho, demasiado.

El no era nada más que un amigo de Morinaga, no tenia derecho a pensar así, que se hubieran acostado unas cuantas veces, incluso que hubiera dicho que lo quería a su lado, no significaba nada, no tenía derecho a ponerse celoso. "Celos" esa palabra le golpeó la mente con tanta fuerza que creyó que el resto de ideas serían echadas a la fuerza de ella por el golpe, ¿él estaba celoso? ¿igual que como cuando vino Masaki a la ciudad?

-Espera espera, yo no estuve celoso en aquel entonces-pensó frunciendo el ceño- no estaba celoso de ese imbecil rubio que se merece ser arrojado desde lo alto de un rascacielos por usar de tal manera a

-¿Sempai? -escuchó la voz de Morinaga sacarle de sus pensamientos junto con un ligero toque en el hombro que le hizo dar un respingo-¿estas bien?

-Eh, si, si, estoy bien -¿cuando se ha acercado a mi?

-¿Seguro? tienes cara rara, bueno la has tenido durante todo el concierto.

-Ah, acaso te has fijado en mi estando ese Ika delante bastardo, ¿que no tenías ojos solo para ese idiota de ojos violetas? -se preguntaba internamente cabreandose cada vez, sobretodo porque en su mente se estaba dando cuenta de que estaba sonando celoso. -Estoy bien, no te preocupes.

-Si tu lo dices-contestó no muy convencido Morinaga- en fin, Kanako-chan quiere pasar ya a los camerinos para ver al grupo.

-Vamos Oni-chan que te quedas ahí parado e Ika-san no tiene toda la noche-le metió prisa Kanako impaciente.

-Si, si -dijo empezando a andar, aunque lo que menos quería en esos momentos era ver al estúpido cantante, con su estúpida sonrisa que iba dedicada al estúpido de Morinaga, si para Sempai, ahora mismo todos eran estúpidos.

Tras él iba Morinaga mirándole, le notaba bastante extraño, ¿acaso se había enfadado porque Ika cantó para él la primera canción? ¿se había puesto celoso? ese solo pensamiento fue capaz de mandarlo a las nubes de la felicidad durante unos instantes, donde se imaginaba a su Sempai lloroso clamando por su atencion como un niño chico diciendo que solo era suyo y demás cosas posesivas que en el fondo a Morinaga le ponían bastante, lástima que su realidad distase tanto de sus sueños, al menos para él.

Llegaron a una parte del estadio llena de guardias de seguridad que dejaron pasar al trío al ver los pases que Morinaga les entregó, caminaron por un oscuro pasillo hasta una puerta donde había otros dos guardias vestidos de traje, con gafas de sol a pesar de que estaban a cubierto y micrófonos radio, lo que se dice unos guardaespaldas de película casi.

-¿Identificación?-preguntó uno de manera un tanto ruda, con una voz potente, eso sumado a la altura y la musculatura, imponía y mucho, por institno Souichi tomó a Kanako de la mano y la puso detrás de él, a sus ojos, ese hombre era un gorila muy peligroso.

-Tetsuhiro Morinaga-dijo el moreno enseñando los pases al gorila que los revisó, pero antes de que este pudiera decir nadala puerta del camerino se abrió, lo siguiente que supieron todos es que Morinaga estaba en el suelo con el cantante del grupo sobre él abrazandole.

-Tetsu-chan -dijo Ika, que iba únicamente con una sudadera que le llegaba algo más abajo de medio muslo muy ancha, antes de besar a Morinaga frente a todos.

Silencio, era lo único que se podía oir, sobretodo en la mente de cierto tirano que veía como ese bastardo besaba a Morinaga, iba a matarlo, a reventarle la cabeza contra el suelo así luego los guardaespaldas le pegaran una paliza brutal, pero nadie, nadie tocaba a Morinaga, nadie lo besaba si no era él, porque el era...esperate, que él no era nada de Morinaga.

-au au au sueltame, suéltame burro -se quejaba Ika, cuando Souichi reaccionó se dio cuenta de que tenía al cantante agarrado por los pelos para separarlo de Morinaga.

-Sempai, sueltale por favor-rogó Morinaga viendo la escena con un gran sonrojo.

Souichi soltó a Ika que rápidamente corrió a refujiarse en brazos de Morinaga que le abrazó como si fuera un niño pequeño ante los ojos de su sempai que trataba de comprender lo que había pasado, solo sabía que cuando había terminado de pensar ya tenía agarrado a Ika para que se separase de Morinaga, y hablando de ese idota, ¿por que demonios consolaba al cantante?

-Ya pasó ya pasó-dijo Morinaga mientras acariciaba los cabellos largos de ese hombre con dulzura.

-Pero pero es que me agarró del pelo, me da miedito, Tetsu-chan.-miró a Souichi que le mandaba una mirada matadora- además Tetsu-chan, no me dijiste que tenías pareja, si lo llegó a saber no te beso.

-¡YO NO SOY SU PAREJA!-bramó Souichi rojo hasta las orejas.-¡No soy homo!

-¿Arara?-inclinó la cabeza Ika mirandolo como si le hubieran salido una segunda cabeza, algo enfurruñado- ¿entonces porque me has separado de Tetsu-chan?

-porque odio las cosas homo en mi presencia.-sentenció mandado de paseo las ideas de "está celoso" que tenía Morinaga en esos momentos.

-Ya, claro, tu estas celoso Niisan-pensó Kanako.

-Ah, bueno, si es así -se colgó del cuello de Morinaga abrazandole- más Tetsu-chan para mí. -sonrió a Souichi que solo atinó a mandarle una mirada de "te mato, aquí y ahora"

-kukukuku celosin-rió en su fuero interno el cantante, entocnes se dió cuenta de la niña- arara, una niñita.

-Em ho..hola-saludó Kanao de pronto tímida, sobretodo cuando Ika se separó de Morinaga y se acercó a ella, recordemos que Ika no llevaba nada de cintura para abajo, y se agachó a su altura.

-Hola, ¿eres tú Kanako-chan? Tetsu-chan me ha hablado muuucho de ti, al parecer te gustan mucho mis canciones.-sonrió alzando la mano y acariciando la cabeza de la chica que se puso roja cual tomate, notando como el corazón se le iba a salir del pecho- gracias por ser mi fan.

-n no gra gracias a ti por cantar tan bien -dijo la niña muerta de la verguenza haciendo reir al castaño.

-En fin, vamos dentro, los demás estaban sacando unas cervezas para celebrar, creo que también tenemos bebidas sin alcohol para Kana-chan-dijo levantandose- ah, y tambien tengo galletas saladas de mi madre.

-¿de la tía Rei? -inquirió Morinaga entrando al camerino tras el chico seguido de cerca por los hermanos.

-Niisan, ¿tu sabías que ambos se conocían?-preguntó Kanako a su hermano, este permaneció en silencio, no sabía nada de la vida de Morinaga, apenas si sabía lo de Masaki y que estaba mal con su familia, pero nada de amigos ni otras cosas. -bueno, como sea, Morinaga-san parece feliz de estar con Ika-san.

Souichi los miró, era cierto Morinaga sonreía ante la promesa de galletas, como un niño, ¿por que? ¿porque le dolía el pecho al saber que esas sonrisas nunca se las había mostrado a él y al pensar que Ika conocía mejor a su kohai que él que llevaba tiempo conviviendo con él?

-En fin, no me he presentado en serio -dijo Ika cuando todos estuvieron en el camerino cada uno con una bebida en la mano- soy Akira Katsura, aunque todos me conoceís como Ika, es un gusto conocer por fin a las personas de las que Tetsu-chan me hablaba.

-¿desde cuando os conoceís? -inquirió Kanako antes de tomar un sorbo de su zumo.

-mmm, pues dejame ver, -Akira puso una mano bajo su mentón y miró al techo- creo que desde la guardería, si, desde ahí. ah, ¿tetsu-chan recuerdas cuando nos atrincheramos en el castillo de la clase y tirabamos tizas a los que se acercaban para invadirnoslo?-Morinaga rió asintiendo.

-La bronca de Nakahara-sensei fue épica.

Dolía, dolía no saber nada de Testsuhiro, de su pasado, de saber que había personas que eran más cercanas a él que él mismo, que sabían todo del chico a pesar de la distancia porque habían mantenido el contacto a lo largo de los años por cartas y mensajes, y dolía más sobretodo porque Morinaga no hacía intento alguno de apartar la mano de Akira cuando este le acarició la mejilla, o su cuerpo cuando le abrazó con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja. Pero si había algo más que dolía era la mirada de Akira, una con la que le decía claramente "no tienes derecho a estar celoso si no son nada".
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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Thanks to all for your comments. Let's see the first updates will be every two days more or less, although surely the chapter 3 of this fic will not be on Sunday but on Monday. I hope you enjoy itThe concert ended between obaciones of the public that he chanted the name of the members of the group called "Illusion", in the front row Kanako looked with worship of its Ika-san who smiled to the audience.-Thanks to all for coming tonight, I hope to pass this great festival - spoke singer fhe with hand - illusion wishes you good night to all and happy summer.A last look was launched at the first row with a smile, all of it dedicated to Morinaga, which corresponded to the gesture leaving an infuriated Souichi although it does not show it openly.-Bastard stop smile to that asshole as well!-she screamed internally to those smiles, to then remain frozen by the thread that began to follow his thoughts, since the next thing you would have thought it was something like "only you can crave me so baka" and that scared him, much, too.He was not just a friend of Morinaga, was not entitled to think so that is would have slept a few times, even that he had said that he wanted at his side, it meant nothing, it had no right to be jealous. "Jealousy" that Word hit you the mind with such force that it believed that the rest of ideas would be pitches to force it by the coup, he was jealous? so when came Masaki to the city?-Wait wait, I was not jealous at that time - he thought frowning - was not jealous of that blond idiot who deserves being thrown from the top of a skyscraper for use in such a way to Morina... ga.-Do Sempai? -heard the voice of Morinaga getting his thoughts together with a light touch on the shoulder that made him give a respingo - do these well?-Eh, Yes, Yes, I am well - would have when approached to my?-Are you sure? you have rare face, well have it during the whole concert.-Ah, perhaps you noticed in my being that Ika front bastard, what didn't have eyes only for that idiot's violet eyes? -asked internally pissing more and, above all because in his mind he was giving account that was sounding jealous. -I'm fine, don't worry.-If your you say it - Morinaga - answered not very convinced in the end, Kanako-chan wants to pass now to the dressing rooms to see the group.-Going Oni-chan you stay there standing and Ika-san has all night - got you impatient Kanako hurry.-If, if - he said starting to walk, although less wanted at that moment was to see stupid singer, with a stupid smile that was dedicated to the stupid of Morinaga, if for Sempai, right now were all stupid.Behind him was Morinaga fondle, I noticed you quite strange, would perhaps be had angry because Ika sang the first song for him? had it become jealous? that thought was able to send it to the clouds of happiness for a few moments, where imagined to his tearful Sempai clamouring for his attention as a child boy saying that it was only theirs and possessive else putting into the background to Morinaga you enough, pity that your reality distase both of their dreams, at least for him.They became a part of the stadium full of security guards let go the trio to see passes provided to them by Morinaga, walked down a dark hallway to a door where there were other two guards dresses suit, sunglasses despite the fact that they were covered and radio microphones, what is said about movie bodyguard almost.-Do ID? - asked one rudely somewhat, with a powerful voice, that in addition to height and musculature, imposed and by Souichi institno took to Kanako's hand and put it behind him, to his eyes, that man was a very dangerous gorilla.-Tetsuhiro Morinaga - the moreno said teaching passes to the Gorilla who reviewed them, but until this could say nadala the dressing room door opened, the next thing you know everyone is that Morinaga was on the ground with the singer of the Group on the abrazandole.-Tetsu-chan - said Ika, who was only with a sweatshirt that came to him more down mid-thigh very wide, before kissing to Morinaga in front of everyone.Silence, was the only thing that could be heard, especially in the mind of a tyrant who looked like that bastard kissed to Morinaga, was going to kill him, to burst the head on the ground and then bodyguards stick him a brutal beating, but nobody, nobody played to Morinaga, anyone kissed him if he was not, because the was... wait, that wasn't nothing of Morinaga.-au au au sueltame, let go me donkey - Ika, complained when Souichi reacted he realized that he had the singer seized by a whisker away from Morinaga.-Sempai, please sueltale - begged Morinaga watching the scene with a great flushing.Souichi released Ika that quickly rushed to refujiarse in the arms of Morinaga, which embraced him as if a small child in the eyes of his sempai who was trying to understand what had happened, only knew when I had finished thinking already had seized to Ika so that it is separate from Morinaga, and talking about that idiot, why Devils consoled the singer?-Has passed already out - said Morinaga as he caressed the long hair of this man with sweetness.- But but that you grabbed my hair, I'm miedito, Tetsu-chan-looked at Souichi instructing by a look killer - also Tetsu-chan, not you told me that you had a partner, if came it to know I do not kiss.-I'm not your partner! - red Souichi bellowed to the ears-am not homo!-Do arara? - Ika nodded looking at it as if had left you a second head, rather huffed - then because I've separated from Tetsu-chan?-because I hate the things in my presence homo-sentenced grocery trip ideas "is jealous" that had Morinaga in those moments.-Ya, of course, you're jealous Niisan-thought Kanako.-Ah, well, if so - hung Morinaga neck abrazandole - more Tetsu-chan for me. -he smiled to Souichi who only managed to send him a look of "kill you, here and now"-kukukuku celosin - river deep down the singer, entocnes is realized the girl - arara, a little girl.-Em ho... Hi - greeted Kanao suddenly shy, above all when Ika separated from Morinaga and approached her, remember that Ika didn't get anything from the waist down, and reached down to her height.-Hello, are you Kanako-chan? Tetsu-chan muuucho has told me about you, you apparently like my songs-much smiled, raising his hand and stroking the head of the girl that was red which tomato, noticing as the heart is going to leave the chest-thanks for being my fan.-n not gra thank you for singing as well - said the girl died of shame Brown laugh.-In short, we are inside, others were taking a few beers to celebrate, I think that we also have drinks without alcohol for Kana-chan-said raising-ah, and also I have crackers from my mother.-from the Rei aunt? -It inquired Morinaga entering the dressing room after the boy closely followed by the brothers.-Niisan, do you know that both knew?-Kanako asked his brother, it stayed silent, I knew nothing of the life of Morinaga, he barely knew about Masaki and that was wrong with his family, but none of friends or other things. -well, whatever, Morinaga-san seems happy to be with Ika-san.Souichi looked at them, was certain Morinaga smiled before the promise of cookies, as a child, why? because it hurt him chest knowing that those smiles never had shown them to him and think that Ika knew better his kohai he that had been long living with him?-In short, I have failed to seriously - he said Ika when all were in the dressing room each with a drink in hand - I'm Akira Katsura, even though all I know as Ika, is a pleasure to finally meet people Tetsu-chan spoke me.-Since when you know? -Kanako I inquired before taking a SIP of his juice.-mmm, well let me see, - Akira put a hand under her chin and looked at the ceiling - I think since kindergarten, Yes, from there. Ah, tetsu-chan remember when we us issues at the castle of the class and tirabamos chalks to those who came to invade it?-Morinaga laughed, nodding.-The anger of Nakahara-sensei was epic.Hurt, it hurt to know nothing about Testsuhiro, of its past, know that there were people who were closest to him which he himself, who knew all of the boy despite the distance because they had maintained contact over the years by letters and messages, and hurt more above all because Morinaga did not attempt remove the hand of Akira when this stroked her cheek , or your body when it embraced him with a smile from ear to ear. But if there was something that hurt most was the look of Akira, one with which clearly said you "you don't have to be jealous if they are not".
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Thank you all for your comments. A first see what updates will be every two days or so, but surely chapter 3 of this fic will not be on Sunday but Monday. I hope you enjoy the concert ended between public obaciones chanting the name of the group called "Illusion" in the first row Kanako looked adoringly at his Ika-san was smiling the public. Thank you all for coming tonight I hope they pass it great in the festival-speaking singer saying goodbye to the illusion hand wishes you good night to all and happy summer. One last look was launched in the first row with a smile, all of it dedicated to that corresponded Morinaga the gesture infuriated leaving Souichi demostrase though not openly. Bastard stops smiling that asshole and cried inwardly at those smiles and then remain frozen for the thread that began to follow their thoughts, because the next thing You would think it was something like "you can only smile at me to me so baka" and it frightened him much, too. He was nothing but a friend of Morinaga, he had no right to think so, that would have been lying a few times even he had said he wanted his side, it meant nothing, had no right to be jealous. "Jealousy" that word struck his mind with such force that he believed other ideas would be drawn to her strength by the coup, was he jealous? Do I still like that when he came to the city Masaki? Wait, wait, I was not jealous at that time-he thought frowning was not jealous of that blond moron who deserves to be thrown from the top of a skyscraper to use such ga ... way to Morina. -¿Sempai? He listened to the voice of Morinaga get your thoughts together with a light tap on the shoulder that made ​​him jump-Are you all right? Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine 'When it has come to me? You sure ? you rarely face, well you've had throughout the concert. Ah, perhaps you noticed this before in my being Ika bastard, what you had eyes only for that idiot violet eyes? cabreandose asked himself increasingly internally, especially because in his mind was realizing that was ringing jealous. I'm fine, do not worry. If you say so replied unconvinced Morinaga- finally, Kanako-chan wants to spend and backstage to see the band. Come Oni-chan that you stand there and Ika- san does not have all night-he hurried Kanako impatient. Yes, if said starting to walk, though thing he wanted at that moment was to see the stupid singer, with his stupid smile that was dedicated to stupid Morinaga, if for Sempai, they were now all stupid. After he was Morinaga looked at him and felt quite strange, does it Ika was angry because he sang for the first song? Had he been jealous? that single thought was able to send him to the clouds of happiness for a moment, where he imagined his tearful Sempai clamoring for his attention as a little boy saying it was only his and other possessive things in the background Morinaga you put enough pity that both distase reality of your dreams, at least for him. They came to a part of the stadium full of security guards who missed the trio to see the passes that gave them Morinaga, walked down a dark hallway to a door where There were two other guards dressed in suits, wearing sunglasses even though they were covered and radio microphones, what a bodyguard is said about film. -¿Identificación? asked one in a somewhat rough, with a powerful voice That coupled with the height and musculature, imposed and much, Kanako institno Souichi took her hand and put it behind him, his eyes, the man was a dangerous Gorilla. -Tetsuhiro brown Morinaga said teaching passes to the revised gorilla, but before he could say Nadala dressing room door opened, everyone knew the next thing is that Morinaga was on the floor with the singer of the group on hugging him. -Tetsu-chan said Ika , which was only a sweatshirt that hung a little below average very wide thigh before kissing Morinaga front of everyone. Silence was all that could be heard, especially in the minds of some tyrant who looked like the bastard Morinaga kissed, he would kill him, to burst his head against the floor and then stick together bodyguard a brutal beating, but nobody, nobody touched Morinaga, one kissing him if it was not him, because he was ... wait, that he was nothing of Morinaga. -au au au Let go, let go He complained donkey Ika, Souichi reacted when he realized that the singer was grabbed by the hair to separate it from Morinaga. -Sempai, please let him go pleaded Morinaga-watching the scene with a large blush. Souichi let go Ika quickly ran refujiarse in arms Morinaga who embraced him like a small child in the eyes of his sempai trying to understand what had happened, just that when it was over thinking already had grabbed Ika to be separated from Morinaga, and talking about that idiot, why the hell consoled the singer? -yâ happened is over-Morinaga said, stroking the long hair of the man gently. But but is that grabbed my hair, I do miedito, Tetsu-chan.-Souichi looked at him a look matadora- also sent Tetsu-chan, do not tell me you had a couple, if you came to know not kiss you. -¡YO I AM NOT YOUR PARTNER! Souichi red roared until orejas.-don't'm homo! -¿Arara? Ika She tilted her head looking at him as if he had gone a second head, somewhat sulkily then why you separated me from Tetsu- chan? -because I hate things in my presencia. homo-ruled sent to walk the ideas of "jealous" that Morinaga had at the time. Yeah, sure, you're jealous Niisan-thought Kanako. Ah, well, if He hung so Morinaga neck embracing him more Tetsu-chan for me. He smiled at Souichi only managed to send a look of "I'll kill you here and now" -kukukuku celosin-laughed inwardly singer, entocnes realized the girl-plow, a little girl. Um ho .. Hi-greeted Kanao suddenly timid, especially when Ika separated from Morinaga and approached her, remember that Ika not wearing anything from the waist down, and bent to match. Hey, are you a Kanako-chan? Tetsu-chan told me muuucho you, you seem to really like my canciones.-smiled and raised his hand stroking the head of the girl which turned red tomato, feeling like his heart was going to leave the chest thanks for being my fan. -n not gra thank you for singing so well, 'said the dead child of shame doing laugh to brown. 'Well, come inside, others were taking some beers to celebrate, I think we also have drinks alcohol for Kana-chan said, rising ah, and I also have my mother crackers. -¿de Aunt Rei? Morinaga asked entering the dressing room after the boy closely followed by the brothers. -Niisan, did you know that both were known? Kanako asked his brother, this silent, knew nothing of the life of Morinaga, barely Masaki and knew what was wrong with her ​​family or friends but nothing more. Well, whatever, Morinaga-san seems happy to be with Ika-san. Souichi looked, smiled Morinaga was true to the promise of cookies, like a child, why? Why her chest hurt to learn that the smiles never the had shown him and the Ika think your kohai knew better than he that had long been living with him? 'Well, I have not presented serious Ika said When everyone was in the clubhouse each with a drink in hand'm Akira Katsura, though all know me as Ika, good to finally meet people who Tetsu-chan was talking to me. Since when you know ? Kanako asked before taking a sip of his juice. Hmm, let me see it, Akira put his hand under his chin and stared at the ceiling I think from the nursery, if from there. ah, Tetsu-chan remember when we entrench ourselves in the castle of the class and we threw chalk at those who approached to invadirnoslo? -Morinaga laughed and nodded. 'The anger of Nakahara-sensei was epic. It hurt, it hurt to know nothing of Testsuhiro , its past, to know that there were people who were closest to him that he, who knew all the boy despite the distance they had kept in touch over the years through letters and messages, and more especially hurt because Morinaga did any of Akira's hand away when stroked her cheek, and her body when he embraced with a smile from ear to ear attempt. But if there was something else that hurt was the look of Akira, one with which he said clearly "have no right to be jealous if you are nothing."

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Thank you all for your comments. To see the first updates every two days will be more or less, although surely Chapter 3 in this FIC is not on Sunday, but on Monday. I hope you enjoy the concert ended obaciones

between the audience Chanted the name of the members of the group called "illusion",In the Front Row looked Kanako Adoration of his IKA - San He smiled to the public.

thank you all for coming Tonight, I hope you have a great time in the festival was the singer Waving - Illusion Wishes You All Good night and Happy Summer.

Last look was launched in the first row with a Smile,All that was dedicated to Morinaga, leaving an angry gesture Souichi although not openly show.

i stop smiling to that asshole like that! - she screamed internally before those Smiles, then stay Frozen by the thread that began to follow your thoughts,Because the next thing I was going to think it was something like "You can only smile at me so Baka" and that it frightened him, much, too.

he was nothing more than a Friend of Morinaga, had no right to think so, she'd slept with a few times, even had said I she wanted her hand, meant nothing, he had no right to Be Jealous."Jealousy" That Word struck him in the head so hard that he thought the rest of ideas would be thrown to the force of the blow, he was Jealous? Masaki as when he came to the City?

- Wait wait,I wasn't Jealous at that time thought frowning - I was not Jealous... With that Blonde that deserves to be thrown from the top of a Skyscraper by use of such...Ga. Morina

- sempai? - Heard The Voice of His thoughts of Morinaga get along with a Light Touch On The Shoulder that made a Splash - these well?

- Uh, Yes, Yes,When I approached my?

- Sure? You have a Face, well you've had throughout the concert. - Oh, did you notice my being that IKA Bastard in front, not only had eyes for that Idiot Violet Eyes? - internally cabreandose wondered every time, especially because his mind was realizing that was ringing Jealous. - i'm Fine.Don't worry. - If you say so - answered not very convinced Morinaga anyway, Kanako Chan wants you to go backstage to see the Group.

- Oni Chan that you stand there and IKA - San is not all night made him Rush Kanako impatient.

- Said starting to walk, although the least wanted At that time was to see the foolish Singer.With his Stupid smile that was dedicated to the Stupid Morinaga, IF sempai, All were stupid.

he was looking after Morinaga, he was quite strange, perhaps had been angry because IKA Sang to him the first song? Is he Jealous? That thought alone was able to send him to the Clouds of Happiness for a few moments,Where he imagined his sempai tearful clamoring for your attention as a small child, saying only that it was his possessive and other things in the background to Morinaga put enough, pity your reality distase both of their dreams, at least to him. They Came to a part of the stadium full of security guards who left the Trio to See passes that Morinaga providedThey walked along a Dark Passage to a door where there were two other guards dressed in suits, Sunglasses, though you were covered and Radio microphones, what is said about Bodyguard Movie almost.

- identification. - asked a somewhat rough, with a powerful Voice, that coupled with the height and muscularity, imposed and much,By institno Souichi Kanako took the hand and placed it behind him, in their eyes, that man was a very dangerous Gorilla.

- Tetsuhiro Morinaga Said Moreno Teaching passes the Gorilla that revised, but before this could mean aboutthe dressing room door opened, the next thing I knew Morinaga is all that was on the ground with The Singer on hugging him

.- Tetsu Chan Said IKA, which was only a sweatshirt that something would come down to mid thigh, very wide, before kissing in front of all

Morinaga. Silence was all that could be Heard, especially in the Mind of a tyrant who looked like that bastard was Morinaga kissed, to kill, to smash her head against the floor and Hit The Bodyguard after a brutal beating.But nobody, nobody, nobody touched Morinaga kissed him, if not him, because he was...Esperate, he was nothing of Morinaga.
au au au - Let Go, Donkey complained IKA, Souichi reacted when he realized that the singer was grabbed by the hair to separate Morinaga.

- sempai, please let him go - He begged Morinaga watching the scene with a Blush.Souichi Let IKA quickly ran into the Arms of refujiarse Morinaga hugged him like a little child before the eyes of his sempai who tried to understand what had happened, I just knew that when it was over I was thinking it was separated from IKA to Morinaga, and speaking of that idiot, what the Hell Is The Singer?

- IT's already happened, "said Morinaga while Stroking the Hair of this man with sweetness.

but I grabbed My Hair, I'm Scared, Tetsu - - looked Souichi who was a Killer look in Tetsu Chan, you didn't tell me you had a partner, if you came to know not you kiss.

I'm your partner! - Did Souichi red until the orejas. - Homo!

- arara?IKA - bowed his head, looking as if he had got a Second Head, then something sulking because I have separated Tetsu Chan?

- Because I Hate things in my presencia. homo - sentenced sent around the ideas of "jealous" Morinaga had at those times.

- of course, you're Jealous Niisan Kanako thought. - Oh, Well,If it is hung from the neck of Morinaga embraced - Tetsu Chan for me. - I only got Souichi smiled to Send a look of "I kill you, here and now"

- kukukuku laughed in their Inner celosin - Singer, then realized the girl arara, a Little Girl.

- MS Ho, Hi - greeted Kanao suddenly shy, especially when IKA is separated from Morinaga and approached Her,Remember that IKA Not wearing anything from the waist down, and leaned down to its height. - Hey, you're Kanako Chan? Tetsu Chan has told me everything about you, you seem to really like my canciones. - smiled with his hand and stroking her head which she turned Red Tomato, noticing how Her Heart went out to the chest - Thanks for being my fan.Gra - No thanks to you sing so well, "said the Dead Child of Shame Laugh Making Brown.

anyway, go inside, the others were taking a Beer to celebrate, I believe that we also have drinks Without Alcohol for Kana Chan Said getting up - - Oh, and I also have crackers my mother. - Aunt Rei?- 'Morinaga entering the dressing room after the boy followed by Brothers.
- Niisan, you know that they know each other? Kanako asked his brother, remained Silent, knew nothing of the Life of Morinaga, Masaki and barely knew what was wrong with his family, but no friends, no other things. - Well, whatever, Morinaga San seems happy with IKA San.

Souichi looked, was true Morinaga smiled with the promise of cookies, as a Child, why? Because his chest Hurt to learn that those Smiles never shown to him and at the thought that her kohai IKA knew better that he had while Living with him?

- in order,I haven't introduced myself seriously - IKA said when they were all in the dressing room each with a drink in Hand - I am Akira Katsura, although all know me as IKA is a pleasure to finally meet the people that Tetsu Chan spoke to me. - Since when do you know? - 'Kanako before taking a SIP of juice. - Mmm, Well, let me see,- Akira got a hand under his chin and looked at the ceiling - I think since Kindergarten, IF, from there. Tetsu Chan Ah, remember when we dug in at the Castle of the class and threw The Chalk that came to invadirnoslo? - you laughed Morinaga.

- The Anger of Nakahara Sensei was EPIC.

Hurt, Hurt to know nothing of his past, testsuhiro,Know that there were people who were closest to him that even he, who knew all about the boy despite the distance because they maintained Contact throughout the years by letters and messages, and more especially Hurt because Morinaga made no attempt to remove the hand of Akira when he stroked the cheek, or your body when you hugged him with A Smile from ear to ear.But if there was something else that it hurt the eyes of Akira, with which he clearly said "You have no right to Be Jealous if you are nothing."
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