Sadness, that was the only thing they had in the eyes of Morinaga, a sadness that turned darker those black eyes that so many people were captivated, before so cheerful and lively, now seemed to be those of a corpse. Akira looked at him, had asked forgiveness many times, but Morinaga seemed not to hear you in those moments, in his mind just had a person, Souichi.When Kanako and Akira's film had arrived Morinaga K.O was found on the floor with a black eye, the shock of both had been deadly, and more to see that I wasn't Souichi, the thing calmed more when they saw that a large backpack, and clothes half was missing, the blond had left home taking ahead Morinaga that it had attempted to stop it. After deciding to do led to Kanako to a friend's House, Morinaga would go with Akira to the hotel, for some strange reason, Brown refused to leave him alone, wouldn't look at him, and for a few moments Kanako felt jealous of Morinaga.-You'll then - Akira promised the girl when they stopped it in the House of the friend - try to see if you can locate Tsundere-Kun.-I'll try it, takes care of Morinaga-san-I do it.That had been the promise of Akira, but how it is looked after a ghost?, did not, did not know that do to encourage Morinaga, in the back seat sought his hand, took it and tightened in a silent "I am here" that Morinaga did not correspond to last a few minutes.They arrived at the hotel and came through the door of back, going up to the suite that Akira had, moreno left to Morinaga in bed, went to take a shower and then returned to the room, the moreno remained in the same position that he had left him, sitting on the bed, encorbado, with his head down and his hands on the thighs, the singer he sighed and went to the mini bar taking a bar of chocolate approached with a step slow to Morinaga and knelt before the leaving the Tablet up his hands, the dark role ended soon wet.-Mori...-It has left, has left me - she said with a trembling voice - I could not...-Sss, Mori, cry all you want, but not for him, not worth your tears.-do you know Akira?, this is your fault and mine also, we were well until you've arrived, dammit, didn't have to have you followed the game, not when things were so. -said pushing him making it fall of ass to the ground.-should be stopped!-Didn't do anything Morinaga! He drew hasty conclusions! -shouted order from bad grapes, Morinaga also became foot-some that I've happened to me, but it was for a good reason.-Would that reason! you don't have no fucking reason to do this to me Akira Suokata-Of course I have!, am not going to let my best friend in the hands of an asshole who has no fucking idea as treat him well-He treats me...- As you say that he treats you well I swear by my mother that you throw out the window! -He grabbed her neck and pulled his bed is over so that no move - no longer be blinded by love, that moron does not know seeing as you are, can't see the good guy you are, you just abused and belittles your feelings.-Close the mouth.-You hit each time that you do something, denies being in love you, really you is worth? -each word hurt, hurt too - as that time you came with depression to my house because you hated when you were about to leave the University, do you think that I like to see you as well? -tears out of the eyes of Akira falling in the face of Morinaga - I don't want to see you anymore with that face, that with which du while you are dying inside, Tetsuhiro, I don't.-Akira...- Or when you wrote to me for what had happened with the idiot of Masaki, know that study about to come from you only face as I heard your voice on the phone?, I'm afraid, that love is not like for you - it couldn't, his voice trembled, on his head a single image, a body that is balanced in the air supported by a rope feet that do not touch the soil and a chocolate cake that falls at their feet.-do not want to suffer for someone so-Aki...-Why enough, if he's gone dejale go, please... don't you harm you more - she whispered. Akira body trembled for crying, didn't like to discuss with Morinaga, disliked and less loving subject.-you don't want to see you just like it, I don't want TetsuhiroMorinaga also watched Akira, he cried, to cry to Akira and the loss of the sempai, but could not, simply couldn't ignore Akira, could not let it go, could not miss the person who had resurrected his heart after what happened with Masaki, knew the fear that Akira had, knew that was coming, he also had times I dreamed that and rising echo a sea of tears. He smiled, he was glad to have someone as Akira at his side though he fastidiase him as he had annoyed him, were friends, best friends, but were rather older and know how to take care of themselves. Morinaga raised his hands and hugged to Akira that stayed with the face attached to the shoulder of the other.-Mori...-Do not cry, I told you when we got back to find, I won't get lost, I'm with you Akira, but understands, I love sempai, and he loves me my way, asked me that he stayed at his side and was jealous when he gave you attention to ti, I the recimino when we discuss. -laughed bitterly - basically am grateful that you were coming Akira, Sempai has given some account of her feelings toward my.- But... treats you badly.-Their punches are laden with love.-River --you're a masochistic maltido. -sighed acurricandose.-really want to be with him?-Yes, most wants. -He said.Akira bit his lips, stood up and dried her eyes, violet and black were found, in a silent conversation, fear and hope are mixed, Akira surrendered and with a sigh was removed from Morinaga.-Okay, I will respect your decision - she turned to look serious and threatening - but as you do more damage better not stop me if I I put milk and or replicate can if you ato and I take you to America with me-Okay, no I dentendre this time - laughed looking to his friend - and even if like I tied a bow on the head if that happens by way of gift to go to america.-Only if you then let me use it to tie you to the bed - joked with half a smile.-I thought that not going it me to ask for ever - they both laughed, they needed it at the time.Then the phone rang, Akira knew it was Kanako, took the phone and talked to the girl in a sweet tone, smiling a little before departing, making that Morinaga alzase eyebrow, what happened in those days? He did not, and for the moment had no interest in knowing it.-Yes, you tell him that, no, no you preopes, I pass for you with Morinaga, if estate listed early. AHA, okay, see you Kana-chan-then took place, with a deep tone, and apparently somewhat provocative Morinaga Akira you gave good night the girl. -Well, we already have plans for tomorrow - said when he hung up the phone.-will we see sempai? -Akira nodded agachandose to pick up the chocolate bar that had been in the ground, and sitting beside the bed looking at the landscape through lso ventanls in the room.-Yes, it's time to clarify everything. -opened the envelope while Morinaga turned off the lights and sat beside her - I think that it will bring a good surprise.-Kanako also will do so - he said taking one-third of the tablet that Akira tended him, while the ate another third and leaving the rest at his side on the carpet - are you going to take off the color?-Kanako already knows this - sighed alrgando hand to pick up the mp3, it is a headset and giving the other to Morinaga so he put him before giving the play - is knocked over my couch and realized and Yes - touched anyway hair - dye is this going longer-Did say you anything?-Akira shrugged.-Already suspected it, but he did not care, it is a very interesting girl.Hands intertwined on the ground, Akira squeezed the hand of Morinaga and this gave the grip and looking at the sky two voices stood up again.What I've always wanted to tell you, I want to reach youare the simple words "I love you"you're the only one I want to understand itTheir voices sounded in harmony, Morinaga was what I wanted, I wanted to tell again the sempai who loved him, who loved him more than anything, was the only one for him, wanted it to well understand their sentmientos and that I didn't want to leave him alone.I can't help it, I can not stop itnot even be called this feelingI can not calm down, I can not sleepnothing can come inside my headLa cabeza de Morinaga y su corazón estaba lleno de Souichi Tatsumi, y eso era algo que Akira veía en esos momentos, algo que había visto en las cartas y mails que se mandaba todas las semanas con Morinaga como resumen de lo que hacía cada uno durante esos días. Solo pensaba en él, y al parecer, el otro también lo hacía, esos celos, eran la prueba, estaba bien, lo admitía, quizás Morinaga estaba en bienas manos.cuando extiendo mis temblorosos dedostu estas ahi, mirandome y mi corazon se aceleralo que siempre he querido decirte,quiero que llegue a tison las simples palabras "te amo"Se miraron mientras su canción llegaba al final, había amor en esa canción, un amor aceptado, un amor por el que ambos iban a luchar, un amor que iba a peligrar mucho más adelante, un amor que Akira protegería con su vida si era necesario, porque amaba a Morinaga como se ama a los hermanos, como se ama a los mejores amigos, a esa persona que quieres con toda tu alma pero con la que no podría salir aunque ese fuera tu gusto.Miró el chocolate a su derecha y sonrió. Al final había abierto los ojos."¿que hora es?""¿que estas haciendo?"¡eso no es lo que queria decir!Dentro de mi corazon se escucha el constante gritode las sorprendentes palabras "te amo"Eres el unico que quiero que lo entienda-Es hora de poner las cartas sobr
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