Han pasado muchos días Morinaga... desde el atropello no he dejado de  dịch - Han pasado muchos días Morinaga... desde el atropello no he dejado de  Anh làm thế nào để nói

Han pasado muchos días Morinaga...

Han pasado muchos días Morinaga... desde el atropello no he dejado de pensar en ti, estuve muy angustiado, preocupado, rezando para que reacciones. Me siento bastante culpable, yo... yo no quería causarte tanto sufrimiento, pero eso no puedo hacer, ya que cada vez tu amor por mí aumentaba y yo no lo podía detener- estuve en la misma silla al lado izquierdo de la cama, mientras me acariciaba la frente de Morinaga –Pero lo que no entiendo... es que... por qué... ¡POR QUÉ MALDITA SEA NO REACCIONAS... POR QUÉ!- empecé a lagrimear –Yo quiero... que reacciones Morinaga... yo tuve miedo ¿sabes? Tuve mucho miedo de perderte, de pronto tu ritmo cardiaco se detuvo y... y no supe qué hacer... tan solo me angustié... lloré... yo... yo... sentí algo... una sensación horrible... algo... algo... vacío como si me hundiera en un pozo sin fondo. No quiero... no quiero que la vida... te aleje de mí. Yo... no lo soportaría. Lo sufrí una vez... aquel día que desapareciste por 2 semanas de Nagoya y no supe dónde estabas, te juro que yo... yo... yo sentí que la vida se me iba... yo sentí una sensación de pérdida... y una melancolía inmensa- sostuve su mano izquierda y la llevé hacia mi pecho –¿Sientes esto? Hay una enorme opresión en mi pecho, pero a la vez mi corazón está latiendo muy fuerte. No sé qué sea exactamente, pero siento que ha nacido en mi una nueva emoción... y aunque me cueste admitirlo... creo saber cuál es... yo... yo... creo que ese es el sentimiento por el que tanto anhelabas... yo creo que este sentimiento debe llamarse... ¿amor?- me sorprendí por lo que dije y por lo que sentí en mi corazón –¿Amor?... dije ¿amor?... no... no puede ser eso... tal vez lo que siento es angustia y preocupación de asegurarme que estés bien... pero... es raro... es diferente... jamás he sentido esto con nadie más; es decir, estuve preocupado muchas veces, pero este sentimiento que tengo ahora... no... no es preocupación... no es amistad... es... amor. Yo... siento amor... por... por... ¿ti?- yo mismo entré en shock por mis propias palabras –La verdad, no estoy completamente seguro si "amor" es lo que siento... puede que así sea como puede que no. Pero... siento esta sensación como de querer decírtelo, que me escuches y... sobretodo... oír tu respuesta- me limpié las lágrimas, aún sosteniendo su mano –Antes... estaba seguro que tu respuesta sería positiva, pero ahora... no lo sé... dudo que lo sea... porque... tal vez... ahora... tú me odias... todos me odian..., pero lo que realmente importa... es que... debes despertar... DESPIERTA... MORINAGA DESPIERTA- empecé a perder el control –DESPIERTA BAKA...- respiré hondo –Si despiertas... yo... yo te juro que... tal vez... te daría esa oportunidad que tanto querías... tal vez... solo quizá, porque de igual forma, no estoy seguro de lo que siento... tal vez... creo sentir "amor", pero en verdad no es amor... de repente es "culpa", pero... ... pero por favor... despierta... BAKA DESPIERTA-

"Amor"... es un sentimiento que todos conocemos a la perfección, pero muy pocos lo entienden. Algunos lo confunden con obsesión, costumbre, o simplemente ilusión. ¿Pero amor?... No... tal vez... tal vez lo que siento no es amor... ahora que lo pienso bien... no... no es amor... yo... yo no estoy enamorado de Morinaga... yo... no soy gay... no puede ser. Siento que... no es amor, sino es... un sentimiento de culpa. ¡Eso es! Yo... siento culpa... me siento culpable... me siento mal por todo esto... siento dolor... dolor..., pero hay algo que estoy seguro... esto... NO ES AMOR.


Todo... está oscuro... me siento raro... me siento cansado... me siento... adolorido... y sobretodo aún siento aquella opresión en mi pecho... esa sensación de dolor interno... de decepción y de no querer vivir.

Tuve sueño extraños donde varias personas gritaban, donde varias personas lloraban, donde varias personas se alteraban, soñaba que me iba al cielo, pero luego caía. Eran cosas raras e inexplicables.

Quise abrir mis ojos, así que lentamente así fue. Hice un gesto de dolor y los cerré automáticamente por que los rayos del sol me molestaban. Me sobé los ojos y logré abrirlos con delicadeza. Me sentía mareado. "¿Dónde estoy?", me pregunté.

El techo del lugar era muy diferente al de mi casa, yo no sé qué es este lugar. No recuerdo nada, no sé nada, qué hago aquí, cuándo llegué; todas esas preguntas vagaban por mi mente. Miré a los costados y vi el suero que entraba por una de las vías inyectadas en mi mano...

-¿Un hospital? Pero que... AHHHHHH- quise hablar, pero grité cuando al intentar sentarme rápidamente, sentí un fuerte hincón a mi lado izquierdo, justo donde están mis costillas.

Me sobé y automáticamente sentí algo duro. Me espanté e intenté sentarme cuidadosamente, pero no del todo recto, sino algo inclinado. Me levanté la bata de paciente y vi vendas con sangre. –Qué... qué está pasando... por qué... por qué tengo vendas en mis costillas...- empecé a palpármelas algo desesperado –¿Y esto? Mi mano derecha está vendada y... tengo heridas en las rodillas...- me había destapado un poco para revisarme –¿Qué está pasando? ¿Qué me hicieron? ¿Por qué estoy herido?- me angustié, pero luego quise verme la cara y agarré un espejo que estaba en la mesita al lado de la camilla -¡MI CABEZA! TENGO... TENGO UNA VENDA EN MI CABEZA... POR QUÉ-

Mi desesperación estaba llegando al límite cuando escuché que alguien intentaba abrir la puerta de la habitación. Quién será... quién viene... seguro... la persona que me golpeó... pero... qué pasa... por qué no recuerdo nada de nada..., pensaba.

La puerta se abría y rogué para que sea una enfermera o un médico que me diga qué me sucedió y desde cuándo estoy aquí. Sin embargo, no era el doctor, era alguien muy conocido para mí... era...

-No puede ser...- se quedó boquiabierto –¡DESPERTASTE!- se lanzó a abrazarme –DESPERTASTE... DIOS MÍO... GRACIAS... DESPERTASTE-

-Ahhhhh... Ahhh...- gemí del dolor –Me estás lastimando- dije de un modo amigable.

-Lo... lo siento... es que... estoy feliz de que al fin hallas despertado- se soltó de mí y me miró a los ojos –No tienes idea cómo he llorado por ti, Angel-kun-

-¿Llorado? Qué... qué pasó, Hiroto-kun... no recuerdo nada-

-¿Cómo que no recuerdas nada... algo debes recordar... espera... sabes quién eres ¿no?-

-Jajaja sí... claro que sí... no es que haya perdido la memoria. Recuerdo muchas cosas, lo único que está borroso en mis recuerdos es lo que sucedió antes de venir aquí-

-Bueno... Angel-kun... tuviste un accidente-


-Sí... un carro... te... atropelló-

-¡Qué horror!- me sorprendí –Con razón tengo todas estas heridas-

-Sí...- afirmó sentándose en la silla del costado y mirándome -¿Cómo te sientes?-

-Como si hubiera dormido siglos-

-Estuviste en coma por... 1 semana-

-¿QUÉ?- grité –¿Dormí... una semana?

-Sí, pero lo bueno es que ya estás bien-

-Qué tengo... qué heridas tengo-

-Según el doctor... 2 costillas fracturadas, una muñeca luxada, rapones en las rodillas y una herida mortal en la cabeza-

-Con razón... la cabeza me duele horrible- me sobé.

Luego de hablar con Hiroto, llamamos al doctor para que me revise. Al parecer todo estaba fuera de peligro, no había nada de qué preocuparme. Pero lo que sí me advirtió es que cuide bastante mi ritmo cardiaco haciendo muchos ejercicios. No entendí por qué me habló de mi corazón, yo no sentí nada anormal.

Lo bueno es que el doctor me dio de alta para el día siguiente y eso me calmaba porque la verdad que los hospitales me deprimen. El doctor se fue y nuevamente me dejó a solas con Hiroto. Hubo un silencio al principio, pero hay algo que aún me molestaba, algo que aún quería saber...

-¿Dónde está, Sempai?-

-Él… se fue a su luna de miel- dijo dudoso.

-¿QUÉ? ¿Lu... luna de... miel?-

-Así es, Angel-kun- suspiró –Tu Sempai... se fue el mismo día de su boda a su luna de miel. Él y Yuki viajaron-

-Pero... pero... eso no es posible, porque... porque... yo estaba herido en un hospital ¿no? Se supone que tendría que venir a verme ¿no? Se supone que debo importarle algo ¿no?-


-Pero a quién engaño... YO NO LE IMPORTO- gritéy luego mantuve la cabeza gacha –Yo... no... le importo...- lloré.

-Angel-kun, no te voy a mentir. Voy a ser sincero contigo. Sé que dolerá, pero es la verdad...-suspiró –Sempai se fue de luna de miel con Yuki desde hace 1 semana con su esposa y ni siquiera se molestó en venir a verte. Mientras tú estuviste aquí herida, él se iba a divertir como si nada-

No me dijo nada, tan solo se quedó sentado en la camilla, con la cabeza gacha y llorando en silencio, porque no hizo ruido, pero logré ver en sus piernas que caían gotas de lágrimas. No quise molestarlo y menos interrumpirlo, ya que en esos momentos se veía tan vulnerable a todo, me daba miedo, hasta que de pronto él mismo rompió el silencio...

-Me quiero ir...- suspiró –Me quiero ir de Nagoya de una vez-

-Angel-kun, no estás pensando bien las cosas-

-¡Sí! Estoy pensando bien las cosas- se limpió las lágrimas.

Aunque yo aún estaba bloqueado, dolido y decepcionado por todo lo que había pasado, tenía que aceptar que Sempai se casó. Ya no había nada que hacer. Pensé que Sempai se arrepentiría en el último momento pero no lo hizo. Como había dicho antes... Yuki ganó y... yo perdí.

Le pedí a Hiroto varios favores, como por ejemplo, adquirirme un nuevo pasaje que salga el día de mañana en la tarde con dirección a Hamatsu; al igual que traiga mis maletas al hospital para que, saliendo de aquí, irme directamente al aeropuerto.
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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It has been many days Morinaga... Since the outrage I have not stopped thinking about you, I was very anxious, worried, praying for reactions. I feel quite guilty, I... I didn't want to cause you suffering, but that I can not do, since every time your love for me increased and I could not stop him - I was in the same Chair to the left side of the bed, while caressed me the face of Morinaga - but what I don't understand... is that... that's why... why damn either not react...! I started that! - teary - I want... that Morinaga reactions... I was afraid would know? I was very afraid of losing you, suddenly stopped your heart rate and... and I knew what to do... just me angustié... I cried... I... I... I felt something... a horrible feeling... something... something... empty as if I sank into a bottomless pit. I don't want to... I don't want that life you... away from me. I could not bear it. Went through it once... that day that you desapareciste for 2 weeks of Nagoya and I didn't know where you were, I swear that I... I... I felt that life was going to me... I felt a sense of loss... and a vast melancholy - held his left hand and took her to my chest - feel this? There are a tremendous tightness in my chest, but at the same time my heart is beating very strong. I do not know what exactly, but I feel that it is born in me a new emotion... and although it cost me to admit it... I think know what... I... I... I think that this is the feeling that you wished so much... I think that this feeling must be called... love? - I was surprised by what I said and for what I felt in my heart - love?... I said love?... not... cannot be that... maybe what I feel is anxiety and concern to make sure that you are but... but... is weird... is different... I've never felt this with anyone else; i.e. I was worried many times, but this feeling that I have now... not... not is concern... is not friendship... is... love. I... feel love... for... for... do you? - I got shocked by my own words - the truth, I'm not completely sure if "love" is what I feel... may be as well as you can that does not. But... feel this sensation and want to tell you, that I listen and... above all... hear your answer - I wiped tears, even holding his hand - before... was sure that your response would be positive, but now... I don't know... I doubt that it is... because... maybe... now... you hate me... everyone... hate me, but what really matters... is that you... wake up... Wake up... MORINAGA awake - I began to lose control - wake up BAKA...-breath deep - if you wake up... I... I swear that... maybe... it would give you that opportunity so much you wanted... maybe... just maybe, because in the same way, I'm not sure what I feel... maybe... I think feel "love", but in fact it is not love... suddenly it's "fault", but...... but please... wake up... AWAKE BAKA-"Love" is... a feeling that we all know to perfection, but very few understand it. Some confuse it with obsession, custom, or simply illusion. But love?... No... Maybe... maybe what I feel is not love... now that I think about it well... no... is not love... I... I am not in love with Morinaga... I... I'm not gay... cannot be. I feel that... it is not love, but... is a sense of guilt. That is! I feel... guilt... I feel guilty... I feel bad for all this... I feel pain... pain... but there is something that I'm sure... this... IT IS NOT LOVE.POV MORINAGAEverything is... dark... I feel weird... I am tired... I feel... sore... and above all still feel that oppression in my chest... that feeling of inner pain... disappointment and not wanting to live.I had a strange dream where several people shouted, where several people were crying, where several people altering, I dreamed that I was going to heaven, but then he fell. They were rare and unexplained things.I wanted to open my eyes, so slowly and so it was. I made a gesture of pain and closed them automatically by the rays of the Sun to bother me. I sobé my eyes and I managed to open them with delicacy. I felt dizzy. "Where am I?", I asked.The roof of the place was very different from my home, I don't know what is this place. I remember nothing, I know nothing, what do I do here, when I arrived; all these questions wandered through my mind. I looked sideways and saw the serum that entered through one of the routes injected into my hand...-Would a hospital? But that... AHHHHHH - wanted to talk about, but screamed when trying to sit down quickly, I felt a strong hincon next to me left, right where my ribs are.I sobé me and I automatically felt something hard. I despair and I tried to feel me carefully, but not quite straight, but rather inclined. I raised my me patient robe and saw bands with blood. -What... What's going on... why... I have bandages on my ribs...-I started to feel me them something desperate - and this? My right hand is bandaged and... I have wounds in the knees...-I had uncovered a little to review me - what is happening? What I did? Why am I injured? - me angustié, but then wanted to see my face and grabbed a mirror that was on the table beside the stretcher - my head! I HAVE... I HAVE A BAND IN MY HEAD... WHY-My despair was nearing the limit when I heard that someone was trying to open the door of the room. Who will be... who comes... sure... the person who hit me... but... what... why not remember anything..., I thought.The door opened and I begged to be a nurse or a doctor who tells me what happened to me and when I am here. However, it was not the doctor, he was someone very well known to me... was...-Can not be...-stayed speechless - woke up! - was launched to embrace me - woke up... My god... Thank you... WOKE UP--Ahhhhh... Ahhh...-yelped in pain - I are hurting - I said in a friendly way.-It... sorry... is that I'm... happy to finally have aroused - he let go of me and looked me in the eyes - you have No idea how I've cried for you, Angel-kun --Do cried? What... what happened, Hiroto-kun... I remember nothing-As that you don't remember anything... something you must remember... wait... you know who you are isn't it?-?-Lol Yes... of course Yes... no is who has lost her memory. I remember many things, the only thing that is blurred in my memories is what happened before coming here--Well... Angel-kun... you had an accident--Accident?--Yes... a truck... you ran... --What horror! - I was surprised - with good reason I have all these wounds --Yes...-said sitting in the side Chair and looking at me - how do you feel? --As if he had slept centuries--You were in a coma by... 1 week--What? - cried - I slept... one week?-Yes, but the good thing is that you are well--What have... what injuries have --According to the doctor... 2 broken ribs, a dislocated wrist, knees and a mortal head wound - rapones-With good reason... the head hurts horrible - I sobé.After talking with Hiroto, we call the doctor so I check. Apparently everything was out of danger, there was nothing to worry about. But what if warned me is to care enough my heart rate making many exercises. I didn't understand why I spoke from my heart, I didn't feel anything abnormal.The good news is that the doctor gave me high for the next day and that calmed me because the truth that hospitals depress me. The doctor left and again left me alone with Hiroto. There was a silence at the beginning, but there is something still bothered me, something I still wanted to know...-Where he is, Sempai?--He... went to their honeymoon - said doubtful.-WHAT? Lu... Moon of... honey?--So, Angel-kun - he sighed - Tu-Sempai... went the day of your wedding to your honeymoon. He and Yuki traveled-- But... but... that is not possible, because... because... I was injured in a hospital? Is assumed that it would have to come to see me? Supposed I care about something not? --Tetsuhiro...-- But who I am mistaken... I do not you care - gritey then I kept his head down - I... not... mind you...-I cried.-Angel-kun, not going to lie. I'm going to be honest with you. I know that it will hurt, but it is the truth...-he sighed - Sempai went on honeymoon with Yuki from 1 week ago with his wife and did not even bother to come and see you. While you were here hurt, he was going to have fun like nothing -I said nothing, just sat on the couch, with his head down and crying in silence, because it made no noise, but I was able to see in his legs that drops of tears fell. Did not want to disturb it and less to interrupt it, since in those moments she looked so vulnerable to everything, I was afraid, until suddenly he himself broke the silence...-I want to go... he sighed - I want to go after Nagoya --Angel-kun, not thinking good things--Yes! I'm thinking good things - wiped tears.Although I was still blocked, hurt and disappointed by what had happened, I had to accept that Sempai got married. Already there was nothing to do. I thought Sempai repent at the last moment but did not do so. As I said before... Yuki won and I lost....Hiroto asked several favours, as for example, buy me a new passage that comes out tomorrow in the afternoon with Hamatsu direction; to bring my luggage to the hospital so that, coming out of here, go directly to the airport.
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Morinaga many days have passed since the accident ... I have not stopped thinking about you, I was very anxious, worried, praying that reactions. I feel quite guilty, I ... I did not want to cause so much suffering, but it can not do, as more and increased your love for me and I could not detener- I was in the same chair on the left side of the bed, as she stroked the forehead of Morinaga But I do not understand ... is that ... why ... DAMN WHY ... WHY do not react - 'I started to tear that I want ... Morinaga reactions ... I was afraid you know? I was so afraid of losing you, your heart rate suddenly stopped and ... and did not know what to do ... just distresses me ... I cried ... I ... I ... felt something ... one feeling awful ... something ... something ... empty like I sink into a bottomless pit. I do not want ... I do not want that life ... you away from me. I ... could not bear. I suffered that day ... once you disappeared for 2 weeks of Nagoya and did not know where you were, I swear that I ... I ... I felt that life was leaving me ... I felt a sense of loss ... immensely melancholy and held his left hand and took her to my chest Do you feel this? There is a tremendous tightness in my chest, yet my heart is beating very strong. I do not know why exactly, but I feel I was born in me a new emotion ... and although I hate to admit it ... I think I know what it is ... I ... I ... I think that's the feeling for the they both longed ... I think that this feeling should be called ... love - I was surprised by what I said and what I felt in my heart ... -¿Amor said Did not love ...?. .. It can not be that ... maybe what I feel is anxiety and concern to make sure you're okay ... but ... it's weird ... it's different ... I've never felt like this with anyone else; that is, I was worried many times, but this feeling that I have now ... no ... no ... no concern ... is friendship ... love. I ... feel love ... for ... for ... you - went into shock myself by my own words -The truth, I'm not entirely sure if "love" is what I feel ... can so be it as it may not. But ... I feel like this feeling of wanting to tell you, listen to me ... especially ... and hear your answer I wiped the tears, still holding her hand ... Before I was sure that a reply would be positive, but Now ... do not know ... I doubt it is ... because ... maybe ... you hate me now ... ... everyone hates me ... but what really matters .. . is that ... you wake up ... wake up ... DESPIERTA- Morinaga started to lose BAKA Control Wake ...- deep breath If you wake up ... I ... I swear that ... maybe ... Once you give that opportunity that both you wanted ... maybe ... just maybe, because in the same way, I'm not sure how I feel ... maybe ... I think feel "love", but truth is not love ... suddenly it's "fault", but ... ... but please ... wake up ... BAKA DESPIERTA- "Love" ... is a feeling we all know perfectly, but very few understand. Some confuse it with obsession, habit, or just illusion. But love? ... No ... maybe ... maybe what I feel I am not love ... now that I think about it ... no ... no ... I ... I love I'm not in love with Morinaga ... I ... I am not gay ... You can not be. I feel ... is not love, but is ... guilt. That's! I feel guilty ... ... I feel guilty ... I feel bad for all this ... I feel pain ... pain ... but there's something I'm sure ... this ... is not love . POV Morinaga ... Everything is dark ... I feel weird ... I'm tired ... I feel ... sore ... but most still feel that tightness in my chest ... that feeling of inner pain ... disappointment and not wanting to live. I had strange dream where several people shouted, where several people were crying, where several people were altered, dreamed I went to heaven, but then fell. They were rare and unexplainable things. I wanted to open my eyes, so slowly it was. I winced and closed automatically by the rays of the sun bothered me. I rubbed my eyes and managed to open them gently. I felt dizzy. "Where am I?", I wondered. The roof of the place was very different from my home, I do not know what this place is. I remember nothing, I know nothing, why I'm here, when I arrived; all those questions my mind wandered. I looked sideways and saw serum coming through one of the routes injected into my hand ... -¿Un hospital? AHHHHHH- but ... I wanted to talk, but cried when trying to sit quickly, I felt a strong hincón to my left side, right where my ribs are. I kneaded and automatically felt something hard. I shooed carefully and tried to sit, but not quite right, but something inclined. I raised my patient gown and saw bloody bandages. -What ... What's going on ... why ... why I have bandages on my ribs ...- I started palpármelas something desperate 'And this? My right hand is bandaged and ... I have knee injuries ...- I had uncovered a bit to check on me What's happening? What did they do to me? Why I am wounded - distresses me, but then I wanted to see my face and grabbed a mirror that was on the table beside the couch-my HEAD! I ... I have a bandage on my head ... why- My despair was reaching the end when I heard someone trying to open the door of the room. Who is ... who is ... sure ... the person who hit me ... but ... what about ... why I do not remember anything at all ... he thought. The door opened and prayed to be a nurse or a doctor to tell me what happened to me and how long I'm here. However, it was not the doctor, was someone well known to me ... it was ... It can not be ...- gaped -¡DESPERTASTE - -DESPERTASTE rushed to hug me ... OMG .. . THANKS ... DESPERTASTE- -Ahhhhh ... Ahhh pain ...- groaned 'You're lastimando- said in a friendly way. ... I'm sorry ... is that ... I'm happy that finally he is woken to find yourself let go of me and looked into my eyes' Do not have any idea how I cried for you, Angel-kun -¿Llorado? What ... what happened, Hiroto-kun ... I remember nothing- -How do not remember anything ... something you should remember ... wait ... you know who you are not - Hahaha yeah ... Sure ... there is no memory loss. I remember many things, all that is blurred in my memory is what happened before I came here, Angel-kun ... Well ... you had an accident -¿Accidente - Yes ... a car .. . I atropelló- ... What a horror - With reason surprised I have all these wounds- Yes ...- said sitting on the chair and looking side How do you feel? - As if I had slept centuries ... You were in a coma for one week- What? -? -¿Dormí shouted one week ... Yes, but the good thing is that we are well- -What I have ... what wounds tengo- according to the doctor ... 2 broken ribs a dislocated wrist, knees and rapones a mortal wound in his head right ... With my horrible headache I kneaded. After talking with Hiroto, call the doctor to check me. Apparently everything was safe, there was nothing to worry about. But what he told me is that my heart rate cares enough doing many exercises. I did not understand why I spoke of my heart, I felt nothing abnormal. The good thing is that the doctor gave me high for the next day and that calmed me because the truth that hospitals depress me. The doctor left and again left me alone with Hiroto. There was silence at first, but something is still bothering me, something I still wanted to know ... Where is she, Sempai - He ... went to his honey-moon said doubtful. What? ¿Lu ... ... honey moon - Aye, Angel-kun sighed Your Sempai ... it was the day of her wedding to their honeymoon. He and Yuki viajaron- But ... but ... that is not possible, because ... because ... I was injured in a hospital right? It is supposed to have to come see me right? I'm supposed to care about something right? - ...- -Tetsuhiro who deception ... But I will not IMPORTO- gritéy then kept my head down I ... no ... he cares ...- I cried. -Angel-kun, I'm not going to lie. I'll be honest with you. I know it hurt, but it's true ...- sighed -Sempai went on honeymoon with Yuki since one week ago with his wife and did not even bother to come see you. Wound while you were here, he would amuse as if nothing- He said nothing, just he sat on the couch, with bowed head and wept quietly, because it made ​​no noise, but I managed to see in their legs dripped tears. I did not bother and less interrupt, because in those moments all looked so vulnerable, scared me, until suddenly he broke the silence ... 'I want to go ...- she sighed' I want to go to Nagoya than once -Angel-kun, you're not thinking straight things- Yes! While I'm thinking things, wiped tears. Although I was still locked, hurt and disappointed by everything that had happened, I had to accept that Sempai married. It was nothing to do. I thought Sempai regret at the last moment but he did not. As I had said before ... ... Yuki won and I lost. I asked Hiroto several favors, such as adquirirme a new passage to leave tomorrow afternoon with Hamatsu direction; just bring my bags to the hospital for, out of here, go straight to the airport.

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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Many days have passed Morinaga. Since The Hit I haven't stopped thinking about you, I was very anxious, worried, Praying for reactions. I feel very guilty, I... I didn't mean to cause you so much suffering, but I can't do it, Because every time your love for me was and I couldn't stop - I was in the chair on the left side of the bed,While stroking my forehead of Morinaga, but what I Don't understand... Is that... Why... Why don't you goddamn... Why! - i - I want to cry... Morinaga reactions... I was Scared, you know? I was so afraid of losing you, your heartbeat suddenly stopped and... And I didn't know what to do... Only in... I Cried... I... I... I felt something...A horrible feeling... Something... Something... Empty as if I sink into a Bottomless Pit. I Don't want... I Don't Want That Life... You stay away from me. I... I couldn't bear it. What was once... That day you disappeared for two weeks of Nagoya and didn't know where you were, I swear that... I... I felt that life was leaving me... I felt a sense of loss...A Melancholy and immense - held his left hand and took her to my chest –sientes this? There is a huge tightness in my chest, but my heart is beating so fast. I Don't know exactly, but I was born a New Emotion in my... And although I hate to admit it... I think I know what it is... I... I... I think that is the feeling which so longed for...I think that this feeling must be... Love? - I was surprised by what I said and what I felt in my heart Love? ... I said love? ... Not... Can't be that... Maybe what I feel anguish and concern is to make sure you're Okay... But... It's Weird... It's different... I've never felt like this with anyone else; that is to say, I was worried many timesBut this feeling I have now... Not... There is concern... It's not a Friendship... Is... Love. I... I Feel Love... For... For... You? - I got shocked by my own words the Truth, I'm not entirely sure if "Love" is what I feel. Maybe and maybe not. But... I feel this sense of wanting to tell you, you listen to me and... Especially...- I hear your response I wiped The Tears, still holding her hand, before... I was sure that your answer is positive, but now... I Don't know... I Don't think he is... Because... Maybe... Now... You hate me... Everyone Hates Me, but what really matters... Is that... You have to wake up... Wake Up... Morinaga Up - I began to lose control –despierta Baka...- I took a deep breath, wake up... I... I swear that... Maybe... Give you the opportunity you wanted... Maybe... Just maybe, because in the same way, I'm not sure what I feel. Maybe... "I Feel Love", but in Truth it is not love. Suddenly it's "fault", but... ... But please... Wake Up... Baka Awake -

"Love"...It is a feeling we all know to perfection, but very few understand it. Some people confuse with Obsession, Custom, or just Illusion. But Love? ... Not... Maybe... Maybe it's not love... Now that I think about it... Not... It's not love... I... I'm not in love with Morinaga. I... I'm not gay. It can't be. I feel that... It's not love, it is...A feeling of guilt. That's it! I... I feel guilty... I feel guilty... I feel bad about this. I Feel Pain... Pain... But there's something that I'm sure... This... It's not love. Pov Morinaga

... It is dark... I feel Weird... I feel very tired. I feel... Sore... And above all, still feel the tightness in my chest... That feeling of inner pain.And I Don't want to Live.

I had Strange Dream where several people shouted, where several people were Crying, where several people were altered, I dreamed I went to Heaven, but then Fell. Things were weird and unexplained.

I slowly open my eyes, so I was. I made a gesture of Pain and closed automatically by the Rays of the Sun were bothering me.I sobé Eyes and open them gently. I felt Dizzy. " Where am I? " I wondered.

the roof of the place was very different from my home, I Don't know what this place is. I Don't remember nothing, What am I doing here, when I got all these questions, My Mind wandered. I looked Sideways and saw the Serum was injected by One Track in my hand...

- a hospital?But... - Yeah, I wanted to talk, but I screamed when trying to sit down quickly, I felt a strong hincón my left side, just where are my ribs.

I sobé automatically and felt something hard. I panicked and tried to sit down carefully, but not Straight, but slightly inclined. I saw the patient gown with blood and bandages. -... What's going on... Why...Why have bandages on my RIBS... - i palpármelas something Desperate - and this? My right hand is bandaged and... I have Injuries in the knees... I had uncovered a bit to see what's going on? What have you done to me? Why am I Hurt? - in, but then I wanted to see the face and grabbed a mirror that was on the table beside the bed My Head! I have...I have a bandage Over My Head... Why -

my Despair was Reaching the limit when I heard that someone was trying to open the door of the room. Who is... Who's coming... Sure... The person who hit me... But... What happens... Why don't I remember anything...

, I thought.The door opened and begged to be a nurse or a doctor to tell me what happened to me, and when I'm here. However, it wasn't the doctor, was someone very familiar to me.

- was... Can't be... - –despertaste was Speechless! - They threw me –despertaste... My God... Thanks... You woke up -

- AHHHHH... Ahhh...- I said, "You're Hurting Pain - a friendly way.

-... I'm sorry... Is that... I'm Happy that finally you woke up - Let Me and looked into my eyes, you have no idea how I Cried For You, Angel Kun -

- cried? What... What happened, Hiroto kun... I Don't remember anything -

- You Don't remember anything... Something you must remember... Wait... You know who you are? - Yes -

hahaha...Of course... Not that he's lost his Memory. I remember many things, All that is Blurred in my memory is what happened before Here -

- well... Angel kun...

- you had an accident. - accident? - Yes -

... A car... You... Hit -

what horror! - I was surprised, because I have all these wounds -

- Yes...He said, sitting in the chair on the side and looking at me - how do you feel?

- - like I've been asleep for centuries -

- you were in a coma...

- 1 week - What? - i –dormí... A Week?

- Yes, but what good is that you're Well

what I have... What wounds I -

- According to the doctor... Two fractured Ribs, a sprained wrist, rapones knees and a fatal head wound -

- with reason...My Head Hurts horrible - i sobé.

after talking with Hiroto, call the doctor for me to check. Apparently everything was out of danger, there was nothing to worry about. But what I noticed is that my heart rate Watch quite doing many exercises. I Don't know why I spoke of my heart, I felt nothing abnormal.

Good thing the doctor gave me High the next day and that calmed me because the truth is that Hospitals depress me. The doctor left and again left me alone with Hiroto. There was a silence at First, but there's still something that bothered me, something I wanted to know...

- Where's sempai?

- - He was on his Honeymoon - Said Doubtful. - What? Lu... Moon... Honey? -
-Angel - kun sighed -- sempai... It was the day of her wedding to their honeymoon. He traveled and Yuki -

... But... That is not possible, because... Because... I was injured in a hospital? You were supposed to come see me? I'm supposed to care about something? -

- Tetsuhiro... - - but what deception... I Don't care about gritéy then I kept my head down -... Not...Cares About me... I Cried.

- Angel - kun, I'm Not Gonna Lie to you. I'm gonna be honest with you. I Know It Hurts, but it's The Truth... "Sighed –sempai went on honeymoon with Yuki for 1 week with his wife and didn't even bother to come to see you. While you were out, he was playing as if nothing -

she said nothing, just sitting in the couch,With his head bowed and Weeping in Silence because it made no noise, but I see in your legs Falling drops of Tears. I didn't want to disturb you and less Interrupted, because in these moments are so vulnerable to all, I Fear, until suddenly he broke the silence...

I want to go... - I want to go to Nagoya sighed once -

- Angel - kun,You're not Thinking Good Things

! I'm Thinking Good Things - Wipe The Tears. But I was still blocked, hurt and disappointed by what happened, I had to accept that sempai is married. There was nothing to do. I thought that sempai is regret at the last minute but did not. Like I said before... Yuki won and... I Lost.

I asked Hiroto several favors, like for example, adquirirme a New Passage out Tomorrow afternoon Hamatsu with direction; as to the hospital to get my bags, out of here, go directly to the airport.
đang được dịch, vui lòng đợi..
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