POV MORINAGA"Manualidades", sí clar


"Manualidades", sí claro. Sempai tendrá que esperar a que le dé la sorpresa, pues si le digo... ya no sería una sorpresa. Estoy seguro que a Sempai le encantará.

En los últimos días, me dediqué exclusivamente a eso. Fue trabajoso y admito que dejaba mi escritorio hecho un desorden, pero era porque escuchaba que Sempai entraba por la puerta principal y tenía que guardar todo lo posible de inmediato para que no sospechara. Sin embargo, después de muchos días de trabajo... ¡AL FIN! HICE EL ÁLBUM PERFECTO.

Fue muy buena la idea de Taiga. Definitivamente hacer un álbum decorado de Sempai y yo... sería muy tierno e importante para ambos. Compré un álbum normal y lo llené de adornos, colores y claro... lo personalicé. Tan solo dejé espacio para las fotos que deberían ir en el lugar indicado.

A lo largo de nuestra relación como pareja, Sempai y yo nos habíamos tomado muchas fotos, bueno... para ser sincero... yo era quien insistía en tomarlas, hasta hubieron varias que las tomé sin que Sempai se enterara... como dos en las que nos estamos besando y una cuando Sempai dormía y yo puse mi rostro junto al de él y nos tomamos un selfie "durmiendo" sin que él se enterara. Tal vez Sempai no se enoje después de todo, ya que esas fotos son MUY TIERNAS y MIS FAVORITAS. Sin embargo... todo estaba en la computadora, así que seleccioné las mejores fotos y las guardé en mi USB.

Recuerdo que todo estaba listo y lo único que faltaba era imprimir las fotos en papel fotográfico brillante y pegarlas con mucho cuidado en el álbum.

Era sábado por la tarde y Sempai estaba en la universidad. Como siempre, fin de semana yo no trabajaba, así que aproveché el momento para alistarme y así poder ir a la universidad. Tenía pensado entrar a la sala fotográfica de la facultad de Comunicaciones.

Vacié mi mochila que normalmente uso para trabajar y me doy con la sorpresa que el cierre está fallando mucho y además, había un pequeño agujero en la parte de abajo. No era muy grande, así que no le tomé mucha importancia. Además tenía prisa, pues necesitaba terminar con el álbum sí o sí. Esa mochila la he usado desde que me contrataron en la Farmecéutica S de Hamatsu y ha sobrevivido hasta trabajar en las oficinas de Nagoya. Era mi mochila preferida. Metí el álbum a mi mochila, luego un par de cuadernos más para disimular, mis útiles para "manualidades", y finalmente, el USB con las fotos.

El reloj marcaba las 4pm cuando llegué a la universidad y estaba imprimiendo las fotos. Obviamente no fue una escabullida, sino que le había pedido permiso a una de las chicas para imprimir unas fotos personales en esa sala y por una cantidad pequeña de dinero... me dejó usar la sala de fotos. Me encerré unos minutos y logré imprimir todo lo que quería. Salí contento y me dirigí a la biblioteca.

Silenciosa y solitaria. Así era la biblioteca... tal como la recuerdo. ERA EL LUGAR PERFECTO. Bueno... debo decir que sí había gente, pero no tantas y TODOS estaban sentados y leyendo en profundo silencio. Por lo tanto no había nadie que pudiera molestarme o pillarme, mientras estaba terminando con los últimos detalles del álbum más hermoso de todos. Por otra parte... Sempai estaba en el laboratorio, y ni siquiera sabía que yo estaba en la universidad, así que era imposible que dé conmigo.

Me senté en una mesa aislada, saqué el álbum y lo abrí. Retiré las fotos del sobre y empecé a ordenarlas.

Sempai y yo sentados en la sala

Sempai y yo desayunando

Sempai y yo en Navidad

Sempai y yo con trajes típicos de Japón

Sempai y yo cocinando

Sempai y yo en el parque

Sempai y yo en el supermercado

Sempai y yo en el metro

Sempai y yo en el laboratorio (una vez que lo fui a ayudar)

Sempai y yo en un restaurante

Sempai y yo en el cine

Sempai y yo en mi cumpleaños

Y muchas otras fotos que salimos juntos y otras de detalle para decorar.

Delicadamente coloqué cada foto en la página correspondiente. Me tardé casi una hora pero AL FIN… tenía el ÁLBUM PERFECTO. Lo que lo hacía más romántico era que la portada tenía un corazón rojo grande con las iniciales "TM&ST" (Tetsuhiro Morinaga & Souichi Tatsumi).

Sé que a Sempai le gustará. Tal vez se sonroje y piense que es muy cursi al principio, pero luego... estoy seguro que le encantará. Obviamente me va a prohibir enseñárselo a alguien, pero... no importa... el álbum será nuestro recuerdo más valioso. De todas maneras seguiré grabando y tomando fotos de todos los momentos entre Sempai y yo. Te amo tanto, Sempai.

Estaba tan feliz que quería ver a Sempai antes de regresar al apartamento, así que guardé el álbum en mi mochila y con mi fuerza jalé el cierre pues se estaba poniendo duro. Me puse la mochila en los hombros y me fui de la biblioteca.

Obviamente, no quería ir al laboratorio con las manos vacías, necesitaba una excusa para ver a Sempai y que éste no se enoje. Por lo tanto... decidí pasar a la cafetería, comprar café y un sándwich para poder llevárselo a Sempai como un pequeño "refrigerio".

Corrí hasta el lugar y deslicé rápidamente la puerta del laboratorio...

-¡Buenas tardes!- entré al laboratorio con una gran sonrisa.

-¡Morinaga-san!- dijo Tadokoro acercándose a mí.

-¡Hey Mori-kun!- expresó Mika.

-¿Qué tal, chicos? Hace tiempo que no nos vemos-

-Así es Mori-kun. ¿Cómo ha estado usted?- preguntó Mika.

-¿Qué tal el trabajo?- continuó Tadokoro.

-Jeje... bien bien... muy bien...- respondí tímidamente.

-¿Morinaga?- dijo Sempai algo sorprendido sin moverse de su sitio -¿Qué haces aquí?-

-Eh... hola, Sempai...- me puse nervioso –Estaba por la universidad así que pasé a saludar jeje-

-Espera un momento...- reaccionó –¡Qué haces en la universidad!- se enojó –Y ustedes dos- señaló a sus kohais –SIGAN TRABAJANDO, INÚTILES-

Sus kohais volvieron a sus experimentos por miedo a Sempai, mientras que él se acercó a mí con el seño fruncido...

-¡Baka! ¿Qué rayos haces aquí?-

-Ah... etto... bueno... estaba aburrido en casa y hace tiempo que no pasaba por la universidad. De paso podría averiguar sobre maestrías jeje-

-Bueno... ya viniste... ya viste... ahora vete a casa...-

-No seas malo, Sempai- hice un puchero –Quise pasar por el laboratorio para verte y de paso traerte una merienda- le entregué el sándwich y el café.

-No era necesario, baka- renegó en voz baja para que los kohais no escuchen –Además... en un momento tengo que ir a dictar clases-

-¿Eh?- me sorprendí –Pensé que solo dictabas clases por las mañanas-

-Así es, pero... esta vez hay una excepción. Bueno... no es una clase, sino que debo tomar un examen. Mis alumnos no pudieron rendir el examen mensual en la semana así que los obligué a que vinieran sábado por la tarde, sino... los reprobaba a TODOS-

-Qué cruel eres, Sempai- lo regañé –Así solo conseguirás que tus alumnos te odien. A nadie le gusta dar examen un sábado por la noche-

-Pues QUÉ PENA... se aguantan- se cruzó de brazos –Además... no los estoy obligando. El que no quiere venir... pues que no venga... y lo repruebo... así de fácil-

-Obviamente nadie va a querer reprobar, Sempai-

-La verdad... ni me interesa- dejó el sándwich y el café en una mesa del costado –Ahora... vete a casa... tengo que hacer-

-De acuerdo, Sempai. Pero antes... ¿no tendrías que agradecerme por el pequeño refrigerio que te di?-

-Ah... bueno... gracias, supongo- se sonrojó y yo acerqué su rostro al mío –Qué...-

-¿Dónde está mi beso?-

-¡FUERA DE AQUÍ, MALDITO PERVERTIDO!- me dio un golpe en la cabeza y me empujó fuera del laboratorio.

Sempai salió conmigo y había cerrado la puerta tras de él para hablar conmigo afuera, en el pasillo.

-¡Sempai! Eso dolió- expresé adolorido sobándome la cabeza.

-¡Baka! Te he dicho mil veces que no andes expresándome tu "amor" en la universidad. Recuerda que ahora soy profesor... y tengo una reputación que cuidar-

-Sí... pero un "besito" no tiene nada de malo- hice un puchero y le puse los labios.

-Grrrrrr...- se enojó –LÁR...GA...TE-

Perdió la paciencia y me empujó con el pie que caí de espaldas al suelo. Me golpeé la columna, así que no me quedé en el suelo sobándome...

-¡Por qué eres tan malo, Sempai!- me quejé.

-¡Ya te he dicho que no me estés molestando en público! Ahora... VETE DE AQUÍ SI NO QUIERES QUE ME MOLESTE MÁS-

Bastante mortificado volvió a encerrarse en el laboratorio, dejándome a mí tirado en el suelo... bastante adolorido por la caída. Me puse de pie con dificultad para salir de la universidad e irme a casa.

La verdad... cada día me estaba hartando de mantener la relación en secreto. Intento superarlo y que no me importe, pero... necesito gritarle al mundo que SEMPAI ES MÍO Y DE NADIE MÁS. Sin embargo... no puedo... él me mataría. A veces quisiera que sea el mismo Sempai quien admitiera ante cualquier persona que... él es mi pareja. Aunque sea a su familia. No sé por qué aún no se lo dice. Eso me duele. A veces desearía dejar de ocultarle al mundo este hermoso sentimiento que tenemos Sempai y yo.

Media hora después llegué a casa. Al parecer no había mucha gente en el metro y pude llegar más rápido de lo normal. Me quité los zapatos y nuevamente me dieron muchas ganas de ver el hermoso álbum que había creado. Me senté en la sala y puse mi mochila en mis piernas para buscar el álbum.

Un momento... por qué... por qué mi mochila se siente menos pesada. Dónde... dónde están mis cosas... POR QUÉ MI MOCHILA ESTÁ ABIERTA. ¡EL CIERRE! EL CIERRE DE MI MOCHILA ESTABA ROTO. OSEA QUE ¿TODO EL CAMINO ANDUVE CON LA MOCHILA ABIERTA? NO... NO... NO... ESTO NO PUEDE ESTAR PASANDO... ¡EL ÁLBUM... NO ESTÁ!
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Kết quả (Anh) 1: [Sao chép]
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POV MORINAGA"Crafts", if clear. Sempai will have to wait to give the surprise, because if say you... now no would be a surprise. I am sure that Sempai you'll.In recent days, I dedicated myself exclusively to that. It was hard and I admit that leaving my desk made a disorder, but it was because I heard that Sempai entered through the main door and had to save everything immediately so you do not suspect. However, after many days of work... at last! I DID THE PERFECT ALBUM.The idea of Taiga was very good. Definitely make a decorated album Sempai and I... would be very tender and important for both. I bought a normal album and it was filled with ornaments, colors and clear... personalicé it. I just left space for photos that should be in the right place.Throughout our relationship as partner, Sempai and I had taken many photos, well... to be honest... I was who he insisted on making them even had several that I took it while Sempai know... as two that we're kissing and one when Sempai was asleep and I put my face next to the him and we take a selfie 'sleeping' unless he is found out. Perhaps Sempai not angry after all, since these photos are very tender, and my favorite. However everything was... on the computer, so I selected the best shots and kept them in my USB.I remember that everything was ready and the only thing that was missing was to print photos on photo paper and glue them carefully on the album.It was Saturday afternoon and Sempai was in college. As always, last week I was not working, so I took the time to get ready and well be able to go to College. He planned to enter the photographic room of the Faculty of communications.Empty my backpack that I normally use to work and I realize with surprise closing failing much and in addition, there was a small hole in the bottom. It was not very big, so I did not take much importance. In addition it had to hurry, because I needed to finish the album with Yes or Yes. I've used this backpack since I engaged in Farmeceutica S from Hamatsu and has survived up to work at the offices of Nagoya. It was my favorite backpack. I got the album to my backpack, then a couple of notebooks more for disguise, my useful "craft", and finally, the USB with the photos.The clock struck 4 pm when I got to College and I was printing the photos. It was obviously not a slink, but had asked for permission to one of the girls to print some personal pictures in that room and for a small amount of money... Let me use the room photos. I locked my minutes and I managed to print everything he wanted. I left happy and I went to the library.Silent and solitary. Thus it was the library... as I remember it. IT WAS THE PERFECT PLACE. Well... I have to say that there were people, but not many and they were all sitting and reading in deep silence. Therefore there was nobody that could bother me or catch me, while I was finishing the last details of the most beautiful album of all. On the other hand... Sempai was in the laboratory, and didn't even know that I was in College, so it was impossible to give me.I sat on an isolated table, took out the album and opened it. I removed the photos of the envelope and started to order them.Sempai and I sat in the roomSempai and I with breakfastSempai and I at ChristmasSempai and I with costumes of JapanSempai and me cookingSempai and I in the ParkSempai and me at the grocery storeSempai and me on the subwaySempai and I in the laboratory (once I went to help)Sempai and I in a restaurantSempai and me in the cinemaSempai and me on my birthdayAnd many other pictures we went out together and other detail to decorate.I gently placed each photo on the corresponding page. Took me almost an hour, but finally... had the perfect ALBUM. What more romantic did was that the cover had a red heart with the initials "TM & ST" (Tetsuhiro Morinaga & Souichi Tatsumi).I know Sempai you will like him. Perhaps is Aizen and think that it is very corny at first, but then... I'm sure that you will love. Obviously I will forbid you to teach it to someone, but... doesn't matter... the album will be our most valuable memory. Anyway I'll keep recording and taking pictures of every moment between me and Sempai. I love you so much, Sempai.I was so happy that he wanted to see Sempai before returning to the apartment, so I kept the album in my backpack and my forcefully pulled close because it was getting hard. I put my backpack on his shoulders and I left the library.Obviously, I didn't want to go to the lab with empty hands, needed an excuse to see Sempai, and that this not be angry. Therefore I decided... to go to the cafeteria, buy coffee and a sandwich to take it to as a small "snack" Sempai.I ran to the spot and quickly slipped the door of the laboratory...-Good afternoon! - went to the laboratory with a big smile.-Morinaga-san! - said Tadokoro approaching me.-Hey Mori-kun! - said Mika.-What, guys? Long ago that we don't see ourselves--So Mori-kun. How have you been?-asked Mika.-What such work?-continued Tadokoro.-Hehe... well well... very good...-answered timidly.-Morinaga? - said rather surprised Sempai without moving from your website - what are you doing here? --Eh... Hello, Sempai...-I was nervous - was by the University so I went to say hello lol --Wait a moment...-react - what do you do at the University! - got angry - and you two - pointed to their kohais - continue working, USELESS -Their kohais returned to his experiments for fear of Sempai, while he approached me with breast brow...-Baka! Do what rays here?--Ah...... well etto was... bored at home and some time not passing by the University. Step I could find out about MBA hehe--Well... Since you came... because dress... now go home...--Don't be bad, Sempai - I made a stew - I wanted to go through the laboratory to see you and step bring you a snack - gave you the sandwich and coffee.-There was no need, baka - denied in a low voice so the kohais don't listen - in addition... at a time when I have to go to teach --Huh? - I was surprised - I thought that you only dictabas classes in the mornings --So, but... this time there is an exception. Well... it is not a class, but that I should take a test. My students could not take the monthly exam week so I forced them to come Saturday afternoon, but... he disapproved them all--How cruel you are, Sempai - it regañé - so just get your students you hate. No one likes to give exam a Saturday night--Then what a shame... longer - crossed of arms - also I am not forcing them. He who does not want to come... maybe not... come and fail it... so easy--Obviously no one will want to recheck, Sempai--The truth... nor interests me - let the sandwich and coffee at a table on the side - now... go home... I have to do --By agreement, Sempai. But before... do not you should thank me for the little snack that I gave you?--Ah... well... thanks, I guess - he blushed and I approached her face to mine - what...--Where is my Kiss?--Get out of here, damn PERVERT! - she gave me a blow to the head and pushed me outside of the laboratory.Sempai came out with me and he closed the door behind him to talk to me outside, in the Hall.-Sempai! That hurt - I expressed sore rubbing his me head.-Baka! You have said a thousand times that andes not expressing to me your "love" at the University. Remember that I am now Professor... and I have a reputation to look after--Yes... but a "Kiss" is not nothing wrong - I made a pot and put the lips.-Grrrrrr... -angry - LAR... GA... TE-He lost his patience and pushed me with his foot fell back to the ground. Hit me the column, so I wasn't on the floor rubbing me...-Why you are so bad, Sempai!-I complained.-You have already said that you are not me annoying in public! Now... GO HERE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BOTHER ME MORE-Quite mortified again locking themselves in the laboratory, leaving me pulled on the floor... quite sore by the fall. I was standing with difficulty to leave the University and go home.The truth... from every day was sick I keep the relationship secret. I try to overcome it and that does not matter to me, but... I need to scream to the world that SEMPAI is MIO and of no more. However... I can't... it would kill me. Sometimes I would like to make the same Sempai who admit to anyone that he is... my partner. Even to his family. I don't know why still is not what said. That hurts me. Sometimes I would like to let you hide the world this beautiful feeling we have Sempai and I.Half an hour later I came home. Apparently there were many people in the metro and I could get more faster than normal. I took off my shoes and again gave me eager to see the beautiful album that had created. I sat in the room and put my backpack in my legs to find the album.A moment... why... why my backpack feels less heavy. Where... where are my things... MY BACKPACK IS OPEN. THE CLOSING! THE CLOSING OF MY BACKPACK WAS BROKEN. BONE THAT ALL THE WAY WALKED WITH THE OPEN BACKPACK? NO... NO... NO... THIS CAN NOT BE HAPPENING... THE ALBUM...! IS NOT!
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Kết quả (Anh) 2:[Sao chép]
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Morinaga POV "Crafts", yes of course. Sempai have to wait for me to give the surprise, because if I say ... it would not be a surprise. Sempai am sure that you will love. In recent days, I devoted myself exclusively to that. It was laborious and I admit I left my desk made ​​a mess, but it was because I listened to Sempai coming through the front door and had to keep everything away so that not suspect. However, after many days of work ... at last! ALBUM MADE PERFECT. It was very good the idea of Taiga. Definitely make a decorated album Sempai and I ... would be very tender and important for both. I bought a regular album and filled it with ornaments, colors and clear ... personalize it. Only I left space for photos that should go in the right place. Throughout our relationship as a couple, Sempai and I had taken many pictures, well ... to be honest ... I was the one who insisted on taking them, until they were several that took no Sempai found out ... as two where we're kissing and Sempai slept and when I put my face close to his and we had a selfie "sleeping" without him knowing. Perhaps Sempai it is angry after all, because these pictures are very tender and my favorites. However ... everything was on the computer, so I selected the best photos and put it in my USB. I remember everything was ready and the only thing missing was print photos on glossy photo paper and glue them carefully on the album . It was Saturday afternoon and Sempai was in college. As always, weekend I was not working, so I took the time to get ready and be able to go to college. He planned to go to the photo room of the Faculty of Communication. I emptied my bag I normally use for work and I find with surprise that the closure is failing a lot and also had a small hole in the bottom. It was not very big, so I did not take much thought. Besides a hurry, he is needing end the album or yes. That backpack I used since I recruited in farmeceutica S of Hamatsu and has survived to work in the offices of Nagoya. It was my favorite backpack. I put my backpack album, then a few more books to hide, my useful for "Crafts", and finally the USB with the photos. The clock struck 4pm when I got to college and was printing photos. Obviously it was not a cop-out, but he had asked permission to one of the girls to print some personal photos in that room and a small amount of money ... let me use the room photos. I locked a few minutes and I was able to print whatever you want. I left happy and went to the. Library silent and solitary. That was the library ... as I remember. It was the perfect place. Well ... I had people say yes, but not many and they were all sitting and reading in silence. Therefore there was no one to bother me or catch me while I was finishing the last details of the most beautiful of all album. Moreover ... Sempai was in the lab, and did not even know I was in college, so it was impossible to give me. I sat in a secluded table, took the album and opened it. I removed pictures on and I began to sort them. Sempai and I sitting in the living Sempai and breakfast Sempai and Christmas Sempai and traditional costumes of Japan Sempai and cooking Sempai and in the park Sempai and in the supermarket Sempai and the subway Sempai and laboratory (once I went to help) Sempai and a restaurant Sempai and in film Sempai and on my birthday and many other photos that we go out together and other detail to decorate. Delicately put the photo on the page. It took me almost an hour but in the end ... had the PERFECT ALBUM. What made ​​it more romantic was that the cover had a big red heart with the initials "TM & ST" (Tetsuhiro Morinaga & Souichi Tatsumi). I know that Sempai will like. Maybe I blush and think that is very cheesy at first, but then ... I'm sure you will love. Obviously it will ban me show it to someone, but ... never mind ... the album will be our most valuable memories. Anyway I will continue recording and taking pictures of all the moments between Sempai and me. I love you both, Sempai. I was so happy I wanted to see Sempai before returning to the apartment, so I kept the album in my backpack and pulled my strength for closing it was getting hard. I put the backpack on his shoulders and went to the library. Obviously, the lab would not go empty-handed, needed an excuse to see it Sempai and be angry. So ... I decided to go to the cafeteria, buy coffee and a sandwich to take it Sempai as a small "snack." I ran to the place and quickly slid the lab door ... Good afternoon - I entered the lab with a big smile. -¡Morinaga-san - Tadokoro said approaching me. Hey Mori-kun -. Mika said 'How you guys? I have not vemos- us So is Mori-kun. How have you been? - Mika asked. 'How's work - continued Tadokoro. Hehe ... well well ... well ...- I replied shyly. -¿Morinaga - Sempai surprised I said something without leaving your site What are you doing here? - Uh ... hello, Sempai ...- I was nervous I was at college so I went to greet jeje- Wait a minute reacted ...- What a You are doing in college - he was angry And you told her kohais two- -Follow WORKING, useless- Your kohais returned to their experiments for fear Sempai while he approached me with a frown ... -¡ Baka! What the hell are you doing here? - Oh ... etto ... well ... I was bored at home and you have not passed through the university. In step could find out about jeje- masters and came ... Well ... you saw ... now go home ...- Do not be evil, 'I wanted Sempai- made ​​a pot go through the lab to look and merienda- step bring you a sandwich and handed him the coffee. 'It was necessary, quietly reneged baka- for the kohais not listen Besides ... at a time have to go to give classes- Huh? - I was surprised I thought that only classes in the morning-dictabas So it is, but ... this time there is an exception. Well ... it's not a class, but I must take a test. My students were unable to pay the monthly exam week so I forced myself to come Saturday afternoon, but ... the disapproved to all- -What are cruel, it scolded Sempai- So just get your students hate you . Nobody likes to test a Saturday night- what a shame ... Well, it crossed his arms aguantan- Besides ... I'm not forcing. Which will not come ... because that does not come ... and ... well disapprove of easily Obviously no one wants to fail, Sempai- -The truth ... I not interested me the sandwich and left a coffee table side ... Now go home ... I have to do Okay, Sempai. But before ... You would not have to thank me for the little snack I gave you - Ah ... well ... thanks, I guess I blushed and approached her face to mine ...- -What Where is my kiss - Get out of here, you fucking PERVERT - hit me on the head and pushed me outside the lab. Sempai came with me and closed the door behind him to talk to me outside in the hallway. - Sempai! That dolió- expressed rubbing my aching head. -¡Baka! I've said a thousand times that do not go at expressing your "love" in college. You remember that I am now a professor ... and I have a reputation to cuidar- Yes ... but a "kiss" There is nothing bad- I pouted and put her lips. -Grrrrrr was angry ...- -lar ... GA ... TE lost patience and pushed me with his foot that fell back to the ground. I hit the column, so I did not stay in the ground rubbing my ... 'Of what are so bad, Sempai -. I complained -¡Ya I told you're not bothering me in public! Now ... get out of here or I'll bother me chewing Pretty mortified again enclosed in the laboratory, leaving me lying on the ground ... pretty sore from the fall. I stood with difficulty to leave college and go home. The truth ... every day I was getting tired of keeping the relationship secret. I try to overcome it and I do not mind, but ... I need to scream to the world that SEMPAI is mine and no one else. But ... I can not ... he would kill me. Sometimes I would be the same Sempai who admit to anyone that ... he's my partner. Even his family. I do not know why it still does not tell. That hurts me. Sometimes I wish I stop hide from the world we have this beautiful feeling and I Sempai. Half an hour after I got home. Apparently not many people on the subway and I could get there faster than normal. I took off my shoes and again gave me eager to see the beautiful music he had created. I sat in the room and put my backpack on my legs to find the album. One moment ... why ... why my backpack feel lighter. Where ... where my stuff my backpack ... WHY IS OPEN. CLOSING! CLOSE My backpack was broken. BONE WHAT ALL THE WAY WITH OPEN BACKPACK walked? No ... no ... no ... this can not be happening ... ALBUM ... NOT!

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Kết quả (Anh) 3:[Sao chép]
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POV Morinaga

"Crafts", yeah. Sempai, will have to wait to give him a Surprise, because if you say... I wouldn't be a surprise. I'm sure you'll Love

sempai. In recent days, I devoted solely to it. Was laborious and admit that he made a Mess Of My Desk,But I heard that sempai entered through the front door and I had to keep everything immediately to not suspected. However, after many days of work. At Last! The Album did was perfect. Very good the idea of Taiga. Definitely make an album decorated sempai and I... It would be very important for both tender and.I bought a normal album, and I filled it with Ornaments, colors and clear... The customized. Only left space for pictures which should be in the right place.

throughout our relationship as a couple, sempai and I had taken many photos, well... To be honest... I was the one who insisted on them until they took several years without knowing...As in the two that we're kissing and sempai slept and when I put my face next to him and we take a selfie "sleeping" without him knowing. Maybe sempai not Angry after all, because those pictures are very tender and my favorite. However... Everything was in the computer, so I selected the best photos and put it in my USB.

Remember that everything was ready and all that was left was to print the pictures in Glossy Photo Paper and glue them carefully into the album.

it was Saturday afternoon and sempai was at the University. As always, weekend I wasn't working, so I seized the moment to get ready so I can go to College.I had thought to enter the room Photographic School of Communications.

I emptied my backpack and I normally use to work with surprise that the closure is failing and there was a small hole in the Bottom. Was not very big, so I didn't think anything. Moreover I was in a hurry, because I needed to finish the album Yes or Yes.I've used it since I was hired in the farmecéutica s Hamatsu and survived up to work in the offices of Nagoya. My backpack was preferred. I put the album on my backpack, then a few more to conceal my notebooks, useful for "Crafts", and finally the USB with Photos.
The Clock struck Noon when I got to College and was printing the pictures.It was obviously a Dodge, but had asked permission to print some photos of the girls in this room and a small amount of money... Let me use the room Pictures. I locked myself in a few minutes and print everything I wanted. I was happy and I went to the Library.

silent and lonely. It was the Library... As I Remember it.It was the perfect place. Well... I must say that yes, there were people, but not many, and they were all sitting and reading in Deep Silence. Therefore, there could be no bother me or get me, while I was Finishing up the last details of the album The most beautiful of all. On the other hand... Sempai was in the laboratory, and didn't even know I was in the University,So it was impossible for me. I sat at a table alone, opened it and pulled out the album. I got the photos of on and started to arrange sempai.

and I sitting in the room and breakfast sempai


I sempai and Christmas sempai and costumes of Japan with me

and I Cooking sempai sempai and me in the Park and I

sempai in supermarket the sempai And I

in MetroIn The Laboratory (sempai and I once went to help sempai)

and I in a restaurant and I in the movie sempai sempai

and I on my birthday and many other photos that we went out together and other detail to decorate delicately.

I put every Photo on the page corresponding. It took me almost an hour, but in the end, the album was perfect.What made it more Romantic era that the cover had a Big Red Heart with the Initials "tm&st" (Tetsuhiro Morinaga & Souichi Tatsumi).

I know likes sempai. Perhaps Blush and think that it is very Cheesy at First, but then... I'm sure you will love it. Obviously I will Ban to show it to someone, but... No matter... The album will be our most valuable Memory.Anyway Keep Recording and taking pictures of all the moments between sempai and me. I Love You So Much, sempai.

I was so happy that I wanted to see sempai, before returning to the apartment, so I kept it in my backpack and my Strength pulled the closure as it was getting hard. I put the bag on the shoulders and I went to the Library.

obviouslyI didn't want to go to the Lab with empty hands, I needed an excuse to see sempai and not be Angry. Therefore... I decided to go to the cafeteria, coffee and a Sandwich to take a small "snack" sempai.

I Ran to the place and quickly slid down the Lab door...

- Good afternoon! - I broke into the Lab with a Big Smile.

- Morinaga san!- Tadokoro Said approaching me.

- Hey Mori kun! - Mika Said. - What's up, guys? Long Time no See -

- mori kun. How have you been? - Mika asked. - What about work? - continued - Tadokoro.

Hehe... Well Well... Well... I answered timidly.

- Morinaga? - He said something surprised sempai without moving from your site - What are you doing here? -
- Uh... Hello, sempai...- I got nervous I had for the University so I welcome

hehe - - Wait a minute... - What you did in College. - He Said - and you two like that to a kohai –Sigan working, INÚTILES -

their kohais returned to his experiments for fear sempai, while he approached me with a furrowed Brow...

- Baka! What the hell are you doing here? -

Oh... Etto... Well...I was bored at home and while at the University. STEP I might find out about hehe

- Masters - well... You came here... You saw... Now go home. -

- Don't be mean, sempai made a pot –quise pass by the laboratory to see you and get a snack - Step handed him a sandwich and coffee. - it wasn't necessary,Baka swore softly for the kohais is not listen... In a moment, I have to go to classes -

- huh? - I thought that was just dictabas classes in the morning -

- so it is, but... This Time is an exception. Is not a class, but I gotta take a test.My students could not pay the Monthly Review in the week so I forced you to come Saturday afternoon, but... The criticizing all

you're cruel, sempai I told him off, your students will only hate you. No One likes giving exam on a Saturday Night -

Well, what penalty... Hold - crossed arms together. I'm not forcing. You Don't want to come...Well, that don't come... And I failed... This easy -

- obviously Nobody wants to Fail, sempai

- Truth... I am not interested - left the sandwich and coffee at a table in the side now... Go Home... I have to do -

- Okay, sempai. But before... You shouldn't thank me for a Little refreshment? -

Oh... Well... Thank you,I guess I blushed and I went over his face to mine - -

... - Where's My Kiss?

- - get out of here, you fucking pervert! He hit me on the head and pushed me out of the laboratory.

sempai went with me and had closed the door after him to talk with me out in the hallway.

- sempai! That Hurt - expressed Snogging Sore Head.

- Baka!I've told you a thousand times not to go making your "Love" in the University. Remember that I am now... And I got a reputation to protect -

- Yes... But a kiss is not bad - I made a pot and put the lips.

- grrrrrr... - was –lÁr...Ga L -

lost patience and pushed me to the foot, fell back to the ground. I hit my columnSo I stayed in the soil Snogging...

- Why are you so bad, sempai! - I did. - I said you're not bothering me in public! Now... Get out of here, if you don't bother me More -

quite mortified was locked in the Lab, leaving me lying on the floor... Pretty Sore for the Fall.I stood up with difficulty to leave the University and go home.

... Every day I was getting to keep the relationship a Secret. I'm trying to move on and you don't Mind, but... I need to shout to the world that is my sempai and no-one else. However... I can't... He'd Kill me. Sometimes I would be the same sempai who admitted to any person...He's my partner. Even his family. I Don't know why I said not yet. That Hurts Me. Sometimes I wish to hide from the world that we have this beautiful feeling and I

sempai. Half an hour after I got home. Apparently not many people in the subway and I Could Go Faster than normal.I took my shoes off and again I wanted to see the beautiful album that had created. I sat in the room and put my backpack in my legs for the album.

... Why... Why my backpack feel less heavy. Where... Where are my things... Why my backpack is open. The closure! The closure of my bag was broken.So I walked all the way to open the Backpack? Not... Not... Not... This can't be happening. The Album... Is not!
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